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Web Server 3.0 - en

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Web Server 3.

0 User Manual

Version: 3.0
Date: November 2009
Important Claim

Firstly thank you for purchasing this management system, before use,
please read this manual carefully to avoid the unnecessary damage! The
company reminds you that the proper user will improve the use affect
and authentication speed.

No written consent by ZKSoftware, any unit or individual isn’t allowed

to excerpt, copy the content of this manual in part or in full, also spread
in any form.

The product described in the manual maybe includes the software which
copyrights are shared by the licensors including ZKSoftware, Except for
the permission of the relevant holder, any person can’t copy, distribute,
revise, modify, extract, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, reverse
engineering, leasing, transfer, sub-license the software, other acts of
copyright infringement, but the limitations applied to the law is

Due to the constant renewal of products, the company

can not undertake the actual product in consistence with
the information in the document, also any dispute caused
by the difference between the actual technical
parameters and the information in this document. Please
forgive any change without notice.

Without our permission, any copy is prohibited.

All the specifications of the products mentioned here are subjected

to the real objects. The company does not undertake that the real
products are consistent with the information. The company does not
undertake any dispute caused by the disagreement of actual technical
parameter and this information. Besides, the company is not responsible
to notice in advance.

The other brand and product mentioned in this file mean the
company ( possessing corresponding brand and product ) or its
manufactured products。The company does not possess any privilege of
the brand and product belonging to other companies.

Remote data capturing system on Web Server is based on TCP/IP

standard network structure. WEB page request is adopted to process and
manage data. It is out of region restriction and it is not necessary to
install other software. It can download and manage the data in
fingerprint terminal remotely online through IE, NETSCAPE and other
browsers. Then it makes various statistic statements for enterprise
management and decision-making, achieving information synchronized
any time any where and realizing high-efficient management.
1. Log in Web Server ................................................................................................. 1
2. System Management ............................................................................................. 2
2.1 Exit from Web Server ................................................................2
2.2 Device Status .............................................................................2
3. User report............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Export the report ........................................................................4
3.2 Query records ............................................................................6
3.3 Realtime monitor .......................................................................7
4. User Administration............................................................................................... 8
4.1 Department management ...........................................................8
4.2 User Management......................................................................9
4.3 Add User .................................................................................. 11
5. Access parameter setting ......................................................................................14
5.1 Access Parameter Setting.........................................................15
5.2 Weigand Setting.......................................................................16
5.3 Anti-passback setting ...............................................................18
5.4 Time Zone................................................................................20
5.5 Group .......................................................................................22
5.6 Lock Group..............................................................................24
6. System Setting......................................................................................................27
6.1 TCP/IP Setting .........................................................................27
6.2 WIFI Setting ............................................................................28
6.3 Time setting .............................................................................30
6.4 Password..................................................................................33
7. Terminal................................................................................................................34
7.1 Backup .....................................................................................34

7.2 Restore .....................................................................................34
7.3 Update......................................................................................35
7.4 Download.................................................................................36
7.5 Open Door ...............................................................................38
7.6 Reboot......................................................................................38
Appendix 1 how to connect a terminal unit to network ............................................40

1. Log in Web Server

1、When Web Server is used, device’s IP address should be set firstly.

2. Input in IE address column. Press ENTER to get

the following picture:

3. To ensure system safe, ID verification needs to be done before

entering system. The default account of super administrator:
administrator; password: 123456 (which can be modified after entering
the system).


1. The administrator account can’t be modified.
2. The password can be modified. Capital & small letters are used for
password. The way to modify, please refer to 6.4 Password.

2. System Management

2.1 Exit from Web Server

If you want to exit from the system, click “Terminal” “Login off” to
exit to the login in window.

2.2 Device Status

After entering into Web Server, system will display the basic
information and the statuses of some functions about this device. Or
click “Terminal” “Status” as below shown:

The device information includes: device name, serial number,
device date, IP address, user capacity, record capacity, finger capacity;
as well as the status information of some functions.

1. After modifying the information of device such as IP address etc., it is
required to restart the device, then view the relate information of the
device by visiting the web server.
2. When there is no access control function in device, the ‘Lock’ in
Status will display ‘Disable’, and the ‘Access Control’ in left menu
column will hide automatically.

3. User report

3.1 Export the report

[function introduction] export in&out records of specified personnel

during some period.
[operating steps]
1. Click “User report” “Report” to open the Report page:

2. Input the date range of report

1) Lay out period’s drop-down list, and select the date range.

2) If you want to self-define the date range, select the Date. Input the
date range by selecting in the selection area of time zone.

