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Module in Fibonacci Sequence

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The Fibonacci sequence


Learning Objectives:
1.) Generate patterns by performing one or several mathematical operations repeatedly
2.) Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life
Lesson proper:

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may have repeated values. The
arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.
Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms
1.) 1, 10, 100, 1000
Looking at a set of numbers, it can be observed that each term is a power of 10: 1=10 0, 10=101,
100=102, and 1000=103. Following these rule, the next three terms are 104=10,000, 105=100,000
and 106=1,000,000
2.) 2, 5, 9, 14, 20
The difference between the first and second terms (2 and 5) is 3. The difference between the second
and third terms (5 and 9) is 4. The difference between the third and fourth terms (9 and 14) is 5.
Following this rule, it can be deduced that to obtain the next three terms, we should add 7, 8, 9,
respectively, to the current term. Hence, the next three terms, are 20+7=27, 27+8=35 and

Fibonacci sequence
The Fibonacci sequence is an infinite sequence of natural numbers where first value is 0, the
next is 1 and from there, each amount is obtained by adding the previous two. It is named after the
Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was better known by his nickname Fibonacci. He is said
to have discovered this sequence as he looked at how a hypothesized group of rabbits bred and
According to some scholarly articles, Fibonacci sequence is evident in the number of
variations of a particular category of Sanskrit and Prakrit poetry meters. In poetry, meters feres to
the rhythmic pattern of syllables.

Starting with 0 and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by adding the two
numbers that came before the term:
0 1 1 2 3 5 + 8 = 13
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 + 13 = 21
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181 …


The Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci spiral (Villa, 2016)

Circular arcs connect the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling.

Golden Spiral (Golden spiral in rectangles, 2008)

Golden Rectangle with the golden spiral

1+ √5
r = 𝜑 2𝜃/𝜋 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝜃 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜑 = is the golden ratio

Let’s compare the nautilus spiral to golden spiral.

Nautilus spiral

Golden spiral

Nautilus shell

Vila admits he made a mistake in the animation for the Nautilus shell. It is neither a Fibonacci spiral
nor a golden spiral.


The Fibonacci sequence

Properties of Fibonacci sequence

Pattern is visible in nature. Some of nature’s most beautiful patterns like the spiral
arrangement of sunflower seeds, the number of petals in a flower contain Fibonacci numbers.
The ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number 𝜑 (Phi), also known as the
Golden ratio. This is approximately 1.618

Golden Rectangle (Vila 2016)

How the golden rectangle is formed?

The construction of golden rectangle viewed using GSP (Geometer’s Sketchpad). First
constructed by Pythagoras in the 6th Century BCE, Golden Rectangles can be formed easily by using
adjacent terms of the Fibonacci series. The ratio between successive Fibonacci numbers is
approximately Phi.
How do you make a golden rectangle?
A golden rectangle can be constructed with only straightedge and compass by your simple
1. Construct a simple square.
2. Draw a line from the midpoint of one side to
the square to an opposite corner.
3. Use that line as the radius to draw an arc that
defines the height of the rectangle.
4. Complete the golden rectangle.

Golden ratio (Vila, 2016)


The Fibonacci sequence

In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of
their sum to the larger of the two quantities.
The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer
part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.
It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.
The Golden Ratio. Throughout history, the ratio for length to width of rectangles of 1.61803
39887 49894 84820 has been considered the most pleasing to the eye. This ratio was named
the golden by the Greeks. In the world of mathematics, the numeric value is called “phi”
named for the Greek sculptor Phidians.
Shapes and figures that bear this proportion are generally considered to be aesthetically
pleasing. As such, this ratio is visible in many works of art and architecture such as in the
Mona Lisa, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Parthenon.

Relationship between golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence

1/1 = 1
2/1 = 2
3/2 = 1.5
5/3 = 1.6666666
8/5 = 1.6
13/8 = 1.625
21/13 = 1.61538461538
34/21 = 1.61904761905
55/34 = 1.61764705882
89/55 = 1.618181818
Phi = 1.6180339887

𝐹0 = 0
𝐹1 = 1
𝐹𝑛 = 𝐹𝑛−1 + 𝐹𝑛−2 for n > 1, n ∈ ℤ
𝜑𝑛 −(1−𝜑)𝑛 𝜑𝑛 −(−𝜑)−𝑛
𝐹𝑛 = =
√5 √5
𝐹 𝑛
lim ( 𝑛+1 ) =𝜑
𝑛→∞ 𝐹𝑛

Golden angle (Vila 2016)


The Fibonacci sequence

Golden Angle and Arrangement of Sunflower Seeds

Fibonacci Numbers and Arrangement of Sunflower Seeds

Watch the video entitled” Nature by numbers” by Cristobal Vila


• Aufman, R. et. Al. (2008). Mathematics in the Modern World. Rex Bookstore, Inc., Sampaloc,
Manila Philippines
• Sobecki, et.al. (n.d.) Math in our World


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