Ogre's 1500
Ogre's 1500
Ogre's 1500
Devourers [3] - 265pts Qua 3+ Def 4+ 3x Dual Heavy Hand Weapon (A4, AP(2)) Devour, Tough(3), Sergeant, Musician, Banner, Wall Crusher(Fast, Furious)
Iron Warriors [6] - 380pts Qua 4+ Def 3+ 6x Great Weapons (A3, AP(2)) Stone Bones, Tough(3), Sergeant, Musician, Banner
3x Sabre-Tooths [3] - 130pts Qua 4+ Def 5+ 3x Rending Claws (A3, Rending) Fast, Strider, Tough(3)
Special Rules
AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking hits. Hero: Heroes with up to Tough(6) may deploy as part of one multi-model
Banner: This model and its unit get +1 to morale test rolls. unit without another Hero. The hero may take morale tests on behalf of the
Caster: Gets X spell tokens at the beginning of each round, but can’t hold unit, but must use the unit’s Defense until all other models have been killed.
more than 6 tokens at once. At any point before attacking, spend as many Musician: This model and its unit get +1” when using move actions.
tokens as the spell’s value to try casting one or more spells (only one try per Regeneration: When taking a wound, roll one die. On a 5+ it is ignored.
spell). Roll one die, on 4+ resolve the effect on a target in line of sight. This Rending: Targets get -1 to Regeneration rolls, and unmodified results of 6 to
model and other casters within 18” in line of sight may spend any number hit count as having AP(4).
of tokens at the same time before rolling, to give the caster +1/-1 to the roll Sergeant: This model gets +1 to hit when attacking.
per token. Stone Bones: Attacks targeting units where all models have this rule count
Defense: Gets +X to Defense rolls. as having AP(-1), to a min. of AP(0).
Devour: Whenever this model attacks in melee, roll one die. On a 6+ the Strider: May ignore the effects of difficult terrain when moving.
target takes 1 wound. Tough: This model must take X wounds before being killed. If a model with
Fast: Moves +2” when using Advance, and +4” when using Rush/Charge. tough joins a unit without it, then it is removed last when the unit takes
Furious: When charging, hits from unmodified rolls of 6 are multiplied by 2 wounds. Note that you must continue to put wounds on the tough model
(only the original hit counts as a 6). with most wounds in the unit until it is killed, before starting to put them on
Healing Aura: This model and its unit get Regeneration. the next tough model (heroes must be assigned wounds last).