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Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic On The Mental Health of Secondary School Heads

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Volume: 12
Pages: 843-859
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1107
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8278256
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-23-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Secondary School Heads

Hazel P. Recaña*, Elreen A. Delavin
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the entire world, with governments implementing quarantine and
physical isolation protocols for months. As the quarantine period lengthens, mental health issues,
becomes a concern. As a result of the COVID-19 horror, mental health issues are expected to
arise. The purpose of this research is to ascertain the impact of the pandemic on mental health. The
descriptive research method was used in this study to determine the impact of the pandemic on
mental health. Descriptive research, in particular, uses qualitative methods to collect information
from participants. This study included 57 randomly selected respondents. To collect data, self-written
standardized questionnaire with a four-point Likert scale were used. To assess the impact of the
COVID-19 Pandemic and coping styles, the researcher interviewed the participants using a variety of
questions. Furthermore, the participants in this study are the Secondary School Heads of Masbate
Province. Findings revealed that there are numerous factors that affect mental health in the event of a
pandemic, and these factors have a significant impact on the respondents’ lives. Regardless of their
difficulties, they always find their own coping strategies to divert their difficulties, and one of their
primary coping tools is maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy living.

Keywords: mental health, pandemic, school heads

Introduction 2020)

According to United Nation, COVID-19 Pandemic is

Teachers and School Leaders mental health is an the worst global crisis since World War II (The
important factor that allow them to become holistic Hindustan Times, October 20, 2020). Widespread
classroom managers and leaders. They are the front outbreaks of COVID-19 are associated with
lines of the Department of Education (DepEd) in psychological distress and symptoms of mental illness
delivering its curriculum, services, and skills and (Bao et al., 2020). As there is no fruitful treatment to
mastery to the learners. This professional and personal manage COVID - 19 and the number of victims are
context of teachers makes up their innate qualities in increasing at an alarming rate, lockdown is the only
21st century teaching. By putting them on the option available to slowdown the rate of spreading the
frontlines of the education system, the state must infection (Goothy et. al., 2020).There is minimal
consider their physical, mental, social, and knowledge about the impact of large-scale epidemics
psychological well-being, and education officials must on community mental health, particularly during the
ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, acute phase. This gap in knowledge means we are
cognitive perspective, skill enhancement, and technical critically ill-equipped to support communities as they
competence to serve learners with diverse needs. Their face the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
mental understanding should be sound.
Furthermore, COVID-19 pandemic precipitated giant
Teachers in public schools face plenty of paperwork governmental lockdowns. The effect of these
and workloads. According to DepEd Secretary Leonor lockdowns on intellectual fitness is inadequately
Briones, not only the teachers are overworked and understood. On the side note such drastic adjustments
under enormous pressure; everyone in government in day by day routines may be dangerous to
service is overworked and under immense pressure intellectual health. On the other hand, it might not be
(Terrazola, 2018).Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) experienced negatively, especially because the
outbreak poses serious concerns to global education complete population was affected.The COVID-19
systems. (Onyema, 2020). COVID-19 outbreak has pandemic has caused the most significant disruption to
created educational disruptions, and global health education systems in human history, affecting nearly
concerns that proved very difficult to manage by 1.6 billion students in over 200 countries. More than
global health systems. (Onyema, 2020) The pandemic 94 percent of the world's student population has been
Covid-19 has spread over whole world and compelled impacted by school, institution, and other learning
the human society to maintain social distancing. (Jena, space closures. A Literature Review on Impact of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning. Literature Review

“School mental health” is usually used to discuss the
mental health and wellness of students. However, it Mental Health
also includes promoting the well-being of school-
based personnel and School Head. School Heads are It appears that mental health issues can have an impact
seen as the leader, the administrator, the officer in on one's way of life, leading to unhealthy lifestyle
charge. Many school Heads, are consistently offering choices. Furthermore, the quality of life in people with
support to their teachers, students, and the stakeholders poor mental health was greatly influenced by their
of the school community. During this time of COVID, experiences, such as a lack of control, distress, and
they are often looked to for all of the answers, and it’s poor decision-making, as well as feelings of
nearly an impossible job. loneliness, demoralization, and hopelessness (Connel,
et al., 2020). Fitzpatrick et al(2020) .'s study concluded
Work is an important part of many people's lives. It is that there were signs of fear and worry, with some
where we spend the majority of our time, where we people exhibiting more anxiety and depressive
earn our living, and where we often make new friends. symptoms. Fitzpatrick et al. also stated that the
Having a job that you enjoy can be beneficial to your continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, fear, and
mental health and overall well-being.Workplace worry can all have a negative impact on Americans'
mental health and management go hand in hand, and mental health. Mental health concerns will be at an all-
there is compelling evidence that workplaces with high time high until the pandemic is over. Mental health
levels of mental wellbeing are more productive. issues are becoming more prevalent than the virus
Taking care of one's own well-being at work can boost itself, as people continue to worry about their future
productivity by up to 12%. Workers' reduced and lose hope.
productivity accounts for a large portion of the
economic cost of mental illness. If workers have good This generation is becoming more aware of mental
mental health rather than poor mental health, job health, shame, and protective factors. Kotera et al.
conditions are more important in understanding (2019) discovered a significant correlation between
decreased productivity at work. mental health and self-compassion, which was
identified as an exploratory variable for mental health
The principal ship is a worrying job now due to the
in their study. The relationship between self-
pandemic, and it appears to be almost an impossible
compassion and mental health was moderated by
one. And by understanding that, there are lots of
shame. It is suggested that students incorporate self-
principals who not only went to school every day, they
compassion training or a program to help improve
put everyone else than themselves. Given all of that,
their mental health. Mental illness and mental health
principals have fewer assets when it comes to dealing
are linked to social adversity. Furthermore, because
with their very own intellectual health.With this,
physical activities are linked to mental health,
research is truly essential that elicits the influence of
increased physical activity may help children reduce
COVID-19 on the intellectual fitness of school leaders,
the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety (Ahn &
the caretaker of the future citizen of our society who
Fedewa, 2011). Van Rheenen et al. (2020) conducted a
are entrusted with responsibility of leading in giving
study on the mental health status of individuals with
quality education to children.
mood disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Research Questions Australia and concluded that psychological distress
was more intense in the group of people with mood
The study aims to answer the following questions: disorders compared to the group of people without
mental disorders.
1. What are the factors that affect the Mental Health of
School Heads in times of Pandemic by School Leaders have students in their care who have multiple
category? families living in the same home, are chasing down
2. What are the lived experiences on COVID-19 students who have not signed up for remote learning or
Pandemic of School Heads along: Psychological, shown up for in-person learning, and in doing so, they
Social, Personal and Emotional factors? are dealing with new attendance codes, such as
3. How School Heads cope up with mental health California's SB98, which has five distinctions to
difficulties despite virus scare? attendance, and the code that worked for a student in
4. What innovations can be proposed to address the one class may need to be changed due to how the same
results in terms of Mental Health of School Heads? student logged on in their next course. At the same

