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Physical Science Quarter I - Module 5 Intermolecular Forces

of Attractions

What I Know

1. Which of the following is the strongest among the intermolecular forces? D. Ion
2. Which type of intermolecular forces exist among He atoms and HCl molecules?
A. Dipole-induced forces
3. Which one of the following substances will have hydrogen bonding as one of its
intermolecular forces? B.

4. Which one of the following should have the lowest boiling point? D. SiH4
5. Which of the following BEST describes the dispersion force of attraction? B.
Dispersion force of attraction is present in all types of particles
6. Which of the following is TRUE about ion-dipole force? C. Ion-dipole force of
attraction is the strongest intermolecular forces of attraction.
7. Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen is bonded to N, O, or F. Which of the
following has hydrogen bonding? A. CBr4 C
8. Which of the following is NOT a kind of intermolecular force? A. Covalent Bond
9. Which of the following force/s of attraction is/are present between the molecule l 2
and NO3 ? B. London dispersion forces
10. What is true about liquids with strong intermolecular forces? B. Vapour pressure
is high
11. What intermolecular forces are responsible in the formation of a film in the water
when liquid can form spherical elastic film to minimize surface area? B. H-
12. Which is true about vapor pressure? B. Molecules with high molar heat of
vaporization has low vapor pressure
13. Which attractive forces arise as a result of temporary dipoles induced in atoms or
molecules? B. dispersion forces
14. When intermolecular forces are high, the boiling point is expected to be? C. high
15. What is expected to its vapour pressure if water is a polar molecule that is
capable of forming H-bond? D. Vapour pressure is low since its hard to break
the H-bond among the molecules and escapre as vapour.
Activity: Identifying Polarity

Substance Molecular Molecular Shape Geometry

Polarity (LEDS)

Ammonia Polar Trigonal

(NH3) pyramidal

Water (H2O) Polar Angular or


Methane Non-polar Tetrahedral


Carbon Non-polar Linear

Activity: Jumbled Letters

Clue/Definition Jumbled Letters Answers

Forces that mediate the
interaction between atoms. LUTLECAIMNEROR INTERMOLECULAR
Forces which hold a molecule ATRAMNIRRULLAE
Attractive forces between the ELOPID DPIOEL DIPOLE DIPOLE
positive end of one polar
molecule and the negative end
of another polar molecule
atoms and molecules. They are
part of the van der Waals
forces. This is the weakest
intermolecular force.
A special type of intermolecular DORGENYH BINNODG HYDROGEN BONDING
force of attraction. It exists
whenever hydrogen is bonded
with Oxygen, Nitrogen, and
Fluorine atoms
Attractive force that results NOI DPIOEL ION DIPOLE
from the electrostatic attraction
between an ion and a neutral
molecule that has a dipole
The temperature at which the GNILIOB TNIPO BOILING POINT
vapor pressure of a liquid
equals the pressure surrounding
the liquid and the liquid
changes into a vapor.
The resistance of a fluid (liquid TYSIOCSVI VISCOCITY
or gas) to change in shape, or
movement of neighboring
portions relative to one
The property of the surface of a EACRFUS NIONSET SURFACE TENSION
liquid allows it to resist an
external force, due to the
cohesive nature of the water
The pressure exerted by the gas RPOAV USSEPRE VAPOR PRESSURE
in equilibrium with a solid or
liquid in a closed container at a
given temperature
Activity 1: FACT or BLUFF
Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if the statement is wrong.

1. Intermolecular forces of attraction are the same as intramolecular
BLUFF forces of attraction that exist between particles.
2. Dipole-dipole is the same with London dispersion forces of
BLUFF attraction because both forces occur in steady and instantaneous
dipole moment
FACT 3. The heavier the substance, the lower the forces of attraction exist.
4. Dispersion force of attraction happens when there is a continuous
FACT movement of electrons resulting in instantaneous and momentary
dipole moment
FACT 5. Atoms within a molecule are attracted to one another by the
sharing of electrons. This is called an intramolecular force.
FACT 6. Intermolecular forces determine many properties such as melting
points of solids and the boiling points of liquids.
BLUFF 7. Weak intermolecular forces result in higher surface tension
FACT 8. Viscosity in liquids and gases is caused by their molecular
makeup; very viscous liquids or gases have molecular makeups that
cause a great deal of internal friction when they move.
FACT 9. A liquid having high vapor pressure has a low boiling point.
FACT 10. The boiling point of a liquid depends on temperature,
atmospheric pressure, and the vapor pressure of the liquid

