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Contemporary arts
W1 refers to the practice of art from 1970s to the present. Contemporary arts
mirror contemporary culture and society. Diverse and emerging art
The development of the Philippine arts comes in three major traditions. practices were being introduced in this era.
These are the Ethnic Tradition, Spanish Colonial Tradition, and American
Colonial and Contemporary Arts Traditions. Even before the colonization, Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series) by Federico Aguilar Alouaz Federico
the Philippines already has its indigenous arts. In this era, art forms were Aguilas Alcuaz was born in Santa Cruz, Manila. Cinco Marias (Tres Marias
primarily influenced by the area where our ancestors prosper. However, Series) depicts the variety of domestic activities (Guillermo, 2007).
the Spaniards came who tend to replace indigenous arts with western arts.
For the period of Spanish rule, art forms were primarily influenced by (Art Installation in Sand Dunes of Paoay) by Leeroy New
religion and secularization. Consequently, after more than three centuries Leeroy New is one of the Philippines contemporary artists. He is born in
of Spanish colonization, Americans came. During American rule, General SANTOS City. This art installation of Leeroy New was made for the
development of Philippine art forms was mainly influenced by education La Milagrosa Festival in Ilocos Norte. According to Leeroy New, the art
and governance. installation symbolizes the great festivals, feasts and celebrations (Lapeña,
These art forms from various regions or from various artists contributed to
ETHIC TRADITION the picture of Philippine's identity as a country.
Art forms are primarily influenced by the geographical location and the
experiences of the filipinos (luzviminda and sayseng 2016) in this time, the W2
purpose of arts is integral to life. Arts reflected the pagan beliefs and Modern Applications of Integrative Art to Contemporary Art
practices, everyday activity such as fishing and farming and specific
The rapid growth of technology resulted to contemporary art being
decorative art pattern to the community.
dominated by integrative mixed art mediums as compared to the
ART FORM traditional single art mediums of the previous generations.

(ANGONO PETROGLYPHS) 1. Graphic Design

The angono petroglyphs is situated in Binangonan, rizal. It was discovered Because of the advanced computer software nowadays, this field is at its
by the national artist, carlos “botong” Francisco in 1965. There are figures peak where, with the aid of technology, graphic designers are able to
engraved on the rock wall and dated back to circa late Neolithic. integrate text, font styles, colors, images, symbols and space into a
seamless and attractive layout.
is found in manunngal cave, lipuun point, palawan in the early 1960s. 2. Animation
Manunngal jar is a burial jar which signifies the belief of early filipino in life Due to technology, this field is also at its peak. Here, the rendered
after death. illustrations and texts are given 3D or 4D dimensions and movement
including sound.
literary means pots. The banga or pot dance is a performance of kalinga of 3. Video & Film Making
the mountain province of the Philippines. This dance shows the elegant These two mediums of integrative art involve the recording and
grace of igorot tribe and the skill and strength of women. broadcasting of content through the use of moving images, sounds, music,
camera shots, lighting, action, dialogues, etc.
art forms were primarly influenced by religion and secularization. In this 4. Theater Production
time, Spaniards used arts to propagate the catholic faith. This mixed art medium utilizes motion, action, voice, sounds, music,
dancing, lighting, costumes, props and stage sets and backgrounds in
ART FORM conveying the message of a story, drama or musical.

(LANGIT, LUPA AT IMPYERNO) by josef Luciano dans 5. Television Production

This wall painting by josef Luciano dans will be found in st. james the This combines the use of videos, sounds and music, camera shots, sets and
apostle church in paete, laguna. This painting was dated 1850 and depicts props, live studio, lighting, and dialogues in broadcasting different types of
the heaven, crucifixion of christ: eart, adan and eve: and hell, sinners with shows --- news, variety, documentary, talk shows, soap opera, etc.
different transgressions.
st. paul metropolitan cathedral is located in burgos, vigan city, ilocos sur.
The original structure was built in 1574 and replaced as a church in 1641. The term contemporary has been defined as something "happening.
The cathedral follows a baroque aarchitectural design. existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time"
It refers to art of any form and genre that produced in our contemporary
1.MODERN ART time, simply put as "art created today." Contemporary Art is influenced by
Refers to the practice of art from 1860s to 1960s. The main theme of art the economic, social, political and environmental context where the artist
works in this time is national identitya. is immersed in.

ART FORM Examples of Contemporary Art Forms

(The Making of the Philippine Flag) by Fernando Amorsolo
This painting was made by Fernando Amorsolo, "Grand Old Man of A. Visual Arts
Philippine Art" and born practice of art in Manila. It shows a reminder of
1. Pop Art
the reminder of traditions and customs of the Filipino.
Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the 1950s and flourished in
(Bayanihan) the 1960s in America and Britain, drawing inspiration from sources in
by Carlos "Botong" Francisco Carlos "Botong" Francisco was born in Ango, popular and commercial culture. Different cultures and countries
Rizal. This painting by him was dated in 1962. This mural painting of Carlos contributed to the movement during the 1960s and 70s.
"Botong" Francisco shows the Filipino's bayanihan tradition. This also
shows the distinctive style of Francisco's painting that showcased his
mastery in arts. (PAGE 1)
2. Conceptual Art 3. Graphic Novels
Conceptual art is art for which the idea (or concept) behind the work is Graphic novels are narratives told in comic strip formats and published as
more important than the finished art object. It emerged as an art a book. To differentiate from illustrated fiction, graphic novels tell a story
movement in the 1960s and the term usually refers to art made from using a combination of words and pictures in a sequence across the page.
the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s.
3. Manga
3. Installation Art Manga is the Japanese word for comics. It is used in the English-speaking
It is an artistic genre of three- dimensional works that are often world as a generic term for all comic books and graphic novels originally
site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a published in Japan. Manga-style comics created by American artists are
space. sometimes called Amerimanga