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

time, they are completing all of these important duties: Stress

holding multiple meetings (i.e., building admin,
district admin, IEP, etc.), conducting virtual or in- Stress, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is the
person walk-throughs to check in on students and intense worry caused by a difficult situation or
teachers, and planning for professional learning something that causes people headaches, minor pains,
opportunities so their teachers can keep up during and sleeping difficulties. While stress is common
these constantly changing times in which they require among students, the difference between stress
assistance matching technology tools with pedagogical symptoms and the effects on behavior is the students'
practices. Unfortunately, many principals are nearing coping mechanism. This means that self-reported
the end of their careers. And the statistics on the perceived stress was significantly predicted by daily-
changing role of the principal were not encouraging calculated stress and health behaviors (van Berkel &
prior to COVID, and they are likely to worsen now. Reeves, 2017). Similarly, Cook and Babyak's (2019)
study, "The Impact of Spirituality and Occupational
Impact of pandemic Stress among Middle School Teachers," found that
teachers' spirituality scores (as measured by the Daily
"The pandemic has revealed flaws in our public health Spiritual Experience Scale) significantly predicted
preparedness and the structure of our healthcare time-management stress and work-related stress.
systems." The paradoxically worse outcomes in better-
developed countries with ostensibly stronger Stress has a negative impact on both individual and
healthcare systems (Western Europe and North organizational well-being (O'Driscoll & Cooper,
America) warrant careful examination. At the very 1996). Positive mental health is defined by the World
least, we have learned that we are all vulnerable and Health Organization (WHO) as "a state of well-being
must share the global responsibility of addressing the in which the individual recognizes his or her own
worldwide shared vulnerability to infectious diseases abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can
with pandemic potential. It is noteworthy that we have work productively and fruitfully, and is able to
thus far failed to learn from the previous viral contribute to his or her community" (WHO, 2001).
outbreaks of this century (H1N1 and SARS influenza; Stress is a negative phenomenon that develops under
Ebola, MERS, and so on) - common vulnerability, our conditions of uncontrollable, prolonged and increased
inadequate global outbreak surveillance system, and pressure. Stress may affect health adversely, affecting
the benefits of an integrated global response. In work results as well (Bellingrath et al., 2009).
contrast to the better-coordinated international
response to the Ebola outbreak, there has been a Teachers should be given adequate time and space to
conspicuous lack of effective global leadership during relieve stress through coping strategies and improve
this pandemic, which has been extremely costly. themselves as indispensable catalysts of the academic
environment. Teachers, like other professionals,
During the COVID-19 outbreak, many psychological experience stress and avoid coping strategies, which
problems and serious consequences for mental health, affects their performance at work. To avoid long-term
such as stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, and problems in professional and personal life, it is critical
uncertainty, emerged gradually (Duan & Zhu, 2020). to recognize and address the negative effects of stress
According to Zhang and Ma, the impact of the on well-being and academic achievement (Gustems-
COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a mildly Carnicer et al., 2019). Furthermore, a cross-sectional
stressful impact on residents (2020). Goothy et al. study conducted by Song et al. (2020) on mental health
(2020) proposed the establishment of a mental health and work attitudes among people returning to work
cell for the benefit of students during the COVID-19 during COVID-19 in China found that a major risk
lockdown period. mental health factor for work attitudes is worrying
about unemployment, with protective factors of
COVID-19 has presented schools, staff, and students resiliency and optimism. The risk of resuming work is
with unprecedented challenges. However, in the midst a major concern in the process of reestablishing the
of this pandemic, we have witnessed creativity, economy. Their mental health issues may be
innovation, and opportunity. This crisis provides interfering with their work, resulting in lower
numerous opportunities for teachers and families to productivity.
develop respectful and relevant communications that
can facilitate ongoing relationship building beyond According to the Rossi et al. (2020) study, there are
face-to-face meetings (Emerson et al., 2012). (Hohfeld 6,604 (37 percent) people with Post-Traumatic Stress
et al., 2010). Syndrome, 3,084 (17.3 percent) for depression, 3,700

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

(20.8 percent) for anxiety, 1,301 (7.3 percent) for Being an optimist in the face of a pandemic can lead to
insomnia, 3,895 (21.8 percent) for high perceived finding the hope one requires to adapt to this "new
stress, and 4,092 (22.9 percent) for adjustment normal" time until the virus is eradicated. Furthermore,
disorder. For a thousand people experiencing mental developing strong family relationships can aid in
health issues, it is already possible to conclude that the coping when one feels alone. You can spend time with
pandemic harmed not only the economy, but also the your family doing things like watching movies.
entire healthcare system. According to Day and Qing According to Bawingan et al. (2020), Filipinos are
(2009), job-related stress is exacerbated by the fact concerned about the pandemic and are concerned
that "many teachers work in environments that are about the impact of COVID-19 on their health.
hostile to their wellbeing." (p. 16), and certainly, Bawingan et al. also concluded that Filipinos
maintaining wellbeing while potentially exposed to maintained their mental health concerns by taking
COVID-19 adds additional stress to teachers' daily vitamins, supplements, and eating a balanced diet.
roles. Many teachers have been asked to transition Furthermore, relaxation activities such as listening to
their classes to fully online formats with only a week's music and watching movies, sharing their worries, and
notice, with the promise that this type of emergency spending time with family members assisted them in
schooling will not last indefinitely. dealing with mental health issues.

