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Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

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Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology and Applications

Book · October 2023

DOI: 10.1201/9781003406488


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3 authors, including:

Anil Dhanola Kishor Gajrani

Chandigarh University Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Kancheepur…


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Hybrid Metal Additive
The text presents the latest research and development, technical challenges,
and future directions in the field of hybrid metal additive manufacturing.
It further discusses the modeling of hybrid additive manufacturing ­processes
for metals, hybrid additive manufacturing of composite materials, and
low-carbon hybrid additive manufacturing processes.


• Presents cutting-edge advancements and limitations in hybrid additive

manufacturing technologies.
• Discusses fabrication methods and rapid tooling techniques focusing
on metals, composites, and alloys.
• Highlights the importance of low-carbon additive manufacturing
technologies toward achieving sustainability.
• Emphasizes the challenges and solutions for integrating additive man-
ufacturing and Industry 4.0 to enable rapid manufacturing of custom-
ized and tailored products.
• Covers hybrid additive manufacturing of composite materials and
additive manufacturing for fabricating high-hardness components.

The text discusses the recent advancements in additive manufacturing of

high-hardness components and covers important engineering materials
such as metals, alloys, and composites. It further highlights defects and
post-processing of hybrid additive manufacturing components, sustainabil-
ity solutions for hybrid additive manufacturing processes, and recycling of
machining waste into metal powder feedstock. It will serve as an ideal refer-
ence text for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers
in fields including mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, manu-
facturing engineering, and production engineering.
Advances in Manufacturing, Design and
Computational Intelligence Techniques
Series Editor:
Ashwani Kumar- Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering,
at Technical Education Department, Uttar Pradesh,
Kanpur, India
The book series editor is inviting edited, reference and text book proposal
submission in the book series. The main objective of this book series is
to provide researchers a platform to present state of the art innovations,
research related to advanced materials applications, cutting edge manufac-
turing techniques, innovative design and computational intelligence meth-
ods used for solving nonlinear problems of engineering. The series includes
a comprehensive range of topics and its application in engineering areas
such as additive manufacturing, nanomanufacturing, micromachining, bio-
degradable composites, material synthesis and processing, energy materi-
als, polymers and soft matter, nonlinear dynamics, dynamics of complex
systems, MEMS, green and sustainable technologies, vibration control,
AI in power station, analog-digital hybrid modulation, advancement in
inverter technology, adaptive piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit, con-
tactless energy transfer system, energy efficient motors, bioinformatics,
computer aided inspection planning, hybrid electrical vehicle, autonomous
vehicle, object identification, machine intelligence, deep learning, control-
automation, knowledge based simulation, biomedical imaging,
image processing and visualization. This book series compiled all aspects
of manufacturing, design and computational intelligence techniques from
fundamental principles to current advanced concepts.

Thermal Energy Systems: Design, Computational Techniques,

and Applications
Edited by Ashwani Kumar, Varun Pratap Singh, Chandan Swaroop
Meena, Nitesh Dutt

Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing:

Technology and Applications
Edited by Parnika Shrivastava, Anil Dhanola, and Kishor Kumar Gajrani

https://www.routledge.com/Advances-in-Manufacturing-Design-­a nd-
Hybrid Metal Additive
Technology and Applications

Edited by
Parnika Shrivastava, Anil Dhanola,
and Kishor Kumar Gajrani
Designed cover image: © Shutterstock

First edition published 2024

by CRC Press
2385 Executive Center Drive, Suite 320, Boca Raton FL 33431

and by CRC Press

4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN

CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

© 2024 selection and editorial matter, Parnika Shrivastava, Anil Dhanola, and Kishor Kumar
Gajrani individual chapters,

Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and
publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of
their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material
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ISBN: 9781032460550 (hbk)

ISBN: 9781032523996 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781003406488 (ebk)

DOI: 10.1201/9781003406488

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Acknowledgments xiv
About the editors xv
Contributors xvii
Preface xxi
Introduction xxii

