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45.1.04 AOAC Official Method 970.64 Carotenes and Xanthophylls in Dried Plant Materials and Mixed Feeds

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45.1.04 (b) Cold (overnight) saponification.

—(For test portions not con-

AOAC Official Method 970.64 taining xanthophyll esters.) Pipet 2 mL 40% methanolic KOH into
Carotenes and Xanthophylls flask, mix, and let stand in dark ca 16 h. Proceed with hexane addition as
in Dried Plant Materials and Mixed Feeds in (a).
Spectrophotometric Method
D. Chromatography
First Action 1970
Final Action 1974 With column on Filtrator, place absorbent cotton or glass wool
plug in bottom and add ca 12 cm layer Adsorbent I. Apply full vac-
A. Apparatus uum and add more adsorbent to give 7 cm layer. Use flat instrument
(a) Chromatographic tube.—12.5 mm id ×30 cm, Pyrex, with bot- such as inverted cork on glass rod to press and flatten surface of ad-
tom capillary tube 2 mm id ×ca 10 cm to extend into neck of 25 mL vol- sorbent. Place 2 cm layer anhydrous Na2SO4 above adsorbent and
umetric flask. press firmly.
(b) Vacuum filtration device.—For collection of eluate in volumet- (a) Total carotenes.—With 25 mL volumetric flask as receiver,
ric flask (Fisher Scientific Co. “Filtrator,” or equivalent). Attach rubber pipet 5 mL (or 10 mL if low pigment) of upper phase onto column
stopper to column to fit device. and adjust vacuum for flow of 2 or 3 drops/s. Needle valve in vac-
B. Reagents
uum line helps control flow rate. Add carotene eluant as last of solu-
tion enters adsorbent and continue until carotene band is collected in
(a) Acetone.—Dry, alcohol-free. Distil over Zn (granular, ca 10 mesh). flask. Keep adsorbent covered with solvent at all times. Release vac-
(b) Hexane.—Commercial; Phillips 66 Co., Specialty Chemicals, PO uum, place carotene solution in dark until it reaches room tempera-
Box 968, Borger, TX 79008-0968, USA, “high purity,” or equivalent. ture, and dilute to volume with carotene eluant. Invert flask several
(c) Extractant.—Hexane–acetone–absolute alcohol–toluene times to mix; then determine A immediately, as in E.
(10 + 7 + 6 + 7). Xanthophylls remain on column. For separation of monohydroxy
(d) Adsorbent I.—Mix in mechanical blender 1–2 h 1 + 1 (w/v) sil- from dihydroxy pigments (both free from epoxy and polyoxy pig-
ica gel G (according to Stahl; Brinkmann Instruments, Inc.) and ments), or for total xanthophylls, proceed as in (b) or (c).
diatomaceous earth (Hyflo Super-Cel). (b) Separation of xanthophylls.—(1) With 25 mL volumetric
(e) Adsorbent II.—Mix in mechanical blender 1–2 h 1 + 1 (w/v) ac- flask in Filtrator and vacuum applied to column, let eluant level ap-
tivated magnesia (Sea Sorb 43; Fisher Scientific Co.) and diatomaceous proach adsorbent surface; then immediately add MHP eluant. Band
earth (Hyflo Super-Cel). of monohydroxy pigments (zeinoxanthin, cryptoxanthin) and any
(f) Methanolic potassium hydroxide.—40%. Dissolve 40 g KOH in persistent mono- or di-esters should move down column ahead of
methanol, cool, and dilute to 100 mL with methanol. other bands. When elution of MHP band is complete, place flask in
(g) Sodium sulfate solution.—10%. Dissolve 10 g anhydrous dark to attain room temperature before diluting to volume with MHP
Na2SO4 in 100 mL H2O. eluant and determining A. (2) Proceed as in (1), using DHP eluant to
(h) Eluants.—(1) Carotenes.—Hexane–acetone (96 + 4). collect pigments of next band (lutein, zeaxanthin, and their isomers)
(2) Monohydroxy pigments (MHP).—Hexane–acetone (90 + 10). in 25 (or 50) mL volumetric flask. Violaxanthin, neoxanthin, and
