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Picture Heroes & Villians 1

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Genetic physicist and neurology expert Dr. Casimir Charon worked with LifeCorps Industries, pushing science and
technology to their limit in an effort to cure mankind's greatest disease: Death.

After a disastrous failed experiment with his latest invention, the Intrinsic Field Reanimator, Charon gained
absolutely no special powers. Still, he thought this was a great excuse to don an outfit and become the supervillain,
The Boston Blob
One of the PCs in my current Mutants and Masterminds Game. An environmental activist turned vaguely humanoid
pile of 'gloop'. Inspired by 'Bob the Blob' from 'Monsters vs Aliens', the idea was that he was kind of a local
celebrity the city of Boston had taken to their hearts... as a result, I made him somewhat cute and photogenic rather
than the more terrifying kind of muck monster.
Sometimes, I'm given character descriptions that are almost too awesome for words. Here is Tesla-Ape... former lab
monkey of Nikola Tesla, given superintelligence in a lab accident. He went on to be a movie star in a number of
films during Hollywood's Golden Age before being launched into space in suspended animation. During his sojourn
in space, he manifested superspeed and electrical powers, resulting in his capsule crashing to Earth in the present
day. I think he's one of the most visually interesting characters I've ever been asked to draw.
Gold Guardian
Gold Guardian is a superhero from a Mutants & Masterminds game Im in. She is a third-generation hero, following
in the footsteps of her father and grandfather. She has upgraded and redesigned her own suit, and while new to
superheroing, she is determined to live up to the name established by her predecessors, in their honor.
This was an interesting one. The character is essentially a spirit of visual art.I imagined her as kind of blank figure
whose body would be covered in an array of patterns, colours and images, depending on what she was doing at the
time. I imagined her 'hair' as a kind of wild smear of paint.This was my first go-over of the character. It was 'okay',
but given the potential of the character, didn't really 'pop' for me. I'd see what photoshop could do to improve
Queen of Clubs
Character design for a one of a group of Card-based Villains in my current Mutants and Masterminds game.
The inspiration and design is taken largely from this illustration: [link], but I have been unable to find the artist to
give proper attribution.

Baron Wasteland
A villain for my current Mutants and Masterminds Game, an arch-nemesis of Cap'n Triton ([link]). Baron Wasteland
was described as an ancient mummy dressed in slightly tattered Victorian Industrialist's Clothing. Essentially, he
cruises the dimensions in his giant vessel which is kind of a massive amphibious tank, resembling a cross between a
crumbling Victorian city and a massive factory, draining the life from all the worlds he visits.
It was a hell of an atmospheric description, and as a result, I was really keen to draw him, but had a lot of trouble
doing so. Still not 100% happy with this version, but it seems like the closest I'm gonna get for the foreseeable
Herr Doctor Kermit von Hocht
I was at my bi-weekly Mutants and Masterminds session on Sunday and this villain cropped up as a mysterious
encounter for the team. His name is Doctor Kermit von Hocht, an inter-dimensionally travelling mad pschologist
that is exploiting partially mutated people’s powers for his own nefarious gains. I kept picturing him as a liver-
spotted, stoop-shouldered, myopic old man, so that’s how I drew him…

My colouring’s been lazy and meh of late, so I really wanted to make an impactful, meaningful piece of work.

I haven't decided much about this hero, aside from his special skill and some visuals I have in my head for combat
scenes and a few conversations...

Anyway, I got the idea for this guy after some comment on a RPG forum reminded me of the Star Wars book
featuring Mace Windu called Shatterpoint. This hero's super-power is similar to the ability master Windu displays in
the book: he can perceive weakpoints, points of failure and rupture, in people, objects, structures, events or anything,

Of course, he doesn't have the Force. What he has is the capacity to super-rapidly analyze the information available
in any situation and discover, if he has enough info, what are the critical points of the situation. A simultaneously
broader and more specialized version of Amadeus Cho's abilities, basically.

It is kinda hard to explain if you have not read that book...

Physically, this works similarly to Marvel's Karnak - detecting weakpoints in opponents, objects and structures and
delivering devastating blows. But he can also analyze an argument to get the critical flaws in it, or know what
actions could be a turning point in an event (such as a war or a change in the economy or which criminals to go after
to really disrupt a drug syndicate).

So, basically, unless he is lacking some important pieces of information, usually he is able to know which actions
and behaviors will have the greatest impact in most situations, making him a great fighter, tactician and strategist,
intelligence specialist, coordinator and so on. Of course, the more complex the situation, the more information and
time he needs to figure out which "points" can "shatter" it.

And he is not flawless...after all, I don't wanna make him a mary sue who is always right, always knows what to do
and how to defeat everyone. He misses attacks, he has to decide between several important turning points at a time,
he has his own biases that can throw off his analyzes and so on. He is deducting stuff by analyzing tons of
information at abnormal speeds, not perfectly predicting the future.

The Chained One

Major team-wrecker of a mystic villain for my Mutants and Masterminds games.

Still using the simpler, bold lines of my other OCs, but with a little more detailed shading (though his
body is a especial case as far as "shading" goes). The red gemstones might have end up too detailed for
the overall piece.

I plan on making another version of this piece with him evoking various types of magic from his four

Supervillain design for my current M&M game. The GM wanted a bank-robber-style villain with gravity
powers, middle-aged with a muscular build. The costume should be 'over-the-top', but the face and
head need to be fully concealed.
Because the dude is older, I decided to go with a Silver Age-styled design and once I thought of
Mysterio, the bubble-helmet became an essentail - 'cos Gravity... Spaceman' right?
The Circle thing is a kind of weird Kirby motif.
No idea why he's almost all in greyscale. Just happened.

The Freaky Tiki

I tried to imagine the sort of supervillain I'd play if my Mutants and Masterminds GM ever ran a villains
game. I'm not interested in playing a psycho or a world-conqueror... I'm far more interested in old 60's
Batman villains who seemed mostly into it for laughs, and the chance to run riot with a whole bunch of
nutty gizmos and weird schticks.
So I came up with this guy... The Freaky Tiki. A science genius and mad inventor with too much money
and spare time who develops elaborate gadgets and schemes. "WELCOME... TO MY LUAU OF
The Yellow Jacket
The Yellow Jacket, a Mutants and Masterminds character...

Freedom Eagle II (Michaela Cameron O'Connor)

The Second Freedom Eagle from the Mutants & Masterminds RPG campaign that I have been working
Freedom Eagle II (Michaela Cameron O'Connor), Costumed Winged Adventuress (PL10/160pp.). The
daughter of Mayor Michael Cameron O'Connor, and the granddaughter of the first Freedom Eagle.

I thought this up a while ago, but never got around to finishing it for a while. This is the hero version of
my Pink (As you might remember would be my Mutants & Masterminds character x3) picture [link]. She
has an identity now, a power, and a very un-thought out name.
Name: Kristina "Kristi" Conner
Age: 14
Power: Telekinesis and Hyper Awareness, and later Telepathy (Her powers grow as she does)
History: Kristi, for the most part, is alone. She lives in a huge house left to her, presumably by her
parents, and has very brief memories of them from when she was much younger, but can't exactly
remember their faces or voices. Her parents vanished from her at a young age, probably before she was
eight, but she doesn't know if they died or left. Her caretaker and butler, of sorts, Deeds, is kind and
supportive of her, but whenever she asks what happens to her parents, he tells her some kind of riddle.
If she answers it correctly, he tells her a bit about them, and eventually she forgets she asked their fate.
As Kristi reached age 10, she noticed that if she focused hard on something, it appeared to move. She
practiced and found that she could lift things with her mind. As she grew a bit older, it came more and
more natural to her to the point she could levitate herself by her 12th birthday. With this power came
another, though it was subtle. She began to notice the presence of things she hadn't noticed before. It
was as if she could feel the air around her adjusting to the presence of a new object. She could tell when
Deeds was close or far away, and a few months later, could navigate through pitch darkness.
She only started public school recently, after convincing Deeds it would be alright. She started her
freshman year in high school, having been home schooled up to that point, and really felt at home
around people. That was until she started hearing people talking when no one was. She began hearing
people's thoughts, like a faint whisper between her ears, always bothering her, and never really clear
until she focused on it. It eventually stopped, though, and she couldn't hear thoughts until she tried to
listen to a particular person.
She's too young to be an independent hero, and doesn't know any other supers her age to start a teen
group, so she's hoping someone will take her as a sidekick soon.

Well... me back!
It's been a while since I uploaded stuff, so I thought it'd be time to change that. So here's a recent
drawing of mine, again RPG-related. What a shocker!

This time it's "Eldridge", an NPC for my "Megatropolis"-Setting for the Mutants & Masterminds, 3rd Ed.
RPG. He's the usual transdimensional terrorist. You know, holding history hostage and that kind of stuff.
Vanessa Cage is a Mutants and Masterminds (M&M) RPG character created by JediMasterEeth. She has
similar powers to Luke Cage.

Big file is big, but I seriously worked my butt off to color this and put in all the details that it has ; u ;

She is my MnM character [[Mutants and Masterminds]].

I named her and based her looks off my trollsona, Sikada Roboro~

This version of Sikada is a sassy bitch~ u v u I'm still working out her personality some, and I STILL need a
background story for her.

Ummm, if you want a simple description of her powers and such, just think of Danny Phantom. That's
basically her. I still need to figure out this whole how-she-discovered-her-powers thing. Guh.

Augh. By the end of my first campaign, though, she gained herself a minion. A basilisk. Who happens to
be a fucking cutie despite being some evil giant snake thing.

I'm still trying to get the hang of this whole MnM thing. Though I'm struggling, I honesty have fun. c:

This was one of my first attempts with Sai (I still have very much to learn xD)
He's a Wizard NPC that I created for the role-playing game "Mutants & Materminds" ^^
First try with Sai + Bamboo Manga Pen & Touch ^^
She's another NPC that I created for the role-playing game "Mutants & Masterminds" ^^

the Hottie.
All flame powers and sex appeal
He's got super strength and an impossible tough (and sharp) sword. He's a genetically enhanced bodyguard for a
king of a fictional Middle Eastern country
Professor Xavier Leto of the Golden Order
I created this character for a Mutants and Monsters game I was playing. He was cribbed almost exactly from the
similar character on the Venture Brother's show, on Cartoon Network. Essentially a powerful wizard, with the
problems of a middle-aged single father. Very fun to play.
Gold Star
Mutants and Masterminds character.

This young lady is a former Olympic-level gymnast who gained super-powers, increasing her already considerable
physical prowess to fully super-human levels. Now she can lift tons of weight, Jump over buildings, run faster than a
race car, has super-human agility, coordination and physical resilience.

She is still quite untrained and untested as a super-heroine, but being already so in control of her body even before
the super powers, she is a natural brawler and can use her speed and acrobatic skills to evade attacks when needed.

Her (now deceased) father used to call her "my little golden star", so her code name is a homage to her dad.
Brit Noble
Brit Noble, a character I made for a home brewed super hero world. It runs off the Mutants and Masterminds system
(2nd Edition). She's a bit like the Juggernaut from Marvel: strength, stamina, can use her momentum as an
attack...that sort of thing. I may draw some clothes on her when I figure out what her costume is going to look like

The Blackbird
Another Mutants & Masterminds character from the same world as Brit (sorta). She's kind of like Batman, but a
chick...and in the 1930's.
Silver Oracle
Another Mutants and Masterminds RPG character.

Silver Oracle combines the typical gadget-using crimefighter with some twists.

He is a good martial artist but not among the very best. This, however, is compensated by his superpower: Silver
Oracle can sense the future a few moments ahead, predicting his foes' next move and giving him considerable
advantage. This also serves as "early warning system" against traps, ambushes, disasters, old ladies about to try to
transverse busy streets and so on. He sometimes gets "Oracular Visons" of greater scope, indicating a possible future
(often some trouble he has to stop from happening), but he has no control over such visions.

He also carries two magical tools: his cloak, usually brilliant in white-silver, can be used to camouflage, blending
with the surroundings (think the Predator), used as a protection since it is very resistant, or flashing brightly to
temporarily blind and disorient opponents. The eye-like jeweled clasp allows him to see things magical or spiritual
in nature when concentrating.
His Staff is used mostly as a weapon. He uses it to fight in melee or shoot magical blasts (about as powerful as an
average throwing weapon for someone as strong as him, but unlimited ammunition). it can also be used to project
his sight to distant places, though he loses awareness of his surroundings when doing so.

Finally, instead of technological gadgets, he uses various magical and alchemical trinkets to supplement his other
abilities and tools. Potions that cause smoke clouds, animated ropes that imprison foes, a talking stone translates
languages and other utilitarian little magic items.
My favourite bird is the Willy Wagtail - they are just such a charismatic little bird - anyway, got me thinking about a
superhero based on the little guys and came up with her. I see her as a roguish heroine for Mutants and Masterminds.
I imagined her more as a Robin type of sidekick character. I would suggest acrobatics and super dexterity if she had
a skill/power set.
"Prequel" to this other drawing here: [link]
The same heroine from that other picture, except here she is younger, when she still went by the codename
She has shorter hair with a somewhat different hairstyle, is a bit chubbier and has a different outfit, though using
most of the same colors.

This super-heroine outfit is less...bold, I guess, than the one she uses as Gravitica, without the short cape and only
shiny material in her belt instead of all the wine colored parts. No to mention no "diva" long gloves and thigh-high
boots. The logo is also smaller and the stylized G is thinner.

I also made her lips pink instead of red, as I thought it suited best the "sweet young lady" feel I wanted. I imagine
she is about 18 or 19 here, while the other picture depicted somewhere around 5 to 10 years older.

I did this picture in my free time in about 4 days, which felt really good after spending months working
intermittently on that Wonder Woman.

I used this one as an opportunity to practice drawing more dynamic poses. Though sometimes a static character is
best if it is for presenting them for the first time, I intend to give some movement to my artwork more often.

Of course, like the older version, this is for a Mutants and Masterminds character. She has some power of Gravity,
though with less potency, versatility and control than her older self.
Name: Levi Summers
Hero Name: Pink Wave , ( I would maybe name her that, since " Flash of Pink" sounds more like a title of this
picture than a hero name).
Powers: Speed of Light, Has the power of Electricity,
Abilities: Flexibility, Speed, Agility
Story: Levi Summers was born to a nurse named Alexis Summers; and a former Olympian Star Kurt Summers.
However due to her mother being in a comma after a criminal had knocked her unconscious for drugs, her dad had
to take care of her. Under the wing of her father and hero, she worked, and trained hard so that one day she can be in
the Olympics just like her father. However one day as she challenged a race against her friends, she noticed that she
was going faster, and faster until most things were like a blur. Coming home from this strange condition to her
speed, her dad had told her that she had a mutation in her genes. That the " mutation" gene has been passed down the
Summer's family through many generations. Even a story on how this came to be, was told that of the Greek
goddess of Nike ( Which is a real thing btw) had given a gift to there ancestors, or incredible speed, that would past
down through generations. At first Levi felt cheated, but then from visiting her Grandmother Nicola she accepted her
new founded gift. Getting her inspiration from her friend Glen always reading comics, and a science class lessen on
sound waves; she called herself " Pink Wave" due to her favorite color being pink , and the opinion that her speed
could break the sound barrier.
The full backstory:

The day the King died, a baby boy was born to trucker Roger (Red) Prexel and his wife Victoria of Tenesee who was
named Enis, after an uncle of Victoria's. He grew up strong and smart with a a passion for rock n' roll and an
admiration for all things Elvis. After touring as a roadie and leter backup for several bands, Enis got out of the
business and became a trucker like his daddy. One night, after delivering a food order to Graceland, he was jumped
by a couple of thieves intent on stealing his truck. He was knocked out and thrown into the bushes. Waking up and
head throbbing, he staggered into Graceland and collapsed.

Enis woke up in the hospital after having the strangest dream. In it, Elvis Presley appeared to him, told him that the
wolrd is not a nice place anymore, and it saddens his heart. He wants to bring back hope and Good Music to people.
He also said that as penence for his drug-induced past, God had Elvis choose Enis as his avatar, to do good works
and help the oppressed. "Whenever you see injustice, just utter the word T-R-O-U-B-L-E, which stands for:
T for Turner
R for Rivers
O for Orbison
U for Ultimate
B for Berry
L for Lewis
E for Elvis

…and Ah will walk the Earth again, doing right and atoning for my transgressions against the Lord and my Momma.
Will you do this for me?" Enis agreed and Elvis said "Thankyuhverrymuch. May the Spirit of God and Rock N' Roll
guide you…" Elvis then vanished, with strains of American Trilogy in the back and a small voice announcing that he
had "left the building."

After recovering, Enis went to find his truck. He tracked down the crooks and, in a moment of desperation from
being trapped by the miscreants, uttered the word "TROUBLE." Enis was instantly transformed into the King of
Rock N' Roll and made short work of the bad guys.

As Elvis, Enis finds he has enhanced strength, toughness and dexterity, the ability to fly, shoot laser blasts and
temporarily blind his opponents with a blinding flash. In addition, his martial arts training is greatly enhanced and
his physical attractiveness gets a boost. Not only that, but his personality is altered in such a way that people
recognize him as the real Elvis, not an imitator. Even Elvis's closest friends and associates recognize him as such.

Thus was born the first Rock N' Roll Superman. Uh-huh…

"Irving Plotnick, a CPA living in New York, decided to take a hiking trip through the Borgo Pass in Hungary for his
birthday. Ever since he was a boy, he longed to see the forests and villiages where his family came from. It was in
one such village that Irving found out about his family’s curse: every fifth generation, the heir to the Plotnick name
would be stricken with the curse of lycanthropy. This would happen in their 26th birthday. Yup, Irving was due.

After Irving was found naked in a barn he was told of his rampage through the village. We’ll, it wasn’t really a
rampage; more like a night on the town, boozing it up at the local tavern and tipping cows. Seems that he caroused
with a couple of the locals and they put him in their barn to sleep it off.

Now, every time he’s under great stress he turns into a bear. But the weakening of the curse over centuries and
Irving’s habit of watching catoons all the time had an effect on what he became: a big goofy bear with a derby and
jeans, going out and having a good time. In addition, he seems to have whatever he needs at hand in his pockets.
Hammer dynamite, you name it. Several club owners like to have him around (he’s better than a bouncer) and a few
ladies think he’s cute too.

Irving heard about superheroes and now got a hankerin’ to see what they’re about. He got his wish one night when
he stumbled upon The Amazing Snipe fighting the minions of Baron Von Wedgie in an alley. Wading in, he was
effective-a bit too effective: one lay dying and another is now confined to a wheelchair.

The Snipe took him under his wing, taught him how to fight and instilled in him the notion of Fighting Evil. Now
Grizzly Irving, as he’s known, patrols the streets of the city at night-as long as he can still have a drink, shoot some
pool and generally have a good time. Keeps him out of trouble with the police, too. Nothin’ like trying to arrest an
eight-foot-tall bear on a Drunk & Disorderly…"
Flöör, God Of Plunger

Salvatore Scardino grew up feeling “different” from others. It wasn’t that he was the bastard grandson
to Don Gozzi, head of the biggest “family” in New York, it wasn’t that he grew up into one of the
strongest guys in his nieghboorhood, it wasn’t that he had an obsession with comic books, it wasn’t even
the fact that his mother Maria Gozzi never spoke of his father, a guy only known as O.D. Scardoni who
disappeared shortly after he was concieved (everyone just assumed that Scardoni was caught by some
of Gozzi’s soldiers and sent to “sleep with the fishes”). He just felt different.

When he became a man, his grandfather, who loved Sal dearly, recruited him for the faimily “business”
as a numbers runner, then enforcer and finally, after he was made, Don Gozzi’s lieutenant. But Sal never
felt comfortable in this line of work. With Don Gozzi’s blessing, he set up a plumbing business on the
side. And so it went for a few years, until one day, Sal’s grandfather passed away (nautral causes, believe
it or not). That’s when Sal’s troubles began.

Sal’s brother Gaetano (Guy) became the new head of the family, being a legitimate heir. First, he
demanded Sal’s loyalty, then forced Sal to give him a cut of his plumbing business. This, Sal refused to
do. So Guy decided to pay a little visit…

Sal was in the basement cleaning his tools when Guy showed up with three men. Guy told Sal how
disappointed he was with him and gave him one last chance to cut him in. Sal refused and so Guy had
his men seal up the basement, break a water main and lock Sal in the basement to drown.
With the water rushing in, Sal tried to get out, but it was no use. In desperation, he called to the spirit of
his grandfather. “Mi Padre”, he said, “help your loyal son!” There was a flash of lightning, and the image
of a giant Norse man stood before him. “My Son”, the figure said, “from this day forward, your true
lineage shall be known to you. Rise as the god you were meant to be. Go forth and rid Midgard of it’s
evil. Then come and join me in Asgard. Rise, rise Son of Odin!” another flash of light and Sal stood, knee-
deep in water, clad in a warrior’s outfit and wielding…a plunger.

Instinctively, he swung the plunger and the vortex it ceated drained the water. He then took the water
main and, with his mighty godlike strength, tied the pipe closed. When he burst out of the basement,
Guy’s boys were not ready for the powerhouse that deflected their bullets and crushed their guns. After
they ran, Sal decided that it was time to pay his own visit to Guy.
In the months to come, Sal discovered that O.D. Scardoni was actually Odin in disguise, having taken a
fancy to Maria and seduced her. He also waged war on Guy and the family, things getting so out of hand
that Odin had to descend and have a little “talk” with Guy. Now, Guy and the Gozzi family have an
“understanding” with Asgard.
As for Sal, he still has the plumbing business (which has been declared “off limits” by the family) and a
better understanding with his brother. He does the superhero bit, which he enjoys. He knows that the
whole “family” thing is not legal, but he’s been around it so much he understands the thinking. The
family (and the rival families) also know that if it gets out of hand, Sal will step in to stop it, even going
so far to ask Papa Odin to declare war on the families. On a personal level, if he can use his family
connection as leverage to fight evil, he will. He still has lots of favors…
Origin: The man known as the Mechromancer was born Mordecai Croker in London in 1865 to a family
of morticians. His parents, realizing he was a biological and mechanical genius were willing to overlook
the streak of sadism in him. He requested and was sent to college in the U.S. (Arkham, Massachusets to
be exact) and graduated with a degree in Chemistry and Engineering. His family, thinking him destined
for greatness, were perplexed when Mordecai was not seen nor heard from him for 55 years and when
he did return, went into the family business. Unbeknownst to his relatives, this was a front for his other

During his studies abroad, Mordecai conducted experiments on preserving flesh, an activity his
instructors discouraged-which resulted in Mrodecai, after graduation, renting a lonely farm outside the
town to conduct his experiments in peace (he actually discovered how to break down a human body
into it’s component form-a viscous, oily liquid that still keeps a low level of sentience-this would come in
handy in the future). During one of those experiments, the vat ofchemicals he was working on caught
fire and exploded, showering firey compounds on him and totally destroying the barn he was working in.
When the authorities arrived, they found Mordecai’s body and pronounced him dead at the scene.

However, Mordecai found himself lying a cold slab in a familiar room. He had managed to “resurrect”
himself by taking over another corpse that was waiting for identification. Mordecai also discovered that
he had the ability to “raise” dead tissue, though he had no control over them. He slipped out of the
morgue and headed to the ruins of the farm, intent on recovering whatever notes he could find. He then
headed to the college, where he hid in the basement of the library.
It was there that he found the notes.
They were by a former student, one Herbert West, detailing his efforts on reanimating dead tissue. This
was a revelation to Mordecai. The idea was radical, which appealed to his pioneering nature and it was
also somewhat sick, which appealed to the sadist in him. He could use his resurrection talent on a
massive scale, possibly creating a place where he could live and rule over his “people.”

Upon further study, Mordecai found he could augment the dead with the application of engineering and
metallurgical techniques. This would make the dead more durable and a force to be reckoned with. Not
only that, but using his technique of breaking down a body into it’s base components and inserting this
into a battlesuit, he could create “living armor.”

But he needed someplace where he had acces to a lot of raw material, someplace unlike a small town or
rural area that he found himself in. A place where he could continue his activities and then disappear
when the “living” took too much notice…

After he returned home to the family mortuary, his relatives started to develop this bad habit of dying in
freak accidents. Mordecai, of course, took care of all the arrangements and made sure that they got a
proper "burial." In the meantime, he began to clear out an area under the family tomb, which had
access to a large underground cave. This would be Mordecai’s “kingdom.”
Mordecai now operates Croker’s Mortuary with his assistant (and greatest success so far) “Mr. Von
Geary” and sends his minions out to perform tasks for him (anything from robbery to murder). Mordecai
controls them with a Ring of Command that he has developed. He has seen the decades pass and has
kept up with the latest scientific breakthroughs (he’s now experimenting with smallscale nuclear power
for some of his more armored undead). However, he still uses steam, clockwork and other techniques
for his normal foot soldiers. His dream is to one day have an underground land that can use the living as
a power source/raw materials.

In the last few decades, he has seen the rise of super-powered beings. He would love to get his hands on
one of them…

Personality: Mordecai has absolutely no regard for the living. He sees living beings as mere chattel for
him to do as he pleases. At the same time, he’s no dunce; he’s been caught before and driven from his
home on more than one occasion (which is why he also wears another invention of his: a “Damage Belt”
that protects him and can attack with a blast of energy if need be). He acts with discretion when
possible, sending his minions out usually at night to carry out his ghastly deeds. If confronted, he is
evasive. If challenged, he will throw as many NecroMechs as possible at the foe so as to occupy them
while he makes his escape. And he ALWAYS has an escape plan…

Appearance: A tall, thin man of pale complexion, red hair and slightly stooped stance. He usually dresses
in the style of his youth, wing collar, blue tweed suit, brown topcoat and a pair of black goggles, as his
eyes are sensitive to the light since he became undead. He also wears a pair of black rubber gloves since
he knows his cold touch is a giveaway to what he is.

Minions: Mordecai’s followers (NecroMechs) range from a revived corpse with a gun to fully power-
armored undead (the latter are not even corpses; merely acorpse’s base components poured into the
armor). They have minimal intelligence (with rare exceptions, such as Mr. Von Geary) and follow The
Mechromancer’s orders to the letter.
The villain of my Mutants and Masterminds campaign. Exarch was intended to be very Doctor Doom-
like. His distinguishing feature, however, is that, as opposed to Doom being the ruler of a small country,
Exarch is the head of a major religion.

Group shot of my 3 superheroes from the various Mutants & Masterminds games my friend has ran.
Captain Cadaver: The most patriotic zombie commando you'll ever meet. He's the botched prototype of
Captain America.

Hatshepsut: An egyptologist finds that she's the re-incarnation of the great woman Pharaoh
Hatshepsut... with magical powers.

Triage: A superhero with healing/life control abilities who is constantly concerned with his public image
in the cape community.

The Immortals, Ghost-Man

The Immortals is the name of our super hero group in the pen and paper game "Mutants and
Masterminds" and Ghost-Man is the face of the group. He is a celebrity hero that loves getting the public

How he got his powers are a mystery. He just sort of woke up one day with no memory of who is is, but
he had amazing powers. His powers put him at peak human strength and agility, super regeneration,
and he has an ethereal form (not pictured).

His color scheme is mostly white, with highlights of red and black. His trench coat is pure white, with his
tie, shoes, gloves, and fedora band being bright red. A colored picture will be posted soon.

Not pictured is his motorcycle, which is just as much a weapon as it is a mode of transportation.
The Immortals, the Cardinal
The Immortals is the name of our super hero group in the pen and paper game "Mutants and
Masterminds" and the Cardinal is the token grumpy hero. His teleportation powers means he often ends
up being a free taxi service for Ghost-Man.

His is very old. He stole a magical cloak which grants him his powers including flight, mass teleportation,
immunity to aging and weather effects, and attack abilities. He often uses his cloak to make a spear or
giant fist to fight with.

He is also a novice sorcerer and cal do minor magical spells and shoot damaging blasts at his enemies
(although they are not as powerful or damaging as his cloak).

He wears a black suit with bright red tie. His cloak is also bright red and his mask is done in a cardinal
motif. A colored picture will be posted at a later date.
Here is my old mutants and masterminds character from the following campaign from 2010 to 2012: [link] drawn by

Maria Capelli
Tagline: You just messed with the wrong kitty!

Power Level: 12 (180 pp)

Abilities: STR: 8/26 (- 1/+8), DEX: 10/30 (+ 0/+ 10), CON: 10/26 (+ 0/+ 8), INT: 14 (+ 2), WIS: 14 (+ 2), CHA: 16
(+ 3)

Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+ 15), Bluff 9 (+ 12/+ 16 [Attractive]), Craft (Writing) + 4 (+ 6), Diplomacy + 9 (+ 12/+ 16
[Attractive]), Escape Artist 6 (+ 16), Knowledge (Business) 8 ( + 10), Knowledge (Civics) 10 (+ 12), Notice 10 (+
12), Profession (politician) 10 (+ 12), Sense Motive 8 (+ 10), Stealth 5 (+ 15)

Languages: English, Spanish, Italian

Feats: Attack Focus 5 (melee), Attractive 2, Benefit 1 (Elected Official), Connected, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus
4, Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical (Claws), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative 2, Luck 1, Power Attack,
Takedown Attack 2


Regeneration 8 (Bruised 2 [Standard Action], Injured/Staggered 2 [10 minutes], Disabled 2 [1 hour], Ability
Damage 2 [1 hour] ; Power Feat: Persistent)
Cougress Form
- Enhanced Constitution 16
- Enhanced Dexterity 20
- Enhanced Strength 18
- Claws & Fangs (Strike 4; Power Feat: Mighty; Extra: Penetrating 4)
-- Alternate Power (PF) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [full-speed])
- Features 1 (Insulating Fur)
- Speed 3 (50 mph)
-- Alternate Power (PF) Leaping 3
- Super-Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Scent, Tracking 1 [Scent])
- Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall)
- Super-Strength 5 (Heavy Load: 15 tons; Maximum Load: 30 tons; Push/Drag: 74 tons)

Combat: Attack + 7 (+ 12 melee); Damage -1 (Unarmed)/ + 11 (Claws); Defense + 14 ( +6 Flat-footed); Initiative +

18; Grapple: +26

Saves: Toughness + 10 (+ 8 Flat-footed), Fortitude + 2 (+ 10), Reflex + 2 (+ 12), Will + 6 (+ 8)

Drawbacks: Normal Identity (Maria Capelli [Very Common, DC15]; -4pp), Involuntary Transformation [Very
Common, DC15]; -4pp)

•Responsibility (Elected Official): Maria has lots of responsibilities as a member of the U.S. Congress
•Responsibility (family): Maria’s marriage is going very badly
•Secret (Identity): Maria is deeply embarrassed by her hedonistic behaviour as Cougress, so she tries to keep her
dual identity as secret as possible


Backstory: Maria Capelli, a successful businesswoman and lawyer of Cuban and Italian descent, was elected to the
US Congress in 2004, running on a platform that emphasized education, business development, cracking down on
crime and corruption, and protecting national security. As for her stance on ultrahumans, Congresswoman Capelli
thinks many of them are menaces to society- but she welcomes those who are law-abiding and protect society from
the malcontents. Her public statements decrying vigilante “loose cannons” didn’t exactly endear herself to
ultrahumans, but it garnered her support among many concerned citizens.

Maria pretends to be a happy woman in public, but she’s struggling with a marriage on the skids (her husband,
Samuel Trask, is having an affair), and she’s been so focused on a successful career that she’s never had much time
for family and kids. She also possesses a B.A. from the University of Chicago and a J.D. from George Washington
University Law School. In addition, she is also a Roman Catholic when it comes to her faith.

Origin: About three months ago, Maria delivered a speech where she denounced an alarming increase in ultrahuman
crime, including the activities of both vigilanties and supervillains. As she returned to her condo in Washington DC,
she was knocked out and kidnapped by a group of masked people awaiting her. They took her then to a laboratory of
some kind, where a masked man promised that he would turn Maria into “the very thing you hate so much,
something that would be ashamed to see the light of day.” He then injected her with various genetic alteration
formulas, which then transformed the Congresswoman into a hybrid of amazon and cougar. Her strength surprised
her captors, and she broke free, knocked several unconscious, and escaped. However, when she returned to the site,
the whole lab was abandoned and she has not heard of her kidnappers ever since.

Maria is a very reluctant superheroine, especially given her previous stance against ultrahumans, but she secretly
enjoys the power, beauty, and grace of her mutant form and the sense of liberation she feels as Cougress. At other
times, she will succumb to cougar-like tendencies even while seemingly in control of herself. She also distances
herself from Cougress in public and denies any knowledge of the superheroine except in the news, keeping her
identity secret. She has some control over her alternate form, but she can transform at inopportune moments-
provoked by emotional extremes such as fear, anger, and stress.

Maria has now officially registered with the Office of Ultrahuman Affairs to protect her secret identity. She has also
acquired a patron in Russell Harrison, the prominent Neapolis philanthropist. And to top it all off, Congresswoman
Capelli is in a tough re-election fight against Kaitlin Powers, a ruthless urban planner from Miami (Maria’s
Congressional district includes Miami, its suburbs, and the Florida keys).

Personality: Maria is a passionate and engaging politician who is devoted to public service. She tends to be upbeat
and adheres to a firm sense of right and wrong, and firmly believes in the system of justice. As Cougress, Maria
often indulges her feline acclinations- she is feisty and hedonistic, as well as someone enjoys doing things for the
thrills of it. Maria is often embarassed by the antics of Cougress, but there is little she can do about it.

Physical Appearance: Cougress is 7’2" with the phsyique of a female bodybuilder, and covered with cougar fur. She
has yellow catlike eyes, disheveled blonde hair that cascades past her shoulders, and long, sharp claws and fangs.

Battle Tactics: Cougress takes advantage of her quick speed and stealth to move into surprise foes. She will also
feint in combat to catch enemies flat-footed and then rake them with her claws using power attack. She uses grapple
as well to subdue targets.

Motivation: Before her accident, Maria Capelli was an ambitious woman with dreams of becoming President. Now,
she hopes merely to find fulfillment and acceptance given her rocky personal life and new existence as an

Style of Dress: Maria is a 44-year old woman, 5’5" with olive skin, brown eyes, and trimmed black hair that comes
down to her neck. She wears designer powersuits to work, or elegant dresses to social events. Cougress, however,
wears a bikini or a revealing running suit.

Briar Rose Lineart

made a drawing of an NPC from my Mutants&Masterminds campaign, Briar Rose. The story is that DC tried to sue
her for copyright infringement due to her general likeness to a certain made-up villainess. That did not end well.
Dungeon Master - Costume
An updated version of an earlier sketch. A supervillain from my current M&M game who decided his 'plain clothes'
approach wasn't getting him the proper respect.
So he commissioned a costume.

Not holding my breath on that respect.