4. Photorealism 4. Doodle Fiction

It is a genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic Doodle Fiction is a literary presentation where the author incorporates
media, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to doodle writing. drawings, and handwritten graphics in place of the
reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium. traditional font. Doodles are simple drawings or random shapes and lines
that may or may not have concrete representational meanings. These
5. Graffiti Art enhance the story, often adding humorous elements.
Graffiti art as a term refers to images or text painted usually onto buildings,
typically using spray paint Elements of Contemporary Art
Contemporary Arts have different elements that are put together to come
B. Performance Art up with a distinct artwork. These elements include:
1. Appropriation, this relates to the modifications made by the artist.
1. Music
2. Hybridity, this refers in the use of different art mediums that are put
Music is an art form which combines pitch, rhythm, and dynamic to create
sound. It can be performed using a variety of instruments and styles and is
3. Technology, its application highlights the creativity of the artist.
divided into genres such as folk, jazz, hip hop, pop, and rock, etc. As an art
4. Performance, carried out for viewers to experience. 5. Space, intricate
form, music can occur in live or recorded formats, and can be planned or
use of space.
Distinct features of Contemporary Philippine Art
2. Theater Art
1. Communal nature, as it reflects the relationships build around the
Theatre is the branch of performing arts concerned with acting out stories
bonds of community and society.
in front of an audience, using a combination of speech, gesture, music,
2. Intuitive, as Filipinos are immersed in their consciousness of themselves,
dance, sound, and spectacle.
their community and their culture.
3. Dance 3. Holistic, as individuals, groups of people and events are perceived in
Dance is a performing art form consisting of sequences of movement, their entirety as well as the unitive use of art materials and forms.
either improvised or purposefully selected. This movement has aesthetic 4. Creative process, as the artist puts more emphasis on now their artwork
and often symbolic value. Dance can be categorized and described by its was made than on the artwork itself.
choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period or 5. Integrative, as it encompasses religious, moral, spiritual, social, and
place of origin. environmental concerns.
6. Multi-focal, as it considers everything and everyone, the wide
C. Applied Arts perspective of the artwork as well as both artist and viewer.

1. Video Art W3
Video art is a genre of art that uses films, video recordings and video Philippine Contemporary Arts
projections as the creative or expressive medium. Video art is often • The Philippine Contemporary Art can be classified into seven major art
site-specific, and can be installed, exhibited, viewed and recorded in forms.
different places. • These are painting, sculpture, architecture, film, literature, music and
theater, and dance.
2. Photography
The definition of photography art, also known as 'fine-art photography.' is Painting
photographic artworks that are created in line with the artist's vision. The - The expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain
artwork uses photography as the artist's chosen medium for creative aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language.
expression. - The elements of this language - its shapes, lines, colors, tones, and
textures - are used in various ways to produce sensations of volume, space,
3. Computer Art movement, and light on a flat surface.
- The first paintings here in the Philippines are commissioned works during
4. Architecture, Design and Allied Art
Spanish colonization. Here are some paintings from Luzon, Visayas and
D. Literary Arts Mindanao.

1. Illustrated Novel LUZON The Sketch by Victorio Edades

The term illustrated novel refers to an extended narrative with multiple This painting was one of Edades's works shown in his 1928 exhibit at the
images that, together with the text, produce meaning. Therefore, the Philippine Columbian Club, which marked the introduction of modernism
illustrated novel is not a work graced by a single decorated cover or in the country. The painter, in academic garb, is engrossed in doing a
frontispiece. Yet certain novels remain intertwined with a particular sketch of a woman reclining on the bed in front of him, while a standing
frontispiece or cover design. man in a beret, presumably the teacher, looks on. These are composed
closely together.
2. Digi-Fiction
Digi-Fiction is also called Triple Media Literature. It uses the combination VISAYAS Magellan's Cross by Raul Agas
of three media: book, movie/video, and internet website to tell a narrative,
MINDANAO Salaam (Peace) by Rameer Tawasil
so readers must engage in navigating, reading, and viewing in all three
"Salaam," which means "peace" in Arabic, is an art that embodies the
forms to comprehend the full story.
concept of harmony, unity, and tranquility. The artwork depicts various
figures intertwined in a graceful and harmonious composition. The
artwork aims to convey the universal desire for peace, irrespective of
(PAGE 2) cultural or religious backgrounds.
Sculpture Film
is an art form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into is a form of visual art use to imitate experiences that communicate ideas,
three-dimensional art objects. stories, or feelings with the use of moving images. It is also called a movie
or motion picture.
LUZON The Bonifacio Monument By Guillermo Tolentino
The Andrés Bonifacio Monument, commonly known simply as Bonifacio LUZON Himala By Ishmael Bernal
Monument or Monumento, is a memorial monument in Caloocan, "Himala" is a critically acclaimed Filipino film directed by Ishmael Bernal. It
Philippines which was designed by National Artist Guillermo Tolentino to was released in 1982 and has since become one of the most iconic and
commemorate the Philippine revolutionary Andrés Bonifacio, the founder influential films in Philippine cinema. The film tells the story of Elsa, a
and Supremo of the Katipunan, who fought for independence from the young woman from a small rural town in the Philippines, who claims to
politically and socially ruthless colonial rule by Spain. The monument 13.7 have seen the Virgin Mary. This leads to a series of events that bring hope,
meters (45 ft) in height with symbolic images and other features known as faith, and controversy to the community. "Himala explores themes of
the "Cry of Balintawak is acclaimed as one of the best monuments in the religion, faith, superstition, and the power of belief.
VISAYAS Muro-Ami By Marilou Diaz-Abaya
VISAYAS Sandugo (Blood Compact) By Napoleon Abueva "Muro-Ami" tells the story of a young boy named Fredo who becomes a
Sandugo, also known as the Blood Compact, is a historical event in the part of a group of divers known as "muro-ami." These divers are employed
Philippines that took place on March 16, 1565. It is considered a significant to catch fish by pounding on coral reefs, driving the fish into nets. The film
event in Philippine history as it symbolizes the first international treaty of explores the harsh realities of the muro-ami system, which involves child
friendship between the indigenous Filipinos and the Spanish colonizers. labor, exploitation, and the destruction of marine ecosystems.

