Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
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https://www.routledge.com/Advances-in-Manufacturing-Design-a nd-
Hybrid Metal Additive
Technology and Applications
Edited by
Parnika Shrivastava, Anil Dhanola,
and Kishor Kumar Gajrani
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003406488
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Acknowledgments xiv
About the editors xv
Contributors xvii
Preface xxi
Introduction xxii
vi Contents
5.3 Mechanical properties 68
5.4 Deformation mechanisms 72
5.4.1 Deformation faulting 73
5.4.2 Dislocation cell refinement 76
5.4.3 Strain-hardening mechanism and ductility 78
5.5 Current challenges and future scope 79
5.6 Summary 80
Abbreviations 81
References 81
Index 243
We would like to thank all the authors of various book chapters for their
contributions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to CRC Press (Taylor &
Francis Group) and the editorial team for their support during the comple-
tion of this book. We are sincerely grateful to reviewers for their sugges-
tions and illuminating views on each book chapter presented in the book
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology and Applications.
About the editors
xvi About the editors
xviii Contributors
Over the past decade, additive manufacturing (AM) has become a powerful
tool in manufacturing industries that converts digital model data into com-
plex three-dimensional objects. AM technology builds the objects from the
bottom to the top by fusing and binding materials layer by layer. AM tech-
nology offers the fabrication of customized objects out of metals, ceramics,
and polymers without using molds or conventional manufacturing pro-
cesses. However, researchers and companies are becoming more interested
in metallic materials among these materials since these are commonly used
engineering materials.
Metal AM technologies have had a revolutionary influence on the man-
ufacturing sector in the past several decades. Metallic objects that could
never have been manufactured merely a few years ago may now be manu-
factured with unprecedented strength and standards, utilizing a range of
materials and metal AM technologies. Quality objects can be developed
and built by layering metal powders with an energy source or a binding
agent. Metal AM is widely employed in the aerospace, turbomachinery,
biomedical, and other manufacturing industries that require lightweight
and high strength-to-weight ratio products.
Despite several advantages of metal AM, some manufacturing industries
do not consider this technology to be a viable manufacturing alternative
since it fails to meet essential accuracy, geometrical tolerances, surface
finish, and component accuracy criteria. Metal AM involves some post-
processing since surface finishes and dimensional accuracy are sometimes
inferior to traditional industrial operations. AM’s layering and various
interfaces might result in defects in the products. Thus, post-processing
operations are required to resolve such issues.
Hybrid metal AM is one of the most effective approaches to overcome
the shortcomings of these processes. As compared to a single manufactur-
ing method, hybrid metal AM is a cutting-edge fabrication approach that
combines more than two manufacturing processes (additive and subtrac-
tive) to manufacture more reliable, productive, and long-lasting compo-
nents. The primary goal of this technology is to transform raw materials
into finished products in a single machine or workstation. Hybrid metal
Introduction xxiii
DOI: 10.1201/9781003406488-1 1
2 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
Table 1.1 M
echanism, sources, and materials form used in direct metal additive
manufacturing processes
Processes Mechanism Source Materials form
Powder bed fusion Melting, sintering Electron beam, laser Powder
Directed energy Welding, cladding Electron beam, laser Powder, wire
Binder jetting Binding Binder Powder
Sheet lamination Ultrasonic welding, Laser, Computerized Sheet
clamping and Numerical Control
brazing (CNC) cutter
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 3
Figure 1.3 Schematic of wire and powder feed direct energy deposition [8].
Additive Additive
and additive and Forming
One of the primary benefits of HMAM systems is the ability to couple sub-
tractive and additive processes to fabricate complex components. In order
to ensure that the finished product satisfies the specified criteria, the part’s
design should take into consideration the prerequisites of both processes.
For instance, the additive process could be more suitable if the component
includes intricate details, but the subtractive method would be better suited
if the component needs exact dimensional tolerances [25–28]. Therefore,
while designing for HMAM, one can consider the following points:
Over time, the manufacturing sector and its facilities have accommodated
the growing societal demand for goods and services while also having an
effect on the ecosystem. This impact is characterized by the resources
and energy consumption required for the inputs and outputs for the
manufacturing processes and, on the other side, the consequences that
our behavior has on the ecosystem (damage, diseases, resource depletion,
biodiversity loss, changes in environments, etc.) [39,40]. Therefore, sus-
tainability becomes a major field of interest in the researcher’s commu-
nity. Researchers are trying to contribute to sustainability in their own
way. For example, Bambam et al. [41–43] focus more on environmentally
12 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
Table 1.2 C
hallenges associated with hybrid metal AM
Software integration Hardware integration Intelligent manufacturing
• CAM-hybrid simulation • System for remaining • Cloud manufacturing
• Real-time control and row material removal • IoT enable manufacturing
monitoring • System for metalworking
• Tool path generation fluids removal
• Measuring and • Intermediate
inspection tools post-processes
• Hybrid tool path • High degree of freedom
• Machining strategies system such as robotic
• Material deposition arms
[1] Praveena, B. A., Lokesh, N., Buradi, A., Santhosh, N., Praveena, B. L.,
Vignesh, R. (2022). A comprehensive review of emerging additive manufac-
turing (3D printing technology): methods, materials, applications, challenges,
trends and future potential. Materials Today: Proceedings, 52, 1309–1313.
