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Unit 4: Economics

Quick Revision
Meaning of Development Comparison of Countries or States
" Development refers to the all round development Countries are compared on the basis of income
of a such as freedom, participative earned.
in lement. economic equality, security, ite
with dignity and good standard of living. Comparison Through National Income
Development involves desires or aspirations " Simple method for comparing development of
about what would we like to do or how would different nations is total income or national
like to live. income.

" When people generate ideas to achieve those However it does not provide clear idea about
goals and to improve their present condition, the development of a country because the
then development takes place. population of each country is different. So, we
use averent incomecountries.
or per capita income to
Different People and Different Goals compare
" Different persons can have different Comparison Through Per Capita Income
developmental goals which may not be similar or " capita income is obtained by
may even be conflicting. Average o
dividing the Peome by the
Development for one may not be development populabon
the country to conpare different countries.
for another. It may be destructive to other.
World Bank Publishes World Development
Income and Other Goals Report (WDR) every year to compare the
" Income is considered as the most important nations and the basis of per capita income.
component of development as it can be material " World Bank classifies countries on the basis of
goods and services. per capita income
" Earning high income is a goal for development. - Rich countries except middle East countries are
But it is not the only goal. Apart from income, called developed countries.
people also consider other goals for development India is in category of low middle income
like equal treatment, freedom, security and country.
respect of others. Thus, for development they
look at a mix of goals. Income and Other Criteria
National Development " Human Development Index is considered as the
" The individuals have different goals and their best criteria to compare the level of
motive of national development is also likely to be
development in different countries.
different. " Various aspects of developments are per capita
income, infant mortality rate, literacy rate, net
" Their goals can also be conflicting. attendance ratio of students in schools.
CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term ) S7

Public Facilities Sustainable Development

" States where adequate public facilities are " Overuse and excessive exploitation of natural
resources for development has created the
provided have more progress. Public degradation of environment and forced us to think
facilities include good basic health and about sustainable development. This means careful
educational facilities, good Public use of resources so that they are available for the
Distribution System (PDS). future generation also.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an international Some region of Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh,
standard used to determine whether an
Central and South India overuse ground water which
adult person is undernourished or not. will create problem in future.
" Human Development Report compares Another very alarming fact is that the total reserves of
countries based on three criterias, viz, the crudeeoil stock in the world is going to last just for
Living Standard (per capita income), Health another 50 years.
Status (life expectancy) and Educational Scientists, economists, philosophers and social
levels of people (Literary rate and years of scientists are working together to find ways of
schooling). sustainable development.

Objective Questions
Multiple Choice Questions 0) Full protection from infectious diseases
01. Development goals of different sections (ü) High quality education
of our society can be achieved by (iüi) A luxury home
(a) Force (iv) A pollution-free atmosphere in every
(b) Democratic political process part of the country
(c)Violent agitation (a) (i) and (i) (b)(ii) and (ii)
(d) Terrorism (c)(i). (ii) and (ii) (d)(i) and (iv)
02. Find the incorrect option regarding the 04. In World Development Reports, brought
statement given below. out by the World Bank, which criterion is
The development goal of an urban used in classifying countries?
(a) Total income (b) Gross income
unemployed youth may be (c) Per capita income (d) Net income
(a) having a self-owned home to live in
(b) havinga permanent white collar job 05. Pick out the correct meaning listed
(c)not having to face social discrimination below to define 'average income'.
(d) having more opportunities for jobs (a) Average income of the country means the
total income of the country.
03. Money cannot buy all the goods and (b) The average income in a country is the
services that we may need to have a income of only employed people.
good life. Alist of things required for a (c) The average income is the same as per
good life is given below. Which among capita income.
the following are things money cannot (d) The average income includes the value of
buy? property held.
58 CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I)