MINDANAO Six Ladies in Durian By Kublai Millan MINDANAO Mindanao By Brillante Mendoza
The artwork features six larger-than-life-sized female figures sitting on a The film was released in 2019 and tells the story of a Muslim woman
durian fruit, which is a well-known tropical fruit in the region. Each figure named Salima and her daughter Aisa, who live in the conflict-ridden region
represents a different indigenous tribe in Mindanao, showcasing the of Mindanao in the Philippines. The film explores the challenges and
cultural diversity and unity of the people in the area. The sculpture is struggles faced by Salma and her family as they navigate their daily lives
made of various materials, including fiberglass and resin, and stands as a amidst the backdrop of the ongoing armed conflict between the
symbol of the rich cultural heritage and harmony among different ethnic government forces and rebel groups in Mindanao. It delves into themes of
groups in Mindanao. It has become an iconic landmark in Davao City and is love, resilience, and the power of hope in the face of adversity.
often visited by tourists and locals alike.
Architecture According to Lombardi (2020), is a term used to describe written and
is the art and practice of designing and constructing buildings (Cambridge sometimes spoken material. Most commonly refers to works of the
Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus). In relation to that, was creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, and in
characterized as simple, rational, and functional. In the 20th century, the some instances, journalism, and song. These are some examples of
young Filipino who studied in American colleges and institutes introduced Philippine literature.
the neoclassic style in building structures. However, after World War II,
real estate development started to take place (Sandagan e Sayseng, 2016). LUZON I Saw the Fall of the Philippines by CarlosP. Romulo
To illustrate these architectural designs, these are some examples from A Blade of Fern By Edith Ocampo
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
VISAYAS Panhayhay hin Bungtohanon By Francisco Alvarado An
LUZON Cultural Center of the Philippines By Leandro Locsina Higugma By Iluminado Lucente
The Cultural Center of the Phillippines (CCP) is a prominent cultural
MINDANAO Dead Stars by H.O. Santos Indarapatra at Sulayman by
institution located in Manila, Philippines. It was designed by the renowned
Bartolome Del Valle
Filipino architect Leandro Locsin and was officially opened on September 8,
1969. It serves as a venue for various artistic and cultural performances, Music and Theater
exhibitions, and events. These venues cater to a wide range of artistic Music is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. According to Ramon
disciplines, such as theater, music, dance, and visual arts. The architectural P. Santos in his article entitles Contemporary Music, Contemporary music
design of the CCP is notable for its modernist style, characterized by its in the Philippines usually refers to compositions that have adopted ideas
sweeping lines, concrete structures, and use of indigenous materials. The and elements from twentieth- century art music in the West, as well as the
building's iconic feature is the 'Coconut Palace," a structure resembling a latest trends and musical styles in the entertainment industry. Filipino
coconut shell that serves as the main entrance to the complex. Music had already a rich and unique musical tradition long before
westerners set foot on our native land. Music was present in every stage
VISAYAS The Ruins Mansion
of our ancestors' lives - from birth to death, in blissful or tragic times.
The Ruins Mansion is the remains of an ancestral home built in 1920 by a
Below are some Music from the different Regions of our country.
wealthy sugar baron named Don Mariano Ledesma Lacson. Don Mariano
constructed the mansion as a testament of his love for his Portuguese wife, LUZON Pastores
Cora Maria Osorio Rosa- Braga, after she passed away in 1911. Maria, who "Pastores" is a traditional Filipino Christmas play that originated from the
was pregnant with their eleventh child at the time, lost her and their province of Batangas in the Philippines. The word "pastores" translates to
baby's lives after figuring in an accident. "shepherds" in English. The play is performed during the Christmas season
and depicts the biblical story of the shepherds visiting the newborn Jesus
MINDANAO Pearl Farm Beach Resort By Francisco Manosa
in Bethlehem.
Pearl Farm Beach Resort is a luxurious beachfront resort located on Samal
Island in Davao City, Philippines. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, VISAYAS Pinalangga
pristine beaches, and world- class amenities. The resort was designed by
the renowned Filipino architect Francisco "Bobby" Mañosa. He is known MINDANAO Buyayang
for his advocacy of Filipino architecture and his incorporation of traditional
Filipino design elements into his works. He aimed to create a resort that Music and Theater
showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines while providing a
Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to
luxurious and relaxing experience for guests.
present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience
(PAGE 3) in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to
the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music, or
dance. Some of the Theater Play in the Philippines are the following.
LUZON Tanikalang Ginto Proclamation No.1001 dated April 27, 1072
"Tanikalang Ginto" is a Filipino play written by Juan Abad and first Under the Proclamation No.1001 dated April 27, 1072 the Order of the
published in 1902. Translated to English, the title means "Golden Chain" or National Artist Award (Orden ng Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining was
"Golden Shackles." The play is considered one of the most significant established.
works in Philippine literature and theater. "Tanikalang Ginto" tells the
story of a young woman named Julia, who is forced into an arranged Fernando Amorsolo
marriage by her mother, Doña Clara, for financial gain. The play explores The first award was given to On May 15, 1973 under the Proclamation No.
themes of love, freedom, and societal expectations. It delves into the 1144, CCP Board of Trustees was named as the National Artist Awards
struggles and sacrifices made by individuals in the face of societal Committee. The Presidential Decree No.28 that was issued on June 7, 1973
pressures and the pursuit of personal happiness. reiterated the mandate of CCP to administer the National Awards as well
as the privileges and honors to National Artist.
Dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and The Order of National Artist
within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, The Order of National Artists aims to recognize:
releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. Dances
1. The Filipino artists who have made significant contributions to the
in the Philippines vary from Region to Region and below are some dances
cultural heritage of the country.
of the different regions.
2. The Filipino artistic accomplishment at its highest level and to promote
LUZON Banga creative expression as significant to the development of a national cultural
The Banga dance is a traditional Filipino folk dance that originated from identity.
the Kalinga province in the northern part of the Philippines. It is named 3. The Filipino artists who have dedicated their lives to their works to forge
after the "banga," which means clay pot or jar in the local language. The new paths and directions for future generations of Filipino artists.
dance is performed by female dancers who balance clay pots on their
The following are the seven categories under which National Artists can be
heads and hands while gracefully moving and executing intricate footwork.
The pots symbolize the daily tasks of the Kalinga women. particularly in
1. Literature
fetching water and carrying heavy loads. The movements in the Banga
poetry, fiction, essay, playwriting, journalism and/or literary criticism:
dance imitate the actions of the women as they navigate through rugged
2. Film and Broadcasting / Broadcast Arts
terrains, avoiding obstacles, and maintaining balance. The dancers
direction, writing, production design, cinematography, editing, camera
showcase their agility, strength, and gracefulness as they perform various
work, and/or performance; and
patterns and formations.
3. Architecture, Design and Allied Arts-
VISAYAS Kuratsa architecture design, interior design, industrial arts design, landscape
The Kuratsa is a traditional Filipino folk dance that originated in the architecture and fashion design
Visayan region of the Philippines. It is often performed during festive 4. Music
occasions and celebrations, such as weddings and fiestas. The dance is singing, composition, direction, and/or performance;
characterized by its lively and flirtatious movements, which imitate the 5. Dance
courtship between a man and a woman. It is typically performed by a -choreography, direction and/or performance:
couple, with the male leading and the female following his lead. The 6. Theater
dancers gracefully sway and glide across the dance floor, showcasing their direction, performance and/or production design;
agility and coordination. The music accompanying the Kuratsa is usually 7. Visual Arts
played by a live band or ensemble, featuring traditional Filipino painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, installation art, mixed
instruments such as the banduria, guitar, and tamburin. The rhythm is media works, illustration, graphic arts, performance art and/or imaging
upbeat and energetic, encouraging the dancers to move with enthusiasm
Qualifications for the National Artist Award
and joy.
1. Living artists who are natural-born Filipino citizens.
2. The content and form of their work have procured in building a Filipino
Singkil is a traditional Filipino folk dance that originated from the Maranao
sense of nationhood.
people of the Philippines, particularly in the province of Lanao del Sur. It is
3. An artist who have developed a mode of creative expression or style
a popular and well- known dance that showcases the grace, agility, and
and living a legend on succeeding generations of artists.
cultural heritage of the Maranao people. The Singkil dance is inspired by
4. An artist who manifest excellence in the practice of their art form
the epic tale of the Darangen, which is a Maranao epic that tells the story
5. The artwork made has attained an international and national
of the princess Gandingan who escapes from danger with the help of her
faithful servant, the prince Bantugan. The dance reenacts the princess'
journey through a forest filled with crisscrossing bamboo poles, Insignia of the Order of the National Artists
symbolizing her agility and grace in avoiding obstacles. The insignia of the Order of the National Artists is formed from a Grand
Collar featuring circular links depicting the arts and an eight-pointed
sunburst suspended from a sampaguita wreath in green and white enamel.
National Artist
The center of the badge is divided into three equal portions, in red,
• A National Artist is a Filipino who has made a significant contribution to
white and blue representing the Philippine Flag with three stylized letter
the development of Philippine arts in the fields of Music, Dance, Theater,
K's that stands for the CCP's motto Katotohanan, Kabutihan at
Visual Arts, Literature, Film and Architecture
Kagandahan" (The true, the good and the beautiful). The Grand Collar is
The Order of National Artist made from silver gilt bronze.
Orden ng Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining
National Artist for Visual Arts
The Order of the National Artists Award (Orden ng Gawad Pambansang
Alagad ng Sining) is the highest national recognition given to Filipino
Fernando Amorsolo
individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of
He was known as the "Grand Old Man of the Philippine Art. He was the
Philippine arts.
first national artist of the country. His significant works are Planting Rice,
Dalagang Bukid, The Meztisa, and Maiden in a Stream, among others.

