The Huntsman
The Huntsman
The Huntsman
n far off and distant lands, beasts of supernatural Blood Vials
strength can rise to torment the population. In times Beginning at 10th level, your number of second wind uses
of crisis, hunters of these beasts, known as increases equal to your proficiency modifier, and recharge on
Huntsmen, arrive to destroy the scourge. They are a short rest
swift fighters, using speed and agility to avoid the
strikes of their enormous prey before striking back
with ferocity and speed. Optional Class Feature
Speed of the Hunt Blood Gems
Starting from when you select this subclass from 3rd level, Also from 10th level, all Trick Weapons are
when not wearing heavy armour, all enemies have considered magical for the sake of overcoming
disadvantage on attacks of opportunity against you. resistances and immunities if the weapon was not
As well as this, you can also dodge and dash on a bonus already magical or enchanted.
action, each usable a number of times equal to half your
fighter level rounded down. These uses recover after a short
rest. Beast Blood Pellets
Furthermore, due to your training, you gain the benefits of Beginning at 15th level, when you use your action surge and
the 'Medium Armour Master' feat. take the attack action, you can choose to gain advantage on
the second series of attacks. If you do so, you deal additional
damage equal to your strength or dexterity modifier on a hit,
Optional Skill. but all enemies within melee range will have advantage
Tools of the Hunt against you until the start of your next turn.
Also beginning from 3rd level, you gain proficiency
in Trick Weapons and Hunters' Firearms. You can Dance of Death
also teach others to wield these weapons. Beginning from 18th level, you no longer trigger attacks of
You gain one of each to begin with from the opportunity when not wearing heavy armour, unless the
table below, and can gain another of each at level 7. enemy would have advantage on the attack roll, in which case
Others can be found, and you have the knowledge they make the attack roll with disadvantage.
to construct others at the appropriate levels given Furthermore, you can now use a second wind or drink a
in the table, but more powerful weapons are more potion as a reaction to taking damage.
costly to make or difficult to find. All trick weapons
can be enchanted unless it states otherwise.
A weapon outside of your level boundary can be
chosen at levels 3 and 7 at the DM's discretion.
There is no limit on what can be found or built, so
long as the appropriate materials are found.
During a short rest, you can perform a ritual over
up to 2 Trick Weapons and 2 Hunters' Firearms.
These weapons then become linked to you. While
linked, you can swap the weapons as a bonus
action, the weapon magically swapping places with
the one already held. If you die, the weapons
appear in an empty space within 5 feet.
Starting at 7th level, when you take damage from an enemy
within 5 feet, you can make an attack roll with disadvantage
as a reaction on the opponent. On a hit, the enemy takes
damage, the damage taken by you is halved.
At 15th level, if both attack rolls would hit, you recover HP
equal to half your fighter level, but cannot recover more than
the damage taken
Starting Weapons
Trick Weapons Saw Cleaver - a typical hunter's weapon consisting of a large
Trick weapons are unique weapons used by Huntsmen to slay serrated blade on a hinged handle, the Saw Cleaver excels at
beasts and creatures of great power. They all follow the same dealing with beasts, and can extend out to make use of its
pattern - a primary form and a secondary, usually larger form, weight
with each weapon providing a distinct benefit. The weapons Hunter's Cane - many hunters believe that flair and civility
can swap forms using a bonus action. keep men from becoming beasts, and their weapons reflect
All Trick Weapons are considered Silvered. this. This elegant cane can, with a forceful flick, transform
into a bladed, segmented metal whip.
Terms Hunter's Axe - many hunters choose to forgo finesse and
Due to the unique nature of trick weapons, man have instead strike with incredible fury. This axe's size and heavy
properties that are rare or never before seen on other blows reflects this.
weapons. Their names and effects are listed here.
In order to wield a Trick Weapon, a hunter must be able to Level 7 Weapons
use both forms.
Ludwig's Holy Blade - the first hunter of the church Ludwig
Serrated - deals an additional 1d6 vs beasts and was said to wield a blade similar to this. The holy blade
lycanthropes, and deals slashing damage combines with its sheath to form a larger, heavier weapon.
Righteous - deals an additional 1d6 vs monstrosities and Kirk Hammer - a combination sword and a slab of stone,
undead, excluding lycanthropes. this is an impossibly large weapon. Few hunters have the
Dexterous - this weapon cannot use strength for attack strength needed to wield this, but those who do are deadly
and damage rolls, and instead must use dexterity. indeed.
Siderite - this weapon is inherently magical and deals an Chikage - a unique weapon tied to the mysterious Vileblood
additional 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. Hunters, this mysterious katana saps the wielder's health in
return for incredible damage.
Starting Weapons
Name Properties Form 1 Form 2
Saw Finesse Deals 1d6 slashing and is Serrated Deals 1d8 slashing damage, and provides a
Cleaver +1 to AC due to its wide blade and
extended reach
Hunter's Dexterous Deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, and the wielder can make Becomes a whip with the Serrated
Cane an additional attack as a bonus action when facing beasts or property.
Hunter's Heavy Battle Axe Becomes a Greataxe with the Reach
Axe property
Level 7 Weapons
Name Properties Form 1 Form 2
Ludwig's Righteous Longsword Greatsword. You can choose to deal an additional 1d6 fire or lightning damage a number of
Holy times equal to your Wisdom modifier. These uses recharge on a short rest.
Kirk Requires Righteous A large slab of rock. Deals 1d20 bludgeoning. As an action, the hunter can slam it at a target.
Hammer 20 Longsword A single attack roll is made, and on a hit, the target makes a strength saving throw. On a
Strength failure, the target falls prone and is stunned until the end of their next turn. On a success,
to Wield the target is pushed 5 feet away from the wielder. The DC is 8+Str+Proficiency
Chikage Dexterous Deals 1d6 Becomes two handed, deals 2d4 slashing or necrotic damage, deals damage equalling the
slashing wielder's constitution modifier each turn each turn. If you land 3 blows in one turn, you deal
damage an additional 3d4 damage. You also gain an additional +1 to AC due to the weapon's
extended reach.
Huntsmaster's Weapons Blades of Mercy - Weapons of the feathered Hunter of
Hunters, these weapons are used to kill Huntsmen that have
Burial Blade - The weapon of the first Huntsman, forged from gone mad with bloodlust. They were forged from the same
a fallen star. This weapon is ancient and lethal, combining a star as the first trick weapon.
scythe and scimitar into a deadly weapon. Holy Moonlight Sword - The true weapon of Ludwig, this
weapon glows a soft light when transformed. It is rumoured
that Ludwig was corrupted by this weapon, but whether this
is true has not been confirmed.
Huntsmaster's Weapons
Name Properties Form 1 Form 2
Burial Finesse, Scimitar Great Scythe. When using the rally feature, you recover 5 HP on each rally hit.
Blade Siderite
Blades of Dextrous, Shortsword Twin Daggers. If thrown, they return the instant they hit or miss, and when engaging in two
Mercy Siderite weapon fighting, you can make two attacks as a bonus action as opposed to 1.
Holy - Righteous Magical Righteous Greatsword. Deals 2d6 Radiant Damage. As an action, the wielder can
Moonlight Longsword make a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the weapon deals 3d6 Radiant Damage. This ability has
Sword a range of 20/60 feet. The wielder can use wisdom for their attack and damage rolls
Additional - Greatscythe Weapon Type
Martial Weapon
Heavy, Reach, Two Handed, Finesse
Weight - 7lb.
Deals 1d10 Slashing damage.