Kassirer 1989
Kassirer 1989
Kassirer 1989
Diagnostic Reasoning
Jerome P. Kassirer, M D
Research in cognitive science, decision sciences, and artifi- probabilistic, causal, and deterministic reasoning stra-
cial intelligence has yielded substantial insights into the tegies. Finally, we consider the interrelationships be-
nature of diagnostic reasoning. Many elements of the diag- tween reasoning strategies and the circumstances in
which one strategy may be preferable to another. The
nostic process have been identified, and many principles of
discussion centers on the cognitive aspects of diagno-
effective clinical reasoning have been formulated. Three rea-
sis, not on the other aspects of the patient encounter
soning strategies are considered here: probabilistic, causal, (social and psychological factors, interviewing tech-
and deterministic. Probabilistic reasoning relies on the statis- niques, or precision of information).
tical relations between clinical variables and is frequently
used in formal calculations of disease likelihoods. Probabilis-
Elements of the Diagnostic Process
tic reasoning is especially useful in evoking diagnostic hy-
potheses and in assessing the significance of clinical findings In the diagnostic process, the clinician makes a series
and test results. Causal reasoning builds a physiologic model of inferences about the nature of malfunctions of the
and assesses a patient's findings for coherency and complete- body. These inferences are derived from existing ob-
servations (historical data, physical findings, and rou-
ness against the model; it functions especially effectively in
tine tests) as well as from invasive tests and responses
verification of diagnostic hypotheses. Deterministic reason-
to various manipulations. Inferential reasoning pro-
ing consists of sets of compiled rules generated from routine, ceeds until the clinician has discovered a diagnostic
well-defined practices. Much human problem solving may category sufficiently acceptable to either establish a
derive from activation and implementation of such rules. A prognosis, yield a therapeutic action, or both ( 1 ) .
deeper understanding of clinical cognition should enhance When making diagnostic inferences from clinical data,
clinical teaching and patient care. the clinician uses many strategies to combine, inte-
grate, and interpret the data (2, 3). Clinicians make
Annals of Internal Medicine. 1989;110:893-900. extensive use of rules of thumb, or shortcuts (heuris-
tics) in the process of gathering and interpreting infor-
From Tufts University School of Medicine and the New mation. These heuristics are essential: they reduce the
England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. For need to ask an unnecessarily large number of questions
current author address, see end of text. and to order superfluous diagnostic tests, and they
make the task of information gathering manageable
and efficient (4, 5).
Studies of human cognition suggest that the kinds of
heuristics used depend on the nature of the clinical
lifficient and accurate diagnosis is one of the foremost problem being addressed and on the expertise of the
cognitive functions of the physician, and in the past clinician. Nonexperts tend to use nonselective search-
decade many fundamental features of diagnostic rea- and-seek strategies that, although they are applicable
soning have been disclosed. Probabilistic approaches across a wide range of clinical settings, are weak in
have dominated recent discussions of diagnosis, be- generating specific hypotheses (6-9). Experts, howev-
cause iterative engineering has converted them into er, typically employ strong diagnostic approaches tai-
practical clinical tools. Eclipsed by the probabilistic lored to their expertise. They quickly focus on a prob-
approach, however, are other powerful concepts that lem by recognizing patterns, formulating problems in
embody fundamental principles and important cogni- semantically meaningful "chunks," gathering data rel-
tive strategies of diagnostic reasoning. These strate- evant to a solution to the problem, and applying pre-
gies—causal reasoning and deterministic (rule-based) compiled actions (2, 7, 9-15).