(PAGE 4)
National Artist for Visual Arts GAMABA Awardees (1993)
Fernando Amorsolo

National Artist for Architecture 1. ginaw Bilog-Surat mangyan and ambahan poetry
Leandro V. Locsin 2. Samaon Sulaiman-playing kudyapi
An architect from Silay, Negros Occidental, he was known for the use of 3. Lang Dulay-tinalak weaving
domes, spirals, and concentric spaces. His famous works here and abroad 4. Federico Caballero-chanting sugidanon epic of the panay
include Brunei's Sultan's Palace, CCP, PICC, Folk Arts Theater, Makati Stock Bukidnon
Exchange, NAIA Terminal 1, and the Philippine Plaza Hotel. 5. Alonzo saclag-playing kalinga musical instruments
ex. Bruneis sultan Palace, NAIA terminal 1 6. Hajja Amina appi-mat weaving
7. Eduardo Mutuc-metal plating
National Artist for Film Fernando Poe, Jr. 8. Magdalena GAmayo-abel weaving
He has been given the title the king of Philippine movies. He is one of the 9. Teofilo Garcia-kattukong or tabungawa hat making
most admired Filipino film actors of all time. He is famous for his role as 10. Yabing Masalon dulo-blaan or tie dye fabric weaving
Flavio in the mythical Ang Panday series. He also starred in other famous
films such as Apllo Robles, Batang Maynila, Mga Alabok sa Lupa, Ako ang
Katarungan etc. Elements of arts
line, shapes, colour, space, texture, tone, form
National Artist for film
Fernando poe, Jr. 1. Line
An element of art that is used to define shape, contours, and outlines, also
National Artist for Literature (1973) to suggest mass and volume. Line may come in two characteristics: 1 f-
Amado V. Hernandez curved, dotted, or broken lines; and 2 d-vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
A poet, playwright, and novelist, is among the Filipino writers who lines.
practiced "committed art" and he was known as "Manunulat ng 2. Shape
Manggagawa" Isang Dipang Langit, Luha ng Buwaya, Mga Ibong Madaragit is an area that is enclosed by a line or lines. Shapes are two dimensional
figures with height and width. There are different kinds of shapes and
National Artist For Literature these
Amando V. Hernandez 3. Colors
are the way we see light reflected from a surface or refracted through a
National Artist for Music
prism. Colors we see in nature are reflections of light on the surfaces
Ryan Cayabyab
around us. We can classify colors into primary colors, secondary colors,
He is a musician, composer, and conductor of eclectic, modern, popular
tertiary colors, analogous colors, complementary colors, monochromatic
music. He put the Philippines on the International pedestal with award-
colors, warm colors, and cool colors.
winning symphonic works, full- length musicals, films, and television
4. Space
scores, Capella albums, famous and love songs, and scores of popular
Space refers to distances or areas around, between or within components
songs sung by top Filipino artists.
of a piece and refers to the arrangement of objects on the picture plane
National Artist for Dance (two-dimensional). Positive space refers to a part which is enclosed in a
Ramon Obusan shape. Negative space refers to the opposite part which the shape is
Ramon Obusan promoted the Philippine ethnic dances and performed enclosing
them with respect and authenticity. He researched on the different 5. Texture
Philippine ethnic groups throughout the country to perfectly perform their is the element that appeals to our sense of feel on things rough or smooth,
dances. bumpy or slippery. It is the character of the surface of an artwork.
Example of his works: Vamos a Belen, Kayaw 6. Value
pertains to the lightness or darkness of a color in a given artwork. can be
National Artist For Dance changed by adding white or black to a color and these described as tint
Ramon Obusan and shade.
7. Form
National Artist for Theater Daisy Avellana is the three-dimensionality of an object. It has dimensions of height, width,
She was so called First Lady of the Philippine Theater because of her and length.
magnificent performances in classic Filipino and international theater
productions and plays. Some of the productions she significantly became Principle of Arts
part of were Othello, Macbeth in Black, Tatatrin, Portrait of the Artist as
Filipino, Diego Silang. Walang Sugat, etc. 1. Rhythm - This refers to the repetition of certain elements to produce a
Gawan sa Manlilikha ng Bayan 2. Movement - is the illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture, or
As envisioned in Republic Act No. 7355 design
Known as Manlilikha ng Bayan Act was established in 1992 and shall mean 3. Balance - refers to the visual weight in a picture. It refers to the even
citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely Filipino, whose distinct skills distribution of positions of elements in an artwork.
have reached such a high level of technical and artistic excellence, and 4. Proportion - refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a body
have passed it on to in his or her community with the same degree of of work.
technical and artistic competence. 5. Contrast - This principle shows differences between elements of art in
an artwork. It shows how stronger each element of art in relation to one
National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) another.
The highest policy and coordinating body for culture and the arts of the 6. Variety - This principle of art refers to the diversity or the different
state. It must search for the finest traditional artist of the land who adopts elements used in an artwork to make it more interesting.
a program that will ensure the transfer of their skills to others, undertakes 7. Emphasis - refers to the greater impact or highlight given to a certain
measures to promote a genuine appreciation of and crafts and give pride element in an artwork.
among our people about the genius of Manlilikha ng Bayan. 8. Harmony - This principle of art refers to the unity of an artwork. It is
about the arrangement of the related elements that makes an artwork to
be viewed as a whole
(PAGE 5)
May Pokus, Ang bawat pangungusap at talata ay kailangang sumusuporta
o magkakaugnay sa tesis na pahayag

