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Unit - 4

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Unit – 4 Over the years a number of organizations have emerged in tourism.

They have played a vital role in tourism policy formation, planning,

National Tourism Institutions and Organizations and promotion infrastructure and resort development, protecting the right of
Its Roles in Promoting tourists, negotiations, etc. these organizations exist in public sector as
well as private sectors and at different levels i.e. global, nations
regional, state, and local.

4.1 Introduction of Tourism Organizations/Associations Importance and Need of Tourism Organizations/Associations

Organization and associations are the systematic structure of the The following points are the needs and importance of organization and
people to coordinate the various activities of groups working associations in travel and tourism industries:
cooperatively towards a common goal under authority and leadership.  They cooperate to bring to gather government worldwide for
An organization is an enviable pre-requisite for any industry, as it plays negotiations in activities mutually beneficial to all of them.
a crucial role in its appropriate planning, developing and growth.
 They provide a plate form where ideas are exchanged, topics of
Organizations consist of individual whose primary role is the
interests discussed, and solution arrived at.
achievement of the objectives for which they have been setup. The
organizations aim is to achieve the desire goals through the combined  They played a key role in strengthening tourism by way combined
effort of their members. efforts.

Regarding travel and tourism organizations, they play a major  They are especially concerned with the development and promotion
role in advancing the interest of the industries. They provide forums for of tourism in a particular region.
discussions of common issued, lobby for industry cause, especially
 They stimulate and increase the free flow of persons in the interest
those which promote the industries interests and members of different
of economic development and to strength socio-cultural relations.
parts of the world to network and learn from one another. Large number
of global associations and organizations, many others reflects regional,  They provide the meeting points for the people involving in all
national and even provincial interest and issues. Associations have the aspects of travel and tourism trade from large number of countries.
common goal of identifying the need of these members and working to  They provide up to date information and practical and theoretical
meet them. They provide common forums for people with similar lines experience in the field of tourism.
of work to get together to discuss common issues.
 They provide a common forum for people with similar lines of work is pro-poor, pro-environment, pro-rural communities and pro-women.
to get together to discuss on common issueless. To achieve this goal, the program has set 4 objectives:

 They are involved in doing research, providing marketing services  To demonstrate sustainable tourism development models for policy
and training schemes that are most cost effectively done jointly feedback,
under an umbrella organization.  To develop institutional mechanisms for the sustenance of tourism
4.2 National Institutions and Organizations development in Nepal,

4.2.1 Public Sector:  To support the government to review and formulate sustainable
tourism development policies and strategies, and
Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) / Ministry of
Culture and Tourism  To integrate the formulated policies and strategies with wider
conservation objectives.
Ministry of tourism first came into existence in 2035 BS (1978).
In 2039 (1982AD), civil aviation was also merged into the ministry of Objectives\ Functions\Roles
tourism and it became the ministry of tourism and civil aviation. In 2057 The objective and function MoTCA are to:
(2000AD), Culture was also integrated in the ministry and called the
 Develop tourism as an important sector of the national economy by
ministry of culture, tourism and civil aviation. In August 31, 2008
developing linkages between tourism and other sectors.
(2065-5-15), the ministry was divided into two ministries, i.e. Ministry
of tourism and civil aviation and ministry of cultures and state  Diversify tourism down to rural areas so as to improve employment
restructuring. Hence, the name of this ministry has now become the opportunities, foreign currency earnings, growth of national income
ministry of tourism and civil aviation (MoTCA). The ministry of and regional imbalances.
tourism and civil aviation is headed by minister for tourism and civil  Improve natural, cultural and human environments of the nation in
aviation. order to develop and expand the tourism industry.
Projects Under MoTCA  Maintain a good image of the nation in the international community
The program has been designed to contribute to the poverty by providing quality service and a sense of security.
alleviation objective of the government through review and formulation
 Development and promote Nepal as an attractive tourist destination.
of policy and strategy planning for sustainable tourism development that

Working Policy of MoTCA  National environmental guidelines for tourism will b formulated and
 Tourism investment will be diversified and channeled for the subsequently adopted to minimize adverse environmental impacts
from tourism.
creation and improvement of infrastructure in new destination areas.
 Local environmental codes will be designed in conformity with
 The private sector will be motivated to make systematic and
prevailing international conventions and national guidelines
effective use of existing infrastructure in order to develop
pertaining to the environment.
sightseeing packages of cultural and religious sites, high Himalayan
ranges and places with outstanding natural beauty.  Land with high tourism potential under the ownership of the
government will be leased out to private entrepreneurs for
 The private sector will be motivated to operate environmentally
development of environmentally friendly resorts.
friendly recreational, adventure activities based on water, land an air
in various parts of the country.  The private sector will be allowed to invest in infrastructural
 Wildlife tourism will be developed and promoted in various services and facilities for tourists. However, certain standards will
be fixe for such infrastructural services and facilities.
geographic areas, in recognition of the bio-diversity that exists in the
nation. Tourism entrepreneurs will be encouraged to adopt codes of conduct
through their respective professional associations for enhancement of
 New trekking routes and climbing peaks will be opened, in a phased
quality in the services and facilities they offer.
manner, with a view to spreading mountain tourism on a regional
basis Nepal Tourism Board (NTB)
 Innovative and promotional products such as conference tourism, The Nepal Tourism board is a national Organization newly
cultural and youth tourism international sports competitions etc. will established by an act of Parliament in the form of partnership between
be especially encouraged. government of Nepal, and the private sector tourism industry of Nepal.
 Rural tourism will be especially encouraged. Rural communities will It will now be responsible for all the marketing activities aimed at
be motivated to launch various programs that contribute to the promoting Nepal as a premier destination. Although the initial phase of
growth and promotion of rural tourism. the functioning of the Board will be focused in marketing and
promotion, the ultimate aim of the NTB is to take over regulatory and
product development activities as well.