06. a small village there are four families 11. Study the table and answer type
with an average income of R10,000. If questions that follow
the income of the three families is
Some comparative data on
? 14,000, 8,000 and?9,000 then what Haryana, Kerala and Bihar
is the income of the fourth family?
(a)7,500 (b) 13,000
State Infant Mortality Literacy
Rate per Rate o Net.t Attendance
Per 1,000 Kate % Ratio (per 100
(c) 10,000 (d)9,000 live births (2011) persons)
(2016) secondary stage
07. In a country, a vegetable seller has (age 14 and 15
income of 5000 but an IT professional years) 2013-14
in the same country has a salary of Haryana 33 82 61
1,25,000. The average income of the Kerala 10 94 83
country is 68,000. Bihar 38 62 43
What does it show?
(a) Income disparities
Which state has the highest literacy
(b) High per capita income
(c) The country is rich (a) Kerala (b) Bihar
(d) Total income is more suitable for comparison (c) Haryana (d) None of these
08. Find the incorrect option. 12. The total number of children of age
(a) Per Capita Income (PCi) gives a better group 14 and 15 years attending school
comparison between countries. as a percentage of total number of
(b) It is also called Final Income. children in the same age group 1s
(c) PCI is calculated by dividing total income of referred as
country (GDP) by its total population. (a) Human Development Index
(d) World Bank publishes World Development (b) Literacy Rate
Report every year to compare the nations (c) Net Attendance Ratio
on the basis on Per Capita lncome. (d) Per Capita Income
09. Which one of the following is not a 13. Study the table and answer the question
feature of developing country? given below
(a) Agriculture as the major occupation Some Comparative data on Haryana,
(b) High technological development Kerala and Bihar
(c) Disguised unemployment State Infant Literacy Net Attendance
(d) Mass poverty Mortality Rate Rate % Ratio (per 100
per 1,000 live (2011) persons)
10. Small children in a remote village have to births (2016) secondary stage
(age 14 and 15
travel 5 kms everyday to attend their years) 2013-14
school as there is no school in their area.
Haryana 33 82 61
They have to go out at 6 AM in the
Kerala 10 94 83
morning. In winters it becomes even more 38 62 43
difficult as there are no street lights even.
What can be said about this situation? In comparison to Kerala which state has
(a) There is unequal income distribution the highest infant mortality rate.
(b) There is no sustainable development (CBSÉ 2020 Modified)
(c) There is less per capita income (a) Bihar (b) Haryana
(d) There is lack of public facilities (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I) 59

14. The number of deaths of children less (c) There are lot of education opportunities in
than one year of age per 1000 live the state
births is referred as ... (d) Large nurmber of students are going to
other states for education
(a) Net Attendance Ratio
(b) Infant Mortality Rate 20. Which country can be considered as a
(c) Life Expectancy at birth
developed country in the modern
(d) Gross National Income
world?'Select your answer from the
following statements.
15. Select the option which is incorrect to (a) Countries which have accumulated huge
amount of wealth
say that Human Development Report
depends upon the following criteria. (b) Countries which are among the highest in
(a) Living standard the Human Development Index
(c) Only rich countries are considered to be
(b) Health status developed because people have money to
(c) Religious background
buy everything needed for human
(d) Educational level of the people beings-both material and non-material
16. An adult whose Body Mass Index is (d) All the countries are developed countries
more than 30 will be classified as 21. Which among the following enhances
(a) underweight (b)overweight environmental degradation?
(c)normal (d) obese (a) Planting of trees
17. Human Development Index (HDI) (b) Prevention of factory wastes getting mixed
up with river water
level in India can be improved through
(c) Ban on use of plastic bags
(d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust
(a) better health care fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc.
(b) education facilties
(c) better life expectancy 22. Which of the following statement
(d) Both(a) and (b) defines Sustainable Development?
(a) Sustainable use of natural resources without
18. Which among the following can be considering the need of the future generation
accounted as a cause for low infant (b) Present generation fulfils its needs while
mortality rate in Kerela? considering the needs of the future
generation as well
(a) Most of the girls are trained at the primary
level schooling to look aftera newborn child. (c) It mean utilisation of natural resources by
the past, present and forthcoming future
(b) Most of the girls are nurses in Kerala so generation
they can take care.
(d) To meet the needs of the future
(c) Female literacy rate is high and adequate generations even if the needs of the
health facilities are available for both
mothers and children. present generation go unmet
(d) Kerala's qood climatic condition helps 23. Study the following table and answer
infants to survive. the question that follow.
19. Suppose the literacy rate of a state is Crude Oil Reserves
80 per cent but the Net Attendance Reserves (2013) Number of
Ratio is 45 per cent. What does it Region/ (Thousand Million Years Reserves
Country Barrels) will last
Middle East 808.5 78.1
(a) High literacy rate and low net attendance
United State of 44.2 12.1
ratio America
(b) Children not attending school and studying 1687.9 53.3
in their houses
60 CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I)