Akademikong pagsulat; layunin, gamit, katangian at anyo

Lohikal na Organisayon, Ang akademikong papel ay may introduksyon,
LAYUNIN katawan, at kongklusyon. Bawat talata ay lohikal na nauugnay sa kasunod
na talata.
Ayon kay Mabelin (2012). Ang layunin sa pagsasagawa ng pagsulat ay
maaaring mahati sa dalawang bahagi. Una, ito ay maaaring personal o Matibay na Suporta, Ang katawan ng talataan ay kailangang sapat at ito ay
ekspresibo kung saan ang layunin ng pagsulat ay nakabatay sa pansariling maaaring kapalooban ng facts, figures, halimbawa, deskripsyon, karanasan,
pananaw, karanasan, naiisip, o nadarama ng manunulat. Ang ganitong opinyon ng mga eksperto at siniping pahayag o quotations.
paraan ng pagsulat ay maaaring magdulot sa bumabasa ng kasiyahan,
kalungkutan, pagkatakot, o pagkainis depende sa layunin ng taong Malinaw na Pagpapaliwanag, Kumpleto ang pagpapaliwanag sa bawat
sumusulat. punto ng manunulat.

Ang karaniwang halimbawa nito ay ginagawa ng mga manunulat ng Epektibong Pananaliksik, Kailangang gumamit ng napapanahon,
sanaysay, maikling kuwento, tula, dula, awit, at iba pang akdang propesyonal, at akademikong hanguan ng mga impormasyon
Iskolarling Estilo sa Pagsulat, Sa pagsulat ng akademikong papel, sinisikap
Pangalawa, ito naman ay panlipunan o pansosyal kung saan ang layunin dito ang kalinawan at kaiklian
ng pagsulat ay ang makipag-ugnayan sa ibang tao o sa lipunan na
ginagalawan. Anyo
Akademikong sulatin
Ang ibang halimbawa nito ay ang pagsulat ng liham ,Balita,
Korespondensiya, Pananaliksik ,sulating panteknikal, tesis, disertasyon, at Abstrak
iba pa. -Ito ay ginagamit sa pagbubuod ng mga akademikong papel tulad ng tesis,
papel siyentiko, teknikal, lektyur at report.
Layunin -Ito ay kailangang makatotohanan at organisado ayon sa pagkakasunod-
Mapanghikayat na Layunin, Mahikayat ang mambabasa na maniwala sa sunod.
kanyang posisyon hinggil sa isang paksa.
Mapanuring Layunin, Ipaliwanag at suriin ang mga posibleng sagot sa isang
-Ito ay ginagamit sa pagbubuod ng tekstong naratibo tulad ng maikling
tanong at piliin ang pinakamahusay na sagot batay sa ilang pamantayan
Impormatibong Layunin, Ipinaliliwanag ang mga posibleng sagot sa isang -Ito ay nararapat na maliwanag at organisado ayon sa pagkakasunod-
tanong upang mabigyan ang mambabasa ng bagong impormasyon o sunod ng pangyayari sa kwento.
kaalaman hinggil sa isang paksa.
Gamit -Ito ay ginagamit sa pagbubuod ng personal profile partikular na ang
1.Ang akademikong pagsulat ay lumilinang ng kahusayan sa wika. academic career.
2. Ang akademikong pagsulat ay lumilinang ng mapanuring pag- iisip -Makatotohanan ang impormasyon.
3. Ang akademikong pagsulat ay lumilinang ng mga pagpapahalagang
-Ito ay ginagamit upang maghatid ng mensahe o impormasyon ukol sa
4. Ang akademikong pagsulat ay isang paghahanda sa propesyon.
gaganaping pulong o pangyayari.
Katangian - Ito ay dapat organisado at makatotohanan.

Kompleks, Ang pasulat na wika ay mas kompleks kaysa pasalitang wika
- Ito ay listahan ng mga magiging paksa sa isang pagpupulong
dahil ginagamitan ito ng mahahabang salita, mas mayaman na leksikon at
- Ito ay nararapat na organisado para sa maayos na daloy ng pagpupulong.
Panukalang Proyekto
Pormal, Hindi angkop ang paggamit ng mga kolokyal at balbal na salita at
- Ito ay proposal na naglalayong makapagmungkahi ng proyektong
maaaring makaresolba ng suliranin o problema.
Tumpak, Ang mga datos ay inilalahad nang tumpak o walang labis at - Ito ay dapat na simple klaro ang datos at nakapanghihikayat.
walang kulang.
Obhetibo, Ang impormasyong nais ibigay at ang mga argumentong nais - Ito ay isang sulating nagpapaliwanag ng isang paksang naglalayong
gawin at hindi lamang nakabatay sa sariling opinyon ng manunulat manghikayat, tumugod, mangatwiran at magbigay ng kabatiran o
Eksplisit, Responsibilidad ng manunulat na gawing malinaw at - Ito ay obhetibo at maayos ang daloy ng ideya.
magkakaugnay-ugnay ang iba't ibang bahagi ng teksto gamit ang iba't
ibang signaling words. Katitikan ng Pulong
- Ito ay ang tala o rekord o pagdodokumento ng mga mahahalagang
Wasto, Gumagamit nang wastong bokabularyo o mga salita. puntong nailahad sa isang pagpupulong.
- Ito ay dapat na organisado ayon sa pagkakasunod- sunod ng mga
Responsible, Ang manunulat responsable sa paglalahad ng mga ebidensiya, puntong napag-usapan at makatotohanan
patunay o ano mang nagpapatibay sa kanyang argumento. Kinikalala niya
ang mga hanguan ng impromasyong na kanyang ginamit Posisyong Papel
- Ito ay naglalayong maipaglaban kung ano ang tama. Ito ay nagtatakwil ng
Malinaw na Layunin, Sa pagtalakay ng manunulat sa isang paksa, kamalian na hindi tanggap ng karamihan.
kailangang matugunan ang mga tanong/layunin kaugnay dito. - ito ay nararapat na maging pormal at organisado ang pagkakasunod
sunod ng ideya.
Malinaw na Pananaw, Ang manunulat ay naglalahad ng sariling punto de
bista batay sa mga ideya at saliksik ng iba.
Replektibong Sanaysay
- Ito ay uri ng sanaysay kung saan nagbabalik tanaw ang manunulat at
nagrereplek. Nangangailangan ito ng reaksiyon at opinyon ng manunulat. • Bakit magsasagawa ng pulong?
- Ito ay kalimitang personal at nasa anyong tuluyan. (PAGE 6) • Kailan magaganap ang pulong?