The board is an autonomous institution consisting of 11 board  Increase optimum participation of private sector in the activities for
members (the secretary at the MoTCA as Chairman and 4 ex-office the development, expansion, promotion of travel and tourism trade.
members from government ministries and 6 from among the private
 Develop different tourism attractions of Nepal and improve and
sector representatives including the chief executive officer). The board
enhance the land, water, air, road infrastructures, and entertainment
has been created to provide a vision drawn leadership, continuity of
activities in different pare of the country.
promotional efforts, good management and guidance to Nepal’s tourism
industry the funds for the NTB will be collected from the entire tourism  Organize MICE tourism and conduct various socio-cultural fare and
related businesses in the form of tourist service fee, thereby keeping it festivals, sports, etc with participation of private sectors.
financially independent.  Provide technical knowledge, skill, instructions and support to the
The board is working towards repositioning the image of the persons, groups and organizations involved in travel and tourism
country to market and promote Nepal aggressively and extensively both industries.
domestically and internationally. The best fact about Nepal is, thouh  Mobilize investment in the development of tourism infrastructures
small, has immense cultural and natural diversity and is one of the most and superstructures in tourism destinations.
beautiful countries in the world.
 Give necessary suggestions and advice to the government and
Functions\Roles of NTB tourism council for the better expansion fo tourism industries and
The various functions of NTB are to; advice to the tourism entrepreneur on tourism related issues.

 Develop Nepal as an attractive tourist destination, Nepal Telecommunication (NTC)

 Formulate necessary programs and implement and facilitate to Nepal, operating any form of telecommunication service dates
implement them for the development of tourism infrastructures, back to 94 years in B. S. 1970. But formality telecom service was
manpower, and conservation environment of the tourist destinations. provided mainly after the establishment of MOHAN AKASHWANI in
B.S. 2005. Later as per the plan the formulated in First National Five
 Make possible of establishment, perfection, development,
year plan (2012-2017) Telecommunication Department was established
expansion, promotion and protection of tourists’ trade, etc.
in B.S. 2016. To modernize the telecommunications service and to
 Maintain coordination among the activities of individuals, institution expand the services, during five-year Plan (2023-2028),
and organizations, providing services to the tourists. Telecommunication Department was converted into

Telecommunications Development Board in B.S. 2026 After the in the country will be guided by Technology, Declining equipment
enactment of Communications Corporation Act 2008, it was formally prices market growth due to increase in standard of life and finally by
established as fully owned Government Corporation called Nepal healthy competition.
Telecommunications Corporation in B.S. 2032 for the purpose of Brand Nepal is also promoted as “the next generation mountain
providing telecommunications services to Nepalese people. After for weekend breaks, adventure holidays, and lifetime experiences for
serving the nation for 29 Years with great pride and a sense of people who live in cosmopolitan cities and travel internationally”
accomplishment, Nepal Telecommunication Corporation was
transformed into Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited form Baisakh 1, NTC is the premier provider of media technology and IT
design, consulting and implementation services for media and
2061. Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited is a company registered
under the companies Act 2053. However the company is known to the entertainment industry giants like Fox, Disney, ABC, CNN, ESPN, and
Warner Bros. just to name a few. Whether solving the industry’s most
general public by the brand name Nepal Telecom as registered
trademark. complex media system challenges, creating custom software solutions,
or facilitating the transition to new formats, cloud-based / virtual
Nepal Telecom has always put its endeavors in providing its systems, and new distribution platforms — NTC is the trusted partner
valued customers a quality service since its inception. To achieve this that delivers new formats, more content, expanding channel counts,
goal, technologies best meeting the interest of its customers has always virtual environments, multiple platforms. Whatever the challenge, NTC
been selected. The nationwide reach of the organization, from urban has specialized teams ready to develop and execute innovative
areas to the economically non- viable most remote locations, is the technology and media IT solutions to efficiently address every initiative.
result of all these efforts that makes this organization different from
 Technology Consulting
others. From specialized media IT projects to advanced technology
Definitely Nepal Telecom’s widespread reach will assist in the implementations, NTC turns vision into reality.
social –economic development of the urban as well as rural as  Systems + Software
telecommunications is one of the most important infrastructures Whether integrating new media systems or developing customized
required for development. Accordingly in the era of globalization, it is solutions, NTC will design, develop, code, and deliver at every step
felt that milestones and achievements of the past are not adequate of the way.
enough to catch up with the global trend in the development of
telecommunication sector and the growth of telecommunication services