Crude oil is an important resource of 27. Choose the correctly matched option
export for which region /country? from the following (CBSE 2020)
(a) Middle East
(b) United States of America ColumnA Column B
(c) Both (a) and (b) (Category of person) (Developmental goals)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b) (a) Farmers who 1. More days of
depend only on rain work and better
24. Using which of the natural resources will for growing crops wages
aid in achieving sustainable development? (b Landless rural 2. Higher support
(a) Petroleum and natural gas labourers prices for their
(b) Solar and wind energy crops
(c) Hydroelectricity (c) Prosperous farmers 3. Regular wages
(d) Both (b) and (c) from Punjab
(d) An Adivasi from 4. To fulfil
25. Consider the following statement about Narmada Valley livelihood
exhaustion of natural resources.
I. Crude oil resources would ast only
50 yearS more. Assertion/Reasoning MCOs
II. Oil extraction is undertaken by Middle Direction (Q. Nos. 28-30) In the question
East region at a very fast pace. given below, there are two statements
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
III. Non-conventional fuel sources should Read the statements and choose the correct
be encouraged that reduces use of code.
crude oil.
Which of the following statement gives (a) Both A andRare true and Ris the correct
explanation of A.
an idea of sustainable development?
la) Only I (b)Only l and Il (b) Both Aand Rare true, but R is not the
correct explanation of A.
(c) Only I (d) Only lIl
(c) Ais true, but R is false.
26. Choose the incorrect option from (d) A is false, but R is true.
columnA and column B. (CBSE 2020)
28. Assertion (A) Different people having
Column B different developmental goals.
Column A (Developmental Reason (R) People want freedom,
(Category of person) goals/Aspirations) equality, security and respect.
(a) Landless rural 1. Workysof
More 29. Assertion (A) A high average income
better is not indicative of the overall well
being ofa country.
(b) Prosperous farmers 2 Availability of
from Punjab other sources of Reason (R) Average income does not
cover human development indicators
like level of education, health and public
(c) Farmers who 3. Assured a higher facilities.
depend only on rain support prices
for growing crops for their crops 30. Assertion (A) A country at present has
very high national income due to surplus
(d) A rural woman from 4. Regular job and oil resource. However it is essential to
a land owning family high wages to
increase her income look for alternative sources ofincomealso.
CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I) 61