1) Yes, that IS a 'Danger Mouse' Logo.

2) Yes, his best approach to trying to get respect was "I put on my robe and wizard's hat".

Basically, as part of the game, the GM asks each player to come up with a nemesis for their character. One of the
PC's, Blindside ([link]), is a college athlete who got his powers in an accident, so he thought, as a 'jock' character,
his arch-nemesis should be a nerd who got his powers in the same accident.

Basically, DM is a superintelligent-type who's fascinated with building labyrinthine deathtraps, and who can boost
his intelligence even further if needed. Originally, he looked like this ([link]), but after several defeats, decided to
invest in a costume to make himself more a figure of menace.
Lifeguard 1
This is my current character in my current M&M game, a teenage game combining teen superheroes and high school
He's a teenage hero who combined the aquatic hero archetype, the rubbery/bouncy hero archetype and the
Ditkoesque scrapper.

The original version of him was created for Palladium's 'Heroes Unlimited' game which uses a random power
generation system... this may explain why his concept's a bit all over the shop.

This is actually my third sketch of the guy. I really wanted to do a picture that made him look like an actual teenager,
rather than a comic-book or TV series teenager (usually played by a 28 year old).
The Red Frog
One of the most beloved lollies is the humble red frog. During an M&M game, one of the players had a bag of red
frogs and shared them with the group.
Frequently, I am inspired by godawful puns, and I'm afraid this was one of those cases.

I imagined him as a 'Batroc Ze Leapair'-type with Communist sympathies able to assume a froglike, amphibian
form. Thus was born Ivan LaRue, 'The Red Frog'!
This character was created for a M&M game with a cosmic setting. He pays tribute to my love of 60's Hanna
Barbera cartoons, especially 'The Herculoids' - an alien shaman who can channel the spirits and powers of a number
of weird alien creatures.
I knew I wanted to play him as a Tarzan-style Jungle King, but as I didn't want to play him as 'Magic Whitey', I saw
no reason why he shouldn't be black.

Physically, I based his appearance on actor Lance Reddick (The Wire, Fringe) because he's damn awesome, and
because he had the broad-shouldered, long-limbed and narrow-hipped look I wanted for the character.
This is a character created for my current M&M game by a player who only played him for one session.
An atomic-powered robot soldier (whose outer shell is mad from the casings of A-Bombs) developed in the 1950's
who was launched into space and repaired by aliens on Pluto before returning to Earth in the present day.

He was too good a concept to only appear once, and I'm thinking I may have to dust him off and bring him back so I
can play him myself.

I.T. stands for "Infantryman of Tomorrow".

This took a LOT of redesigns to get the look 'just right'... I think this is, like, Version 5 or 6.
Doctor Satan
This is a Silver Age villain from my current M&M Game. I wanted to draw him as if he had been played by Victor
Buono (who played King Tut in the 'Batman' TV series.
This is a character who started out as an NPC in a Mutants and Masterminds game. I briefly toyed with making him
a legacy version of former Freedom Leaguer, The Black Avenger.
This was good, because it gave me a reason to re-design BA (which I did here - [link]) because I don't really dig
either of his published costumes, so I could do a modern version of it.

Alas, I never got around to playing this character... but there's still time in the future, maybe.
Crusader: 1st Mutants Character
I still am working on this. I had her nearly done with detailed shading, when I accidentally saved a cropped form of
her head as a psd file. I was so mad I had to start over from a flattened jpeg so we won't go into it. lol

She looks really 2D now, but I haven't had a chance to retouch anything yet. I had to re-sketch it all on its own
layers, at least the lines are in semi-ok order right now.

She's my character from a DnD campaign except we're playing the superheroes version called mutants and

Mutants and Masterminds is so amazing

Crusader can fly, has wings, can create force fields of light, and can heal. Oh and she has an awesome blast attack
that can be formed into a sword. Cooolnesss.

Anyway, her powers are object based (like the green lantern) and hers comes from a tiara with a full moon on it. It
used to be a crescent but she went from sidekick to hero, so it changed then to a full moon. (Totally sailor Moon-
esque) Her husband used to be a supervillain named Shader, but went good and is called Wraith now. Light and
Dark. And their kid is a freaking adorable troublemaker. How cute.

If you haven't played it yet and you like DnD, I recommend playing it. I get so happy because I know I'll never have
a happy husband and kid setting in real life, so it's fun to role play it.
Superhero Family
Mutants and Masterminds characters (Superhero DnD).

Crusader’s family. She married a villain turned hero named Wraith, whose power stemmed from an object in his
posession. He had darkness manipulation and could jump through shadows. Crusader had a tiara that fueled healing
and defensive barrier powers using light energy. Their son, Dark Templar, had the ability of both his parents when
Wraith developed an object to do so.

So I forgot crusader's wings and tiara...Oops. Just a quick sketch.

Quick sketch of my Mutants and Masterminds character.

Hero name: Amethyst

Real name: Lenneth Alexander
She has the power to change objects, and has telekinesis over objects she's converted.

Steampunk Mastermind
The Steampunk Mastermind (NPC Portrait)
Ink and colored pencil on toned paper
GenCon 2012

A steampunk villain from Mutants & Masterminds.

Shadowbane - Huntress of the Crawling Chaos
Shadowbane is my character in a friend's Mutants and Masterminds game. I'm still revising her look (such as the
gold gauntlets being downsized and made silver, and a more unnatural texture to the suit itself).

She's kind of an almagation of Go Nagai's Devilman Lady, Marvel's Venom, Top Cow's Witchblade and
MachSabre's Shadowgirls...

...and is the unfortunate reason that the setting of the game got changed from 'generic big city' to Arkham,
Massachusetts. :I

But we've had fun disrupting cultists and punching avatars of Yig (my GM likes Yig, I dunno why 'w') so far.
The completed character concept for the upcoming Mutants and Masterminds game I'm playing in.

Her name is Chelsea Margaret Alexandria Cooper. She's a social badass, with high scores in Presence, Persuasion,
Deceit and Insight. She also has a Mind Control power to deal with those she can't convince using more
conventional means. Beyond that, she can Blink and has a Telekinetic Blast array.

At the beginning of the game, she'll be very much a reluctant hero: when the Silver Sentinels (this world's version of
the Justice League) go mysteriously missing, a group of 'lesser' heroes stands up to take their place (and by lesser I
mean significantly lower power level). Chelsea, who doesn't really want to be a hero, gets dragged along for the
ride: "Fine, I'll help you morons, but only until the Sentinels get back. Don't come looking for me after that."
Because she doesn't want to be a hero, she doesn't pick the name Wraith for herself: a media outlet dubs that name
and it just sort of sticks. She'll accept it after a while, just like she's probably going to warm up to the idea of being a
super hero.

The tattoos glow when she uses her power, otherwise, they're completely invisible. Both her blink and telekinetic
strike powers are visible beyond that, with an associated blue glow that makes them quite noticeable (like the way
biotics look from Mass Effect).

Outside of saving people, she's a self-absorbed rich girl who gets her money by 'asking' for it (and by that I mean she
mind controls rich people into giving her money). She doesn't work and spends all her time shopping, partying or
relaxing. She doesn't care much for anyone but herself on a personal level, but she's not cold enough to turn away
from dozens of people left at the mercy of some super-villain, which is how she ended up becoming a hero in the
first place.
The savage lady
Another Mutants & Masterminds RPG character. Photo manipulation and panting.

Now, the last from our game (with tree). It's from Catana, she is named Ever, and it's a... quiet savage
I like her

Remote Chameleon
This is a character I am playing in a Mutants and Masterminds game a friend of mine is running.
Anyway, the floating hand and eye are just close-ups showing parts that you can see because of his full

His suit DOES give him something like invisibility. It's stated up as Blending which is Invisibility with the
flaw that you can't move all out. After that he's just a dude with a lot of skills. Lol

B.A.M. - Bubbles Are Magic

This is a character for a Mutants and Masterminds game that a friend of mine is running. My girlfriend
asked me if I could draw her characters and B.A.M. was one of them.
Character from a Mutants and Masterminds game.
His power is that he can transfer kinetic energy from one thing to another. So, if he's in a city during rush
hour traffic he can pull a little energy from all the cars in order to make himself move super fast. Or he
can make a charging foe stand dead in their tracks for a split second to throw something small at them
with equivalent force. Stuff like that. It was variable since his available energy was in flux all the time and
he could transfer the kinetic energy from any source to any thing.
This is a character for a Mutants and Masterminds game a friend of mine is running. Blitz is my
Black Noise
This is a character who is in a Mutants and Masterminds game a friend of mine is running. My girlfriend
asked me to draw her characters and this is one of them.
Her armor is actually a power bestowed upon her by a demon lord she made a pact with so she could
get revenge. Her powers are mostly darkness control, but she's a witch by trade so she makes potions
and magic tools and stuff. She's one tough cookie.
This is a character for a Mutants and Masterminds game that a friend of mine is running. Falderito is a
character my girlfriend is playing. She asked me to draw her.
Not my character so I may have the wrong language on this one, but I think Falderito means "Scout" in
Hungarian. The name ties into the character's heritage as her father was in the Hungarian army (if I'm
correct in my language assumption).
Demon Fist
This is a character for a Mutants and Masterminds game a friend of mine is running. He is a character I
am playing

Great War Wraith

one of the characters i´m making for a Mutants and Mastermind game

Mutants & Masterminds: Timberwolf
Pencil on paper
© 2005 Talon Dunning

Some character design for a short-lived play-by-post Mutants & Masterminds game I played in 2005.
This was another player's character.
Midnight Lady
Mutants & Masterminds: Midnight Lady
Pencil on paper
© 2005 Talon Dunning

Some character design for a short-lived play-by-post Mutants & Masterminds game I played in 2005. This was
another player's character.
As I recall, the gloves, goggles and suit gave her chameleon powers, or something like that.
Another Mutants and Masterminds character, a superheroine capable of manipulating gravity. Codename Gravitica

She is a scientist who gained powers in an accident while studying the effects a fight between cosmic-level beings
had on earth's gravitational field. When that happened she was just a lab assistant, though. Still young, she started
her career as Graviteen. This picture is of her all grown-up, though. Someday I'll post her in her younger identity.

Unlike the other heroines I submited to DA so far, she doesn't have an athletic physique and is in fact slightly
chubby (Gravity Manipulation is a great way to avoid physical exertion XP). The uniform and power over gravity
hide that quite well, though ^^

Not that she is particularly fat nor ugly. She is quite curvy and attractive, just not muscular.
Last game my character sacrifice herself to destroy an enemy.

He has the power of changing bodies every time he lost his host, and the only way to stop him, was making
everyone going away, while his current host kill himself. Madelyne wanted to be the host, and invited him to
dominate her. HE wanted her powers, and she wanted to stop him.
She made every friend go away (even using her power to convince ones), and when she was alone, her trap work,
and explode all the place with her inside.

But there is always a second chance for heroes! Her grandmother come from another dimension, taking her soul
with her. Madelyne can change things, and she explain that her magic could even create a new body. Actually, she
could live beyond her own universe and be an abstraction of a living thing... but Madelyne wanted to go back, to
chance things and try again. She could save more lives, she could love... so she come back.

Her reborn was made of the energy of creation, and she assumed a new form for a woman with no limits. She can
now see all the specters of life, but would she save her own humanity?

>>Original Mutants and Masterminds RPG character<<

Nikolai is the character from my boyfriend (CAppela) in the Mutants and Masterminds RPG game.

He used to be an old scientist, a nuclear physicist. But he was born with powers and was so much afraid to use them
an kill people with his radiation.
As the story go on, he almost lost his own body in the explosion of the spaceship he was trying to dominate, and it
changed his body, making him get in his prime form, as a perfect man, and a skull monster when using his powers.

The light he emanate depend of the kind of energy he is manipulating. Most of the time he is blue or green, but in
recent events, he get an orange/red form, when absorbed the supernova power that Madelyne created. And it
dominated him, making him.. a kind of evil.
At least until he almost killed Madelyne in his madness.
Xoret redesign
A buddy of mine is setting up a villain campaign for Mutants and Masterminds and I kept going mmm..should I
make a new character..or revamp an old one..

Now a few weeks ago, I found me and ShardzofWind's old Kingdom Hearts 2 RPs and reread them. And then I peed
my pants and went XORET! OMG! He'd be an awesome MnM villain if I can make his powers work right!

Still gotta try and make his power set in the game but went ahead and redesigned him as just a crazy dude who can
trap people in nightmares in place of a crazy nobody who can trap people in nightmares.

My idea is that Xoret just woke up one day with a clean slate--no idea who he is, where he was, why he had these
powers and has no understanding of what was going on. Being that he was no longer capable of falling asleep, he
kinda drove himself nuts and just goes around doing whatever the fuck he wants and doesn't care about who he hurts
in the process.
- Yvonne -
Design for a girl from Union Jack's universe

Her name is Yvonne and she's a super-power super-model. She's also a hardcore bitch.

I liked the idea of her making scanky ice armor so I decided to do a quick painting of her.

Used that style I played around with the other day..it works awesome for skin..but not much else lol

Yvonne: Redux
Not a huge redux but decided to give Yvonne an actual sorta uniform.

Considering she's a super powered MI-6 agent, she'd probably get herself a nice body suit to enhance her powers and
give her some more resistance to things. Also a fabric that would be immune to her ice. I'm sure she's ruined quite a
lot of nice suits.
Emerald Isle:
Another offset of Union Jack, decided to have fun with the concept of country based superheros...so I
made Emerald Isle! Concepted her up on St Patty's day too~

I actually had a real blast with her. She is, of course, Irish and her powers are pretty much druidic. She
can control plants, earth and water. Pretty much anything organic. Her real name is Rylie and she is an
environmentalist. She got her powers by accident when she was protesting a power plant and there was
an explosion...yadda yadda yadda generic superhero background. I'm debating giving her and Union Jack
a background cause the fact of him having the hots for her but then finding out she's a crazy hippy vegan
being a major turn off and her totally not loving that lol
Decided to give Emerald Isle a new costume!

Since she's a feminist, I figured she wouldn't really want to slut it up as much as she does.

Plus, since she's got Sydney now..I could see her wanting to let less people look at her lol
Revamped Duchess's design for the Union Jack universe. Decided that I wanna keep her as part of the
team after all

Should probably finish that issue I stopped on..

Union Jack tweeks
Starting up a new campaign where I get to play Jack again (yaaaaaaaaay!)
Decided to tweek things on his costume I didn't like..for instance, the red stripe that went between his
legs and how out of control his collar/ascot got

His powers are flight, telekinesis, telepathy and 'hellfire' control (it's like normal fire..but blue) He is in
fact British, hince the name lol. His real name is Alan Wright (name comes from Alan Moore and Edgar
Wright. Both are British and awesome)

His back story is *takes a deep breath* back in World War 2, the British government heard about
America and their super soldier serum. They decided to try their own hand at improving their soldiers.
Alan's grandfather accepted to become the guinea pig. After all the tests and experiments, they were
unsuccessful. Parliament closed down these experiments, deciding to just ignore what they did
considering they won the Battle of Britain anyway. However, they still kept tabs on the man and his
family..just in case. When Alan's father showed mutations within his DNA, Parliament invited him to
continue the experiments in exchange he use his powers in the name of Queen and country. He agreed,
under the guise that he was a member of Parliament when he was truely the protector of the Queen
and London. Alan was given a privileged life, going to private schools in case any powers manifested.
When he was 18, his powers did manifest and he became Union Jack to act as protector of the entire
island since he was young enough to have the energy for that (and the time since he drops out of collage
once he gets powers)

His identity is secret to everyone except the government and his family.

Terabyte: pg2 textless

Something me and David are working on. It'll make more sense when I get the text in and such
Terabyte is the superhero he made for that Mutants and Masterminds campaign I made Union Jack for
(who will be in later pages of this comic)

Full view and comments will be greatly appreciated :3

Terabyte (c) David Pinckney

- Regal -
I really don't know if I like his name or style..but whatev' lol

For those that remember Union Jack [link] this is his dad that I decided to give a design finally..but still not a real
name or powers lol
Ignore the terrible colouring, it was done over a really rough drawing so the red lines are still visible lol

with the last picture I did of Regal..I mentioned I had not given him a name or susperpowers. His real name is Paul
Wright (homage to Paul McCartney ) and his super powers are unbreakable skin, super-strength, super-speed (to a
degree) and flight. He's like a British Superman.
Terabyte's arch-nemesis :3

It's like Dolph Lundgren with a bit of Mr Clean thrown in.

7 foot tall robot designs for the Terabyte comic. Used by that Crysis guy I just uploaded

Ignore the fabulous pose lol I wanted to shoe the sides of his leg and the under of his hand.

Villain design for the Terabyte comic :3
The Constable
Sketch for someone for Union Jack to fight in my Colour theory project

- Sorian -
Finished product of ~obliviontrigger's Mutant and Mastermind character Sorian.
He's awesome and extremely dangerous for anyone who likes NOT being on fire.

- Shane -
Coloured version of this >>[link]

My friend Kiyo's Mutants and Mastermind's character Shane. I didn't really allude to it but she has earth and air
- Siyuri -
Coloured version of this [link] + her katana that I forgot
This is Siyuri, a badass sniper chick who can create portals.

I actually really like the result of this character. Also she's awesome cause she has Boost bullets that makes Union
Jack made of awesome and win <3

Gun designed by Jon who also designed Siyuri

Character I created for my Union Jack universe a while ago..just never found a stable look I wanted for him until

This is FortKnight as he is known. The third view is actually him in modern times as far as UJ is concerned. He has
a nice big chunk of powers. He can move through time, teleport, he is immortal and unaging, he can see into the
future and control the passing of time. He also carries on him a massive battle axe and a magical sword that can cut
through almost anything. FortKnight is actually kinda complex so to explain him now, I have to first explain him
from before.

Go back to like..8 or 9th century to when FortKnight wasn't FortKnight, he was just a Viking named Leiknir chilling
up in Iceland. Doin' sweet ass viking shit than bam! Manifested awesome time powers and is pretty much
considered a gift from the Gods.
Loses control of his powers and ends up warping himself into Medieval Britain. Goes ape-shit, kills a bunch of
people and makes an all together impressive display of himself. Pretty much gets locked up for being a mass-
murdering asshole but then starts telling the future and such. More people gather and all ohmygod--you're sent from
God! They clean him up and try to 'civilize' him and after a few years, he becomes a Templar Knight. Spends a good
amount of time crusading and shit.
He's all up for fighting and being all doted upon as a religious icon. Than in the midst of a battle, he again loses
control of his powers and makes a huge leap through time. Ends up in Late 70s England. Of course...you know,
there's a HUGE amount of shit that happens between the 1100s and the 1970s. So..you can imagine how poor
Leiknir reacts and due to his mass amount of destruction he starts causing in London, Regal shows up. Fun fact,
Leiknir carries a sword that can actually hurt Regal. So the nation goes berserk that there's now a legit threat against
their practically unstoppable superhero. Regal isn't exactly too happy about it either. The media are the ones who
actually dub Leiknir 'FortKnight' and claim him as Regal's 'arch-nemesis'.
Regal and FortKnight butt heads for a good few years as Leiknir finds himself in a superhero based world and just
kinda assumes that he must now battle Regal until he can ultimately defeat him. Fun fact, their final confrontation
actually takes place when Regal was supposed to get married to his wife, Union Jack's mother. So Regal wasn't
exactly in the best of moods when he punched FortKnight so hard, he ended up shattering a hole in the time-stream.
During their battle, FortKnight suffers a very damaging strike to the face from Regal and loses complete control of
his powers. A rift in time opens and pretty much starts to pull him in. Regal, being a government run superhero who
at the time didn't have the OK to kill, tries to help FortKnight and pull him from the time hole. Plus..if he didn't,
FortKnight wouldn't be able to close it and the time-space continuum would be fucked. In Regals attempt to pull
FortKnight out, he tears off FortKnight's left arm and almost tears the poor man in half. The government steps in,
takes FortKnight into custody and pretty much shut down the area around the rift until it can be fixed.
FortKnight gets patched up and wakes up with a fucked face, a nice nasty scar, a robotic arm and a blank slate for a
brain. His memory ends up completely erased, he has no idea who he is, where he is from or what time he is
originally from. The government also has no idea since he just kinda appeared outta no where.
That brings up to modern time where FortKnight is now just a cool ass time traveler who exists to just give everyone
shit, keep Big Ben working and on occasion accidentally appear into the past/future and come back looking rather
concerned. Things between him and Regal are good despite the tearing off limbs and breaking time portion of their
relationship. Fort and Union Jack are also close friends since they both spend a good amount of time just making fun
of everyone else and getting drunk.

Also, if anyone remembers Ian Chapman from the bare amount of the comic I finished, the creepy guy who becomes
UJ's nemesis...well he's actually the reason FortKnight hasn't gotten over his amnesia. When he got brought into
government control, they figured since he was a telepath..maybe he could fix FortKnights brain but instead he
implanted a device in the back of his brain and not only blocks his memory from returning but also gives Chapman a
teleportation device that he placed into one of his pens. So..Chapman can pretty much force FortKnight to open
portals to teleport himself without FortKnight knowing. Also, Chapman is the only person who knows FortKnights
actual origins...he just lied and said Forts brain was too fucked to get any information.

That was A LOT of text lol Expect silly FortKnight and Union Jack comics eventually lol

Decided to have some fun with Mutants and Masterminds and make some cliche, bad pun characters.

This is my 1970s styled Soul Cinema type character, Afrodisia! I heard the name Afrodisiac for a hair salon in
Atlanta and it gave me the idea for her! She has the power of emotion control (love) and so far I have the idea of
giving her a limited mind control and making it infectious. I.E. She mind controls someone by kissing them and if
they kiss anyone else, she also gets control over them.

Not sure if she's a villain or a hero but she might end up somewhere in the middle like Catwoman

May I add that afros are insanely fun to draw.

This is the Eclipse, a alien who came to earth on a pilgrimage to either help advance the world or learn something
from it for her own home planet. Gifted with the powers over Light and Darkness, Eclipse's powers range from
simple light blasts to ensnaring opponent in shadows to fatiguing them.

A super hero idea I came up with for a Mutants and Masterminds game, the character became more complex when I
thought, "Hey, why not make her have a duo personality?" Which lead, "Hey, instead of a duo personality, why not
have her talk with someone on another plane?" So what you see is not just one side of Eclipse, but two with Kh'Lior
representing the light side of dimensions and Niora representing the dark side.
Name: Xoret The Bleeding Nightmare
Orginal name: Toer
Weapon: A Cat-o-Nine tails dagger whip
Power: Nightmare --he can read minds to discover your worst fears and the tips of his whip and a mist
he can create causes these fears and nightmares to become real to you and you basically just go crazy.
Even once he stops this or it wears off--once you sleep, it returns in your dreams.
Occupation: Was a Student

Toer is from Radiant Garden but his parents died at a young age so he lived with an apathetic aunt. He
was basically ignored by family and peers so he grew up lonely andw as often teased. This sadness and
anger he kept inside was released into Xoret when he lost his heart. Both his nobody and heartless have
chains pierced on them or wrapped around them and the black tears from their eyes symbolizing the
emotions they broke away from. While Toer is soft-spoken and sweet, Xoret is uncaring and has a
general dislike for everyone except Omnix. ( ~ShardzofWinds character from the RP he grew out of) He
doesn't get along with Xigbar due to an attempt to kill Kilixia and basically everyone because he tried to
kill a few people and isntead left them in nightmare filled comas basically until he felt like releasing
them. He gets easily angered especially if people call him 'emo' (x3 Even though he looks it)

In the Rp, he has visited 'Hollow Bastion' and 'Aiirael' (an origianl world) only but has caused a good
amount of damage in both worlds. He was also a tad of a suck up to Xemnas so he'd be able to go cause
trouble more often.
E and E
My character in a mutants and masterminds game. She is a bit of a tech-nerd and her computer-skills
works like magic. E has a bit of a ..ern.. dirty past, and is probably more a villain then a hero.

E how ever doesn't seem to care and helps the group where she can, while insulting people because she
think they are stupid.

I only gave this some hasty shadows and colours.

Losing yourself
My character from Mutants & Masterminds RPG game.
Things are getting bad in Madelyne story...
After being accused for crimes about the hole super power community (not her fault), she discover that
her mad brother isn't dead yet (as she expected), but he is inside her.

Expecting she can help him to get a better body for him, she have to support his soul inside her (without
her permission), while his powers are destroying her body. Will his Chaos consume her before she get
him a body? Will she allow her bad brother to get a chance do live?

I don't know yet! Until the next game...

Been drawing this one on and off for a while since i started attempting to run a Mutants and
Masterminds game, meet the main villain 'Sovereign'

ugh. spent so long trying to colour.. and settled for whats there lol
Iron Child template sketch for "Project Melbourne", a steampunk setting for the Mutants & Mastermind 3e RPG.
Qi, the terrifying magical girl
A friend of mine decided to make a character for a Mutants and Masterminds campaign that was based off of
Homura from Madoka Magica, so I decided to make one derived from Mami. They are both spirits accidentally
summoned by and linked to an old hobo with magic powers.

Qi (pronounced Chi) is the materialized spirit of battle as and idea and an abstraction. She has the ability to turn her
arms into rifles made of bone and flesh, the bullets of which explode into plasma on impact. She fights defensively,
reflecting and redirecting ranged attacks, and generally being able to take a hit like a fucking champ. However, her
powers have a drawback, when she changes her arms and each time she fires them, it becomes harder and harder for
her to defend from attacks.
Pandora (NPC Portrait)
Graphite on bristol
Origins Game Fair 2012

A villain for a Mutants & Masterminds game. This was fun because I got to design the character from scratch. The
only guidelines I was given was that her costume was of the standard "supers style," and she carried and "evil, magic
box." I This was one of my favorites from the 2012 Origins show. The scan was made on-site with my hand scanner.
Unfortunately the calibration was off, causing the streaks.
Bastille (NPC Portrait)
Graphite on bristol
Origins Game Fair 2012

A French-themed supervillian for Mutants & Masterminds. The scan was made on-site with my hand scanner.
Unfortunately the calibration was off, causing the streaks.

A speed-painting of one of the player characters in a podcast-hosted Mutants and Masterminds campaign I'm
running... Tempest! Son of Thor!
Charles Foster: Kane
This is a preliminary drawing of a character I have in development for an MnM game some friends are putting

I know he is very Hulk-esque and he is supposed to be. I will be changing it as my mind is made up, but for starters,
I wanted a hulking character.

Loosely based on Maul from Jim Lee's WildCATS, Kane can manipulate his mass and strength at will, but becomes
less in control the larger he gets. Maul had super intelligence at normal size and superginormogenius intelligence at
small size. I think I am going to leave that part out... seems like it would be a lot to have to keep up with in MnM.

I named him Charles Foster with his code-name as Kane because in the movie Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane is
forced to grow to power and along the way hurts or destroys everything and everyone he loves until he dies alone at
the top. Kane loves to go big, as anyone would, but he has to control his urges or risk the well being of those around

This was my first time to try this type of drawing on my graphics tablet. I know the proportions are off... they're
supposed to be. He's hulking up and it doesn't occur all at once to scale.
Copic marker, colored pencil, pencil and ink on paper
© 2009 Talon Dunning

This was the design for a character I played in a short-lived MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS game. She was an
agent of the CDC and part of a team assigned to investigate "outbreaks" of viral superhuman transformations.
Despite her transformative abilities which allowed her to look human, this was her natural form.
Miel the illusionist
Okay, so this is another drawing of my illusionist Miel.

She's here dressed for the pnp Mutants and Masterminds.

The top left one, is from her time alongside the badguys, working as one of the two jokers. the middle one is her up-
to-date appearance, aswell with a closeup on her face in the bottom right

And then there's the magpie, from her name. ^^

Miss Miracle with her toys
Here is the Mutants and Masterminds character "Miss Miracle" showing what she can do with that miraculous
intellect of hers.

I added all the inventions over the pre-existing drawing because I had deleted the photoshop file with all the
separated layers

That, along me doing it over different days and me trying to fix some issues I saw (lips too pale, for instance) led to
some inconsistencies in coloring (lineart in particular has quite the variation in lightness).

I...also forgot to draw the holster for that gun of hers, just pretend it is there in her right thigh, ok?

Slips aside, I'm still pretty satisfied with how this turned out, especially the "fun" feel of her tech.

Miss Miracle has "miraculous" strength, endurance and intellect.

So, I got frustrated trying to make Wonder Woman in the same style I used for Aquaman, so here is an original
character of mine in a simpler style instead.

I call her Lady Victory and she may get use in my Mutants and Masterminds games.
Mother of All

I ran a Mutants and Masterminds campaign, and the main villain at the end was Lilith, the Mother of All. Here she is
being creepy ^^
My character in Mutants & Masterminds RPG. I just started and already had some concepts of him.
He has abilities over plants. He can manipulate his limbs to change size, his head and torso can't.


I'll post her stats up sometime when I remember.. but basically she is a superhero whose powers basically = having
an awesome robot suit.

She has some pretty crippling flaws though. -2 strength, which in mutants and masterminds basically means she has
the strength of a small child. In character she has some kind of crippling muscle wasting disease or something,
which is why she built herself a robot suit.

Oh she's also really neurotic and paranoid too.

And rich!

She was also the group's only real moral compass, everyone else at best being morally grey.. at worse blowing up
primary schools in the Ukraine and signing it off as collateral damage..

Deception is a Mutants and Masterminds character of mine...She is an illusionist and this is her real form.
Deception was hired as an assassin to kill Xavier by the Brotherhood. She's a pretty neutral character and infiltrated
the school creating the illusion she was several of the team and to make a long story short decided not to follow
orders and became part of the team instead. She hides to blend in and pass as any one to get a job done.
Syn Apsis by John Becaro
Another character from my Mutants and Masterminds campaign. This is the teams healer Syn Apsis.

Also, based on my City of Heroes character of the same name.

She can fly and project/control electricity

she can heal people by boosting their immune system and natural healing with bio-electricity.

Real Name: Rebecca Kraus

Occupation: Nurse (previously Doctor)
Identity: Secret
Languages: English
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Former Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Joilet, Illinois (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Celestial Rangers, Protectors
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Alexander, Avengers, The Big Balugo, Celestial Rangers, Cyclops, Infinity, Justice League,
Lady Light, Luthien, Ma'at, Seraphim, The Protectors, Wolverine
Known Enemies: Adeero, Apocalypse, The Black Hand, Dr. Doom, Dr. Dralco Rouge, FLQ, The Hunter,
The Inventor, Krotep, Marrow, The New Reich, The Pharaoh, Sevok, Steroid Ffloyd, Yellow Lantern
Species: Human {mutant}
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Abilities (56 pp)

Fgt 4, Agl 2, Str 1, End 3, Dex 5, Int 3, Awr 6, Pres 4

Defenses (17 pp)

Dodge Defense 19, Resistance +9 (Defense 21, Resistance +11 vs. area effects)
Parry Defense 18, Resistance +8 (Defense 20, Resistance +10 vs. area effects)
Fort +5
Will Defense 20, Resistance +10
Tough +7
Immune Fluorine descriptor
Other Defenses None

Initiative +10
Unarmed +7, Close, Damage DC 16
Lightning Bolt +8, Ranged, Damage DC 23 and Affliction DC 13 (Resisted by Fort,
Thunder Punch +11, Close, Damage DC 27 and Affliction DC 4 (Resisted by Fort,
Electric Blasts +11, Ranged, Damage DC 21 (Multiattack)
Ball Lightning Dodge DC 16, Ranged Burst Area, Damage DC 16 and Affliction DC 15 (Resisted by Fort,
Rapid Attack +7, Close Burst Area, Damage DC 12
Confusion Ranged Burst Area, Affliction DC 14 (Resisted by Will, entranced/compelled)
Tesla Cage +5, Ranged, Affliction DC 22 (Resisted by Fort, hindered/immobile/incapacitated)
Combat Options Agile Feint, Precise Attack (Ranged attacks ignore cover), Summon Flourine Elemental,
Light of Truth, Healing Touch, Healing Aura

Languages: English
Other Communication: Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all
languages with Communication Link
Travel Powers: Speed (8 mph), Flight (12o mph), Acrobatics +10
Senses and Awareness: Perception +16

Skills (26 pp)

Acrobatics 8 (+10), Close Combat: Thunder Punch 3 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+7), Expertise:
Magic 4 (+7), Expertise: Medical Doctor 9 (+12), Perception 10 (+16), Ranged Combat: Lightning Bolt 3
(+8), Ranged Combat: Electrical Blasts 2 (+7), Treatment 10 (+13)

Advantages (5 pp)
Agile Feint, Attractive 1, Equipment 1, Evasion 1, Improved Initiative 2, Precise Attack 1 (Ranged; cover),
Ultimate Effort 1 (Treatment)

Powers (103 pp)

Mutant Powers {mutant} (72 pp)
Lightning Bolt: Ranged Damage 8 and Affliction 3 (Resisted by Fortitude, Linked to Damage,
dazed/stunned/incapacitated) {electricity} (22 pp)
AE: Thunder Punch: Damage 12 (Accurate 2) and Affliction 4 (Resisted by Fortitude, Linked to
Damage, dazed/stunned/incapacitiated) {electricity} (1 pp)
AE: Electric Blasts: Ranged Damage 6 (Multiattack, Accurate 2) {electricity} (1 pp)
AE: Ball Lightning: Burst Area Ranged Damage 6 and Affliction 5 (Resisted by Fortitude, Two stages
only, fatigue/exhausted) {electricity} (1 pp)
AE: Tesla Cage: Ranged Affliction 12 (Resisted by Fortitude, hindered/immobile/incapacitated)
{electricity} (1 pp)
Electric Armor: Protection 3 {electricity} (3 pp)
Flight: Flight 6 (120 mph) {electro-magnetic} (12 pp)
Healing Touch: Healing 10 (Resurrection) {bio-electricity} (30 pp)
AE: Healing Aura: Burst Area Healing 10 {bio-electricity} (1 pp)
Magic Study and Powers {magic} (20 pp)
Super-Speed: Speed 2 (8 mph) and Quickness 2 and Enhanced Advantages 3 (Evasion 1, Improved
Initiative 2) (7 pp)
Rapid Attack: Burst Area Damage 2 (Selective, Unarmed Attack Check Required) (4 pp)
Light of Truth: Nullify 4 (concealment, obscure and illusion effects) (8 pp)
AE: Confusion: Burst Area Ranged Affliction 4 (two stages only, Entranced/Compelled) (1 pp)
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and
Comprehend 1 (understand
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial
Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)
Power from the Archomental of Flourine{flourine, elemental} (7 pp)
Call upon Aid: Summon 5 (Flourine elemental, Only usable once and then power vanishes, Friendly) (5
Gift from the Archomental: Immunity 2 (flourine effects) (2 pp)

Equipment (5 ep)
Commlink, Blackberry/Cell Phone, 2 ep unspent

Secret: Relationship: Syn Apsis has some deep feelings for a few of her teammates. This has begun to
affect her and she is trying to come to terms with her feelings.
Responsiblity: Syn Apsis feels responsible for the safety of her team, and tries to make sure no one
remains injured for long.
Temper: Syn has a temper for those that inflict pain on others. Her temper has gotten the better of her
several times.