Activity 2: Attraction Gauge

Directions: Identity the type of intermolecular force acting in each substance
(Dispersion, Dipole-Dipole, or Hydrogen bond) between the molecules in the following:


CCl4 Nonpolar London Dispersion
NH3 polar Hydrogen bonding
HCl polar Dipole-dipole force
HF polar Hydrogen bonding
Ar nonpolar London Dispersion
Activity 3: Fill in the Box

Measure how well substances flow B
The temperature at which a material changes from being a D
solid to be a liquid
Measures the toughness of the surface of a liquid. C
The pressure exerted by a gas above is liquid from; indicates E
the amount of substance that transformed into gas
The temperature at which a material changes from being a A
liquid to be a gas.


Activity: Complete the Thoughts

1. Intermolecular Force of Attraction is… are the forces of attraction or repulsion

which act between neighboring particles (atoms, molecules, or ions).
These forces are weak compared to the intramolecular forces, such as the covalent
or ionic bonds between atoms in a molecule.

2. The four types of Intermolecular Force of Attraction are… The four types of
intermolecular forces are dipole-dipole force, London dispersion force, hydrogen
bonding, and Ion-dipole force.

3. The properties of substances that are influenced by intramolecular forces

are…. The physical properties of melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure, evaporation,
viscosity, surface tension, and solubility are related to the strength of
attractive forces between molecules.
Activity: Fill in the Bucket

Patch- HB/DDF/IDF Electrical tape- LDF

Oxygen- LDF Chip- LDF
Cement- LDF/HB/DDF Carbon fiber- HB/DDF/IDF

Part II. Essay

- There are many different ways to save an energy in the house while we are in
the state of the pandemic due to COVID-19. I can cook using a charcoal stove or
pick up next to the wood so that I can cook outside with the wood, it will save
even more when the wood is used without wasting energy such as a gas stove.
Energy conservation is important and beneficial for many reasons. You can save
money, increase your property value, and protect the environment all through
simple-energy saving measures. These are great benefits you can gain from
saving energy no matter you exact motivation for conservation in the first place.
By simply taking a small step towards living a more energy-conscious lifestyle,
you can begin to enjoy all of the perks of being energy efficiency.
Activity: Picture Perfect

Surface tension

Melting point


Boiling point

Vapor Pressure

1. Which of the following BEST describes the dispersion force of attraction? B. Dispersion
force of attraction is present in all types of particles
2. Which of the following is NOT a kind of intermolecular force? C. Hydrogen Bonding
3. Which of the following is the strongest among the intermolecular forces? D. Ion-dipole
4. Which type of intermolecular forces exist among He atoms and HCl molecules? A. Dipole-
induced Forces
5. Which one of the following substances will have hydrogen bonding as one of its
intermolecular forces? B.

6. Which of the following is TRUE about ion-dipole force? C. Ion-dipole force of attraction is
the strongest intermolecular forces of attraction
7. Which one of the following should have the lowest boiling point? D. SiH4
8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about dipole-dipole force of attraction? D. It is
the same with London dispersion forces of attraction because both forces occur in
steady and instantaneous dipole moment.
9. Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen is bonded to N, O, or F. Which of the following has
hydrogen bonding? C. NH3
10. . Which of the following is present force/s of attraction present between the species l2 and
NO3? B. London dispersion forces
11. When intermolecular forces are high, the boiling point is expected to be? C. high
12. What is true about liquids with strong intermolecular forces? D. Viscosity is immeasurable
13. What is expected to its vapour pressure if water is a polar molecule that is capable of
forming H-bond? D. Vapour pressure is low since its hard to break the H-bond among the
molecules and escapre as vapour.
14. What intermolecular forces are responsible in the formation of a film in the water when liquid
can form spherical elastic film to minimize surface area? B. H-bonding
15. Which is true about viscosity? D. viscosity is a result of the interaction between the
different molecules in a fluid

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