reasoning—are derived from research in new disci- The diagnostic process focuses on one or more
plines that have only just begun to influence medical evolving diagnostic hypotheses (2, 3, 16, 17). A hy-
practice, namely cognitive science, cognitive psycholo- pothesis can be either general or specific. It can take
gy, and artificial intelligence. Many insights from several forms, including a state (inflammatory pro-
these fields can be applied directly to the medical diag- cess), a clinical disorder (acute transplant rejection),
nostic process. a syndrome (nephrotic syndrome), or a specific dis-
We discuss elements of diagnostic reasoning. First, ease entity (polycythemia vera) (1-3, 18). Hypothesis
we give an overview of the cognitive aspects of the generation, a process described as diagnostic trigger-
diagnostic process, and then discuss the principles of ing, is the first step at the inception of a diagnostic
To combine clinical findings in the form of probabili- If all these precautions are heeded, the probabilistic
ties requires a rigorous definition of disease (30). This approach can be a valuable tool. Most important, it
definition, referred to as the "gold standard," often is provides an explicit means of test interpretation and
based on histologic findings or radiologic studies, but thus helps to illuminate the diagnostic process. Aside
sometimes it must be based on clinical criteria alone. from its value in analyzing complex and disparate
The first task in applying the probabilistic approach is data, the probabilistic approach is helpful in hypothe-
estimating the prevalence, or prior probability, of all sis generation because associations between clinical
diseases of interest from the patient's demographic findings trigger diagnostic hypotheses according to
data and presenting clinical findings. The prior proba- their frequency. For example, crushing chest pain in a
bility for an individual patient must reflect as closely 60-year-old man promptly conjures up a diagnosis of
as possible the population from which that patient is acute myocardial infarction; whereas acute pleuritic
derived. A carefully selected assessment of this proba- chest pain in a 20-year-old man triggers the possibility
bility is critical because its value has a major influence of spontaneous pneumothorax. The probabilistic ap-
on the interpretation of any clinical feature or test re- proach also teaches many important principles of di-
sult (30, 31, 37). The second task is to determine the agnostic testing: If the pretest probability of a disease
frequency of features associated with a defined disease is extremely low, a positive test result will rarely con-
entity, namely the conditional probabilities (30, 31, firm a diagnosis unless the test is highly specific (the
37). Typical questions that could be used to derive test result probably will be false-positive). When the
these data might include: How often is plasma IgA likelihood of a given disease is extremely high, a nega-
elevated in the entity; how often is it slightly, moder- tive test result usually does not exclude the presence of
ately, and markedly elevated? This information must the disease unless the test is highly sensitive.
be coupled with similar data about other diseases
under consideration and about findings in normal indi-
Taking the Next Step
viduals (38). The sensitivity and specificity of diag-
nostic tests are special terms for certain kinds of con- Both nonquantitative working hypotheses and calcu-
ditional probabilities (30, 31, 36). lated posterior probabilities are constructed for the
Given an appropriate gold standard and data on the purpose of taking action. The action may be only to
prior and conditional probabilities of the set of diseas- arrive at a certain forecast about the patient's subse-
es in question, clinical findings and test results can be quent clinical course, but most often it is a plan of
interpreted according to mathematical principles (30, further testing or treatment or sometimes no more
31, 36, 39). The output of this quantitative approach testing or treatment. These choices are a function of
is a revised view of the likelihood that a patient has the probability that a patient has one or more diseases,
one or more diseases, a concept known as the posterior the benefits to be derived from further testing, the
probability. The numerical values in these calculations risks of further testing, and the benefits and risks of
are ordinarily based on data from the literature, but the treatment.
when such information is unavailable, subjective as- These concepts are elaborated in the form of testing
sessments of prior and conditional probabilities may and treatment thresholds (27, 28). A threshold can be
be used. calculated using the methods of decision analysis from
data on the benefits and risks of diagnostic tests and
Caveats treatments (27, 28), or it can be estimated (29). A
threshold is the probability of a disease at which two
This process requires particular care. The list of possi- choices (for example, treating or not treating) have
ble diagnoses must be exhaustive, because if one diag- equivalent value. The threshold is thus a benchmark
nosis is left out it will never emerge as a potential for action: At disease probabilities lower than the
cause of the patient's symptoms or signs (39). Many threshold one action is appropriate, whereas at disease
test results cannot be described only as positive or neg- probabilities greater than the threshold a different ac-
ative, and for such tests it may be necessary to de- tion is appropriate.
scribe several levels of positivity. To do this, results Suspected pulmonary embolism provides an exam-
that are continuous variables usually must be broken ple of how thresholds can be applied. If at one ex-
into discrete intervals to use in calculations (39). To treme, the suspicion of pulmonary embolism, based on
avoid a repeat count of the same information, each clinical findings and a ventilation-perfusion scan is ex-
disease must be mutually exclusive of all other diseases tremely low, we should do no more tests and not give
and each conditional probability used in a calculation treatment. If, at the other extreme, the physician be-
must be independent of the others (30). Finally, cer- lieves there is a near certainty that a patient has had a
tain diseases cannot be appropriately considered as ei- pulmonary embolism, it is preferable to give anticoag-
ther present or absent. Because stages of diseases often ulants without more testing. Between these two ex-
have different manifestations, any quantitative analysis tremes, more testing with pulmonary arteriography
must recognize the clinical manifestations and test re- might or might not be the optimal strategy. Using data
sults in various stages of the disease in terms of sever- on the accuracy and risks of pulmonary arteriography
ity or time course, or both (40). and data on the efficacy and risks of anticoagulants,