Workshop Maxi
Workshop Maxi
Workshop Maxi
Congratulations on a sound choise!
Service Manager
Dismantling 9-15
Cover, power cable, lifting the pump 10
Strainer, lower diffuser, outer casing 11
Draining of oil, impeller 12
Shaft seal lower, diffuser lower 13
Shaft seal upper, rotor unit, bearing holder 14
Ball bearings, removing stator 14-15
Assembly 18-29
Stator 19
Main cover, stator housing, bearing cover 20
Ball bearings 20-21
Bearing holder, rotor unit, 21-22
Shaft seal upper 22-23
Shaft seal lower, adjusting washers, impeller key 23-24
Impeller, tightness control of motor 25
Tightness control of oil casing 26
Filling of oil, outer casing 26
Diffuser ring, intermediate ring, lower diffuser 27
Strainer bottom, air valve, stator leaders, control cables 28
Terminal board, power cables, resistance check, cover 29
Start reaction 29
Workshop Manual Foreword
Please carefully read this Workshop Manual to gain the benefit of the information it contains, so
you will acquire knowledge of Grindex drainage pumps.
you will be able to make certain that the pumps retain their high reliability by following the
specified service and inspection instructions.
you will be able to remedy various problems quickly and methodically.
Workshop Manual Product Description
Technical Data 50 Hz
The curves have been designed according to ISO 2548C
P (kW) 40
1345 mm
H (m) 100
Strainer hole:
Ø 12 mm 60
Weight: 285 kg L
510 mm 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Q (l/s)
H (m) 120
Strainer hole: 80
Ø 12 mm
Weight: 285 kg 20
510 mm 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Q (l/s)
Check the direction of rotation. See the figure. When 1. Water + coarse gravel 4 m/s (13.1ft/s)
started, the pump will jerk in the opposite direction to the 2. Water + gravel 3 m/s (11.5 ft/s)
direction in which the impeller rotates. 3. Water + sand
Sand particles < 0.1 mm 1.5 m/s
Beware! (0.004 in) (4.9 ft/s)
The start reaction on large pumps can be powerful. Sand particles < 0.6 mm 2.5 m/s
(0.024 in) (8.2 ft/s)
If the pump has been running in very dirty water, let it
run for a while in clean water, or flush it through the dis-
charge connection. If clay, cement or other similar dirt is
left in the pump it may clog the impeller and sealing pre-
venting the pump from working.
Workshop Manual Electrical Connections
All electrical work shall be carried out under the supervi- Connect the motor cable to the terminal board as illus-
sion of an authorized electrician. trated in the figure. Mount the closing links in accord-
ance with the figure.
Local codes and regulations shall be complied with.
If star-delta start is used, both motor cables are con-
Check that the main (line) voltage and frequency agree
nected as shown below. Closing links are not used with
with the specifications on the pump data plate.
star-delta start.
The motor can be connected for different voltages as
Connect the control leads from the motor control circuit
shown on the data plate.
to T1 and T2. See figure.
Under no circumstances may the starter equipment be
Make sure that the pump is correctly earthed (grounded).
installed in the pump pit.
Install the cover.
To avoid leakage into the pump, check:
- that the cable entry seal sleeve and washers con- Tighten the nuts so that the cable entry unit bottoms out.
form to the outside diameter of the cable. See the
Connect the motor cable and the control cable to the
parts list.
start equipment. Check the direction of rotation, see “Be-
- that the outer jacket on the cable is not damaged. fore starting".
When refitting a cable which has been used before,
If the direction of rotation is wrong, transpose two of the
always cut off a short piece of the cable so that the
phase leads.
cable entry seal sleeve does not close around the
cable at the same point again. Remember that the starting surge with the direct-on line
start can be up to six times higher that the rated current.
Make sure that the fuses or circuit breakers are of the
For safety reasons, the earth lead should be approx.
proper amperage.
100 mm (4”) longer than the phase leads. If the motor
cable is jerked loose by mistake, the earth lead should Fuse amperage and cable shall be selected in accord-
be the last lead to come loose from its terminal. This ance with local rules and regulations. Note that with long
applies to both ends of the cable. cables, the voltage drop in the cable must be taken into
consideration, since the motor’s rated voltage is the volt-
Check on the data plate which connection, Y or is
age that is measured at the terminal board in the pump.
valid for the voltage supply. Then depending on voltage
arrange the connection on the terminal board in accord- The overload protection (motor protection breaker) shall
ance with the figures. always be set to the motor’s rated current as given on
the data plate.
Workshop Manual Service
Remove the junction box cover. Remove the motor and pilot cables.
Check that the insulation resistance between the Remove the inspection plug.
phase windings and between each phase and
earth (ground) ≥ 1 Mohm. Use a 1000V megger.
The inside of the oil casing may be pressurized.
So always remove the oil screw slowly and
carefully. Place a piece of cloth over the oil
screw to prevent oil from splashing around.
Remove the oil plug, replace the O-ring when fitting Check that the oil is clear and free from water. If
the plug. the oil is contaminated replace it.