3. Specify the personnel to be queried

Tick the check box in the front of the personnel list.

4. Click ‘Search’ to display the in&out records according with

conditions on the new page.

If you want to view more details, click the right “More” to display
more in new page:

3.2 Query records

[function introduction] Query all in-out records of specified personnel.

[operating steps]
1. Click “User report’ “Query” to open the Query window;

2. Specify the personnel to be queried

1) Tick the check box in the front of personnel list.

3. Click ‘Search’ to display the in-out records according with conditions

on the new page.

3.3 Realtime monitor

[function introduction] Realtime monitor all in-out records of current

[operating steps]
1. Click “User report” “Monitor”, and enter into the monitor page;
2. System will display the got realtime records on the screen.

4. User Administration

4.1 Department management

[function introduction]Query, modify and delete the department that

has existed in the system.
[operating steps]
1. Click “User Administration” “Department” to display the
department information in the right page.

2. Add a department
1) Input the new department name in the textbox of Department
2) After inputting, click “Add” button, the new added department
is displayed in the list.

3. Delete a department

1) Click the ‘Delete’ button in the same line with the department
that you want to delete, then the department is deleted from the

4.2 User Management

[function introduction] Query, modify and delete the personnel that

have existed in the system.
[operating steps]
1. Click “User Administrator” “User” to display all staff information
in the page;

2. Query personnel
1) Select the department, which the personnel is belong to, in the
drop-down department list.
2) Input the ID in ID number column and click “Search” button,
then the personnel according with conditions will be displayed
in the list.

3. Modify personnel’s information
1) Click ‘Modification’ on the line where the personnel is to
enter editing interface.

Remark: If there is no access control function in device, items of

group, privilege and so on will hide automatically.
2) In editing interface, the ID number can only be digits and can not
be the same with the other ID and the ID range is in 1-9 bits.
Except for ID, the other operations are the same as those of
“Add User”.
3) During modifying, click the “Reset” button in the left-down
corner to restore to the original information, or click “Add”
button to return to the User page, then the modified personnel
information is displayed in the list.
4. Delete the personnel’s information
Click ‘Delete’ on the line where the personnel is to delete his
information from the system.

4.3 Add User

[function introduction]Add a new employee to the system, and specify

his access control privilege.
[operating steps]
1.Click “User administrator” “Add user”;

Remark: If there is no access control function in device, items of group,

privilege and so on will hide automatically.
2. Input new user's information according to the page clues.
1) Don’t make the work number in collision (the work number is the
digit from 1bit to 9 bits). Input the personnel’s name (8
characters or 4 Chinese characters at most)
2) Select user privilege (privilege for user to operate device).
3) Select well-defined group in access control setting (group 1 by

If select the corresponding group number, then the user will use the
set time zone of this group by default.
If not using group is selected, then another 3 time zones (‘or’ is
among them) will be selected. Only in these 3 time zones, can the
user have access control privilege.
4) The personnel who use password or card can input these two items.
5) Click “Add” after information filling is complete.
3. For example
1) User uses group time zone

The above setting shows: No. 9 personnel “aa” belongs to group 2

and use the time zone of Group4.
2) User does not use group time zone.

The above setting shows: No. 9 personnel “aa” does not use group.
He uses individual access control time zones, namely time zone 1
and time zone 29.

5. Access parameter setting

Remark: Only the device with access control function has this function.

5.1 Access Parameter Setting

[function introduction] the basic parameter settings and the advanced

parameter settings of access control
[operating steps]
1. Click “Access control” “Access”;

2. According to the requirements to set parameters

1) Basic parameters setting
Lock: the time used to control unlocking. The minimum unit is
20ms, and the default is 100ms.
Door Sensor Delay: before starting alarm, there is a period of time
after door opens, and this period of time is the door sensor delay.
Door Sensor Mode: normally open, normally close and none.
Error Times: when the number of unverified times is beyond the
setting value, the system will generate a alarm signal.

2) Duress parameters setting: user can specify an enrolled fingerprint in
the system as a duress fingerprint. In any case, this fingerprint
identification will generate a duress alarm.
Duress alarm delay: after the duress alarm signal is generated, you
can define a period of time (0-255 seconds) before outputting the
alarm signal directly. The default value is 10.
Alarm mode: 1:1、 1:N and password. User can select one or
3. After setting, click “OK”,then restart the device to make the settings
take effect.