 Strategic Initiatives It is non-political, non-profit making, non-governmental pioneer
and national association of travel industry in of Nepal. It is recognized
IP infrastructures, 4K+ workflows, automation and orchestration,
as the main representative body of tourism industry in Nepal. The of
cloud or multi-platform distribution — NTC helps turn media
association’s members has been increasing since its establishment.
technology challenges into revenue opportunities.
Today, there are 365 Active members and 14 Allied Members in
 And More NATTA. It also offers provisional Membership.
With new platforms, formats, and workflows developing every day, Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA), a
NTC follows the trends that matter to ensure our clients and their pioneering and leading national association of tour operators and travel
media environments adapt to an ever-changing technology and agents in Nepal was founded n the year 1996 in Kathmandu. Its main
workflow landscape. objective it to facilitate the member agents, promote destinations within
From its first Network Center, designed and built in 1994, Fox the country and also gear up to maintain a congenial liaison with the
Network Engineering & Operations has relied on NTC for design and government besides lobbying for the cause of the benefit of our
construction of increasingly sophisticated network origination facilities. members.
NTC has been a trusted partner in analysis of emerging technologies and It, as an association, have also been coming up with our fellow
their implementation into Fox Network and Twentieth Century Fox associations, airlines’ and concerned institutions in the industry giving
Studio facilities. ample room for effective co-ordination for the overall betterment,
4.2.2 Private Sector networking and profitability. It is also endeavoring to work in tandem
with our counterparts abroad, in the region and beyond the region. Its
Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) efforts so far have been quite fruitful and we feel we still have a long
It was established in 1966 by a group of leading travel agents, way to go to achieve our target of seeing the country teeming with
who felt that it was the time to work together to formulate sound travelers in the year 2011, Nepal Tourism Year.
business principal and to regulate the travel industry in Nepal. The
The Function
primary purpose of NATTA was to protect the in the interests of those
The functions of NATTA are to:
engaged in the travel trade business, to promote its orderly growth and
development, to safeguard the travelling public from exploitation by  Organize different meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops.
unreliable agents.

 Actively represent in meeting and conferences on tourism within  Perform all tasks subservient to attaining or implementing the
and outside the country. aforesaid aims and objectives.

 Collect and publicize data, statistics and news about tourism  Publish company profiles and reports from time to time relations
industry and trade. with national and international associations of travel agents and tour
 Publish souvenirs, membership directory, magazines, books and
booklets, etc. pertaining to tourism. Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN)
 Conduct and encourage research works on tourism promotion to Trekking Agencies’ association of Nepal is an umbrella
Government of Nepal from time to time. organization of trekking agencies and adventure tour operators in the
 Submit advice, suggestions on matters relating to tourism promotion country. it was established in the year 1979 by a handful of trekking
to government of Nepal from time to time. agencies, who felt the need of a forum where they could discuss the
problems and issues in their business and moreover to recognize the
 Establish cordial relations and exchange delegation with trekking businesses an industry. They also felt such a body was also
organizations of other counties with identical aims and objectives. indeed to provide meaning full inputs to the government to formulate
 Acquire land, building and other immovable and movable rules and regulations for the benefit of all. They also felt the need of
properties, give and take necessary contract and obtain donation and abode which could undertake the major responsibilities to develop and
contributions for the association. promote adventure tourism in the country. this led to the formation of
 Appoint staffs, technical experts or other consultants as and when
required. Ever since its inception, the member agencies have been
increasing and from a handful of trekking agencies in the initial stage, it
 Establish NATTA Regional Associations, in different parts of Nepal
now has nearly 600 members. though in the initial stage, TAAN
on Zonal or regional basis as per the criteria fixed by the executive
confined its members to the domestic agencies only, it has opened up its
membership to foreign organizations as well. It has 14 associate
 Exercise the rights provided under the statute and prevailing laws in members now.
fulfillment of all tasks necessary for safeguarding the Association’s
Its member agents met ever year to endorse policy guidelines,
which govern the executive body. It frequently communicates with the

concerned bodies of the government to simplify the procedures an solve  Cooperate with national and international organizations dealing with
the problems related to trekking business. the executive body has 19 trekking and mountaineering training for the formulation of practical
members, among which 14 are elected by general members; two are ex- courses of study.
officio members while three are nominated by the executive committee.
Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA)
It also has a chapter in Pokhara, where around 50 trekking and
adventure operators, are affiliated. Nepal Association of Rafting Agents was registered on 27
December 1989. It is an association of all the rafting outfitters of Nepal
Objectives and Function of TAAN are to;
and is the only one Association from where all kinds of information
 Develop and promote mountain tourism in Nepal. about rating trips of Nepal can be obtained such as River information of
 Contribute to preserve the mountain environment of Nepal. Nepal, Rafting equipment and the rafting agencies of Nepal.

 Contribute or the uplift of mountain economy of Nepal. The main purchase of this association is to introduce and
promote Nepal’s rafting in national and international sector. It trains
 Preserve the rights and promote member trekking agencies
people and create job to help unemployment problem, promotes and
 Extend to the best of its ability, help, cooperate and advice advertise rafting in international sector and bring more tourists to help
individuals interested in trekking. earn more foreign currency and revenue to the government.

 Make a wide search of the new trails an regions feasible for trekking NARA coordinates with government to facilitate its members. In
and help the government of Nepal and trekking agencies for its another word, NARA is a mediator between government and its
further development. members. It has been participating in international rafting events since
1989, and has organized Himalayan International White water Rafting
 Regularize the facilities provided by member trekking agencies to
Competition in year 1998 on the auspicious occasion of visit Nepal
their staff including porters.
Year” it has organized training programs since our establishment. It has
 Provide necessary opinions and advise government for the already trained 600 River guides in different subject as First – Aid, AR
formulation of the rules and regulations related to mountain tourism (Artificial Respiration) CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) River
and facilities and incentives to be provided to trekking agencies. rescue Basic River Guide, Kayak training and SRT Training. It conducts
 Promote mountain tourism in collaboration with various government the programs of blood donation, cleaning of riverside, seasonable road
and semi government bodies, domestic and international NGOs. construction, tree plantation, and concern about pollution and

