02 05 2020 Programing
02 05 2020 Programing
02 05 2020 Programing
A program is a set of instructions that tell the computer to do various things; sometimes the instruction it
has to perform depends on what happened when it performed a previous instruction. This section gives an
overview of the two main ways in which you can give these instructions or “commands” as they are usually
called. One way uses an interpreter, the other a compiler. As human languages are too difficult for a
computer to understand in an unambiguous way, commands are usually written in one or other languages
specially designed for the purpose.
Generation of Programming Languages: -
There are currently five generations of computer programming languages. In each generation, the
languages syntax has become easier to understand and more human-readable.
There are five generation of Programming languages. They are:
First Generation Languages: - These are low-level languages like machine language.
Second Generation Languages: - These are low-level assembly languages used in kernels and hardware
Third Generation Languages: -These are high-level languages like C, C++, Java, Visual Basic and JavaScript.
Fourth Generation Languages: -These are languages that consist of statements that are similar to
statements in the human language. These are used mainly in database programming and scripting.
Example of these languages include Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, MatLab (MatrixLaboratory).
Fifth Generation Languages: -These are the programming languages that have visual tools to develop a
program. Examples of fifth generation language include Mercury, OPS5, and Prolog.
The first two generations are called low level languages. The next three generations are called high level
● The programs written in these languages are executed very speedily and efficiently by the CPU of
the computer system.
● The programs written in these languages utilize the memory in an efficient manner because it is
possible to keep track of each bit of data.
2. Second Generation language (Assembly Language)
The second generation programming language also belongs to the category of low-level- programming
language. The second generation language comprises assembly languages that use the concept of
mnemonics for the writing program. In the assembly language, symbolic names are used to represent
the opcode and the operand part of the instruction.
Advantages of second generation language
● It is easy to develop understand and modify the program developed in these languages are
compared to those developed in the first generation programming language.
● The programs written in these languages are less prone to errors and therefore can be maintained
with a great case.
3. Third Generation languages (High-Level Languages)
The third generation programming languages were designed to overcome the various limitations of the
first and second generation programming languages. The languages of the third and later generation
are considered as a high-level language because they enable the programmer to concentrate only on
the logic of the programs without considering the internal architecture of the computer system.
Advantages of third generation programming language
● It is easy to develop, learn and understand the program.
● As the program written in these languages are less prone to errors they are easy to maintain.
● The program written in these languages can be developed in very less time as compared to the first
and second generation language.
4. Fourth generation language (Very High-level Languages)
The languages of this generation were considered as very high-level programming languages
required a lot of time and effort that affected the productivity of a programmer. The fourth
generation programming languages were designed and developed to reduce the time, cost and
effort needed to develop different types of software applications.
Advantages of fourth generation languages
● These programming languages allow the efficient use of data by implementing the various
● They require less time, cost and effort to develop different types of software applications.
● The program developed in these languages are highly portable as compared to the programs
developed in the languages of other generation.
Examples: SOL, CSS, coldfusion
5. Fifth generation language (Artificial Intelligence Language)
The programming languages of this generation mainly focus on constraint programming. The major
fields in which the fifth generation programming language are employed are Artificial Intelligence
and Artificial Neural Networks
Advantages of fifth generation languages
● These languages can be used to query the database in a fast and efficient manner.
● In this generation of language, the user can communicate with the computer system in a simple
and an easy manner.
Examples: mercury, prolog, OPS5