1 Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Metal additive manufacturing processes 1
1.1.2 Hybrid manufacturing 5
1.2 Overview of process hybridization 6
1.2.1 Additive and additive 7
1.2.2 Additive and subtractive 8
1.2.3 Additive and forming 8
1.3 Hybrid metal-based additive manufacturing 8
1.4 Design for hybrid metal-based additive
manufacturing processes 9
1.5 Hybrid metal additive manufacturing processes 9
1.5.1 Hybrid manufacturing systems with
laser-based additive manufacturing 10
1.5.2 Hybrid manufacturing systems with binder
jetting-based additive manufacturing 10
1.5.3 Hybrid manufacturing systems with sheet
lamination-based additive manufacturing 10
1.6 Benefits of hybrid metal-based additive
manufacturing 10
1.7 Role of hybrid metal additive manufacturing
in sustainability 11

vi Contents

1.7.1 Environmental sustainability 13

1.7.2 Economic sustainability 13
1.7.3 Social sustainability 14
1.8 Limitations of hybrid metal additive
manufacturing processes 14
1.9 Summary 15
References 15

2 An overview of wire arc additive manufacturing

(WAAM) technique with different alloys in modern
manufacturing industries 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) 20
2.3 Welding process used in WAAM 20
2.3.1 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 21
2.3.2 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) 21
2.3.3 Plasma arc welding (PAW) 22
2.3.4 Steps of the WAAM process 23
2.4 Materials used in WAAM techniques 23
2.4.1 Titanium alloys 23
2.4.2 Aluminum alloys 23
2.4.3 Nickel-based superalloy 23
2.4.4 Stainless steel 24
2.5 Input variables 24
2.5.1 Wire feed speed 24
2.5.2 Speed of travel 24
2.5.3 Arc current (I) 24
2.6 Literature review 24
2.7 Conclusions 28
2.8 Future scopes 28
References 28

3 Wire-fed arc-based additive manufacturing techniques

and their recent advances 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Wire arc additive manufacturing 31
3.3 Classification of WAAM 32
3.3.1 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW-WAAM) 33
3.3.2 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW-WAAM) 33
Contents vii

3.3.3 Plasma arc welding (PAW-WAAM) 33

3.4 Advantages of WAAM over laser and ­powder-based
additive manufacturing (AM) 34
3.5 Recent advances in WAAM 35
3.5.1 Near-immersion active cooling 35
3.5.2 Interpass cooling setup 37
3.5.3 Interpass cold rolling setup 37
3.5.4 Hot forging WAAM (HF-WAAM) 39
3.5.5 Ultracold WAAM (UC-WAAM) 40
3.5.6 Support-free WAAM 41
3.6 Conclusions 41
References 42

4 Joining of metal to polymers by hybrid additive

manufacturing methods 47
4.1 Introduction 47
4.1.1 Need hybrid metal-plastic joints 47
4.1.2 Metal-to-polymer joining methods 47
4.2 Laser beam-based deposition 49
4.2.1 Laser beam powder bed fusion 49
4.2.2 Laser beam direct energy deposition 50
4.3 Electron beam-based deposition 50
4.3.1 Electron beam powder bed fusion 50
4.3.2 Electron beam direct energy deposition 51
4.4 Metal arc-based deposition 52
4.4.1 Gas metal arc direct energy deposition 52
4.4.2 Gas tungsten arc direct energy deposition
and plasma arc direct energy deposition 52
4.5 Friction stir processing of MMCs 54
4.5.1 Tool parameters 54
4.5.2 Properties of hybrid joints 55
4.6 Conclusion 57
References 57

5 A review on heat treatments, microstructure, and

mechanical properties of selective laser-melted AISI 316L 62
5.1 Introduction 62
5.1.1 Introduction to selective laser melting 62
5.1.2 Introduction to austenitic stainless steels 63
5.2 Microstructure evolution during SLM 64
viii Contents

5.3 Mechanical properties 68
5.4 Deformation mechanisms 72
5.4.1 Deformation faulting 73
5.4.2 Dislocation cell refinement 76
5.4.3 Strain-hardening mechanism and ductility 78
5.5 Current challenges and future scope 79
5.6 Summary 80
Abbreviations 81
References 81

6 Advancements in integrated additive manufacturing for

composite materials: Techniques, challenges, case studies,
and applications 87
6.1 Introduction 87
6.2 Hybrid additive manufacturing (HAM) for metals 89
6.2.1 Hybrid additive manufacturing (HAM)
for metals based on forming 89
6.2.2 Hybrid additive manufacturing (HAM)
for metals based on machining 90
6.3 Industrial application for HAM 91
6.4 Challenges in hybrid additive manufacturing 95
6.4.1 Precise prediction of the properties of
the lattice structure 97
6.4.2 Void formation 97
6.5 Case studies 98
6.6 Conclusion 98
References 98