environment of the country and our natural resources and tourist Tourist Guide Association of Nepal (TURGAN)
Tourist Guide Association of Nepal is a representative body of
Objective and Function of NARA tourist guides or escorts, who are, and have been engaging themselves,
Objective and function of NARA are to: throughout the country, in the field of guiding, teaching and lecturing
the in-coming tourists or lay visitors at the sigh, who come to Nepal in
 Introduce and promote Nepal’s rafting (River sports) in national and
the quest of gathering knowledge and understanding, in regard to its
international sector.
history, culture, social life, flora and fauna, etc. The associated member-
 Contribute to preserve the rafting environment of Nepal guides of this organization are all well qualified and have been trained
 Contribute the healthy development of tourism industry and trade; intensively from the government approved “Academy of Tourism an
Hotel Management provides the possession of, at least, graduate degree
 Develop goodwill among rafting agents on all subject of common obtained from the approved university. In addition to English, the
interest and welfare and protect the professional interest. guides do also speak other international languages. Hence, the
 Provide co-operation and consultation to His Majesty’s Government organization is proud of having the congregation of guides, speaking
for the formulation of the rules and regulations related to Rafting almost all the languages of the world, apart from the international one.
tourism and facilities and incentives to be provided to rafting agents Objective and Function of TURGAN
of Nepal.
The objectives and function of TURGN are
 Work directly or indirectly for institutional mission of all matters
 Foster a feeling of brotherhood and amity amongst the member
pertaining to interests of tourism industry and trade,
fellow-guides while realizing one’s duty and responsibility in the
 Make wide publicity for tourism development. run up to making the guiding profession as a successful as well as
 Obtain national and international recognition for the association. progressive venture.

 Organize training programs of river rafting/kayaking guide and  Be aware of one’s rights duties and safety and for the sake of
providing equipment. preserving it, get prepared to take effective steps for the restoration
and realization.

 Promote a feeling of mutual understanding and felicitation amongst government as a guideline for the formulation of policy and schemes to
the national and international organizations for the growth of shape the future of overall tourism perspective. The launching of the
tourism in Nepal. workshop seminar was highly acclaimed by the tourism pundits then for
its successful and result-oriented conclusion.
 Make a concerted attempt to explore and provide knowledge of
Nepal’s religious, historical, traditional, cultural, geographical, Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)
social, language, art and way of life of Nepalese people to the
Nepal Mountaineering Association was established on 1
outside world.
November 1973. It is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political
 Build a healthy and co-operative partnership amongst the related organization working as a national alpine association of Nepal to
tourism entrepreneurs and different bodies of the same line-agencies promote mountain tourism. Climbing sports, protect mountain
for achieving perpetual mutual understanding and goodwill. environments and preserve and promote cultural heritage of mountain
people. It is the only national alpine club authorized to issue climbing
 Conduct seminars, workshop, research on various facets of tourism
permits for 33 mountain peaks of Nepal. Objectives and functions of
advancement in Nepal and notify the related agencies including the
NMA are to:
government with suitable suggestions and advice timely
improvement.  Make mountaineering and trekking popular amongst Nepalese
Activities of Tourist Guide Association of Nepal people.

TURGAN has continuously participated in the capacity of  Generate public interest towards mountaineering.
Presidential or other Executive level in all of the seminars, workshops,  Conduct various activities to promote Nepalese Mountains.
meetings and other mutual discussions called either by government
 Support the work to benefit professional climbers and individuals
departments or other non government organizations like Tourism Board,
involved in mountaineering and develop mountain climbing sills and
NATTA, NARA, HAN, PATA and TAAN and, have effectively
provided its opinion and expertise on relative issues from the time of its
inception. TURGAN did also organize, by its own initiative, a workshop  Protect the Nepalese mountain and natural beauties and environment
in the past, based on the theme “Prospect of Tourism in Nepal”, which of mountain areas.
saw the participation from all of its tourism fraternity. The views
expressed by the tourism entrepreneurs then were taken by the

 Co-ordinate and organize Nepalese climbing teams, conduct Association Nepal Was able to make its mark on the governmental
mountain climbing campaigns and other activities related to regulatory and social up gradation aspects of tourism.
mountaineering. Furthermore, HAN was able to project itself as a leader in the
 Assist and advice concerned authorities in formulating conducive decision making process pertaining to tourism. No aspects of tourism
policies and increase mountaineering activities. policies and their implementation could void the forceful imprint of
HAN. As the hotel industry at that time was perhaps one of the few
 Obtain national and international recognition to Nepal
successful industries in the scenario where hardly any other industry
Mountaineering Association.
existed. The period of 1970 to early 1980 was prolific year for tourism
 Train Nepalese and Foreigners for mountaineering and Rescue growth and its spread. It as in this period that all category of star rated
operation and establish. hotels grew not only within the confines of Kathmandu but it also
 Encourage more foreign mountaineering teams to climb mountains spread its wings beyond the valley such as Pokhara, Chitwan and the
in Nepal. outer districts of this valley itself. Till then tourism was still within the
confines of sustainability and hotels helped in the growth of other
 Upgrade, operate and manage International Mountain Museum.
segments of the tourism industry.
 Establish and develop International Mountaineers’ Memorial Park.
Objectives and Functions
 Adhere to Tourism Act and mountaineering regulations mentioned The objectives and function of the association are to;
in the Act.
 Promote the hotel industry and to protect the lawful rights of
 Keep cordial relationship with regional and international institutions members and to maintain good understanding among the members
related to Mountaineering, Himalayan environment and sports within and outside the Nepal The administration of hotels in
climbing. appropriate fields.
Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN)  Advance the standard of hotels education by all means including the
Hotel Association Nepal was established in the year 1966, when interchange of personnel, and assistance in staffing of hotels and
it had just eight hotels and all of them in Kathmandu itself. In the first provision of advanced studies and training into the field of the hotel
ten years of its existence, due to the early stage of the industrial age as industry.
well as the membership being extremely homogenous the Hotel