Reason (R) Oil is a natural resource and also leave no time for your family.
that is non-renewable in nature. If it is This will reduce your sense of security
not used judiciously then it will get and freedom.
exhausted soon.
Similarly, for development, people look
at at mix of goals. It is true that if
Case Based MCOs
women are engaged in paid work, their
01. Read the following source and answer
the questions given below. dignity in the household and society
You will notice one common thing:
increases. However, it is also the case
that if there is respect for women there
what people desire are regular work, would be more sharing of housework
better wages and decent pricethev
for their and a greater acceptance of women
crops or In that working outside. A safe and secure
produce. words. they want environment may allow more women
more income. Besides seeking more to take up a variety of jobs or run a
income, one-way or the other, people
also seek things like equal treatment, business. Hence, the developmental
freedom, security and respect of others. goals that people have are not only
They resent discrimination. All these about better income but also about
important goals. Infact, in some cases, other important things in life.
these may be more important than (i) Which is the most common method of
more income or more consumption measuring economic development?
because material goods are not all that (a) Income
you need to live.
(b) Selling of produce
Money, or material things that one can (c) Import and export
buy with it, is one factor on which our life (d) Employment
depends. But the quality of our life also (iü) Stable income is attained through
depends on non-material things
mentioned above. If it is not obvious to
you, then just think of the role of your (a) Better wages
friends in your life. You may desire their (b) Reqular work
friendship. Similarly, there are many (c)Work opportunities
things that are not easily measured but (d) Decent price for crops and other products
they mean a lot to our lives. These are (iii) Besides seeking more income, there is
often ignored. However, it will be wrong something people resent, what is it?
to conclude that what cannot be (a) Discrimination
measured is not important. (b) Poverty
Consider another example. If you get a (c) No work
job in a far off place, before acceping it (d) Getting fewer wages for more work
you would try to consider many factors, (iv) If women are engaged in paid work,
apart from income, such as facilities for what difference does it make?
your family, working atmosphere, or (a) Their dignity in the household and society
opportunity to learn. In another case, a decreases.
may give you less pay but may offer (b) No difference
regular employment that enhances your (c) Their dignity in the household and society
sense of security. Another job, however, increases.
may offer high pay but no job security (d) None of the above
62 CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I)

02. Read the following source and answer () The commonly used basis for
the questions that follow. comparing the level of development
between countries is
For paingcountries, their income (a) Total income (b) National income
is to be one of the most
(c) Average income (d) Education and health
important attributes. Countries with
higher income are more developed (iü) Higher income earning capacity
than others with less income. This is correlates with which of the following?
based on the understanding that more (a) Availability of nutritous food
income means more of all things that (b) Better health condition
human beings need. Whateverpeople
like and should have, they will be able
(c) Living in a safe environment
(d) All of the above
to get with greater income. So, greater (iiü) Average income ofa country can be
income itself is considered to be one
important goal. Now, what is the
improved by
(a) Giving more enployment
income of a country? Intuitively, the (b) Raising total production
income of the country is the income of (c) Setting development goals
all the residents of the country. This (d) Opening hospitals
gives us the total income of the country.
(iv) For an urban youth, which is the most
However, for comparison between important goal?
countries, total income is not such a (a) Increasing total income
useful measure. Since, countries have (b) Improving his BMI
different populations, comparing total (c) Increasing per capita income
income will not tell us what an average (d) All of the above
person is likely to earm. Are people in 03. Read the following source and answer
one country better off than others in a
different country? Hence, we compare the questions that follow.
the average income which is the total How is it that the average person in
income of the country divided by its Haryana has more income than the
total population. The average income is average person in Kerala but lags
also called per capita income. behind in these crucial areas? The
In World Development Reports, reason is money in your pocket cannot
brought out by the World Bank, this buy all the goods and services that you
criterion is used in classifying countries. may need to live well. So, income by
Countries with per capita income of itself is not a completely adequate
US$ 12,056 per annum and above in indicator of material goods and services
2017, are called rich countries and those that citizens are able to use. For
with per capita income of US$ 955 or example, normally, your money cannot
less are called low-income countries. buy you a pollution free environment
India comes in the category of low or ensure that you get unadulterated
middle income countries because its medicines, unless you can afford to shift
per capita income in 2017 was just US$ to a community that already has all
1820 per annum. The rich countries, these things. Money may also not be
excluding countries of Middle East and able to protect you from infectious
certain other snall countries, are diseases, unless the whole of your
generally called developed countries. community takes preventive steps.
CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term l) 63

