Earth Pressure Theories Rankine's Earth Pressure Theory Active Earth Pressure Passive Earth Pressure
Earth Pressure Theories Rankine's Earth Pressure Theory Active Earth Pressure Passive Earth Pressure
Earth Pressure Theories Rankine's Earth Pressure Theory Active Earth Pressure Passive Earth Pressure
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
In case of retaining structures, the earth retained may be filled up earth or natural soil. These backfill
materials may exert certain lateral pressure on the wall. If the wall is rigid and does not move with the
pressure exerted on the wall, the soil behind the wall will be in a state of elastic equilibrium . Consider the
prismatic element E in the backfill at depth, z, as shown in Fig. 2.8.
If we consider the backfill is homogenous then both increases rapidly with depth z. In that case the
ratio of vertical and lateral pressures remain constant with respect
to depth, that is =constant = , where is the coefficient of earth pressure for at rest
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
The lateral earth pressure acting on the wall of height H may be expressed as .
The value of depends on the relative density of sand and the process by which the deposit was formed. If
this process does not involve artificial tamping the value of ranges from 0.4 for loose sand to 0.6 for dense
sand. Tamping of the layers may increase it upto 0.8.
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Rankine's Earth Pressure Against A Vertical Section With The Surface Horizontal With Cohesionlesss Backfill
Active earth pressure:
The lateral pressure acting against a smooth wall AB is due to mass of soil ABC above the rupture line AC
which makes an angle of with the horizontal. The lateral pressure distribution on the wall AB of
height H increases in same proportion to depth.
The lateral active earth pressure at A is , which acts at a height H/3 above the base of the wall.
The total pressure on AB is therefore calculated as follows:
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
The lateral passive earth pressure at A is . which acts at a height H/3 above the base of the wall.
The total pressure on AB is therefore
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Fig shows a smooth vertical gravity wall with a sloping backfill with cohesionless soil. As in the case of
horizontal backfill, active case of plastic equilibrium can be developed in the backfill by rotating the wall about
A away from the backfill. Let AC be the plane of rupture and the soil in the wedge ABC is in the state of
plastic equilibrium.
which acts parallel to the surface. The total pressure per unit length of the wall is which acts
at a height of H/3 from the base of the wall and parallel to the sloping surface of the backfill. In case of active
In case of passive pressure,
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Rankine's active earth pressures of cohesive soils with horizontal backfill on smooth vertical walls
In case of cohesionless soils, the active earth pressure at any depth is given by
In case of cohesive soils the cohesion component is included and the expression becomes
When .
This depth is known as the depth of tensile crack. Assuming that the compressive force balances the tensile
force (-), the total depth where tensile and compressive force neutralizes each other is 2zo . This is the depth
upto which a soil can stand without any support and is sometimes referred as the depth of vertical crack or
critical depth .
The Rankine formula for passive pressure can only be used correctly when the embankment slope angle
equals zero or is negative. If a large wall friction value can develop, the Rankine Theory is not correct and will
give less conservative results. Rankine's theory is not intended to be used for determining earth pressures
directly against a wall (friction angle does not appear in equations above). The theory is intended to be used
for determining earth pressures on a vertical plane within a mass of soil.
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Coulomb (1776) developed a method for the determination of the earth pressure in which he considered the
equilibrium of the sliding wedge which is formed when the movement of the retaining wall takes place. The
sliding wedge is torn off from the rest of the backfill due to the movement of the wall. In the Active Earth
Pressure case, the sliding wedge moves downwards & outwards on a slip surface relative to the intact backfill
& in the case of Passive Earth pressure, the sliding wedge moves upward and inwards. The pressure on the
wall is, in fact, a force of reaction which it has to exert to keep the sliding wedge in equilibrium. The lateral
pressure on the wall is equal and opposite to the reactive force exerted by the wall in order to keep the
sliding wedge in equilibrium. The analysis is a type of limiting equilibrium method.
The following assumptions are made
The backfill is dry, cohesion less, homogeneous, isotropic and ideally plastic material, elastically undeformable
but breakable.
The slip surface is a plane surface which passes through the heel of the wall.
The wall surface is rough. The resultant earth pressure on the wall is inclined at an angle to the normal to
the wall, where is the angle of the friction between the wall and backfill.