7 Hybrid additive manufacturing of composite materials 103

7.1 Introduction of polymer matrix composites 103
7.2 PMCM manufacture methods 104
7.2.1 FMA method 104
7.2.2 Mould casting 105
7.2.3 Extrusion fabrication methods 106
7.2.4 SLA fabrication method 108
7.2.5 Direct ink writing 109
7.2.6 Compatibility between fabrication and
filler material alignment methods 111
7.2.7 Specimen size 111
Contents ix

7.2.8 Resolution 112

7.2.9 Suitable filler materials 112
7.3 Metal/polymer joints 112
7.4 Summary 114
References 115

8 Printing a sustainable future: How additive manufacturing

is revolutionising the fight against plastic waste 119
8.1 Introduction 119
8.2 History of additive manufacturing 122
8.3 Role of sustainability in additive manufacturing 122
8.4 Sculptures: The solution of sustainability
in additive manufacturing 123
8.4.1 Using sustainable material in sculpting 124
8.5 Terracotta slag – a new additive manufacturing material 125
8.5.1 Extraction of slag 125
8.5.2 Mixing of terracotta clay with slag 129
8.6 Advantages of mixing terracotta clay and slag 131
8.7 Disadvantages of mixing terracotta
clay and slag 132
8.8 Conclusion 132
References 133

9 Towards a greener future: How additive manufacturing

and bio-based materials are saving the environment 135
9.1 Introduction 135
9.2 Industries wherein AM can be employed to benefit society 137
9.3 Role of additive manufacturing in betterment of society 140
9.4 Growth area and market potential
of additive manufacturing 141
9.5 Bio-based raw materials in AM 142
9.5.1 Hemp 142
9.5.2 Mycelium 144
9.6 Hemp and mycelium bio-composites 146
9.6.1 Properties of hemp mycelium ­bio-composites
through AM 146
9.6.2 Preparation methods of hemp mycelium
bio-composites through AM 147
x Contents

9.7 Mycelium leather: Alternative to animal leather 149

9.7.1 Process for creation of mycelium leather 150
9.8 Hemp as a thermal resistant material 151
9.8.1 Process of creation of household textiles
using hemp 151
References 153

10 Characterisation of titanium feedstock powder prepared

by recycling of machining chips using ball milling 157
10.1 Introduction 157
10.2 Sustainable issues and challenges 159
10.3 Current scenario of machining chips recycling industry 159
10.4 Recycling of chips 161
10.5 Ball milling 162
10.5.1 Tumbler ball milling 163
10.5.2 Planetary ball milling 164
10.5.3 Attrition milling 164
10.5.4 Vibratory ball milling 164
10.6 Characterisation of ball-milled powder 164
10.6.1 Particle size 164
10.6.2 Phase identification and hardness 164
10.6.3 Powder flowability and spreadability 165
10.6.4 Morphology and aspect ratio 165
10.6.5 Single tracks 165
10.7 Applications 166
10.7.1 Powder metallurgy 166
10.7.2 Additive manufacturing 167
10.7.3 Energy storage 167
10.7.4 Catalysis 168
10.7.5 Coatings 168
10.8 Challenges 168
10.9 Future scope 169
References 169

11 Additive manufacturing for Industry 4.0 173

11.1 Introduction 173
11.2 Industrial revolutions 175
11.2.1 The first industrial revolution (1.0) 175
Contents xi

11.2.2 The second industrial revolution (2.0) 176

11.2.3 The third industrial revolution (3.0) 176
11.2.4 The fourth industrial revolution (4.0) 176
11.3 AM affordability pillars 177
11.3.1 The first supporting staple: Value stream mapping 177
11.3.2 Functional designs cost-effectiveness 178
11.3.3 Essential parts of cost-effectiveness 178
11.4 Industry 4.0 in a nutshell 178
11.4.1 Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) 178
11.4.2 Big Data and analytics 179
11.4.3 Cloud systems 180
11.4.4 Advanced robotics 180
11.4.5 Additive manufacturing 181
11.4.6 Virtual replicas or “Digital Twins” 181
11.4.7 Augmented reality 182
11.4.8 Enterprise resource planning
and business intelligence 183
11.4.9 Smart virtual product development system 183
11.4.10 Machine-to-machine communication 184
11.5 Intelligent manufacturing or smart factories 184
11.6 Additive manufacturing workflow 185
11.7 Additive manufacturing data formats 186
11.8 Impact of AM in business models 187
11.9 AM business models 187
11.9.1 Startup Business models (BM) 188
11.9.2 Mass AM BM 189
11.10 Benefits of AM in Industry 4.0 191
11.10.1 Less waste and scrap 191
11.10.2 Shortens development cycles and
lowers costs 191
11.10.3 Synthesize the assembly part into
a single part 192
11.11 Conclusion 192
References 192