PL 12, 207 pp

Fanboy by John Becaro

This is 's character in my Mutants and Masterminds game.

Fanboy, an artist who can turn any image into a creature to aid him.

Real Name: Ben Perkins

Occupation: Comic Book Artist
Languages: English, 1337 Speak, Spanish
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Former Aliases: None
Place of Birth: USA (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknowen ( orphan, was in the "system" )
Group Affiliation: Protectors
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Freedom League, The Protectors
Known Enemies: Crime League, Keepers of the World, The New Reich
Species: Human
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Platinum Blonde

Abilities (28 pp)

Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 18 (+4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Saves (19 pp)

Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +14, Tough +3 (+0 flat-footed)

Combat (10 pp)

Attack +2
Defense +6 (+2 flat-footed)
Initiative +0
Damage +0 (unarmed)
Knockback -1 (-0 flat-footed)
Grapple +2

Skills (41 pp)

Bluff 4 (+5), Climb 4 (+4), Computers 4 (+8), Concentration 12 (+15), Craft (artistic) 17 (+21), Diplomacy 4
(+5), Disguise 4 (+5), Gather Information 10 (+11), Intimidate 4 (+5), Investigate 4 (+8), Knowledge (art) 8
(+12), Knowledge (business) 4 (+8), Knowledge (current events) 10 (+14), Knowledge (popular culture)
17 (+21), Languages 2 (1337 Speak, Spanish), Notice 10 (+13), Escape Artist 12 (+15), Ride 4 (+7), Search
4 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 4 (+7), Stealth 4 (+7), Swim 8 (+8)

Feats (28 pp)

Benefit 1 (Status [famous comic artist]), Defensive Roll 3, Disarming 2, Distract 1 (Bluff), Dodge Focus 3,
Elusive Target, Equipment 7, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative 2, Luck 3, Quick Change 1,
Powers (49 pp)
Artistic Creation Powers (49 pp)
Summon 12 (Extra: Fanatical, Extra: Heroic) (48 pp)
AP: Create Object 12 (PF: Progression 6) (1 pp)

Equipment (35 ep)

Condo, 25 "Floating Equipment Points"

Responsibility (To work), Prejudice (powers can be offensive to others)

PL 12, 175 pp


Abilities (26 pp)

Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 18 (+4)

Saves (17 pp)

Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +10, Tough +5 (+2 without Electric Armor)

Combat (28 pp)

Attack +7 (+11 with Thunder Punch and Electrical Blasts)
Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed)
Initiative +10
Damage +0 (unarmed), +12 (Thunder Punch), +8 (Lightning Bolt), +6 (Electric Blasts), +4 (Ball Lightning),
+2 (rapid Strike)
Knockback -2 (-1 without Electric Armor)
Grapple +7

Skills (12 pp)

Acrobatics 8 (+10), Concentration 10 (+13), Knowledge (life sciences) 9 (+12), Medicine 10 (+13), Notice
10 (+13)

Feats (7 pp)
Acrobatic Bluff, Attractive 1, Dodge Focus 1, Elusive Target, Evasion 1, Precise Shot 1, Ultimate Effort 1

Powers (86 pp)

Mutant Powers {has the mutant descriptor} (68 pp)
Electrical Control 8 (Lightning Bolt) and Stun 3 (Extra: Linked [to Electrical Control]) {has the bio-
descriptor} (22 pp)
AP: Strike 12 (Thunder Punch, PF: Accurate 2) and Stun 4 (Extra: Linked [to Thunder Punch]) (1 pp)
AP: Electric Blasts 6 (Extra: Autofire, PF: Accurate 2) (1 pp)
AP: Blast 4 (ball lightning, Extra: Area [Burst]) and Fatigue 5 (Extra: Linked [Blast]) (1 pp)
AP: Paralyze 11 (1 pp)
Flight 4 (8 pp)
Force Field 3 (Electric Armor) (3 pp)
Healing 10 (Extra: Resurrection) {has the bio-electricity descriptor} (30 pp)
AP: Healing 10 (Extra: Total) {has the bio-electricity descriptor} (1 pp)
Magic Abilities (18 pp)
Magic 4 {has the magic descriptor} (8 pp)
Nullify 4 (Light of Truth, concealment, obscure and illusion effects)
Super-Speed 2 (Rapid Strike) (10 pp)

PL 12, 176 pp


Abilities (26 pp)

Str 21 (+5), Dex 16 (+3), Con 22 (+6), Int 13 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)

Saves (10 pp)

Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5, Tough +12

Combat (12 pp)

Attack +2 (+8 melee, +12 unarmed)
Defense +8 (+2 flat-footed)
Initiative +3
Damage +5 (unarmed)
Knockback -6
Grapple +7

Skills (13 pp)

Acrobatics 8 (+11), Climb 4 (+9), Drive 4 (+7), Intimidate 11 (+14), Notice 4 (+7), Perform (oratory) 5 (+8),
Profession (Pro Wrestler) 10 (+13), Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Feats (33 pp)

Attack Focus (melee) 6, Attack Specialization (unarmed) (2), Chokehold, Crushing Pin, Dodge Focus 4,
Fearless, Fearsome Presence 5, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Improved Throw,
Prone Fighting, Startle, Takedown Attack 1, Teamwork 1, Tough 3, Ultimate Effort 1 (Toughness Save)

Powers (41 pp)

Undertaker Powers {has the wrestling descriptor} (41 pp)
Protection 3 (3 pp)
Trip 12 (Chokeslam, Extra: Knockback, Flaw: Range [Touch], Flaw: Requires Grapple) (12 pp)
Stun 12 (Tombstone Piledriver, Flaw: Requires Grapple) (12 pp)
AP: Stun 12 (The Last Ride, Flaw: Requires Grapple) (1 pp)
AP: Darkness Control 6 (1 pp)
Regeneration 10 (Recovery Bonus +3, Bruised 1, Staggered 4, Resurrection 2, PF: Persistant, PF: True
Resurrection) (12 pp)

PL 12, 150 pp


Abilities (26 pp)

Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 16 (+3), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 14 (+2)

Saves (9 pp)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +8, Tough +3

Combat (16 pp)

Attack +4 (+10 ranged, +10 unarmed)
Defense +9 (+2 flat-footed)
Initiative +1
Damage +2 (unarmed), +3 (light pistol)
Knockback -1
Grapple +6

Skills (58 pp)

Acrobatics 6 (+7), Bluff 12 (+14), Climb 4 (+6), Computers 7 (+10), Diplomacy 4 (+6), Disable Device 10
(+13), Drive 10 (+11), Escape Artist 8 (+9), Gather Information 10 (+12), Intimidate 12 (+14), Investigate
10 (+13), Knowledge (Civics) 7 (+10), Knowledge (Current Events) 12 (+15), Knowledge (Streetwise) 12
(+15), Knowledge (Tactics) 12 (+15), Knowledge (Technology) 12 (+15), Languages 3 (Spanish, Russian,
Serbian), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 8 (+11), Pilot 10 (+11), Search 10 (+13), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight
of Hand 12 (+13), Stealth 10 (+11), Survival 7 (+10), Swim 6 (+8)
Feats (30 pp)
Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Attack Specialization (unarmed) 3, Benefit 1 (CTU Agent),
Connected, Contacts, Dedicated, Dodge Focus 5, Equipment 2, Improved Aim, Improved Disarm,
Improved Initiative, Master Plan, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Gather
Information, Intimidate, Sense Motive), Well-Informed

Equipment (10 ep)

Light pistol (Beretta M9 2FS), cell phone

PL 8, 140 pp, Tradeoffs (+1 defense/-1 toughness, +2 attack/-2 save DC)



Abilities (8 pp)
Str 10 (+0), Dex 10 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)

Saves (2 pp)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1, Tough +1

Combat (8 pp)
Attack +2 (+3 ranged)
Defense +2 (+1 flat-footed)
Initiative +1
Damage +0 (unarmed)
Knockback -0
Grapple +2

Skills (5 pp)
Bluff 4 (+6), Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+4), Perform (stringed instruments) 6 (+8), Profession
(guitarist) 6 (+6)

Feats (3 pp)
Attack Focus (ranged) 1, Luck 2

PL 2, 26 pp, Tradeoffs (+1 attack/-1 save DC)

Abilities (16 pp)
Str 30 (+10), Dex 12 (+1), Con - (-), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

Saves (14 pp)

Fort -, Ref +1, Will +6, Tough +10 (4 impervious)

Combat (28 pp)

Attack +8 (+10 ranged)
Defense +6 (+3 flat-footed)
Initiative +1
Damage +10 (unarmed), +6 (Auto 9 Machine Pistol)
Knockback -0
Grapple +2

Skills (11 pp)

Drive 6 (+7), Investigate 6 (+7), Knowledge (streetwise) 6 (+7), Notice 8 (+10), Profession (police officer)
6 (+8), Search 6 (+7), Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Feats (23 pp)

Accurate Attack, Ambidexterity, Assessment, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 2,
Fearless, Improved Aim, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative 1, Improved Pin, Luck 1, Move-By Action,
Precise Shot 2, Power Attack, Quick Draw 2, Ultimate Effort 1 (Aim), Uncanny Dodge 1 (visual), Well-

Powers (60 pp)

Cyborg Powers {has the technology and cybernetic descriptors} (44 pp)
Impervious Toughness 4 (4 pp)
Immunity 30 (Fortitude saves) (30 pp)
Super-Senses 9 (darkvision, direction sense, distance sense, infravision, radio, time sense, ultrahearing,
ultravision, PF: Track) (10 pp)
Artifacts and Devices (16 pp)
Device 5 (Auto 9 Machine Pistol, easy to loose, PF: Restricted [24 or higher strength to use]) {has the
technology and ballistic descriptors} (16 pp)
Blast 6 (Extra: Autofire, Extra: Penetrating, PF: Improved Critical 1)

Equipment (10 ep)

Patrol Car

Drawbacks (-2 pp)

Vulnerability (moderate to magnetics) (-2 pp)

PL 10, 150 pp

Abilities (16 pp)

Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)

Saves (11 pp)

Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4, Tough +6

Combat (20 pp)

Attack +5 (+7 ranged)
Defense +7 (+3 flat-footed)
Initiative +2
Damage +2 (unarmed), +3 (M9 9mm Pistol), +4 (FN P-90 Assault Rifle), +5 (grenades)
Knockback -3
Grapple +7

Skills (20 pp)

Bluff 12 (+15), Climb 4 (+6), Concentration 4 (+5), Diplomacy 3 (+6), Drive 4 (+6), Gather Information 8
(+11), Investigate 4 (+5), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+6), Knowledge (tactics) 6 (+7), Notice 6 (+7),
Pilot 5 (+7), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+10), Swim 3 (+5)

Feats (21 pp)

Assessment, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Benefit 1 (Military Rank), Dodge Focus 2, Defensive Roll,
Equipment 8, Inspire, Jack of All Trades, Leadership, Luck 2, Master Plan

Powers (9 pp)
Artifacts and Devices (9 pp)
Device 3 (Zat'nik'tel, easy to loose) {has the gua'uld and electric descriptors} (9 pp)
Stun 6 (Extra: Ranged, Flaw: Action [Full-Round], PF: Affects Insubstantial)
AP: Blast 6 (Flaw: Limited [to those already stunned by a Zat'nik'tel)

Equipment (40 ep)

Tactical Vest, Walkie-Talkie, Grenades, M9 9mm Pistol, FN P-90 Assault Rifle (Blast 4 [Extra: Autofire])

PL 7, 110 pp

Abilities (-9 pp)
Str 10/50 (+20), Dex 10 (+0), Con 10/30 (+10), Int 1 (-5), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)

Saves (14 pp)

Fort +10, Ref +0, Will +0, Tough +15

Combat (62 pp)

Attack +5 (includes -12 due to size)
Defense +5 (-5 flat-footed, includes -12 due to size)
Initiative +0
Damage +10 (unarmed), +6 (Auto 9 Machine Pistol)
Knockback -27
Grapple +54

Skills (4 pp)
Intimidate 4 (+14), Notice 4 (+4), Survival 4 (+4), Swim 4 (+1)

Feats (8 pp)
All-Out Attack, Environmental Adaption 1 (underwater), Fearless, Fearsome Presence 4, Power Attack

Powers (115 pp)

Godzilla Powers {has the radiation descriptor} (115 pp)
Growth 20 (Extra: Duration [continuous], PF: Innate, Flaw: Permanent) (61 pp)
Immunity 5 (Heat, Cold, Radiation, High Pressure, Drowning) (5 pp)
Protection 5 (5 pp)
Absorption 5 (energy into healing, Flaw: Limited [radiation only]) (10 pp)
Radiation Control 12 (Radiation Breath) (24 pp)
Regeneration 1 (ressurection 1, PF: Regrowth) (2 pp)
Super-Senses 6 (ultravision, scent, ranged radius detect radiation) (6 pp)
Swimming 2 (2 pp)

Drawbacks (-6 pp)

Vulnerability (moderate to Cadmium) (-2 pp)
Disability (mute) (-4 pp)

PL 12, 180 pp

Cantonese, English, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai
Abilities (42 pp)
Str 16 (+3), Dex 22 (+6), Con 16 (+3), Int 16 (+3), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 16 (+3)

Saves (11 pp)

Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +6, Tough +5 (+3 flat-footed)

Combat (50 pp)

Attack +15
Defense +15 (+5 flat-footed)
Initiative +7
Damage +3 (unarmed), +3 (kikouken), +3 (Hyakuretsukyaku), +3 (Spinning Bird Kick), +3 (Tenshou
Kyaku), +5 (Senretsukyaku), +5 (Kikoushou)
Knockback -2 (-1 flat-footed)
Grapple +21

Skills (19 pp)

Acrobatics 12 (+18), Concentration 8 (+11), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Gather Information 8 (+11), Invastigate 8
(+11), Language 4 (English, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai), Notice 8 (+11), Profession (Interpol Officer) 8
(+11), Stealth 4 (+10)

Feats (22 pp)

Acrobatic Bluff, Attractive 1, Benefit 1 (Security Clearance [Interpol Agent]), Defensive Attack, Defensive
Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Equipment 2, Evasion 1, Grappling Finesse, Improved Aim,
Improved Initiative 1, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Move-By Action, Power Attack

Powers (18 pp)

Wu Shu Powers {has the chi descriptor} (11 pp)
Blast 3 (Kikouken) (6 pp)
AP: Strike 3 (Hyakuretsukyaku, Extra: Autofire) (1 pp)
AP: Strike 3 (Spinning Bird Kick, Extra: Area [Trail], Extra: Targeted) (1 pp)
AP: Strike 3 (Tenshou Kyaku, Extra: Autofire, Flaw: Distracting) and Nullify 3 (attack effects) (1 pp)
Leaping 2 (2 pp)
Ogui Powers {has the chi descriptor} (7 pp)
Strike 5 (Senretsukyaku, Extra: Autofire, Extra: Area [trail], Extra: Targeted, Flaw: Distracting, Flaw:
Tiring) (5 pp)
AP: Strike 5 (Kikoushou, Extra: Area [burst], Extra: Duration [concentration], Flaw: Distracting, Flaw:
Tiring) (1 pp)
AP: Strike 5 (Hazan Tenshoukyaku, Extra: Autofire, Extra: Area [cone], Extra: Targeted, Flaw:
Distracting, Flaw:
Tiring) (1 pp)
Equipment (10 ep)
Light Pistol

PL 10, 162 pp


She is for an M&M game I am applying to play on Myth-Weavers, set during WWII. The Nazis have been
creating/finding and training "Ubermenschen" (Supermen) and have turned the tide of the war in their
favour, so the allied forces are trying to round up super powered people (which they call "Talents") to
even the odds a bit.

Dorothy, Songbird, was a code-breaker working for the Woman's Auxiliary Air Force when the base she
was stationed at was bombed. Something happened to her during the attack (combined with preexisting
mild genetic instability) that gave her the ability to transform into the bird-like form depicted above.
Changing back and forth between forms is both difficult and painful, which puts a fun game-mechanic
twist on the character. She can communicate with birds, has improved vision, etc, etc, etc.
Shadow Master
My original sketch of the Shadow Master, my character from Mutants and Masterminds. A reformed villain, Shadow
Master decided the smart move was to join the good guys, since they always win. Even though he's no longer a bad
guy, sometimes he forgets to turn the scary off. Old habits die hard, I guess. He has control over shadows and
illusions, and can teleport through shadows. He can also terrify his enemies into fleeing.
Khepri Finalized Character
Themes for Khepri, a character for a Mutants & Masterminds game. Khepri's real name is David Samuels, a well-
respected Egyptologist. After touching some artifacts in an Egyptian tomb, Samuels was transformed into a living
mass of scarab beetles. Calling himself Khepri, an Egyptian god of rebirth and the dawn, e struggles to continue his
life as normally as he can as the hideous monster he sees himself as, even as he is swept up into adventures he never
looked for.

Golden Eyes Spartan Armor

This was a commission for mike of his Mutants and Masterminds character Golden eyes decked out spartan style!

"I am a WOLF not a DOG!!!" - Goldeneyes

Real Name: Thomas Cochrane

Occupation: Molecular Biologist
Identity: Public
Languages: English
Citizenship: Citizen of the United Kingdom (Kingdom of Power)
Former Aliases: None
Place of Birth: London, England (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents (Richard and Theresa Cochrane), Brother (Patrick Cochrane)
Group Affiliation: The Protectors, Celestial Rangers
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Avengers, The Big Balugo, Celestial Rangers, Justice League, Lionheart, Mary, Seraphim, The
Known Enemies: The Black Hand, Darkseid, FLQ, Keepers of the World, Lolth, The New Reich, Nxla, The Pharaoh
Species: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Silver/Grey

History of Goldeneyes
Page history last edited by wolf_rider19@... 1 year, 4 months ago
Young Thomas Cochrane, had always wanted to follow in his family's footstep's and join the armed forces of their
Britanic majestys. He joined the Royal Rifles at the young age of 19, and than joined the SAS at the age of 25, and
served with honour and was note worthy. He reached the rank of captain, but was at a loss to the death and
dismemberment that he saw on the battlefield, and sought a way to lessen the losses faced by all armies. So he
turned his attention to the medical field, and the thought of gene therepy came to the forefront of his mind. Staying
with the army for onemore year to pay for his medical college degree, he than spent 4 years studying gene
manipulation and theory's of gene altering, he managed to start a medical pratice, that was very seccesful, however
the goverenment stopped its funding when he started to talk of mixing dna of animals with humans. Forced to test
his theory's on the only test subject avaiable, he injected himself with the dna of a north american timber wolf, the
test worked but, with the side-effect of leaving thomas with the visual apperance of a wolf, but it unlocked lantent
pysic powers. His dna was left highly unstable so he traveld to the USA to meet with one Dr.McHaines, whom was
able to stable out his dna. Shortly after that he became a member of the protectors super hero group. He has had
many adventures since, and has been able to maintain his medical pratice.

Abilities (72 pp)

Fgt 8, Agl 5, Str 6, End 5, Dex 4, Int 4, Awr 3, Pres 1

Defenses (16 pp)

Dodge Defense 17, Resistance +7
Parry Defense 23, Resistance +13 (Defense 19, Resistance +9 without force shield)
Fort +12
Will Defense 19, Resistance +9
Tough +11 (5 impervious, 11 impervious with Inertial Barrier)
Immune Ballistic, Piercing, Bludgeoning Damage and High Pressure with Inertial Barrier, Variable with Adapt
Body, otherwise None
Other Defenses Diehard, Adapt Body

Initiative +5
Unarmed +11, Close, Damage DC 21
Cavalry Saber +13, Close, Damage DC 24
Sword-Bayonet +13, Close, Damage DC 24
Mind Blast Ranged, Damage DC 19 (resisted by Will)
Energy Ray +11, Ranged, Damage DC 28 (variable descriptor - any energy type)
Energy Cone Dodge DC 21, Cone Area Close, Damage DC 28 (varible descriptor - any energy type)
Tommy Gun +13, Ranged, Damage DC 19 (Multiattack)
Baker's Rifle +11, Ranged, Damage DC 21
7-Barrel Volley Gun +11, Ranged, Damage DC 20
Combat Options Quick Draw, Precise Attack (Ranged Cover), Improved Trip, Null Psionics Field, Body
Adjustment, Power attack

Languages: English
Other Communication: Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all languages with
Communication Link
Travel Powers: Speed 1 (4 mph), Flight 11 (8,000 mph), Teleport 11 (Increased Mass 2), Time Travel (foreward 1
minute), Water-Walking, Dimensional Travel (within the same Kingdom)
Senses and Awareness: Perception +3, Low-Light Vision, Scent (Accurate Olfactory), Detect Psionics, Precognition,
True Sight (when power is activated)

Skills (30 pp)

Expertise: Molecular Biology 12 (+16), Expertise: Survival 8 (+12), Insight 10 (+13), Intimidate 12 (+13), Ranged
Combat: Tommy Gun 2 (+6), Treatment 10 (+14)
Close Combat: Sword 2 (+10), Stealth 2 (+7), Perception 1 (+4), Expertise: S.A.S Military Training 3 (+7)
Advantages (24 pp)
Benefit (Security Clearance - British Military) 1, Benefit (wealth) 4, Diehard, Close Attack 3, Equipment 5,
Improved Trip 1, Luck 1, Precise Attack 1 (Ranged - Cover), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 7, Power Attack

Powers (101 pp)

Wolf DNA Traits {genetic, wolf} (25 pp)
Enhanced Abilities: Enhanced Strength 1 and Enhanced Agility 2 and Enhanced Endurance 2 and Enhanced
Awareness 1 (12 pp)
Wolf Senses: Senses 2 (low-light vision, accurate olfactory) (2 pp)
Wolf Form: Enhanced Advantages 1 (Improved Trip), Protection 5 (Impervious) (11 pp)
Psionic Powers {psionic} (74 pp)
Mind Blast: Perception Damage 9 (Alternate Save: Will) {mental} (36 pp)
AE: Null Psionics Field: Burst Area Nullify 13 (All Psionic effects) (1 pp)
AE: Energy Cone: Cone Area Damage 13 (Variable Descriptor 1 [energy effects]) {one type of energy} (1 pp)
AE: Energy Ray: Blast 13 (Variable Descriptor 1 [energy effects]) {one type of energy} (1 pp)
AE: Inertial Barrier: Impervious Toughness 6 and Immunity 16 (high pressure, bludgeoning damage, piercing
damage, ballistic damage) {force} (1 pp)
AE: True Sight: Senses 8 (vision counters concealment 5, vision counters illusion, detect hidden) (1 pp)
AE: Body Adjustment: Healing 13 (Limited: Self Only) (1 pp)
AE: Mind Reading: Mind Reading 2 (Sense-Dependent: Scent, Feedback, Subtle 2) (1 pp)
AE: Psychic Teleport: Teleport 17 (Increased Mass 2) (1 pp)
AE: Psionic Flight: Flight 12 (8,000 mph) (1 pp)
AE: Psychic Movement: Movement 4 (Time Travel 1 [Move foreward 1 minute], Water-Walking, Dimensional
Travel 2 [within the same kingdom]) (1 pp)
AE: Mental Communication: Communication 1 (100 feet) Flaw sense-dependent [smell] (3pp)
Force Shield: Enhanced Parry 4 {force} (4 pp)
Speed of Thought: Speed 1 (4 mph) (1 pp)
Psychic Senses: Senses 5 (Precognition, detect psionics) (5 pp)
Adapt Body: Variable 3 (Limited to survive in the surrounding environment only) (15 pp)
Immunity: Electricity damage ( 5 pp )
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and Comprehend 1
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)

Equipment (25 ep)

Tommy Gun: Blast 4 [Multiattack] (12 ep)
AE: Baker's Rifle: Blast 6 (1 ep)
AE: 7-Barrel Volley Gun: Blast 5 (1 ep)
AE: Sword-Bayonet: Strength-Based Damage 3 (1 ep)
Cavalry Saber (Strength-Based Damage 3), Dragon Squad Armor (Protection 6), Commlink

Responsibility: Goldeneyes still feels beholden to the England Military, as well as to his family.
Relationship: Goldeneyes has strong feelings for the dog-boy Mary.
Relationship: Goldeneyes feels a strong bond of friendship to Guardian in both a human and wolfen mind-set.
Enemy: The Hunter.
Uncertainty: After his most recent actions Goldeneyes doubts his right to be a Hero and even fears his own powers,
and in moments of high stress will begin to doubt his ability to make the correct action

PL 13, 230 pp, 0 pp unspent (GM Note: Due to his Responsiblity complication, Goldeneyes will start next game
with 2 hero points, not 1. This is because his Responsibility created a complication when he was ordered to get
Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy).
Dark Star
My Mutants and Masterminds character Dark Star
She's basically a modified paragon. Super strength, durability, cosmic energy control, flight, life support, some


she has the power to control metal bonds of the molecules

Just got my Cintiq 21! This is the first thing i've drawn with it! Complete with uncharacteristic background feature!

I'm pretty excited about this. I went in blind, just getting acquainted with how things work and making the difference
between Intuos4 and drawing directly on the screen.

Think it turned out okay. But again, it was only a test. Started as a Mr. Freeze type idea, and mashed into some kind
of a Baron Zemo type concept. Might actually use this guy as a Mutants and Masterminds bad guy or something.

Aves and Shroud
Before you ask, No. I did not do the linework for this piece. This is a collaborative effort project between my
amazing girlfriend's linework, and me handling color.

These are two characters from a Skype Mutants and Masterminds game i just started running every OTHER

It's set in the future of a custom setting i've worked out years ago. Aves can fly, has wind control, and can heal,
whereas Shroud works primarily in single-target illusions that can cause harm, and has a mask that can make him
appear to be anybody as an independent illusion.

So yeah. Enjoy.
Switch, Master of the Arcane
Proof that i can (sort of) draw faces and four fingers and a thumb on each hand. I decided to draw a character from
an old Mutants and Masterminds custom campaign that i ran. (This is Luis' character Switch, naturally.)

I'm trying to motivate myself to draw realistically, in the hopes of actually getting in the swing of things, and
potentially churning out penciled comic art sometime soon.

Anyway, enjoy. I'll provide links to the speed drawing as soon as they're available (i did draw this from a pencil
sketch that i did, though, so the speed drawing is mostly inking and coloring. Still about two hours--unsure as of yet,
due to some problems with maintaining a decent upload tonight.)

White Dragons
The final lineup of my superhero team, the White Dragons.
Part of a lot of conceptual art i'm doing for a homebrew Mutants and Masterminds setting involving my characters
and the Dracoverse.
EDIT: Changed the final lineup and inked.

Featuring from left to right:

-Stormbreaker, aka Sakurai Aegypt. Electricity manipulator.

-Night Dragon, aka Ryan Drake. Pyrokinetic; superhuman

agility, speed, stamina and strength. Wall-climbing and other reptilian abilities.

-Twilight, aka Kasumi Narusegawa. Cryokinetic.

-Annihilator, name unknown. Superhumanly strong and resilient creature.

-Black Hornet, aka Mei Dilong. Superhuman speed, agility and reknown for her assassination and martial arts skills.

-Zero, aka Felix Winchester. Former lycanthrope criminal and drug lord. Superhuman speed, strength and stamina.

-Metztli Nightwind, world's greatest sorceress. Wielder of magic powerful enough to actually hurt gods.
-Excalibur, aka Elizabeth Blaze. Superhuman speed, agility and extensive healing factor. Able to turn her fingernails
into steel-sharp claws with a maximum length of over 10 feet.

-The Blur, aka Yoruhime Hayasa. Ablility to run at speeds over mach 20.

-Night Hawk, aka Stride Eagleclaw. Lethal elven archer and black-ops expert.

-The DragonSlayer, aka Jack Alexander. A man who uploaded his mind patterns into a sophisticated battle armor.
The armor is faster than the most advanced fighter jet, has enough firepower to level a city and is able to connect
with and hijack every machine known to man.

This is my mutants and masterminds character, she is a energy controller. She can fly and can fire energy blasts from
her hands. The energy is actually her power to manipulate the atoms around her and cause them to go radioactive.
She always has a energy aura around her that contains the radioactivity from others around her, though she can
release it if necessary. She is also incorporeal and only takes half damage.
background: Claudia was taken to a Nazi science lab when she was a little girl. She was to be the ultimate weapon,
trained to kill from her abduction. Though her brain washing wasn't successful and while on a mission, her humanity
kicked in and she turned on her creators and destroyed the lab. She now lives in Metrocity and tries to live out her
life normally. Though if needed she does use her powers to help those around her. She's somewhat famous actually
since she can't change to a different form other than her own, she can't have a secret identity.
Since this is a line art you can't see her colors but there's not a whole lot to see, her hair is white and her eyes are
white but her skin is light blue and her clothes are normal.

Guardian Colored by rolroth

Found some markers and tryed coloring with some of the good ones. i think the yellow gold looked pretty good and
the darker blue. The teal in the center and eyes i think i might have gone with another color maybe. A lighter teal
maybe. or light green.

Real Name: Clive Malary

Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor
Identity: Secret
Languages: English, Skarure
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Other Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: The Protectors, Celestial Rangers
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Alexander, Avengers, The Big Balugo, Celestial Rangers, Cyclops, Freedom League, Infinity, Justice
League, Lady Light, Ma'at, Nakota, Seraphim, The Protectors, Wolverine
Known Enemies: Apocalypse, The Black Hand, Dr. Doom, FLQ, Keepers of the World, Krotep, The New Reich,
The Pharaoh, Sevok, Steroid Ffloyd {deceased}
Species: Human
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 230 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

History of Guardian

Life is an Infinite Energy beyond scientific understanding.

Some time ago Clive Malary a martial arts instructor of a local Chicago dojo, discovered something that would
change his life forever. During one of his nature walks where Clive was supposedly to commune with his spirit
guide and come to a great personal truth, though he did have his own doubts. He saw an eagle, which his tribal
shaman said was his spirit guide, and followed it to a ridge where the eagle then circled. He sat and waited for this
great spiritual revelation, but the eagle kept circling

After some time, the ground rumbled, the trees shook, and all matter of creature retreated save the eagle. As the
earth below the ridge gave birth to something huge. Clive was thrown from his perch and off the cliff by the great
object as it rumbled by, flying straight into the sky. That was the last thing Clive saw before hitting something hard
in the blackness of the crater below.


...A heart beat...

Then breathing air that tasted of earth and soil. Things where still, so very still. Clive opened his eyes and saw that
the opening he had fallen into must have been miles high. How could anyone have survived a fall like that? Clive
himself wished he knew.

Down there, in the depths and the dark. No one would find him here, he knew. The walls were a perfect line of solid
rock, it was impossible. He must be in some giant cylinder of solid rock, left by that thing. Hours passed, with
nothing but the small sounds of sand and rubble trickling into the new hole to keep him company. There was no
escape, no hope, so he did the last thing anyone can do. He prayed to the Great Spirit.

He heard the cry of the eagle in the sky above. The cry cut through his thoughts and the earth was shaking around

A feeling of fear, excitment, and hope swept over him. "By heavens is this what enlightenment feels like?" Clive
asked. Then the cry of the eagle faded but not the rumble of earth. Something was moving down here in the dark.

Then light, a faint blinking, but there, and a tunnel. He must have walked for what felt like hours, untill he finally
arrived at the light. As he neared he heard a soft sound coming with each blink.

Then came another cry from the eagle and booming thunder and the dark world around him started to crumble, he
knew not what to do so he touched the light.

Blinding light! Pain! Drowning! No breath! ....Blackness....

When he awoke, he was standing in a field not far from the Ridge. The crater had collasped in on itself. He lived!
The only evidence he had that he was down in that hole was the dirt on his clothes, and some odd bruises on his
shoulder blades. Wondering about things he asked the wind, "What happened to me?"