 Consider investigate and inquire into all questions connected with 4.3 International Institutions and Organizations and
the interest of the members. Their Role in Promoting International Movement
 Make better further international understanding and goodwill.
United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
 Promote development of laws in regard to the tourists, visitors,
The United Nation World Tourism Organization based in
accommodation industries, and also make representation against
Madrid, Spain, is a United Nations agency dealing with overall aspect of
such laws that may be detrimental to the interest of its members.
tourism. It was formally established as an intergovernmental
 Undertake arbitration towards the settlement of disputes between organization on January 2, 1975. It came into existence as a result of the
members of the association, members of other persons. transformation of International Union of Tourism Organization
(IUOTO) after the first general assembly held in Madrid in Spain in
 Assist and cooperate with international, regional or other
1975. UNWTO’s headquarter is located in Madrid, Spain, based in this
organizations having all or any of the above mentioned objectives
place, it is entrusted by united Nation to help countries help countries
and similar objectives.
maximize the positive impacts of tourism, such as job creation,
In addition to Hotel Association of Nepal has been playing a role infrastructure developments and foreign exchange earnings, and
of pressure group in different practical issues related to tourism sector minimizing negative environments and social impacts.
whether it is a question of Environment, Pollution, Strikes, Labor
It is significant global body, concerned with the collection of
problems or problems of aviation, air seat etc. HAN has been raising
statistical information on international tourism. This organization
these issues on National and International forum. Hotel Association
represents public sector tourism bodies, from most countries in the
Nepal has been regarded as potential professional group and it is
world and the publication of its data makes possible comparisons of the
because of the fact that HAN’s President has been represented in
flow and growth of tourism on a global scale. The transfer of tourism
different government as well as inters governmental committees and
expertise to developing countries is one of its fundamental tasks. As an
respective organizations.
executing agency of the UN development programs, it contributes to the
sustainable development goals of nations. Acting on requests from
member governments, it secures financing, local experts, and carries out
all types of truism advance projects.

It is the only inter-governmental body that offers membership to bodies and associations whose activities are related to the aims of
the operating sector and in this way becomes a unique contact point of UNWTO or fall within its competence.
discussion between government officials and industry leaders. Affiliate
Structure of UNWTO
members include retailer travel agents, tour operators, airlines and other
transport companies-likewise accommodation industries, banks, media  General Assembly: The General Assembly is the principal
groups, consultancies, educational and research institutes, local and gathering of the UN World Tourism Organization. It meets every
regional tourism boards, and travel industry associations. two years to approve the budget and program of work and it debates
in various topics of vital importance to the tourism sector. Every
UNWTO plays a role in promoting the development of
four years it elects a secretary-general. The general assembly is
responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, paying
composed of full members and associate members. Affiliate
particular attention to the interests of developing countries. The
members and representatives of other international organizations
organization encourages the implementation of the Global Code of
participate as observers.
Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that member countries,
tourist destinations and businesses maximize the positive economic,  Regional Commissions: UNWTO has six regional commissions-
social and cultural effects of tourism and fully reap its benefits, while Africa, the Americas, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle
minimizing its negative social and environmental impacts. East and South Asia. The commissions met at least once a year and
are composed of all the full members and elected by the General
There are three categorized of members of the organization. The
Assembly in a ratio of one every. Five full members. As host
categories are:
country of its headquarters, Spain has a permanent seat on the
 Full Members: Full members are the sovereign states. Executive Council. Representatives of the associate members and
affiliate Members participate in executive council meetings as
 Associate Members: These are the territories or groups of territories
not responsible for their external relations but whose membership is
approved by the state assuming responsibility for their external  Secretariat: The secretariat is led by Secretary-General Taleb Rifai
relations. of Jordan, who supervises about 110 full-time staff at UNWTO’s
program of work and serving the needs of Members. The affiliate
 Affiliate Members: These are international bodies, both inter-
members are supported by a full-time executive Director at the
governmental and nongovernmental concerned with specialized
Madrid Headquarters. The Secretariat also includes a regional
interests in tourism, as well as commercial and non-commercial

support office for Asia-Pacific in Osaka, Japan, financed by the  Two plays a central role in promoting the development of
Japanese Government. The official languages of UNWTO are responsible and sustainable tourism, paying particular attention to
Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. the interests of developing countries.
The Objectives\ Functions\Roles of UNWTO  To seek a cooperative relationship with and participation in the
The general and specific objectives of UNWTO are: activities of the United Nations Development Program, as a
participating and executing agency.
 To play a catalytic role in promoting technology transfers and
international cooperation, in stimulating and developing public-  Constant review of tourism trends and developments and exercising
private sector partnerships and in encouraging the implementation of vigilance over changes in world economic and social conditions
the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that affecting tourism, market fluctuations and maintenance of standards
member countries, tourist destinations and businesses maximize the within the tourism sector,
positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism and  Clearing house for all available information on international and
 To promote and development of tourism witch a view to domestic tourism, which includes statistical date, legislation and
contributing to economic development, international understanding, regulations, facilities and special events,
peace, prosperity and universal respect for, and observance of,  Systematic collection, analysis and dissemination of data on various
human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction aspects of tourism,
to either race ,sex, language or religion.
 Collecting legislative texts, regulations and documentation on all
 To establish and maintain an effective collaboration with the aspects of travel,
appropriate organs of the United Nations, and its specialized
 Conducting research studies with the coverage of tourism markets,
agencies as well.
plant and enterprises, physical planning and area development
 To highlight tourism’s importance to trade and growth in the poorest promotion and marketing, economic analysis and financing
countries, as well as for jobs creation and in encouraging investment techniques, etc.
in green infrastructure.
 Fostering the adoption of measure’s in cooperation with competent
 To undertake activities are supporting adaption, mitigation and new specialized bodies regarding simplifying frontier formalities and
technology regarding underscoring the carbon emissions. removing barriers to the free movement of tourists.