(3) Dihydroxy pigments (DHP).—Hexane–acetone (80 + 20). (4) Total other polyoxy pigments (POP) remain on column.
xanthophylls (TX).—Hexane–acetone–methanol (80 + 10 + 10). (c) Total xanthophylls.—If value for total xanthophylls is de-
(i) 1-(Phenylazo)-2-naphthol (C.I. Solvent Yellow 14; Sudan I) sired, pipet fresh aliquot from upper phase of original extract onto
standard solutions.—(1) Stock solution.—1.0 millimolar (mM). 7 cm column of Adsorbent II, and elute carotenes with hexane–ace-
Recrystallize standard (Aldrich Chemical Co., No. 10,362-4) from tone (90 + 10) and total xanthophylls with hexane–acetone–metha-
hot absolute alcohol. Dry crystals to constant weight in 70°C vac- nol (80 + 10 + 10).
uum oven. Dissolve 0.1241 g in 500 mL acetone–isopropanol
(1 + 1). (2) Working solution.—0.04 mM. Dilute 20 mL stock solu- E. Determination
tion to 500 mL with acetone–isopropanol (1 + 1). Store in dark. Measure A promptly to minimize isomerization and autoxidation
losses. First, check calibration of spectrophotometer by reading work-
C. Preparation of Test Portion
ing standard solution at 1 nm intervals between 469 and 479 nm. If
Grind test sample to pass No. 40 sieve. Accurately weigh test por- maximum value is not at 474 nm, recalibrate instrument. When instru-
tion (2 g corn gluten or alfalfa meal; 50 mg marigold meal; 4 g mixed ment shows maximum A at 474 nm and slit width is 0.03, working solu-
feed) into 100 mL volumetric flask. Pipet 30 mL extractant into tion readings should be 0.561 (474) and 0.460 (436). Correct
flask, stopper, and swirl 1 min. For low-moisture test portions, calculations from equations below, for instrument deviation factor. If
e.g., marigold meal, dehydrated alfalfa, or corn gluten (not air-dried instrument lacks controllable slit, estimate concentration by assuming
samples), also pipet 1 mL H2O/2 g test portion into flask, stopper, that working standard solution of dye, (i)(2), has same A as 2.35 mg car-
and swirl 1 min. For high-moisture (air-dried) test portions, omit ad- otenes/L at 436 nm and 2.38 mg xanthophylls/L at 474 nm.
dition of H2O. Determine A of carotene fraction at 436 nm and MHP and DHP frac-
(a) Hot saponification.—(For rapid extraction and for test por- tions at 474 nm. For highest accuracy, control solution volumes to give
tions containing xanthophyll esters.) Pipet 2 mL (4 mL for 4 g test A between 0.25 and 0.75.
portion of mixed feed) 40% methanolic KOH into flask, swirl 1 min,
and place flask in 56°C H2O bath 20 min. Attach air condenser or F. Calculations
cool neck of flask to prevent loss of solvent. Cool mixture, and let Following equations are applicable to A data obtained from cali-
stand in dark 1 h. Pipet 30 mL hexane into flask, swirl 1 min, dilute to brated spectrophotometers that operate with narrow slit width. Values
volume with 10% Na2SO4 solution, and shake vigorously 1 min. Let 196 and 236 are a for trans-β-carotene and trans-lutein at prescribed
stand in dark 1 h before chromatography. Upper phase is 50 mL. wavelengths; b = cell length in cm; d = dilution factor = (g test portion


×mL extract on column)/(50 mL upper phase ×mL final dilution); and MHP fraction concentration (mg/lb), or DHP fraction concentra-
f = instrument deviation factor = 0.460/observed A436 or 0.561/ob- A × 454 × f
tion (mg/lb), or total xanthophylls (mg/lb) = 474
served A474. 236 × b × d
References: JAOAC 37, 742(1954); 53, 181, 186(1970);
A436 × 454 × f
Carotene fraction concentration (mg/lb) = 56, 748(1973); 57, 511(1974).
196 × b × d
CAS-36-88-4 (carotene)
CAS-127-40-2 (xanthophyll)


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