12 Digital twin-driven additive manufacturing:

Advancements and future prospects 196
12.1 Introduction 196
12.2 Components of DT-driven AM 198
12.2.1 Physical space 199
xii Contents

12.2.2 Virtual space 200

12.2.3 Communication standards and
data management system 202
12.3 Role of AI and computing structure in DT-driven AM 204
12.3.1 Supervised ML for data-driven
real-time predictions 205
12.3.2 Cloud/Fog/Edge computing 206
12.3.3 Unsupervised and reinforcement learning 207
12.4 Key application areas of DT in AM 208
12.4.1 Process condition monitoring and
quality control 208
12.4.2 Detection of process defects/anomalies 209
12.4.3 Output prediction of AM process attributes 209
12.4.4 Tool path planning and simulation 210
12.4.5 Data management for manufacturing systems 210
12.4.6 Post-processing operations 210
12.4.7 Digital visualization of physical processes 211
12.4.8 Design optimization of product 211
12.5 Challenges and future scopes 212
12.6 Conclusions 217
Acknowledgments 218
References 218

13 Additive manufacturing for society 222

13.1 Introduction 222
13.2 The impact of additive manufacturing on society 224
13.3 Need for the study of additive manufacturing
applications toward environmental sustainability 227
13.4 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in society 228
13.4.1 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in aerospace industry 229
13.4.2 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in defense 229
13.4.3 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in automotive industry 230
13.4.4 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in medical research 230
13.4.5 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in consumer products 231
Contents xiii

13.4.6 Application of additive manufacturing

technology in fashion and jewelry 233
13.4.7 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in food industry 234
13.4.8 Application of additive manufacturing
technology in entertainment fields 234
13.5 Challenges and future of additive manufacturing
for society 234
13.6 Conclusion 237
References 238

Index 243

We would like to thank all the authors of various book chapters for their
contributions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to CRC Press (Taylor &
Francis Group) and the editorial team for their support during the comple-
tion of this book. We are sincerely grateful to reviewers for their sugges-
tions and illuminating views on each book chapter presented in the book
Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing: Technology and Applications.

About the editors

Dr. Parnika Shrivastava is an Assistant Professor in the Department

of Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology,
Jalandhar, Punjab, India. She earned her Doctorate and M.Tech. degrees
in Mechanical Engineering from PDPM, Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Design & Manufacturing Jabalpur, Jabalpur, in 2019. She
received her B.Tech. degree (Honors) from Mechanical Engineering
Discipline of Engineering College Bikaner (E.C.B), Bikaner, Rajasthan. Her
research areas of interest are advanced forming operations, hybrid manu-
facturing, fracture mechanics, rapid product development technologies,
and topology optimization. She has been granted a patent on the “Process
of analyzing the effect of preheated microstructure vis-à-vis parameters
on the orange peel in incremental sheet forming of AA1050 sheets.” She
has authored various research articles in international journals of repute,
along with several conference publications and book chapters. She has been
recently granted a Core Research Grant funding for undertaking the project
“Design and Development of an Electrically Assisted Hybrid Double Sided
Incremental Forming Machine for Efficient Production of Customized
Biomedical Implants with Improved Surface Finish and Geometrical
Accuracy.” She is also the recipient of two national-level awards, including
the Best Teacher Award 2022 conferred by the Indian Society for Technical
Education, New Delhi.