Workshop Manual Service
Check that the impeller is in good condition and If the gap between the impeller and the diffuser is
that in can turn free without catching the diffuser. to big, adjust the clearance by adjusting the
Use protecting gloves to handle the impeller. diffuser.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Remove the junction box cover. Remove the motor and pilot cables.
Check that the insulation resistance between the Disconnect the control and motor cables from the
phase windings and between each phase and terminal board.
earth (ground) ≥ 1 Mohm. Use a 1000V megger.
Don’t use the lifting eyes
on the strainer to lift the
Lift the pump in one of the eye bolts and place it Lift the pump by using a lifting belt and place it
flat on the working floor. upside down. Use block of wood to support the
pump in a safe way.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Unscrew the 4 bolts and lift of the strainer. Unscrew and remove the extension screws.
Use a standard puller to remove the intermediate Remove the lower diffuser.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
The inside of the oil casing may be pressurized. So
always remove the oil screw slowly and carefully.
Place a piece of cloth over the oil screw to prevent
oil from splashing around.
Remove the oil plug and drain the oil. Knock down the tab on the lock washer.
Don’t use screwdrivers or the like for restraining the
impeller. Small shards of metal could otherwise
break away from the impeller and injure eyes. Use a
wooden shaft or similar to restrain the impeller.
Remove the impeller nut and the washer. Use a standard puller to remove the impeller.
Lift of the impeller, use protecting gloves to handle Remove the key and the adjusting washers.
the impeller.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Remove the rotating seal ring by using two Lift of the seal ring.
Unscrew the hex socket screws for the upper Unscrew the holder ring.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Remove the look spring from the shaft and pull out Remove the static seal ring by using two
the rotating seal ring. screwdrivers.
Lift up the rotor. N-H version use tool 114620, L- Unscrew the bolts holding the bearing holder.
version 4-pole motor use a M12 lifting eye bolt.
Remove the bearing holder by using a standard 3- Remove the lock ring and the washers.
arm puller.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Remove the bearings with the bearing cover. Remove the upper bearing and the bearing holder
Remove the upper bearing from the bearing holder. Unscrew the nuts connecting the stator housing to
the main cover.
Lift of the stator housing. Apply the lifting tool in the rotor. Heating should be
done quickly and evenly all around. At a
temperature of about 150°C (300°F) lift of the
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Don’t use screwdrivers or the like for restraining the
impeller. Small shards of metal could otherwise
break away from the impeller and injure eyes. Use a
wooden shaft or similar to restrain the impeller.
Remove the impeller, use protecting gloves to Remove the plastic covers for the screws.
handle the impeller.
Unscrew the bolts and lift of the diffuser. Remove the guide vanes.
Workshop Manual Dismantling
Remove the rubber seal and the lock ring. Remove the rotating seal ring.
Remove the static seal ring. Remove the O-ring for the static seal ring.
Remove the L-profile for the O-ring. Unscrew the bolts and remove the holder ring for
the static seal ring.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Workshop Manual Assembling
Apply the lifting tool in the stator. The locating pin on the outside diameter of the
Groove on the stator housing for the locating pin on Heating of the stator should be done quickly and
the stator. evenly all around.
At a temperature of 150°C (300°F) lower the Place the main cover on the work floor and fit the
stator into the stator housing. O-ring and the protecting ring.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Lift up the stator housing and lower it down to the Pull the leaders trough the junction box. Fit the
main cover. washers and the nuts.
Fit the washer onto the shaft. Put bearing grease Important: The two lower bearings should face
60 g (2 oz) into the bearing cover. each other as shown in the picture. Pack each
bearing with 30 g (1oz) of grease.
To avoid burn
injury use heat
protective gloves.
Heating of the lower bearings. Use tool, N-H-version 114618, L-version 4-pole
version tool 114725 to tighten the two lower
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the adjusting washers and the supporting Fit the lock ring.
To avoid burn
injury use heat
Heating of the upper bearing Pack the bearing with 20 g (0.7 oz) of grease.
To avoid burn
injury use heat
protective gloves.
Heat the bearing holder to 100-120°C (250°F) and Apply 20 g (0.7 oz) of grease as a reserve in the
slide it onto the bearing, fit the O-ring. Apply an holder. Heat the bearing holder to 100-120°C
additional 20 g (0.7 oz) of grease as a reserve on (250°F), use a LP-gas burner or a heating plate. Fit
top of the bearing. the holder onto the bearings.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the screws holding the bearing holder and the Fit the O-ring in the bearing holder and lower the
bearing cover. rotor unit gently into the stator housing. Fit the
screws holding the two parts together. Use tool N-
H version 114620, L-version use an eye bolt.
Mechanical seals are precision parts. Before
starting to fit the seals wash hands and keep the
sealing surfaces absolutely clean.
Fit the O-ring on the stationary seal ring. Use Components in the upper seal.
assembly tool 114724 to press the seal into its
Oil the sealing surface on the static seal ring. Fit the rotating seal ring and its O-ring.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Slide the driving ring for the upper seal onto its Press down the seal so that the ball on the stop
position. ring slips onto the groove.