As if answering him a strong breeze blow and the eagle unseen cryed in the distance. That was the day, Clive
Abilities (30 pp)
Fgt 5 (20), Agl 8 (26), Str 10 (30), End 8 (24), Dex 5 (20), Int 3 (16), Awr 1 (12), Pres 1 (12)
Clive Malary's Abilities
Fgt 3 (16), Agl 3 (16), Str 2 (14), End 2 (14), Dex 0 (10), Int 3 (16), Awr 1 (12), Pres 1 (12)

Defenses (13 pp)

Dodge Defense 22, Resistance +12 (+14 vs. Area effects) (Clive Malary's Dodge Defense 17, Resistance +7 [+9 vs.
Area effects])
Parry Defense 18, Resistance +8 (+19 vs. Area effects) (Clive Maralry's Parry Defense 16, Resistance +6 [+8 vs.
Area effects])
Fort +10 (Clive Malary's Fort +4)
Will Defense 15, Resistance +5
Tough +14 (7 impervious), +11 (7 impervious without Defensive Roll bonus) (Clive Malary's Tough +6 [3 without
Defensive Roll bonus])
Immune Life Support
Other Defenses Immortality 8 (4 hours), Regeneration 20 (2 conditions/round), Defensive Attack, Interpose,
Uncanny Dodge

Initiative +8
Unarmed as Guardian +12, Close, Damage DC 25
Unarmed as Clive Malary +10, Close, Damage DC 17
Vibroblade +12, Close, Damage DC 25 and Weaken DC 20 (Weakens Toughness)
Head Laser +12, Ranged, Damage DC 21 (Precise)
Pressure Cannon +12, Ranged, Damage DC 21
Sonic Orbs +12, Ranged, Damage DC 21 and Affliction DC 16 (Resisted by Fort, dazed/stunned/incapacitated)
Mega Smasher Dodge DC 20, Area Line, Damage 25 (Penetrating) or 20 (Penetrating) and Weaken DC 20 (Weakens
Focused Mega Smasher +9, Perception, Damage 32 (Penetrating) or 23 (Penetrating) and Weaken DC 27 (Weakens
Combat Options Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Power Attack, Takedown 2, Move-By Action

Languages: English, Skarure
Other Communication: Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all languages with
Communication Link
Travel Powers: Flight (120 mph), Leaping (120 ft.), Acrobatics +16/+11, Athletics +16/+11, Vehicles +9/+4, Move-
By Action
Senses and Awareness: Insight +1, Peception +6, extended radius sight, danger sense, darkvision

Skills (36 pp)

Acrobatics 8 (+16/+11), Athletics 6 (+16/+11), Close Combat: Unarmed 5 (+10/+8), Close Combat: Vibroblade 5
(+10), Expertise: Kung-Fu Theology 3 (+6). Expertise: Mechanics 5 (+8), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+7), Expertise:
Six Nations Religions 1 (+4), Perception 5 (+6), Ranged Combat: Head Laser 7 (+12), Ranged Combat: Pressure
Cannon 7 (+12), Ranged Combat: Sonic Orbs 7 (+12), Sleight of Hand 5 (+10/+5), Vehicles 4 (+9/+4)

Advantages (19 pp)

Agile Feint, Close Combat 2, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Equipment 1, Evasion 1, Improved Trip,
Interpose, Language 1 (Skarure), Luck 2, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge, Takedown 2

Powers (225 pp)

Spirit Powers {spirit} (4 pp)
Spiritual Wings: Flight 2 (8 mph) (4 pp)
Dralnon Encounter Suit {dralnon energy, bio-technology, quizuin} (217 pp)
Mega Smasher: Damage 10 (Area [Line], Penetrating, Extended Range 8 [1 mile], Activation [move action],
Distracting, Quirk: Full Power [2 settings only]) and Weaken Toughness 10 {dralnon energy, light} (108 pp)
AE: Focused Mega Smasher: Damage 17 (Accurate 2, Increased Range, Penetrating, Activation [move action],
Quirk: Full Power [2 settings only]) and Weaken Toughness 17 {dralnon energy, light} (1 pp)
AE: Head Laser: Ranged Damage 6 (Precise) {laser, light} (1 pp)
AE: High-Frequency Blades: Close Damage 10 and Weaken Toughness 10 (Resisted by Fortitude) {slashing,
vibro} (1 pp)
AE: Pressure Cannon: Ranged Damage 6 {air, impact} (1 pp)
AE: Sonic Orbs: Ranged Damage 4 and Afflict 6 (Ranged, Resisted by Fortitude, Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated)
{sonic} (1 pp)
Enhanced Abilities: Enhanced Fighting 2, Enhanced Agility 5, Enhanced Strength 8, Enhanced Endurance 6,
Enhanced Dexterity 5 (all permanent)
{bio-technology} (52 pp)
Anti-Gravity Belt: Enhanced Flight 4 (increases flight speed from Spirit Flight to 120 mph) {bio-electricity,
electro-magnetic} (8 pp)
AE: Leaping 4 (120 ft.) (1 pp)
Bio-Suit: Protection 2 and Impervious Toughness 7, Immunity 10 (life support), Regeneration 20 (2
conditions/round, Regrowth) and Immortality 8 {bio-technology}
(39 pp)
Bio-Suit Senses: Senses 5 (extended radius sight, danger sense, darkvision) (5 pp)
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and Comprehend 1
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)

Equipment (5 ep)
Commlink, Clive Malary's Dojo (Medium Size, Toughness 8; Features: Gym, Living Space)

Identity: Secret Identity: Clive Malary.
Responsibility: To his dojo and his students.
Weak Point: Control Metal.
Power Loss: Dralnon Encounter Suit when struck by electricity.
Loss of Control: When Incapacitated, Guardian goes under the control of the GM, and has all damaged conditions
removed for the time that he is under GM Control.
Doing Good/Born Again: Clive Malary Truly believes in the Spirituality of his Native American ancestors. He
respects all life and will defend it nobly.

PL 13, 331 pp & 5 Unspent Power Points

A picture of Keeper, a superhero for the RPG "Mutant & Mastermind"...
It wasn't easy to make the costume. It's not my specialty, but it was really fun ! ^^ (Et, especialy, it makes time.... In
particular with a wrist sprain lol ! XD)
My characters in an upcoming Mutants and Masterminds campaign my friend is running.

Well, technically only the guy on the bottom right is my character. He's an ex-superhero who's now involved in
detective work, and goes by the alias Sherlock. His girlfriend and partner in crimefighting (who goes by the alias
Holmes) is more of an NPC.

I originally intended it just to be a practice sketch, then just a simple black and white linework piece, but when I got
it into photoshop I started tinkering and then ended up with this.

Acid Barb
My Mutants and Masterminds character from yet another RP that never got off the ground.

Secretes poison and acid and/or a sedative, which can then be used through skin contact or, for even more damage,
in conjunction with a power attack and claws directly into target surface.

And yes; that is her natural hair colour.

I drew this a few months ago but finally decided I should upload it.

This fellow's Impulse, a superhero character I made for a game set in the Mutants and Masterminds Freedom City

His real name is Cameron Ryder, but he used to be known as Hotwire, an internationally wanted hacker. See,
Cameron was born with the ability to communicate with machines and electronics. His technopathy gave him a
natural edge in the hacking world and it seemed like a natural course for him to follow. As he got older, he learned
his powers evolved to an intimate connection with electricity itself. He could sense electric currents and his body
constantly generated an electric charge, effectively making him a living battery.

As Hotwire honed his abilities, he began taking greater risks. It was no longer enough for him to sit at his computer
and tap systems. He started going to the where servers were physically located and tapping the systems directly. His
electrical powers allowed him to escape easily since he could turn himself into electrical energy and travel across the
power grid instantaneously. And since he wasn't remote hacking, it was harder and harder to track his base of

Then someone got hurt. Hotwire learned how to stun people with a well-placed jolt. Normally these zaps were
harmless, but one security officer proved highly susceptible to Hotwire's blast and the man suffered from seizures
and motor control problems. Hotwire felt a surge of guilt -- he'd never intended to really hurt anyone -- and turned
himself in.

A bit later, he was released from prison on good behavior and joined the Freedom League as a probationary member.
He changed his working name to Impulse, a significator of both his impulsive behavior and the electrical impulses
found in many currents. He knows he has a bad reputation in the public eye and he hopes his work with the Freedom
League will allow him to overcome his checkered past.


Electrokinesis: Impulse can generate and store an electrostatic charge. He can discharge the energy in the form of a
Bolt of electricity which could potentially kill a average sized man at close range or stun an elephant, a localized
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) which has detrimental effects on nearby technology. He can also generate a brief flash
of light with enough candlepower to oversaturate an onlookers eye pigmentation, causing temporary blindness.
By generating electricity Impulse can create a semi-solid "Lightning-Bridge" to bear him aloft of up to speeds of
500mph. He can also convert his body into electric current and "ride" power-lines and other conductive mediums.
Bio-electric Aura: Impulse is almost constantly generating a high intensity electromagnetic field within his kirlian
aura. This field has a tendency to deflect and disperse incoming kinetic energy.
Technopathy: Impulse is a savant when it comes to understanding technological devices, his instinctual
understanding of mechanical engineering allows him to make quantum leaps of deductive reasoning when it comes
to technological matters, even though he has not formally trained in the theories behind the applications of his skills.
This, combined with a psychic sensitivity to the electromagnetic spectrum allows him to communicate and even
control devices mentally.

Strength 0, Stamina 7, Agility 7, Dexterity 5, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0

Benefit, Wealth 2 (indepently wealthy), Eidetic Memory, Equipment 1, Improvised Tools, Jack-of-all-trades, Move-
by Action, Ranged Attack, Skill Mastery: Technology, Well-informed

Athletics 6 (+6), Deception 10 (+10), Investigation 8 (+8), Perception 8 (+8), Sleight of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 4
(+11), Technology 15 (+15)

Electrically Charged
. . Battery Powered: Enhanced Stamina 4 (+4 STA)
. . Bio-Electric Aura: Protection 6 (+6 Toughness)
. . Lightning reflexes: Enhanced Agility 4 (+4 AGL)
. . Flash: Burst Area Dazzle 10 (Affects Sense: Sight, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Burst Area: 30 feet radius
sphere; Instant Recovery)
. . Lightning Bolt: Line Area Damage 10 (DC 25; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long)
. . Overload: Nullify 8 (Counters: Technology, DC 18; Accurate 3: +6, Broad, Precise)
. . Taser: Affliction 8 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC
18; Accurate 3: +6, Increased Range: ranged)
Ride the Lightning
. . Flight: Flight 8 (Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round; Platform)
. . Wire Jump: Teleport 8 (Carry 50 lbs.; Extended: 250 miles in 2 move actions; Limited to Extended, Medium:
Power Lines)
. . Broadcast: Radio Area Communication 2 (Area; Limited: Machines Only)
. . Machine Language: Comprehend 2 (Machines / Electronics)
. . Reciever: Senses 4 (Analytical: Detect, Detect: Electricity 1, Radio, Ranged: Detect)

Cell Phone (Smartphone), 2x Computer, Multi-tool

Initiative +7
Flash: Burst Area Dazzle 10 (DC Fort 20)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 10)
Lightning Bolt: Line Area Damage 10 (DC 25)
Overload: Nullify 8, +12 (DC Will 18)
Taser: Affliction 8, +12 (DC Fort 18)
Throw, +6 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 15)

Native Language

Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 12, Toughness 13, Will 8

Power Points
Abilities 22 + Powers 70 + Advantages 10 + Skills 28 (56 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 150

Reputation -- Cam’s identity is public due to turning himself in after his past exploits as Hotwire. The world has not
forgotten what Hotwire has done, and not everyone in the world is ready to accept him as a hero yet.

Fame -- Cam’s past life as Hotwire combined with his public identity and membership on the Freedom League have
made him an unfortunate target of paparazzi wherever he goes. He is used to reporters with agendas tracking him
down to try and make him look bad on camera.

Doing Good/Acceptance -- Cam’s struggling and trying his best to redefine his image in a better light. It’s working
little by little but it is working. He hopes the more he sticks his neck out for people the more the world will forgive
him for hurting folks he never meant to hurt.

Probation -- Powers That Be are keeping an eye on Cam’s activities, and Cam knows he’s being watched. If he slips
up, his actions go under review and could be prosecuted. There may even be a person or two out to nail him...

Monster Smash
One of several monsters the Agents from ARCHIVE have to deal with from time to time in my mutants and
masterminds game.

Larson Kit, aka Leadfoot

My buddy's character from our Mutants and Masterminds villain campaign. He's an Earth Controller with Super-

the Baroness de la croix! patron saint of mardi Gras!

she mostly used an alternate form power and a summon minions power. She turned herself into a green voodoo mist
to protect herself and summoned voodoo zombies xD these were 2nd edition rules so summoning minions was a
great power to have ^^

The Artificer
Some quick Pictures I did for a friend in a Mutants and Masterminds game, he was supposed to be the Artificer! the
great collector of ancient and magical armour.
C-4 may be my longest-running characters that I still play. I started playing her back in 1993, although she's never
been part of any grand epic. Over the years, she's appeared in Heroes Unlimited (both the blue and white editions),
Aberrant, Savage Worlds, Marvel Universe RPG and Mutants & Masterminds... probably a few others as well. At
one point, I even toyed with featuring her in a web-comic; but her stories never seem to get off the ground due to
Savvy viewers might recognize the background from another pic of a technically-inclined manga character. I could
have drawn my own green binary background, but I was lazy.
Jack Pine
This guy is Jack Pine, a recurring role-playing character of mine - most recently in the Mutants & Masterminds
Jack is an Ojibwa man who was imbued in a time of trouble with power by his totem - the Moose Spirit. It gave him
inhuman strength, endurance and toughness; and also changed him physically. The trouble is, it never turned back
off. Now he's a twelve-foot tall moose man, with supernaturally enhanced abilities. He also has the downsides to
moosehood - colour blindness and a herbivorous diet that needs 80 lbs. of food a day.
On the other hand, the whole thing has made him something of a celebrity and superhero among his community.

Americle II color
This just an updated color version of Americle. Americle is a character that I use in Mutants and Masterminds!

Americle is essentially the "Superman" of our game world.....With that said Super isnt nearly as cool with out the
company of Batman and Wonder Woman or in our game Syn Apsis and Vandal!
"Well, I am a Miracle" -Americle
Real Name: Deacon A. Griffen
Occupation: History Professor at the University of Waterloo
Identity: Secret
Languages: Aramaic, Celtic, English, French, Latin, Spanish
Citizenship: Citizen of Canada (Kingdom of Power)
Other Aliases: The American Miracle {nickname}
Place of Birth: Earth (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Black Lantern Corps {formerly}, Protectors
Base of Operations: Waterloo, Canada and the Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Amplifier, Freedom League, Kaylana Anaya Mari, Protectors, Rom, Silver Dragon, Somadonn,
Soviet Superwoman, Spriggan, Whoop-Ant, X-Cell
Known Enemies: Bane, Black Lantern Corps, Crime League, Dark Star, Dream Master, Jakkathar, Keepers of the
World, New Reich, Ultraviolet, Ultrawoman, Yellow Lantern
Species: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 275 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

History of Americle

Abilities (50 pp)

Fgt 5, Agl 1, Str 15, End 5, Dex 1, Int 1, Awr 0, Pres 0

Defenses (25 pp)

Dodge Defense 20, Resistance +10
Parry Defense 21, Resistance +11
Fort +10
Will Defense 15, Resistance +5
Tough +15 (15 impervious)
Immune Life Support, Fear
Other Defenses Diehard, Regeneration (1 condition per round), Deflect 12

Initiative +9
Unarmed +12, Close, Damage DC 28
Thrown Objects +7, Ranged, Damage DC 28
Rightous Smite +13, Ranged (Extended 3), Damage DC 28 (Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 2, Distracting)
Sword of Light +10, Close, Damage DC 31 (Crit 16-20)
Rapid Punches +12, Close, Damage DC 22 (Multiattack)
Rapid Strike +12, Burst Area Close, Damage DC 17
Shield Bash +5, Close, Damage DC 31
Combat Options All-Out Attack

Languages: Aramaic, Celtic, English, French, Latin, Spanish
Other Communication: Persuasion +1, Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all
languages with Communication Link
Travel Powers: Flight (32,000 mph), Acrobatics +5, Athletics +16, Move-By Action
Senses and Awareness: Perception +4, Sonar, Detect Evil
Skills (19 pp)
Acrobatics 4 (+5), Athletics 4 (+16), Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (+12), Expertise: Mesopotamian History and
Society 10 (+11), Investigate 8 (+9), Perception 4 (+4), Persuasion 1 (+1), Ranged Combat: Throwing 6 (+7)

Advantages (22 pp)

All-Out Attack, Contacts, Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 1, Fearless, Improved Critical 4 (Sword of Light),
Improved Initiative 2, Languages 4 (Aramaic, Celtic, French, Latin, Spanish), Luck 4, Move-By Action, Power

Powers (111 pp)

Strength of Faith {holy, angel, divine} (1 pp)
Strength Effect
AE: Rightous Smite: Ranged Damage 13 (Accurate 6, Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 2, Extended Range 3,
Distracting) {Holy, Energy} (1 pp)
Power of Michael {holy, angel, divine} (78 pp)
Angelic Protection: Protection 8 and Impervious Toughness 14 (22 pp)
Strength of the Archangel of War: Enhanced Strength 6 (Permanent, Limited to Lifting only, 12 kTons) and
Enhanced Strength 1 (8 pp)
Angelic Healing: Regeneration 10 (1 condition per round) (10 pp)
Flight of Angels: Flight 10 (2,000 mph) (20 pp)
Rapid Punches: Close Damage 7 (Multiattack) (14 pp)
AE: Rapid Strike: Burst Area Close Damage 7 (Selective, Unarmed Attack Check required) (1 pp)
Angelic Senses: Senses 3 (sonar) (3 pp)
Holy Angelic Armor (Removable) {holy, angel, temporal} (24 pp)
Protection: Immunity 10 (life support) and Protection 1 (Impervious) (12 pp)
Flight: Enhanced Flight 4 (32,000 mph) (8 pp)
Angelic Awareness: Senses 2 (detect evil) (2 pp)
Sword of Light: Strength-Based Damage 3 (Accurate 4) (7 pp)
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and Comprehend 1
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)
Reich Shield (Easily Removable) {Technology} (12 pp)
Shield: Deflect 12 and Enhanced Parry 2 and Enhanced Dodge 2 (16 pp)
Shield Bash: Damage 3 (Strength-Based) {bludgeoning} (3 pp)
Computer: Feature 1 (Computer) (1 pp)
Gauntlets of Moander (indestructable, removable) {decay, divine, magic} (16 pp)
Protective Enchantments: Protection 4 (4 pp)
Strength of the Shambling Mound: Enhanced Strength 2 and Enhanced Strength 2 (Limited to Lifting) (6 pp)
Resistance to Magic: Enhanced Dodge 2 (Limited: vs. magic only) and Enhanced Fortitude 2 (Limited: vs. Magic
only) and Enhanced Will 2 (Limited:
vs. Magic only) (3 pp)
Speak with Plants: Comprehend 2 (Speak to and Understand Plants) (4 pp)
Destroy Pools of Radiance: Feature 1 (In 5 rounds, the Gauntlets will destroy a pool of radiance if within 60 feet
of it) (1 pp)
Vulnerability to Moander: As a Complication: -2 on all saves vs. Moander and all Minions of Moander

Equipment (5 ep)
Holy Gauntlets (Feature 1 [Give Unarmed attacks the Holy and Celestium Descriptors]), Protectors Commlink

Responsibility: Americle feels a strong sense of responsibility to use his powers for the benefit of all.
Secret Identity: Deacon A. Griffen, archaeology professor for the University of Waterloo.
Vulnerability to Moander: -2 on all saves vs. Moander and all Minions of Moander.

PL 13, 223 pp 0 pp unspent

This image is created by Big Will and colored by John Becaro and is used here with the artists' full permission.

Rapid Punches: Americle can punch very repidly, levelling multiple punches on a single opponent. If he succeeds on
the attack roll by two degrees of success, the DC for the damage increases by +2 (to 24). If he succeeds on his attack
roll by three degrees of success or more, the DC for the damage increases by +5 (to 27). Alternately, he can make a
single attack against all foes within melee range. The attack has a penalty of -1 per target (thus, if Americle attacks
four targets, he has a -4 on his attack roll). Even if he misses one target, he can still attack the others. Alternately,
Americle can attempt to cover an ally. This prevents the target from making ranged attacks against the ally. The
opponent can choose to ignore this cover, but then Americle gets an attack roll against the opponent normally.

Rapid Strike: Americle can make a single attack roll against all opponents within a 30-ft. radius.

Rightous Smite: Americle can call upon holy energy to come from the heavens and strike a target. The energy will
even strike incorporeal targets. Doing so, is Distracting, however, and it drains Americle's Strength score to 0 for the
round that he does this in (though he can still lift as though he had a Strength score of 6, meaning he can lift 3,200
pounds). *
*As long as Americle has the Gauntlets of Moander, his Strength score is only reduced to 2, and he can lift as though
he had a Strength score of 10 (25 tons).

"I'm the People's Champ" -Mister Fistastic

Real Name: Charles Chambers

Occupation: Professional Fighter
Identity: Public
Languages: English
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Other Aliases: The Champ {media personality}
Place of Birth: United States (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Protectors
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Ionizer, Protectors, Rolroth
Known Enemies: Bane, Na'atar, Rezil Bey, Ultraviolet
Species: Human {etherium}
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

Abilities (100 pp)

Fgt 18, Agl 8, Str 8, End 8, Dex 4, Int 0, Awr 0, Pres 4

Defenses (10 pp)

Dodge Defense 28, Resistance +18 (Defense 33, Resistance +23 vs. Area)
Parry Defense 28, Resistance +18 (Defense 33, Resistance +23 vs. Area)
Fort +8
Will Defense 10, Resistance +0
Tough +8
Immune Bludgeoning damage, critical hits (when in front of a crowd only), aging, fear, life support, mind control
Other Defenses Regeneration 10 (1 condition/round), Diehard, Defensive Attack, Instant Up, Uncanny Dodge

Initiative +20
Unarmed +18, Close, Damage DC 23 (Crit 16-20)
Combat Options Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Fast Grab, Favored Environment (urban), Move-By Action, Power
Attack, Prone Fighting, Weapon Bind, Weapon Break

Languages: English
Other Communication: Protector's Commlink
Travel Powers: Speed 10 (2,000 mph), Swimming 10 (500 mph), Speed 4 (30 mph), Leaping 12 (4 miles,
distracting, leaves damage)
Senses and Awareness: Perception +0

Skills (4 pp)
Acrobatics 8 (+22)

Advantages (26 pp)

Benefit: Wealth 3, Chokehold, Defensive Attack, Diehard, Fast Grab, Evasion 2, Favored Environment (urban) 1,
Fearless, Improved Critical (Unarmed) 4, Improved Initiative 3, Instant Up, Jack of All Trades, Luck 3, Move-By
Action, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Bind, Weapon Break

Powers (53 pp)

Etherium Traits {etherium} (53 pp)
Immortality: Immortality 2 (Limited [not when beheaded, must have at least 1 fan]) (1 pp)
Air Walk: Leaping 12 (Increased Action [standard], Distracting, Quirk: Destructive Takeoff/Landing) (2 pp)
Champ's Chin: Immunity 22 (Bludgeoning damage, critical hits, Limited to when in front of a crowd) (11 pp)
Champ's Vitality: Immunity 16 (aging, life support, mind control) (16 pp)
Champ Factor: Regeneration 10 (1 condition/round) (10 pp)
Champion Speed: Speed 10 (2,000 mph) (10 pp)
AE: Champion's Swimming: Swimming 10 (500 mph) (1 pp)
AE: Champion's Movement: Quickness 10 (1 pp)
AE: Champion's Grip: Speed 4 (30 mph) and Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling 1, Quirk: Leaves holes in surface
from fingers gripping)
and Enhanced Advantage 3 (Improved Initiative 3) (1 pp)

Thrills: The Champ is bored of traditional forms of competition, and seeks bigger challenges.
Fame: The Champ is famous for his fighting skills and is fuelled by adoring fans.
Etherium: If the champ is powered by etherium, and as his fans loose their faith in him, his power diminishes.

PL 13, 193 pp

Justice Force
Well, here's a design inspired by many of the drawings by the artist of Invincible, which I admire his work, I asked
my brother for some T-shirts are the five superheroes of an RPG Mutants and Masterminds called which match him.
From left to right:
Hellknight: A man who gave his soul for his life back to his wife and cure of cancer, however, as the demons always
manage to leave you worse, and if his wife was cured but ended up staying in a vegetative state and being immortal.
Among its powers is being superstrong, super tough and flying above is immortal.
Thyra: A young college who had an accident and development laboratory powers, able to mimic the powers of
others and to communicate with machines.
Shanya: African birth, is associated with animal powers, claws, agility, regeneration ...
Airlia: Travelling the future with magical powers and immortality, has gone back in time to prevent a major
catastrophe related to this group of heroes.
Titan: Semi-alien stone that until recently did not know what could be his last. 5 meters and has become a great
strength and endurance.
Meet Hydro-Girl a Element Controlling hero for Mutants and Masterminds, designed by 9 year old daughter and

Real Name: Jason Tomski
Occupation: Engineer
Identity: Secret
Languages: Apache, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Urdu
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Former Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Odenton, Maryland (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Pietro Tomski {brother}, Marta Tomski {mother}, Heather Poloski {sister}, Gerald Poloski
{brother-in law}
Group Affiliation: Protectors, Celestial Rangers
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Avengers, Cassius Ordo, Celestial Rangers, Justice League, Protectors
Known Enemies: Apocalypse, FLQ, Keepers of the World, The New Reich, The Pharaoh
Species: Human
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Abilities (80 pp)

Fgt 7, Agl 10, Str 7, End 7, Dex 3, Int 4, Awr 1, Pres 1

Defenses (10 pp)

Dodge Defense 20, Resistance +10
Parry Defense 18, Resistance +8
Fort +11
Will Defense 16, Resistance +6
Tough +14 (7 impervious, +13 without Defensive Roll)
Immune electricity effects, life support
Other Defenses Defensive Attack, Diehard, Great Endurance, Uncanny Dodge

Initiative +10
Unarmed +7, Close, Damage DC 22
Tonfa +7, Close, Damage DC 24
Lightning Blade +9, Close, Damage DC 27 (Penetrating)
Thunderbolt +12, Ranged, Damage DC 27
Electric Blasts +12, Ranged, Damage DC 21 (Multiattack)
Lightning Clap Dodge DC 22, Burst Area Close, Affliction DC 22 (vision and hearing impared/vision and hearing
Combat Options Defensive Attack, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Ranged; Conealment), Seize

Languages: Apache, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Urdu
Other Communication: Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all languages with
Communication Link
Travel Powers: Flight 7 (250 mph), Speed 1 (4 mph)
Senses and Awareness: Investigate +10, Perception +7

Skills (26 pp)

Expertise: Nuclear Physics 11 (+15), Expertise: American Law 6 (+10), Investigate 6 (+10), Perception 6 (+7),
Ranged Combat: Thunderbolt 7 (+10), Ranged Combat: Electric Blasts 7 (+10), Technology 8 (+12)
Advantages (16 pp)
Benefit (Independantly Wealthy) 2, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 1, Diehard, Equipment 1, Great Endurance,
Improved Disarm, Languages 4 (Apache, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Urdu), Power Attack,
Precise Attack 1 (Ranged; Concealment), Seize Initiative, Uncanny Dodge

Powers (81 pp)

Genetically Altered Tratis {genetically altered} (77 pp)
Thunderbolt: Ranged Damage 12 (Accurate) {electricity} (25 pp)
AE: Electric Blasts: Ranged Damage 6 (Accurate, Multiattack) {electricity} (1 pp)
AE: Lightning Blade: Damage 12 (Accurate, Penetrating) {electricity} (1 pp)
AE: Lightning Clap: Burst Area Affliction 12 (Extra effect, Limited Degree, vision and hearing impared/vision
and hearing disabled)
{electricity, sonic} (1 pp)
AE: Lightning Minions: Summon 8 (Horde, Multiple Minions 1) {electricity} (1 pp)
Flight: Flight 7 (250 mph) (14 pp)
Super-Speed: Speed 1 (1 pp)
Electric Immunities: Immunity 20 (electrical descriptor, life support) (20 pp)
Toughness: Protection 5 and Impervious Toughness 7 (13 pp)
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and Comprehend 1
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)

Equipment (5 ep)
Tonfa (Damage 2 [Strength-based]), Handcuffs, Commlink, Cellphone

Justice: Captain Thunderbolt is dedicated to Justice and doing the right thing.
Secret: Secret Identity: Jason Tomski

PL 12, 213 pp

Image created created by John Becaro and used here with permission.


Abilities (32 pp)

Fgt 6 (22), Agl 3 (16), Str 0 (10), End 2 (14), Dex 5 (20), Int 0 (10), Awr 0 (10), Pres 0 (10)

Defenses (3 pp)
Dodge Defense 16, Resistance +6
Parry Defense 16, Resistance +6
Fort -
Will Defense 10, Resistance +0
Tough +3 (+2 without Defensive Roll)
Immune critical hits, electrical effects, Fortitude saves, mind control effects

Initiative +3
Electric Touch +6, Close, Damage DC 22
Electric Blast +7, Ranged, Damage DC 22
Combat Options Mobe-By Action
Travel Powers: Flight 7 (250 mph)
Senses and Awareness: Perception +4

Skills (2 pp)
Perception 4 (+4)

Advantages (3 pp)
Defensive Roll 1, Improved Initiative 1, Move-By Action

Powers (87 pp)

Lightning Minion Traits {racial, electricity} (87 pp)
Electric Blast: Ranged Damage 7 (Accurate) {electricity} (15 pp)
AE: Electric Touch: Damage 7 (1 pp)
Electric Body: Immunity 52 (critical hits, electrical effects, Fortitude saves, mind control effects) (52 pp)

PL 7, 120 pp

Moodstone 2
Re-working of an earlier design, (Moodstone, natch) I re-designed the wrist-rocket launcher entirely, and the player
decided he wanted his base form to look like a marble statue, rather than a normal human, so I tweaked his
appearance a little.
The character was designed for a Mutants and Masterminds RPG Campaign.
wB crew
starting from left to right we've got the good guys: Squeaks, Awesome Man, Boy Toy Wonder and Super Trooper.
Picking up there we have the bad guys: DominatriX, kink, the minion, Kitten, Fetish Queen and Bondage Boy.

i've taken my villain, Dominator [link] (classic pinup style) and [link] (classic gender bend style), and made her into
a playable character. cool thing is our game is going to be based in the late 1950's, just at the beginning of the Silver
Age Super Heroes.

now that i've built her mechanics-wise, i've been toying around with her personality and look, so she'd fit in the era
better. think i've figured out her costume, based on 50's rompers and bathing suits with the shorts-legs, though you
can't see her boots from this angle....

not the best pose for costume work, but i was randomly doodling and this scribble called to me, and i went with it.
you see, Dominator here started as a low level villain, a small time thief and con artist. at one point in her career
she's taken by a rival/friend and exposed to the darker side of villainy, which she doesn't approve of. that's the
moment she has a change of heart. she does her jail time, jumps coasts and restarts her career on the side of the
law........ i can see this as the realization of who her "friends" really are sets in.

it works for me, and the GM is good with it

love stinks
just some colors i slapped on my lines i ahve in here somewhere.. i'll move 'em to me scraps. this is [l-r] Boy Toy
Wonder, DominatriX and Super Trooper. go ahead and laugh. you're supposed to they're my heroes and villian from
a series i have. my way of paying homage to AND poking fun at all those wacky loveable supers we have!

ST is BTW's sidekick and Dom is the villian who likes to be the filling of this lovely sandwhich XD lines in OC,
colors in PS7 oooo, yes my friends, someone got their little piggys on PS7! mwahahaha..
Another character from my game of Mutants and Masterminds. My buddy, Zach Puckett, made his character a cross
between Reptile from the Spiderman comics and Scorpion from Mortal Combat.

Mutants and Masterminds. A fun and very easy-to-play tabletop RPG that allows you to create your own custom
hero from a slew of feats, powers, and skills. ~Halfdragon97850, our GM, set us in a world where all supers are kept
in the city-prison slum of New Atlanta (insert jokes here). Those that are of any use to the government are given a
tracking and controlling chip, then let out from the slums to deal with the problem.
Enter Nano-Knight (now known by his "true name" of 01101010011011110110010101101100). He is part of a small
squad of supers sent out to do what the Government orders. Originally just a computer chip designer, Frank Wilkins
was experimenting with ever-evolving computer chips through the use of nanites; tiny robots that would fix and
change the computer chip as needs arose. However, during one of his experiments in fusing the nanites with the
chip, he was caught in the chamber, and the nanites were fused with him instead. Soon realizing what power he had
been granted, Frank decided to follow his comic book fantasies and fight for the side of good!

His nanites offered him a wide array of abilities, being able to utilize and rearrange the basic building blocks of his
own body, essentially rebuilding him into more and more nanites, allowing him to form weapons and shields with
just a thought, and even becoming a literal cloud of untouchable nanites, all easily disassembled and rebuilt back
into his human form. However, what Frank didn't see coming was the change to his humanity. Slowly, he became
more practical; more analytical and computer-like in his mannerisms, speech patterns, and how he interacted with
others. He still fought for the greater good (although now lost as to why he did so), but concepts like mercy and
second-chances faded away, giving birth to judgement; life or death; zeroes and ones...

This was when the Government caught whiff of him, and took action against this unwelcome vigilante. Using
electrical pulses to hit him even when nothing but a swarm of nanites, they dragged him to the slums to rot with the
other supers. However, eventually the Government saw use in his skills with computers and evasion, and decided to
use him as one of their pawns to hunt rogue supers and insurggents as well. Unable to be inserted with a tracking
chip like most supers, Nano-Knight was instead uploaded with a special computer virus that would work in a similar
way as any other chipped super. Now, Nano-Knight once again roams the streets, eliminating enemies alongside his
fellow supers, all the time unaware of the further evolutions the nanites have in store for him...

Trying a new role playing game out with my bro and Riptor 25. The game is called "Mutants and Masterminds" so I
went and decided to play a mutant. Razor, here, channels fire through his longsword and has the ability to control
gravity, along with other superhero related abilities.

Yeah, his thumb is in the wrong place. But I'll chalk that one up to learning experience. Otherwise, I am really
pleased with how it came out.
"Did you just call me what I thought you called me?" -Fuzzy Ninja
Real Name: Joshua Reynolds
Occupation: Super-Hero
Languages: English
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America (Kingdom of Power)
Other Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Baltimore, Maryland (Kingdom of Power)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: The Protectors, Celestial Rangers
Base of Operations: Protectors Watchtower (Kingdom of Power)
Known Allies: Avengers, Big Balugo, The Celestial Rangers, Cyclops, Infinity, Justice League, Ma'at, The
Protectors, Seraphim, Wolverine
Known Enemies: Apocalypse, Black Hand, Dr. Doom, FLQ, Keepers of the World, New Reich, The Pharaoh
Species: Human {mutant}
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 224 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

History of the Fuzzy Ninja

Trained in several martial arts styles since childhood, Joshua Reynolds has always been gifted with great agility and
strength. Competing in many national and international martial arts tournaments, Joshua became known as one of
the best child martial artists. Until his 16th birthday, Joshua looked like he had a rewarding future in Martial Arts.

As he was travelling to a Martial Arts tournament being held in Vietnam in 1998, his plane crashed on the tarmac at
the airport. While most of the passengers survived, Joshua was never found. He was presumed dead at the scene.
Joshua wasn't dead though. In the plane crash, he "stepped out of the plane", teleporting himself to safety just before
the plane reached the tarmac. It was at this time that he finally unlocked the power inherent in his martial arts

Joshua turned himself into authorities, but when they questioned him, he manifested his mutant heritage. One of the
many mutants who never gets a power, instead, he found himself covered in a coarse body-hair. One that regrew
almost immediately. Fleeing the police station, Joshua hid in Vietnam until he stole himself onto another flight for

Finding himself in Detroit, Joshua was beset by gang members. Using his martial arts, Joshua beat the entire group
of 10, but was watched by a reporter, who caught most of it on tape. On the night news, this new "super" that the
reporter called the fuzzy ninja was taking on gangs. Joshua decided to keep the name, and the fight, and the Fuzzy
Ninja has been working in the north-eastern US since, primarily Illinois and Michigan.

When a giant rock monster attacked Chicago, Fuzzy Ninja responded, and along with some other supers, they
defeated the monster, and formed the Protectors.

Fuzzy Ninja has since been an active hero in the Chicago area, and even went to Los Angeles several times. He was
present in the Battle of Chicago during the New Reich invasion, and then went on to liberate New York.

Recently, Fuzzy has been focusing his efforts at rebuiling Chicago after the invasion.