Dr. Anil Dhanola is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical

Engineering at Chandigarh University, Mohali. He completed his M.Tech.
with honors in Production Engineering at Govind Ballabh Pant Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Pauri Garhwal in 2015. Dr. Anil earned
a full-time Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Guru Jambheshwar
University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana in 2021. He has
more than five years of experience in teaching and industry. His domains of
research include tribology, fiber-based polymer composites, fluid film lubri-
cation, green lubricants, wind turbine tribology, and superlubricity. Dr. Anil

xvi About the editors

has published several articles in international peer-reviewed journals and

book chapters. Dr. Anil has also presented various articles at national and
international conferences. He is also a reviewer of various peer-reviewed
international journals.

Dr. Kishor Kumar Gajrani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of

Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram, Chennai, India. He earned
his M.Tech. and Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Thereafter, he worked as a
post-doctoral researcher at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He
has authored/co-authored 45+ international journals and book chapters of
repute. He has also edited/co-edited three books: Advances in Sustainable
Machining, Biodegradable Composited for Packaging Applications, and
Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Technologies. He was listed in
the World’s Top 2% Scientists list in 2022 released by Stanford University
and published by Elsevier. Dr. Gajrani works on the advancement of sus-
tainable machining processes, additive manufacturing, advanced mate-
rials, tribology, coatings, green lubricants, and coolants as well as food

Afzaal Ahmed Tushar R. Dandekar

Department of Mechanical School of Mechanical and Design
Engineering Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology University of Portsmouth
Palakkad, India Hampshire, United Kingdom

Arun Kumar Bambam Santanu Das

Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
Indian Institute of Information KGEC
Technology, Design and Nadia, India
Chennai, India Anil Dhanola
Department of Mechanical
Prabal Batra Engineering
Chandigarh University Gharuan Chandigarh University Gharuan
Mohali, India Mohali, India

Shatarupa Biswas Nidhin Divakaran

Department of Mechanical Laboratory for Advanced Research
Engineering in Polymeric Materials
Silchar, India School for Advanced Research in
Polymers (SARP)
Jibin Boban Central Institute of Petrochemicals
Mikrotools Pte Ltd. Engineering & Technology
Jalan Bukit Merah, (CIPET)
Singapore Bhubaneswar, India

xviii Contributors

Kishor Kumar Gajrani Xichun Luo

Department of Mechanical Centre for Precision Manufacturing
Engineering DMEM, University of Strathclyde
Indian Institute of Information Glasgow, United Kingdom
Technology, Design and
Manufacturing Francis Luther King M
Chennai, India Department of Mechanical
A Gopichand Swarnandhra College of
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Engineering Narsapur, India
Swarnandhra College of
Engineering and Technology Smita Mohanty
Narsapur, India Laboratory for Advanced Research
in Polymeric Materials
Tuhina Goswami (LARPM), School for Advanced
Department of Mechanical Research in Polymers (SARP)
Engineering Central Institute of Petrochemicals
KGEC Engineering & Technology
Nadia, India (CIPET)
Bhubaneswar, India
Jagdeep Kaur
Chandigarh University Sachin Moond
Mohali, India Chandigarh University
Mohali, India
Tarveen Kaur
Chandigarh University Manidipto Mukherjee
Mohali, India CSIR-CMERI
Durgapur, India
Avinash Kumar
Department of Mechanical Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes N
Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Opole University of Technology
Technology, Design and Opole, Poland
Manufacturing and
Chennai, India Department of Mechanical
Praveen Kumar Mepco Schlenk Engineering
Department of Mechanical College
Engineering Sivakasi, India
Sant Longowal Institute of
Engineering and Technology
Sangrur, India
Contributors xix

Shenbaga Velu P Carlo Santulli

School of Mechanical Engineering School of Science and Technology
Vellore Institute of Technology, Università degli Studi di Camerino
Chennai Campus Camerino, Italy
Chennai, India
S. Shiva
Shenbaga Velu P Laboratory for Advanced
School of Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing and Processing
Vellore Institute of Technology (LAMP)
Chennai, India Indian Institute of Technology
Jammu, India
Abhilash P. M.
Centre for Precision G Robert Singh
Manufacturing, DMEM Department of Mechanical
University of Strathclyde Engineering
Glasgow, United Kingdom Swarnandhra College of
Engineering and Technology
C. Pradeepkumar Narsapur, India
Department of Automobile
Engineering Palanisamy Sivasubramanian
Kalasalingam Academy of Research Department of Mechanical
and Education Engineering
Srivilliputhur, India Dilkap Research Institute of
Engineering and Management
Tharmaraj R Studies
Department of Mechanical Raigad, India
SRM Institute of Science and Srinivasan V
Technology, Ramapuram Department of Manufacturing
Campus Engineering
Chennai, India Annamalai University
Chidambaram, India
Tharmaraj R
Department of Mechanical Sahil Srivastava
Engineering Chandigarh University
SRM Institute of Science and Mohali, India
Technology, Ramapuram
Campus Alok Suna
Chennai, India Department of Mechanical
Atri Rathore Indian Institute of Technology
Chandigarh University Bombay
Mohali, India Mumbai, India
xx Contributors

