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OPL: 13; SPL: 5; DPL: 13; FWPL: 11; HP: 1
Real Name: Arkillo
Age: Unknown
Height: 6-10
Weight: 685
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Skin: Gray
Race: Vornian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Adventurer/Drill Sergeant
Base of Operations: New Korugar
Team Affiliations: The Sinestro Corps



SKILLS: Athletics 3 (+13), Deception (+3), Expertise [Drill Sergeant] 10 (+10), Insight (+3), Intimidation
10 (+13/+14) [Startle], Perception 2 (+5), Persuasion (+3), Ranged Combat [Power Ring] 9 (+10),
Stealth (+1/-1)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack (2) (Ring Blast, Unarmed), Chokehold, Close Attack (3), Fearless, Power
Attack (2) (Ring Blast, Unarmed), Startle

Vornian Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation, Speed +0, +2
Mass; Extra: Innate); 5 pts
Vornian Physiology: Senses 3 (Scent [Acute, Extended]), Features 2 (Longevity, Iron Stomach); 5 pts
Qwardian Power Ring: 132 pts traits, Removable (-26 pts); 106 pts
Attention Sinestro Corpsman...: Features 2 (A.I. and Sinestro Corps Database); 2 pts
Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link to Central Power Battery); 1 pt
Quick Change: Features 1 (Quick Change); 1 pt
Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Speak, Read, Understand, Understood in All Languages); 8 pts
Scanning Beam: Variable 1 (5 pts traits, Extra: Action [Move], Flaw: Limited to Senses); 7 pts
Show Me Your Fear: Senses 3 (Detect Emotions [Mental; Acute, Ranged], Flaw: Limited to Fear); 2 pts
Sinestro's Light: Environment 2 (60 ft; Light [reduce partial concealment to none, total concealment
to partial]); 2 pts
Ring Flight: Flight 14 (32,000 mph/60 fpr), Movement 4 (Environment Adaptation [Zero G], Space
Travel 3 [Any star system]), Feature 1 (Use Intimidate [DC20 check] to increase Flight speed instead of
Athletics); 37 pts
Force Field: Protection 6 (Flaw: Sustained), Impervious Toughness 13 (Flaw: Sustained), Immunity 10
(Life Support); 29 pts
Force Manipulation: 33 pt Dynamic Array; 43 pts
Force Blast: Ranged Force Energy Damage 16 (Extra: Dynamic); 33 pts
Force Lifting: Move Object 16 (Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Force Constructs: Create 16 (Hard Light Constructs; Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Force Weapons: Strength-based Damage 4 (Extra: Dynamic, Variable Descriptor
[Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing]); 2 pts
Force Bubble: Ranged Burst Area Immunity 8 (All Environmental Conditions, Suffocation, Airborne
Toxins, Extra: Dynamic, Burst Area [30 ft radius],Flaw: Affects others only); 2 pts
Mass Communication: Communication 5 (Subspace audiovisual projection, Any Distance, Extra:
Dynamic, Selective); 2 pts


Initiative +1
Close Attack +12 [Unarmed +10; Ring Weapons +14]
Ranged Attack +1
Power Ring +10 [Force Blast +16; Force Lifting +16; Force Constructs +16]

Dodge +9 [DC19] Parry +10 [DC20]
Toughness +10 (+10 without Defensive Roll, +16 with Force Field, +7 Impervious with Force Field),
Fortitude +11, Will +10

Enemy: The Green Lanterns, especially Kilowog. And Mongul. Man, does he hate Mongul…
Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning when its power runs low.
Responsibility: To Sinestro and the Sinestro Corps.
Weakness: The Yellow Power Ring are fueled by the user's abilities spread fear. Loss of that ability or
their loss of belief in the power of fear can cause the ring to fail.

Abilities 66 + Skills 17 (34 ranks) + Advantages 10 + Powers 116 + Defenses 19 = 228 / 228

Build Comments: Kilowog’s opposite number in The Sinestro Corps, Arkillo. He seems to fall in and
out favor with the series’ writers over the years, but he’s still around and still wreaking havoc
whenever given the chance.

