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Staff of the Hurricane When a creature is reduced to zero while wearing this ring,

their bodies are infused with necrotic energy, removing their

staff, rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster flesh from their bones and sustaining their life. They regain
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an half of their maximum hit points and become a Skeleton. As a
action to expend 1 or more charges to cast one of the skeleton they retain their statistics and consciousness, except
following spells from it, using your spell save DC: gust (1 as noted below. After being used in this way, the Ring
charge), Warding Wind (3 charges) or Cyclone (5 charges). crumbles to ash as its necrotic energy sustains your new
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges at dawn. If you unlife.
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles * Your Dexterity Score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
to dust and is destroyed. * Your Intelligence score decreases by 4.
* Your Charisma score decreases by 3.
Staff of Chimes * You have Vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.
staff, rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster * You have Immunity to Poison Damage and Exhasion.
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more charges to cast one of the Death Ward Badge
following spells from it, using your spell save DC: wondrous item, rare, requires attunement
thunderclap (1 charge), shatter (3 charges) or strike the bell While attuned to this item, you are under the effect of a
(5 charges). Death Ward spell. If the spell is used, you lose attunement
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges at dawn. If you and cannot attune again for 24 hrs.
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles
to dust and is destroyed. Wand of Inflict Wounds
Staff of the Battalion wand, rare,
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it you can use an
staff, rare, requires attunement action to expend 1 or more charges to cast the Inflict Wounds
This staff has 10 charges. As an action you may make a spell (spell attack bonus +5) from it. For 1 charge you cast the
ranged spell attack (attack bonus +5), expendeing any number 1st level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot
of charges. On hit, you deal 1d6 radiant damage per charge level by one for each addtional charge you expend.
expended. At midnight, the staff recharged 1d6+4 charges. the wand regains 1d6 + 1 charges daily at dawn. If you
expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand
Knife that Stirs the Soul crumbles to ashes and is destroyed.
wondrous item, rare,
This item has 10 charges. As an action you may stab a Vampire's Goblet
creature within 5ft of you with it and expend a charge. The wondrous item, rare, requires attunement
target regains 1 hit point and gains the benefits of a Frenzied After killing a creature, you may take a minute to use the
Rage as if they were a 3rd level barbarian (including goblet to absorb the creature's blood (if it has any). You may
exhaustion suffered after it ends). then use an action to drink from the goblet, gaining
temporary hit points equal to one quarter of the killed
Shrunken Head Token creatures hit points. After being used to drain a creature, the
wondrous item, rare, requires attunement goblet cannot do so again until midnight.
You may use an action to have the head target an enemy. It
becomes a Shrunken Head monster, attacking the target until Contagion Core
destroyed. wondrous item, rare,
A small sickly-green orb containing magical plagues. A
Caduceus Wand creature that touches the orb are effected by the Contagion
wand, rare, spell, (save DC 15). The Orb can also be used to infect a
This wand has a golden snake wrapped aorund it's length. watersupply, those that drink the water having to make the
The wand has 10 charges. You may use 1 charge to cast cure save with advantage. Roll a d6 to determine the contagion
wounds as a 2nd level spell (spellcasting modifier +3). A caused.
target cured by this usage also has any poisons or diseases *1. Slimy Doom.
affecting them removed. *2. Seizure.
The wand recovers 1d6 + 1 charges at dawn. If you expend *3. Mindfire.
the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles *4. Flesh Rot.
to ashes and is destroyed. *5. Blinding Sickness.
*6. Filth Fever.
Ring of the Grave
ring, rare, requires attunement
Staff of the Dreadlord uncommon, clothing
Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment
staff, rare, requires attunement by spellcaster able to learn uses dancing lights to provide a new layer of aesthetic design.