Abilities (72 pp)

Fgt 9, Agl 10, Str 2, End 3, Dex 3, Int 3, Awr 4, Pres 2

Defenses (13 pp)

Dodge Defense 22, Resistance +12 (Defense 24, Resistance +14 vs. Area effects)
Parry Defense 21, Resistance +11 (Defense 23, Resistance +13 vs. Area effects)
Fort +6
Will Defense 19, Resistance +9
Tough +14
Immune cold
Other Defenses Defensive Attack, Hide in Plain Sight

Initiative +10
Unarmed +9, Close, Damage DC 17 (DC 21 with Sneak Attack)
Ki Strike +9, Close, Damage DC 19 (Affects Insubstantial 1, DC 23 with Sneak Attack)
Adamantine Machete +9, Close, Damage DC 21 (Affects Insubstantial 1, Penetrating 4, DC 25 with Sneak Attack)
Colt Double Eagle +3, Ranged, Damage DC 18 (DC 20 with Sneak Attack)
Combat Options Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Grabbing Finesse, Move-By Action, Prone Fighting

Languages: English
Other Communication: Commlink, Communication Link with Celestial Rangers, Comprehend all languages with
Communication Link
Travel Powers: Acrobatics +16, Athletics +14, Stealth +16, Vehicles +16, Kawasaki Ninja Motrocycle, Teleport 1
(400 lbs., Change Direction), Wall-Crawling 1, Movmement 1 (Dimensional: Ethereal), Move-By Action
Senses and Awareness: Investigate +7, Perception +8

Skills (24 pp)

Acrobatics 6 (+16), Athletics 12 (+14), Investigate 4 (+7), Perception 4 (+8), Sleight of Hand 10 (+13), Stealth 6
(+16), Vehicles 6 (+16)

Advantages (11 pp)

Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Equipment 4, Evasion 1, Grabbing Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Move-By Action,
Prone Fighting

Powers (40 pp)

Mutant Powers {mutant} (1 pp)
Fuzzy: Immunity 1 (cold) (1 pp)
Ninja Training {ki} (22 pp)
Ki Step: Teleport 1 (Change Direction, Increased Mass 3) and Movement 2 (Dimensional 1 [Ethereal], Wall
Crawling 1) (9 pp)
Ki Strike: Strength-Based Damage 2 (Affects Inusbstantial 1) (3 pp)
Ninja Smoke: Burst Area Concealment Attack 2 (visual) (6 pp)
Sneak Attack: Damage 4 (Stacks with all damage effects, Limited to when target is dazed, staggered, or
defenseless) (4 pp)
Celestial Ranger Ring (removable) {magic, psionics} (4 pp)
Ring Communication: Senses 1 (mental communication link with other rings, Dimensional) and Comprehend 1
any language, Limited to languages spoken through the ring, Feature: Only works for Celestial Rangers) (4 pp)
Protective Magics: Protection 1 (1 pp)
Force Field Belt (removable) {force, technology} (8 pp)
Project Force Field: Protection 10 (Sustained) (10 pp)
Adamantine Machete (removable) {adamantine, ki, slashing} (5 pp)
Adamantine Machete: Strength-Based Damage 4 (Affects Insubstantial 1, Penetrating 4) (9 pp)

Equipment (20 ep)

Camera, Cell Phone, Colt Double Eagle (Ranged Damage 3), Protectors Commlink, Kawasaki Ninja Motorcycle, 1
ep unspent

Doing Good: Fuzzy Ninja was raised to respect authority and do what is right. He truly believes in this.
Prejudiced: As both a mutant and as an african american, Fuzzy Ninja find himself dealing with prejudism quite a
bit. This is compounded by the fact that he can not really have a secret identity due to his unique mutation.

PL 13, 160 pp
Doctor Domino
A minor UK-based legacy supervillain from my current Mutants and Masterminds game. Doctor Domino is
obsessed with causality, planning his schemes and his deathtraps like complex 'Rube Goldberg' machines.

This character is a villain of mutants and masterminds. Still without the artwork.

Another character of Mutants and Masterminds.

The Plant-like Time Assassin

Jessie Moochie Cooper's character from the tabletop rpg, mutants and Masterminds. He is a time-traveling plant-like
humanoid that uses his power of plant control along with his solar-powered bolt rifle to assassinate all those along
the time stream that have been scheduled by his higher up, the Time Lord. Among this list was one JFK. As it turns
out, our assassin friend here actually WAS the grassy knoll.

The Fabulous Frogman

A quick sketch of a character from my Mutants & Masterminds game.
The Skull
Mutants and Masterminds is treating me very well. Another nice piece, this one very pulpy

Bang Bang
A bad-ass android girl named, Bang Bang. I'm seeing her as; Godzilla in high heels with a big gun and bigger, well,
you know. Someone who shoots a lot, and whose vocabulary limited to her name. Working on a background, torn
between seating her on ammo, a tank or a giant robot....or some huge artillery thing....
Sexy Girl Rip-Saw Sally
Rip-Saw Sally, sadistic lieutenant of the wicked Dr. Scissorfist. Sally lives somewhere in the same world as Bang
Bang [link] , but is a very bad girl.

Your wondering about the tubes. I know you are. Actually, it's a practical cybernetic solution. Each breast is a
hydraulic reservoir for her arms. The boobie would actually flatten when the rip-saw, or beyond normal strength
levels are used. Aside from being a practical cybernetic solution, I thought it looked cool.

A living, surgical addicted, wrecking machine. Sally's more than ready to do the dirty work. Dr. Scissorfist's cheif
agent of mayhem, Sally's one of the most feared creatures on feet.

On an artist's note. I did this a an attempt in contrast. I wanted macabre sexy/grotesque to look fun and flirty. very
pin-up inspired. I'll draw her again, looking more psychotic.

I'm gonna draw Dr. Scissorfist too...

Snake Girl Venomista

Venomista, the one and only super-villainess I ever dated. She was bad, terrible actually and her friends were worse.
She hung out with an evil snake gang, and was always causing trouble. I used to work at a school, and this picture
(the only one I have), is when she came and visited me. Her antics got me fired and assigned to the Witness
Protection Program. She calls every once and a while.

Please comment if you like her.

On a side note. Venomista's snake pattern was modeled after the venomous coral snake. And now you know!

Miss Nightfall
Miss Nightfall persuading the Ultra Skull to share some information...
American Mom
My OC American Mom (a.k.a. Freedom).

Real name: Carol Anne Marshall (nee Briggs)

Age: Unknown
Rank: Captain, Women's Army Corps (US Army Air Force), 1942-1945.

Role: Defensive operations, e.g. 'viermot' escort, VVIP personal protection detail, VIP POW extraction.

Powers/Abilities: Super strength, near invulnerability, flight (known). A talented actress and mistress of disguise, she
has been employed in numerous operations behind enemy lines.

Aliases: Too many to list

Operation Payload/Blitz operative description of Freedom: "She's actually a trained actress and lawyer, but presents
herself as a flirty, slightly ditzy character during USO performances. She manages to balance between the role
expected of women in society (this was during the 1940s), and a battle queen. The troops aren't about to plaster
Captain America on their bunks or the sides of tanks and aircraft, so the Army's PR division deliberately played up
her sex bomb image as a morale booster. And since she's not really in a combat role, the top brass are happy. She
loves the troops, she'd do anything to protect them from harm, and the troops love her in return. She does her best to
prevent casualties, including on the other side, so the enemy has a grudging respect for her as well."

Disappeared after World War 2, whereabouts unknown. Until now.

Powers (American Mom): In addition to the above, a stern motherly talking to which has defeated many a
supervillain and criminal without the need to resort to violence, via the 'Maternal Voice', similar to [link]
A talent known to all mothers from time immemorial, which AM taps into, the controlling/cajoling tone that compels
compliance from all children. We eventually grow out of it, but it remains hidden deep down as a genetic memory,
and through AM's power it is magnified a thousandfold.

Conservative values, no smooching on the first date, no inviting the young man up, bring him to meet the folks, sex
only after marriage, study hard and get a good education, respect and cherish your parents etc. Chaperoned her
daughter on her first date. But she is not one to lecture young girls on how they dress
She looks good for her husband, but most importantly, for herself. "Judge me by my deeds, not just by my looks."

AM loves her husband, her family, her country, and back when she was Freedom, she loved the troops passionately,
'her boys', and they loved her in return. The only thing she hates is taking lives, so she disobeys orders to attack
enemy cities, civilian targets and forces (this doesn't include knocking German fighters attacking B-17s out of the
sky, without first ensuring that the pilots have bailed out safely)- back then WACs weren't allowed to fight anyway,
which suited her just fine. The Germans did not recognize and exploit this 'weakness' (compasssion is not a flaw), so
instead sought to match her raw power with their own technological might, deploying their deadliest robots and war
machines to fight her, which she gladly turned into scrap metal for FDR. More waste that severely taxed the
crumbling Reich's already limited resources...

She has to balance between frontline duties (including highly stressful infiltration actions) and morale-raising tours
of the front, or war bond tours in the States.

Savage is the first of four, mutant villains I plan on drawing. Be on the lookout for; Freak, Chaos and Frostbite. A
fun style to work in, kinda cartoony. I plan on an assembled team shot, and some development work.
Freak, one of my personal favorites. Despite his brutish appearance, Freak is a schemer and a manipulator. Gifted
with two forms (one freakish and one fair), Freak is both an empath and a tracker/indentifier of other mutants. His
empathic abilities are stronger when human, while his physical abilities and tracking/indentifying powers are greater
while freakish. Being able to track and identify other mutants, (with significant range; at least 20k)makes him a hot
commodity. His projective empathic abilities and total understanding of his value make him difficult to work with.
Coupled with his own, very self motivated attitude he is easily as much trouble as he is worth.

The prom queen turned ice queen. Ruthless, beautiful and popular, Becca was mean girl number one. Karma and
genetics play interesting games, and prom night for Becca was very special indeed. When she was crowned prom
queen, she forever turned to ice. Being made of ice really limited her social circle, and it didn't take Becca long to
turn even colder. A real frigid bitch, Frostibite takes genuine pleasure in inflicting pain and property damage with
her mastery of cold and ice. Shattered twice, loyal to friends, lethal to...everyone else, really, Frostbite's bitter beauty
is almost and Olympian curse. The former figure skater, moves on slicks of ice like an olympic gold medalist.
Understood and accepted by Xero and his Un-Men, Becca is happier for some to call friends than she shows.

Vector is a good mutant with friends in all the wrong places. He can stretch himself, but he can't get any farther from
his problems. A good mutant...going bad?

Shark Week inspires a bad mutant. "Whitey's" not a nice guy....but he is effective.
Soldier; a bad mutant trying to be good. Rather he's forgotten he's bad. Gifted with the ability to create machines in
contact with his body, he exploits this ability mostly in the areas of weapons and armor.

Chaos; the most dangerous mutant of them all. Chaos can destroy any object (or person) by projecting portals of
negative dimensional energy upon them. His powers also allow him to suck things into vortexes, banishing them
forever. After he sucked his hometown into a vortex, he sent himself into one. Rather than be destroyed he was
changed, and later rescued by Xero; 4th dimensional bad mutant supreme. Looking at him hurts your head, since he
has returned he has learned to teleport. Distant, moody and dangerous

Entropy Legion
From left to right..

Digital Epione

Claw of Shadows

Mad Manta

Ignus Portens

Radium Blight

Miss Ultimate

Night Widow Ricki

Madcap Jester

Travel Agent
Yet another mutant of dubious moral virtue. Travel Agent can send people and things nearly anywhere and bring
them back. She's a bad mutant taxi.

The Atomic Blonde!

You're all just so nice...

If you're a real dork, then you may appreciate her Marvel RPG stats...

The Atomic Blonde

Real name: Barbara "Babs" Bitsy
F: Rm (30)
A: Gd (10)
S: Am(50)/Mn(75)
E: Mn(75)
R: Gd(10)
I: Ty(6)
P: Rm(30)
H: 165/190
K: 46
R: Gd(10)
P: 10/30
Talents: Government Administration, Computers
Dance (certified ZUMBA instructor)

Atomic: The blonde is a living stabilized fusion reaction. As a result she does not need to eat, breathe or sleep.
She can survive indefinitely in a vacuum. She has Cl100 resistance to diseases and toxins.

Armor Skin: Her skin is atomically densified providing her with Incredible resistance to Physical and Energy

Flight: Through controlled atomic emission she can fly at Am air speeds.

Mass: When in combat or engaged in strenuous physical activity she gains mass. She gets both larger, stronger and
harder to hurt.
RND 1: 7 Feet (no modifiers)
RND 2: 8 Feet (MN STR) +1 CS to be hit
RND 3: 9 Feet (MN STR) +1 CS to be hit
RND 4: 10 feet (MN, STR AM Body armor) +1 CS to be hit
RND 5: 12 Feet (MN, MN Body armor) +1 CS to be hit
If knocked unconscious she will revert to normal baseline form. Likewise she can willingly shed mass, reducing
herself to her normal size to maintain her secret identity.
Kennings, hyper Scottish Warshade

Baron Markhov Darksteel

The arch-baddie of our current M&M Campaign. He's only just appeared, so I don't know anything about him
(except that he's a deuced rotter!).
The German
Functionally-named German novice superhero in my current M&M Campaign. The original design called
for a plain, shiny, black skintight battlesuit (kind of a black Silver Surfer, which struck me as a little dull)...
he also explained the character had a large visor/faceplate, some power cables, and a large arm-cannon,
linked by cables to a backpack.
I changed the backpack for a harness to give the picture some visual weight. Quite happy with how this
turned out.
El Caballero de la Rosa
This was a drawing of a local Brisbane Musician, John Meyer, who's a member of a rocking pirate folk
rock porno band called 'The Good Ship'. I saw a photo of him wearing this shirt and the mask and
thought it made him look like a dashing swashbuckler... kind of a cross between El Zorro and El Kabong.
Anyway, I had to draw this... so there you go.
El Mono Enmascarado
I was asked to re-imagine myself as a superhero. For awhile now, I had a luchador character in mind, and
I combined it with an old version of me as a superhero called PrimeApe.
Besides being somewhat better drawn, I've tweaked him a little based on changes to my interests and
appearance since the original PrimeApe drawing was done.
The belt is, of course, The World Monkeyweight Championship.
Don Rojo
One of my ongoing goals is to play a Masked Mexican Wrestler in every RPG in existence.
This is my latest example - 'Don Rojo' - an unwilling pawn of fate, destined to be 'The Red Blade That Will
Scour The World' - but will it be for good... or for evil?

In the first adventure, a baddie set his pet crocodiles against us and I managed to kill one with my bare
hands after wrassling it into submission.
This was then turned into this natty vest and boots.
The Judge
Having re-designed The Black Avenger as a tribute to Jim Kelly, I thought I'd provide him with some stout allies in
the battle with the forces of corruption within the rotten heart of 70's era Freedom City.

The Judge is a lawyer who, after being framed, disbarred and his car blown up by the mob, faked his death so he
could operate underground, all the while gathering the evidence that would clear his name and nail the rotten
bastards who took his life away To The Wall!
This is my current character in my current M&M game, a teenage game combining teen superheroes and high school
He's a teenage hero who combined the aquatic hero archetype, the rubbery/bouncy hero archetype and the
Ditkoesque scrapper.

The original version of him was created for Palladium's 'Heroes Unlimited' game which uses a random power
generation system... this may explain why his concept's a bit all over the shop.

This is actually my third sketch of the guy. I really wanted to do a picture that made him look like an actual teenager,
rather than a comic-book or TV series teenager (usually played by a 28 year old).
Science Ape
Doctor Thaddeus Kilimanjaro - Science Ape.

Heir to the rulership of a secret city of talking animals in the African Jungle, he uses a combination of ultramodern
human and Secret City technology to fight crime and injustice.

This is his 'adventure gear', which he wears if he has time to change before going out and having crimefighting

The character was developed for a 'Mutants & Masterminds' RPG campaign.
Lord Lionheart I
Costume design for the previous incarnation of British hero, Lord Lionheart.
WWI-based hero, so I tried to keep his 'costume' military-looking and avoid spandex at all costs.
Love the design, not 100% happy with the execution, but what can you do?
A Clone of William Wallace, working as an Agent/Adventurer for a high tech Scottish Secret Agency. One of the
PC's in my current M&M Campaign.
The player wanted him not wearing a costume, and with a signature claymore. I thought this was a nice arse-kicking
adventurer look.
Crazy Ivan
by ~Pol-Rua
Cartoons & Comics / Traditional Media / Cartoons / Drawings ©2011-2013 ~Pol-Rua
Neo-Nazi skinhead super-speedster who can transform into solid steel, covered in spikes and blades.
This was a villain from our current M&M game, set in Europe.
Star-Khan, re-design
I was very unhappy with the design of the Star-Khan character from the M&M Freedom City Setting.
Struck me as too 'space elf' looking and not 'Unstoppable Space Conqueror'. Basically, a Mongol Chieftain by way
of Jack Kirby's Fourth World was what I was trying for.

Basically, we were in the middle of a massive cosmic adventure and the Star-Khan had teamed up with General
Kryddix. Unfortunately, the original Star-Khan design was too similar to Kryddix and I wanted something that
contrasted a bit more.
Miss Beehive
by ~Pol-Rua
Cartoons & Comics / Traditional Media / Cartoons / Drawings ©2012-2013 ~Pol-Rua
Remember when I mentioned puns? Well, this one is a doozy.
I loved the idea of a Silver Age female supervillain who conceals an ACTUAL beehive under her beehive
hairdo and controls a swarm of bees to do her evildoing.

The design just popped into my mind fully-formed, and I really dig it. I'm looking forward to giving it
some colour.
Lord Lionheart II
Lord Lionheart was a character I created decades ago as 'Lord Britain' - as you may be able to guess, I
was, and still am, a HUGE fan of the original costume of Marvel's Captain Britain character.
I decided to rework the character and play him in an upcoming Mutants & Masterminds game, but Lord
Britain didn't work, so I *ahem* borrowed an idea from Libra, one of the posters at the M&M Message
Boards (who's an excellent chap, by the way!) and Lord Lionheart was born.

Basically combining my love of Captains Britain and Marvel (he's my fav'rit!), I'm very happy with the
clean lines of this one.
This is, indeed, the teenage witch character from the Mutants & Masterminds 'Freedom City' setting.
However, in my current game, there is no Next-Gen and she leads The Rejects, a team of homeless
teenage superhumans based in New York.
All of the Rejects dress in 'street clothes', so I thought I'd go with a kind of 'second-hand' goth/witch
thing. The veil on her hat is used to hide her face.
Very happy with how this turned out.
Train-Wreck is a member of an informal team of NY-based homeless teenage superhumans in my
current Mutants & Masterminds game.
Of all the members, he's the most caught up in the whole 'superhero' thing.
The Rejects all wear 'street clothes', and Train-Wreck's 'costume' consists of a patriotic track-suit,
probably originally marketed for the Olympics or some other sporting event. Underneath, he wears a
Greco-Roman wrestling leotard, also in patriotic colours.
He wears a simple 'blindfold'-style mask to hide his face in combat.
The youngest of The Rejects, NY-based homeless teen supergroup in my current Mutants &
Masterminds game.
All the Rejects wear 'street clothes', so I based Busker's outfits on a mix of the sort of formalwear and
pseudo-formalwear you can find at a thrift shop.
The fedora is for collecting change and also, along with the glasses are to disguise his face. If need be, he
can also use the scarf for this.
The thing under his arm is supposed to be a saxophone case, which I'm not exactly overjoyed with the
execution of.
Member of a team of NY-based homeless teenage superheroes in my current Mutants & Masterminds
The Rejects all wear variations on street clothes. Klepto wears tights and low, soft boots for ease of
movement, and an oversized hoodie which she uses to disguise herself.
When 'in action' with the team, she wears a small domino mask.
Big Daddy
Mind Controlling Fagin/Cult Leader guy who mind controls homeless teenagers and gets him to work as his army of
the night.
Arch-nemesis of NY-based teen superheroes, The Rejects.
Baron Blackheart
The arch-enemy of stout-hearted British Superhero of the 40's and 50's, Lord Lionheart, the nefarious Baron
Blackheart is secretly his evil uncle, Sir Donald Denholm.
I kind of imagined him as 'What if Terry Thomas was an enormous pro-wrestler' and went from there.

Baron Blackheart was created as a nemesis for my character, Lord Lionheart, who I'll be playing in upcoming
sessions of my current Mutants & Masterminds game.
Another throwaway character from my Mutants & Masterminds Game.
This is a superintelligent arch-criminal who considers himself a master planner and strategist. I had no idea what to
do with this guy until I thought of drawing him as a homage to Jack Kirby's original design for The Wizard, from an
issue of 'Strange Tales'.

I'm VERY happy with the result. I think I nailed the heavy brow and weird facial hair without doing a pastiche or
Kirby's style.
Ghost Fox
This was a character I played in a Mutants & Masterminds side-game set in Hong Kong.
Basically, she's a zen gunfighter/vigilante with a heart full of vengeance and a hefty swag of crazy gun-stunts.
She was great fun to play... but even though I came up with the design quite early on, it was hell getting a finished
illustration done.
This took months to finally nail, but at last, I'm happy with it.
Cap'n Triton
This was an idea for a character from one of the players in my current Mutants & Masterminds game.
A two-fisted sailor/adventurer who's one part Aquaman and one part Popeye, mixed with a healthy
dose of Ray Harryhausen's 'Jason and the Argonauts'.
The original player abandoned him because he was too difficult to write up, but I thought he was too
cool not to get an illustration, and a name... Cap'n Triton!
Doctor Geist
An Arch-villain from my current Mutants & Masterminds game, Doctor Geist is a former Nazi mad
scientist who's been keeping himself alive after a fashion by replacing his failing body parts with cyborg
He's the arch-enemy of the pre-teen superheroine, Tinker.

He's heavily based on the greatest mad scientist in comics history, the one and only Thaddeus Bodog
Sivana. Hail to the King, Baby.
Master Zhao
A villain from my current Mutants & Masterminds game described to me as Bolo Yeung if he was a
Iron Grasshopper
One of the PCs from a recent Mutants & Masterminds side-game set in Hong Kong. The character was
described as 'a rectangular Chinese giant'.
The Big Bully
The Headmaster of Crime's chief enforcer. A British Supervillain of the 1940's and 50's created for my Mutants &
Masterminds game.
Headmaster of Crime
A British Master Criminal from the 1940's and 50's from my Mutants and Masterminds Game.
Not one of my favourite pictures but I don't mind the design.
Guitar Hero - Costume - V2
After an adventure in space, the superhero 'Guitar Hero', one of the PC's in our M&M Game,
internalized the cosmic energy he formerly used his alien guitar-weapon to control.
At this time, he also abandoned the face-paint, deciding to abandon his 'superhero costume'.

I thought, to show this, I could create a cosmic energy signature which would make face-paint and
costumes unnecessary, and to symbolize that his power was part of him, rather than strictly from the

I imagine him creating a 'costume' out of retro 70's T-shirts with lightning bolts and stars and such on

The Player playing GH seemed unimpressed by this re-design, but fuck it. I still like it.

Oh yeah, and the return of the starfield, eh? Versatile li'l bugger.
Guitar Hero - Costume - V1
Originally, the superhero 'Guitar Hero', one of the PC's in our M&M Game, was a normal guy who
controlled cosmic power via an alien super-weapon shaped like a guitar. He disguised his identity with

The face paint design is meant to be evocative of an ancient Greek Helmet with the nose and cheek-

I'm definitely as influenced as hell by Ace Frehley here.

And yeah, there's that starfield.

Another short-lived PC from the M&M Game, this shape-changing, power-mimicking superspy appeared
for one adventure.
Still, kinda nifty.

Originally, the PC had her as a Black Widow look-a-like, but I re-designed her a bit, gave her the 'drama
masks' logo. I imagine in colour the costume will look kinda like a 70's American Olympic Gymnastics
Tinker and her Pals
A PC from my current M&M Game, Tinker is an 8 Year Old Robotics Prodigy with enormous robot gloves.
She's pictured here with Yo-Yo, her old baby monitor, Buttons, her robot doggie, and Tonka, her
playmate and bodyguard.

I'm not 100% happy with Buttons, and will probably end up redesigning him, but I love the picture a lot.
Tinker's a hum-dinger of a character.

I Kirby-d up the gloves a LOT.

Another PC from my M&M Game. This is a member of the Star Knights, a group of intergalactic power-
armoured law-enforcers, from the 'Freedom City' setting.

His true form is a cloud of stardust, so I redesigned the standard Star Knight uniform into a streamlined
containment suit, instead of the convention Star Knight suit of power/battle armour which is a lot
bulkier and complex. The new costume is based on one of my favourite members of the Legion of
Superheroes, Wildfire.

Also, a lot of the other Star Knights had weapons of one sort or another. I thought a 'Hunter' should
have either a bow or a spear, and spear seemed more 'right'.

I also confess I fell in love with the 'star field' effect, which I used here and in two other costume designs
at the same time.
Marcus Grimm
PC Archmage from my current M&M Game.
Got a pretty detailed description from the player, so that was awesome. Came out looking better than I
Cab-driver turned monstrous superhero, this was a short-lived PC in the early weeks of our M&M game.
He's now become the McGuffin for our next series of exploits.
I really see his comic series as a short-lived 70's Marvel Monster/Hero title in the vein of 'Ghost-Rider',
'Man-Thing' or 'Morbius, The Living Vampire'.
Lady Dynamite
Having re-designed The Black Avenger, as a Jim Kelly-a-like, I decided to give him some pals to help him
shake 70's-era Freedom City to its foundations!
Firstly, my tribute to the ladies of blaxploitation cinema, ex-cop turned one-woman wrecking crew, Lady
Black Avenger
This is a re-design of a 1970's hero from Mutants and Masterminds' Freedom City setting.
The first design I thought didn't seem at all practical, and the second was just far too reminiscent of another
character for me to be comfortable with.
With this one, I tried to go for something that wouldn't look entirely out of place on a blaxploitation movie poster.

He's a bit of a tribute to the great Jim Kelly.

Tonka is a 16 foot tall transforming rescue robot who does double-duty in our current Mutants and Masterminds
game as the guardian and playmate of Tinker, an 8 year old maths prodigy, fledgling superheroine and heir to a
legacy of super-science.
One of the original PCs from my current Mutants and Masterminds game. This one took me a surprisingly long time
because I had to make him look like a guy in a high-tech suit of Special Forces Armour, but also like a superhero.
Notorious Silver Age Villain, enemy to Molecule Man and sometime ally of fellow villains, Doctor Chlorophyll and
Mister Menagerie as The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral League.
Doctor Chlorophyll
A nefarious Silver Age Villain, foe of the Molecule Man and sometime partner of Mister Menagerie and The
Magnet-Master in The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral League.

Another minor NPC. This is a former cop with steel-hard skin who runs his own private security firm.
I really wanted to run him as much as 'super-action TV cop' as possible, hence the mighty cop 'stache.
Part Don Frye, part Bobby Stark from 'Life', part Dan Stark (no relation) from 'The Good Guys', but ALL COP.

I REALLY like this character.

I love these minor characters.
This was an NPC the GM described off the top of his head in a few short sentences - a minor crimefighter who
operates in and around the university campuses of Boston, mostly stopping rapes, muggings and robberies

Interesting character. The GM ran a game where half the team went into space, and so the other half had to create
new characters.
The guy playing the brutal kung fu vigilante created this one, a peace-loving alien hippie sorceress/shaman.
The description I was given was an Asari from 'Mass Effect', wearing a skintight bodysuit made of light with a large
gemstone on/in her chest.

A new PC in the Mutants and Masterminds Game. This character was designed by a kid, hence the wrist-rocket gun.
The brief I was given was a Football (American) playing jock.
by ~Pol-Rua
Fan Art / Cartoons & Comics / Traditional / Games ©2011-2013 ~Pol-Rua
Another SHADOW villain from my M&M game. This one was a low-powered Nazi-esque Ubermensch. Science
Ape and he had a hell of a knock-down, drag-out brawl.
I enjoyed really running the stereotype of the bullet-headed Nazi strongman to the hilt on this one.
Johnny Blaze
A member of my M&M gaming group, Johnny is a time-travelling energy controller with a truly labyrinthine
The info I was given was of a cocky, square-jawed test-pilot looking guy with flaming hands and head. He wears a
gemstone pendant around his neck.
With 'test pilot' in mind, I gave him the flight suit and bomber jacke
SHADOW Scientist
Evil Nazi-esque Mad Scientist working for M&M evil terrorist group, SHADOW.
He probably had a name, but the PC's just kept calling him 'Doctor Nazi'.
Character my Mutants and Masterminds GM asked me to draw. Gave me a name, the indication that he may be
using a few minor gadgets (hence the utility belt) and the fact that he was a bit of a dork... and definitely costumed.

The costume is meant to look like a home-made version of the old 'Bomberman' game character... hence the Bike
Helmet with the car aerial on it.
Dungeon Master 1
This is a villain from my current Mutants and Masterminds game, archvillain to speedster hero, Blindside.
The ol' DM was created in the same accident that created his nemesis, but where Blindside's physical abilities were
enhanced, DM's mental abilities were. His powers help him boost his already considerable intellect, but doing so
gives him the bulging cranium and eyes of the portrait shot.
He's only appeared once so far, but at the end of that appearance, was horribly scarred in a chemical accident.
So far, he hasn't adopted a silly costume.

It's a matter of time.

The GM of my current Mutants and Masterminds game gave me the following description "Vaguely reptilian
humanoid with light powered armour. A basic bodysuit with a few bulky plates. He should also be armed with an
energy pistol".
Once I know more about him, I'd like to draw a version with a bit more 'character' as this one was mainly about
getting the design right.
Blindside is a speedster character in my current 'Mutants and Masterminds' game, played by Shaun.
This is my initial sketch of the character, so I may have to tweak the design a bit yet.
Mister Menagerie
Silver Age supervillain along the lines of one of the Flash's Rogue's Gallery.
Designed for a 'Mutants and Masterminds' campaign.
El Muerte Negro
The GM introduced this character who was an evil luchador in a black outfit. The guy only appeared briefly, and so I
decided to give him two options for a theme.

This guy was one of them. Evil undead Mexican wrestler.

A new PC for the game, this is the 3rd version of this character, and I'm still waiting on the player to give me his yay
or nay, yet.
Still, I like it and think it looks well nifty.

El Aguila Azul
The execution here's not 100%. The foreshortening's a bit iffy, and the cape's not 100% right... but I still think it
came out pretty dang snazzy.
Of course, there IS one other hassle.

About twenty minutes in, I realized that the Eagle logo is on our hero's OTHER leg.

At which point, I thought, "Bugger this for a game of soldiers" and invoked my artistic license.
Eh. The fellow has more than one pair of wrestlin' tights.

Part of the Legion of the Lame.
Recently in a game, we had a prison break, and, when the GM was asked for some of the escapees, he rattled off a
stream of d-list names which, needless to say, inspired the hell out of me.

This guy I originally saw as a thawed-out caveman in sabretooth tigerskin furs, but one of the other PC said
something about cornrows and parachute pants and I instantly came up with this guy.
Basically, a cross between someone who has bought into the 'Get Rich Or Die Tryin' idea, the ghetto superstar myth
and an overexaggerated 'Streetfighter' style character.
He's basically the sort of supervillain who gets all his ideas of supervillainy from MTV's 'Cribs'.
I love his sense of self-promotion, with his name and logo plastered over everything.
Fab Man
Part of the Legion of the Lame.
Recently in a game, we had a prison break, and, when the GM was asked for some of the escapees, he rattled off a
stream of d-list names which, needless to say, inspired the hell out of me.

This guy was basically me taking on DC's 'mod' supervillains of the 60's. I don't think the design's quite finished,
and I'm looking to go a bit more mental with it.
Boil Boy and The Scab
Part of the Legion of the Lame.
Recently in a game, we had a prison break, and, when the GM was asked for some of the escapees, he rattled off a
stream of d-list names which, needless to say, inspired the hell out of me.

These two are an extremely unsanitary team of thoroughly disgusting supervillains.

Professor Odd
Part of the Legion of the Lame.
Recently in a game, we had a prison break, and, when the GM was asked for some of the escapees, he rattled off a
stream of d-list names which, needless to say, inspired the hell out of me.

This guy was my favourite. Basically, a toned-down Dr.Strange, he's not 'strange', just a little 'odd'.
The design was based very much on the Doctor Jacoby character played by Russ Tamblyn in the 'Twin Peaks' TV
series... who was pretty darn odd.
This was a character designed for a 'Mutants and Masterminds' game. The description I was given was an alien
special forces agent. The armour was meant to be reminiscent of SWAT Team or Riot Armour, while also having a
vaguely knightly/heraldic look.
This character was meant to be the female assistant of Striker, and was intended to have a similar costume. That
said, she was not an alien, so I ended up tweaking her costume somewhat, which was a lot harder than I expected.
El Brujo
El Brujo, the arch-enemy of El Aguila Azul's mentor El Aguila Sagrada during the 60's, used a combination of
psychological mind-games, mad science, and dark sorcery.
Decades after his death, he has escaped from hell and has returned to destroy the successor of his hated foe.
Trent Thorne was a PC in our group's 'Mutants & Masterminds' game. A heavily-armed teleporting wise-acre whose
player summed the character up very eloquently when he said, "Why are you getting ME to interrogate the guy?
Don't be confused by the trenchcoat, I'm not a badass, I'm just a loudmouthed dick!"
He also wears a high-tech gauntlet made out of some armour he stole from an alien enemy of the team. He had it
made so next time he met the alien, he could flip him the bird with a piece of his own armour.
That's the sorta guy Trent is.

This is a PC from a game of 'Mutants and Masterminds' I was in.
A very eclectic character, she was originally one of the cats drawing the chariot of the Norse Goddess Freya given
humanoid form and freedom as a reward for service.
She was also the team's technician and scientist.
So my design had to incorporate cats, vikings, and high technology.
Oddly enough, I pretty much nailed the look the player wanted on the first try.

Terrible Space Ape

During the course of adventuring, our heroes encountered a bunch of strange gorillas with odd physiques... slightly
This is a PC from a Mutants and Masterminds game I played in. The brief I was given was 'like the fire dude from
'Ben 10''.
The biggest hassle with this one was the chest symbol. I had to come up with a stylized bird logo that didn't look like
any of the logos in use on his team-mate, my character 'El Aguila Azul'.
Still, he was one of my favourite characters to draw.
This picture turned out SO much nicer than I thought it would.
The brief I was given was 'silhouette made out of pure darkness, with shadowy wisps trailing off him and a skull
floating where his head would be'.
El Diablo Rojo
The GM introduced this character who was an evil luchador in a black outfit. The guy only appeared briefly, and so I
decided to give him two options for a theme.

This guy was one of them. Evil Satanic Mexican wrestler.

Asian Martial Artist

This was a villain in a recent adventure. Basically, the stereotypical Asian martial arts guy who's... just standing
there... so that when he finally cuts loose, he's gonna go berserk on our arses.
We were so terrified of him that whenever he appeared, we tried to shut him down before he could destroy us.

The result being that we never discovered his name.

Anna Phylactic
This old bird would make a very deadly Mutants and Masterminds villain. I don't know what it is with insects and
supers but I figure an old lady with mind control powers over a hive of bees from her hair would be 5 shades of
awesome... errr... okay, I had this in my mind and this is what came out - I know that's not the correct spelling.

