Untangling The Early Diversification of Eukaryotes: A Phylogenomic Study of The Evolutionary Origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista
Untangling The Early Diversification of Eukaryotes: A Phylogenomic Study of The Evolutionary Origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista
Untangling The Early Diversification of Eukaryotes: A Phylogenomic Study of The Evolutionary Origins of Centrohelida, Haptophyta and Cryptista
& 2016 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
which included a subset of microbial eukaryotes characterized Raineriophrys erinaceoides (Pterocystidae), as well as two 2
by a special type of pseudopodia, the axopodia. Heliozoa was undescribed species: Acanthocystis sp. (Acanthocystidae) and
shown to be a polyphyletic assemblage, and today several Choanocystis sp. (Choanocystidae). Our analyses unambigu-
relatively minor lineages are scattered across the tree [5]. ously confirm that centrohelids share a common origin with
Centrohelids, however, have remained one of the last sub- haptophytes. More generally, we present compelling evidence
stantially diverse groups of eukaryotes that has eluded for the phylogenetic position of the centrohelid–haptophyte
phylogenetic placement in the tree of life. Different analyses group and Cryptista, altogether bringing us one step closer
of the 18S rRNA and a small number of protein-coding to a fully resolved eukaryotic tree of life.
genes (actin, a-tubulin, b-tubulin, EF2, HSP70, HSP90) led
to placement in various regions of the tree, but never with
good statistical support. For example, centrohelids were
weakly inferred to branch close to members of the Viridiplan-
2. Methods
250 gene partitions allowing each gene to have its own model,
using the relaxed clustering algorithm (-rcluster 20), as described in the LG þ Rx þ F model and the LG þ C60 þ F model (elec-
[34]. For both datasets, the best-fit partitioning scheme contained the
tronic supplementary material, table S4); Bayesian analyses
original 250 partitions, i.e. no merging was deemed necessary. This
were run under the CAT þ GTR þ G4 model. To select the
partitioning scheme was then used to specify a model for each par-
best-fitting model in ML, we followed the BIC score selection
tition, allowing each gene to have its own rate (-spp). For the
unpartitioned analyses of both 150/250 and 148/250 supermatrices, criterion, which showed that the LG þ C60 þ F model consist-
the best-fitted model corresponded to the LG matrix with relative ently achieved better scores than the other two models
rates estimated from the data using the non-parametric FreeRate (electronic supplementary material, table S4). In Bayesian fra-
model with 10 categories and empirical amino acid frequencies mework, the CAT þ GTR þ G4 model has been repeatedly
(LG þ R10 þ F). The best-fitted model for the unpartitioned analysis shown to have a better fit than simpler models based on
Proc. R. Soc. B 283: 20152802
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes inferred from the complete dataset (150/250). The topology shown corresponds to the ML tree under the LG þ C60 þ F
model, with both ML and Bayesian support value reported. Black dots on branches mean maximal support (i.e. 100% UFboot and SH-aLRT, and 1.0 Bayesian PP; the
Bayesian CAT þ GTR þ G4 topology is shown in electronic supplementary material, figure S1). When not maximal, values are indicated only if deemed robust as
follows: UFboot 95%/SH-aLRT 80%/PP 0.9. The tree is drawn rooted between Obazoa, Amoebozoa, Collodictyon, Malawimonas and the rest of eukaryotes
after [42], though we note that the position of the root is under active debate.
ata, Rhi
R (S
Figure 2. Schematics of the new backbone for the eukaryotic tree, highlighting the relationships among the main groups. The topology is based on the 148/250-
slow supermatrix, and corresponds to both ML and Bayesian reconstructions under the LG þ C60 þ F and CAT þ GTR þ G4 models, respectively. The complete
tree is presented in electronic supplementary material, figure SX. Black dots on branches mean maximal support (i.e. 100% UFboot and SH-aLRT, and 1.0 Bayesian
PP). When not maximal values are indicated as followed: UFboot/SH-aLRT/PP. All supergroups indicated by the triangles received maximal support, with the excep-
tion of the grouping of Viridiplantae and glaucophytes, which was unsupported (shown by dashed lines). The size of the triangles roughly represents the diversity of
taxa included in our analyses, as well as the length of the longest branch in each group. The root is placed in the same position as in figure 1.