Pictorial Essay
- Ito ay isang sulatin na nakatutok sa isang tema kung saan mas maraming
larawan kaysa sa salita Agenda: Layunin at Gamit
- Ito ay kadalasang personal, simple, at epektibo. Sa pamamagitan ng agenda, nagkakaroon ng direksiyon ang isang pulong,
mas nagagamit ang oras nang maayos, at nagiging sistematiko ang pulong-
Lakbay Sanaysay dahilan upang hindi mabagot ang mga kalahok.
- Ito ay isang sanysay na hindi lamang tungkol sa paglalakbay kundi ito ay
maaari ring tungkol sa natuklasan o nalaman ng manunulat ukol sa lugar Agenda: Kahalagahan ng Paghahanda
na napuntahan. • Mabigyang-ideya ang mga dadalo sa detalye ng gaganaping pagpupulong;
- Ito ay personal at kalimitang nakapang-aakit ng mambabasa. • Matiyak ang mga paksang dapat pagtuunan ng pansin;
• Maghatid ng organisadong balangkas para sa pagpupulong;
AGENDA • Magbigay ng maayos na direksiyon para sa pagpupulong, na
ito ay balangkas na pagpupulong na binibigyang giya ng tagapamagitan ng masusundan ng mga sangkot; at
pulong. • Masukat at matantiya ang haba ng oras na gugugulin sa isasagawang

Ang Agenda Iba-iba ang dahilan ng paglulunsad ng isang pulong. Maaaring ito ay
Ang salitang agenda ay nagmula sa pandiwang Latin na agere na upang: • magplano (planning);
nangangahulugang gagawin. Sa pananaw na ito, mabibigyang depinisyon • magbigay-impormasyon (information dissemination);
ang agenda bilang isang dokumento na naglalaman ng listahan ng mga • kumonsulta (asking for advice);
pag-uusapan at dapat talakayin sa isang pagpupulong. • lumutas ng problema (solving problems); at
• magtasa (evaluating).
Agenda: Kahulugan
Ayon sa Merriam-Webster, nangangahulugan ang agenda bilang listahan 1 Alamin ang layunin ng pagpupulong
ng: 2. Sulatin ang agenda tatlo o higit pang araw bago ang pagpupulong..
3.Simulan sa mga simpleng detalye.
(1)mga bagay na kailangang maisagawa at mapag-usapan, at 4. Magtalaga lamang ng hindi hihigit sa limang paksa para sa agenda.
(2)mga ideolohikal na plano at programa. 5. Ilagay ang nakalaang oras para sa bawat paksa.
6. Isama ang ibang kakailanganing impormasyon para pagpupulong.
Agenda: Kahulugan
Ito ay isang talaan ng mga paksang tatalakayin, sang-ayon sa
pagkakasunod- sunod, sa isang pormal na pagpupulong. Nagsisilbi itong
gabay sa kabuuan ng isasagawang pulong, anuman ang kaakibat nitong

Layunin ng mga sulating-agenda ang makapagpabatid ng impormasyon

ukol sa gaganaping pulong. Inihahanda ito ng isang tagapag-ugnay o
kalihim na siyang

nangangalaga at nagiging tulay sa ilulunsad na pagpupulong. Maaari din

naman itong isagawa o ihanda ng mismong tagapagpadaloy o ang
nagpatawag ng pulong.

Agenda: Mga Katangian

• Organisado. Mayroong sinusunod na pormat ng pagsulat ang bawat
institusyon. Mahalagang maayos ang pagkakasunod- sunod ng tatlong
pangunahing elemento ng agenda: detalye, layunin, at paksa.

• Malinaw. Mahalagang tiyak ang mga detalyeng nakalagay sa agenda at

malinaw ang kaugnayan ng mga ito sa paksa ng pulong. Dapat na
nakabatay sa itinakdang oras at tagal ng pulong ang agenda at
naisasaalang-alang ang mga kalahok, tagapag-ugnay, lugar na pagdarausan,
at kagamitan sa paglulunsad.

• Pormal at Kompleto Sa pagkakaroon ng pormal na pormat na

sinusunod sa mga pormal na pagpupulong, mahalagang kompleto at tiyak
ang mga detalyeng inilalangkap. Karaniwan itong inilalakip sa isang memo
na ipahahatid sa mga taong sangkot sa isasagawang pagpupulong.

• Pormal at Kompleto. Dapat maunawaang hindi lahat ng pagpupulong

ay pormal na isinasagawa. Gayon pa man, mahalaga pa rin ang listahan ng
mga agenda o paksa na tatalakayin sa isang pagpupulong.

Sa pagtatala ng paksa para sa gagawing memo-agenda, gumamit lamang

ng mga susing salita na hindi kailangang palawigin sa sulatin.

Agenda: Layunin at Gamit

Sa pagsasaalang-alang ng pagtatakda ng layunin ng pulong, narito ang mga
gabay na tanong na dapat masagot:
• Ano ang paksa ng pulong?
Sino ang mga kailangang dumalo sa pulong?
• Saan magaganap ang pulong?
(PAGE 7) paper.
3. EVIDENCE- The support for your argument/claim

An outline is a design to follow when writing a structure, a discourse, or an
Summarizing is how we take larger selections of text and reduce them to article. It arranges material in a logical way into main ideas, supporting
their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are ideas, and supporting details.
worth noting and remembering. Webster's calls a summary the "general
idea in brief form”; it's the distillation, condensation, or reduction of a
larger work into its primary notions. ("Reading Quest

- Summarizing is a brief restatement of a text's main points.

- It is selecting out key features of a text to create a shorter version.


1. To reproduce the main idea and key points of a text.
▪ Main Idea is the topic of the text.
▪Key Points are the arguments used to explain the main idea.
2. To restate these in as few words as possible.

