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CE/ Sir,

Sub: GNSS MAIN CANAL – Furnishing of design and drawing OF U.T at km 46.364
on GNSS main canal – Design of U.T. at Km 46.364 – put up for approval –
Ref: 1) Chief Engineer,( Projects),Kadapa,
Lr.No: CE(P)/WRD/KDP/SE/(D&QC)/DW/EE(D)/DEE4/AEE Dt:05.03.2021

The Chief Engineer (Projects), Kadapa vide reference 1 st cited, has furnished the design
and drawings proposals of UT at Km. 46.364 on GNSS main Canal for according approval.
Based on the particulars furnished by the Chief Engineer (Projects), Kadapa, the design
and drawings of under tunnel at Km. 46.364 on GNSS main Canal is scrutinized in this office.
The salient features of the design are discussed below:


The H.P.’S of the canal are verified as per approved H.P. statement and are as follow
S.No. Description Particulars
1. Discharge (Required) 142.000 Cumecs
2. Discharge (Designed) 142.511 Ccumecs
3. Bed Width 24.600 M
4. F.S.D. 4.400 M
5. Side Slopes (I / O) 1.5:1
6. Surface fall 1 in 14600
7. Value of ‘n’ 0.018
8. Velocity 1.038 M/Sec
9. Canal Bed Level + 197.049 M
10. Full Supply Level + 201.449 M
11. Top of Bank Level + 202.199 M
12. Top widths of banks L/R 6.00+Dow / 5.0M


1) Catchment area = 10.550 Sqkm.
2) bed level at crossing = + 199.00 M
3) Discharge = 97.760 Cumecs


All soils.


+196.700 HDR


IV. Vent way calculations:

The agency has proposed the Under Tunnel with 5 vents of 2.80 x 1.800 M to carry a
drain discharge of 97.7600 cumecs. Now it has been modified to 5 vents of 3.10 x 1.60m
based on the furnished levels. 40mm thick sealing coat in CC M35 grade with
20mmM.S.A is provided in this office against 39mm proposed by the agency. Wearing
coat of 75 mm thick in the barrel is modified in this office against 50mm proposed by the
agency. 150 mm wearing is proposed by the agency on u/s and d/s aprons which is
Under earth bank portion, RCC box with 450 thick top member and 450thick bottom
member, 450mm thick side walls and 350mm thick middle walls is provided in CC M30
grade with 20MSA in this office against RCC box with 400 thick top member and
450thick bottom member, 400mm thick side walls and 350mm thick middle walls is
proposed in CC M30 grade with 20MSA by the agency.
Under canal trough portion, RCC box with 350 thick top member and 350thick bottom
member, 350mm thick side walls and 350mm thick middle walls is provided in CC M30
grade with 20MSA in this office against RCC box with 300 thick top member and
350thick bottom member, 300mm thick side walls and 350mm thick middle walls is
proposed in CC M30 grade with 20MSA by the agency.