 Preparation of drafting international agreements on tourism. founding and the executive offices are at the Geneva Airport in
 Organizing and convening international conferences, seminars,
workshops, round tables and technical meetings on all aspects of It was involved in establishing a sound technical and legal
tourism, and framework for the operation of the world airlines. It organized the first
world Traffic conference in 1947 which worked out agreements related
 Examining vocational training programs with a view to contributing
to fare construction rules for multi-sector trips, revenue allocation-
to the establishment of suitable teaching programs tailored to
prorating rules baggage allowances, ticket and airway bill design and
specific needs, especially in the developing countries.
agency appointment procedures. In 1952, the pattern for airline travel
International Air Transport Association (IATA) agent relations was set with the introduction of the standard passenger
The International Air Transport Association is a voluntary, non- sales agency agreement. There are now nearly 81000 IATA agents
political and democratic organization activated and associated with worldwide and 135000 students who have enrolled for IATA sponsored
international and national airlines and their ancillary services. It is the agency training courses since they were introduced.
global representative of the international scheduled air transport The Objectives\Functions\Roles of IATA
industry since its inception in the year 1945. IATA is the prime vehicle
IATA has stated mission is to represent, lead and serve the
from inter-airline cooperation in promoting safe, reliable, secure and
airline industry. It defines al the Airline rules and regulations. The main
economical air service, which formed with over 230 members from
aim of IATA is to provide safe and secure transportation to its
almost 140 nations.
passengers. Its stated aims and objectives are:
It is an international industry trade group of airlines
 To promote safe, regular and economical air transport for the benefit
headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where the International
of the people of the world.
Civil Aviation Organization is also headquartered. IATA represents
some 230 airlines comprising 93% of scheduled international air traffic.  To foster air commerce and study the problems connected therewith.
The Director General and Chief Executive Officer is Giovanni  To promote means for collaboration among air transport enterprises
Bisignani. Urgently, it presents I never 140 countries covered through engaged directly or indirectly in international air transport services
101 offices around the globe. The IATA Head Office are Located at 800
 To cooperate with ICAO and other international organizations there
Places Victoria (Montreal Stock Exchange Tower) in Montreal since
is always close association and dialogue between ICAO and IATA.
1977 (having been located at Central Station (Montreal) since its

 To bring together industry experts, working to improve travel to the among the many pacific countries. It has a diverse
environmental performance through its environment task force. membership with representation from both public as well as the private
sectors. National tourist organizations, hoteliers, travel agents, tour
 To stimulate and support the dissemination of environmental good
operator, air carriers and many others connected with travel and tourism
practice guidelines. The publication flight Path to environmental
constitute its membership.
excellence provides practical examples of airline environmental
management that are applicable during the course of a typical flight Its membership includes nearly 100 government, stage and city
sequence. tourism bodies, 76 airlines and cruise lines, some 2000 companies and
organizations, and 17000 individual in 78Chapters worldwide. Its
 To act as a catalyst for environmental studies and research, e.g. a
programs are designed to help members enhance their competitive edge
study on the potential for greenhouse gas emissions trading schemes
through research and marketing services, product development and
involving the air transport sector.
educational seminars and workshops. Based in Bangkok, PATA
 To prioritize and to formulate an industry position on climate maintains Divisional offices in Sydney, Singapore, Monaco and San
change, including emissions trading and voluntary agreements. Francisco, and a representative office in Tokyo. PATA provides
 To promote and support the International Civil Aviation marketing, research and educational opportunities to a membership or
Organization Leadership in developing global solutions and uniform government tourist office, airlines, hotels, travel agencies, tour operators
standards and seeks to ensure recognition by ICAO of the industry’s and related companies.
needs and views. The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a membership
 To monitor and evaluate regional, local and international regulatory association acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of the
developments, working with airlines and other industry stakeholders Asia Pacific travel and tourism industry. In partnership with PATA’s
to formulate strategies and coordinate lobbying efforts, when private and public sector members, we enhance the sustainable growth,
necessary. value and quality of travel and tourism to, from and within the region.
Even with the clarity of vision that hindsight provides, it would
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
be difficult to imagine a better time to have started the Pacific Interim
Pacific Asia Travel Association was formed in 1950 as a non- Travel Association than that chosen by the organizers and 91 delegates
profit travel and tourism trade organization to stimulate interest in the to the First Pacific Area Travel Conference in 1952. They had displayed
pacific region as a vacation land, and to develop, promote and facilitate an uncanny sense of timing in addressing an issue whose time had

come, which in the largest sense, was developing travel to the Pacific travel, and providing services to visitors to the Pacific in a more
region. effective manner.