Take note that you cannot add any opinion in the summary.
❖Summary can be made in one sentence or longer depending on the text.
❖Do not quote extensively, Avoid PLAGIARISM
❖Use Quotation Mark (" ") to indicate copied key terms

1. It helps you learn to identify key ideas of a text and ignore irrelevant
2. It improves our memory and by extension our comprehension.
3. It is an effective tool to self-evaluate what is understood about the
original text.
4. When summarizing an entire essay, outline the writer's argument.
5. Summarize in chronological order.

1. Reference Citation - Reference means Source/Author -Citation means
mentioning or recognition
FORMAT 1: Author Citation in the Body of the Sentence
FORMAT 2: Author Citation in Brackets
2. Graphic Organizers - are shapes, lines, figures, drawings, or sketches
that are used to make a visual display of key information.


A. Erase things that don't matter. Delete trivial material that is

unnecessary to understanding

B. Erase things that repeat. Delete redundant material. In note taking, time
and space is precious. If a word or phrase says basically the same thing you
have already written down, then don't write it again!

C. Trade, general terms for specific names. Substitute superordinate terms

for lists (eg, flowers for daisies, tulips for roses). Focus on the big picture.
Long, technical lists are hard to remember. If one word will give you the
meaning, then less is more.

D. Use your own words to write the summary. Write the summary using
your own words but make sure to retain the main points.


Thesis Statement is the sentence that states the main idea of a writing
assignment and helps control the ideas within the paper. It is not merely a
topic. It often reflects an opinion or judgment that a writer has made
about a reading or personal experience.

Elements of a Thesis Statement

1. TOPIC The topic of your paper.

2. ARGUMENT/CLAIMS - This depends on the type of paper you are writing.
If it is an argumentative paper, then this should express your opinion. If it
is a research or explanatory paper, this should explain the purpose of your
(PAGE 8)



Different Types of Cells in the Human Body Based on Tissue Formation

1. Bone cells (Osteocytes)a

They are the toughest body cell as they are bound together by calcium and
phosphate. As you know they give strength, support and framework to the 4. Epithelial Cells
body by enclosing organs in skeletal system i.e bones. - These cells are very simple cells which form covering of other cells. These
cells from covering layers of all the organs and hence are pre-set in skin,
scalp, respiratory tract, in the buccal cavity surface among others.
- Having closely joined cells, they serve as barriers for pathogens, fluid loss
and mechanical injuries. Example: skin cells, mucous cells.
- Epithelial cells differ in shape, some are cuboidal, others are thin and flat
known as squamous and the rest are tall and narrow called columanar.
- They consist of single layer of cells, they are named simple epithelium. If
2. Cartilage Cells (chondrocytes) they are made up of several cell layers, they are named stratified
These cells are similar to bone cells but the surrounding material is just epithelium.
loose and flexible compared to those of bone cells. Hence they are freely
bendable. They are present in ear bone, in between large bones to help
them bend and move freely like between two ribs, spinal bones, joints.

5. Muscle Cells
These cells are of muscle tissue mostly long, large and have ability to
contract and relax providing movements. There are three types- skeletal,
cardiac and smooth muscles.

a. Skeletal muscle cells are attached to long bones and assist in their
movement (by muscle contraction).
b. Cardiac muscle cells are present only in heart muscle and are
responsible for heart beats.
c. Smooth muscle cells are flexible yet, can contract and relax and are
present in stomach, intestine, blood vessel walls (vascular tissue) helping
in movement of food through the gut.

6. Secretory cells
These cells as the name indicates are secretory in nature. They form
3. Nerve cells glands and secrete something important. e.g.- pancreatic cells which
-These cells are very long and have many branching at either ends. Their secrete insulin, glucagon, salivary gland which secrete salivary amylase,
specialty is they never multiply in one's life time. They are present all over sebaceous gland which secrete oil on the skin. They are found in all
the body and are sometimes as long as few meters long. secretory organs.
- They are human brain cells and are found in plenty in brain cells and are
found and spinal cord and form the nervous tissue.

(PAGE 9)
6. Secretory cells Storage cells:
These are adipose cells. Some liver cells act to store materials like fat for
later use. This fat is consumed in time of starvation and also in excess cold

Supportive cells:
These are the cells that act as support to adjacent cells. Ex: Glial cells in
the brain and spinal cord help provide nourishment to the nerve cells and
also protect them from shocks and trauma.

Special Types of cells:

a. Sperms: these cells unlike others are haploid (i.e. have only one set of
chromosome). They are present only in males after puberty. These cells
have tail which enables them to swim and move in the female uterus. They
have the enzyme namely hayaluronidase which helps them penetrate
through uterine tissue and reach oocytes.
7. Adipose cells
There are fat cells and are storage by nature to store fat. They are specially
seen in the soles palms, and bums. They reduce friction to the body.

b. Oocytes: cells are haploid and present in adult female genital system.
They are also haploid like sperms. They start to form after puberty and
continue so till the stage of menopause. They accept sperm cells to form
zygote (fertilized egg). Which grows further in the uterus to form a baby.

8. Blood cells
These cells include RBC's, WBC, and thrombocytes etc. they are always
motile and never stay in one place. They have limited life span and they
never multiply to form new cells. Instead new cells are formed from other

c. Stem cells: these are basic cells of parent cells which can differentiate
into any cell based on the requirement. These stem cells in the human
body are given so much importance due to their promising role in the
treatment of disorders in the future.

Types of Cells in Human Body based on their Function

Conductive cells:
Nerve cells and muscle cells come under this category. They have internal
ability to conduct an electric impulse from one regions to other distant
region in the body

Connective cells:
Bone cells, blood cells fall under this category. They help connect other
cells and tissues.

Glandular cells:
These cells are secretory cells. They form glands like pancreas, salivary
glands and help in production of enzymes, hormones. (PAGE 10)
d. Rods and Cones: these cells are in the eyes and have the capacity to 1. Prophase
capture image color and light. •the chromatin in the nucleus condenses to form chromosomes.
•Structures called spindle fibers form a bridge between the ends of the
•The nuclear membrane breaks down
•The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell.
•Each chromosome attaches to the spindle fiber at the centromere, which
still hols the chromatids together.

1. Anaphase
•The centromeres split
•The two chromatids separate. One chromatid moves along the spindle
fiber to one end of the cell.
•The other chromatid moves to the opposite end
•The cell become stretched out as the opposite ends pull apart.