The box sill level is proposed at +194.910 by the agency which is modified to +195.059
and the box rests on F&F Strata. The maximum velocity in the barrel worked out to 3.94
m/s with pressure flow at entry and at exit of barrel.
The same are modified in this office as below:
 Size of box (under canal) = 3.10m x 1.60m with 0.35m th. in RCC M30 grade
 Size of box = 3.10m x 1.60m with 0.45m th. For top, bottom
member, end walls and 0.35 for middle walls in RCC M30 grade
(under earth bank & head wall )
 Sill level of the box =+195.059 M ( resting on F&F)
 Max. Vel. Inside the barrel =3.94 m/s
V. T.E.L calculations in drain:
The lacey’s bed width for a discharge of 97.760 cumecs works out to 47.459 m and 60%
of lacey’s bed width works out to 28.476 m. The agency has proposed approach and tail
channel width as 47.50m. Approach channel width is retained and tail channel width is
modified to 60% of lacey’s bed width.
The agency has proposed the lengths of transitions on U/S and D/S as 32.100m and
48.200m respectively with 1 drops on u/s with crest level at +199.310M. The drop height
is 4.4m. Which is not advisable and modified to two drops in series on U/S side i.e. 2.40m
and 1.841m by considering the modified box sill as +195.059(197.049-0.04-0.35-
The T.E.L’s are carried out from tail channel to the approach channel considering pressure
flow condition in the box. The maximum velocity in the barrel works out to 3.978m/sec.
The tail channel is proposed to meet actual level ground level with a bed width of 28.50 m
and FSD of 2.04m with a bed slope of 1 in 1050 and side slope 1.5:1 a note to this effect is
in incorporated in the drawing.
A drop wall1 on U/S of 1.841 m height resting on HDR with top width 0.90m and bottom
width 2.10m and the floor thickness and length works out to 0.90m and 6.70mts
A drop wall2 on U/S of 2.40 m height resting on F & F with top width 1.1m and bottom
width 2.700m and the floor thickness and length works out to 1.00m and 9.80m
VI. Length of barrel:
The length of barrel is proposed as 62.561 m with head wall top level at +201.500 M by
the agency. The same are modified to 66.171m with head wall top level at +199.400M on
U/s & D/s of the barrel as per the calculation.
VII. Scour depth calculations:
The agency as proposed scour level considering silt factor ‘2’(HDR) on U/s and ‘2’
(HDR) on D/s.The Scour depth calculations are worked out in this office considering ‘f’
value as ‘1’( for all soils) on U/s and 4.75 (F&F) on D/s. The maximum depth is arrived as
3.261 m & 3.642 m on U/s and D/s with a factor of safety of 1.5 and 2 on U/s and D/s
respectively .The maximum scour level is arrived as +197.455M and +193.442 M on U/s
and D/s respectively. However, the cutoff is not proposed on u/s as drop is taken below
scour level i.e +197.400M and on D/s the cutoff level is proposed at +193.400M. .
VIII. Floor concrete:
A wearing coat of 50 mm & 150 mm thick in CC M 20 grade in the barrel and on U/S and
D/S of apron are proposed by the agency. Wearing coat is modified to 75mm in the barrel
and retained in this office over the CC floor on U/S and D/S of the proposals. A sealing
coat of 40 mm over the box in canal portion is proposed by the agency and the same is
IX. Sub structure:-
A RCC barrel with 5 vents of 3.10 m X 1.60 m is proposed in RCC M30 grade over 75mm
wearing coat in CC M35 grade with a box thickness of 0.350 m thickness under Canal
portion and 0.450 m thickness for top members, bottom members and end walls and
350mm for middle walls under (Earth bank and under Headwalls portion). Haunches are
provided with a size of 150 mm X 150 mm. The RCC barrel is resting on F&F and the
max. Stress on soil under the earth bank works out to 13.898 t/m2.
The RCC barrel is checked for the following conditions in STAAD Pro analysis. The
stress under head wall is restricted to stress under earth bank and adopted the same
thickness and reinforcement for both the cases i.e., the same section is adopted.
(1) Box under earth bank
(a) Box full under earth bank
(b) Box empty under earth bank
(2) Box under canal
(a) Canal full and Box full
(b) Canal full and Box empty
(c) Canal empty and Box full
(d) Canal empty and Box empty
The reinforcement for the members is worked out for the maximum bending moment and
shear force from the above cases and proposed accordingly the corrections are carried out
in the drawing for box under earth bank and under canal trough.
In order to avoid shear reinforcement in box under earth bank and head wall section
proposed by the agency, the thickness of the box is increased where ever required as per
the calculations.
The CC wings and returns are proposed in M 15 grade with a top width of 0.50 m. The
stability of wings and return walls are checked and the stresses are tabulated as shown in
the stress table. 600 mm thick foundations for wings and returns is proposed in CC M 15
grade. The foundation levels of the upstream and downstream wings/returns are proposed
in HDR and F&F strata respectively. The stresses are tabulated below in the stress table.
The U/s & D/s headwall are proposed in CC M15 grade with a top level of +199.400 M.
The top width of headwall is proposed as 500 mm. The stability of headwall is checked
and is tabulated in the stress table.
For the drain 300 thick bed pitching over 225mm gravel backing is proposed in bed for a
length of 4.00 m & side revetment of 300 mm thick over 150mm gravel backing for a
length of 8.00m is proposed both on U/S and D/S by the agency .
Only for the u/s protection work length are modified as 3.00m for bed pitching & 6.00 m
for side revetment.
XIII. STRESS TABLE: The stresses worked out at various points are tabulated in stress table.
S.N VALUE (t/sq.m) Grade of MSA
1 U/S & D/S Wing +24.711 +0.032 +19.040 +5.727 CC M15 40 mm
Wall @ head wall
junction (section 1-
2 U/S Wing wall +22.463 +0.429 +17.168 +5.839 CC M15 40 mm
(Sec 2-2)
3 U/S Wing wall +26.598 +0.355 +20.914 +6.046 CC M15 40 mm
(Sec 3-3)
4 U/S Wing and +16.589 +0.074 +11.822 +5.131 CC M15 40 mm
return wall. (Sec 4-
5 U/S & D/S Head +10.802 +2.714 CC M15 40 mm
Wall (Sec 6-6 & 7-
6 RCC BOX (under - - +13.898 - RCCM30 20 mm
earth bank)
7 RCC BOX (under - - +7.280 - RCCM30 20 mm
canal trough)
8 U/S Wing wall +16.401 +0.164 +11.705 +5.166 CC M15 40 mm
(Sec 5-5)
9 U/S Wing wall +15.015 +0.401 +10.652 +5.157 CC M15 40 mm
(Sec 10-10)
10 U/S Wing wall +22.818 +0.050 +17.321 +5.621 CC M15 40 mm
(Sec 11-11)

The UT at KM 46.364 may be approved subjected to the following conditions:-

1. The Chief Engineer (P), Kadapa has to inspect the site, verify and satisfy himself the
catchment area, discharge, SBC of Soils of (TP’s), ground levels and location of the
structure before execution.
2. Any deviations from the agreement conditions with respect to designs and drawings
shall be taken care of before execution by obtaining necessary approval from
competent authority.
3. The max. Stress at foundation level is shown in stress table. The project authorities
shall ensure that the SBC is more than design stresses by conducting suitable field
tests before execution.
4. As seen from the L.S, the ground levels furnished up to 500m and at 500m on D/S the
level is +197.244M. The ground level on D/S is higher than tail channel bed level.
Hence, tail channel shall be formed till it meets the vagu course. A note is incorporated
in the drawing.

The design and drawings with above observations are here with put up for CE’s kind perusal
and approval please.

On approval, the CE(P), Kadapa. will be informed accordingly with a request to depute
the officer concerned to carry out the corrections as per the vetted drawing and furnish fair
copies for final approval.


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