Animate Dead The lights motion is pre-designed into the garb, with more
You may cast Animate Dead once per day using the staff. It elaborate patterns with many colors being more expensive
regains the ability at Midnight. In addition, while attuned to than the typical orbs of light floating geometrically around
the staff, any undead under your control gain a +1 bonus to you. After 8 hours of being worn, must recharge for 24 hours
their AC, Attack and Damage rolls. to function as Faerie Garb again. This clothing provides dim
light, though some models have focused luminousity to
Belt of Equity provide bright light.
uncommmon, clothing
When worn, this belt shifts the biological sex of the wearer. Shadow Garb
In most humanoid species, this changes male to female and uncommon, clothing
visa versa though in species with additional sexes, it may shift Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment
them to a random one. This is a full physical change rather uses material from the Shadowfell to give clothing a piece of
than a disguise self effect. The rapid hormonal changes the dreaded darkness of that plane. Clothing with this
incapacitate the wearer for a minute after donning the Belt. property tends have wispy trails of smoke along its sheek
black surface. If wearing a full outfit, you may hide in dim
Skirt of Equilibrium light as you blend with other shadows.
uncommon, clothing
While able to flow in the wind or waves, this skirt is Thermos Garb
enchanted to never go beyond an equillibrium position, to uncommon, clothing
voyeur's dismay. Even if upside down, the full skirt does not Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment
leave the wearer unmodest. uses the heating and cooling properties to ensure the wearer
maintains a comfortable temperature regardless of the
Waterproof Garb environmental temperatures, set accordingly to the articles of
uncommon, clothing clothing it is applied to. If wearing a full outfit, you are
Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment considered adapted to high and low temperature extremes.
technique renders a garment as impervious to water as a
rubber raincoat. If fully clothed in such clothing, water based Illusory Clothing
attacks such as those from a water elemental deal no damage uncommon, clothing, requires attunement
to you. Common among Illusionists and dancers, these must be
made by talented illusionist tailors. Often only a single, near
Self Cleaning Garb transulect band of material is actually physical in these sets
uncommon, clothing of clothing, the rest being illusory, though still flowly
Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment somewhat like a liquid silk. The clothing is mutable to the
uses prestidigitation to constantly clean itself. After 8 hrs of wearers desires, though within parameters set by their
being worn, must recharge for 24 hrs to function as Self creators.
Cleaning Garb again. Dust or mud based effects end at the
end of your turn if you are afflicted by them wearing a fully Cloak of Dragonkind
enchanted outfit. uncommon, clothing, requires attunement
While you wear this cloak with its hood up, you have
Sensor Gloves resistance to fire damage. In addition, you may use an action
uncommon, clothing to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target
Require Custom Make. Using a mix of necrotic and must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire
divination magic, a piece of your skin is broken down and damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
woven into the enchantment of these gloves. They do not successful one. Pulling up the hood requires an action.
restrict your range of motion at all and allow you to feel
through them directly. Enlargement Garb
uncommon, clothing
Songstress Dress Applicable to many articles of clothing, this enchantment
uncommon, clothing, requires attunement uses the enlarge spell to make the section of the body it is
Applicable to many articles of clothing, though most worn on enlarge, making it common among entertainers
common in dresses. These articles are enchanted with wishing to be more endowed. You must wear a full set of this
snippets of songs and music, custom pieces often recording clothing to gain the effects of the Enlarge spell.
the petitioners favorite song of a famous bard. At will, the
snippets of music can be played, with creatures within 30 ft
hearing it clearly.
Faerie Garb
Guarded Gorget This weapon has been created by alchemists with an
especially porrous material though treated to retain strength.
uncommon, armor (see below) The porrous material allows it to more adequately absorb
This protective gorget has been laced with small amounts and administer poisons and other liquids applied to it. Such
of Adamantine. This gorget can be added to the neck area of liquids which would normally be used up after one hit with
Medium or Heavy Armor once, being unremovable once the weapon now last for 3 hits. It also takes at least an hour
attached. A creature wearing such armor counts as to dry up as the liquid evaporates slower.
possessing legendary resistances against attacks with a
Vorpal Sword and is immune to most effects targgeting the Gilded Weapon
throat. weapon (any), rare,
Abjurer's Shield As with silvering weapons, these are weapons coated in
gold. Rather than provide benefits against evil creatures and
uncommon, shield lycanthropes, it provides a symbol of authority to ones allies.