5.2 Weigand Setting

[function introduction] Weigand out, Weigand in, as well as the reader

selection under the format of the anti-passback Weigand.
[operation steps]
1. Click “Access Control” “Wiegand Setting”;

2. According to requirements to set parameters
1) Wiegand out settings:
Wiegand Format: since the well-defined formats built in the
system, don’t need users to designate the total bit length as well as
each information’s location. Two formats of Wiegand 26 and
Wiegand34, you can select from the drop-down list.
Wiegnd Pulse Width: the default pulse width sent by the Wiegand
is 100 µs, but if the controller can not receive Wiegand, please
adjust among the range from 1 to 999.
Wiegand Pulse Interval: the default value is 900, and the
adjustable range is from 1 to 999.
2) Wiegand in settings:
Wiegand Bits Count: the output length of current format
Wiegand Format: the user defined Wiegand in format, if user
selects the standard Wiegand 26 or Wiegand 34, needs not to input
the format string, if other formats, user needs to list the
corresponding format string.

Wiegand Pulse Width: the default pulse width sent by the
Wiegand is 100µs, but if the controller can not receive the Wiegand,
the adjustable range is from 1 to 999.
Wiegand Pulse Interval: the default value is 900, and the
adjustable range is from 1 to 999.
3) The reader selection of anti-passback Wiegand
Wiegand Format: select the external reader supported by device
in the case that the status of anti-passback is on.
3. After setting, click “Set” in the bottom left corner, then restart the
device to make the settings take effect.

5.3 Anti-passback setting

[function introduction] In order to prevent someone enters into the

door but doesn’t go out by following the other person, you can use this
function to avoid the safety hazard. The door can not be opened unless
the out&in records are matched.
This function needs two machines to cooperate and realize. One
machine is installed indoors (called as “Host” in the followings), and the
other machine is installed outdoors (called as “Client” in the followings).
Two machines can communicate through Wiegand signal.

[operating steps]
1. Click “Access Control” “Antipassback”;

2. The selections of anti-pass back mode. There are 4 selections: out

antipassback, in antipassback, in&out antipassback, no antipassback,
none and save.
Out anti-passback: only the last record of user is the in record, does
the door open. The first verification is able to open the door.
In anti-passback: only the last record of user is the out record, does
the door open. The first verification is able to open the door.
Out&in anti-passback: only the out&in records are in accordance,
does the door open. The first verification is able to open the door.
None and save: only the verification is passed between host and

Client, does the door open. No antipassback but reserve the status.
3. Master State
Three selections: control in, control out, none.
Control in: when set as this value, the records verified in this
machine are the in records.
Control out: when set as this value, the records verified in this
machine are the out records.
None: when set as this value, that is to close the anti-passback
function in this machine.
4. After setting, click the down-left “OK” button, then restart the device
to make the settings take effect.

5.4 Time Zone

[function introduction]Add and modify access control time zone which

may be used by personnel.
Time zone is the smallest time zone unit of access control setting.
The whole system can define 50 time zones at most. Every time zone
defines seven time intervals, namely a week. Every interval is the
efficient time zone in 24 hours every day. Every user can set 3 time
zones at most. “or” exists in the three time zones. It is efficient only if
verification time can satisfy one of them. The format of every time
interval in time zone is HH:MM-HH:MM. That is, it is exact to minute.
It means whole day forbidden if end time is smaller than start time
(23:57- 23:56). And it means that the interval is efficient is end time is
bigger than start time (00:00- 23:59).
Efficient time zone for user unlocking: whole day open (00:

00-23:59)or end time is bigger than start time.
[operating steps]
1.Click “Access Control” “Time Zone”;

2. Add time zone

1) Lay out dropdown list of time zone number, and select the time
zone number which does not exist in the list.

The time zone (which can be selected from the system) number
range is 1—50.
2) Input time range (in time zone) to open the door.

The above setting shows that the door can be open whole day from
Monday to Friday, but open-door is forbidden on Saturday and
3) After inputting time zone information, click “OK” to save time
zone setting, and the new time zone will be seen in the list.
3. Edit time zone
1) Lay out dropdown list of time zone number, and then select time
zone number that you want to edit.
2) Input new time range.
3) After inputting, click “OK” to save the setting.

5.5 Group

[function introduction]Set open-door time zone for 99 groups preset by

the system.
Group setting can group users. 99 groups are defined by the system.
The new enrolled user belongs to group 1 by default. He can also be
reallocated to other groups through ‘add user’ or ‘modify user
information’. There are three time zones in group time zone, with ‘or’
existing among them.
Notice: In general, the device with black-white screen has defined 5
groups, and the device with color screen has defined 99 groups. They
have the same functions. In this document, we set the color-screen

device for example.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Access Control” “Group”;

2. Add group setting

(1) Lay out dropdown list of time zone number, and select group

Group number which can be selected from the system ranges
from 1 to 99.
(2) Input open-door time zone.