An NPC for my Mutants and Masterminds game, Mdula, an African Witch-Doctor.
He's also a mutant with the power to create Force Fields.

The leaf on his chest is magical and acts as armor.

A character from a Mutants and Masterminds game that I started playing this weekend. Technocrat.
technomancy - can talk with computers, control machines, speak binary
Eisenmann, a character in both, my Mutants and Masterminds game, and in City of Heroes.
Physical Description & Appearance

Jared is just over 1.72 meters (5' 9") tall and weighs 65.77 kg (145 lbs). He has a muscular build and his hands and
skin are rough from working outdoors helping his grandfather in the scrap yard. He has blue eyes and blue hair. His
skin colour is slightly darker than Caucasian and is indicative of his Mexican origins. He also has a single gold ring
in each ear.

Clothing wise, Jared prefers loose fitting garments that are easier to move around in. He wears a full motocross
helmet when using his dirt bike, which, unlike the bike was not salvaged and was bought new.

Defender Armour

The new Mk 1 Defender Armour is a vast improvement over the prototype model that Jared used previously. The Z-
Neutrino energy projector, which was capable of molecular disintegration has been replaced by a shoulder mounted
missile launcher armed with 5 Particle Impulse missiles. The warheads cause localised gravitational stresses at the
impact point which ignore armour.

A 9 terrawatt particle beam forms the armour's main offensive ranged weapon. Since it is capable of being
modulated to a non-lethal frequency, Jared prefers to use it over less subtle attack methods.

Sonic dampners and smart liquid crystal coating give the armour an impressive stealth mode. Although it's not
possible to render the suit completely invisible, it comes damn close to being invisible in poor lighting conditions.

One of the improvements that Jared made was to the helmet. Making it much easier to remove in an emergency.
Since the suit is environmentally sealed, it is air tight. A fatal vulnerability when the suit is struck by an EMP.
Something that Jared discovered by accident when fighting a smarter than average bank robber.
The armour plates and skintanium undersuit are impervious to normal gunfire.

Finally, the "production" model has two features that his father never thought to include in the prototype. An XM
Satellite Radio with MP3 playback capability. And air conditioning.


Jared is the most recent incarnation of Defender. A position he inherited when his father, the previous Defender,
died. He himself had inherited it from his father, Jared's grandfather.

From an early age, Jared was mostly raised by his Grandfather. Both his mother and father had full time jobs that
often involved lengthy overtime. Consequently, Jared would often go to the scrap yard owned by his grandfather
after school until one of his parents (usually his mother) picked him up.

His father’s night time activities as Defender prevented him from spending a lot of time with his son. When his
mother was killed in a car crash shortly after his 7th birthday, Jared's grandfather increasingly began to look after the
boy during the week. Because of this, father and son began to grow apart.

Although Jared now knows the reason behind his father's frequent absences, at the time this caused some friction
between the two of them. It is ironic that Jared had an unofficial poster of Defender printed by a comic book on his
bedroom wall. Jared looked up to the hero but his father never felt it was right to tell him the truth. He was still too

When Jared turned nine, his father bought him a dog as a birthday present. Jared named him Bucky and the two have
become inseparable. When his father died, Jared refused to come out of his room for two days and Bucky was the
only one he allowed inside.

The presence of his grandfather was a stabilising influence for Jared growing up and he instilled in the boy a strong
sense of right and wrong. Since he spent much of his time at his grandfathers scrap yard, Jared became interested in
mechanics and, encouraged by his grandfather, he spent two months restoring a dirt bike someone had dumped at the
scrap yard.

18 months ago, Jared's father was seriously wounded during a battle. Although he defeated the foe he was fighting
and handed him over to the police, the wounds he had sustained were ultimately fatal. He had lost a lot of blood and
was suffering from major internal bleeding. Sam made it home before finally succumbing to his wounds, dying on
the kitchen floor.

Jared was not home that evening. He had been at the inaugural game for the city's new baseball team, the Liberty
Rockets, with his friends Mark and Lee. The only person home at the time was Jared's grandfather. He realised that
if Defender's real identity was ever revealed it would place his grandson's life in danger so he stripped his son of his
costume and made it look like he was the tragic victim of a home invasion. Jared came home to find police cars
surrounding his home and his father's body being loaded into the coroners van. Since his grandfather was his only
living relative, Jared went to live with his grandfather at the scrap yard.

Two months later, Jared discovered a hidden workshop inside several connected boxcars buried beneath a pile of
rusting cars. Inside he found his grandfathers old costume, his father’s bloodstained bodysuit and the prototype
BattleSuit built by his father. After Jared confronted him, his grandfather admitted that his father had been Defender
and that he had been Defender before him. He had concealed the truth as he felt the boy would not understand and
would do something foolish like use the BattleSuit to pick up where his father was left off. Being Defender had
robbed him of his legs, taken his son and he'd be damned if he would lose his grandson too.

Of course, there was no going back now. Jared wouldn't take "you're too young" as an answer. He'd carry on the
“family business” either with or without his grandfather’s help. Therefore, to ensure that he didn't get himself killed,
he began training Jared to use the suit and the various gadgets that he had built with his son. As far as the media and
the public are concerned, Defender is back. No one knows that Defender is the grandson of Mexican immigrants and
no one suspects that he is really a 16-year-old kid in a suit of power armour pretending to be his father.
Recently there has been a dramatic increase in gang violence in North Edge, and the neighbourhood has been
described as a "virtual war zone" by some in the media. With the team scattered, Jared has been left to deal with the
situation by himself and has quickly become overwhelmed. His grandfather is increasingly worried that his grandson
is pushing himself too hard. The team's base was badly damaged during the Battle of Liberty City and was
abandoned. Since then, Jared has taken to expanding the hidden bunker under the scrapyard, hollowing out the
ground and building a garage and workshop. With his grandfather's help, Jared has also been able to correct some of
the design flaws in the original Defender Armour. Its obvious that his father never intended the prototype to be used
"in the field".

Something I pounded out pretty quick for a Mutants & Masterminds game; a fortune teller and con artist with some
illusion spells in a D&D fantasy type world.

She's from a group of humans who set up shop near the plane of shadow and started to unravel; they adopted the use
of summoning circles and binding materials in their clothing and with tattoos in order to prevent themselves from
becoming formless and fading into the plane (which tends to happen in the setting). Her eyes are glowy because
she's wearing a veil literally made out of shadows, sort of a magical set of sunglasses, and she's got good
nightvision, so the "glow" is just a reflection of daylight.

"Need I remind you that I'm just glowing eyes under a hood?"

Real Name: Harold Grimes

Occupation: Actor
Languages: English
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America
Place of Birth: New York, NY
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Abilities (50 pp)

Fgt 6, Agl 2, Str 2, End 2, Dex 6, Int 1, Awr 3, Pres 3

Defenses (19 pp)

Dodge +10
Parry +10
Fort +6
Will +6
Tough +10 (+5 without Defensive Roll)

Initiative +1
Unarmed +8, Close, Damage 2
Texaco Gun +10, Ranged, Damage 10 (Penetrating) (Crit 19-20)

Skills (14 pp)

Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 3 (+5), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+8), Expertise: Acting 5 (+6), Insight 2 (+5),
Investigation 3 (+4), Perception 5 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+7)

Advantages (24 pp)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Benefit: Access to Texaco Corp. 1, Benefit: Wealth 2, Connected, Defensive Roll 5,
Diehard, Equipment 2, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Texaco Gun) 1, Instant Up, Precise Attack 1 (Ranged;
Cover), Prone Fighting, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 4

Powers (12 pp)

Texaco Guns: Ranged Damage 10 (Penetrating) (Easily Removable) (12 pp)

Equipment (10 ep)

Texaco Avenger Suit (Protection 3 [Subtle]), Gas Mask (Subtle), Binoculars, 3 ep unspent

Fame: As a major celebrity actor, who has done many westerns prior to his role as the Texaco Avenger, Harold is
sometimes hounded by fans and detractors.
Responsibility: Texaco Avenger has a Responsibility to his family, who he sends money to and tries to keep safe.
Doing Good: Though he is just an actor, Harold truly wants to make a difference, and as the Texaco Avenger, it
seems he finally can.

PL 10, 119 pp
A Mutants & Masterminds commission and companion to this piece: [link] Dolli, a crazy goth supervillain.
She has super-tough skin, superhuman agility, and kicks that can send people through walls.
Battlesuit Masurao
So the girl on the inside of the suit is Talia. She's Russian/Asian living in America. Here's her story so far:

Talia being an only child raised in America was a little difficult for her. She was always an above average student
even bumped up a couple of grades. In sixth grade she was playing with her other friends around a pool, she went
off the diving board and her friend followed right after sending all of his weight in to her mid back, snapping it and
from that day she has yet to regain feeling in her legs. After that day she was often teased and mistreaded because
she was different. Before she was an active optomistic girl, now she became overly protective of her feelings and
became shy and rarely spoke to people. Now her family didn't take the accident that hard, well her mother didn't.
Her father wanted her to go into swimming like him, but when she broke her back, that dream faded and he never
looked at her the same again. Her mother became overly protective, to the point where Talia didn't want anything to
do with her, she wanted to live her life her own way not by the standards of her mother. Time passed and Talia
finally made it passed high school, without the help of her parents mind you, she ended up living with a good friend
of hers in a small apartment. To celabrate, there was a huge party after Graduation but then an accident happened, all
she can remember was the bright light and waking up from a coma a month later. Suddenly she had a need to tinker
and an intelegance that apsolutely surprised her and those around her. Eventually she came up with a battle suit and
even tried advancements to her body to help her walk again. And thus, that is where she is at today.

Yes she is crippled. DON'T JUDGE HER! >.o Anyway hope you enjoyed this little turn in my art. See ya later!
The Brickyard, a character from my Mutants and Masterminds RPG, he's a pile of bricks that was animated by an
evil wizard, but it gained sentience and then turned on the wizard.

Galactic Gremlin, Xe
An old Mutants & Masterminds character. He was lots of fun to play, figured I'd give him a superhero-styled

Anchor Man and Buoy Boy

I originally doodled these guys when I was working on illustrations for the Mutants & Masterminds: Golden Age
sourcebook and always meant to go back and do a proper drawing of them.

The Nautically-Themed Adventures of Anchor Man and The Unsinkable Buoy Boy!
Ingebith- Biomechanical Beast
I'm still hunting for my original work, so I apologize for the quality of this scan of a scan.

Ingebith, like many of my early 1990's drawings, was conceived as a character for a role-playing game. It should be
fairly obvious to long time anime and manga fans that Ingebith was inspired by the Zoanoids of the Bio-Booster
Armor Guyver anime and manga.

In this instance, Ingebith was not a villain but a bio-engineered creation known as a Beast Fighter whose purpose
was to battle supernatural monsters.

Ingebith's weapons were a bio-electric burst/blast and highly explosive "seed rockets", as the largest of the three
original Beast Fighter types, it was essentially a walking tank.

This is an indian superhero of mine...named John Blackhawk...AKA Warhawk...it's a character I play in Mutants &
Phage, a surly superhero-ish guy made of infectious goo - the end result of an ill-defined accident involving
intelligent bioweapons.

Phage was originally a character I played in a Mutants & Masterminds game a long time ago. As I'm sure you've
noticed by now, I love playing gimmick characters in RPGs, but I decided to break from form a bit and make
something actually viable in combat.

Then the game completely fucking exploded and I never got to do anything interesting with him. At one point I
retooled him a bit as a possible entrant for , but eventually decided not to bother. As usual, I regretted this decision
almost immediately. Such is life~

His shtick is that he's basically equal parts Prototype and Blood Music, but exchanges Mercer's sociopathy for
benign misanthropy and Vergil's heady Singularity nonsense for roughly 200 pounds of genetically 'blank' cell
slurry. Said slurry can be consciously reconfigured on-the-fly, theoretically assuming any shape or consistency,
possibly even mimicking existing gene sequences!

Former molecular biologist Dr. Bram Cuthwald isn't very imaginative however, so he just gets huge and smashes

I dunno, I thought it was funny.

The Queen of Diamonds
The Queen of Diamonds is a villain for my Mutants & Masterminds game. She's - obviously - a gem-thief and thrill-

Hyperion is a member of the League of Heroes in my Mutants & Masterminds game. I wanted a "battlesuit" kind of
hero, so I combined elements of Mega-man, Iron Man and Samus Aran to create the hero.

HYPERION - Power Level 10 - 150 Hero Points

SIZE: Medium
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 260 lbs.
AGE: Unknown
GENDER: Unknown
EYE COLOR: Unknown

STR. 20 (+5)
DEX. 16 (+3)
CON. 30 (+10)
INT. 14 (+2)
WIS. 16 (+3)
CHA. 14 (+2)

Tough. +10
Fort. +12
Ref. +12
Will +12

Defense: 20
Initiative: +3
Attack Bonus: +8

DEVICE (Power Armor) 18
Provides Enhanced Strength 6, Enhanced Con 13, Speed 5, Blast 12, Super-Senses 6, Immunity 9, Communications
Note: All the following listed powers are provided through the battlesuit. The battlesuit can only be removed if the
hero is rendered helpless.

BLAST 12 (Blaster Cannon)

Provides Alternate Powers SNARE and BLAST (AREA).

SNARE 12 (Freeze Ray)

Standard Action, Ranged Attack opposed by Reflex.

BLAST 12 (Charged Blast)

Full round action, Burst (60 ft. radius).

SPEED 5 (Dash Boost)

Max speed of 250 mph. Provides Alternate Power LEAPING.

LEAPING 5 (Power Jump)

Leap 50 times normal distance (750 ft.).

SUPER SENSES 6 (Helmet Scanner)

Darkvision - free action , permanent.
X-ray Vision - requires concentration to maintain.
IMMUNITY 9 (Life Support)

Radio communications within 5 miles. Power Feats: Subtle 2 - transmissions undetectable.

Improved Overrun,
Evasion, 2
Fast Overrun

Acrobatics +6
Climb +7
Computers +5
Concentration +5
Drive +6
Knowledge (Galactic) +4
Notice +6
Pilot +6
Search +5
Sense Motive +5
Stealth +5
Survival +5
Swim +5


Normal Identity (10 rounds) - 5pp
Disability - Suit only has one open hand, 2pp
Mind's Eye
Mind's Eye is a non-player character (NPC) from a Mutants & Mastermind's game that I've started.

She's a powerful Telepath. But she also suffers from extreme empathic whiplash, meaning: she experiences the
feelings of those around her as though they were her own feelings. For example, she'd feel panicked in a panicking

I drew these on Strathmore Bristol Smooth 9x12 paper (landscape). I pre-skeched with a regular #2 pencil (HB), and
inked it with PITT pens.

I digitized it and colored it. I colored in the base colors, then applied layers for highlights and shadows, using black
and white and just fiddling with the layer's base opacity.
Brick Boar
A C-List villain for a Mutants & Masterminds game set in the Marvel universe.

Bah, another drawing on Lined paper. I hate drawing at work but thinks end up pretty good.

This is Sliepnir, a potential Mutants & Masterminds character in her Mk3 Valkyrie HEV suit.

She's a space Viking Fangirl from another dimension with a teleporting battlesuit and an intelligent space cruiser for
a sidekick.

If you look closely at the picture you can figure out her real name (Hint: it's not actually Sliepnir O'Hara)

I have to give props for inspiration here, there's a litle bit Tau a little bit Halo and a little bit Empowered.

the person I drew it for wanted a character that was an unarmed fighter wearing a mythological basilisk hide,
striking it would cause the person to lose their next action after they struck it the first time, worked once per person
per fight the character was in.
Desert Machine
This is a drawing from late 2005, inspired by some old BattleTech books I had laying around. The influence of
several different designs can be seen in this machine. The head draws on the COM-2D Commando while the
searchlight and machine guns in the left & right torso are a nod to the WHM-6R Warhammer. The left forearm
mounts a laser that is very similar in style to the one found on the TDR-5S Thunderbolt, but much lighter and far
less powerful. A LRM-10 and a large laser round out the armaments, but these are original designs of my own.

For other gaming use, I see this design as a "hero-type" machine as opposed to some of the "cannon fodder" designs
I've done in the past. Following a well-known trope, this could be the machine discovered by the young hero deep in
his/her deceased father/grandfather/favorite uncle's secret workshop/laboratory and the tool that will single-handedly
change the course of the war with the alien invaders.

Or it could be a long-forgotten prototype design from the Golden Age before the apocalypse came and brought an
end to the great star spanning civilization of ancient history. Or it could be whatever the GM & player decide.
Zeon-style Mobile Suit
This one has no name, but it is inspired by the machines crewed by the Zeon forces in Mobile Suit Gundam. It's
primary weapon is a massive anti-ship/anti-structure missile launcher. The antenna-like projections on the backpack
are actually 30mm automatic cannons which can be aimed to the front or rear. As it is intended for operations in
space, it also has maneuvering thrusters in the legs and on the lower back. Because its primary weapon only carries a
single missile, it must be supported by other mobile suits with different weaponry once it has completed its
objective. Some units are equipped with heat axes or heat sabers if melee combat is expected.

A step above the typical "cannon fodder" design, this would be a design piloted by characters more equal to the
heroes in terms of skill. Because of its specialized nature, stopping this mobile suit from achieving its task could be
the focal point of a RPG scenario.
This was the final design I did for Cicada-Man. His costume didn't end up being a costume at all in the end; it's his
skin. He molts, or sheds, his human flesh and emerges a fully fledged Human Bug!

Gross? Maybe. Awesome!? Definitely!!!

Cicada-Man is a character on Freedom City play-by-post.

Anastas the Traveler

Also known as "The Traveler King", Anastas is the sole surviving member of a long vanished pantheon of deities.
He has outlived even his worshipers. Though his powers have waned, he still travels the vast Cosmos with his
companion, a raven spirit named Sun's Messenger.
This drawing was done sometime around 2001, when I lived in Chicago IL.

Alien Bounty Hunter

Another old illustration of mine from years ago. This was to be a Phase World character for Rifts, Etton
Falk, a Boba Fett-style bounty hunter who used a variety of ingenious lethal and non-lethal methods to
capture his prey.

If I were to remake the character today, the oddly placed knife jutting from his elbow would be gone.

Transplanting him to another setting would be fairly easy. Falk could show up in the employ of the Star
Khan in Mutants & Masterminds or any other space-faring villain in that game.

Custom Battloid
A 2006 piece modeled on the look of 1980's mecha shows like Robotech, especially the trooper
machines (aka cannon fodder) of the Armies of the Southern Cross.

In role-playing games and tabletop miniatures wargames, it could easily be an extreme rebuild of a
BattleTech Shadow Hawk or perhaps a new land-based CEGA design in the Jovian Chronicles universe.

Perhaps AEGIS or UNISON uses it to combat Gigantosaur and similar giant menaces in Mutants &

Bog Lord
Boss of the underworld - The Bog Lord. Don't mess with him because he's messier and can cause a BIG

Wow I haven't submitted in a long time

Alright. Lately I've been planning things out regarding trying to start out with drawing comics and stuff.
I've 2 one shot manga titles planned out in my mind and most of my sketches i've been doing lately have
been related to trying to figure things out regarding character designs and such. Probably not going to
post them because i feel like they're dirt, but I will post this because i'm looking for some opinions.

This is an experimental cover to one of those one shots. This character is featured a lot in my gallery.
Adam Maday, my "Kid Watt" character from City of Heroes. Obviously an electricity powered superhero
kinda thing. I like him a lot
Originally your standard fare grab-bag illusionist, a proverbial deal with the devil made him the real deal.

Machine Man
Tony Black a.k.a Machine Man, another member of my Campaign City's Superhero Team
Once again, Gary Pope's WONDERFUL female template gives me a body to slip a character onto and
clotheshorse a design. This one worked out quite well, especially as I fiddled with the arms and legs. I
love me some thick legs, but Armada is a little sleeker, and she has some good, strong upper body.

Armada is Amanda Kirk, former US Naval intelligence with a high "esper" potential. Captured by the
organization Serpent's Tooth, they experimented with exactly how much cyber could be implanted into
someone before they lost their psychic abilities.

Since they needed to test her abilities, all of the surgery and implants were done without anesthetics.
They were smart enough to implant a small bomb in her head to keep her under control if she escaped,
but unfortunately for Serpent's Tooth, Amanda was a mechempath. She disabled the bomb, and then
demonstrated to them the folly of having made her skin out of bullet-resistant polymers, replaced her
bones with omnium alloy steel, and her muscles with flat motor sheets which gave her the strength of
20 strong men. (Spider-Man strength generally.)

Armada is my Wonder Woman/Captain America analog - a red white and blue, true American patriotic
heroine, with the Doug Wojtowicz "tortured heroic origin" (literally in this case).

She's also a mistress of disguise, able to change her hair length and color, as well as her skin and eye
color due to the top dermal layer of her skin. She can also increase and decrease her height and alter her
bosom size at will. The only thing she cannot alter is her weight, which is due to the steel infused
skeleton and high density polymer flatsheet motors that replaced her regular parts.

In addition to her Class 10 strength, she's agile and a skilled combatant, both in hand-to-hand and with

If she were to have all of her physical enhancements removed, she'd essentially be a brain and internal
organs floating in a jar, so despite the ability to exactly duplicate the looks of the most beautiful women
in the world, she has the same crippling self-esteem issues as most regular women - she does not see
herself as beautiful. Only a fake.

Golden Girl
Golden Girl, the super-powered daughter of Doc Infinity, cruises by the International Space Station. Probably on her
way to a photoshoot. The life of a supermodel is hectic.
The Knightstar
The Knightstar. Alien warrior who comes to Earth to warn and protect its people from a grave threat beyond the
stars. But is the Knightstar what he appears to be?

That girl is an angel. No, really. The beings often called "angels" were the first, perfect creation of the
race of super-beings known as the Godhead. And when the Godhead created humans, the angels were
given the task of safeguarding mankind.

Striding the heavens in their grand Ophanim, their living ships, the angels forgot their ages-old charge,
and made war among each other.

Many fell to darkness, but others were thrown down...

Magdelene is a warrior-philosopher among her kind. She is pictured with her Seraphiel Armor, and her
living ship, dubbed Sidkiel. Mag has lived among humans for centuries, and in the long dark night when
the heavens are split asunder by the ambitions of her cosmic kinsmen, she chooses to stand between
mankind and the fire which will come.

After a devastating car accident, Jenny was rebuilt by the government. Her life from before the accident
was over, and she was reborn as Jennifer Xavier, or Jenn-X. In the early 90s, she was bleeding edge. She
was a State-of-the-Art cyber-sex kitten composed of alloy and razor-sharp angles. She and her team
members in Revolution X were the epitome of extreme.

But time marches on. The years have passed her by, and the world has already turned its gaze to newer
models. Is there still a place for the woman once known as Jenn-X? Or are all her systems outdated?
An anthropomorphic crocodile - Snapperhead.
A super cheer leader created by my friend for Mutants and Masterminds. Her player named her Valkyrie
but since she is a cheer leader I rename her Varsity. She fights alongside the Cricket.
Real Name: Jonathon Spruce
Alias: Phantasm
Age: 26
Powers: Illusion, dreamwalking, dream control, flight

Phantasm's story differs a little bit here and there depending on who I talk to. However, the gist is as

Jon Spruce and Phantasm are two beings that function as one body and mind. Jon grew up as a virtuoso
musician, performing sonatas and symphonies on piano and strings at a young age. This affinity for the
arts made him extremely receptive to the Dream realm.

Phantasm is a oneiros warden who keeps the dream realm safe from the psychic ripples caused by the
waking world. He's also supposed to keep an eye out for rogue oneiroi that escape to the waking world.
Phantasm chose Jon as his vessel and the two merged, creating a new being who fights villains and looks
for rogue oneiroi to deal with.
I did this a while ago - kind of a homage to Fantastic Four's Thing. This is Inspector Eddie Shardinski -
now known as Shard.

He's a character I designed to go in a long standing dream project... keep dreaming at this stage...
Sister Steel
A villian from my Mutants and Masterminds campaign. The slightly unbalanced future self of one of the heroes.
Also my first attempt at metal.

Digital Alien
Wooo! So I had a blast warming up to my wacom tablet which has been collecting dust since I got it. As a test I
decided to see what I could do with some of my scanned in pencils. I think this came out awesome.

Dosek is a PC/NPC in my Mutants and Masterminds setting.

Nene a Techno Hero
Well this is a Mutants and Masterminds character named Nene. She's a hacker and a genious on top of it. She's 18
and has a crush on her hero, Not sayin cause it's a secret.
Ballistic, a Mutants & Masterminds character commission from last year. He's bonded with an alien techno symbiont
that lets him reshape his body to form weapons.

Jonni Rocket
An unofficial Mutants & Masterminds piece depicting Jonni Rocket, the "daughter" of Freedomverse hero Johnny
Rocket. She's a speedster from the not too distant future.
Done by the artist of Brick by Brick, David Wong

One of my pre-generated characters for the Heritage game of A-Kon 2006 using Mutants and Masterminds.

Jae Hwa is a "kumiho" (Korean kitsune, all of the myths about them are evil, but I used more Japanese myths in
designing her)

Jae Hwa is not in the world to be a hero. She wants to be an actress. Her powers include shapechanging: any
humanoid female form (she did it a little bit here to make herself purple and blue instead of red), illusions (she
decides who sees them and who doesn't), talking to and controlling animals, possessing people, etc.

The above picture is when she's only at three tails and only has shapechanging, illusions and talking to animals.

she didn't get possession until she hit the 9th tail, and wasn't all that interested in that anyway.

In any case, she can play any role (even other Heritages) and provides her own special effects to boot.
Alien god for Mutants and Masterminds.

A super hero that I made for the role playing system Mutants and Masterminds. His names is Heatwave and he's
Another superhero character for Mutants and Masterminds. Prick belongs to a more humorous campain than Ruse.
(see my gallery)

Formally a normal seamstress working in the costume shop of a local theatre, Audrey Tailor one day accidently
pricked her finger on a pin. In her pusuit of a band-aid she unwittingly touched a scroll. However, what she'd
thought was a normal prop was actually an ancient scroll detailing sacred ninjitsu techniques from the lost Clan of
the Hari* (needle)

Now Audrey Tailor is a Ninja Seamstress, using her short sword Harijou-Ken (needle-shaped sword) and senbon
(throwing needles) to fight against such infamous villians as the Tailor of Terror, the Seem Ripper (an illusionist),
and of course, her arch-nemsis, the Grim Weaver.

She also has the ability to manipulate fabric. So don't piss her off, or you might find your clothes mysteriously
And again an innocent and unsuspecting soul will be pulled into the gulag, which is called P & P RPG, thanks to
Mutants & Mastermind.

Caution long text ahead!

Today I present "Cricket". The character of a friend that just joined us. (A new record, as far as the number of
women in our group. We now have 2 of these strange creatures in our group)
But since she is still a newbie to any kind of rpg and can also participate only sporadically, we have decided as a
group that her character, at least initially only will be a sidekick (but with the right character creation rules). Her
wish hero was a costumed adventurer, which fits quite well with our idea, as we already have one. So I took her
under my care.

When Sabine Stegner, one day found out that her brother in reality lives a double life as the hero "Der Falke" (look
here: [link]) , she decided to emulate him and assume the identity of the heroine "Cricket". And uses her ability as an
experienced gymnast to fight evil just like her brother does. Since this could not long remain hidden, and she would
not listen to him anyway, if he tells her that she should stop (and she even threatened to reveal his secret identity), he
made the decision to take her along, as his sidekick, when he is fighting the evil together with the "Heralds of
Counter by Thuddleston
"Mutant huh? I'm real impressed..."

Kids leave me introduce Counter, a Mutants and Masterminds character who's mutant power is to cancel your
mutant power, and the way the power is done all he needs to do is get semi-close to you. did a fantastic job on him
I think. The best part is his job is as a bodyguard, kinda fitting I think
Siren by Thuddleston
"Do you love me?"

And now the lovely (or scary depending on what she thinks of you) Siren. Made her for Mutants and Masterminds
but made a version of her for Hero System semi-recently but I wasn't happy with that version. Couldn't get the
emotion control where I wanted it.
This is one of my Mutants and Masterminds characters, the one in the longest running game.

Rapcallion is a mutant, her mutation? Super Intellect!

She used her intellect to make gadgets and such.
Armed with twin blasters, goggles with extra vision modes, a shield/cloak belt and flight suit, she becomes even
more dangerous when she's with her bike.
Ah the bike, so many nice little tricks in that one, but I'll spare you those or I'll be here for a while longer!
A quick drawing I did for my son (a character he made for the Mutants and Masterminds game). He's an ex-F1
mechanic who was exposed to an experimental fuel.
Prototype Colony One.
A villain from my Mutants and Masterminds campaign and a nemesis of Dynamo. Unable to attain true sentience
except when its within a certain proximity to Dynamo, One believes that if it can assimilate Dynamo's core it can
unlock its full potential.
One is a matter converter- like Dynamo, it can absorb nonliving matter that it comes in contact with and temporarily
add to its body mass. The mass can then be formed into weapons, or reconstruct damaged sections of its body.
The Middle Man
We'll spread the jam of justice, over the nooks and crannies of evil!

Meet middle man. By day? Mild mannered Kevin Silvers, mail room clerk. By night? The Middle Man, beacon of
justice, through the fog of evil.

He's inspired by a game of Mutants and Masterminds that I played last night. Way too much fun.
Light Bomb
Well, this is one of my player's Character in the Mutants & Mastermind that i Dm.

He's name it's Xavier Smith and its alter ego its Light Bomb, he has cancer, constantly, all the time throw small
waves of radiation out of his body, afecting everyone that comes nearby. That's the reason his mother died...He was
part of an experiment back in the cold war era, a new kind of american soldier, the experiment turn out bad as u can
Anyway hes on a long journey to mend his mistakes and repay all the peopple he ever injured...or at least...that's the
general idea...the guy smashed like...5 peopple in 2 sessions...and i mean smashing smashed...Face against wall
flying at 500mph= SMASH! blood all over the place...u know how it is...damn super heroes...
Here's a new addition to the Freak Legion team in our Mutants & Masterminds roleplay... the re-incarnation of the
great woman Pharaoh Hatshepsut! A magic user to the group.

The Envoy
Another archetype character for the Hero High sourcebook. This one represents a character from a totally foreign
society. In this case, a young woman from a society of warrior monks.
The Sea Hawk
A golden age hero for the Mutants & Masterminds RPG: The Sea Hawk, member of the Freedom Brigade.

This started out as a design I did for fun based on a free adventure offered on the M&M site and then I ended up
getting to use it for an illustration in the Worlds of Freedom sourcebook.

And an other "Mutants and Mastermind" hero. This time not one of mine, but the hero of a good friend
and long role-playing companion.

Her name is Kalisto and before she was expelled from the Greek mythology world (which actually exist
in our world), because she had an argument with some gods, she was a herald of Athena. But Athena
who still appreciated her because of her long time following, allowed her to keep her powers granted by
Athena himself. The only condition was that she never will abuse these powers for her own good.
And so she walked on the earth thousands of years until she joined the "Heralds of Justice" and since
then is fighting side by side with them. But at the same side she is trying to convice the people and her
comrades of her divine origin. And because of her very furious mind many people who didn`t believe or
even upset her suffered some severe bruises after meeting her for the first time. So happened the first
time when "der Falke" (look here [link]) and her met each other and he didnt want to believe her story.
He was beaten horribly that day!

Like a Hawk
After the tragic but heroic death of my old "Mutants and Masterminds" hero "Sonic Lightning" (look
here [link]) who died while trying to protect his family and his comrades of the "Heralds of Justice", i
now present "der Falke" (the Hawk, for all of you english guys).

Inspired by the "Heralds of Justice" (the superhero group of me and my great role-playing companions)
the justice-loving Henning Stegner decided to become a hero by himself. But at the moment he is just a
guy in a costume trying to be hero.

"Wie ein Falke auf der Suche nach seiner Beute, stürze ich mich auf all diese, die unschuldige Bürger
bedrohen und bringe sie zur Strecke!"

Quote: (the above in english):

"Like a hawk in search of his prey, I throw myself on all those who threaten innocent citizens and hunt
them down!"
A private Mutants & Masterminds character commission I did last year of a Joker-eque character called
the Jester.

Fred is about to begin playing Mutants & Masterminds and wanted me to draw up his character! It's a
superhero-esque role playing game. Sooo.. here is Blight!

This guys called Repulse, an 80's British Punk Hero with Magnetic powers.
Iron Hand
Iron Hand, West German Vigilante from the 80's.

Marshal Specter
US Marshal Wilson Specter was gunned down in the pursuit of some VERY bad and evil men, but his spirit
lingered. In the game we were in, an event happened, which allowed superheroes to come into existance, and
allowed Marshal Specter to resume his hunt for the guilty.
Mechanicus Nekris
Mechanicus Nekris is a supervillain I designed for a mutants and masterminds campaign of mine. Basically he's a
'Techno-Lich', pretty much a wizard/mechanic who's unnaturally extended his live via magic and technology.

So he's kinda like an undead techpriest/wizard. lol.

I can hear it now..."Aw hell he's not at it again with another new character is he?"
Why yes, yes I am.

Ladies and gentleman of the jury I give you Arachnia, guess who she was based off of. Anyway did
another new character drawing for me (since she loves them so much) of a superhero character I ran in
a 1st ed Mutants and Masterminds game years ago. Since I've been working on characters I'd either like
to play again or never have played before this one came up on the list.

Paladin, Magic Sword

A Mutants & Masterminds [link] character for a fellow player. The Paladin will be joining Sgt Steel in an
upcoming M&M Golden Age session. The flag and colors represent Germany. The sword is the ancient
blade called Durendal. The game takes place around the time of the start of WW2.
Silver Scarab, Ring Bearer
A Mutants & Masterminds [link] character for a fellow player. The Silver Scarab will be joining Sgt Steel
in an upcoming M&M Golden Age session. The game takes place around the time of the start of WW2.

Sergeant Steel, Powerhouse

A Mutants & Masterminds [link] character that I will be playing in an upcoming M&M Golden Age
session. The game takes place around the time of the start of WW2. Sergeant Steel is wearing standard
military outfit during that time.
Eric's aura is a constant flow of desire, contact with him mentally or physically charges this aura causing
a feeling of love and affection which doesn't seem to go away until negated by some outside source.
Further he can expand this aura into bursts of emotion at his opponents.

some of the characters friends are starting to act strange and tend to do things that they wouldn't
normally do.

Theres a dance comming up and for some reason a characters girlfriend has decided to go to it with a
complete stranger.
costumed detective of the characters. Also capable of complete visual concealment in shadows as long
as she isn't running. She can teleport up to 1 mile away through shadows and can throw bolts of
shadows at her opponents as well.
The speedster character. She can also cause her body to release greater than normal adrenaline through
her system granting her for 8 rounds a +8 to Strength and Constitution, after words she is considered
fatigued and has a -2 to all checks until shes rested.
Dark Girl - Reverse Teleporter

What Elizabeth hate... well she tends to let everyone know. when she gets too stressed she tends to
teleport alot of things from around her opponents.
Someone is kidnapping band members off stage, for what reason?