This shield's using lore collected by hundreds of Shield The wielder of a gilded weapon may use their reaction to
Mages. A Wizard who has taken the Abjurer wizard tradition grant all allies within 30 ft that can see them advantage on a
is considered proficient with this shield. In addition to the saving throw against being charmed or frightened.
usual benefits of a shield, if targeted by a magic missile spell,
a creature using it may use their reaction to take no damage Mimic Shield
from magic missiles until the beginning of their next turn.
uncommon, shield, requires attunement
Mirrored Silver Shield A trained Mimic, its typical form is that of a regular shield.
If a creature within 5 ft misses you with a melee attack by 1
uncommon, shield or 2 it hits the shield and is effected by the Mimic's adhesive
The silver-coated shield has been polished to a fine lustre, ability, becomign grappled (escape DC 13). A creature has
able to give a clear reflection. In addition to the usual benefits these benefits whether attuned or not. If attuned, you can
of a shield, if you would take radiant damage, you may angle communicate simple objects to the mimic to have it assume
the shield to reflect part of that light to a creature within 30 ft. that form as an action, it must remain roughly the same
It takes half of the damage rounded down. mass. If it changes form, it no longer provides the benefits of
a shield.
Rune Bullets (Sling)
uncommon, ammunition Life Support Armor
Made using Giant and Dwarven rune magic, these sling uncommon, armor (heavy), requires attunement
bullets are engraved with spell-like effects to enhance their This armor is fitted with enchantments to ensure the
power. On a hit, roll a d6,the bullets inflict the effect in wearer's bodily functions are maintained despite severe
addition to their normal damage. environments. You are able to ignore the effects of extreme
*1. 1d6 Lightning damage. temperature and do not need to breath while wearing and
*2. 1d8 Cold damage. attuned to the armor.
*3. The target is moved 10 feet away from the slinger by a
gust of wind. Elemental Enhancement
*4. 1d6 Fire damage. 1d8 Fire if they are wearing Plate
Armor. uncommon, weapon (see below)
*5. A five foot radius cloud of fog heavily obscures the area This weapon enchantment process is commonly sought,
around the target. though is nowhere near as powerful as more complex
*6. The target is blinded by a flash of light until the start of elemental weapons such as Flametongue, so may leave the
its turn. customer wanting. These enhancements are available in an
assortment of Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison, Thunder,
Spellguard Arrows Necrotic and Radiant. When applied to a weapon, the
weapon deals its ordinary damage + 1, all damage being of
uncommon, ammunition the chosen type. Fire, Radiant and Lightning enhancements
With tips made of small fragments of the shell of a flail also provide dim light within 10 ft.
snail, these arrows have anti-magic properties. When a
creature is hit by a spellguard arrow, its body is assaulted by Shield of the Fallen
the anti-magical properties, forcing it to lose its lowest level
spell slot or take 1d6 force damage equal to its spell level. A uncommon, shield
creature without spellslots treats this as a regular (although Inscribed on the inside of this shield are the names of all
still magical) arrow. soldiers to fall in the line of duty for the Kingdom of Halruaa
(change as setting requires). You may use a bonus action to
Porrous Weapon read the names and let their bravery inspire you to similar
acts of valor, casting Heroism on yourself, with Wisdom as
uncommon, weapon (any) your spellcasting modifier. Once you have done so, you must
complete a short or long rest before doing so again.