The above setting shows the open-door time zones for personnel
in group 13 are time zone 1 & 29.
(3) Click “OK” to save the setting after input, and the new group
setting will be seen in the list.
3. Edit group
1) Lay out dropdown list of time zone number, and select group
number that you want to edit.
2) Input open-door time zone.
3) Click “OK” to save and cover the setting after input.

5.6 Lock Group

[function introduction] Set 10 unlocking combinations preset by the

Unlocking combination directly shows unlocking control. To
prevent all enrolled users unlocking, make no settings for 10 unlocking
Unlocking combination setting is to define different unlocking
combination. Every combination is made up of different groups.
Unlocking combination directly use group number, without considering
user verification order among various groups. For example: “123”
means at least three users (one user respectively from group 1, group 2
and group 3 at least) can unlock after passing verification together. “4”
shows that a single user in group 4 can unlock after passing verification.

The system can define 10 unlocking combination at most
synchronously. Unlocking can be done only if user verification accords
with one of them.

Notice: The system’s initial default unlocking combination is “1”

(namely the new enrolled user can unlock by default).

[operating steps]
1. Click “Access Control” “Lock Group”;

2. Unlocking combination setting

Tick the corresponding check box in the list to define the
corresponding unlocking combination.

The above setting shows that 3 unlocking combinations are set. The
group 1 is that unlocking can be done by successful verification of
personnel in group 28, group 29, group 1. The group 2 is that unlocking
can be only done by successful verification of personnel in group 1. The
group 10 is that unlocking can be done by successful verification of
personnel in the group 99.

Notice: the range of the unlocking combination is from 1 to 99.

3. Set unlocking combination, and click “OK” to save.

6. System Setting

6.1 TCP/IP Setting

[function introduction] Set the TCP/IP communication parameters,

which are used in the communications between device and PC, by
software settting.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Setting” “TCP/IP”;

2. Input the device’s IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway.

IP address: the default IP is, and you can modify
according to the actual.
Subnet Mask: the default subnet mask is, and you
can modify according to the actual.
Default Gateway: the default gateway is, and you can
modify it according to the actual.
3. Click “OK” to write parameters into the device. The terminal device
will restart automatically to make the changes take effect. If not restart,
please restart the device by manual.

6.2 WIFI Setting

[function introduction] Set the WIFI parameters, which are used in

wireless communications, by software setting.
Before the device is used in wireless device, as for 802.11 network,
the other physical components such as access point, distribution system,
wireless medium must exist. You must know the SSID (network
identification name) used to access network.
Network identification ID: the network identification name used
to access wireless network. (Distinguish the capital and small letter)
Network mode: here there are two modes, infrastructure model
and Ad-hoc Model. The first corresponds to the star-structure network,
and the second corresponds to the peer-to-peer network.
Identification mode: four modes of OPEN, SHARED,
WEPAUTO, WPANONE are included by infrastructure model and
Ad-hoc model.
Encryption mode: two modes of WEP (wired equivalent privacy)
and WPA (WIFI protested access).
This device’s IP address: If in 802.11 wireless network, has a
function to distribute the address dynamically (DHCP). Otherwise, input
the correct IP address, subnet mask etc. in the specified IP window.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Setting” “WIFI Setting”;

2. Activate WIFI, there are two items of “Activate” and “Disable” for
selection. If select “Activate”, the wireless terminal will be activated,
then you can configure the access point in 802.11 network. If select
“Disable”, the wireless terminal will be disabled, then the user can set
the way to connect the device and IP of wireless network.
3. Input the identification name of wireless network in the textbox of
Wireless Network SSID, and select the corresponding parameters in the
drop-down lists of wireless mode, authentication mode, and encrypt
4. Set passwords:
According to the authentication mode and encryption type, there are two
ways of WEP and WPA to set passwords.
WEP password:
Password length: four options to select the password length
Password: input the password complying with the conditions.

Notice: If four passwords are set well in the WEP column, only the

selected password is valid.

WPA password:
Input the password complying with the conditions.
5. The specified IP
Specify the IP of device in wireless network. No relation with the
network setting in communication setting.
6. After setting, click “OK” button, then restart the device to make the
settings take effect.

