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Feat Compendium

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Gingasole's Feat Compendium

Psionic Initiate You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled
by you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you
Prerequisite: Intelligence 15 or higher succeed, the creature is restrained until the grapple ends.
You have studied the basics of psionics, either through Whenever you take the Shove action to knock a creature
individual practice or from a trained master. Select two prone and you succeed, you can choose to make an
psionic talents from the Mystic class list. Intelligence is your unarmed attack or a grapple as part of the same action as
ability modifier when determining your attack rolls and spell long as you have a free hand.
DC's when using these talents.
In addition, you are also able to use telepathy to Arcane Mechanic
communicate with a creature you can see within 120 feet of Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher
you. You do not have to share a language with the creature in You are able to craft small, but useful, magical trinkets with
order for it to understand you, but it most know at least one your tinker's tools. The trinkets you can craft are listed below.
language or be telepathic itself. Cost and time to create is determined by your DM.
Dual Gunner Pocketwatch: A small device that shows the time of day.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with firearms Bestial construct: Choose a small or tiny beast that has a
You have learned how to effectively use two firearms at CR of 1/8 or less. You create a small construct that
once. You gain the following benefits when dual-wielding possesses that beast's stats and beavior. The construct
firearms: obeys your verbal commands and telepathically relays
simple information to you, but cannot speak. When it
You do not have disadvantage when attacking a target finishes the task you give it, it automatically returns to you.
within 5 feet of you, nor when you are attacking while When the construct falls to 0 hp, a successful tinker's
prone. tools check (DC 10) repairs it. On a failure, the construct
Whenever you take the Reload attack action, you are able must be rebuilt.
to reload your off-hand firearm as a bonus action. Monogoggle: A small set of magical lenses that fit over one
of your eyes. While wearing it, you have advantage on
Exotic Weapon Master Perception checks involving sight.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with an exotic melee weapon Breathing Apparatus: A small contraption that fits over the
You have learned how to handle exotic weapons with mouth and nose, allowing the wearer to breathe
extreme accuracy and deadly efficiency. You gain the underwater, in poisonous gasses, and in low oxygen
following benefits when using an exotic melee weapon: environments.
When an enemy makes a melee attack against you, you Tinkerer
may use your reaction to disrupt and parry the attack, Prerequisite: Proficiency with tinker's tools
adding 2 to your AC. If the attack misses, you may make a You know how to use your tinker's tools with extreme ease
counterattack with your exotic weapon. and efficiency. You gain the following benefits:
You gain a +1 to attack rolls made with exotic melee
weapons. Increase your Intelligence or Dexterity ability score by 1,
to a maximum of 20.
Expert Alchemist You may use double your proficiency bonus on checks
Prerequisite: Proficiency with alchemist's supplies made with tinker's tools.
You have become extremely proficient in creating You have advantage on checks made to improve or modify
alchemical potions and items, gaining the following benefits: an object.
You may add double your proficiency bonus to checks you Master Chef
make with alchemist's tools. Prerequisite: Proficiency with cook's utensils
The effects of potions that you create last twice as long. You know how to imbue your dishes with exquisite tastes
You have advantage on Constitution saving throws when and flavors, giving you the following benefits:
attempting to resist the effects of potions (does not apply
to poisons). Increase your Charisma ability score by 1, to a maximum
of 20.
Grappler (modified PHB feat) You may use double your proficiency bonus on checks
Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher made with cook's utensils.
You’ve developed the skills necessary to hold your own in When you or another intelligent creature eats one of your
close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits: dishes, they regain 2d4+half of your current level in hp,
and you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you made against them for the next hour. A creature under this
are grappling. effect cannot be affected again until their next long rest.
Master Blacksmith Master Artisan
Prerequisite: Proficiency with smith's tools You are a well rounded artisan, gaining the following benefits:
You are an expert at smithing armor and weapons, gaining An ability score of your choice increases by 1, to a
the following benefits: maximum of 20.
You may double your proficiency bonus on checks made You can choose to gain proficiency in two artisan's tool of
with smith's tools. your choice, or choose a tool you are already proficient
Weapons and armor that you craft have a chance to be with in order to gain double your proficiency bonus on
imbued with additional properties. When you successfully checks made with that tool.
craft an item, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or higher, the item
gains the +1 property. On a natural 20, the item gains the Burglar
+2 property. Prerequisite: Proficiency with thieve's tools
Entertaining Musician You have a steady and precise mastery of thieve's tools,
gaining the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least 1 instrument Increase your Dexterity ability score by 1, to a maximum
You have practiced the art of creating music, gaining the of 20.
following benefits: You may use double your proficiency bonus on checks
Your Charisma ability score increases by 1, to a maximum made with thieve's tools.
of 20. You know the inner workings of many different types of
Most creatures find it difficult to ignore your entertaining chests, lockboxes, and safes, gaining advantage when
performances, allowing you to distract them. Intelligent attempting to open one. You also possess the knowledge
creatures actively listening to your performance have a -5 necessary to create intricate locks for your own
to passive Wisdom (Perception). A suspicious creature can possessions.
discern that the performance is a distraction with a
successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Leatherworker
Charisma (Performance). Prerequisite: Proficiency with leatherworker's tools
When you successfully perform your instrument, you have You have a deep understanding of leather crafting, gaining
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) check made to ask the following benefits:
people for gold.
Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Weapon Thrower You may double your proficiency bonus on checks made
You are an expert at thrown weaponry, gaining the following with leather's tools.
benefits when using a thrown weapon you are proficient with: Leather armor that you create is extremely light and
flexible. Creatures wearing it gain advantage on Dexterity
Attacking at long range with a thrown weapon does not (Acrobatics) checks.
impose disadvantage.
When you take the Dodge, Dash, or Disengage action on
your turn, you can make a thrown weapon attack as a
bonus action.
Before you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon
against two creatures who are adjacent to each other, you
can choose to take a -5 to the attack roll in order to hit
both. Damage for each opponent is resolved separately.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with herbalism kit
You are have extensive knowledge of many kinds of plants
and herbs, gaining the following benefits:
You may use double your proficiency bonus on checks
made with the herbalism kit.
You are able to cure diseases with your antitoxins. A
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check on a diseased
creature reveals the type of disease, allowing you to create
a cure.
Health potions that you craft use one extra dice for

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