Skull Pauldrons These bolts use a mix of illusionary magic to remain
discrete as well as enchantment magic and anaesthetic
uncommon, armor (see below) alchemy to have the target unaware of being shot. Firing with
These pauldrons are made from the skulls of humanoids, these bolts does not give away cover, reducing the targets hit
strengthened into viable armor by necrotic energies. They points without them noticing. If a target is raging, hits with
may be added to Heavy Armor once, being unremovable once these bolts do not count for continuing their rage.
attached. A creature wearing the armor often hears echoing
whispers, a lingering effect of the necromantic magic, making Sentient Shield
sleeping in the armor impossible. They have advantage on uncommon, shield (sentient)
Charimsa (Intimidation) checks. This shield has a face on the front and has been enchanted
Armor Fitting with limited sentience. The sentience has the senses of the
face, able to see from its eyes, hear, smell and taste. The
uncommon, armor (see below) personality of the face is not standardised, although as most
This enchantment is widely used in magical armors for were made for wartime, they tend to be veterans. It has an
allowing them to change size to fit creatures. In this case it Intelligence score of 15, a Wisdom of 10, a Charisma of 12. It
more closely tailors the armor so that it in fits perfectly, has proficiency in Intelligence (History) checks and a
rather than just adequately for your size. Armor does not proficiency bonus of +3.
cause a speed penalty or cause you to have disadvantage of
dexterity checks. Illusionist's Armor
Vial Darts uncommon, armor (special), requires attunement
This armor is made by talented illusionists, it consists of
uncommon, ammunition limit more than light clothing until attuned to. When a
These darts are weighted to account for their crystal shaft creature attuned to it, it creates an illusory set of Full Plate.
being filled with liquid or without, the crystal enchanted to This plate armor does not have strength requirements or
not break easily. On a hit they deliver the liquid stores within penalties, and no proficiency is required. However, being
them directly to the target. illusory, once a creature has been hit by an attack while
wearing this armor (or if a DC 20 Investigation check is made
Lockdown Armor against it), the armor fades and no longer provides the AC
uncommon, armor (full plate) benefit of Full Plate, instead being regular clothing.
This armor enchantment uses arcane locking spells and
abjuration anchoring effects. As an action if you are on solid -1 Weapons
ground, you may enter lockdown by speaking a command, uncommon, weapon (any)
causing every component of the armor to lock in its current These weapons are made from ore suffused with magic
position, and you to become anchored to your current though removing impurities would remove the inherent
position. It does not move, even if defying gravity. It can magic, so they are made with less strength than typical non-
support up to 8000 lbs, more causing the locking mechanism magical weapons. These weapons are easier to mass produce
to deactivate. A creature may attempt a DC 30 Strength for those needing magical gear than other magical weapons.
check to move you 10 ft. You may deactivate it with another
action. Pocket Pauldrons
Basic Weapons uncommon, armor (see below)
These pauldrons are hollow, allowing for a secret
uncommon, weapon (any) compartment that can store objects up to a foot on a side
This weapon has been coated and infused with an alkaline each. These can be applied to heavy armor once, being
chemicals. These weapons are immune to degradation unremovable once attached. Creatures have disadvantage at
effects from acidic abilities such as a Grey Ooze's Corrode checks made to search you for these compartment.
Metal trait.
Arc Spear
Standardised Greaves weapon (spear), rare, requires attunement
uncommon, armor (see below), requires attunement This spear has the reach property and is constantly surging
These greaves can be added to medium or heavy armor with electricity. When you hit a creature with this weapon it
that is fitted for small or medium creature, unremovable once takes an additional 1d6 lightning damage, you may also have
attached. Including platforms and some leverage distribution, the electricity arc towards another creature within 10 ft of the
these greaves allow standardisation in armor for more target. It takes 1d6 lightning damage.
precise formations. Your speed becomes 30 ft. Your size
counts as medium.
Subtle Bolts
uncommon, ammunition (bolts)
Wand of Snowballs These clawed gloves are infused with the necrotic energies
of ghouls. When a wearer hits with an unarmed strike, they
wand, rare, may deal slashing damage instead with the claws of the
This wand holds 7 charges. While holding it you may use gloves. If they do, a creature hit by the attack must make a
an action to expend one or more of its charges to cast DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for up to a
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm (spell save DC 15). For one charge, minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
you cast the 2nd level version of the spell. You may increase of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you Curse. A creature attuned to these gloves has a craving for
expend. flesh, being entirely comfortable to eat raw carrion. Once
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. attuned, a creature cannot remove or unattune from the
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1 the gloves unless they have remove curse cast on them. If a
wand turns to snow and melts away. remove curse spell is used on the gloves, they lose their
magical effects, rot and are destroyed.