Bunty Tomar Alex Y

Laboratory for Advanced Laboratory for Advanced Research
Manufacturing and Processing in Polymeric Materials
(LAMP) (LARPM), School for Advanced
Indian Institute of Technology Research in Polymers (SARP)
Jammu, India Central Institute of Petrochemicals
Engineering & Technology
Prameet Vats (CIPET)
Department of Mechanical Bhubaneswar, India
Indian Institute of Information Nitin Yadav
Technology, Design and Department of Mechanical
Manufacturing Engineering
Chennai, India Sant Longowal Institute of
Engineering and Technology
Sangrur, India

As a popular method of material processing, additive manufacturing (AM)

has been in use for two decades, but its practice as a significant commercial
manufacturing technique has just lately begun to emerge. Nowadays, 3D
printing is proven to be a cutting-edge technology for the revolutionized
production of parts and devices. Hybrid AM is the term used to describe
joining metal AM technology with conventional, subtractive technology,
enabling each process to work together on the same machine and even on
the same part. Hybrid manufacturing reduces the risks and costs associated
with adopting metal AM technology, providing a more pragmatic and evo-
lutionary pathway for industrial manufacturers.
The comprehensive subject matter is organized into 13 chapters: Chapter
1 discusses the introduction to hybrid metal AM technology. Chapters 2
and 3 present the role of wire-arc AM technology in modern manufactur-
ing industries, and Chapter 4 discusses the joining of polymers to metals
by hybrid AM techniques. Chapter 5 presents the heat treatments, micro-
structure, and mechanical properties of selective laser-melted AISI 316L.
Chapters 6 and 7 deal with the advancements and challenges of hybrid AM
composite materials. Chapters 8 and 9 present the role of AM technology
for bio-based materials and plastic waste. Chapter 10 discusses the char-
acterization of titanium feedstock powder prepared by recycling machin-
ing chips using the ball milling technique. The role of AM techniques in
Industry 4.0 is presented in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 deals with the advance-
ments and prospects of digital twin-driven AM technique. Finally, the con-
cluding Chapter 13 deals with the role of AM in society.
The knowledge presented in this book is, all things considered, of sig-
nificant value to scholars working in academia and industry who are
interested in being updated in this field. Researchers, as well as practi-
tioners in advanced manufacturing machines, engineers, and managers
will find this book to be a valuable resource. This book can also serve
as a textbook for students taking courses at the undergraduate and post-
graduate levels.


Over the past decade, additive manufacturing (AM) has become a powerful
tool in manufacturing industries that converts digital model data into com-
plex three-dimensional objects. AM technology builds the objects from the
bottom to the top by fusing and binding materials layer by layer. AM tech-
nology offers the fabrication of customized objects out of metals, ceramics,
and polymers without using molds or conventional manufacturing pro-
cesses. However, researchers and companies are becoming more interested
in metallic materials among these materials since these are commonly used
engineering materials.
Metal AM technologies have had a revolutionary influence on the man-
ufacturing sector in the past several decades. Metallic objects that could
never have been manufactured merely a few years ago may now be manu-
factured with unprecedented strength and standards, utilizing a range of
materials and metal AM technologies. Quality objects can be developed
and built by layering metal powders with an energy source or a binding
agent. Metal AM is widely employed in the aerospace, turbomachinery,
biomedical, and other manufacturing industries that require lightweight
and high strength-to-weight ratio products.
Despite several advantages of metal AM, some manufacturing industries
do not consider this technology to be a viable manufacturing alternative
since it fails to meet essential accuracy, geometrical tolerances, surface
finish, and component accuracy criteria. Metal AM involves some post-
processing since surface finishes and dimensional accuracy are sometimes
inferior to traditional industrial operations. AM’s layering and various
interfaces might result in defects in the products. Thus, post-processing
operations are required to resolve such issues.
Hybrid metal AM is one of the most effective approaches to overcome
the shortcomings of these processes. As compared to a single manufactur-
ing method, hybrid metal AM is a cutting-edge fabrication approach that
combines more than two manufacturing processes (additive and subtrac-
tive) to manufacture more reliable, productive, and long-lasting compo-
nents. The primary goal of this technology is to transform raw materials
into finished products in a single machine or workstation. Hybrid metal