The sliding wedge itself acts as a rigid body & the value of the earth pressure is obtained by considering the
limiting equilibrium of the sliding wedge as a whole.
The position and direction of the resultant earth pressure are known. The resultant pressure acts on the back
of the wall at one third height of the wall from the base and is inclined at an angle to the normal to the
back. This angle is called the angle of wall friction.
The back of the wall is rough & relative movement of the wall and the soil on the back takes place which
develops frictional forces that influence the direction of the resultant pressure.
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
In coulomb's theory, a plane failure is assumed and the lateral force required to maintain the equilibrium of
the wedge is found using the principles of statics. The procedure is repeated for several trial surfaces. The
trial surface which gives the largest force for the active case, and the smallest force for the passive case, is
the actual failure surface. This method readily accommodates the friction between the wall & the backfill,
irregular backfill, sloping wall, & the surcharge loads etc. Although the initial theory was for dry, cohesion less
soil it has now been extended to wet soils and cohesive soils as well. Thus Coulomb's theory is more general
than the Rankine's Theory.
Coulomb's Active Pressure in cohesionless soils
Fig 2.12 shows a retaining wall with an inclined back face and sloping dry granular backfill. In active case, the
sliding wedge ABD moves downward, and the reaction R acts upward and inclined at an angle f' with the
The sliding wedge ABD is in equilibrium under the three forces:
Weight of the wedge (W).
Reaction R on the slip surface BD.
Reaction from the wall (wall reaction )/Earth pressure.
For the condition of the yield of the wall away from the backfill, the most dangerous or the critical slip surface
is that for which the wall reaction is maximum, i.e., the wall must resist the maximum lateral pressure before
it moves away from the backfill; the lateral pressure under this condition is the active pressure. The critical
slip surface for the case of the passive earth pressure is that for which the wall has to exert a minimum force
to tear off a soil wedge by moving towards the backfill.
The main deficiency of this theory is the assumptions that the slip surface is planar, therefore, the force acting
on the slide wedge do not generally meet when in static equilibrium condition. The actual slip surface is
curved, especially in the lower part. The assumptions of plane slip surface does not affect materially the
results in the active case but give very high values in the passive case as compared with the assumptions of
curved slip surfaces. The principle of the sliding wedge has been extended for calculating earth pressure of
cohesive soils.
Fig 2.12 shows the force triangle. As the magnitude of one force (weight W) and the directions of all the three
forces are known, the force triangle can be completed. The magnitude of is determined from the force
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Coulomb's method does not give the point of application of the earth pressure .The point of application
is found to be approximately at the point of intersection E of the back of the retaining wall with a line CE
drawn from the centroid C of the failure wedge and parallel to the surface. As this procedure is cumbersome,
for convenience, the pressure distribution is some times assumed to be hydrostatic on the back of the wall,
and the resultant pressure is assumed to act at one third the height of the wall from the base.
The following points should be carefully noted while using coulomb's theory:
For most practical cases, the backfill moves down relative to the wall in the Active case, and, therefore, the
active force is inclined at an angle below the normal. However, if the wall is supported on a soft,
compressible soil, it may settle to such extent that the movement of the wall be downward relative to the
backfill and the relative movement of the wedge will be upward. In such a case, the force would be
inclined at an angle above the normal to the wall.
The angle is the friction angle between the soil and the wall. It may be determined by means of a direct
test. For concrete walls is generally taken as . The value of can not exceed , because in that
case the failure will occur in soil. If the friction angle is zero, for a vertical wall and the horizontal ground
surface, the coulomb method gives identical results with Rankine Method.
Coulombs method assumes the failure surface to be a plane. The actual failure surface is slightly curved.
Fortunately, for the active case, the error is small, and the failure surface may be assumed to be planar
without any significant error.
Fig. 2.12 Expression for Active Pressure for cohesion less soil
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
The weight of the soil wedge is
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
From eq. (a) it can be seen that the value of =f( ); that is, all other terms for a given problem are
constant, and the value of of primary interest is the largest possible value. Combining the eq. (a) and (b),
we obtain
This is also the Rankine equation for active earth pressure equation. Equation takes the general form
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Passive earth pressure is derived similarly except that the inclination at the wall and the force triangle will be
as shown in Fig. 2.14.