eukaryotic groups, we found that a greater taxon diversity eukaryotic history. The groups investigated here and their
together with the systematic use of site-heterogeneous relationships to the SAR and Archaeplastida supergroups rep-
models, allowing us to take into account site-specific substi- resent a complex mixture of photosynthetic and heterotrophic
tution patterns (C60 mixture and CAT models), improves eukaryotes, as well as lineages for which we have little evi-
the general statistical confidence of the tree. When combined dence as to whether they harbour a plastid or not [13,54].
with a less noisy dataset (removal of the fastest-evolving Many of these lineages possess plastids bounded by three
sites), these models converged towards a similar picture in or four membranes, which are the result of eukaryote-to-
both ML and Bayesian frameworks (figure 2). In this tree, Hap- eukaryote endosymbioses where heterotrophic organisms
tista are closely related to the SAR assemblage with high acquired plastids from red algae [55]. What makes the evol-
support, in agreement with weaker results based on lower ution of complex red plastids so hard to decipher is the
additional serial
Figure 3. Scenarios for the origin and evolution of complex red plastids. These scenarios do not refer to any specific taxa, but rather illustrate the various pos-
sibilities discussed in the text, and show that the same diversity of plastid types can be generated by different combinations of events. (a) A single secondary
endosymbiosis in the ancestor of all red plastid-bearing eukaryotes was followed only by descent with modification, as formalized in the chromalveolate hypothesis;
this scenario is not supported by the current analyses. (b) Multiple independent secondary endosymbioses take place with different red algal symbionts, followed by
descent with modification; this is compatible with current phylogenetic evidence from hosts, but not with evidence from plastids. (c) A single secondary endo-
symbiosis takes place, but is followed by serial eukaryote-to-eukaryote endosymbioses; several versions of this scenario have been proposed (see text for references),
and they are consistent with current phylogenetic data.
devised using regression analyses to measure the expected strongly supported trees can be shown to be misleading with
similarity between genomes of various ‘chromalveolate’ additional data. Moreover, the breadth for plastid genome
lineages [63]. This approach resulted in a model where crypto- data has now been far exceeded by nuclear data, so that it is
phytes first engulfed a red alga, which was then transferred likely that changes to the plastid tree will occur after the
to the ochrophytes by tertiary endosymbiosis, and to the addition of new sequences, as recently demonstrated [58]. All
haptophytes by quaternary endosymbiosis [63]. of this could ultimately affect our interpretation, but more
In this context, our results are compatible with such a importantly various kinds of data, not only phylogenetics,
‘cryptophyte-first’ model, although we note that phylogenetic will be needed to validate a particular model. Plastids are cel-
lines of evidence are not compelling by themselves. More gen- lular structures of great complexity that have integrated with
erally, our results will need to stand the test of time, as even their hosts in many ways [54,66]. Serial endosymbiosis is
currently known for certain only in a few dinoflagellate Assembled transcriptomes: Dryad data depository (http://data- 8
lineages, whose endosymbionts display peculiar ways of inte- dryad.org) accession http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.rj87v.
Untrimmed sequences, trimmed alignments and single-gene
grating that are very different from what we observe in lineages
trees: Dryad data depository (http://datadryad.org) accession
like haptophytes, ochrophytes or most alveolates [67–69]. http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.rj87v.
Thus, an integrative model of plastid evolution will need to Authors’ contributions. F.B. designed the study, participated in the dataset
explain many aspects to be comprehensive, from phylogeny construction, carried out the phylogenetic analyses and drafted the
to genetics to fine cellular processes. manuscript; M.K. participated in the dataset construction; D.V.T.
and V.Z. collected field samples, established cultures, carried out
molecular laboratory work and drafted the manuscript; L.V.R. col-
lected field samples and established cultures; B.Q.M. carried out
5. Concluding remarks phylogenetic analyses and drafted the manuscript; A.S. and A.P.M.
participated in the design of the study and critically revised the
Our centrohelid transcriptomes fill an important diversity manuscript; P.J.K. designed the study and drafted the manuscript.
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