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MTW Owner's Manual

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Page 2

Table of Contents

Important Safety Information 3

Getting to Know your MTW 4
Getting Started 5
General Use 7
Maintenance 9
Parts 14

Don’t Forget to
Register Your Warranty!
Your MTW is backed by Wolverine Airsoft’s limited warranty.
Scan the QR code or visit www.wolverineairsoft.com/warranty
to read our full warranty and register your MTW.

Page 3

Important Safety Information

Proper handling of your replica
is critical to the safety and
well being of yourself and
those around you. When in
doubt follow the Four Rules of
Gun Safety:

1. Always treat every gun as

if it was loaded.
2. Never point a gun at some-
thing you are not willing to
3. Keep your finger off the
trigger until you have the
weapon pointed at your target
and are ready to shoot.
Always wear safety goggles Select a safe place for oper- 4. Be aware of the backdrop
when using your Airsoft gun. ating the Airsoft gun. Avoid of your target. (i.e. what is
Portez tojours des lunettes de shooting in public places. behind your target in case
protection lorsque vous utilisez Choisissez un endroit sur pour you miss or the projectile
votre replique. Utilice siempre utiliser votre replique a billes, over-penetrates).
gafas protectoras cuando emplee evitez les endroits publics. Escoja
su replica. un lugar segura para disparar la Every day our rights continue
replica. Evite lugares publicos. to be restricted because
people are irresponsible and
abuse them. Please be part of
the solution, not the problem.
Learn your local laws, how
your equipment works, how
to use it safely, and always
exercise responsibility.

Always treat the airsoft

gun as if it were loaded. Do
not carry the airsoft gun in
open view. Always transport
the airsoft gun unloaded in
a locked case. Do not openly
brandish the airsoft gun, as
this may be perceived by oth-
Do not look directly into the ers (including law enforcement
gun barrel. Ne regardez pas di- units) as a threat, and cause
rectement dans le canon de votre Never shoot holding the Air- prompt reaction. Always use
replique. No mire directamente soft gun side-ways as the BB precision 6mm BBs for this
hacia el canon de las replica. pellets will curve (this is due to airsoft gun. Never use any
the hop-up system). Ne tenez used or damaged BBs.
jamais la replique de travers. Les
billes puevent partir a droite ou Manipulez toujours votre réplique
gauche. (Cela est du au system commet si elle était chargée.
de Hop-up). Jamas agarrar y Ne pas porter cette réplique
disparar la replica horizontal- sur vous en public. Transportez
mente, por el sistema hop-up los toujours la réplique déchargée,
proyectiles BB podran cambiar de dans une mallette verrouillée. Ne
direccion en el aire. pas ouvertement brandir votre
réplique, car céla peut étre perCu
par d’autres (y compris les unités
de police) comme une menace, et
provoquer des troubles á l’ordre
public. Veuillez toujours utiliser
des billes de précision avec votre
réplique á billes 6mm. N’utilisez
jamais de billes déjá utilisées.

Never aim or shoot at people Siempre trate la réplica como

or animals. Always set the si estuviera cargada. No lleve la
selector on “safe” positiom réplica en vista pública. Trans-
(except when you are ready porte la réplica descargada, en
to shoot a target). Ne visez et una funda cerrada. No blandir la
ne tirez jamais sur une personne réplica abiertamente, ya que esto
ou un animal. Veuillez regler le puede ser percibido por otras
selecteur sur la position securite perssons (incluso unidades de
(excepte lorsque vous etes pret a la policia) como una amena-
Do not disassemble gun your- za, y provocar una reacción
tirer sur votre cible. self. Always contact your local
Nunca apunte o sispare hacia instantánea. Utilice siempre BBs
retailer. Ne jamais demonter ou 6mm para su réplica. Nunca uti-
personas o animales. Mantenga modifier votre replique. Veuillez
siempre el seguro en las posicion lice BBs disparados o dañados.
conacter votre revendeur
“safe” hasta que este listo para d’airsoft pour toute question. No
disparar al blanco. desarme la reqplica usted mismo.
Pongase siempre en concacto con
el revendedor local.

Page 4

Getting to Know your MTW

Your Wolverine Airsoft MTW is a precise instrument containing many individual
components. Before you begin, please see the diagram below and familiarize
yourself with each component. Your MTW may come with different compo-
nents than picture below depending on the series and trim level.

Stock Upper Receiver Engine Hop Adjustment Wheel Rail

Lower Receiver
Flash Hider

Mag Release Button

Pistol Grip

Grip Line

Bolt Catch Selector Switch

Front Rear
Body Pin Body Pin

MTW-9 MTW Forged/Milspec Series

Dust Cover
Forward Assist

Mag Release

Page 5

Getting Started
Before using your MTW, you will need to assemble it with a few additional
items not included.