There should be adventure-based outdoor programs According to the World Health Organization (2020),
that provide opportunities to get away from daily having contact with others can help people cope with
challenges, lowering psychological stress and relieving mental health issues. It stands to reason that everyone,
physiological stress (Chang et al., 2019). not just those suffering from mental illnesses, requires
someone to talk to. Talking to someone can help to
Well-Being and Positive functioning alleviate stress and anxiety. According to Bautista and
Manuel (2020), a healthy family relationship is one of
Educators have a significant impact on the lives of the most important factors in coping with the
students, but the education profession is also one of the pandemic because it can provide support to all
most stressful in which to work (De Nobile, 2017; members when you are unable to approach others.
Gonzalez et al., 2008). When a person does not have anyone to lean on,
family is the only thing he or she has.
School leaders must motivate their teachers to take
action in order to achieve common goals. Teachers Teacher well-being contributes to job satisfaction and
who are motivated and productive in their endeavors productivity, but it also has a positive impact on
ensure that they are contributing to the betterment of student well-being and academic achievement (Spilt et
society. School administrators must identify the factors al., 2011). Educators, on the other hand, frequently
that most motivate teachers at work. They can foster rate their well-being as lower than in other
high performance and engagement at work by comparative social professions (Grenville-Cleave &
identifying and utilizing these factors. As a result, Boniwell, 2012), and professional attrition is an
strengthening relationships within and between the ongoing issue: Indeed, stress and overall well-being
school, family, and community is an important role are frequently cited as important reasons why
that school leaders can play in their management. educators choose to stay or leave the profession
(Naghieh et al., 2015). The combination of feeling
According to Pakenham et al. (2020), psychological good and functioning effectively is referred to as well-
flexibility and inflexibility regulated the effects of being. It is linked to positive emotions, a relatively
COVID-19 and lockdown risk factors on mental high level of happiness, and a sense of fulfillment in
health. Psychological flexibility is defined as the life (Huppert, 2009).
ability to maintain contact with the present situation
despite unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and bodily The need for a bridge between the individual and the
sensations, while choosing one's behaviors based on relational is critical in schools, especially as more
the situation and personal values, implying that one is students and educators meet the criteria for anxiety,
adapting the situation to the present moment regardless depression, and trauma—issues that are certain to rise
of what he or she is feeling or thinking (Hoffman, et as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus,
al., 2017). Arnado and Bayod's (2020) research "professional learning efforts targeting teacher
uncovered some coping strategies in the midst of the wellbeing should aim for more than simply reducing
pandemic. These are: optimism, a strong family stress and burnout" in order to improve the well-being
relationship, and participation in routine activities. of school staff (Cook et al., 2017, p. 15).

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Research Article

The Emotional Role of the School Principal emotions, beliefs, vision, and values in a flexible
manner. Affective administrators value caring
According to Gorsy et al. (2015), the changing relationships with all stakeholders and acknowledge,
socioeconomic scenario and professional concern with respect, and respond to people's feelings, attitudes, and
the job have forcibly undergone a drastic change, emotions. As they make a concerted effort to get to
which negatively affects the mental health of know people, they rely far more on relational authority
government school teachers. There is substantial than positional authority. As a result, they are able to
evidence that school leaders find their jobs stressful, recognize, respect, and respond to other people's
and that this has a negative impact on their personal feelings, attitudes, and emotions. In these pandemic
well-being. A study into the recruitment and retention times, with so many unknowns in the present and
of Scottish head teachers (MacBeath, 2012) discovered future, as well as so many fears and uncertainties,
that only 9% of respondents felt their personal health leaders must reach out and make an emotional
and wellbeing were unimportant, whereas a 2007 US connection.
study of school principals (Shields) discovered that 83
percent of respondents reported moderate to high Goleman et al. (2004) defined leadership in
levels of stress. interpersonal terms and argued that the best lens
through which to consider it is a set of social skills.
Our educational systems have faced numerous Leaders who exhibit these characteristics can foster an
challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. atmosphere of friendly collegiality and serve as role
However, it also provides an opportunity for those in models for respect, helpfulness, and cooperation. They
positions of educational leadership to reconsider how entice others to join them in an active, enthusiastic
they deliver education and schooling. School commitment to the collective effort, thereby
leadership teams are critical in creating environments strengthening spirit and identity.
that allow teachers, students, and their families to stay
connected and learn throughout the COVID pandemic,
whether at school or at home. They can create Methodology
community, coherence, and equity around schools
during times of uncertainty. The study made use of a Mixed-method research
method. To determine the factors that affect the mental
The professional world of a school principal is filled health among School Heads quantitative approach will
with many challenges and potential sources of stress. be employed. Descriptive research, in particular. The
Some authors believe that being a school principal is descriptive research type, in particular, describes the
the most difficult job in America because of the wages, characteristics of the population or phenomenon being
responsibilities, and workload. School principals are studied, as well as when a specific behavior occurs or
expected to cultivate positive relationships while also manifests itself. This aid the researcher in determining
managing their own and their employees' emotions the impact of the pandemic in School Heads by
(Brotheridge & Lee, 2008). They are also expected to weighing their feedbacks through the use of scaling
become sensitive to the emotional aspects of school their responses, which was analyzed.
administration (Fullan, 1998). Emotional vocabulary
usage is influenced by the emotional climate at school On identifying the impact of Pandemic and their
and has a positive effect on emotional regulation coping styles the qualitative approach was used. An
(Berkovich & Eyal, 2016; Clark, Hype-Hailey, & interview was scheduled at participants’ availability.
Kellinher, 2007). Positive emotions also motivate Questions was open-ended to enable the participants to
followers to sacrifice their own personal goals for the give answers in their own words.
sake of the school's students (Begley & Stefkovich,
2007). Participants

The development of emotional intelligence skills The participants of this study are secondary School
provides sufficient leadership qualities for the Heads in the SDO Masbate Province.
organization's advancement and achievement of its
goals. The emotionally intelligent leader–principal, in Instruments of the Study
particular, is capable of inspiring and facilitating a
self-conscious and organizational culture by The researcher utilized a self-constructed survey
embracing the values of understanding, trust, prospect, questionnaire in identifying the factor that affects the
achievement, and effectiveness and combining Mental Health of School Heads. On the other hand, the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and the coping styles, Table 1. Factors that affect the Mental Health of
the researcher adapted a descriptive approach to Secondary School Heads in Mega School
qualitative research.


The researcher used the self-constructed survey

questionnaire. After that, the researcher began floating
survey questionnaires via online survey via Google
Forms and Zoom/Google Meet Meetings for
interviews. Actual one-on-one was also done. The
conversation was recorded upon participants’
approval. Finally, following the distribution of the
questionnaires, the researcher tabulated and analyzed
the results obtained from the participants.


Factors that affect the Mental Health of Secondary

School Heads by School Category

Certain factors contribute to mental health issues.

Because of the fear caused by the Pandemic, the
likelihood of factors affecting mental health may
increase, and most people are concerned about their
own and their families' futures.

The following tables’ presents the different identified

factors that affected the Mental Health of School
Heads such as psychological, social, personal and
emotional factors.