Secret Origins: Arkillo lived in Space Sector 674, the same sector as Green Lantern Kilowog, which
may be the reason they look somewhat similar. He was also a powerful warrior on his planet and
feared throughout the sector. A Qwardian ring came to him and recruited him into the Sinestro
Corps. As one of Sinestro's first members, he became the drill sergeant for the Sinestro Corps,
training the new recruits. He also oversaw the Qwardian Weaponers crafting more rings for the
Corps. He killed those who didn't work fast enough to make examples of them.

The Story so Far: When the war between the Sinestro and Green Lantern Corps began, Arkillo was
the commanding officer who led a large group of Sinestro Corps members in the battle between
Mogo and Ranx, the Sentinent city. During the battle, he confronted his Green Lantern counterpart
and rival, Kilowog. Their battle was not concluded, however, with Kilowog going off to help his
comrades. Arkillo next took part in the attack on Earth. When the GLC arrived, Arkillo went straight
back to fighting his GL counterpart, Kilowog. He then preached that Kilowog would lose due to the
fear of killing his opponents. Their battle raged across the San Diego area before finally Kilowog
defeated Arkillo by dropping an aircraft carrier on him, trapping him. Adding to his humiliation,
Kilowog then cut off the unconscious Arkillo's ring finger and took his ring.

Arkillo survived his fight with Kilowog, and somehow attained a new power ring. He then journeyed
to the planet Daxam after recieving a signal for all Sinestro Corps members to converge there that
was sent by Mongul. On Daxam, Mongul declared that he was the new leader of the Sinestro Corps.
Arkillo protested this and challenged Mongul to a brawl to the death over who should lead the
Sinestro Corps. During the fight, Arkillo managed to land a few good hits on Mongul, including
impaling him. Mongul though, proved to be too powerful and came out on top, tearing out Arkillo's
tongue, leaving him mute so he could never to speak out against him again. Arkillo later found his
tongue and tied it to his neck with a piece of rope. Later, Arkillo was with a patrol of Sinestro Corps
members on Daxam where it was revealed that he was enraged over his defeat to Mongul to the
point where he would kill anyone who mentioned Mongul's name.

Arkillo continued to grudgingly serve under Mongul's rule when the corps fled from Daxam, whose
residents had gained superpowers when Sodam Yat turned their sun yellow. The Sinestro Corps fled
to Korugar, Sinestro's homeworld and immediately took over. Sinestro arrived and dispatched
Mongul, reclaiming his place as rightful leader, which Arkillo was overjoyed by. Faced with the threat
of the Black Lantern Corps, Arkillo and his fellow corpsmen decided to unite with the other members
of the emotional spectrum against the Black Lanterns. Arkillo went to Earth where a great battle
between life and death was taking place. He later remained on Korugar after the end of The Blackest
Night where he held the truce with the Green Lantern Corps as per Sinestro's orders.

Arkillo pursued a Yellow Power Ring that left its Sinestro Corps member and flew off on its' own,
eventually reaching Kyle Rayner of Earth. Calling Rayner a "ring thief", Arikillo tried to kill Kyle Rayner,
as did many other members of each Corps that came to find out who had "stolen" a ring from each
of their Corps. Arkillo was using his Power Ring to verbally communicate with others at this time.
Rayner then fled with Saint Walker of the Blue Lanterns to Oa. Arkillo pursued with Fatality, Munk,
and Bleez where they broke into Rayner’s meeting with the Guardians. This led to a fight between
the lanterns and the Guardians, which was ended by the apprearence of Larfleeze. The Lanterns
escaped to Okaara where Saint Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps healed Arkillo, regenerating his
missing tongue.

Characterization: Arkillo is a vicious and proud warrior that has little patience for those that are not
willing to use their power.

Friends and Foes: Arkillo has made many enemies across the universe. He is completely loyal to

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