Items You will need

• 7.4 LiPo battery which will fit inside the MTW buffer tube. Most batteries
in the 250-500 mAh range will work. (The MTW Milspec Series with Reap-
er M does not require a battery).
• Charged HPA tank (Always carefully follow the tank
manufacturer’s instructions when filing and using HPA tanks. They are
very safe when used properly, but when misused or abused, they can
cause serious injury or death.
• STORM Regulator or other airsoft regulator in the 60-140 PSI range.
• Air line with Foster spec fittings (standard in US airsoft market)

Pull the 2-Pin JST RCY connec-

tor out from the buffer tube and
connect the battery. Note that the
battery will always draw current
JST RCY Connector
when connected, so the MTW should
not be stored with the battery con- Buffer

Insert the battery fully into the buf-

fer tube. The braided line should lay
to the left side of the control board
wire guide. On the Forged Series, the
Premium FCU should also be inserted
into the buffer tube.

Wire Guide

Your MTW contains steel components and is susceptible to surface
rusting when exposed to moisture. If your MTW is exposed to liquids, be
sure to dry it thoroughly and clean the surface with a silicone-based oil.

Page 6

Completely extend the body pins on

the lower receiver. Note that the
pins on a new MTW can be stiff and
you may find it easier to do this us-
ing a non-marring punch such as the
backside of a plastic handled screw-
driver to get the pin started.
Body Pins

Attach the upper and lower receiv-

ers by lining up the front lugs and
pushing the body pin all the way
through. Insert the air line through
the lower receiver and pistol grip.
Finally, close the upper and lower
receivers and push in the rear body
pin, ensuring the braided wire is not
pinched in the process. Front Lugs

Air line

Load the magazine and insert it into

the lower receiver. We recommend Bolt Catch
0.28g or higher BBs. Then, press
the bolt catch to reset the auto-
matic empty magazine detection and
enable firing.

Mount your regulator to your tank

and set the pressure to 100 PSI (see
manufacturer’s instructions). Con-
nect the tank air line by pulling down
on the collar of the Foster fitting
and pushing the male fitting into the

Page 7

General Use

Stock Adjustment/
The stock can be adjusted to a
comfortable length by squeezing the
adjustment arm and sliding the stock
along the buffer tube.

To remove the stock, firmly grasp

the adjustment arm and pull it down-
ward until the stock slides freely
from the buffer tube.

Premium Stock Removal

If your MTW came with the DLG
tactical stock, it can be removed by
squeezing the adjustment arm hard
enough so that it clicks twice.

Mode Select
The selector switch can be used to
toggle your MTW between three
firing modes: Safe, Select-Fire and
Full Auto. (Note: Full-Auto mode is
not available in the Milspec Series as
well as some MTWs sold in certain

Page 8

Hop-Up Adjustment
The amount of hop-up can be ad-
justment with the adjustment wheel
accessible through the ejection port
on the MTW’s right side. Rotating
the wheel clockwise will increase the
amount of hop-up.

Reloading a Magazine
Press the mag release button on the
MTW’s right side to eject a maga-
zine. The MTW is designed for use
with proprietary Wolverine Airsoft
magazines with Empty Mag Detec-
tion (EMD).
Note: Using third-party magazines
will disable EMD entirely.

When a magazine is emptied, the

EMD activation lever will make
contact with the control board and
prevent firing.

EMD Traditional Mode

After inserting a new magazine,
press the bolt catch on the MTW’s
left side to reset the empty mag
detection and allow firing again.

EMD Simplified Mode

In this mode, firing will be enabled au-
tomatically when your new magzine
is inserted with no need to press the
bolt catch.

EMD Mode Toggling

For MTWs with Spartan Electronics
(Billet Series, MTW-9), you can switch
between EMD modes by holding
the bolt catch and trigger for 5
seconds. This feature is not available
on MTWs with the Premium FCU
(Forged Series).

Page 9


Engine/Hop-Up Removal
Remove the front and rear body pins
and separate the upper and lower
receiver and disconnect the battery.
Use a hard tool like an allen wrench
to carefully lever the feed tube as-
sembly out of the upper receiver.

Gently pull straight up on the gripline

to pull the contact yoke out of place.
Then, use a hard tool like an allen
wrench to pull the contact yoke con-
nector pin out of the engine.

Feed the end of the gripline into the

upper receiver and out the rear. Pull
the airline straight out. It will bend
sharply during this process but it will
not be damaged.

Finally, use the airline to pull the

engine out of the receiver. You can
also pull the hop-up and barrel as-
sembly out at this point.