Well considering I know most people like the idea of playing pre-made characters in MnM before
making there own I figured I'd try my hand at making some hero sheets.

Since I had her picture ready anyway... first up is the stretchible heroine Rubbermaid.
Well considering I know most people like the idea of playing pre-made characters in MnM before
making there own I figured I'd try my hand at making some hero sheets.

Hein is the alien of the group. He is also the only male in the group of heroines. While fairly naive about
human life and how to spend his time. He tries to learn to adept to his strange adoptive world.

His power allows him to gain the powers of whatever his opponent is weak against & grants him
resistances/immunites against there powers as well. This technically makes him a very dangerous
enemy, but thanks to his personality, he tends to make friends as easily as an overly affectionate
puppy..... sometimes.
lucky power thief/ clueless villain

Mary was always a bit clueless at times, still she was generally fairly lucky with her favorite style of
shirts. But when she finally got her grandfathers power for stealing peoples strength and boosting her
own strength and endurance, she decided to go to the school for the empowered (well her parents
decided after she showed everyone her power and putting several kids in the hospital due to sudden
loss of muscle mass)

someone has talked the young girl into fighting the PC's and seeing if her power is really as good as she
No one is quite sure what singularity is or where it came from
however it is a slow spreading mental consiousness that takes over peoples bodies. However its
strangely single goal is to claim only the most popular of people and only associating with other popular
Psychics seem to have no ability at reaching anyone affected with psychic powers. It seems like the
entity's only desire is to be popular.

a good friend of the players has done something that has made them pretty popular in school...and
suddenly they start doing things they never would have done before at all. It's like, they're not the same
person as they where before.
The battlesuited villain known as Tek King is a mystery no one has ever captured him to figure out who
he is. He tends to plot out attacks on heroes, blast and pummel them into the dirt and leave there
broken bodies to be healed at the local hospital.

He is also served by three fairly strong and tough girls with high tech weaponry and believed nano-suits.
The hero group foils a robbery on a high tech company and are later attacked while out on patrol by
three girls. Later if that attempt failed to send the heroes packing the King himself makes an appearance
with his minions.
Where the singularity makes people into a part of itself and its selfish nature, the perfect seek to
become the perfect mates of a single person that captures its fancy. However this is far more dangerous
for any friends, family and enemies of the the target of its affection. As the perfect will have no issues
with killing those that its target shares its feelings with (even on a negative level)
Its shape shifting pool is used to constantly improve and alter itself to hopefully win the affection of its
intended victim.

Think of a stalker, give them the ability to shape shift and a completely single minded focus and you
have the perfect.

Rejecting a Perfect tends to turn it into a murderous mood and it will attack the one it was attracted to,
after five minutes it'll return to its original form and seek someone else that it can give its affection too.

pick a players character, watch as destruction and mayhem insue as they try and figure out how to keep
themselves out of harms way.
The Heir style Villain, with the fire elementalist package.

Due to the powers running in the family and pressure from said family to use those powers in a way that
brings the family 'honor'
some times just doesn't work so well.

Possible senerio

A place the parent wasn't able to steal from becomes the heirs target to prove herself.
Well considering I know most people like the idea of playing pre-made characters in MnM before
making there own I figured I'd try my hand at making some hero sheets.

The brick of the sheets, Wonderbra Woman. Vast strength is at her disposal.

If converted to HP system.
each punch deals 32 damage, she also has damage reduction 24 and would have 54 hit points for
Anarky, the intelligence draining foe that uses stollen mental energy to build up a fuel source for his
psycho blasts. While the energy he steals bleeds away slowly, his fuel sources tend to recover
quickly....at least until he blasts them.

Anarky has decided that there are to many "stupid" people at the police station and decided to get them
leave. By draining and blasting his way to the mayor of the city.

Teen Villain 7
by *CrazyCowProductions
Manga & Anime / Digital Media / Drawings ©2009-2013 *CrazyCowProductions
A terrifying prankster that enjoys remolding his targets. His normal targets are sports teams, he tends to
bet on the team with the worst traits (and most likely to earn him the most return on his money) and
remove key players from the opposing team or give his team a 'boosted' member.

He can also use his power to leave a transformation booby-trap with a similar duration which thankfully
shortens the normal duration depending on how long the trap remains 'active'.

He can also make his transformations permanent (or until he releases them or they get negated) by
pushing himself. Which tends to leave him fatigued.

Key members of [school sport] are going missing. The school knows whos doing it but for some reason
can't prove it.
Class Clown/Prankster/Illusionist

Samathas power is pretty straight forward, however oximoronically she loves being the center of
attention, any attention. So she uses her powers for small pranks (like the time the school had hundreds
of frogs escaping) to large ones (like the time she hid the school from the teachers only)
someone is causing some pranks to the would-be prankster and now because she has no idea who, the
whole school is getting to know an illusionists revenge.

A race of creatures that have only one purpose, to destroy all sentient life other than themselves. While they have
great power for use they do have limited Mobility for self traveling, teleporting themselves causes great mental
fatigue and keeps them to only one action per round until they have recovered.

Their general tactics when arriving on a new world is to form a 'home' and then send out it's eyes to percieve the
area in a 2,000 mile range, then detonate 1000ft area's with massive explosions until they can percieve no sentient
life. Thankfully these beingings are vulnerable to magic users and Psionics to a lesser extent. Their perception seems
to be lacking at long range against those with mental shields of high enough strength.

There are also some rumors of Rogue Lords that instead of destroying life have tried to create perfect life forms and
simply destroy anything they percieve as imperfect. Others get protective of other life forms with no sentience and
thus learn to focus their explosions to give an 'immunity' to harm. (the stories on earth 326, still has stories of the
Lord that protects all rabbit life forms on its world)
Indeed she can any single power, skill or ability, along with part of their appearance. She can do this with up to five
targets and mix and match her appearance. but if someone is controlling her, then yes she can target just one person
and appearance and become a 'carbon copy'

A villianess with the power to steal ones vitality to add to her appearance. The more she drains the better she looks.

Her normal appearance is that of a short girl with glasses and dirty blond hair.

Her full figured form after draining as much as her body can retail of a persons life force is that of an overly
endowed blond bombshell.

She can hold a persons life force for 10 hours, but it does slowly ebb and flow away from her returning her to her
normal form. Obsessed with her looks she is generally always going out to seek out new victims.

Strangely enough her power has also given some strange immunities to some powers. So far no one is sure how far
these immunities range but they have been enough to keep most superhumans from causing her any significant
A small time dirrector that once had a problem inspiring people. Then one day a stranger offered him the chance to
create as many movies as he wanted with no one within ear shot able to keep from doing what he said. After a short
agreement, He woke the next morning with his power, however with each passing day he had a growing and
growing desire to create more movies.

Even firing him had no effect, he just got worse and worse.

Who was it that gave the dirrector this power and didn't use it themselves? Truely an insane entity known only as

Canadian Shield
Happy Belated Canada Day!

I did this piece a while back as a follow up to an illustration I did for the Golden Age Mutants & Masterminds
sourcebook. He was part of a group of multinational WWII-era heroes I created for the illustration. I decided to go
for a more traditional style with a pencil drawing overlaid with muted watercolors.

The world needs more heroes with mustaches.

This character was first a Player Character and then and NPC in a Mutants and Masterminds game.

Each time the player tried to describe the character, we would all go "ok..a thinner doomsday" which would annoy
him greatly. Finally he realized his character basically WAS a thinner Doomsday, only without the superstrength.
Gunslinger King
Published piece from Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds RPG supplement, Worlds of Freedom.
Since the book is FINALLY out, I can show these pieces.

Worlds of Freedom is a collection of alternate and historical settings for the M&M 'Freedom City'
campaign world. It's like an 'Infinite Earths' or 'Multiverse' idea, but also has historical eras for their core
setting. That's where Comf and I come in. We were given the entire 'Freedom by Gaslight' chapter to

This is an illustration for a 'Character Archetype,' so it's just a general sort of character a player might
use in a FbG campaign.

This guy was just a mean SOB. I had originally concepted him all in black, but that gets really hard to pick
out once you go to an all-white background. The way M&M prints these is to put the illustration on the
white page and have the words wrap around the figure. Well, all-black looked great with a 50% gray
background, but white just washed out all the detail.

So I added some color and messed with his lighting a bit and here you go. Not too shabby, if I do say so.
Rex Mundi - Super Villain
Here's the SuperVillain I made from the Mutants & Masterminds RPG I'm going to be running.

Rex Mundi, self-proclaimed king of the world Evil Genius and ruler of Cerlavia(eastern European

powers are primarily super-intelligence. all other powers granted by gadgets he has.
Kid Quantum aka Tommy Smith
Kid Quantum is my PC for our Mutants and Masterminds: Hero High game. A mutant boy genius, he is
the clone of a now deceased criminal mastermind. Having all his skill and power potential, but none of
his memories, he's been given a chance at a new life, while being carefully monitored by government
handlers of course.

His powers are Telekinesis based,derived from his suit, similar to Syndrome from The Incredibles.
The girl with some impressive power all her own... just so long as there is someone else around willing
to throw out some wishes.

While not the most heroic of characters, she is still an amusing young lady of some skill of persuasion.
He eats and he can shift, eat a bolt and change into steel, eat a walnut, turn into wood, eat some
jello...well you get the idea XD

However his personality is similar to most leaders and inspired teens with delusions of being with a
team of equally heroic minded teens. Granted by general course they do surprisingly enough listen to
him when he's giving out ideas for tactics and his speeches actually do inspire them in combat.
Now if he just wasn't so serious all the time....

A villian and distant relative of Beatrice Irons. Yet for all his attempts at villiany his very powers keep him on the
strait and narrow, allowing him to pull off fantastic feats of heroism and punishing him with horrid failures when he
attempts to do things of villiany.

His heroic timing tends to make sure he always arrives in a place where he could be helpful, his probability control
only functions when he is actually being helpful or heroic for anothers benefit, while whenever he tries to cheat or
swindel someone he has a 1-10 chance of failure.

he can also inflict unluck on another through the use of a hero point. For 70 rounds (or 7 minutes) if his targets
failed a will save dc 18, then for those rounds they roll twice taking the worst of the two rolls.

my friend chris in virginia told me about several villians that 'played' at being seen as heroes, and I believe the intent
with this one was a guy that was trying to be a villian but ultimately always got put into the heroic spot light.

by contact he can generate and infect anyone with a disease that can takes weeks to recover from once one has
fought off the disease. Both deadly and humorous illnesses can be generated by Hazen. He can also with a touch
complete neutralize the worst plagues and diseases (or even the common cold) Sadly, though he has control over this
power, he tends to get blamed for anyone catching the simplest bug (some teachers even blame him) as such this
does put him down and also puts him on the outskirts from others of his school.

Here we have a build for the Caffinator, Coffee and Tea controller extradinaire. Able to animate, form
'golems' and even control the growth of plants...well so long as they're plants used in tea or coffee.
Thankfully after joining hero high, she also taking a great interest in learning the basics of hand to hand
combat, after all, one doesn't always have tea or coffee handy

Kidnapped and genetically altered by a corporation to see how many people with super powers they
could create and control.
Miranda was a small time Moll for a guy who thought of himself as a mobster in freedom city. It never
left her mind that Johnny her brother, had sold her out to this corp group just so he could get to her
bosses ear with a girl he happened to know.
Granted she was also sure Johnny had expected her to die after all, the look on his face when she
launced electric death, was not one of pleasant surprise. So now she acts as a sort of leader for the
group she escaped with. One kid that tends to get into more trouble than he's worth half the time (not
even by getting bumped sometimes), another that tries to help everyone he meets, a lizard that doesn't
remember most of her life and a metal woman that sticks out like a sore thumb.
Kidnapped and genetically altered by a corporation to see how many people with super powers they
could create and control. Charles, Nice guy, was attending medical school, had a great girlfriend. After
waking up from a drug slipped to him at a party he wasn't sure how much time had passed. However he
was no longer the same either. Whatever they had done to him as regressed him cronologically to a
young teenager. Yet he had the strange power to sense the lifeforce of others, telling if they where
healthy or not, and even giving him details about what was wrong with them Stranger still was his ability
to take the illnesses and wounds of others onto himself, healing them and injurying him. With a great
deal of effort on his part, he can also reverse this power. Stealing anothers life force that he's touching
to heal himself while inflicting his injuries onto another person.

Beatrice the Super Secretary Character Sheet

Yes she is indeed Only a Power Level 6..... >.> poor poor girl
The super secretary for Professor Emil Giy for Genosha's genetics program.

Her body was mutated into living metal somewhat like the russian mutant within the X-men, Colossus.
However unlike him, she cannot change out of her metallic state.
Thankfully with the doctors help she found a job she can enjoy. Working in an office is all she ever really

On the plus side as well she gets to hang around with Genosha's mutant breeder team A. At some point
she is hoping the good doctor might persuade Colossus to come to genosha to add to the breeding
stock, after all the two of them share at least have there metallic bodies in common with each other.
The Special Effects Department of Dirrector Inc.

With her flaire for such realisitic backgrounds and special effects for all of Dirrectors movies (even added
in the occasional extra) They create movies left and right, both enjoying them far into the night...at least
until a new idea enters into her bosses head, after all he is the dirrector, he calls the shots.
MnM Character EMP
by *CrazyCowProductions
Manga & Anime / Digital Media / Drawings ©2007-2013 *CrazyCowProductions
Eric Drake Alias EMP, Mutants and Masterminds Version
Teen Hero!

PL:6 HP: 42
Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 16
Attack: +5 Defense: +4
Fort: +8 Ref: +7 Will: +7 [in costume +11]
Attack Focus (Ranged), Minions x2, Evasion, Fearless

Acrobatics +6 [+8], Bluff +6 [+9], Climb +4 [+4], Computers +6 [+7]
Disable Device +6 [+7], Escape Artist +6 [+8], Gather Information +6 [+9], Intimidate +8 [+11], Notice +6
[+8], Stealth +6 [+8]

Emotion Control 6 Ranks [only affects love, only affects women, shapeable]
Device 4 Ranks (Costume, Hard to Remove)
[Protection 4, Mind Shield 4, Mental Blast [weapons:blades, Explosion] 4]

Secret Identity +3, Teenager +1

Comming from a troubled past with an abusive father Eric had always dreamed of gaining super powers
so that he could force his father to either stay away from him or earn some measure of respect. When
he turned 13 his power finally showed itself, it was the ability to cause women to fall in love with him or
someone else of his choosing. As far as powers go it was certainly a valuable one. However, Eric
immediately dispised it, figuring it to be part of a cosmic joke played on him by the gods themselves, So
he did what any child would do with such a power. He started out into the world as only a manipulative
brat could that wanted only revenge. He went in for training in martial arts by gaining favor with any
female instructors he could. He forced women with money to help keep him safe from his father.
However as fate would have it, he for some reason changed his ways. He used his powers a few more
times to get those wealthy women he'd met to help fund and design a costume that could harness his
psyhic energy to create weapons. It also acted as protection against his enemies.
[special note: He had found out that a specialized chemical that helped couples conceive children was
creating children with psyhic powers, but this same chemical was also killing the mothers at birth. His
mother was one of the people who was given this chemical as a test and without her concent.]

Mistress Mold
Fighting (GD 10), Agility (EX 20), Strength (IN 40), Endurance (MN 75)
Reason (EX 20), Intuition (GD 10), Psyche (AM 50)

Health: 145 Karma: 80 Popularity: 0 (10 in Genosha ) Resources: PR

Body Armored (Phy: 63 EN: 53), Pulse Blasters (AM 50), Flight (AM, MPH: 375 Top Speed)
Mutant Detection (RM, 8 City Blocks), Emotion Control (Love Only) (UN)

Emotion Control can only affect Mutants, Emotion Control can only produce the emotion of love and

Archeology, Biology, Computers, Genetics (each gives Mistress Mold a +1 CS to checks)

Genosha Government

Used in Genosha to keep slave mutants producing viable offspring sometimes parings did not wish to procreate and
thus where created the mistress mold units. That could force the desires upon their mutant targets. But also armed
with weaponry and armor for protection against invading mutants the mistress molds where never mass produced as
they unlike their android cousins created to destroy mutants started to leave Genosha to force mutants to mate with
viable genetic potentials. This caused an unusual increase in mutants appearing in the world until their creator
managed to sneak and uploaded program for them to return to Genosha to only increase THERE worker mutants.
Genosha Hero Cloud
Anthony Shard
A decent fellow with a german bloodline, during WWII Captain America's men air jumped onto his families farm.
Not to many of his family lived and Anthony in turn was brought up with the stories of the vicious Captain America
and his men. Being distrustful of all american military people he hopes to one day strike back at Captain America
now that he has resurfaced as the Leader of the Ultimates.
Transforms into Mist and Control over the element of wind
Genosha Hero Ogre
Found roaming Africa Ogre as he has become known towers over most people. He stands 12' 6" in height with a
muscle weight of 576Lb's In combat he is a raging cyclone of destruction and mayhem. Yet while out of combat he
is far more curious about technology,specifically cars, and tends to tinker with old cars trying to get them to run

Genosha Hero Song Bird

When she'd first come to Genosha to see about a singing career she was immediately attracted to Ogre, as such she
sought out a military carreer. But in order to get placed with the object of her affection she needed to get past a fairly
annoying secretary to talk to their leader Doctor Emil Giy. Which after the first two attempts the first she made an
appointment and the second she tried to force her way. Neither of those worked. But then again when you can fly,
getting to a sixth story window isn't so much a problem.

Strangely enough the doctor was more than willing to place her on the team with Ogre. So far the two of them have
made some beautiful music together

Doctor Emil Giy

The mystrious Doctor Emil Giy, in most situations he appears to be a teenager in a strange uniform under his doctor
jacket. But in point of fact during World War II he was performing experiments on expanding the human brains relay
system. Thus hoping to unlock the brains potential past the mere 10%. The explosion from this experiment caused
him to die, and yet not die. His essence lept into a near by body of a soldier that was not yet dead, from there and
over the ages he has lept from body to body to preserve his own life and his intelligence has not suffered yet.

Now acting as a scientist thats specialty is genetics he works with Genosha to create the perfect natural resource
with the mutants of the world. Not to mention as a side benefit he gets to live forever with the ability to over throw
the genosha government with his own mutant army that undergo his treatments.
Sarcasm Lass
She was originally WBW's side kick, but after getting into more battles with other heroines and heroes she had to let
her go.

However Sarcasm Lass still moonlights as a free agent side kick for hire.

Course that was before she was hired by Doctor Tempus, rumor has it SL said something was never seen again.

Rumor also says it had something to do with 'dinosaurs? oh come on, like no one has ever seen jurassic park before.'
The Heroines Hot-Girl
In a world with super heroes, with a ratio of 1 super human being born out of 10,000 and out of that ratio it's 5
females to every 1 male super human we have a group of super humans that have organized themselves into a group
merely called.

The Heroines, following in WBW's foot steps toward helping the world and saving the day.

Hot-Girl, Fast-Girl, Amorphous Lass, Mountain Crusher

The Heroines Fast-Girl
In a world with super heroes, with a ratio of 1 super human being born out of 10,000 and out of that
ratio it's 5 females to every 1 male super human we have a group of super humans that have organized
themselves into a group merely called.

The Heroines, following in WBW's foot steps toward helping the world and saving the day.

Hot-Girl, Fast-Girl, Amorphous Lass, Mountain Crusher

The Heroines Amorphous Lass
In a world with super heroes, with a ratio of 1 super human being born out of 10,000 and out of that
ratio it's 5 females to every 1 male super human we have a group of super humans that have organized
themselves into a group merely called.

The Heroines, following in WBW's foot steps toward helping the world and saving the day.

Hot-Girl, Fast-Girl, Amorphous Lass, Mountain Crusher

The Heroines Mountain Crusher
In a world with super heroes, with a ratio of 1 super human being born out of 10,000 and out of that
ratio it's 5 females to every 1 male super human we have a group of super humans that have organized
themselves into a group merely called.

The Heroines, following in WBW's foot steps toward helping the world and saving the day.

Hot-Girl, Fast-Girl, Amorphous Lass, Mountain Crusher

Female P.A.C unit
P - Personal
A - Artificial
C - Companion

Becoming more well known in the year 3020 the P.A.C units are designed to be companions for those
with Low Priority DNA cards that prevents them from coupling with a fellow human.

These units have nine pre-created personality archtypes that allow for minor edits allowing for the type
of companion you always wanted.

Special Optional Features

Nanite Womb
Allowing for one child offspring to be cloned from owner.

Human Skin
While not all together unpeasant to look at normally, the artificial skin makes for a more realistic human
appearance in any choice of skin tones, even ones found outside of normal nature. With specific
molding instructions you can even have your unit looking like someone out of history. So long as we are
provided the data your P.A.C unit can look like anyone you desire
Male P.A.C Unit
P - Personal
A - Artificial
C - Companion

Becoming more well known in the year 3020 the P.A.C units are designed to be companions for those
with Low Priority DNA cards that prevents them from coupling with a fellow human.

These units have nine pre-created personality archtypes that allow for minor edits allowing for the type
of companion you always wanted.

Special Optional Features

Sperm Housing System

With our monthly plan system you can have delivery of frozen semen shipped to your home allowing
you the chance for impregnation. for an additional fee we can even treat with semen with fertility
stimulants allowing for a child birthing rate of 95% instead of 15% chance from the common delivery

Human Skin
While not all together unpeasant to look at normally, the artificial skin makes for a more realistic human
appearance in any choice of skin tones, even ones found outside of normal nature. With specific
molding instructions you can even have your unit looking like someone out of history. So long as we are
provided the data your P.A.C unit can look like anyone you desire.
DeathBra Woman
Countering WBW's goody goody ways we have DeathBra Woman. She has all the same powers as WBW
and with her free on the real world scene she has come to one conclusion. If she can get their creator on
her side she can truely destroy WBW not to mention be the most powerful, best looking and most ...
well everything. She just needs him to change a few things, maybe even give her cosmic powers.

Flight, Super Strength, Invulnerability
SideKick: The Green Tease
The aspiring side kick of Wonderbra Woman.

She kinda came to me this morning in a doodle so alot of fleshing out and coloring and behold, we have
the Green Tease, friend to frat boys and ... well practically anyone with a camera.

Still need to flesh out her powers and personality, but for the most part there is something about this
girl that makes Wonderbra Woman, not actually want her as a sidekick.

Dun dun dun!

Whatever could it be? Bad rep, Lesbian tendencies, or just an annoyingly powerful personality?
Supervillian: Pink Radon
Pink Radon,

A strange addicent gave this man his power to transform his body into living Radiation. While a very
dangerous criminal most people have a hard time taking him seriousily simply because of the color of his
aura and body.

While laughing at him has gotten him to slink away in embarresment. It has also caused him to goi out of
his way to prove how tough he is by attacking super humans as often as possible.
Port is a Teleporter. Granted she has her limits. She can for example, only teleport herself and up to 10
pounds of additional weight.

Given her appearance this generally puts her at odds with law enforcement that view her as a monster.
Granted her body is tougher than the average person but that doesn't make her bullet proof.

So her general M.O. is to teleport somewhere with something she needs for her own survival. Generally
something she can sell for some quick cash or actual food by teleporting into a closed grocery store.

She rarely will fight anyone but if she has to, her tail has a stinger blade that seems to release a neuro-
poison that seems to paralyze.

Port also tends to be an emotional leech, given a taste of kindness port can quickly turn to romantic
stalker leaving gifts for her beloved or even terrorizing anyone that gets close to the one of her
Right now shes infatuated with her creator that must have loved her, after all he made her. But its only a
matter of time before she focuses on someone else for awhile.

Port (Power Level 6)

Str 10 Dex 20 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 10
Fort +2 Ref +8 Will +6, Initiative +13 Toughness +3*
Attack +6 (+8 Stinger Tail) Defense +8 (+2 Flat Footed)
Acrobatics +10, Escape Artist +10, Notice +7
Sleight Of Hand +10, Stealth +10

Attack Specialty (Stinger Tail), Improved Initiative2
Evasion2, Dodge Focus 4, Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)

Teleport 5 ranks (PF: Progression 2, Change Direction & Velocity)
[Extra: Accurate +1, Flaw: Short Range -1]
Dimension Pocket (Haven) 4 ranks (PF: Furnished 2)
Stinger Tail (Additional Limb 1, Con Drain 4r [Poison/Unreliable])
Hardened Skin (Protection[Impervious] 3r)
One Eye (-4 to all Ranged Attacks) +3pt's

Here we have the homeless girl that the Greyman granted her two powers, the ability to get what she
wants (by taking it and teleporting away with it) and a place to call home, a Dimensional Pocket that is
the size of a mansion with all the common creature comforts, except food and entertainment)
The Black Bunny
The Black Bunny the martial artist villian of WBW.

Thanks to the micro circuitry system in her costume she can convert kinetic force to a weaker state when being
struck and enhance it when punching or kicking. (Or leaping small buildings)

Using a utility belt she has most of her thieves tools on hand and ready to use when taking on a big caper.

Most common M.O. Stealing from penthouses and from the rich.

Some are more willing to have her try and steal from them, mostly for the chance to try and catch her.
GOE: Mandy
Guardians of Earth - Mandy

Lunar School Member

Power: The ability to transform others into loyal duplicates of herself. Although these duplicates do not share this
power they do have an active pheromone system and they are strangely highly resistant to most damage, be it energy
or physical. Although they do appear to be vulnerable to mental attacks. Unlike Mandy herself who seems highly
resistant to not only mental attacks but she is completely immune to transformations herself.

Thankfully it appears her transformations last only 33 minutes currently but instructors have been marking a steady
improvement in that duration.
GOE: Candy
Guardians Of Earth: Candy

History: After Candy and her brother where in an auto accident her powers of Pyrokinesis awoke. However we are
not certain the extent of Candies abilities as her brother had taken the least amount of damage, yet Candy has
declared that she is the one in his body.
At this time we have been able to break it down into three possibilities.
1) Candy's brother Chris, so over come with guilt he retreated within his own mind, and to cope created a spliter
personality based on his sister.
2) Chris, out of fear of the accident had his own power awake and swapped bodies with Candy and perished in the
3) Candy herself caused the swap and gained her brothers power of pyrokinesis after she woke in the hospital.

In either of the cases the change to her psyche is uncurable and her mind seems completely normal for a girl her age,
even if her body is that of her twin brother.
GOE: Gear
Guardians of Earth: Gear

History: Grades, school work, Science Projects. That seems to sum up this students history on earth. His family
made it a point to push him early on once his 'talent' for science of technology became appearant. Emotionally
detached however 'gear' as he has become known to his fellow classmates. Seems to have no lack of knowledge in
the area of sciences and no lack of curiosity either when it comes to the same field. However several of our
psychology members feel that his emotional immaturity might cause more than a few problems with the group.
So far he tends to act in a fashion of gift giver. Whenever someone does something for him he tends to return the
favor by making something for them. We believe this personality was created by the parents as a give and take
system, they gave him food and such, he made them devices they could sell or get rich.
GOE: Misagi
Guardians Of Earth: Misagi Ryo

Effectively the class representive (The only one willing to deal with the school staff and make the reports)

History: Erased, When Ryo Misagis power woke it created a strange 'static discharge' of psychic energy. It seemed
everyone that knew him had there memories wiped clean. Only government and public documents tell his general
information proving he does indeed exist. His friends and family before his empowerment have no memory of him.
Convinced that it'd be too hard on his parents Ryo joined the Guardians of Earth and quickly rose past the cadet
branch with stable powers and was accepted to Lunar base to continue his studies in becoming a powerful presence
for the good of the earth.

Powers: Super human strength and a near invulnerable muscle tissue. His recovery rate seems to be extraordinary as
well. It is unknown what other genetic traits his body has enchanced to the super human level. But so far we are glad
he appears to be on our side.
Shifter, that's all it answers too and generally seems to enjoy playing mind games with friends and foes alike.

Which can lead to more than just a little annoyance from team leaders.

So far most tests wont even give an accurate read out on the gender or family relations to shifter.

What isn't known to the group at large is that Shifter is an 'awakened' Perfect, while not fully comprehending love
and affection it does now relise what it feels is not quite the same thing and has decided to use its considerable shape
shifting abilities to pretend to me an amnesiac with shape shifting powers. However that still hasn't stop this Perfects
desire to amuse themself.
Won't take credit for this character concept, I saw it in the world book called Paragons. A guy that can possess
Manikins and animate them, Thus getting stronger and tougher.

The qoute they gave him was "just had to be a lingerie model" But the picture was of a guy blowing up a car, so with
that inspiration I drew this pic and worked out the character points to increase Manikin to a PL 10 from 8
Super armor - Check

Military Clearance - Check

Here we have Paragon, a teenager with a knack for building just about anything if you give him all the parts he
requests and the time to build them.

He considers flying into fights and beating villians to be a real thrill and fun. He has yet to understand the reasons
that motivate anyone for doing the things that are 'evil' if there is any and generally doesn't think about them even as
he's stepping in. he also tends to make the classic mistake of believing the hype from movies, Ugly equals evil.

basically he's as naive as one might expect after talking with him.
Captain Fate
Well found out on the 12th that the campaign for the mutants and Mastermind game is PL 10 (not 8) So instead of 30
points extra for character creation I'm dealing with 60, so instead of trying to increase one of my old characters
figured I'd expand on a few older ideas for characters.

Here we have Captain Fate, a young lady with the power to transform into a Champion of Order.

Standard Paragon Package with the a 4 pt disad for requiring to transform to use her powers (full round action)

in exchange she can also has Magical awareness & the ability to sense evil (near-by)
Dark Stinger
A PL10 random roll for powers from the Wildcards rpg book

One Stinger Tail, Hardened bones and Antennae (thus making a secret identity pretty useless but he tries anyway)

His main power is his control over Darkness

Forming Blades, blasts, Teleportation, Solid shadow bindings and when all else fails blind the target by engulfing
their head in darkness.

He is also a detective of some skill, but after his mutated changes he found it pretty hard to get anyone to trust him
on a case. thus he also has the complication of being mistaken for a villian
Some time ago I tried to come up with my own stretching character... Well now we have her finished character sheet.
Plasti, The Agent with elastic stretching powers.

Granted she's still getting use to her powers so shifting into different forms doesn't come as easily as it does for say...
Rubbermaid, thus her Morph ability is not a free action. Her body also is not constantly regenerating from injury,
however by actively wanting to recover she will fall into a pretty sound sleep and begin a rapid form of recovery that
affects all the damage she has at the same time. however she does have the usual immunities that Stretching
characters have. Ballisitic and Bludgeoning damage. So falls, trips, baseball bats and guns wont hurt her, although
most peoples energy blasts are another story.
Dove, the Teen villain trying to destroy the world without letting her mother find out. (after all she wants her
daughter to open again so that she can bring humanity a new golden era)
Joker town Blues 3
Joker, Complete transformation into a large creature with hardened skin, large leathery wings, Horns and the ability
to breathe out a cone of fire.

and yet one very cheerful and carefree Irish police officer.... at least if you go by accents he's irish
Joker Town Blues 2
Minor Ace, yet still impressive. Rapid healing and being immune to all ballistic damage. Makes for a pretty tough
Joker Town Blues 1
Joker Ace police officer, changes gender every time they fall asleep for more than 5 hours. Also swaps mentality
every time as well. Tends to make dating a bit difficult.
A random roll up character.... which only proves that my dice believe I must play evil characters. -_- I was trying to
create a hero

first roll
Undead Appearance (Fearsome Presence 2)
Transparent Skin (Fearsome Presence 2)
Glowing Eyes (Night Vision)
and then finally the roll for a power without a Deformity

Mind Control >.>

So I added a one additional full power immunity to aging and an alternate power to the Mind Control being an
emotion controlling power.

Basically built so that as he talks to you he can alter you mental thoughts and emotional reponses. (thus the Subtle2 -
non detectable & Trigger: Making them A post-hypnotic suggestion that keeps popping up with the right medium)

Been told on FA I maybe shoulda called him Slickback due to the way he's dressed.

Learn something new everyday O_o

Those not familiar with the Wild Card Series. The jist of it was a mad Xenovirus started running rampant after an
alien craft crashed up in NY. The virus spread like wild fire, on it's first pass 90% of the population died. 9% become
Jokers (Deformed people - and again 90% of these people died) and the remaining 1% became Aces, No deformities
but sometimes agained an awesome power(s).

Old Bones here is the 5% of the Jokers that lived that became a Joker-Ace, meaning several deformities but one
useful power as well.
The Wander Sorceress of great magical power and Shalia's most annoying enemy to boot.

Why do they both have hero colors (the yellow/goldish color?) because they both believe they are right and both are
trying to help (granted in their way, not everyone elses)
GOE: Artemis
Guardians of Earth: Artemis

History: Mostly unknown, She was found by Misagi Ryo while in japan after befriending a strange purple Ally cat.
Which after a few days protected Ryo from a group of thugs by shifting into a much larger version of the same
feline. Other than fur color there appears to be little in common with the Panther. Biologically the feline seems to be
a mixture of several feline breeds in one solid base. A terrifying huntress. Recently she has been able to take on a
human form and tends to follow team leader Misagi around quite often. We here at Lunar base have named her
Artemis not just because of her hunting instincts but she seems to be able to communicate and speak with all animal

Power: Limited Shape Shifting to a small feline, a large feline and to her 'human' shape. She also seems to have the
ability to communicate with all animal life, but she can command Felines.
Shalia, well similar skills to Skorn however, unlike skorn is missing the Master Plan feat, but she does have the
same troop strength, granted her troops are all Fire Birds :3
O_O quite frankly.... she scares me the most of all the character designs I did for Mojo, Skorn and Chaos Croc.

>.> with her Master Plan feat all of her troups can gain a +3 to attack, Damage and defense for the first 3 rounds...
with Minions 13 that means shes giving this bonus to Trained Soldiers with a count of oh... just 2,500 Troops.

>.> let us hope she stays nice and ... well kinda peaceful
Ricky the Deer and not a female deer, that shadow of his is pretty deadly. For the most part it means once he hits you
in melee with it, you immediately lose 6 constitution, and will lose it again every round till you escape the shadow....
oh which only has a difficulty of 26 escape check to get out good luck with that.
Yup also did Adrians best annoyance, and evil hero >.> (hey 50/50 odds is what I give her personality of what she
wants to do at the time)

<.< watch out for that club

Character is Owned by Mojo :3

I really got a kick out of putting stats to this character. he's a nifty Sadist I imagine.
The Dangerous Variant of Eric Drake, Instead of embracing his power he took to training his body and
just 'living' with his embarressing power that causes people to love and adore him.
Here we have Brainwave, Dangerous as Power Level 8 In mutants and Masterminds.