[2] Horn, T. J., Harrysson, O. L. (2012). Overview of current additive manu-
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Shahar, F. S., Shah, A. U. M. (2022). A review on metal additive manu-
facturing for intricately shaped aerospace components. CIRP Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Technology, 39, 18–36.
16 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
[21] Korkmaz, M. E., Waqar, S., Garcia-Collado, A., Gupta, M. K., Krolczyk, G.
M. (2022). A technical overview of metallic parts in hybrid additive manufac-
turing industry. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18, 384–395.
[22] Stavropoulos, P., Bikas, H., Avram, O., Valente, A., Chryssolouris, G. (2020).
Hybrid subtractive-additive manufacturing processes for high value-added
metal components. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, 111, 645–655.
[23] Kumar, M. B., Sathiya, P. (2021). Methods and materials for additive man-
ufacturing: a critical review on advancements and challenges. Thin-Walled
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facturing technologies for aerospace applications. Advanced Engineering
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[25] Lin, X., Zhu, K., Fuh, J. Y. H., Duan, X. (2022). Metal-based additive manu-
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[26] Webster, S., Lin, H., Carter III, F. M., Ehmann, K., Cao, J. (2021). Physical
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[27] Thompson, M. K., Moroni, G., Vaneker, T., Fadel, G., Campbell, R. I.,
Gibson, I., Bernard, A., Schulz, J., Graf, P., Ahuja, B., Martina, F. (2016).
Design for additive manufacturing: trends, opportunities, considerations, and
constraints. CIRP Annals, 65(2), 737–760.
[28] Vaneker, T., Bernard, A., Moroni, G., Gibson, I., Zhang, Y. (2020). Design
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the surface finish, porosity, residual stresses, and fatigue performance of addi-
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[34] Gawali, S. K., Pandey, G. C., Bajpai, A., Jain, P. K. (2022). Large-part manu-
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18 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
[36] Ngo, T. D., Kashani, A., Imbalzano, G., Nguyen, K. T., Hui, D. (2018).
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mechanical property for arc-based additive manufacturing using metamor-
phic rolling mechanism. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
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[39] Bambam, A. K., Gajrani, K. K. (2023). Challenges in achieving sus-
tainability during manufacturing. In Navneet Khanna, Kishor Kumar
Gajrani, Khaled Giasin, J. Paulo Davim (eds.), Sustainable Materials and
Manufacturing Technologies (pp. 108–124). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
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[42] Bambam, A. K., Dhanola, A., Gajrani, K. K. (2022). Machining of titanium
alloys using phosphonium-based halogen-free ionic liquid as lubricant addi-
tives. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 74(6), 722–728.
[43] Bambam, A. K., Alok, A., Rajak, A., Gajrani, K. K. (2022). Tribological per-
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an exploratory study of the advantages and challenges. Journal of Cleaner
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manufacturing. In Navneet Khanna , Kishor Kumar Gajrani , Khaled Giasin , J. Paulo Davim
(eds.), Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (pp. 108–124). Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press. ISBN: 9781003291961. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003291961-9.
Álvarez, M. E. P. , Bárcena, M. M. , González, F. A. (2017). On the sustainability of machining
processes. Proposal for a unified framework through the triple bottom-line from an
understanding review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 3890–3904.
Bambam, A. K. , Dhanola, A. , Gajrani, K. K. (2023). A critical review on halogen-free ionic
liquids as potential metalworking fluid additives. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 380, 121727.
Bambam, A. K. , Dhanola, A. , Gajrani, K. K. (2022). Machining of titanium alloys using
phosphonium-based halogen-free ionic liquid as lubricant additives. Industrial Lubrication and
Tribology, 74(6), 722–728.
Bambam, A. K. , Alok, A. , Rajak, A. , Gajrani, K. K. (2022). Tribological performance of
phosphonium-based halogen-free ionic liquids as lubricant additives. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 237(4), 881–893.
Javaid, M. , Haleem, A. , Singh, R. P. , Suman, R. , Rab, S. (2021). Role of additive
manufacturing applications towards environmental sustainability. Advanced Industrial and
Engineering Polymer Research, 4(4), 312–322.
Ford, S. , Despeisse, M. (2016). Additive manufacturing and sustainability: an exploratory study
of the advantages and challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, 1573–1587.
Devarajan, B. , Bhuvaneswari, V. , Arulmurugan, B. , Narayana, A. V. N. S. L. , Priya, A. K. ,
Abbaraju, V. D. N. , Mukunthan, K. S. , Sharma, A. K. , Ting, S. S. , Masi, C. (2022). Hybrid
novel additive manufacturing for sustainable usage of waste. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2022,
12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2697036.
Chandra, M. , Shahab, F. , Kek, V. , Rajak, S. (2022). Selection for additive manufacturing using
hybrid MCDM technique considering sustainable concepts. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 28(7),
Agnusdei, L. , Del Prete, A. (2022). Additive manufacturing for sustainability: a systematic
literature review. Sustainable Futures, 4, 100098.