6.3 Time setting

[function introduction] Calibrate the device time and set the daylight
saving time.
[function introduction]
1. Click “Setting” “Date/Time”;

2. Calibrate the device time
Two ways to calibrate: auto and manual. If select “Auto” in Adjust mode,
the device time will synchronize with the PC time. If select “Manual”,
the user will set the device time manually. In two textboxes of New
Date/Time, input the new date and time. The date format is
YYYY-MM-DD and the time format is HH:MM:SS. After setting, click
“OK” in Date/Time.
Note: “PC Date” is only as a reference to calibrate time.
3. Set daylight saving time
In the drop-down list of Daylight Saving model, select “ON” to open the
daylight saving time, or select “OFF” to close the daylight saving time.
If select “ON” in model, there are two models of daylight saving
time: model1 and model2.
If select model1, it indicates to set the daylight saving time as
MM-DD HH:MM format, and this model is the default model.
If select model2, it indicates to set the daylight saving time as MM
WS WK HH:MM format.

The value range of WS is: 1-6, 1 indicates the first week and 2
indicates the second week, and so on. The value range of WK is: 0-6, 0
indicates Sunday and 1 indicates Monday, and so on.
For example:
We set an example as 2008-9-1 4:00 (Sunday, the first week,
September 2008) to introduce the two modes:


1. If the start month of daylight saving time is bigger than the end time
of daylight saving time, it indicates to straddle over year. For example:
start 2007-9-1 4:000, end 2008-4-1 4:00.
2. If select model2, set the start time of daylight saving time: Sunday,
the sixth week, September, 2007. Then in 2008, since no the sixth week
but fifth week in September, system will regard the time of last Sunday
of that month as the start time to enter into the daylight saving time.
3. If set the start time of daylight saving time as Monday, the first week,
September, 2008. Then in 2009, since the first day of September is
Tuesday not Monday, system will find the first Monday in that month
automatically in this case.

Notice: The color-screen device can only use model 1.

6.4 Password

[function introduction] Modify the administrator password used to

login in Web server.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Setting” “Password”;

2. Input new password twice, and click “OK” button.

3. After modifying, need to log off the system and log in again.

7. Terminal

7.1 Backup

[function introduction] Backup system data and user data, include

configuration information of system parameters and user information as
well as in&out records.
[operating steps]
1.Click “Terminal” “Backup”;

2. Select Backup System Data or Backup User data, click “Backup”

button to pop up the message box. Save data to the designated path.

7.2 Restore

[function introduction] Restore data to the device, the data must be the
previous BIN data backed up through the backup function.

[operating steps]
1. Click “Terminal” “Restore”;

2. Click “Browse” button, then select the backup data saved in the local.
3. Click “Restore” button to restore data to the device.

7.3 Update

[function introduction] Update the firmware data in device, and update

the data package as BIN format.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Terminal” “Update”;

2. Click “Browse” button, then select the firmware data saved in the
3. Click “Update Firmware” button to update the firmware of device.

7.4 Download

[function introduction] Modify the password of current user who has

logged in.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Terminal” “Download”;

2. Input the date range of downloading.
1) Pop up the drop-down list of period, and select the desired date

2) If you want to self-define the time range, select the Date. Input the
date range by selecting the date in time selection area.

3. Designated personnel
1) Tick the check box at the front in the personnel list.

4. Click “Download” button to pop up the Save message box, after

designating the path, download the in&out records complying with the
conditions to the local PC.

7.5 Open Door

[function introduction] Modify the password of current user who has

logged in.
[operating steps]
1. Click “Terminal” “Open Door”
2. System informs “The door is open”.

7.6 Reboot

[function introduction] Reboot the device remotely by Web server.

[operating steps]
1. Click “Terminal” “Reboot”
2. System informs “Device is rebooting, please connect device later”.

Appendix 1 how to connect a terminal unit to


1. Terminal unit requirement

Web Server function, namely device’s selective function, needs
firmware support of device.

☺ Tip:Please consult technicians or contact business representatives

of company if you need this function.

2. Terminal unit parameters

1)enter device’s menu—setting—communication setting to find the
following items:
IP address
Network speed rate
Gateway address
Subnet mask
IP address: allocate IP address for the device.
Network speed rate: select corresponding network speed rate
according to actual network environment.
If access needs crossing network segment, gateway address and
subnet mask need to be set.

3. Set device’s parameters according to different network


1)If PC and terminal unit are in the same network segment of a
“IP address” and “network speed rate” need to be set.
For example: PC’s IP is, and device’s IP is
When logging in Web server on PC, input in
browser’s address column.
2)If PC and terminal unit are in the same LAN, but in different
network segment.
IP address, network speed rate, gateway and subnet mask need to
be set.
3)If PC and terminal unit are not in the same LAN, terminal unit
must possess a public network IP for PC to access.


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