For a smooth vertical wall with the horizontal backfill (ß =90 0 , = i = 0),
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
failure surface. When several tangents are drawn, choose the largest value of .
The basis of the Culmann procedure is the solution of the force triangle shown in the figure. The triangle is
rotated so that the location of the trial failure wedge automatically yields the angle without recourse to
measuring each time. The line AD is laid off for use in projecting the instant value of at the proper slope
since is constant for a particular problem. The slope of R is automatically established from the slope of the
weight line AC; thus, with all slopes and one side known, the force triangle is readily solved.
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
To find the point of application of , the following procedure (Terzaghi (1943)) is recommended.
Case1. No concentrated loads (fig a), but may have other surcharges.
Find the centre of gravity of the failure wedge graphically or by trimming a cardboard model and hanging by
a thread at the two or three points.
Through the centre of gravity and parallel to the failure surface draw a line of action of until it intercepts
AB (wall or plane through the heel of the cantilever wall). acts at an angle of or to a perpendicular to
Case 2. Concentrated load or line load within the failure wedge.(Fig b)
Parallel to AC draw line Vc', and parallel to draw V .
Take one- third of distance from c' for the point of application of .
Case 3. Concentrated load or line load outside the failure wedge (fig c).
Draw a line from the concentrated load to A(V A).
Draw parallel to Ac.
Take one third of c'A from c' as point of application of . If the surcharge falls out of Zone ABC, the problem
should be treated as if no surcharge were present.
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.1 Rankine and Coulomb Theory ]
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
Terzaghi's Analysis
Log-Spiral Theory
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
slip surface. The total cohesive force L is considered to be made up of elementary cohesive force
representing a force polygon. The closing link of which must represent the magnitude and direction
of the resultant cohesive force, which is equal to .
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
The position of the resultant is determined by equating the sum of the moments of all the elementary
cohesive forces along the slip circle about the centre of rotation ‘O’ to the moment of the resistant about ‘O’.
is a trial circular arc that passes through the toe of the slope, and is the center of the circle.
Weight of soil wedge ABC = W = (Area of ABC)( )
For equilibrium (Figure 2.17 )
- resultant of the cohesive force
If it is assumed that the frictional resistance is fully mobilized along the slip surface, the soil reaction on
any elementary arc has its direction opposing the probable movement of the sliding mass and is inclined at
to the normal at the point of action of on the slip surface. Line of action of will thus be a
tangent to a circle of radius ‘r sin
’,drawn with ‘O’ as centre. This circle is referred to as the friction circle or the -circle.
The three forces considered in the equilibrium of the sliding mass can now be drawn to form a force triangle
to determine the required value of from this force triangle, with the known values of ‘W’ and ‘F’
The factor of safety with respect to the cohesion is given by, . the minimum factor of safety is
obtained by locating the critical slip circle. If the real factor of safety with respect to shear strength F s is
required, a trial factor of safety with respect to friction is assumed. The friction circle is now constructed
with a reduced radius ‘r sin ’, where . By carrying out the frictional circle analysis, the
factor of safety with respect to cohesion, is determined. If , then this is the true factor of safety
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
Log-Spiral Theory
A Log-spiral theory was developed because of the unrealistic values of earth pressures that are obtained by
theories which assume a straight line failure plane. The difference between the Log-Spiral curved failure
surface and the straight line failure plane can be large and on the unsafe side for Coulomb passive pressures
(especially when wall friction exceeds ). The following figure shows a comparison of the Coulomb and
Log-Spiral failure surfaces:
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
Considering these factors, the theory put forward by Terzaghi is preferred for analyzing passive earth
pressure when . Terzaghi in 1943 published a theory for the computation of passive earth pressure.
Following are the assumptions made in this theory:
Backfill is considered to be horizontal with a uniform surcharge density q. The shearing resistance of soil is
given by the equation
Rupture surface is assumed to be made up of a curved part bd and a straight line part de (fig 2.9 ). The soil
within the triangle ade is in the passive Rankine state. Therefore, the shear stresses on the vertical section df
are zero and the pressure on this section will be horizontal. The curve bd is taken as the log-spiral with the
------------ (1)
Centre of the log spiral is assumed to lie on the line ad at the tip a
Three cases of loading are considered and the superposition of limit stresses for these three cases are
considered to calculate the minimum resulting passive pressure.