1. Telophase
•The chromosomes begin to stretch out and lose their rod-like appearance
•This occurs in two regions at the end of the cell
Special Types of cells •A new nuclear membrane form around each region of chromosomes.
e. Ciliated cells: these cells are present as lining of respiratory tract and
esophagus and have a pointed thread- like cilia which move in one
➤Completes the process of cell division
particular direction to pass materials.
>The cytoplasm divides, distributing the organelles into each of the two
new cells.

The cell type

1. Interphase
2. Mitosisaa
3. Cytokinesis
First stage of the cell cycle.
>The period before cell division occur
>The cells grows to its mature size
>Makes a copy of its DNA
>Prepare to divide into two cells

1. G1 phase/ Growth
- the cells doubles in size and produces all the structures needed to carry
out its function.
- G represents gap and the 1 represents first. Gap 1/ First Gap Phase
< the cells doubles in size and produces all the structures needed to carry
2. S phase/ DNA Replication out its function.
•The cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus in a process called < G represents gap and the 1 represents first.
•At the end of DNA replication, the cell contains two identical sets of DNA.
•S represents synthesis.

3. G2 phase/ Preparation for division

•The cell produces structures that will use to divide during the rest of the
cell cycle.
•G represents gap and the 2 represents second.

➤Stage during which the cell's nucleus divides into two nuclei.
>One copy of DNA is distributed into each of the two daughter Synthesis Phase/ DNA Replication
cells. >PMAT (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase) < The cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus in a process called
< At the end of DNA replication, the cell contains two identical sets of DNA.
(PAGE 11)
• Animal cells: a cleavage furrow separates the daughter cells
• Plant cells: a cell plate, the precursor to a new cell wall, separates the
daughter cells

Prophase I
<Chromosomes condense and migrate towards the nuclear envelop.
< Formation of spindle fiber.
< Synapsis (pairing of homologous chromosome)

Preperation for division

< the cell produces structures that will use to divide during the rest of the
cell cycle.
< G represents gap and 2 represents second.


< Chromosomes interchange equivalent sections of chromatids, which is

a process known as crossing over.
< Chromosome undergo thickening and move away from the nuclear
>The nuclear envelop and nucleoli dissolve.

< Chromosomes condense and become visible
< pindle fibers emerge from the centrosomes
< Nuclear envelope breaks down
< Centrosomes move toward opposite poles

Metaphase Metaphase I
< Chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate
< Each sister chromatid is attached to a spindle fiber originating from >Pairing of bivalent or homologous chromosome in the equatorial plane.
opposite poles >The centromeres are located in the opposite poles.

Anaphase Anaphase I
< Centromeres split in two >Chromosome migrate to the opposite poles of the cell/
< Sister chromatids (now) called chromosomes) are pulled toward >Sister chromatids are not separated.
opposite poles
Telophase I
< Certain spindle fibers begin to elongate the cell
>Chromosome continue to migrate towards the pole
Telophase >Both poles have haploid number of chromosomes
< Chromosomes arrive at opposite poles and begin to decondense
< Nuclear envelope surrounds each set of chromosomes
< The mitotic spindle breaks down
< Spindle fibers continue to push poles apart


Telophase I
< Condensation of chromosomes and cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm).
< Nuclear envelop starts forming
< Two daughter cells with haploid chromosome number are formed

(PAGE 12)
< Nuclei and nuclear membrane are separated
< Chromosomes start moving towards the equatorial plane. • Enzymes are not randomly distributed but are specifically
< Two sister chromatids are still held together by the centromere located inside the cells for example
• Digestive Enzymes: (Pancreas and stomach)
Metaphase II • Glycosol :( oxidation of glucose)
< Chromosomes aligned in the equator. • Mitochondria TCA cycle
< Centromeres are oriented towards the opposite poles

Anaphase II
< Sister chromatids held at the centromere are separated by the spindle

Telophase II
< Four nuclei (two each in a daughter cell) are formed along with the
process of cytokinesis.
< Each nuclei developed nuclear envelop
< Four daughter cells or gametes are formed.

Mosaicism is a condition in which the cell in the same person have the
different genetic makeup.

Trisomy-extra chromosome
1. Down Syndrome
2. Edward Syndrome
3. Patau Syndrome

Down Syndrome
• Small head
• Fold of skin between the eyes and nose
• Smooth area between nose and upper lip
• Thin upper lip Small eye opening flat upper part of the nose
• Short nose

Overtime there are fewer and fewer eggs available in the ovaries. If the
woman is 35 years old, the eggs in the ovaries are also 35 years old.

However, recent studies have shown that men over 45 years may
increase risk for new autosomal dominant condition in their children.

Autosomal Dominant
Autosomal dominant is a pattern of inheritance characteristic of some
genetic disorders. "Autosomal" means that the gene in question is located
on one of the numbered, or non-sex, chromosomes. "Dominant" means
that a single copy of the mutated gene (from one parent) is enough to
cause the disorder.

Most parents who have a child with a chromosome abnormality, when
compared to those parents who do not have a child with a chromosome
abnormality, have no difference in habits, lifestyles, or environment

Enzymes are proteins that function as biological catalysts. A catalyst is a
substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but isn't changed by the
reaction. Enzymes catalyze all aspects of cell metabolism.

2. induced fit model
• Enzymes are highly specific to the reactions they catalyze < A more recent model suggested by Daniel Koshland the Induced- Fit
• They alter or speed up the rates of chemical reactions that Model.
occur in a cell. < It states that the shape of Active Sites are not exactly Complementary,
• They remain unchanged after a chemical reaction. but are changed according to the substrate molecules
• They are affected by temperature.
• They are affected by pH.
• They catalyze reversible reactions.

(PAGE 13)


• Enzymes have an optimum temperature at which they work

• Up to the optimum temperature the rate increases
• Above the optimum temperature the rate decreases

2. pH

• Enzymes have an optimum pH at which they work fastest.

• For most enzymes this is about pH 7-8
• but a few enzymes can work at extreme pH, such as protease
enzymes in animal stomachs, which have an optimum of pH 1.


• As the enzyme concentration increases the rate of the reaction

increases linearly
• At very high enzyme concentration the substrate concentration
may become rate-limiting


• As the substrate concentration increases, the rate increases

because more substrate molecules can collide with enzyme
molecules, so more reactions will take place


1. COMPETITIVE INHIBITION: Competitive inhibition is the interruption of

an enzyme's ability to bind to a substrate due to a different molecule
binding to the active site.


• Non competitive inhibitors are not similar to the substrate and

they do not bind to the active site of the enzyme.
• They change the conformation of the active site.




3. DIGESTION Enzymes are used for a wide variety of purposes, such as in


Enzymes are also used in protection against Pathogens. They can be used
to destroy invading Microorganisms.

(PAGE 14)

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