Fast forward to the present and travel and tourism is viewed by United Federation of travel Agents Association (UFTAA)
many notable economists to be one of the great growth industries of the
The United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA)
21st century. The pacific Asian travel association (PATA)’s advantage is
emanates from the Universal Federation of travel Agents’ Associations
that it continues to influence the direction the industry takes through its
created in Rome, Italy, on November 22nd, 1966. UFTAA was originally
unique membership structure of public-sector tourism organizations; air
founded as a result of a merger of two large world organizations, FLAV
land and sea carriers; and organizations engaged in the production,
and UFTAA, recognizing the need to unify travel agencies and tour
distribution, financing, consulting, educating and other technical aspects
operators into one international federation. In 1989, coming from
of the travel industry.
Brussels, UFTAA set up its General Secretariat in the Principality of
Specific Function\Objectives\Roles of PATA Monaco.
 To bring together representatives of PATA members at regular The membership of the Federation consists of the National
intervals to develop a closer working relationship and a better Travel Agent’s associations from most of the countries in the. Today it
understanding of travel matters as such that relate to the Pacific area. represents over 33000 travel agencies globally. National travel agents
 To obtain uniformity and combined action by members in pursuing associations are the full member of UFTAA. The membership of the
national and local policies within the framework of PATA. federation kips split into nine regions each covering a group of
 To process generally and to obtain opinion of members of the
chapters on any PATA requirement or objective. Objectives and Functions of UFTAA

 To implement specific PATA objectives and projects.  The constantly increasing role of bus and coach travel as an
indispensable element of the global travel and tourism industry.
 To pass to appropriate government and official organizations such
matters approved by PATA, and to obtain action thereon as and  That tourism and coach tourism contribute significantly to
when required. businesses and welfare of visited tourist sites and cities/

 To provide a forum which will enable the individual chapter  Exclude collective road passenger transport from selective and any
members to conduct their various assigned responsibilities of selling new infrastructure charging system.

 Guarantee the ability of the road transport industry to provide from different sectors and regions within the travel and tourism
flexible, competitive and safe transport services through appropriate industry. The WTTC has two membership types, Global Members and
driving hours and working patterns for drivers Regional Members. It also has a category for companies that provide
service to the industry referred to as industry Partnership.
 Establish a level playing field at the lowest possible level for bus
and coach travel regarding VAT and mineral oil taxation. The WTTC performs and publishes research in conjunction with
Oxford Economics on the economic and social impact of the travel and
 Provide incentives to accelerate implementation of tourism, travel
tourism industry. The foundation of the WTTC’s research activity is a
and road transport industries’ initiatives and best practices to
set of annually produced Travel &Tourism Economic impact Reports.
improve sustainability and quality of services offered to customers
These include a global report as well as 24 regional and 184 country
 UFTAA negotiates on equal terms with international organizations reports calculate the economic impact of the industry including the
representing other sectors of the travel industry-airlines, hotels, direct and total GDP impacts, direct and indirect employment,
railways, other suppliers-and enjoys consultative status with the investment, and exports. Using models based on Tourism Satellite
Unite Nations. Accounting, the Council reports one years and ten year forecasts for
World travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) these impacts. This research is used by major publications including
Forbes and Bloomberg News. It also supplies country indicators for the
The World travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is a forum for the Travel Tourism Competitiveness Report, a report published by the
travel and tourism industry. It is made up of members form the global World Economic Forum that ranks selected nations according to the
business community and works with governments to raise awareness Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index.
about the travel and tourism industry. It is known for being the only
The WTTC organizes a Summit each year, usually healed in April,
forum to represent the private sector in allow parts of the industry
with a regional Summit held sometime in the third quarter, with up to
worldwide. Its activities include research on the economic and social
1,000 individuals attending each year. Attendance to the summit is by
impact of the industry and its organization of global and regional
summits focused on issues and developments relevant to the industry.
The WTTC is headquartered in an office located in London, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)
U.K. The staffs are led by the President and CEO of WTTC. Seven The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the
directors head the different sections of the organization. The WTTC National body of the tourism industry. It has over 1500members
members are the chief executives, presidents, or chairs of companies
covering all segments of tourism Industry. Established in 1982, IATO contributed whole heartedly the Prime Minister’s rehabilitation
today has international acceptance, and linkages. It has close infrastructure. IATO has contributed whole heartedly to the Prime
connections and constant interaction with other Tourism Associations in Minister’s Relief food, also to help the Government5 in their efforts
US, Nepal and Indonesia, where USTOA, NATO and ASITA are its during the national Crisis.
member bodies; and is increasing its international networking with IATO has five categories of membership: Active, Allied,
professional bodies for better facilitation to the International traveler Associate, International and Honorary. All its active members are
visiting not only India but the entire Region. recognized and approved by the Indian government’s Department of
IATO interacts closely with the Government on all Critical Tourism and have at least three years experie3nce of handling
Issues the Tourism Industry in India with the highest priority to Tourism international Tourists to India, before being admitted to the LATO
facilitation. It interacts closely with all Government Ministries/ fraternity.
Departments, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Diplomatic IATO’s affairs are managed by an Executive committee, elected
Missions etc. It acts as the common medium between the Decision by the Active Members every two years. The executive committee is
Makers and the industry, and presents the complete perspective to both headed by the president with a team of six office Bearers and 9
sides, synergizing their common agenda of Tourism Facilitation. All executive Members. The Executive committee meets every month to
IATO members observe the highest standards of professional ethics and discuss current Tourism Industry and Membership issues. IATO
offer personalized service to their clients. networ4ks through its State level chapters at the local level where all
Being the National Apex body of the Tourism industry, IATO is local issues are handled at the appropriate level.
always actively responsive to its social responsibility. All members IATO has 12 Action Committees, each focused on a specialized
actively participate in meeting their Social Obligations not only during area headed by a convertor assisted by his committee members. They
national emergencies and natural calamities, but also as an ongoing
venture. During the recent years IATO Members contributed generously
for the National Defense Fund and also organized Blood Donation  Adventure Tourism Development Committee
camps during the argil conflict, carried out relief work in the Cyclone  Civil Aviation , Press & PR committee
affected areas in Orissa, set up emergency relief supplies for the victims
 Domestic Tourism Development committee
of Gujarat Earthquake, besides adopting a village and providing them
the necessary relief and rehabilitation infrastructure. IATO had  Grievances Committee