Page 10

Control Board/Trigger
Board Removal
Remove the front and rear body pins
and separate the upper and lower
receiver and disconnect the battery.
Use a hard tool like an allen wrench
to slide the trigger spring away from
the control board/trigger board and
relieve tension on the front trigger

Use the allen wrench to push the

front trigger pin through the receiv-
er and then pull it completely out.

Then, pull the control board/trigger

board straight up from the receiver.

Page 11

Trigger Adjustment Trigger Switch

The amount of travel between the
trigger and trigger switch can be
adjusted with the trigger adjustment
screw and a 1.5mm hex wrench.

Adjustment Screw

With the board removed and the

selector switch in the SAFE position,
rotate the adjustment screw clock-
wise to decrease travel and count-
er-clockwise to increase travel. When
using a board with optical sensor, be
sure not to damage the paint marks
or stickers on the selector barrel.

Optional Receiver Tension

MTW’s manufactured after March
1, 2022 include an optional nylon
screw and hole in the lower receiv-
er. If you want a tighter fit of the
upper and lower receivers, it can be
installed with a 1/8” allen wrench and
adjusted to add tension to the upper
receiver rear lug. You will have to
install your battery in the grip when
using the screw.

Page 12

Additional Documentation

Electronics Billet/MTW-9 Forged

For help with tuning and adjusting
settings available to your MTW,
please see the particular owner’s
manual for your electronics at
http://www.wolverineairsoft.com/ Spartan Premium FCU
documentation Electronics

Engine Billet/MTW-9 Milspec

For help with maintaining your HPA Forged
engine, please see the particular
owner’s manual for your engine at

Most MTWs Forged/Milsec

Hop-Up through 2021
For help with maintaining your hop-
up, please see the particular owner’s
manual for your hop-up at http://
www.wolverineairsoft.com/documen- MTW Poly/
tation/ PHOENIX Hop
CNC Hop-Up

Guides, Videos and More...

You can find owner’s manuals, maintenance guides,
installation videos and more in the Knowledgebase at

Page 13

Page 14

Flash Hider

Invictus M-Lok Rail

MTW-A-203-10 MTW Billet Series
*Your MTW may differ from the one
pictured depending on trim level, barrel
length and manufacturing date.

Retention Screws
Hop Spring

Inner Barrel

Bolt Catch MTW-M-104

Bolt Catch Pin MTW-H-117
Outer Barrel Bolt Catch Spring MTW-H-132
Mag Catch MTW-M-118
Bucking Mag Catch Spring MTW-H-119
Hop-Up Detent MTW-H-115
MTW-A-301 Detent Spring MTW-H-116
Barrel Index Pin Feed Tube
MTW-H-217 Assembly Front Body Pin
MTW-A-220 MTW-A-114F
Barrel Nut Billet Lower Receiver
MTW-A-205 Control Board MTW-A-101

Mag Catch Button

Upper Receiver MTW-H-111
Trigger Pins
Detent MTW-H-112
Detent Spring MTW-H-113
012-MTW Rear Body Pin
Flat Trigger
MTW-M-109 Pistol Grip
Trigger Spring MTW-H-120
MTW-M-121 Detent Grip Screw
MTW-H-115 MTW-H-107
Charging Handle Selector Switch Detent Spring
MTW-A-208 MTW-A-102-STND MTW-H-116
Retention Screw
Contact Yoke MTW-H-147
MTW-A-402 Grip Line
Butt Plate MLT-P-001
Castle Nut
Buffer Tube

For more detailed diagrams of engines,

hops and electronics, please see their Stock
corresponding owner’s manuals at MTW-H-604

Page 15

Flash Hider

*Your MTW may differ from the one
Invictus Advanced pictured depending on trim level.
M-Lok Rail

Retention Screws

Hop Spring

Inner Barrel
Outer Barrel MTW-A-309-208
MTW-A-202-07 Bolt Catch MTW-M-104
Bucking Bolt Catch Pin MTW-H-117
MTW-H-315 Bolt Catch Spring MTW-H-132
Hop-Up Empty Mag Detection Arm MTW-M-143
MTW-A-301 Return Spring MTW-H-151
Barrel Index Pin Detent MTW-H-115
MTW-H-217 Feed Tube
Assembly Detent Spring MTW-H-116
MTW-M-324 Front Body Pin
Barrel Nut
MTW-A-205 Control Board Billet Lower Receiver
MTW-SA-404 MTW-M-146

Mag Catch MTW-M-145

Upper Receiver Roll Pin MW-H-141
MTW-A-201 Spring MTW-M-140
Spring Guide MWT-M-142
Trigger Pins
INFERNO Detent MTW-H-112
NFR-CA- Detent Spring MTW-H-113
Rear Body Pin
Flat Trigger MTW-A-114L
Trigger Spring Pistol Grip
MTW-M-121 Detent MTW-H-120
Charging Handle Detent Spring
MTW-A-208 Selector Switch Grip Screw
MTW-A-102-STND MTW-H-116 MTW-H-107
Retention Screw
Contact Yoke
MTW-A-402 Grip Line
Butt Plate MLT-P-001
Castle Nut
Buffer Tube

For more detailed diagrams of engines,

hops and electronics, please see their Stock
corresponding owner’s manuals at MTW-H-604

Page 16

Forged Series
Flash Hider

Invictus Advanced
M-Lok Rail MTW Forged Series
*Your MTW may differ from the one
pictured depending on trim level, barrel
length and manufacturing date.