Most of the respondents in Mega School Strongly

agree that they can cope up with difficult situations in
life during Pandemic. They also disagree on getting
stressed out by the problems of other people, having a
sense of hopeless since quarantine and worrying about
the things that can happen. Socially, the respondents
strongly agreed on worrying on occupational hazards
and somewhat disagree on experiencing a conflict or a
loss of one of a relationships and likely to feel
emotions related to grief. In the Personal factor,
additional and excessive workload during pandemic
leads to higher stress levels and disagreed on the
difficulty in learning new communication tools and
dealing with technical difficulties needed in the new
normal set-up. Always clear about what they feel,
majority agreed on this statement. Finding it difficult
to do my work especially when sad/upset and finding
it easy to acknowledge one’s emotions was disagreed.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Factors that affect the Mental Health The majority of respondents in the large school
of Secondary School Heads in Large School category firmly agree that they will be able to cope
with challenging life problems during the Pandemic.
They also disagree on being worried out by other
people’s difficulties. In terms of social concerns, the
respondents strongly agreed on being concerned about
occupational hazards and somewhat disagreed on
having experienced a conflict or the loss of one of their
relationships., as well as being more likely to
experience grief and the inability to adapt to a different
workspace. In the Personal factor, additional and
excessive workload during pandemic leads to higher
stress levels and disagreed on the difficulty in learning
new communication tools and dealing with technical
difficulties needed in the new normal set-up. Finding it
difficult to do my work especially when sad/upset was

Table 3. Factors that affect the Mental Health of

Secondary School Heads in Medium School

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4. Factors that affect the Mental Health of

Secondary School Heads in Small School

Most of the respondents in Mega School Strongly

agree that they can cope up with difficult situations in
life during Pandemic. They also disagree on getting
stressed out by the problems of other people. Socially,
the respondents strongly agreed on worrying on
occupational hazards and somewhat disagree on no
one else to talk to during Pandemic. In the Personal
factor, additional and excessive workload during
pandemic leads to higher stress levels and disagreed on
the difficulty in learning new communication tools and
dealing with technical difficulties needed in the new
normal set-up. Always clear about what they feel,
majority agreed on this statement. Finding it easy to
acknowledge one’s emotions was disagreed.

Small school respondents agree that they are always

worried about what can happen during quarantine.
They argue about feeling hopeless since being
quarantined. Socially, the respondents firmly agreed
on having a conflict or the loss of one of their
connections, but they disagreed on having no one else
to talk to during the Pandemic. The difficulty in
learning new communication methods and coping with
technical issues required in the new normal set-up
appears to be the most important aspect affecting one’s
emotion, and disagreements over money became a
problem throughout the pandemic. Reflecting on how
people feel emotionally appears to be the agreeable
aspect in this. The majority of the respondents felt that
it is difficult to work when they are upset.

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Research Article

indiscipline, to remote and inaccessible places and

acquisition of virus are the top most factor that
affected their mental health. With the leadership of the
school head, his/her subordinates have to go to
different feather barangays, puroks, and sitios just to
reach out to learners to conduct school related tasks.
With this, it is possible to acquire the said virus and
even other hazards by going to these places instead of
learners and parents going to school. Contrary to Small
school that… While having no one else to talk to
during pandemic was interpreted as Disagree by all