Flame Crossbow
weapon (any crossbow), rare, Hand of the Ancient Dead
This crossbow enchants its bolts with a touch of the Plane wondrous item, very rare,
of Fire. Any bolt fired from it deals an additional 1d4 fire This Hand has 10 charges. As an action you may inflict a
damage and counts as magical until it hits a creature. target within 30 ft with the deathly decay of the mummy it
was made from. The target takes 3d6 necrotic damage and
Wand of Repulse must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it
wand, rare, is afflicted with the Mummy Rot curse. The cursed creature
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it you may use an cannot regain hitpoints and its maximum hit points decrease
action to expend a charge to cause a creature within 60 ft of by 3d6 for every 24 hrs that elapse. If the curse reduces the
you to be pushed 10 ft away from you. You may also expend 3 creature's hit points to zero, the creature dies and its body
charges to polarise a creature within 60 ft of you. A polarised crumbles to dust.
creature cannot move to a space within 10 ft of the Wand, and The charges can be restored by completing a 1 hour
if it would begin its turn within 10 ft of the Wand it must consuming the dust gathered from a destroyed mummy.
move outside of this radius before continuing its turn. This
effect lasts 1 minute. Annoited Wrappings
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. wondrous item, rare, requires attunement
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1 the These linen bandages are infused with preservative
wand crumbles to ash and is destroyed. chemicals and necrotic magic that allows for mummies to
function. To attune to this item you must be wrapped in them.
Wand of Day and Night Once attuned, you no longer suffer the effects of aging, nor do
wand, rare, you require food, drink or sleep.
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it you may use an Curse. You count as undead for effects that would affect
action to expend charges to cast Darkness or Daylight as 3rd them while attuned to these. If you unattune to them, the
Level Spells. The duration for the Darkness spell cast in this harmful effects of aging, lack of sleep, food and drink that you
way is 1 hour. have ignored instantly take effect.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1 the Locket of Preserved Health
wand crumbles to ash and is destroyed. wondrous item, rare, requires attunement
This heart locket opens to a small cavity stained red. You
Everlasting Torch may use an action to lose up to 4d6 hit points (this damage
wondrous item, rare, cannot be prevented), filling the locket with your lifeforce. If
This torch can be lit by speaking a command word. Once you are reduced to zero hit points, the locket opens,
lit, its flame is permanent as if a Continual Flame spell were revitalising you with the lifeforce you stored earlier,
cast on it. recovering that many hitpoints. The locket loses all preserved
hit points if you take a short or long rest.
Blasting Gauntlet
wondrous item (gauntlet), rare, requires attunement
This gaunlet goes to the shoulder and is made to fully allow
the wearer's dexterity and magic to be demonstrated without
constraining them. This gauntlet is made to protect the
wearer from backfires from spells. Even if within the area of
effect of a spell you control, you do not take damage or other
effects due to it.
Ghoulish Gloves
wondrous item (gloves), rare, requires attunement
Wand of Cure Undead Wounds Ring of Absorbtion
wand, rare, wondrous item, rare,
This wand has a snake skeleton wrapping around it. It Thing ring can hold a maximum of 7 charges. While
holds 10 charges. You may use an action to expend 1 charge wearing it, you may use a reaction against taking acid, cold,
to cast cure wounds as a second level spell (spellcasting fire, lightning or thunder damage to gain resistance to the
modifer + 3) except that it can affect undead and not triggering damage type until the start of your next turn
humanoids. (including against the triggering damage). Whenever you do
The wand regains 1d6 charges daily at midnight. If you so, the ring gains one charge. You may discharge the ring
expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand against a creature or space within 5 ft of you. It takes 1d6
crumbles to dust and is destroyed. damage of one of the types absorbed by the ring per charge.
