CAD Summative Assessment
CAD Summative Assessment
CAD Summative Assessment
CAD Module 1
Enabling Assessment
Here are your latest answers:
Question 1
In computer graphics, There are several ways in which audio can be constructed and different types of display
device use a range of imaging techniques to achieve acceptable visual representations.
Response: False
Question 2
Three dimensional computer aided drawing allows the production of geometric models of a component or product
for spatial and visual analysis.
Response: True
Question 3
Computer aided drawing is a technique to produce engineering drawings with the assistance of just a printer.
Response: False
Question 4
The use of orthographic projections was formally introduced by the French mathematician _ in the eighteenth
century. 1/4
10/13/23, 1:53 PM Submissions - T-CEET214LA CEE21 H18 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
Question 5
In computer graphics we are generally concerned with images drawn on display screens.
Response: True
Question 6
The increasing computer power in the later part of the twentieth century, with the arrival of minicomputer and
subsequently the microprocessor, has allowed engineers to use CAD files that are an accurate representation of the
dimensions / properties of the object.
Response: True
Question 7
Engineering drawings have been in use for more than _ years.
Response: 2000
Question 8
There is no link between the area of drawing and design and analysis.
Response: False
Question 9
This is how we produce a hard copy of an engineering drawing created from CAD. This is done with the use of a
large scale equipment.
Response: plotting
Question 10
These models are created by joining 3D surfaces. Since nothing in the background is visible, the surface models
are quite realistic. 2/4
10/13/23, 1:53 PM Submissions - T-CEET214LA CEE21 H18 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
Question 11
When it was introduced first, CAD was not exactly an economic proposition because the machines at those times
were very cheap.
Response: False
Question 12
In computer graphics, There are several ways in which these images can be constructed and different types of
display device use a range of imaging techniques to achieve acceptable visual representations.
Response: True
Question 13
These models create skeleton like models with lines and arcs.
Question 14
Match the following CAD Software
Question 15
In computer graphics, Hard copies cannot then be made of generated images if needed.
Response: False 3/4
10/13/23, 1:53 PM Submissions - T-CEET214LA CEE21 H18 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
Question 16
CAD or Computer Aided Design software was introduced in the late 1980's to expedite engineering drawing
Response: False 4/4