Lesson Plan in Physical Science Spherical Earth
Lesson Plan in Physical Science Spherical Earth
Lesson Plan in Physical Science Spherical Earth
Physical Science 12
A. CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate an understanding of Greek views of matter,
motion, and the universe
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES Explain how the Greeks know that the Earth is spherical
D. SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
OUTCOMES 1. Understand the ancient Greek methods and evidence for
determining that the Earth is spherical.
2. Analyze the significance of Greek contributions to the
understanding of Earth's shape.
3. Discuss the impact of this knowledge on ancient Greek culture and
later civilizations.
A. Topic Models of the Universe (Greek Astronomy to Kepler)
B. Materials Pictures, Projector and Computer
C. Reference Physical Science 12 Module
Checking of Attendance
Setting of Classroom Rules
Review Ok, class, you have studied the sun, moon, stars, and other celestial bodies
in your Elementary Science. As you move to Junior High School, you
came to understand the occurrence of eclipses, solar system, and
constellations. Likewise, in the previous quarter, you have learned how
the elements in the universe originated from the Big Bang.
A. Activity Identify what is asked on each item using Figure 1 your reference.
Even before Plato, the Greeks have deduced that the Earth is
spherical based on the observation that the shadow cast by the
Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular and that the only shape
that can cast a circular shadow at whatever direction it is pointed
is a sphere. The Greeks were also able to measure the diameter of
the Earth. The Greeks also noted that the stars are viewed
as they travel north and south. Eratosthenes, a Greek
Mathematician, told that no vertical shadow was cast as the sun
rays fall vertically in the city of Syene in Egypt during summer
solstice. Eratosthenes noted that at the same time a shadow was
cast as the sun rays fell at an angle of 7.2° [one fiftieth (1/50) of a
circle in ancient Greek writings] in the city of Alexandria. He
assumed that the sun was so distant that the rays fall parallel to
each other on the Earth’s surface and that the difference in the
shadows cast in the two cities was due to the curvature of Earth’s
round surface. The distance
C. Abstraction
D. Application Match the terms in column A with its description in Column B
V. ASSESSMENT Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
3. If the sun reaches the end of red giant phase, it will evolve
into _______.
a. black hole c. red super giant
b. supernova d. white dwarf
10. What object is formed from gas and dust particles which
are pulled together by gravity and no nuclear fusion has
happened yet?
a. nebula c. protostar
b. main sequence star d. red supergiant star
12. What is the sign that a protostar will transform into the
next stage?
a. When the it starts to spin faster
b. When it starts to glow
c. When Hydrogen nuclear fusion begins
d. When it increases temperature igniting the Hydrogen
13.When does a star become unstable?
a. When it runs out of fuel
b. When it contracts and expands
c. When its core is converted to Iron
d. When the outer shell of star is pulled by the gravity
from the center
VI. ASSIGNMENT Fill out the parts of the stars with all the concepts you have learned in this
2 3
Star Formation
4 5
6. 7.
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