If the charge reaches its maximum, roll a d20. On a 1, it
Halruaan Lock releases the stored elemental energy in a 5 ft radius, dealing
7d6 force damage to all creatures within that area. The ring
wondrous item, rare, is also destroyed.
Mass produced and marketed in a number of brands,such
as Dragon Keep and Iron Heart, these locks are iconic Anklet of Striding
Halruaan inventions. When the Lock is shut, the magic of the
device creates an effect equivalent to an Arcane Lock spell. uncommon, wondrous item
This can only be removed by a Knock spell keyed to the This elegant silver anklet increases your base walking
specific lock, two of which are sold acccompanying the item. speed by 5 ft. However, due to the fragile chain, if you over-
Attempts to Knock the Lock without a key must succeed a exert yourself it may break. When you take the Dash action,
DC 20 Charisma (Deception) check in order to succeed in roll a d20. On a 1, the chain snaps and the Anklet becomes
opening the lock, a necessary security measure in a country non-magical.
of mages
Drow's Anklet
Tattoo of Protection from Good uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
and Evil A grim memento for those that have endured slavery at the
tattoo, rare, hands of the Drow. This broken manacle (only one cuff and
These inscribed wards use magical ink to give temporary attaching chain) has been enchanted to give such victims a
warding effects to the bearer. Each tattoo has 10 Charges. sense of affirming their freedom. While attuned to this item,
The bearer of the Tattoo is considered under the effects of you cannot be restrained.
Protection from Evil, with a type specified when making the Wall Coral
tattoo (abberations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends or
undead). Whenever the ward successfully prevents an attack uncommon, wondrous item
from such a creature (due to the imposed disadvantage) or This coral is used as a construction material in Halruaa.
prevents the charming, frightening or possession of them, the Typicall stored in anti-magical containers, the coral grows
tattoo's charges are reduced by 1. If the charges are reduced rapidly when exposed to magical energy. A creature touching
to zero, the tattoo becomes non-magical and the bearer loses the coral may expend a spell slot to cause a piece to grow up
the warding effects. to 10 ft in any direction per spell level. If dispelled, the coral
turns white and becomes fragile, often crumbling under its
Explosive Runes own weight.
wondrous item, rare,
These runes are pre-prepared with Force-typed Explosive Shades of Day
Runes from a Glyph of Warding spell, modified to enable uncommon, wondrous item
them to leave the area they were cast. Instead, these runes This black visor protects the eyes from glare. A creature
can an activation word, which arms them and prevents them wearing them does not suffer the penalties of sunlight
from leaving their current location per the spell. They have a sensitivity due to targetting a creature that is in direct
second activation word which then causes the spell to trigger. sunlight, and they can not be blinded or otherwise impaired
The activation words may be selected at purchase. by bright light.
Wand of the Countermage
wand, rare,
This wand holds 7 charges. While holding it you may use a
reaction to expend one or more of its charges to cast
Counterspell (spell ability modifier of +5). For one charge, you
cast the 3nd level version of the spell. You may increase the
spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1 the
wand crumbles to ash and is destroyed.

Ring of Absorbtion
Monocle of Identification Earring of the Guardian
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement uncommon, wondrous item
This eyepiece is used by appraisers and shopkeepers of all This earring has a small shield icon. It reduces your
sorts to avoid counterfeits and frauds. It can be used to cast maximum hit points by 1 while wearing it. While wearing it,
Identify at will. In addition, if the material is non-magical, the you may use a reaction to increase your AC by 1 until the
monocle determines its chemical makeup. Transmuted items beginning of your turn. If you suffer a critical hit after using
are identified as being magically altered. the reaction, the earring is destroyed.