Retention Screws

Hop Spring
Outer Barrel

Gas Block
MTW-H-235 Inner Barrel

Bolt Catch MTW-M-104

Bolt Catch Pin MTW-H-117
Mock Gas Tube Bolt Catch Spring MTW-H-132
Bucking Mag Catch MTW-H-118
MTW-H-315 Mag Catch Spring MTW-H-119

CNC Hop-Up Detent MTW-H-115

MTW-M-326 Detent Spring MTW-H-116
Barrel Index Pin Feed Tube
MTW-H-217 Assembly Front Body Pin
Gas Tube Bushing MTW-A-220 MTW-A-114F
Forged Lower Receiver
Barrel Nut MTW-M-101-FORGED
MTW-A-205 Trigger Board
Dust Cover
MTW-H-225 Mag Catch Button MTW-H-111
Trigger Guard MTW-M-103
Trigger Guard Pin MTW-H-124
Trigger Guard Screw MTW-H-126
Forged Upper Receiver Trigger Pins MTW-H-110
Detent MTW-H-112
INFERNO Detent Spring MTW-H-113
012-MTW Rear Body Pin
Forward Assist Curved Trigger Pistol Grip
MTW-H-231 MTW-A-133 MTW-H-120
Trigger Spring
MTW-M-121 Detent Grip Screw
Charging Handle Bushing MTW-H-115 MTW-H-107
Selector Switch
MTW-M-232 MTW-A-137 Detent Spring
Charging Handle Retention Screw
Contact Yoke MTW-H-147
MTW-A-208 MTW-A-402 Grip Line
Wiring Harness QD Sling Plate
Charging Handle Spring MTW-A-480 MTW-H-605
Castle Nut
Gen 2
Premium FCU Buffer Tube
For more detailed dia- MLT-E-001 MTW-A-601
grams of engines, hops
and electronics, please
see their corresponding
owner’s manuals at Charging Handle Stock
www.wolverineairsoft.com/ Screw MTW-H-227 MTW-H-604

Page 17

Mispec Series
Flash Hider

Invictus Advanced
M-Lok Rail MTW Milspec Series
*Your MTW may differ from the one
pictured depending on trim level length
and manufacturing date.

Retention Screws

Hop Spring
Outer Barrel

Gas Block
MTW-H-235 Inner Barrel

Bolt Catch MTW-M-104

Bolt Catch Pin MTW-H-117
Mock Gas Tube Bolt Catch Spring MTW-H-132
Bucking Mag Catch MTW-H-118
MTW-H-315 Mag Catch Spring MTW-H-119

CNC Hop-Up Detent MTW-H-115

MTW-M-326 Detent Spring MTW-H-116
Barrel Index Pin Feed Tube
MTW-H-217 Assembly Front Body Pin
Gas Tube Bushing MTW-A-220 MTW-A-114F
Forged Lower Receiver
Barrel Nut MTW-M-146
Dust Cover
MTW-H-225 Mag Catch Button MTW-M-111
Trigger Guard MTW-M-103
Trigger Guard Pin MTW-H-124
Trigger Guard Screw MTW-H-126
Trigger Pins MTW-H-110
Forged Upper Receiver
MTW-A-226 Detent MTW-H-112
Detent Spring MTW-H-113
REAPER M Rear Body Pin
RPR-CA-003-M MTW-A-114R
Forward Assist Pistol Grip
MTW-H-231 Mechanical Trigger MTW-H-120
Trigger Spring Detent Grip Screw
MTW-H-131 MTW-H-115 MTW-H-107
Charging Handle Bushing
MTW-M-232 Retention Spring Detent Spring
MTW-H-408 MTW-H-116
Hair Pin Clip
Charging Handle MTW-H-127 QD Sling Plate
MTW-A-208 MTW-H-605 Grip Line
Castle Nut MLT-P-001
Selector Switch
MTW-A-137 MTW-A-602
Charging Handle Spring
MTW-H-228 Buffer Tube

For more detailed dia-

grams of engines, hops
and electronics, please
see their corresponding
owner’s manuals at Charging Handle Stock
www.wolverineairsoft.com/ Screw MTW-H-227 MTW-H-604

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