Pipe Heat Loss Calculation
Pipe Heat Loss Calculation
Pipe Heat Loss Calculation
Important values
Reference Method Used: and calculations
Wet wall 5000 W/m K Source: Chemical Engineering Design by Coulson and Richardson, Volume 6, Page 640
Metal walls (Carbon Steel, max 0.5% Carbon),k M 45 W/m K Source: Engg Toolbox : Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials
Metal wall thickness 3.68 mm
0.00368 m
Insulation (Armaflex), k I 0.038 W/m K Source: Engg Toolbox : Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials
Insulation thickness 25 mm
0.025 m
Gravitational constant, g 9.81 m/s
Temperature Units
Liquid in pipe, TL 21 C Temperature just after loading Summary Units
Outside air, TA -10 C velocity 1.00 m/s
wind factor 6.2 -
ambient -10 ˚C
Summary of temperatures used in calcs Units Heat loss/unit length 9.8 W/m
Liquid in pipe, TL 294.2 K
Put the right values manually
Outside air, TA 263.2 K into respective yellow cells untill
difference between the two
Tw=(TL + TA )/ 2 values approache zero
First Guess 278.7 K
After iteration Tw 293.7 K 293.5 Tw=TL-(Utot/hi)(TL-TA)
Reynolds Number NRe = (ρ x v x Di) / µ 20401.76667 Colebrook equation for friction factor
A 6.07406 A=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(12/Re)]
B 5.93527 B=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(2.51*A/Re)]
C 5.94915 C=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(2.51*B/Re)]
f 0.02827 f=[A-(B-A)^2/(C-2B+A)]^-2
Calculation of Grashof Number (NGR)
3 2 2
Grashof Number, NGr = L x ρ x g x ß x ΔT /µ
L=Di 0.04 m
ΔT = TL – Twl 0.45 K
L=Di 0.04 m
NGr 2.63E+08 x L x ΔT NPr 19.95
NGr 8.12E+03 NRe 20402
f 0.02827
NRa,l 1.62E+05
For horizontal cylinders, Nusselt Number, NNu For horizontal cylinders, Nusselt Number, NNu
NNu ={0.60 + (0.387 x (NRa)1/6)/[1+(0.559/NPr)9/16]8/27}2 Ra ≤ 10 NNu =(f/8)(NRe-1000)(NPr)/[1+12,7(f/8)1/2(NPr2/3-1)] Reference: Incropera Page 515
NNu 11.24 NNu 235.87
Coefficient of
Coefficient of liquid at wall, h i = NNu x k / Di Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13) liquid at wall, hi = NNu x k / Di Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13)
Coefficient of
Coefficient of liquid at wall, h i 70.55 W/m2 K liquid at wall, hi 1480.08 W/m2 K
L=Do,i 0.10 m
ΔT = Tws- TA 1.85 K
NGr 1.55E+08 x L x ΔT
NGr 2.72E+05
Nra,A 2.11E+05
NNu ={0.60 + (0.387 x (NRa)1/6)/[1+(0.559/NPr)9/16]8/27}2 Ra ≤ 10
NNu 9.58
Coefficient of outside air at wall,h AwV,cyl = NNu x k /Do Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13)
Coefficient of outside air at wall,h AwV,cyl 2.50 W/m2 K
1/Utot,l = 1/(hwi x πDi) + tm/(km x πDm,p) + ti/(ki x πDlm,i) + 1/((h*wo + hrd ) x πDo,i) + 1/(hfi x πDi)
1/Utot,l 3.16 m K/W
temperature Windforce Q
[˚C] [-] [W/m]
5 0 4.4 4.5
5 3 4.7 4.9
5 5 4.8 5.1
5 6 4.9 5.1
0 0 5.7 6
0 3 6.2 6.5
0 5 6.3 6.6
0 6 6.4 6.7
-10 0 8.5 8.9
-10 3 9 9.6
-10 5 9.2 9.8
-10 6 9.5 9.9
Heat input
Heatbalance EDA feedline
[W/m] Flow conditions
10 10
10 8
heatloss/input [kW]
10 6
10 4
-15 -10 -5 0
Ambient temperature [˚C]
Heatbalance EDA feedline
Flow conditions
0 5 10
Ambient temperature [˚C]