Majority of the respondents agreed that additional and

excessive workload during pandemic leads to higher
stress levels, the drastic changes brought on by the
COVID-19 emergency have upended some of the most
ingrained work habits. Many individuals have been
forced to face the challenges that come with
transitioning to remote work all of a sudden.
Employees who work from home are spending more
time at their desks and have a heavier burden than
before the pandemic, according to two studies. The
role of school leaders has never been more evident
than during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic,
which resulted in widespread lockdowns and school
closures in nations around the world. They were
responsible for not only coordinating methods to
Discussion maintain learning continuity throughout the lockdown
and school closures, but also ensuring a safe learning
environment after schools were allowed to reopen.
As presented in the table, participants from all school
Having the difficulty in learning new communication
categories strongly agreed that they were able to cope
tools and dealing with technical difficulties needed in
up with difficult situations in life. Resilient as they are,
the new normal set-up and they disagree. The ongoing
so it's easy to adapt to the sudden changes that the
change of the workplace, which has driven companies
institution has to deal with. Unlike with small
to adapt to the changing nature of the work context, is
category that agreed on always worry about the things
one of globalization's repercussions. The dimensions
that can happen during quarantine seems to be the top
of learning have shifted as a result of technological
factor in psychological. Especially with all of the
advancements and the information explosion. Societies
sudden changes. According to Julius Caesar, No one is
prioritize diverse goals in defining their futures, such
so brave that he is not disturbed by something
as becoming an information society, dealing with
unexpected. The paradox of becoming concerned over
science, and developing technology. Even before the
becoming anxious can seem unavoidable, especially
onset of a pandemic, it is expected that educators
when your obsessions are work-related. Respondents
should adapt to the different technological trends that
disagreed that they were having a sense of hopeless
the institution has offered, especially during the
since quarantine and always worry about the things
implementation of k to 12. Individuals' digital literacy
that can happen during quarantine. Workplace stress is
is defined by Eshet (2002). To operate well in digital
a psychological ailment that affects everyone,
situations, you need complex cognitive, psychomotor,
especially teachers. In addition, Participants strongly
and affective skills rather than by the use of software
disagreed that this Pandemic made them more
or a digital device. During the face-to-face, school
vulnerable to stress.
heads can ask for the help of their administrative
In social factors, Mega, Large and Medium School officials or other subordinates if he/she doesn’t really
they strongly agreed that worried on occupational know how to access this tool, but during the lockdown
hazards such as dealing with students/parents’ he/she is forced to learn or to be digitally literate
because at this time they are working at home.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 843-859, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1107, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8278256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Although the DepEd employee is not really affected actually unexpected but it happened and ako for
financially because they don't report daily to the myself I was really hit by Pandemic because parang
station, they somehow agree that it's a problem during September 2020 nagkasakit ako, siguro dara san stress,
this time. Yes, it's true that teaching and non-teaching anxiety, I also develop panic attack, kumbaga amo ina
personnel still receive their full salary, but the daily an sa dili maayo na nangyari”(Respondent No.3).
expenses that they have could not guarantee that they Respondent No.3 continues, “I develop panic attack
are really financially stable, they disagree on the bagan nagkaigwa akon grabe na fear, bagan habo ako
statement. maghali sa balay because of the possible thing na
mahawa kag makahawa ako.” This anxiety leads to
Lastly, on the Emotional factor, majority of the School egoism, such as panic buying, xenophobia, and
Heads in all categories, statement on being clear about believing every news item seen on social media.
what they feel and finding it easy to acknowledge ”Bagan tanan na nagalabas sa news is about COVID
one’s emotions obtain, they strongly agreed while on and you don’t know which is true or fake”. When
small school, reflection was the top most factor that there is a disbalanced and unintegrated society, a crisis
affected their mental health. Self-reflection is essential is created (Alalykin-Izvekov, 2017), which is very
for self-awareness because it allows us to examine our evident in the behavior of Filipinos since the
thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors announcement of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines,
objectively. We can look at ourselves with newfound one of the respondent shared his personal experience
interest and curiosity as a result of this practice. This on hoarding, “Nagkadto ako sa LCC, imagine mo what
may be the reason why leaders reflected first on what will I do with 18 boxes of matches, nagduso na ako
they are feeling before deciding or taking decisions san tulo kasako na bugas, as in nag hoard ako.
and actions. Furthermore, they disagree on the Nagapahanap akon baboy kag ginapakatay ko para dili
statements, I find it difficult to do my work especially na din kami magkadto sa merkado.” People are always
when I’m sad/upset. Most of the leaders of DepED willing to share their resources within their families
Masbate Province are emotionally stable when it but are hesitant to share them with others due to the
comes to handling their emotions. They embrace this need to secure their individual development (Thayer,
feeling and find balance in the world around them, 2009) this was during the early months of onset of
which calls them to the present moment. Self- Pandemic. Anxiety emerged from the responses as
reflection has aided in learning more about how to well. It primarily addresses the excessive worry about
respond to situations, recognizing flaws, and finding the long-term effects of COVID-19 on oneself and
strategies to deal with situations positively rather than one's family. “Especially san mga first implementation
allowing them to overwhelm. an lockdown nagkaigwa kitan fear, sa part ko grabe an
fear ko it’s because na uncertain kun nanun
Lived experiences of the School Heads during mangyayari sa maabot, we do not know kun gaano ba
COVID-19 Pandemic in terms of the following ka deadly an virus na nag spread worldwide”
factors: (Respondent No.2) According to Duan & Zhu, 2020,
During the COVID-19 outbreak, many psychological
Psychological problems and serious consequences for Mental Health,
such as stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and
On January 30, 2020, the Philippines reported its first uncertainty, emerged gradually.
case of COVID-19. On The Department of Health
(DOH) announced the first case of when a local man in On the other hand, there is some optimism. It is
the NCR's City of San Juan was diagnosed with no one defined as a personal attitude that focuses primarily on
with a recent international travel history became ill as the most desirable aspects of a situation. “I find it okay
a result of COVID-19. The pandemic has altered lang. you can though away with this Pandemic kaya
people's social and economic realities. Respondent sakin okay lang, bagan natural lang.”, “I feel anxious
No.14 quoted, “The COVID-19 crisis has hit us hard about covid-19. But I have to be optimistic at all times
and the caused was actually surprising.”, “I feel sad thereby eradicating negativity.”
because some of us not prepared for this kind of
problem encountered.”, respondent No.21 added. “The current feeling, I have is hopeless since the
outbreak because the government failed to establish
People all over the world are panicking as a result of safety parameters to control the spread of the virus.”
the rapid spread of the global pandemic coronavirus Emotions were at their highest. After several months
disease 2019 (COVID-19). “The COVID 19 of modifying our schedules and adopting social
Pandemic, its effect para sa tanan. “The Pandemic was distancing to care for our physical health, most of us

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Research Article

have found our way forward. However, the constant akon family and to friends, mostly co-workers. Pag
flow of information and all of the uncertainty has had may chance ako magkumusta, inakumusta ko”,
an emotional impact on our mental well-being as a respondent No. 18 said.
result of this life-altering pandemic. It was evident
“Wara man. Although we did not see personally but
Social because of the advent of the social media bagan close
pa rin kami.” It was proven that when people are
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on people unable to physically see each other, social media can
all over the world. Governments around the world bring them closer together. Social media use appears
have tried to slow the spread of the disease by to improve preexisting affective relationships and
promoting "social distancing" guidelines, such as operate as a social insertion factor, shielding people
keeping at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from anyone against mental diseases. Over time, social media has
outside one's household. evolved. It’s now a place to do so much more than just
keep in touch with others. The crisis provides
Physical separation slows the spread of the virus, but it numerous opportunities for teachers and families to
also limits people's in-person social interactions, which develop respectful and relevant communications that
may narrow their sense of social connection. The can facilitate on-going relationship building beyond
decrease in the physical availability of social face-to-face meetings, Emerson, et.al,2012.
connections is concerning, as over a century of
research has demonstrated how important social Humans are fundamentally a social species: it is in
connection is for well-being. During the COVID-19 their nature to interact with others and form various
pandemic, people all over the world have taken types of relationships. “This virus outbreak affected
unprecedented precautions. Physical separation is my feelings, it affects my communication skill
important for slowing the spread of infectious diseases, sometimes I felt alone because yun nga we cannot talk
but experts say solitude has its own health cost: social to them physically. Sometimes kasi naiisip natin it’s
isolation can have an impact on mental health. “I was good to talk to someone in a f2f rather than on a phone
felt uneasy & uncomfortable during the lockdown in or social distancing.” Social isolation has been defined
each community because our movement was very as an objective phenomenon experienced by
limited that caused everyone sad & lonely and most individuals, such as a "lack of social interaction," "the
ordinary people must be the one very much affected a c t u al lack of s o c i a l t i e s , " and " s o c i a l
because most of working establishment were closed. disconnectedness." Individuals may also interpret it as
Millions of moneys were lost on our economy brought a subjective experience, such as a "lack of engagement
of COVID-19”, Respondent No.32 stated. with others," "loneliness," or "the perceived
discrepancy between actual and desired social
During COVID-19, researchers examined the quality relationships." “I was so worried, I was stressed
of people's social relationships and social interactions. knowing the fact na yung hindi na tayo makipag usap
In a survey of adults primarily from the United States sa ating mga kakilala in person"
and the United Kingdom, for example, increases in
sense of connectedness from before to during the The widespread mandated household confinement and
pandemic were associated with increases in life mobility restrictions can be understood as creating
satisfaction, whereas increases in loneliness were objectively real physical isolation, reducing direct
associated with decreases in life satisfaction. social interaction and contact with anyone outside the
Respondent No.17 positively quote, “On positive it household immediately and severely. “San nagtuna an
gives ample time for my family to spend quality time Pandemic, nagkaigwa kami na even an close relatives
together.” Families have been able to spend more time nagkaugwa kamin distance, nagharayo an boot,
together and get back to basics, allowing them spend nabawasan an closeness kay syempre you keep
more time with their children. As mentioned by together always so iba naman na bihira na kmo
respondent No.7, “We find joyful ways to have fun magtiripon. May mga tawo man na dati okay lang
and bonding.” While we are living in uncertain times, makastorya mo na waran mask, this time may effect na
it is important to strive to see the bright side of things. diri mayo na bagan nagalikay kna na bagan
One positive consequence of the global pandemic is inakahadlokan o inaatian sani na tawo. San una nauro
that families are spending more time together. agbay ka yana wara na. Naibanan an closeness.”
“Frankly speaking, the outbreak does not impair my
day to day interaction with my family and relatives.” Staying at home should alleviate some of your
With the Pandemic, mas lalo pa ako nagging close sa concerns about becoming ill, but isolation has its own