Actually for many of the important (ii) Even now, in many areas, children,
things in life the best way, also the particularly girls are not able to go to
cheapest way, is to provide these goods high school because
and services collectively. Just think will (a) parents do not allow children to go to schol.
it be cheaper to have colllective security (b) children are not willing to go to school.
for the whole locality or for each house (c) the government / society has not provided
to have its own security man? What if adequate facilities for school.
no one, other than you in your village (d) None of the above
or locality is interested in studying (iv) Which among the following states has
would you be able to study. Not unless
send you low infant mortality rate
your parents could afford to (a) Haryana (b) Kerala
to some private school elsewhere. So (c) Bihar (d) disha
you are actually able to study because
many other children also want to study 04. Read the following source and answer
and because many people believe that the questions that follows.
the government should open schools
and provide other facilities so that all Suppose for the present that a particular
country is quite developed. We would
children have chance to study. Even certainly like this level of development to
now, in many areas, children,
particularly girls, are not able to go to go up further or at least be maintained for
high school because the future generations. This is obviously
government/society has not provided desirable. However, since the second
adequate facilities. halfof the twentieth century, a number of
scientists have been warning that the
Kerala has a low Infant Mortality rate
present type, and levels of development
because it has adequate
eduenson of are not sustainable.
asic health and facilities.
Similarly, in some states, the Public Groundwater is an example of
renewable resOurces. These resources
Distribution System (PDS) functions are replenished by nature as in the case
well. Health and nutritional status of
of crops and plants. However, even
people of such states is certainly likely these resources may be overused. For
to be better. example, in the case of groundwater, if
we use more than what is being
(1) The source given above relates to replensihed by rain then we would be
which of the following options? overusing this resource.
(a) Health
(b) Education Non-renewable resources are those
(c) Public facilities which will get exhausted after years of
(d) Poverty use. We have fixed stock on earth which
cannot be replenished. We do discover
(i1) Which of the following is true about
money? new resources that we did not know of
(a) Money cannot buy a pollution free earlier. New sources in this way add to
environment. the stock. However, over time, even
(b) Money cannot ensure that you get this will get exhausted. Consequences
unadulterated medicines. of environmental degradation do not
(c) Money cannot protect from infectious respect national or state boundaries;
diseases. this issue is no longer region or nation
(d) All of the above specific.
64 CBSE New Pattern ~ Social Science Class 10th (Term I)

Our future is linked together. (ü) Some natural resources like ground
Sustainablility of development is water get replenished by
comparatively a new area of knowledge (a) plants (b) human beings
in which scientists, economists, (c) environment (d)rainfall
philosophers and other social scientists
are working together. In general, the (ii) In order to add to the stock of goods,
question of development or progress is what get destroyed?
perennial. At all times as a member of (a) Environment
society and as individuals we need to (b) Sustainable development
ask where we want to what we wish (c) Resources
to become and what our goals are. So (d) Renewable resources
the debate on development continues. (iv) Consequences of which of the following
() The given source discusses the aspects do not respect national or state
of which of the following? boundaries?
(a) Poverty (a) Poverty
(b) Per capita income (b) Unemployment
(c) Sustainable development (c) Deforestation
(d) All of the above (d) Environmental degradation
Multiple Choilce Questions
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (d)
Assertion/Reasoning MCOs
28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (a)
Case Based MCOs
Passage1 Passage 2
() (a) (ii) (b) (ii) (a) (iv) (c) (Q (c) (i) (a) (iü) (a) (iv) (c)
Passage 3 Passage 4
() (c) (ti) (d) (iti) (c) (iv) (b) () (c) (i) (d) (iüi) (a) (v) (d)

6. Total income of four families = 4X average income = 4x10000 = 40000
Total income of three families = 14000 + 8000 + 9000 = 31000
Income of the fourth family = 40000 -31000 =9000
10. Public facilities are the facilities provided by the government to fulfill basic needs like health, education,
safety, street lights, proper roads etc. The remote village in the given questions do not has any public facilities.
29. High average income is not the only indicator of human development in a country. There are many
factors like level of literacy rate, health facilities and public facilities, which are also important. These
factors are covered under human development index.
30. Oil is a non-renewable natural resource. This means it will soon get exhausted. If a country depends
entirely on its oil resources, then in future it will face problem when the oil resource get exhausted.
The country is likely to become poor in the absence of oil, therefore, oil resources should be used
judiciously and alternative sources of income should also be searched.

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