Nurture Course Phase-I: (MND11,12,13,14,15EM, MNF10,11,12EM)
Nurture Course Phase-I: (MND11,12,13,14,15EM, MNF10,11,12EM)
Nurture Course Phase-I: (MND11,12,13,14,15EM, MNF10,11,12EM)
(MND11,12,13,14,15EM, MNF10,11,12EM) MINOR
This Booklet contains 28 pages.
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2. The test is of 3 hrs. 20 Minutes duration and this Test Booklet contains 200 questions. Each question carries
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3. In this Test Paper, each subject will consist of two sections. Section A will consist of 35 questions (all questions
are mandatory) and Sections B will have 15 questions. Candidate can choose to attempt any 10 question
out of these 15 questions. In case if candidate attepmts more than 10 questions, first 10 attempted questions
will be considered for making.
4. In case of more than one option correct in any questions, the best correct option will be considered as answer.
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33. 37. x2 dy
Value of ∫ (1 − √x)xdx is :- If y = then ?
(x3 + 2) dx
(1) 2 3/2 2 5/2 (1) 4x − x4 (2) 2x4 + 4x − 3x2
(x) − (x) + c
3 5 2 2
(x3 + 2) (x3 + 2)
x 2
(2) 2
− (x)5/2 + c (3) (x3 + 2)2 − x2
2 5 (4) None of these
(3) 2 (x3 + 2)2
x − (x)3/2 + c
3 38. If radius of circle decreases as 0.2 cm/sec., then
(4) x rate of change of its area (when radius of circle
− 2x1/2 + c
2 is 1cm) will be :-
34. Maximum value of 5sinθ – 12 cosθ is:-
(1) 0.6π cm2/sec (2) 0.4π cm2/sec
(1) 13
(3) 0.4 cm2/sec (4) 0.2 cm2/sec
(2) 5
(3) 12
(4) None
35. 1 1 1
The sum of the series + + +. . . . . . . ∞ 40
4 16 64
is :- Value of ∫ ydx is :-
(1) 4 (2) 1 0
∫ 3x2 dx = ??
(1) I and II (2) II and III 1
59. The energy of hydrogen atom in its ground state (1) 2 × 1023 (2) 1 × 1021
is –13.6 eV. The energy of the level (3) 2 × 1015 (4) 2 × 1020
corresponding to n = 5 is :- 65. Angular momentum of electron in M shell is :-
(1) –0.54 eV (1) h (2) 1.5h
(2) –5.40 eV 2π 2π
(3) 1.5h (4) h
(3) –0.85 eV π π
(4) –2.72 eV 66. An electron in excited hydrogen atom falls from
fifth energy level to second energy level. In
60. The first emission line of balmer series in He+-
which of the following regions, the spectrum line
spectrum has the wave number.
will be observed and is part of which series of
(1) 3R (2) 20R the atomic spectrum ?
4 36
(3) 5R (4) R (1) Visible, Balmer
36 6 (2) Ultraviolet, Lyman
61. The energies E1 & E2 of two radiations are 25
eV and 50 eV respectively. The relation between (3) Infrared, Paschen
their wavelengths i.e λ1 & λ2 will be :- (4) Infrared, Brackett
(1) λ1 = λ2 (2) λ1 = 2λ2 67. Which of the following is correct sequence of
(4) 1 specific charge ?
(3) λ1 = 4λ2 λ1 = λ
2 2 (1) e– > Na+ > p > n
62. The energy of a radiation whose wavelength is
(2) e– > p > Na+ > n
2000 Å will be:-
(3) Na+ > e– > p > n
(1) 5.8 eV (2) 10.2 eV
(4) e– > n > p > Na+
(3) 7.2 eV (4) 6.2 eV
(3) 4 He
2 and 16 O
8 85. If an electron makes a transition from 6th orbit to
(4) 14 14 ground state then calculate total number of lines
6 C and 7 N
81. The radius of nucleus of 13Al27 will be :-
[R0= 1.33 × 10–15m] (1) 15 (2) 30 (3) 10 (4) 20
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not 90. What is the ratio of time periods (T1/T2) in first
correct explanation of (A) orbit to second orbit of H-atom?
(1) 4 (2) 1
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
1 8
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct (3) 1 (4) 8
2 1
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
91. If the shortest wavelength of spectral line of H-
correct explanation of (A)
atom in Lyman series is x, then match the
87. Select the correct set of True or false for above following for Li2+.
statement :
I Bohr model is applicable of Be2+ ion.
Total energy coming out of any light
II source is integral multiple of energy of
one photon.
Number of waves present in unit length is
wave number.
e/m ratio in cathode ray experiment is
independent of the nature of the gas.