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Research Article

drawbacks. Social distancing isolates you from the The COVID outbreak affected the holding of
love and support of friends and family, which is gatherings. “Daw iba na. Sa gatherings, limited na an
extremely difficult and depressing. Even if you are at mga invitations”. Invitations for some occasions were
home with family, social isolation can cause feelings limited. “Kun pwede nga maiwasan, maiwas gid ako.
of loneliness, sadness, and anxiety. “Ang hirap kasi Habo ako makipagmingle sa kadamoan. Tuna san
there should be no physical contact, if you are a person nagka Pandemic, balay-eskwelahan la ako. Kun pwede
whom showy of your feelings, syempre iba gayod na na likayan ko an magnilakat.” People might be afraid
wara na ultimo high five, kablit, nahadlok ka basi may of getting infected or infecting others. “Sometimes, it
dara ka na virus or other way around.” affects my personal attachment sa tao because of the
worry na baka yung tao na kakausapin ko is already
The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of people to affected di lang niya alam.” Doubt arises even within
drastically change their social life habits as families living together. “The virus outbreak affected
governments employed harsh restrictions to reduce the my feelings and interactions with people close to me.
spread of the virus. “Naiwasan idton in dealing with You cannot easily go with your siblings and limited
friends naga inom-inom kami, kun dati we are sharing time allocation is strictly observed.” “The outbreak
one glass this time dili na. Kun nagkakatiripon permi causes disturbance in interactions with other people. I
na ako naga maintain san social distancing tapos mask even doubted relatives that did not follow proper
kun may kastorya ako pasiguro ako. Syempre, may protocol against Covid-19 pandemic.”
mga bagay na dati ginahimo na this time maga
alanganin ka.” Another one says, “Mingling with People are afraid of returning to their typical social
people, antahay la kumbaga uro-araway lang anay.” connections for a variety of reasons. “I developed fear
about the virus and hard time to cope up the situation.”
The limits imposed to contain the outbreak, as well as Despite rising immunization rates, there is still a dread
the uncertainty surrounding their execution, might of getting sick. Others worry that a loved one will
have a variety of n egative p sy cho log ical become ill or die. “Kahadlok. Nagkaigwa gid ako san
consequences. The (publicly) acknowledged kahadlok na buyag basi ako naman. Dyutay lang na
uncertainty regarding the outbreak, for example, can inabatyag feeling ko amo na ini sya. An imo curiosity,
impair the sensation of control over the outbreak, ay hala basi kun amo na ini may napatay, nagka fear
“Hilarious. Kay di naton aram an aton pangontra”, ako.”
because people try to underestimate the likelihood of
The pandemic has aided some people in identifying
transmission, and exacerbate psychological
improvements they wish to undertake in the future.
discomfort. “At first, malay mo may virus ini. You
Some people have determined that they never want life
can’t see the virus so dapat aware ka gid ya, social
to be so hectic and crazy again. “Nothing changes my
distancing. Maski sa School, tapos pag makita mo an
behavior compared before pandemic. Actually, the
close friends mo daw tahap na. May sipon la, iwasan
sudden lockdown helps me realized some important
ka na, mag ubo ka sa pump boat magrilingi”. These,
things and issues to be prioritized.” They realize they
in turn, can cause anxiety and paranoia [20–22] as well
need to rest more frequently after enjoying some
as a reduction in the desire to engage in protective
downtime. Due to the fact that people are afraid of
health behavior. “I usually overthink about things like getting the virus, safety measures are being observed,
what will happen if I get infected of one of my loved especially when going outdoors. “I need to wear mask
ones with COVID.” or keep distance to whom I talking to and unnecessary
conversation is not done more often.” Magpatawag ka
According to WHO, During the COVID-19 pandemic,
meeting you have to impose guidelines. May mga
any size gathering can become infected be linked to an
tawo na naooffend kun pabalikon mo na wala
increased risk of viral amplification. “Limited
gathering with family, friends and other relatives.”
“SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that causes SARS (2). This Furthermore, experts are still learning ways to increase
occurs because the expected high density and mobility well-being and connectedness during these trying
of participants (crowding) creates a setting conducive times. During the epidemic, for example, few activities
to close (within 1 meter or 3.3 feet), lengthy, and aimed at making people happier and more socially
frequent contacts between individuals. “Considering engaged were carried out. Given the necessity to
some of the restrictions set by IATF in terms of remain at home, self-administered well-being therapies
interactions with other people, I am greatly affected and digitally delivered mental health care are both
due to limited mobility. viable options (for example, prompting people to

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Research Article

practice mindfulness, gratitude, or kindness may serve as a school head, and as a working mother.” Another
as powerful tools to improve well-being during the one agreed, “As a working mother, time is so crucial. I
pandemic. “Losing face-to-face contact with people managed the schedule of classes at home of my kids
and our loved ones can feel stressful. Not getting who are on modular modality.” Keeping school and
enough contact can leave us feeling lonely and alone personal life separate, which is always a challenge for
with our problems. However, with the different social educators, becomes even more difficult when they are
media platforms, we were socially connected. both in the same location.