Tiara of the Trinity Ring of Weightlessness
uncommon, wondrous item uncommon, wondrous item
A tiara with a "3" motiff, the formulae for which was While wearing this ring, your weight becomes 10 lbs. You
devised by a trio of Witches. If you would roll exactly three only take 1d6 falling damage per 20 ft you fall now.
dice, you may instead take the maximum result. Once you use
this ability, you must wait until the next dawn before doing so Identity Tag
again. uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
The metal plates attached to the chains bear your name,
Crown of Command ignoring any attempts at deception or disguise. If attuned to
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement this item, they cannot be removed from you unless you are
A tiara or crown holding 3 charges. You may use an action willing. If you are killed while attuned to them, they cannot be
to expend a charge to cast Command (spell save DC 15). The removed except by a creature you regarded as a friend.
crown regains its charges at dawn.
Bracelet of Power
Third Eye Bindi uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement by a This golden band has a set topaz gem engraved with a sigil
character with Intelligence of 18 or higher of power. While attuned, you can carry, push, drag and lift
This item can awaken ones mind to beyond the material twice as much weight.
plane. If you close your eys and focus as a bonus action, you
may see into the astral plane. You may maintain this sight Bracelets of Bonds
until you reopen your eyes. uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
Sold as a set of four, these bracelets connect the hearts and
Alluring Belly Ring souls of close friends and allies. If the bearer of one of the
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement bracelets takes damage, the others that can see it may each
This piercing is for the midriff area on most humanoids. It use a reaction to divide the total damage dealt among them.
reduces your maximum hit points by 1 while wearing it. If the
jewelled ring is exposed, you may dance as an action. Roll a Pandora's Chain
Charisma (Performance) check with advantage. All creatures uncommon, wondrous item
with a passive perception higher than the result of the This chain bracelet is produced by a popular artifice guild.
performance check are incapacipated until the beginning of It is requires to make use of Pandora Charms. You may use
your next turn. an action to use a pandora charm that is attached to the
Potara Earrings
uncommon, wondrous item Peacebearer's Necklace
These earrings do nothing if worn as a set, though wearing uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
each reduces your maximum hit points by 1. If worn by two This necklace bears an arcane symbol recognised by any
creatures, they must make an opposed charisma contest as sapient creature (Intelligence of 3 or higher) as a symbol of
their bodies merge into one. The creature that wins the peace. While attuned to the item, you are considered under
contest controlled the gestalt form, which has the abilities the effects of Santuary against creatures able to understand
and traits of both characters, and the statistics of the creature and see the symbol. If you attack or cast a spell that damages
which won the contest. another creature, you immediately unattune to the item and
take 1d8 poison damage.
Icicle Earrings
uncommon, wondrous items
These earrings are made from ice enchanted by frost
giants to never melt. They reduces your maximum hit points
by 1 while wearing them. These earrings keep you cool with
their eternal vapor even in high temperatures. You have
resistance to fire damage, in addition you and everything you
wear is unharmed by temperatures as high as 150 F.

Earring of the Guardian

Earrings of the Warrior
uncommon, wondrous item
These earrings have a design of a sword and shield
respectively. They reduce your maximum hit points by 1 while
wearing them. When you speak a command word, the sword
and shield enlarge and detach from the piercings, functioning
as an ordinary longsword and shield. Upon speaking a second
command word, they return to their miniature earring state
and can be attached to the piercings.
90 ft long, 15 ft wide line area of effect. V,S. Level Five
Evocation. All creatures within line must make Dex Save or
take 4d6 Slashing damage, 4d6 bludgeoning damage from
the twister you create, half damage if they succeed. The area
becomes rough terrain until the end of your next turn.
Strike the Bell.
60 ft sphere centred on self. S, M (Golden Bell worth at least
200 gp). Concentration, up to a minute. Level 5 Evocation. All
creatures (including you) within the area of effect must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 thunder
damage and be incapacitated for the spell duration.

Clothing Sets
Magical clothing items are sold individually.
Though there re sets of matching clothing, each
piece is priced independantly. A full set includes an
item of Headgear, a Torso covering, Lower body
coverings, gloves and boots.

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