If brought into a standard game (IE/ PL 10) simply add the following 30 point power.

Enhanced Skill: Knowledge[Tactics] 12 ranks (Link: Quickness [master plan] 6 ranks, PF: Master Plan) 6
Nemesis 6 ranks 24pt's
[Flaws: Requires Tactics Check -1, Standard Action -2, limited to 'Training Effects' -1]

This would represent his military combat training and ability. Thus power wise he would be a match for
most head on fights.

Now under rules of not wanting to listen to people, please remember the difficulty for all Ineraction
skills goes up.

As long as Brainwave is convinced that a group of people are going to be trying to force him back to a lab
or away from the world he's in then all difficulties to convince or sway him are increased by 20 (as this is
a serious oppose check) However Intimidate checks to scare him into running away still have normal
chances of working, trying to intimidate him into thinking he's going to lose.... means he'll fight all out
and use lethal force.

If you want to make him more power and keep him at PL8

Simply add the following extra and flaw to his TK Blast

Knockback and Distracting, this will lower his Defense bonus in half, but for every point his opponent
fails his toughness save, that opponent is being knocked back 10 feet, and will take 'falling damage'
should anything be blocking that path as well...like buildings, cars and other environmental hazards of
the Area.
Wonder League Member: FastGirl (or that !@#$ Blue Streak)

The ladies from WBW's universe (X-wave comics) that save the world of a regular basis and are
considered the best of the best.

Armed with the power of Superspeed Fastgirl has become an almost overnight sensation, granted she
tends to change her name several times. However most just call her fast girl. She is also a practical joker
and was one of the few to put on a kick me sign on the back of the plantary ruler Galia (Granted Galia
tried to disintegrate as a way of pun-ishing the speedster, but managed to mostly do alot of property
damage, to her own kingdom)
Thus because of her antics, The Wonder League has been disallowed from every returning the hellish
world of Dread (which is also its name, dread that is)

Wonder League Member: Lady Fate

The ladies from WBW's universe (X-wave comics) that save the world of a regular basis and are
considered the best of the best.

The spell casting member of the league, and part time stage ham. Back on her original world she had no
problem telling the world she knew real magic, and proceed to use it on stage. It was like a magic lesson
for everyone. Sadly this included her enemies and most of those where pretty drunk college nerds. The
times when she had to go unsummon an elderich horror in a week generally could be counted on ones
hand (more often if she performed more often that given week)

Now in the earth realm she's been told to hold on telling people about her magic and not tell every tom,
dick and harry the workings of the multiverse and how to summon their neighbors.

However she still managed to find an onstage act she could perform with magic and still wear those
delightful mismatched outfits.

Wonder League Member: Solar Woman

The ladies from WBW's universe (X-wave comics) that save the world of a regular basis and are
considered the best of the best.

Chosen by the Guardians of Light, to protect space sector 2069, Susana Shine has dedicated her time to
mostly learning how the stupid suit works. The Corps she belonged to didn't tell her or train her much
on power regulation (mostly because the stupid suit wouldn't run out of power so long as there was a
sun up and out, anywhere, any color)

She could produce intense blasts of light, create solid light constructs, fly, breathe in space with a
forcefield, granted in darkness the suits powers where generally at half strength. Which suited her just
fine, it wasn't much fun trying to knock out a common criminal and instead blasting them through a few
walls. Although it did cut down on return criminals in most cases. Just not super criminals.
Now on this new world it seems her suit has finally learned the word restraint, it's like shes not nearly so
incompetent and is actually learning after her last 10+ years using the power suit.

Wonder League Member: Huntress

The ladies from WBW's universe (X-wave comics) that save the world of a regular basis and are
considered the best of the best.

Mar's needs women? Everyday Hunt has woken to wondering what idiot human on her old world had
gotten that message so screwed up Mars was swimming with females, it was the males that they
needed. Due to some virial disease crafted by an insane brainbatch all of martian males had been
destroyed and as such could no longer produce any life liquid every 10 years. This made for some while
long lived, very irate females.

Thus there scientists found out about their neighbors on earth. Who could produce to the life liquid it
seemed on a nearly infinite basis and amount, after all there planet was swimming with life, unlike
their's. However the first attempt to steal earths men met with a complete destruction by an angry
earth under garment (which hunt is still looking for, she has even asked for Wonderbra Woman's
assistance but neither have found anything like that)
So after a dismal failure at taking over, they entered diplomatic missions...which surprisingly went very
well once the earth people found out what they wanted.

Now it seems the WL has entered into a parallel earth dimension, one where there is no life on mars,
and the masses on earth are far more shy than there X-wave counterparts and do not procreate at the
drop of a hat.
Being green and alien looking on this earth however has caused her to feel even more alone and she is
still looking for away to return to the X-wave universe.

Wonder League Member: Aqua Woman

The ladies from WBW's universe (X-wave comics) that save the world of a regular basis and are
considered the best of the best.

While communicating with sea life is good and all, it's just the average ability of most atlantean's. Aqua
can actually control the water itself using it to pummel her opponents. Which keeping the laws of the
ocean pretty easy (kinda like a person that can control air on the surface) Sadly while on her the land she
has found her power limited in certain areas (deserts are not her friend, no matter what positive mumbo
jumbo Wonderbra Woman says)

The mesmerist (Victorian age villain)

One of a few villains, a master mesmerist. Sadly and tragically (for him) he was to old to gain any powers
so he must reply upon his skills as a mesmerist and those under his control to get what he wants.
Kidnapped and genetically altered by a corporation to see how many people with super powers they
could create and control. Boom Boy, or BB to everyone that knows him.
Gain a form of Kinetic Aura, that both protects him and can 'explode' with lethal force. Sadly while he
can control cause himself to blow, so can anyone else hitting him, both accidentally and on purpose.
Which is great when a villian is trying to hit you, not so great when your trying to impress an attractive
girl and set off an explosion when someone bumps into you....
Kidnapped and genetically altered by a corporation to see how many people with super powers they
could create and control. She liked to Paaartee, at least she thinks she did, she doesn't remember much
from her life before she was changed. All she remembers clearly is waking up with a scaly body, fast
reflexes and a taste for Raw meat. But at the same time, after her escape into the world. She constantly
seeks out clubs with flashing lights, thumping music and cute mammals.
Every once an awhile she tends remember something partially about an old family. But the new one
shes with now is just fine, a bit too silly sometimes but nice.

Kidnapped and genetically altered by a corporation to see how many people with super powers they
could create and control.
Miranda was a small time Moll for a guy who thought of himself as a mobster in freedom city. It never
left her mind that Johnny her brother, had sold her out to this corp group just so he could get to her
bosses ear with a girl he happened to know.
Granted she was also sure Johnny had expected her to die after all, the look on his face when she
launced electric death, was not one of pleasant surprise. So now she acts as a sort of leader for the
group she escaped with. One kid that tends to get into more trouble than he's worth half the time (not
even by getting bumped sometimes), another that tries to help everyone he meets, a lizard that doesn't
remember most of her life and a metal woman that sticks out like a sore thumb.

STR 24 INT 14 FORT +12 TOUGH +6
DEX 20 WIS 14 REF +9 INIT +5
CON 22 CHA 14 WILL +4 SPD 30FT









STR 14 (2) INT 14 FORT +7 TOUGHNESS +2 (-2)







CON 16 CHA 14 WILL +6 SPD 30FT



steam powered power armor character.

Fire Fly
An alien visitor full of cheer and raging fire blasts. oh and she can fly too :3

Taught by her mentor, Raven Woman to be a crime fighter. Rave has come to the local city to set up an all girls
crime fighting squad. Using her deductive wits and martial arts to thwart criminals. she hopes to hunt down and stop
the elusive villian known as Incubus.

so far these are the first three spoofs I have for the comic idea. Figure I need at least two more to make an amusing
team, and I don't want to rip off all the Teen Titan cast but I do feel I need to stick with a DC theme.

The spell caster of the hero group. She tends to notice things if they're is a hint of psychic or mystical mystery to

For some reason tho she also tends to suffer from bad luck...like she was some kinda jinx.
Aka: Diane Thorn

Cybernetic warrior girl (whom likes looking as pretty as she can, mostly to annoy her daddy the general)

a girl born with no limbs, a father with military contacts and backing and a whole slew of knowledge of things that
most for your eyes only than he could shake a stick at.
After several private tutors and making sure things where perfect his child became the face of the unknown
cybernetic warrior program.
Originally going to be used to remove super humans, Lexa Lyther military based program was mostly a success,
until the said experimentee decided to join the heroes and tell them all about the program and then brought it
crashing down.

now as a teen and for some reason her tech is still in place she out having the time she never had growing up.
a great one!
Lady Pheonix
AKA: Hank Hurricane

Mr. Hurricane during an dig found an ancient helm that held one of the most powerful of mystical essences within it.
However after putting it on once to show his fellow archeologists he found himself suddenly spending the time
fighting a demon that someone else on the dig released. Since then Lady Pheonix now takes over his body every
time she senses mystical evil in need of tharting, not to mention every time she wants to see the modern world.

he still hasn't been able to show anyone the helmet, because after the first transformation it seems to bonded to his
spirit and will not reappear until death.

as hank would put it "this is worse than being married..."

Lord Arcane IV
Cloak of Arcane Movement: Interior is the color of the Night Sky, and the exterior the color of the daylight sky...
allows the wearer to fly, teleport and even travel between dimensions.
Due to his pale hair and clear blue eyes, Lord Arcane wears clothing that has a blue tint... especially the color of the
night sky as a way to remind him he must walk the path of Light, Law, Goodness and Justice.
Freedom Eagle II (Michaela Cameron O'Connor BJ) is one of my favorite characters. I just have a real hard time
drawing her, thanks to those wings and her helmet! The only character that is harder for me to draw, is Iron Maiden
(Antoinette Edwina 'Toni' Stark MBA MTech MSc. MEng.)... namely because drawing machines is a bigger
problem than drawing animals for me! Go figure.

Samson (Samal rishon Moshe Davidi, IDF - Ret. aka "Samson 'Sam' David"), Costumed Israeli Meta-Human
Powerhouse (PL10/160pp.): Like all Israelis, the man known as Samson had served in the IDF where he learned
Krav Maga. And while he was a lot stronger and tougher than his contemporaries… he showed very little desire for
the use of firearms, and specialized in unarmed close-quarters combat. When not working as a construction worker,
he took part in ultimate fighting championships where his natural strength and fighting talents were honed so well
that he was a reserve IDF hand-to-hand combat instructor. It was during a Palestinian terror attack upon a local
school that his meta-human powers became evident when he rushed into the severely damaged building… bracing
himself under a broken support beam, he was able to bear the entire weight of the building upon his shoulders and
keep the building from collapsing until it was safely evacuated. And once he had let the building collapse many
where stunned when he dug himself out of the ruins, none more so than himself… that night his mother told him that
he was descended from the biblical hero Samson, ironically the local news agencies had used that same name to
describe him in all their reports about the incident. Samson has refused to cut his hair ever since learning this,
feeling that he shared the same weakness as his ancestor. Samson chose to protect his family and loved ones, and left
Israel for the United States of America. His earliest costume consisted of the outfit he had worn as an Ultimate
Fighter: a white tank-top style tee-shirt with a blue Star of David in the center of his chest, a pair of dark blue
reinforced fingerless gloves, a pair of dark blue elbow pads, a pair of dark blue-gray IDF combat pants & a pair of
black IDF combat boots.
Shango, the Orisha of Thunder, Drums, Dance and Male Virility!

SHANGO! brings you the real power of Thunder!

SHANGO! brings you the real power of Drums!

SHANGO! brings you the real power of Dance!

SHANGO! brings you the real power of MALE VIRILITY!

With SHANGO! you don't need no puny Vigara created four hour erection! If you want a real erection, you pray to
the mighty Shango! for an erection that will last a week... and will always result in the birth of many strong babies!

Pray to the mighty Shango! who can also show you how to only play the drums, but dance like a real man while
doing it!

Who needs Thor when you have SHANGO!

A PC from my current M&M Game. The player (Shaun) described him as wearing a suit of Cyclone Armour (a
battlesuit which turns into a motorcycle) from later series' of 'Robotech'. I tried to combine keeping the design as
faithful to what he wanted as possible, while still coming up with something that definitely says 'Superhero'.
Definitely have to add him to the Future Foundation team shot.

(Also, I HATE drawing mecha!)

Dr.Neimann, jr
The arch-rival of my luchador superhero, El Aguila Azul, jr. in my current M&M Campaign. His look is stolen
pretty much whole from my very favourite evil luchador, Doctor Wagner (and Dr.Wagner, jr.)
He's basically obsessed with defeating El Aguila, jr. after El Aguila's mentor unmasked the original Dr.Niemann in a
mascara contra mascara match... and then retired before Dr.Niemann, jr. could get revenge. So now, he targets the
new El Aguila Azul. He's basically willing to hire himself out as a henchman to any mad scientist who will help him
with an 'edge' to destroy his hated arch-rival, and he has a bag of dirty tricks and illegal wrestling maneouvres in his
considerable arsenel.
Boo! Los Rudos! Hsss!
Lady Liberty III
A character from my current M&M Game. In the official M&M World of Freedom, Lady Liberty is a Legacy
Heroine. In the campaign I play in, the last version of the character died, and now, more than a decade later, there's a
new incarnation... and she has her work cut out for her.
by ~jamesdawsey
Cartoons & Comics / Digital Media / Comics / Misc ©2013 ~jamesdawsey
One of my Mutants and Masterminds characters that I plan to use in an upcoming Vigilance Press supplement. She's
fun to play, and I hope she'll be a fun NPC or PC in someone else's game someday. Her codename is "Shockwave"
and she has a very direct form of Telekinesis. She hits like a bruiser (like Hulk or the Thing) but the power comes
from her TK instead of her muscles. She can also reach around her and throw things from the environment, giving
her a wide range of attack options in a fight. This is a work in progress, I'm still fine-tuning the inks and haven't
done the shading with the colors yet.
Citizen K (Micah Wheelwright), Costumed Progressive Meta-Human Super-Soldier (PL11/198pp.):

Micah Wheelwright claimed to be a military brat and lived overseas with his parents where ever they had been
assigned as he was growing up, and that when he graduated from high school he joined the US Army and became an
Army Ranger and rose to the rank of Sergeant… and that he used the GI Bill to go to college where he graduated
with a Bachelors Degree in Political Sciences & Creative Writing.

By using his job as an internet blogger & political commentator to protest the 2002 invasion of Afghanistan & 2003
invasion of Iraq with his Blogging, Podcasting & Radio Interviews to get "his story out there" that the mysterious
Citizen K had broken away from the government and was now fighting for social justice against The Establishment.
And used his previous military experience in the US Army Rangers as a shield against anyone accusing him of being
un-American and unpatriotic for his constant tirades against military operations and military personnel allowing
themselves to be used as pawns by a corrupt government.

As Citizen K, he claimed to have been involved in Operation Just Cause, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Gothic
Serpent. It was his exceptional service during these combat operations that got him selected for the elite top-secret
Delta Force program where he carried out a series of other top-secret covert operations where he was used to carry
out the orders of President George W. Bush to assassinate 'enemies of the state' both overseas and at back at home.

It was due to all this that Citizen K was forced to take part in a series of inhumane experiments to create a modern
super-soldier whom would carry out illegal operations against American Citizens, and he was the only survivor of
the program… to ensure that proof of this program never got out, all the scientists and support personnel whom took
part in the project were killed. While he was part of George W. Bush’s private death squad he learned that Bush was
behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks and provoked the Terminus Invasion in an attempt to kill the Centurion and give
even more authority for the government to take over the government.
Wheelwright continued to post stories that were supposedly from Citizen K, his new inside source whom provided
detailed reports about all of the covert operations against Foreign and American Citizens all around the world. In
2005, Wheelwright was publically protesting the re-election of President George W. Bush when he tried to officially
renounce his citizenship without success after it was rejected by the US State Department because they concluded
that he would just return to the United States, a credible inference since Wheelwright had in fact returned to the
United States immediately after having filed the paperwork while in the Dominion of Canada.

On an Iranian TV program in 2008, Wheelwright repeatedly denied the plausibility that the September 11 attacks
were committed by Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network. Instead, he claimed that he had hard evidence that
it was actually an "inside job" and that the "US government and intelligence agencies, including Mossad" were the
ones really responsible. And that is contact known as Citizen K had been forced to take part in the operation, and
this was the "Straw that Broke the Camel's Back" and caused the super-soldier to turn against The Establishment of
the corrupt United States Government as represented by the Bush Administration.

It was this that prompted the reporter whom had helped Wheelwright to get his start in the industry to start to look
into his increasingly wild claims and stories… and they were getting closer to the truth that he was actually making
it all up to support his own political agenda. And that Wheelwright had been using a carefully crafted network of
internet personas that collaborated and confirmed these stories.

But the truth is so far from just his carefully crafted fanciful stories…

The closest Micah Wheelwright had ever come to military service was a year in the Air Force Junior ROTC during
his senior year in high school, and that he washed out of Air Force ROTC in College after a year and half. And that
he sold drugs while in college to pay for his schooling, and he had continued to deal drugs so he could finance his
efforts to further his political goals and agenda.

<insert childhood & family background>

<insert college experience & building his blackmarket network on campus>

While he was in college, he had killed the grandmother of the pre-teen daughter of his then girlfriend. He used his
underworld contacts to cover up his involvement by making the murder look like a break-in having gone wrong. It
was also during this incident that Wheelwright had learned just how powerful the media could be, and started his
work as an internet blogger and political commentator. Using the internet to create the framework that would deflect
any suspicion from him and onto a local gang of burglars. And when this worked, he realized just what kind of
power he could weld by manipulating the media using social media on the internet. Prompting him to pursue a third
bachelors degree in computer technology and programming, and cultivating contacts among the internet community
of Computer Hackers in an effort to learn how to become one himself.

Micah Wheelwright then started to focus his academic studies on Propaganda and Public Relations… studying the
writings of both Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels, using this knowledge to expand his internet and social
networking to create a network of sock puppet bloggers whom would parrot his lies in an effort to build up support
for anything he wanted.

Starting with the lies about his childhood and his military career as a US Army Ranger whom fought in Just Cause
and Desert Storm. And that he had used his GI Bill to finance his college education.

Wheelwright was responsible for the death of the reporter whom had helped him originally get 'The story of Citizen
K Out' when he discovered that the reporter was working on writing an exposé questioning his military service and
other claims about his background. Even using his network of sock puppets was not enough to create the cover story
that the reporter had been killed because he was getting close to confirming the reports from Citizen K to be true
with hard evidence that would finally bring down the shadow government that had been established by Bush
Administration that still existed and was sabotaging the current Administration of President Barrack Obama.

This prompted Wheelwright to take desperate measures, because the police started to become suspicious of him due
to a second murder associated with the Internet Blogger & Political Commentator. He used his ill-gotten wealth to
contact The Power Broker…

Thus he received his powers, not from some inhumane top-secret government experiments… but from one of the
operatives of The Power Broker. The Power Broker is a mysterious Meta-Human with the power to activate and
shape the latent meta-gene in others to turn them into Meta-Humans themselves. And one of his operatives was able
to turn Micah Wheelwright into a meta-human super-solder.

Ironically, Micah believed this operative was the REAL Power Broker, and this is why he killed the operative shortly
after the process in an effort to cover up just how he got his powers. Something that The Power Broker had grown to
anticipate happening, and thus the reason he has routinely used others in his stead to activate the meta-gene in

While Wheelwright has maintained his true identity, he has completely taken over the alternate identity of "CSM
Kenneth 'Ken' <>, US Army - Ret." that he had carefully crafted over the past decade as the identity of Citizen K in
an effort to maintain his own identity in an attempt to ensure that Micah Wheelwright would become immortalized
as a champion of truth… and the one who brought about the downfall of the corrupt establishment controlling the
United States of America.

Wheelwright has been able to use his created persona of Citizen K as the new Costumed Progressive Meta-Human
Super-Solider whom he had used as his source for many of his anti-government and anti-establishment stories.
While Micah Wheelwright has a special form of hatred and condescension for all Patriotically themed costumed
American super-soldiers, but seems to hold an exceptionally overpowering form of loathing for the American Patriot
that comes from the fact that the American Patriot is everything he was not, but crafted lies to make others to believe
him to be.
The other American Super-Soldiers (Captain America, Deathstroke and American Patriot to just name a few) all
have questions when it comes to the reported background of Citizen K, and after several run-ins with the villain had
publicly noted that he did not seem to have any real military training... causing Wheelwright to hire instructors to
teach him various forms of hand-to-hand combat, and caused him to restudy the comprehensive library of military
manuals that he had used for years to give off the impression that he knew about those things he spoke about. And
hired former military personnel whom shared his political leanings to instruct him on how to walk, talk and act like a
real soldier. but unfortunately, the majority of his teachers were from foreign countries which has caused him to
fight in a manner no where near like that of an American Delta Force Special Operations Trooper/Operator.

Citizen K (Micah Wheelwright BFA aka "CSM Kenneth 'Ken' <>, US Army - Ret."), Costumed Progressive Meta-
Human Super-Soldier (PL11/198pp.):
Real Name: Micah Wheelwright BFA B.Tech; Identity: Secret (as Citizen K aka CSM Kenneth 'Ken' <>), Public (as
Micah Wheelwright, Internet Blogger/Columnist & Political Commentator/Activist; Other Aliases: "CSM Kenneth
'Ken' <>, US Army - Ret."; Base of Operations: Mobile (has several safehouses all across the Eastern Seaboard
centered around the Freedom City, DE, USA - Gotham City, NJ, USA - Metropolis, MD, USA triangle); Place of
Birth: <city>, <state>, USA; Legal Status: Citizen of the United States of America w/a criminal record; Extent of
Education: Graduated from College w/bachelor degrees in Political Sciences, Creative Writing and Computer
Technology; Religion: Atheist (practicing); Marital Status: Single; Occupation: Costumed Meta-Human Operative,
Progressive Activist, Internet Blogger/Syndicated Columnist & Political Commentator/Activist, Community
Organizer, Author, Computer Programmer/Hacker; Allegiances: Himself, Progressive Causes; Meta-Human
Capabilities: <>; Ethnicity: Caucasian; Gender: Male; Orientation: Heterosexual/Hetro-flexible; Age: 44 (<day>
<month> <year>); HT: 5' 8" (before super-soldier treatments), 6' 3" (after super-soldier treatments); WT: 240lbs.
(before super-soldier treatments), 198lbs. (after super-soldier treatments); Hair: Light Brown w/Dark Blonde
Highlights; Eyes: Brown (before super-soldier treatments)/Green (after super-soldier treatments); Physical
Appearance: Micah Wheelwright is an above average looking adult Caucasian male in excellent physical condition
for a man his age, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercise on a daily basis to stay fit and healthy;
Distinguishing Physical Characteristics: Micah Wheelwright has a US Army Ranger tattoo w/the motto "Rangers
Lead the Way" on his upper arm, and a meat tag tattoo over his heart with US Army Ranger crossed out and replaced
with the word Civilian. Prior to his treatments by The Power Broker, Wheelwright was overweight and quite portly
in his appearance… causing him to be extremely self-conscious about his physical appearance, and has seen him
using his now handsome features to do all the things he wanted to do but never could. The Super-Soldier treatment
has also made him appear to be in his late-20s or early-30s.
Personality & Motivation: Micah Wheelwright is a self-centered and vain man whom believes himself to be more
than he actually is, and actually believes all of his lies to be true. So much so that he has been known to get violent
whenever confronted with the possibility that he is lying about his background, and has actually used his network of
sock puppet personas to personally attack anyone whom brings up any questions about his military service.
Powers & Tactics: Wheelwright originally had limited hand-to-hand combat training, and thus had to focus on using
ranged weapons and attacks… but due to the super-soldier abilities granted to him by the Power Broker who
activated his meta-gene, he has since learned several forms of martial arts. And his years of reading military
operations manuals to better reinforce his assumed background as a former US Army Ranger has given him enough
a tactical understanding to maintain his cover. Though his strategy and tactics are simple and straight forward, they
are very effective against non-powered opponents.
Costume Description: As Citizen K, Wheelwright wears an armored bodysuit that is composed of
Normal Attire: Micah Wheelwright normally wears blue jeans, hiking boots and tee-shirts with US Army Ranger
logos and mottos unless he is trying to impress someone, and then he wears only be most fashionable outfits he can
get. As CSM Ken <>, Wheelwright wears nondescript tactical clothing with the US Army CSM rank pin somewhere
on his ballcap, jacket or shirt... unless of course he is out to impress, and then he wears a Dress Uniform or
fashionable clothing that shows off his exceptionally good physique.

Candyman: Profile

Name: Alexander Dante Grey

Nickname/Villain name: Candyman

Works for/with: Usually he works for different mobster bosses and villains such as Harvey Twoface Dent, Black
Mask and Great White Shark. He will work for anyone who pays him, since he's an assassin for payment.

Age: 37
Hair: Short black raven hair that looks like it has been slicked back halfway.

Notable features: He has a small scar on his face below the right eye and several on his right hand. Also, the silver
hook is also a very notable feature on him. The hook is removable and is kept up with belts.

Build: He's very slender but still muscular. He keeps his condition up by working out and always eat healthy.

Height: 6'7''

Style of Clothing: Your typical gentleman clothing. He loves his black vest with white shirt and black tie. He uses
different of pants like tuxedo pants and tight jeans with big brown combat boots. He always dresses in black and
white, like he's attending to a funeral. He also wears mourning armbands around his arms. Two on each arm.

Personality: Though he's a cold hearted killer, he's very smooth with his language and has a very gentleman
personality. He's always gentle and polite with women. He's very intelligent, but with intelligence comes madness at
some point. Alexander believes himself to be Captain Hook (from the Peter Pan lore) and always references from the
said story. He always names his friends and closest different Peter Pan characters.

Education: Alexander never went to a university since his family was never poor and never had a chance to study
very well. He was very smart as a child and always liked to solve crosswords and puzzles.

Weapons of choice: Of course his beloved Hook he always keeps on (besides when he's locked in Blackgate or
sleeping). He got all different sets up for the hook shaped differently. He's also a big fan of the usual knife and he's
not quite the guy who uses a gun.

Skills: As he wields his Hook he's also very talented at handling close-combat weapons such as knifes and axes.
He's very good at hiding and keeping others from seeing him, just as a silent killer.

Powers: None.

Weaknesses/Disadvantages: Because of his phobia of reptiles and clocks, he has a hard time staying around them.
He has a big disadvantage because of this. If you would place him in a room alone with a ticking clock, he would
eventually go insane and commit suicide.

Fears/Triggers: Since Captain Hook is his alter ego, he's very afraid of clocks and ticking noises. He never keeps a
watch on him, and only has to be around digital watches. (Those who doesn’t make a sound)

Second, he got a huge alligator and reptile phobia. That is why Killer Croc is a very big enemy of his, because he
can't stand him.

Placement: Somewhere Downtown in Gotham City. He never stays at the same place as his hideout, but always
comes back to an old library in Arkham City that he used to spend many hours in his childhood. He always chooses
an old abandoned apartment to spend a couple of weeks in, since he has to keep moving so no one will be able to
track him down.

File/Diagnosis: A slightly small Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) behavior, perhaps more described as
Egotism. Herpetophobia (Fear of Reptiles) Chronophobia (Fear of Time) Gambling Addiction.

Alexander was born in a small town outside Gotham City as the third son of the Grey family. His family was poor
but happy. He lived in simple way of life and understood not to always ask for the best.

As a child, he always loved to read up on fairytales and stories. He soon grew an obsession about the stories and he
always pretended to be Peter Pan. He often played the character when his siblings was playing hide and seek and
other games. He became older and continued to read and study about his fandom.
When he turned 13, both of his parents died in a car accident and he was left alone with his siblings. Since he was
the youngest one, he ended up in an orphanage.

He never really got comfortable there, so he ran away soon. He got forced to live as a thief to survive, stealing and
working for various criminals. He ended up in a lot of fights and crime twists.

He soon developed the skill as trying to be as sneaky and silent as possible to achieve his missions in his job. He
developed his skill as a silent killer, using close combat weapons. As he slightly became older and older, he
developed a gaming issue and started to play away a lot of his money. He began to learn how to cheat, and decided
to earn money on cheating on people to steal their money. Said and done.

Alexander continued to do this for several years, as to one faithful night he sat and gambled with some of the worst
criminals and thugs of Gotham City. Of course, he tricked the money off them as well. The only problem was that
they now found out. As he had gotten away with millions of dollars, they finally caught him a week later trying to
run away and hide he evidence. He had already spent half of the profits, and they decided to punish him for his
deeds. One of them brought his circle saw with him, and they decided to cut his hand off from Alexander's arm.
They strapped him down to the floor as they began to sewer it off.

Alexander almost bled to death but was saved by his neighbors who brought him to the hospital as soon as possible.
Alexander was rescued. For now.

Alexander began to work as an assassin for hire, to make it his living to earn money in the tough city. He uses a
Hook to execute his killings, replacing his left hand. He now works for several mastermind mobsters in Gotham
City, earning a wanted price on his head.

He always leaves notes at his crime scenes, to just show off that he has been there to the Police, to keep them
hunting him. He always leaves either old illustrations of old fairytales, or quotes from them. Sometimes even papers
from said stories.

Though he looks at himself as a loner, he can't live without some lovers at different times.

His long-lost sister is actually a doctor stationed in Arkham. Her name is Sheila Grey. They have yet to meet each
Bianca Neroni: Profile

Name: Bianca Maria Neroni

Nickname/Villain name: Simply called Bianca

Works for/with: Harvey 'Two Face' Dent


Hair: On her left side of her head, black long straight hair cut with a bob fringe. On the right side of her head, curly
blond hair with a wavy fringe. She sometimes hides her scarred eye with the right side of her hair.

Notable features: As her hair is changed on the right side of her head, the right side of her face is
scarred and mutated. It's burned and her lips is a bit together melted on that side. On the unharmed side, she is a dark
beauty with usually red or black lips with dark brown eyes.

Build: She's a middle age woman in her best years. She isn’t that model tin type, but got curves that
she's not afraid to hide.

Height: 5´´3´
Style of Clothing: 20's gangster. She loves dresses with stripes and different pattern. Hats is often a common thing
of hers to wear.

Personality: Due to her Schizophrenic diagnosis, she lives by that everyday. She's sly and seducing, her speciality is
to convince people into her mind. Since she was once the mayor's assistent before she converted herself into crime,
she got a good hand at paperwork and calculations. When being on the good side of her mind, she is often happy and
helps everyone out. On her bad side of her mind, she never resists to act violent on anything or anyone.

Education: She took her exam in the Gotham City university, and then transferred herself into big time jobs and
ended up at working at the Mayors, her father helping her to get to that job.

Weapons of choice: She prefers using Thompson guns. She has nothing against using any other kind of
guns and automatic weapons. She is poor with using knifes and those kind of weapons.

Skills: She's both a master at using the art of seducing people and at guns and explosives. Due to her last work at the
mayors, she can work with paperwork and calculations. She stands for the material shipping to Twoface. She is also
a talent at make up and disguise.

Powers: She has no powers or superhuman abilities.

Weaknesses/Disadvantages :
Because of her split personality disorder, she easily makes enemies with people she shouldn’t, like high placed mafia
bosses and other criminals. Since she's also an usual smoker and drug abuser, her body is never in the right shape for
physical challenges.

Fears/Triggers: She always gets trigged up if she hears any bad word spoken about her boss, Twoface. She's an
loyal servant off his. She also is very caring about her gang of gals, and if anyone threatens or tries to hurt one of
them, she's always there to back up from them.

She has a unusual fright of elevators, since she has a bit fright of close spaces.

Placement: When she's not locked into Arkham, she lives in many of Twoface's different hideouts. Her
favourite place to live in is the high apartment building downtown, just above the restaurant Black Lion.

File/Diagnosis: Diagnosed with

Split Personality Schizophrenia and Drug abuser. She also got a bit of a Control behaviours Diagnosis. She takes
medication for her Schizophrenia when in jail/Arkham.

(Since her bio is being rebooted for some reasons, I give you some main ideas off her past.)

Bianca Neroni, born in Gotham City, made her way trough the government, working as the mayors assistent. She
always had the care of paperworks, the mayors appointments and workers. She felt lucky to have the job there.

One night, when she was working overtime at her work, she sat and filed paperwork with her ipod into
her ears, to make the work more funnier and make the time go. As she sat there, she suddenly heard someone
coming into the office. She asked what his mission was to go there, and he asked where the mayor was. She simply
answered that he had went home.

Unaware that below her, guns had been fired and there laid bullets all over in the elevator. Everyone was dead in the
building. The man stepped out from the dark and revealed himself as Harvey Dent Twoface, the schizophrenic
villain that depended his life on a simple coin. Bianca tried to escape, but were captured and kidnapped back to his

Weeks passed by without her medicine for her schizophrenic disorder, and she started to feel how it was to live
without it. Twoface fed her food every day though she never wanted any, took care of her and checked out her every
hour to see if she was still alive. She had been taken hostage to blackmail the mayor.

The mayor declined the blackmailing and never sent any money to Twoface. He got furious. Just about as he were
about to end the life of Bianca, Batman came in and took Twoface into custody and Bianca into the hospital.

As Bianca laid in the hospital, in her bed, she watched news reports and thought about twoface as he came on there,
telling how he escaped just three days after the arrest. Bianca had to find him again. She felt special together with
him, he took care of her, she saw her true self inside of him. After some weeks of treatment and medication, she was
back on track again and went back to her old job. The mayor said that he didn’t needed her anymore, and she had to
take care of herself again and find a job.

Bianca got depressed as she was back home again, and checked every newsreport of Twoface in it. She had become
obsessed with him. She had to see him now.

She started to seek trough Gotham city downtown for him, questioning, offering money for exchange of
information where Twoface could be. She finally got a tip and went there.

When she finally met him, she was so happy she cried. Twoface refused to see her, and threatened if she went to find
him again, he would kill her. Bianca went home again, now more determined to gain respect from Twoface.
Somehow or other.

After several tests and mistakes, she decided to assassin the mayor that she had been loved by so many
years. She sat by the fire and grabbed hot coal and forced into her face as she cried off pain, curled together on the

The other day she curled and dyed her right side of her hair blonde, putting on her leatherjacket and went outside
with a gun in her hand.

She shot the mayor at his own home, clumsy as she was, she left several trails so it was easy for the Bat
to find her. She was brought into Arkham for insanity, and left there until she was diagnosed free from her

After coming out, she was taken under the wings of Twoface, who she have served until day. She keeps always a
loyal and trustful relationship towards him, and serves the name well.

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