Personal As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe,

many schools struggled to respond in a timely and
Changing contemporary work patterns have been adequate manner. “Siguro sa work, because talagang
shown to have an impact on social well-being, grabe an changes in work, ever since first time
(Boreham et al.) argue that 'high performance work nagkaroon ng modular. In terms of education, lahat
systems' or 'high commitment workplaces' foster first time.” “The pandemic brought insignificant
intrinsic employee motivation. change to a teacher's life. Adjustments were made, the
curriculum, the learners, the teachers, and the
Many employees have experienced unprecedented stakeholders suffered a huge blow during the
levels of personal and professional upheaval as a result lockdown period. As a school leader, the changes
of the coronavirus pandemic. It has the potential to brought about by the pandemic greatly affect the
irreversibly alter how we work, communicate, eat, cognitive and skills development of learners.
shop, date, and travel. “The pandemic has changed “Everyone is not sufficiently prepared. A technical
how we work, learn and interact as social distancing solution, our working approach also involves flexible
guidelines have led to more virtual existence, both work arrangements in terms of schedule and location
personally and professionally.” Clearly, we are not along with a suitable program of training
living in "normal" times. Despite this, society opportunities.” DepEd Order 11 series 2020 was
continues to advance. “The life in the new normal was created in order for Educators to provide work
really difficult, it causes sudden changes in a daily life arrangements and support mechanisms for teaching
routine of all people. The impacts of COVID-19 in and non-teaching personnel including JOs and COS
daily life are extensive and have far reaching personnel and officials in all government offices. All
consequences like: healthcare, economics, socials and personnel are expected to make themselves available
has affected the sources of supply and affects the during working hours even they are at a WFH
global economy.” This Pandemic has really affected arrangement. “Extra careful in going out. Kasi
most of the Leaders during the early phase. “As a syempre School Head lang an nakakalabas that time,
school head, I am affected particularly in managing the kami la pwede mahawa o makahawa san virus so extra
school, the workplace. There are restrictions that I careful lang gayod.”
need to follow so in the implementation of my
gargantuan tasks as school head are also affected.” The Emotional
pandemic had a significant impact on one of the most
important societal institutions-schools. “The current feeling, I have is hopeless since the
outbreak because the government failed to establish
Many employees have been forced to accept safety parameters to control the spread of the virus.”
fundamental changes to their work routines as a result Emotions were at their highest. After several months
of this upheaval. “In my case it is very challenging in of modifying our schedules and adopting social
my part. As the leader, because of the big distancing to care for our physical health, most of us
transformation and changes brought by this pandemic have found our way forward. However, the constant
especially in making decision, I have to think deeply in flow of information and all of the uncertainty has had
making decision to be implemented in our school. an emotional impact on our mental well-being as a
Another is that how am I going to implement, knowing result of this life-altering pandemic. “Losing face-to-
that students will no longer attend classes, the teacher face contact with people and our loved ones can feel
will have their WFH scheme it is very challenging and stressful. Not getting enough contact can leave us
struggling in my part.” Most mothers and fathers have feeling lonely and alone with our problems. However,
had to change their work schedules to accommodate with the different social media platforms, we were
caregiving needs and balance family responsibilities. socially connected.
A working mom says, “The COVID-19 made me feel
a little stressed since it changed my time management Positive thinking does not imply that you are denying

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Research Article

the truth of a circumstance. It's a tool that assists you cope up the new normal condition of education.”
in confronting problems by focusing on solutions
rather than becoming overwhelmed by dread or School Heads Coping Mechanism during Pandemic
hopelessness. “This pandemic would certainly come to
an end however, it will never go back to its normal Regardless of the fear and worry caused by the
situation” but according to one respondent she believes pandemic, people always find ways to divert their
and hopeful that, “Positive that the virus will disappear attention away from the pandemic's pessimistic effects.
and people will cope up.” Same with the other one, “I At a time when School Heads are dealing with the
believe that this pandemic will soon end and hoping effects of COVID-19 not only in the school but also in
that everything will go back to normal. It may not be their daily lives, it is critical that they have the tools
the same as before but life has to go on. I am willing to they need to support their mental, emotional, and
face whatever challenges may come my way and I will physical wellness. It was examined the strategies that
consider them (Challenges) as an opportunity to grow School Heads used to maintain their well-being and
personally and professionally.” mental health during the pandemic.

With the COVID-19 epidemic putting healthcare Maintaining and improving the physical health.
professionals and systems under unprecedented strain, The most frequently mentioned strategy included
resilience is more important than ever in healthcare. activities aimed at maintaining and improving the
Resilience is the ability to “absorb strain and preserve physical health of participants. Within this category,
(or improve) functioning despite the presence of one discovered responses is exercising. Physical
adversity (Sutcliffe and Vogus, p96). “It makes me activity is also recommended by the Anxiety and
even stronger personally and professionally. Depression Association of America (ADAA) as a
Professionally, because my first 2 years as School stress-reduction coping mechanism. As one of the
Head is Pandemic. Rather, resilience is a way of School Head mentioned “Mas napaayo an akon
leading and organizing that helps teams perform pamatyag, dati gaparasakit an tiil ko, dahil sa dili na
successfully in difficult situations. This is especially ako nakalakat, naga exercise ako, naga kanam-kanam,
vital to remember during a long-running and ever- naging health conscious lugod ako. “Improve my
changing crisis like the one we're in now. As mental and physical health through exercising.” While
mentioned by the respondent, “I've felt helpless but as no foods or dietary supplements can prevent or cure
an institution that promotes quality education, I need COVID-19 infection, a healthy diet is essential for
to be strong and resilient in delivering the curriculum.” immune system support, with that eating a healthy diet
We can't control a lot of things in any situation. is one of the most mentioned coping mechanism
However, reminding ourselves that resilience is about during pandemic, “I eat more leafy vegetables”, Also,
doing more than possessing is one approach to reclaim getting vaccinated and sticking to health protocols.
some agency and be the authors of our own tales about “Get fully vaccinated and follow all the IATF
how we dealt with adversity. protocols for the security of your health as well as your
family, friends and other relatives.”, “I am asking my
One of the respondents quoted, “This pandemic is a neighbor to comply with all health necessities, to be
test for leadership to all education leaders. As school vaccinated and also my subordinates”. Vaccination,
head, I must be optimistic in dealing with different according to the WHO, is a simple, safe, and effective
life's challenges.” Effective leaders, like effective way to protect against dangerous diseases before
teachers, adjust and draw on a range of skills and coming into contact with them, as it activates the
approaches depending on the context. A typical school body's natural defenses to learn to resist specific
day requires leaders to move from authority figure to infections and strengthens the immune system. “I can
teammate, to coach, to therapist, navigating through a help myself amid of this pandemic to avoid the
range of roles as each demand arises. An ability to unexpected things to happen by ensuring myself to
shift and adjust leadership approaches based on what is follow the health protocol” and “I would practice and
needed is key to being effective as a leader. “I easily go on observing the health protocols to keep myself
adjusted with the new normal set-up of work.” “As a safe and healthy”. Lastly is maintaining a healthy
school leader her/his leadership should not exist in a lifestyle, “Live a healthy lifestyle, eat nutritious foods
vacuum. The leader must create conditions so to strengthen our body” and another one says, “Boost
organizational members can examine underlying the immune system”.
assumptions regarding on the present situation. These
efforts are necessary during times of crisis. The school Leisure activities. It is the second most frequently
head should be flexible in her timetable in order to mentioned activity. This included a wide range of

