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Pipe Heat Loss Calculation

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Revision: Results
Last Updated: 03/01/2011 Do not use

Revision detail: Assumptions and important notes

Sources and titles

Important values
Reference Method Used: and calculations

Main Data Input

Physical Properties Units Air density at related temperature and pressure

Liquid Air Room Pressure P 101.325 kPa

Mol. Wt of air M 29 kg/kmol
Liquid in the tank Etylenediamine (EDA) Gas const R 8.31 kJ/kmol K
3 o
Density,ρ 897 1.34 kg/m Vapour/air Temp t -10 C
Specific Heat,Cp 2.8 1.005 kJ/kg K T 263.15 K
2847 1005 J/kg K Air Density, PM/RT ρair = 1.34 kg/m3
Viscosity,µ 1.8 - cP or m.Pa.s
0.0018 0.0000198 kg/m.s Thermal Conductivity Etylenediamine
of (EDA)
Thermal conductivity,k 0.257 0.0257 W/m.K k = 3.56 x 10 -5 x Cp ( ρ4/M)1/3 ------------> from Coulson & Richardson. Vol 6, Page 321
Co-efficient of volumetric expansion, ß 0.000108 0.00343 1/K Thermal Conductivity k= 0.224 W/m.K
Molecular Mass of liquid,M 60.1 - kg/kmol
Melting Point, oC 11.14 -

Assumed fouling coefficient, hF Units

Wet wall 5000 W/m K Source: Chemical Engineering Design by Coulson and Richardson, Volume 6, Page 640

Thermal Conductivities/thickness Units

Metal walls (Carbon Steel, max 0.5% Carbon),k M 45 W/m K Source: Engg Toolbox : Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials
Metal wall thickness 3.68 mm
0.00368 m

Insulation (Armaflex), k I 0.038 W/m K Source: Engg Toolbox : Thermal Conductivity of some common Materials
Insulation thickness 25 mm
0.025 m

Surface Emissivity Units

Wall, ε 0.9 Assumed - less than 1

Gravitational constant, g 9.81 m/s

Pipe dimensions Units

Inside pipe diameter Di,p 0.041 m

Outsidepipe diameter Do,p 0.048 m
Mean pipe diameter Dm,p 0.045 m
Outisde diameter insulation Do,i 0.098 m
Log mean diameter insulationDlm,i 0.070 m
e, absolute roughness 0.00005 m Engg Toolbox: Surface roughness several materials

Temperature Units
Liquid in pipe, TL 21 C Temperature just after loading Summary Units
Outside air, TA -10 C velocity 1.00 m/s
wind factor 6.2 -
ambient -10 ˚C
Summary of temperatures used in calcs Units Heat loss/unit length 9.8 W/m

Liquid in pipe, TL 294.2 K
Put the right values manually
Outside air, TA 263.2 K into respective yellow cells untill
difference between the two
Tw=(TL + TA )/ 2 values approache zero
First Guess 278.7 K
After iteration Tw 293.7 K 293.5 Tw=TL-(Utot/hi)(TL-TA)

First Guess Tws=(TL + TA )/ 2 278.7 K

After iteration Tws 265.0 K 265.6 Tws=(Utot/(hRo + h*wo))(TL-TA)+TA

Summary of flow conditions in pipe Units

Velocity 1.0 m/s

Reynolds Number NRe = (ρ x v x Di) / µ 20401.76667 Colebrook equation for friction factor
A 6.07406 A=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(12/Re)]
B 5.93527 B=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(2.51*A/Re)]
C 5.94915 C=-2.0*LOG[(e/(D*3.7))+(2.51*B/Re)]
f 0.02827 f=[A-(B-A)^2/(C-2B+A)]^-2

Calculation of Grashof Number (NGR)
3 2 2
Grashof Number, NGr = L x ρ x g x ß x ΔT /µ

NGr for the liquid phase

( ρ2 x g x ß x /µ2 ) 2.63E+08
( ρ2 x g x ß x /µ2 ) L3 x ΔT 3
2.63E+08 x L x ΔT

NGr for outside air

( ρ2 x g x ß x /µ2 ) 1.55E+08
( ρ2 x g x ß x /µ2 ) L3 x ΔT 3
1.55E+08 x L x ΔT

Calculation of Prandtl Number (NPr)

Prandtl Number,NPr = Cp x µ /k

NPr for the liquid phase 19.95

NPr for outside air 0.77

Calculation of Rayleigh Number (NRa)