Fit the O-ring for the static seal ring and the O-ring Components in the lower seal.
for the upper diffuser.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the hex socket screws for the upper diffuser. Oil the sealing surface on the static seal ring.
Fit the rotating seal ring. Fit the adjusting washers, make sure that there is
at least 0,3mm clearance between the impeller
and the upper diffuser.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the impeller, use protecting gloves to avoid Fit the impeller lock washer.
Don’t use screwdrivers or the like for restraining the
impeller. Small shards of metal could otherwise
break away from the impeller and injure eyes. Use a
wooden shaft or similar to restrain the impeller.
Fit the impeller nut and bend up at least one tag on Fit one of the oil plugs with the O-ring before the
the locking washer. tightness control of the oil housing.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fill with 5 litres (4.3 quarts) of new oil. Fit the outer casing.
Make shore that the inspection hole in the outer Fit the plug with its gasket in the outer casing.
casing is lining up with the oil filling plug.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the studs (M16x180) and the diffuser ring with Fit the intermediate ring with its O-ring.
its O-ring.
Fit washers and nuts. Fit the studs in the diffuser Fit nuts onto the studs and fit the lower diffuser
ring. with its O-ring, then fit the washers and second set
of nuts.
Adjust the clearance between the impeller and the Hydraulic parts N-version.
diffuser to 0,2 - 0,3mm. Turn the impeller when
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the four extension screws. Fit the strainer with four screws.
Fit the valve the washer and the spring. Fit the cover.
Fit the cable clips. Connect the stator leaders and the control cables
to the terminal board.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Connect the terminal board with its O-ring. Fit the ground washer.
Check that the insulation resistance between the Connect the motor and control cables.
phase windings and between each phase and
earth (ground) ≥ 1 Mohm. Use a 1000V megger.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Fit the holder and the coil springs, use the special Fit the L-profile into the upper diffuser
Fit the static seal ring, oil the surface on the static Push the rotating seal to check that the springs
seal ring, then fit the rotating seal ring. are working properly and that the groove for the
lock ring will show.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Don’t use screwdrivers or the like for restraining the
impeller. Small shards of metal could otherwise
break away from the impeller and injure eyes. Use a
wooden shaft or similar to restrain the impeller.
Fit the adjusting washers and the key. Make sure Fit the impeller.
that there is at least a 0.3mm gap between the
impeller and the upper diffuser.
Fit the guide vanes to diffuser ring. Fit the O-ring onto the diffuser ring.
Workshop Manual Assembling
Connect the diffuser ring and the guide vanes to Diffuser ring and guide vanes fitted.
the stator housing.
Fit the plastic protecting plugs. Fit the studs a set of nuts the lower diffuser with
its O-ring and then a set of washers and nuts.
Adjust the lower diffuser with the nuts. Use o guide to adjust the clearance between the
impeller and the diffuser to 0,2 - 0,3mm. Turn the
impeller when adjusting.
Workshop Manual Trouble Shooting
The pump has ”burried” itself Change the location of the pump.
Temperature of the pumped Consult your GRINDEX representative.
medium is too high (>40°C)
The density or viscosity of the Magnum pumps are designed for liquides up to 1100kg/m³
pumped medium is too high
The impeller is stiff to turn Clean around the impeller. Check that the adjustment is not
too tight.
Voltage drop due to the cables The voltage drop must not exceed 5% of the rated voltage.
being too long or undersized The maximum cable lengths are specified in the Technical
The supply currents are ir- Check the power supply. Check the stator (see under the
regular or too high headings To check the stator winding resistances and To
check the power cable).
The insulation resistance be- Clean the stator and, if it is found to be damp, dry it in a hot-
tween the phases and earth in air oven. Then check the insulation resistance and the wind-
the stator is too low ing resistances (see under the heading To check the stator
insulation). If the stator fault cannot be remedied, fit a new
Fault Action
1. Impeller and lower diffuser Adjust to compensate for the wear. See under the heading
heavily worn diffuser heavily To fit the diffuser ring and lower diffuser.) If
necessary , fit a new impeller and diffuser.
2. Pressure loss is too high be- Reduce the number of bends and valves. Increase the hose/
cause of hoses/pipes being pipe sizes.
too long, too many valves, etc.
3. The hose is nipped or kinked Arrange the hose so that the number of bends is as small as
4. The discharge head is too low Change over to a pump with a higher discharge head or
connect several pumps in series.
5. Wrong direction of rotation The motor protection of the pump ensures that the impeller
will not rotate in the wrong direction. If the pump has been
wrongly connected, it may run in the wrong direction (see
under the heading To fit the starter equipment).
Workshop Manual Checks
Voltage Frequency Resistance
V Hz Ohm/Phase
400 50 0.209
500-550 50 0.342
550 50 0.400
460 60 0.209
575 60 0.342
Voltage Frequency Resistance
V Hz Ohm/Phase
400 50 0.210
500-550 50 0.400
460 60 0.210
575 60 0.400
Workshop Manual Tools
Workshop Manual Tools
Grindex AB Box 538 SE-136 25 Haninge Sweden
Tel:+46 8 606 66 00 Fax:+46 8 745 53 28