 Host Committee internationalization. For destinations with a priority on increasing the
impact of their international trade in tourism, ITC offers holistic
 Hotel Elations Development Committee
solutions in aid for trade in tourism including tourism export strategy
 IATO News Committee customized data analysis, public private dialogue, SME competiveness
 Legal Affairs, Insurance & Consumer committee development , Industry linkages, and a focus on sustainability and
inclusion .
 Privilege Card Development committee
Internationals tourism is far more important than this global
 Railways Co-ordination & Dev. Committee
average figure suggests. It constitutes the single lagers foreign evangel
 Surface Transportation Development Committee earner, generating a net surplu7s in travel services.

 Surface Transportation Development Committee Tourism is a sector predominantly driven by SMEs and is
particularly valuable as an agent for development and as deriver for
 Website Development Committee
social-economic progress. Tourism encompasses a wide range of goods
IATO member meet every month on the first Saturday. For and services sectors and generates multiplier effects across many sub-
interaction with each other and with a Guest speaker, who delves on activate into the value chain. These activities are interlinked with many
current issues. The members are updated on the events of the month at other activities across the economy and have trickle-down effects that
this meet. With the feedback from the Chapters and the Acton benefit local and marginalized communities.
committees, unresolved and major issues are focused and discussed ate
IATO Annual convention. All IATO annual conventions are help in American Society and Travel Agents (ASTA)
different states of India every year. Different Sets vie for each other to ASTA is the leading global advocate for travel agents, the travel
hold this National Industry convention. industry and the travelling public. Expand your world. Go with the pros.

International Trade Centre (ITC) ASTA is the world’s largest association of travel professionals. Our
members include travel agents and the companies whose products they
The international Trade centre (ITC) enhances the
sell such as tours, cruises, hostels, car rentals, etc. we are the leading
competitiveness of the tourism sector in order to strenghte3n its
advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the travelling public.
contribution to sustainable development. ITC’s specific competence lies
in its trade orientation and its mandate to work with the private sector, ASTA offers many benefits to its members and the travelling public.
especially for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) The majority of ASTA’s members are travel agencies. However, travel

suppliers, such as airlines, hotels, car rental firms, cruise lines, and tour Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)
operators join ASTA. We also have membership categories for students,
The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was formed
travel schools, retail travel sellers and others. ASTA is the organization
towards the end of the 1951 by a group of twelve leading travel agents,
for anyone related to the travel industry!
who felt the time had come to create an association to regulate the travel
ASTA is the world’s largest association of travel professionals. industry in India along organized lines and in accordance with sound
The mission of ASTA and its affiliated organizations is to facilitate the business principles.
business of selling travel through effective representation, shared
The primary purpose was to protest the interests of those
knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism. ASTA seeks a
engaged in the industry, to promote its orderly growth and development
retail travel marketplace that is profitable, growing and a rewarding
and to safeguard the travelling public from exploitation by unscrupulous
place to work, invest and do business. Founded in 1931 as the American
and unreliable operators.
Steamship and Tourist Agents Association, ASTA and its affiliates now
comprise the world’s largest and most influential travel trade association In the following years, the Association’s membership has
with members in 140 countries. As the world’s largest travel trade swelled steadily from the original 12 to approximately 2500 members
association, our work encompasses every aspect of the travel consisting of Active, Associate, Allied, Government and Non-Resident.
experience. What TAAI?
ASTA’s mission is to facilitate the business of selling travel  TAAI is a professional coordinating of different segments of the
through effective representation, shared knowledge and the travel and tourism industry.
enhancement of professionalism.  TAAI is the Nodal Association of India.
ASTA supports the travel industry in the ongoing battle against  TAAI is non-political, non-commercial and a non-profit making
child sex tourism with its adoption of the Code of Conduct for the organization.
Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism.  TAAI is recognized as the main representative body of the travel
The Society encourages its members to support measures taken to and tourism industry.
counter the exploitation of women and children.
The symbol TAAI is an enforcement of reliable and professional service

Activities of TAAI

 TAAI functions as a powerful platform for interaction of

thoughts and experiences.
 TAAI helps promote, maintain and stimulate the growth of
travel and tourism in the industry.
 TAAI educates and equips the members to meet the challenges
of tomorrow through conventions and seminars.
 TAAI draws the attention of the controlling and regulatory
authorities in the country and discusses with them the problems
of the industry and works for the survival and betterment of its
 TAAI maintains close contact with world bodies and represents
matters affecting the travel and tourism industry of the country.
 TAAI gathers useful information on travel and tourism and
disseminates the same to its members for their guidance.
 TAAI helps develop better understanding among the different
segments of the travel industry and brings them into its fold by
offering membership under different categories.
 TAAI fosters fraternity among its members.


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