Rayleigh Number,NRa = NGr x NPr

Coefficient of liquid at pipe wall at no flow conditions,

hwi Coefficient of liquid at pipe wall at flowing conditions, hwi

L=Di 0.04 m

ΔT = TL – Twl 0.45 K
L=Di 0.04 m
NGr 2.63E+08 x L x ΔT NPr 19.95
NGr 8.12E+03 NRe 20402
f 0.02827
NRa,l 1.62E+05

For horizontal cylinders, Nusselt Number, NNu For horizontal cylinders, Nusselt Number, NNu
NNu ={0.60 + (0.387 x (NRa)1/6)/[1+(0.559/NPr)9/16]8/27}2 Ra ≤ 10 NNu =(f/8)(NRe-1000)(NPr)/[1+12,7(f/8)1/2(NPr2/3-1)] Reference: Incropera Page 515
NNu 11.24 NNu 235.87

Where Ra ≤ 1012 o.k Where NPr ≤ 2000 o.k

Where NRe ≤ 5e6 o.k
Where NRe ≥ 3000 o.k

Coefficient of
Coefficient of liquid at wall, h i = NNu x k / Di Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13) liquid at wall, hi = NNu x k / Di Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13)
Coefficient of
Coefficient of liquid at wall, h i 70.55 W/m2 K liquid at wall, hi 1480.08 W/m2 K

Outside coefficient of air at pipe wall/insulation, h'wo

L=Do,i 0.10 m

ΔT = Tws- TA 1.85 K

NGr 1.55E+08 x L x ΔT
NGr 2.72E+05

Nra,A 2.11E+05

For horizontal cylinders, Nusselt Number, NNu

NNu ={0.60 + (0.387 x (NRa)1/6)/[1+(0.559/NPr)9/16]8/27}2 Ra ≤ 10
NNu 9.58

Where Ra ≤ 1012 o.k

Coefficient of outside air at wall,h AwV,cyl = NNu x k /Do Nusselt Equation (Perry 5-13)
Coefficient of outside air at wall,h AwV,cyl 2.50 W/m2 K

Conduction coefficient for metal wall and insulation, hM and hI

hM = kM /tM ------------- Equation 21

hI = kI /tI ------------- Equation 22

hM 12228.26 W/m2 K ------------- USING Equation 21

hI 1.52 W/m2 K ------------- USING Equation 22

Radiation coefficient for pipewall to air (hRO)

4 4
hR = 0.1713 ε [((Tws + 460)/100) - ((TA + 460)/100) ]/( Tws - TA) ------------- Equation 24

hR,A 2.341 W/m2 K ------------- USING Equation 24

Coefficient ( W/m2 K) Summary

Coefficient of liquid at pipe wall at no flow (free

convection), hwi 70.55
Coefficient of liquid at pipe wall at flow (forced
convection), hwi,f 1480.08
Outside coefficient of air at pipe wall, h' wo 2.50 Do NOT use this value
Coefficient of outside air at cylindrical wall considering
wind enhancement factor for the assumed wind velocity, Obtained by multiplying above value
h*wo 15.53 by wind enhancement factor

Conduction coefficient for metal wall hM 12228.26087 6.2

Conduction coefficient for insulation hI 1.52
Fouling coefficient, h Fi 5000
Radiation coefficient pipewall (hRO) 2.341
Overall coefficient,Utot 1.40

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient per unit length, Utot,l

Overall coefficient, Utot,l per unit length at wind velocity of 0 m/hr

1/Utot,l = 1/(hwi x πDi) + tm/(km x πDm,p) + ti/(ki x πDlm,i) + 1/((h*wo + hrd ) x πDo,i) + 1/(hfi x πDi)
1/Utot,l 3.16 m K/W

Total heat loss per unit length

Q/L= (TL-TA)/Utot,l
Q/L 9.8 W/m
Reference: Incropera Page 515
No Flow Flow

temperature Windforce Q
[˚C] [-] [W/m]

5 0 4.4 4.5
5 3 4.7 4.9
5 5 4.8 5.1
5 6 4.9 5.1
0 0 5.7 6
0 3 6.2 6.5
0 5 6.3 6.6
0 6 6.4 6.7
-10 0 8.5 8.9
-10 3 9 9.6
-10 5 9.2 9.8
-10 6 9.5 9.9
Heat input
Heatbalance EDA feedline
[W/m] Flow conditions
10 10
10 8

heatloss/input [kW]
10 6
10 4

-15 -10 -5 0
Ambient temperature [˚C]
Heatbalance EDA feedline
Flow conditions

Heat loss @ quiescent air

Heat loss @ Beaufort 3
Heat loss @ Beaufort 5
Heat loss @ Beaufort 6
Maximum heat input

0 5 10
Ambient temperature [˚C]

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