Introduction xxiii

AM is an emerging and rapidly embraced technological marvel that has

found its footing across diverse industries. This cutting-edge innovation
holds immense potential, particularly in the realms of aerospace, medical
devices, and automotive, where its applications have shown great promise.
This book aspires to illuminate the prospects of this avant-garde technol-
ogy within industries and the educational landscape, with the aim of inspir-
ing upcoming generations of researchers and engineers. To achieve this
goal, a harmonious equilibrium is sought through the exploration of robust
economic, environmental, and social criteria. By analyzing their interde-
pendencies and applying these insights, this book provides invaluable guid-
ance for driving technological innovation within the distinct frameworks of
economy, environment, and society. This book offers an exceptional means
for readers to grasp the intricacies of sustainable materials and manufac-
turing technologies with remarkable clarity and understanding. The book
chapters cover topics such as recent advancements and challenges associ-
ated with hybrid metal AM, including the role of AM in sustainability,
advances in metal AM technologies, sustainability solutions for metal AM
processes, major opportunities, constraints, and economic considerations
for design for metal AM, the importance of post-processing the metal AM,
the role of metal AM in the era of Industry 4.0, etc.
Chapter 1

Hybrid metal additive

manufacturing technology
Arun Kumar Bambam, Prameet Vats,
Alok Suna, and Kishor Kumar Gajrani
Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design and Manufacturing


Additive manufacturing (AM) is a fabrication technique in which parts

are fabricated by adding material layer by layer on the basis of 3D model
data. AM is applicable to a variety of materials, including polymers, metals,
ceramics, and composites. There is a renewed emphasis on adopting AM
to process metallic alloys for aerospace, automotive, and medical applica-
tions due to its design flexibility, higher degree of customization, and better
material usage than conventional manufacturing [1,2].

1.1.1 Metal additive manufacturing processes

Metal AM processes are gaining a wide range of applications, such as air-
craft, automobiles, medicine, and defense, as they can make complicated
parts with high accuracy and quality [3]. Metal AM is creating new oppor-
tunities for designers and engineers to create innovative products and solu-
tions by removing many of the limitations of conventional manufacturing
techniques [4,5]. There are several direct and indirect metal AM processes,
as shown in Figure 1.1. This section briefly discusses direct metal AM, and
the key points are summarized in Table 1.1.

• Powder bed fusion (PBF): This technology is able to generate high-­

resolution components and features with dimensional constraints and
the ability to create parts with internal channels, offering two significant
advantages over conventional manufacturing techniques. A PBF involves
selectively melting a thin layer of metal powder with a high-powered
source. The process is repeated layer by layer, resulting in a fully dense
metal part [7]. PBF system is comprised of a confined chamber with an
energy source (electron beam or laser), a powder bed, a scanner, a re-
coater arm or rake, a metal supply bed, and typically an inert gas supply,
as shown in Figure 1.2. The most common techniques in PBF are selec-
tive laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM).

DOI: 10.1201/9781003406488-1 1
2 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

Figure 1.1 Direct and indirect metal additive manufacturing processes [6].

Table 1.1 M
 echanism, sources, and materials form used in direct metal additive
manufacturing processes
Processes Mechanism Source Materials form
Powder bed fusion Melting, sintering Electron beam, laser Powder
Directed energy Welding, cladding Electron beam, laser Powder, wire
Binder jetting Binding Binder Powder
Sheet lamination Ultrasonic welding, Laser, Computerized Sheet
clamping and Numerical Control
brazing (CNC) cutter
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 3

Figure 1.2 Schematic diagram of powder bed fusion.

Figure 1.3 Schematic of wire and powder feed direct energy deposition [8].