(a) c=q=0, (b) , (c) , holds good.
where, c=cohesion, density of soil, q=intensity of surcharge.
The following figure (2.19) illustrates the assumptions on which the theory of passive earth pressure against
rough contact faces is based. Here, the lines ab and ad represents the initial and final radius (r) of the
log spiral respectively. The failure zone abd is thus divided into two parts viz ;( 1) log spiral zone (2) Planar
According to equation (1), every radius of the spiral makes an angle with the normal to the spiral at the
point where it intersects the curve. Since is the angle of internal friction, the resultant F of the normal
stress and the frictional resistance on any element of the surface of sliding also makes an angle with the
normal to the element, and its direction coincides with that of the radius that the element subtends. Since
every radius of the spiral passes through point a, the resultant F of the normal and frictional forces on bd also
passes through the centre a.
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
(Figure 2.21 ) consisting of the logarithmic spiral bd with its centre at a, and the straight line de’, which
makes an angle of 45- with the horizontal. The surcharge q and the cohesion c are not taken into
consideration in this case. The lateral pressure required to produce a slip on this surface is designated as .
The Rankine’s passive earth pressure which acts at the lower third-point of fd, is calculated as
- ---------(2)
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
The value of is plotted to scale as . This value corresponds to the failure surface be’. This process is
repeated and the passive pressure for each assumed failure surface is found out. The curve resulting from the
passive pressures corresponding to each failure surface is used to get the minimum passive pressure ( ).
Fig. 2.20 Logarithmic Spiral Method for Determining Passive Earth Pressure
Case (b): ,
Here,the cohesive forces of the soil are used for the analysis while, the unit weight and surcharge of the soil
are neglected. The adhesive force between the soil and the wall is also taken into account.
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
The value of ranges from 0 to . The shear strength corresponding to soil and wall are given as:
After calculating the passive pressure for each failure surface, the minimum passive
pressure corresponding to cohesion ( )is obtained in the same manner as in case (a).
Case (c) : ,
The equilibrium equation is given as:
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
Fig. 2.21 Logarithmic Spiral Method for Determining Passive Earth Pressure
Case (a):
Fig. 2.22 Logarithmic Spiral Method for Determining Passive Earth Pressure
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
After getting the minimum values of passive pressure for the three cases, the absolute minimum is found out
by summation of the three pressures. But the actual minimum pressure obtained by superimposing
each value of the three minimum passive pressures. Hence a single failure surface is not obtained for
(figure 2.23 )
Absolute minimum pressure
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
A retaining wall AB of vertical height H, wall batter angle ,ground slope , wall friction angle ,soil
friction angle , coefficient of seismic horizontal acceleration and coefficient of seismic vertical
acceleration was considered in the analysis (fig 2.24). The seismic passive resistance is split into
three components as (i) unit weight component c=q=0, (ii) cohesion component , (iii)
surcharge component , .
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
The forces considered are the seismic passive force acting on AB; the uniform surcharge pressure of q
acting on AJ ;the weight W of the soil mass ABJ; the cohesive force C on the failure surface BJ;the normal
force N on the failure surface BJ; the adhesive force on the retaining wall-soil interface AB;the pseudo
static force due to the seismic weight component for zone ABJ as and in the horizontal and vertical
directions, respectively; and the pseudo-static forces due to and in the horizontal and vertical
directions, respectively,on AJ.
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
where are the seismic passive earth pressures coefficients corresponding to the individual
----------(14 )
- ----------(16)
The analysis showed that the seismic passive pressure coefficients always decrease with the increase in the
vertical seismic acceleration whereas, the horizontal seismic acceleration results in either an increase or
decrease in the passive earth pressure coefficients, depending on the combinations of and .
Module 2 : Theory of Earth Pressure and Bearing Capacity
Lecture 7 : Earth Pressure Theories [ Section 7.2 Friction Circle Method, Terzaghi's Analysis ]
Terzaghi's Analysis
Log-Spiral Theory
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