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Research Article

activities such as movie watching, reading, gardening, and try to let go of any fear of the things I can't kaya
writing, baking and cooking. As mentioned by the pangamuyo la gayod.” Religious and spiritual
respondents, “During these times, because maybe I’m optimism are required to counteract the ongoing
a person na mahilig sa sulod san balay. I am more on distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
reading, mas nagkaigwa lugod ako san chance na
magbasa”, “Nagbalik ako sa pagbasan novel kay Work and study. Professional development
waran mahimoan, nagasine, pagburobunyag.” Other activities were included in the work and study
one says, “nagapanday ako, damo ako appliances na category. Among these were statements like
narepair”. Some go back to their old hobbies. “Balik "working" or "studying," as well as "distracting myself
ako sa baking, cooking baralik idto tanan and that by helping colleagues" and "doing creative things" or
resulted nag offshoot an akon BP. As it would help in "exploring new things” and “keeping oneself to do
alleviating the boredom they would feel. school-related stuff”. One of the participant quoted, “I
help my colleagues in their needs especially in the
Spiritual strategies. Participants also mentioned using teaching-learning process, kumbaga naga mentoring
spiritual strategies to find meaning in life, as well as kami.”, “Busy-busyhan la. Sa School talagang
other religiously oriented strategies to cope with the mareport ako.” Naka focus lugod ako sa trabahoon.”,
situation, such as praying or reinforcing their faith in “What I did, is to make myself busy, doing creative
God and also some meditation. “Number 1 talaga is things, writing, reading and another factor that helped
Prayer, prayers really can save you, kag pag abot sa me out during this pandemic is I was able to explore
work dapat updated permi para dli makdagdag sa yung mga communication tools just like google meet,
stress.”, “I have to adapt with the current situation. It is zoom, canva, Google Classroom, because you are not
normal for us to have changes. I have to go with the allowed to go out before so na explore mo yung sarili
waves of life. Pray to God always and asked mo. You try new things.
forgiveness because prayer is the most powerful tool to
overcome all the negativity in life.” Religious coping Social support. The fifth most frequently used
is one possible strategy for dealing with stressors. strategy among participants was social support.
Positive religious coping is associated with improved This category of activities included seeking and
physical and mental health outcomes. One says, “Take providing support by sharing with family and friends
care of health and prayers” and “Always priorities in order to maintain active and ongoing contact with
what is good to GOD and follows His will.” People all them through chatting via Social media and unwinding
over the world are praying for an end to the with the family. Keeping in touch with others, both
COVID-19 pandemic. It has been reported in people virtually and in person, was a common coping
from all socioeconomic backgrounds (Bentzen, 2020). strategy. But during this time of Pandemic as one of
In a community survey conducted during the the respondent say, “Nagkaigwa akon chance na
COVID-19 pandemic in India, more than half of the matutukan an Family ko, na matutukan ko an mga
participants agreed that there is an increase in bagay-bagay na before na ni-neglect ko because you
spirituality among the general population during the are busy with your work and busy with any other thing
ongoing pandemic (Tripathy et al., 2020). “In order to that’s the positive side na dara sanin Pandemic.”
help myself during this time, I did meditate”, “Pray Interpersonal contact was a strategy for connecting
that everything will return into normal.”, “Just have a with others, receiving and providing emotional support
strong faith in God. God has a reason for what is and other forms of assistance, processing and sharing
happening to us right now. May be this pandemic is news, and having fun, Sir A mentioned, “Unwind with
His own way of telling us to believe in him.”, “I the family to relieve stress”. Social media and chat
always put my whole life and the life of my family in rooms provided opportunities to connect with
the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ because I members of the community, friends/family, and
believe that, God can do things that human can't do.” strangers. Maam A shared, “Sige la akon kakachat
People suffering from cancer, death in close family, or (social media).”
severe illness are more religious, according to
research, and adversity causes people to use their Avoidant strategies. Finally, participants reported
religion more intensively. As a pandemic that has employing avoidant strategies. Statements such as
affected nearly every society on the planet, current "keeping myself busy" and "keeping my mind
research reveals what types of societies use religion in occupied", “doing creative things” and “trying new
coping. ”It is normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed things” were among the responses in this category.
during uncertain times. However, I need to care for my Avoidant coping (changing behavior to avoid exposure
mental health by focusing on things that I can control to a stressor) is a maladaptive coping strategy that is

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Research Article

commonly used in stressful situations. A respondent relieve boredom, the majority of the participants
from a far-flung barangay stated that, “Sa Isla, wala na strongly agree that they can cope with their troubles by
ako time sa family. Kun pwede la na mabalik ako sa maintaining and improving the physical health and
dati ko na station. An nangyari sa akon naging Panday practicing healthy habits. Leisure activities such as
ako kay amon naabotan ko sa Isla.” Another one says, reading, writing, baking and cooking were also one of
“What I did, is to make myself busy, doing creative the top mechanisms. In these challenging times,
things, kag kun nau-nano la na maisipan”. One of the however, employing avoidant strategies were the least
respondents even engaged in carpentry just to ease the option for the respondents to cope with their mental
boredom. “Ta, an akon kwarto san ginpaayos ko ako health struggles.(4) The participants' mental health is
nan nagbutang san wallpaper para la may mahimoan moderately harmed, yet they each endeavor to
ako, inan dili ko man ginahimo para taposon dayon.” overcome their difficulties in their own unique way.
One also focuses more on work in order to be Their most effective technique for reducing mental
preoccupied and He said, “Most of the time, School to health issues is being physically active.
house la ako, focus la gayod ako sa work, di ako
mahilig magnilabas labas, bihira ako makimingle sa
tawo. Sige la akon kakachat para ma occupied an isip References
ko”. Escape-avoidance coping strategies are more
likely to be adopted for coping. Because our Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational
participants were subjected to restrictions in their daily behavior and human decision processes, 50, 179 – 2011.
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Research Article

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