(1) F F T T (2) T T F F
(3) F T T T (4) T F F F
88. The number of photons of light having wave
number 'x' in 10 J of energy source is :- (1) (A)-R, (B)-S, (C)-Q, (D)-P
(1) 10hcx (2) hc (2) (A)-Q, (B)-P, (C)-R, (D)-S
(3) 10 (4) None of these (3) (A)-R, (B)-P, (C)-Q, (D)-S
hcx (4) (A)-S, (B)-R, (C)-P, (D)-Q
(1) 586 nm (2) 49 nm 99. An electron in H atom jumps from the third
energy level to the first energy level. The change
(3) 486 nm (4) 400 nm in the potential energy of the electron is :-
94. Find out the distance between 2nd & 3rd orbit of (1) 12.09 eV (2) 6.04 eV
H-atom :-
(3) 24.18 eV (4) 3.01 eV
(1) 2.7 A° (2) 1.2 A°
100. If energy of 4th Bohr orbit of Li+2 ion is X eV,
(3) 4A° (4) None then calculate energy in 6th excited state of He+
95. The ionisation potential of an atom is 16 ev. ion in terms of X ?
what is the value of first excitation potential :- (1) 441 (2) 64
(1) 10.2 ev (2) 12 ev 64 441
(3) 22 (4) 21
(3) 14 ev (4) 16 ev X X
21 22
(3) Superficially present but cannot be (1) None (2) All except III, IV
separated easily (3) All except III (4) All
(4) Superficially present and can be easily 105. Cell wall of Fungi(A), Bacteria(B) and Higher
separated. plants(C) is made up of ………….. ?
102. The golgi apparatus principally performs the function (1) A. Chitin, B.Peptidoglycan and C. Cellulose
(1) Packaging material Respectively.
110. Glycoproteins & Glycolipid formation site in (3) Desmotubule (4) Vesicles
cell is… 116. Unicellular organism are capable of-
(1) ER (2) Plastid (1) Existence independently & performing
(3) Mitochondria (4) Golgi bodies essential function of life.
111. ER Based detoxification of lipid soluble drugs (2) Existence in colony & performing essential
and other harmful substance is carried out by function of life with other colony member.
cytochrome- (3) Existence aerobically & essential function
(1) a1 – a3 (2) c possible in water only.
128. The structure found between cell wall of two (D) Vacuole (iv) Cisternae
adjacent cell is- (1) A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv
(1) SER (2) Cytoplasm (2) A-iv, B-i, C-iii, D-ii
(3) Middle lamella (4) Cell membrane (3) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii
129. One of the main function of Golgi body is (4) A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv
secretion, which occurs through the release of
134. Every living cell has a-
vesicles from-
(1) Chloroplast
(1) Cis face (2) Trans face
(2) Cell membrane
(3) proximal face (4) convex face
(3) Cell wall
130. The most abundant lipid in the cell membrane is-
(4) Food vacuole
(1) Cholestrol (2) cutin
135. Which of the following correctly matches an
(3) Cellulose (4) Phospholipid
organelle with its function-
131. Carbohydrate of the cell membrane participates in-
(1) RER - Synthesis of lipids
(1) Transportation of materials
(2) Golgi body - Protein synthesis
(2) Cell to cell recognition
(3) SER – Protein synthesis
(3) Catalysing reaction
(4) Mitochondria – Power house of cell
(4) All of these
(4) More than one correct (3) Both (1) and (2)
137. Fluidity of cell membrane is due to the- (4) None of these
(1) Lateral movement of protein within 141. In which of the following does active transport
confined domains take place ?
(2) Later movement of protein within over all (1) Pumps
phospholipid bilayer (2) Carrier protein transport
(3) Movement of lipids (3) Ion channels
(4) Flip-flop movement of phospholipid (4) Diffusion
138. Find correct statements- 142. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is called so due to
(A) Shape of cell may vary with the function the presence of-
they perform\ (1) Lysosome
(B) All eukaryotic cells are not identical
(2) Golgi granules
(C) Cell membrane is non-living boundary that
control in and out transportation (3) Ribosomes
(1) (A) and (C) (4) Protein granules
(2) (A), (B) and (C) 143. What is a thick, tough, layer of glycocalyx
known as ?
(3) (A) and (B)
(1) Slime layer (2) Capsule
(4) Only (C)
(3) Cell wall (4) Cell envelope
Nurture - I(MND11EE,12,13,14,15,MNF10EA,MNF11EE,MNF12EM) 5001CMD303001230004
(1) Macrophage
Mast cell Fibroblast
(3) Blood (4) Ligament
171. Hardest connective tissue of the body is :
(2) Macrophage Fibroblast Mast cell (1) Cartilage