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We're all damaged. Traumatized. Otherwise we wouldn't be wearing these red rings of rage.

- Bleez


OPL: 12; SPL: 4; DPL: 12; FWPL: 11; HP: 1
Real Name: Bleez
Age: Unknown
Height: 5-8
Weight: 130
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black
Skin: Blue
Race: Havanian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Neutral
Status: Active
Occupation: Red Lantern
Base of Operations: Ysmault
Team Affiliations: Red Lantern Corps


SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+9), Athletics 2 (+10), Close Combat [Claws] 1 (+14), Deception 4 (+7), Insight
(+2), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 6 (+9), Ranged Combat [Power Ring] 7 (+10),
Stealth (+5)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack, Close Attack (3), Favored Environment (Flying), Improved Initiative (1),
Last Stand*, Power Attack (3) (Claws of Rage, Fires of Rage, Unarmed)

Great Rage: Enhanced Fortitude 5 (Flaw: Limited to Power Ring effects); 3 pts
Broken Wings: Piercing Strength-based Damage 1 (Extra: Reach 2 [10 ft], Split); 4 pts
Red Lantern Power Ring: 159 pts Traits, Removable (-32 pts); 127 pts
Attention Red Lantern...: Features 2 (A.I. and Red Lantern Corps Database); 2 pts
Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link to Central Power Battery); 1 pt
Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Speak, Read, Understand, Understood in All Languages); 8 pts
Red Lantern's Light: Environment 2 (60 ft radius; Light [reduce partial concealment to none, total
concealment to partial]); 2 pts
Ring Flight: Flight 14 (32,000 mph/60 mpr), Movement 4 (Environment Adaptation [Zero G], Space
Travel 3 [Any star system]), Feature 1 (Use Fortitude [DC20 check] to increase Flight speed instead of
Athletics); 37 pts
Force Field: Protection 4 (Flaw: Sustained), Impervious Toughness 9 (Flaw: Sustained), Immunity 10
(Life Support); 23 pts
Heartless: Feature 1 (Heart and other vital organs not critical to survival), Regeneration 2 (1/every 5
rounds); 3 pts
Mind of Rage: Immunity 10 (Mental Effects, Flaw: Limited to half-effect); 5 pts
Power of Rage: Enhanced Strength 7, Enhanced Stamina 5, Enhanced Agility 2, Enhanced Fighting 5,
Senses 4 (Detect Rage [Mental; Ranged, Acute, Extended], Feature 3 (All power rings except Blue
Rings lose charge faster when defending against Red Power Ring effects); 45 pts
Red Light of Rage: 30 pt Array; 33 pts
Burning Blood: Acid Damage 9 (Extras: Reach 3 [15 ft], Duration [Sustained, extinguished by a
cessation of rage or the Blue Light of Hope]); 30 pts
Claws of Rage: Slashing Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous, Split); 1 pt
Rage Constructs: Create 14 (Hard Light Constructs); 1 pt
Fires of Rage: Ranged Fire Damage 14; 1 pt


Initiative +9
Close Attack +13 [Unarmed +8; Wing Strike +9; Burning Blood +9]
Claws +14 [3laws of Rage +10, Critical 19-20]
Ranged Attack +3
Power Ring +10 [Rage Constructs Create +14; Fires of Rage +14]

Dodge +12 [DC22] Parry +11 [DC21]
Toughness +8 (+12 with Force Field, +5 Impervious with Force Field), Fortitude +9 (+13 for Power
Ring Effects), Will +7

Hatred: She hates the Sinestro Corps for what they did to her.
Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning when its power runs low.
Responsibility: To shine the Red Light of Rage throughout Sector 0033.
Servant of Rage: Red Lanterns cannot remove their ring without risking death. The ring also inspires
mindless rage in its bearer. The light of a Blue Lantern ring can help counteract these effects.
Weakness: Red Lantern Corps power rings depend on the ability of the wielders to feel rage. The
maximum rank of the ring’s effects is equal to the user’s Fortitude Rank to reflect the being’s capacity
for raw fury. Calming thoughts and hopeful feelings, such as those inspired by the Blue Lanterns, can
cause the ring to fail.

Abilities 44 + Skills 17 (34 ranks) + Advantages 9 + Powers 134 + Defenses 14 = 218 / 218

Build Comments: Bleez has a sad backstory in DC canon that I am carrying forward. During the
Sinestro Corps War, she was one of many people captured by the Sinestro Corps for torture and
"amusement". Held on Ranx the Sentient City, she was raped and tortured by the Sinestro Corps, but
somehow managed to escape before Ranx was destroyed. Filled with rage over her mistreatment,
Bleez was inducted into the Red Lantern Corps. She's another of Atrocitus' best engines of
destruction in the Thorpocaverse.

Secret Origins: On her home planet of Havania, Bleez belonged to a race of beings who could fly and
were thus considered to be superior to the other races of this planet. Havania's beauty was also
renowned within her system and seven others, being second only to Odym. Because of this, and her
aristocratic heritage, Bleez was sought after by many suitors from numerous solar systems. However,
Bleez was more than disinterested in any suitor who knew of her since she felt that their only
intention was to simply claim her famed beauty. As a result, Bleez refused to see anyone who came
to pursue her, although this was much to her mother's behest, who longed for a grandchild in order
to continue their family's legacy. However, when a tall and powerful suitor ventured to Havania
during the course of the Sinestro Corps War, he killed Bleez's mother and took Bleez captive, making
her a slave on the sentient city, Ranx, which was used both as a base and training ground for
Sinestro's soldiers. Bleez was gang-raped on Ranx by the Sinestro Corpsmen, and her so-called suitor
and he soon permanently disabled her wings as punishment for her arrogance over those who could
not fly.

While aboard Ranx during the battle against the Green Lantern Corps above Mogo, Bleez attempted
to commit suicide when she jumped out into space through a hole in the side of Ranx, preferring
death over a life of slavery. However, her captor would not allow her to die so easily and forced Bleez
to kiss him, claiming he wanted "more" from her before he would let her go. Bleez's rage filled heart
summoned a red power ring to her location, making her the Red Lantern of Sector 33. After her
transformation, she unleashed her rage upon her captor, killing the Sinestro Corps member of Sector
465. Because of her boundless rage at her captor and the Sinestro Corps in general, Bleez became a
member of the Red Lantern Corps and joined the rest of her newly formed Corps who were gathered
on Ysmault, after their leader Atrocitus rallied them together.

The Story so Far: During her time in Emerald Warriors, she was temporarily granted lucidity by a Blue
Lantern, and is thus able to generally communicate besides growling and snarling. Recently, she has
been freed from the influence of the rage after Atrocitus forced her to face her anger in the Ocean of
Blood. Since then, a more distinct personality has started to bleed through, showing her to be
arrogant, intelligent, spiteful, and ruthless. Despite acting as his second-in-command, she makes it
very clear that she considers herself a stronger leader than Atrocitus, and openly plots for his
position among the Corps. Nonetheless, other Red Lanterns respect and fear her. Bleez is also the
only prominent female member of the Red Lantern Corps.

Characterization: Bleez has been shown to be a vicious and recently, ambitious member of the Red
Lantern Corps. Her charisma has led a number of the Corps to be loyal to her.

Friends and Foes: She seemed to form a bond with Fatality while she was part of the New Guardians
and despite their differences, she remains loyal to Atrocitus.

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