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Ring of Absorbtion
Monocle of Identification Earring of the Guardian
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement uncommon, wondrous item
This eyepiece is used by appraisers and shopkeepers of all This earring has a small shield icon. It reduces your
sorts to avoid counterfeits and frauds. It can be used to cast maximum hit points by 1 while wearing it. While wearing it,
Identify at will. In addition, if the material is non-magical, the you may use a reaction to increase your AC by 1 until the
monocle determines its chemical makeup. Transmuted items beginning of your turn. If you suffer a critical hit after using
are identified as being magically altered. the reaction, the earring is destroyed.
Tiara of the Trinity Ring of Weightlessness
uncommon, wondrous item uncommon, wondrous item
A tiara with a "3" motiff, the formulae for which was While wearing this ring, your weight becomes 10 lbs. You
devised by a trio of Witches. If you would roll exactly three only take 1d6 falling damage per 20 ft you fall now.
dice, you may instead take the maximum result. Once you use
this ability, you must wait until the next dawn before doing so Identity Tag
again. uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
The metal plates attached to the chains bear your name,
Crown of Command ignoring any attempts at deception or disguise. If attuned to
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement this item, they cannot be removed from you unless you are
A tiara or crown holding 3 charges. You may use an action willing. If you are killed while attuned to them, they cannot be
to expend a charge to cast Command (spell save DC 15). The removed except by a creature you regarded as a friend.
crown regains its charges at dawn.
Bracelet of Power
Third Eye Bindi uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement by a This golden band has a set topaz gem engraved with a sigil
character with Intelligence of 18 or higher of power. While attuned, you can carry, push, drag and lift
This item can awaken ones mind to beyond the material twice as much weight.
plane. If you close your eys and focus as a bonus action, you
may see into the astral plane. You may maintain this sight Bracelets of Bonds
until you reopen your eyes. uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
Sold as a set of four, these bracelets connect the hearts and
Alluring Belly Ring souls of close friends and allies. If the bearer of one of the
uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement bracelets takes damage, the others that can see it may each
This piercing is for the midriff area on most humanoids. It use a reaction to divide the total damage dealt among them.
reduces your maximum hit points by 1 while wearing it. If the
jewelled ring is exposed, you may dance as an action. Roll a Pandora's Chain
Charisma (Performance) check with advantage. All creatures uncommon, wondrous item
with a passive perception higher than the result of the This chain bracelet is produced by a popular artifice guild.
performance check are incapacipated until the beginning of It is requires to make use of Pandora Charms. You may use
your next turn. an action to use a pandora charm that is attached to the
Potara Earrings
uncommon, wondrous item Peacebearer's Necklace
These earrings do nothing if worn as a set, though wearing uncommon, wondrous item, requires attunement
each reduces your maximum hit points by 1. If worn by two This necklace bears an arcane symbol recognised by any
creatures, they must make an opposed charisma contest as sapient creature (Intelligence of 3 or higher) as a symbol of
their bodies merge into one. The creature that wins the peace. While attuned to the item, you are considered under
contest controlled the gestalt form, which has the abilities the effects of Santuary against creatures able to understand
and traits of both characters, and the statistics of the creature and see the symbol. If you attack or cast a spell that damages
which won the contest. another creature, you immediately unattune to the item and
take 1d8 poison damage.
Icicle Earrings
uncommon, wondrous items
These earrings are made from ice enchanted by frost
giants to never melt. They reduces your maximum hit points
by 1 while wearing them. These earrings keep you cool with
their eternal vapor even in high temperatures. You have
resistance to fire damage, in addition you and everything you
wear is unharmed by temperatures as high as 150 F.
Clothing Sets
Magical clothing items are sold individually.
Though there re sets of matching clothing, each
piece is priced independantly. A full set includes an
item of Headgear, a Torso covering, Lower body
coverings, gloves and boots.