• Directed energy deposition (DED): This is a technique that involves

feeding wire or metal powder into a focused energy source (electron
beam or laser), as shown in Figure 1.3. The heat from the energy
source melts the metal and fuses it to the existing layer or structure,
4 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

forming a completely dense component. This technique is often used

to add or repair components/parts by material deposition. This pro-
cess is mostly popular due to the fact that it is substantially faster than
other technologies such as PBF. Mechanical characteristics can also
be tuned through managing the microstructure by chemical composi-
tion and the adjustment of the heat gradient [8,9].
• Binder jetting (BJ): This is the process of depositing a liquid binder,
layer by layer, onto a bed of metal powder, as shown in Figure 1.4.
The binder binds the powder particles to form a green part, which
is then sintered in a furnace to create a dense metal part. One of the
biggest disadvantages of BJ fabricated parts is the comparatively low
density (only 50%–60% in certain circumstances) [10,11].
• Sheet lamination: Sheet lamination or laminated object manufactur-
ing (LOM) is the process of fusing metal sheets together with heat
and pressure. To form a completely dense part, the sheets are cut
into the required shape and joined together using a bonding agent or
heat, as shown in Figure 1.5. It is a low-temperature technique used
to create display models [12,13]. The technique is quite beneficial for
quickly creating visual models at affordable/low prices. However, the
approach is not ideal for creating structural or functional models. As
a result, the sheet lamination procedure is only used for prototyping.

Figure 1.4 Schematic of binder jetting [10].

Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 5

Figure 1.5 Schematic of sheet lamination [13].

AM has several advantages, including a broad variety of materials, a reduc-

tion in component weight, a lack of tooling and fixtures, and freeform fab-
rication. However, there are a few hurdles to direct adoption in metal AM,
such as poor surface quality (i.e., rough and uneven surface profile) and
inadequate dimensional accuracy in fabricated products, as well as very
high investment costs for AM machines, material feedstock, and operating
expenses [14,15]. To address these limitations, hybrid manufacturing meth-
ods (such as combinations of two or more manufacturing processes) can
be utilized. The International Academy for Production Engineering defines
hybrid manufacturing as “combining two or more established manufactur-
ing techniques into a new integrated set-up wherein the benefits of each
discrete process may be leveraged synergistically” [16,17].

1.1.2 Hybrid manufacturing

Hybrid manufacturing combines additive and subtractive manufacturing
(SM) processes to create high-quality parts. The process involves using AM
techniques to create the basic shape or geometry of the part and then using SM
techniques to refine the shape and finish the surface, as shown in Figure 1.6.
Hybrid manufacturing can also be used to create parts with a combination of
materials [17]. For example, the AM process could be used to create a plastic
part, while the SM process could be used to add metal components to the
part. Overall, hybrid manufacturing is a promising approach to manufactur-
ing that combines the strengths of multiple processes to create a more efficient
and cost-effective manufacturing process, as shown in Figure 1.7. As technol-
ogy continues to advance, it is likely that hybrid manufacturing will become
increasingly common in a wide range of industries.
6 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

Figure 1.6 An example of a typical hybrid manufacturing process workflow [18].

Figure 1.7 Advantages of hybrid manufacturing [19].


Hybrid AM processes combine the benefits of two or more AM techniques

or a combination of an AM technique with a subtractive or forming process.
The hybridization of different manufacturing processes enables the produc-
tion of complex parts with better accuracy, surface finish, and material prop-
erties than conventional AM or SM processes [17,20], as shown in Figure
1.8. Hybrid AM processes may be divided into three categories based on the
combination of different manufacturing techniques, as shown in Figure 1.9.
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 7

Figure 1.8 Overview of machining, additive manufacturing, and hybrid manufacturing.


Additive Additive
and additive and Forming

Figure 1.9 Probable categories of process hybridization.

1.2.1 Additive and additive

Additive and additive hybrid AM processes combine two or more AM tech-
niques to produce parts with improved material properties, surface finish,
and accuracy. For example, a combination of DED and PBF, or fused depo-
sition modeling (FDM) and stereolithography (SLA) can be used to produce
parts with high accuracy and surface finish.
8 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

1.2.2 Additive and subtractive

A subtractive process is combined with an AM approach in additive and
subtractive hybrid AM processes. For example, combining SLM with mill-
ing can be used to create complicated components with excellent accuracy
and surface finish. Similarly, PBF can be used to fabricate some cylindrical
parts, and the surface finish can be improved using turning process.

1.2.3 Additive and forming

A forming process is combined with an AM technology in hybrid AM pro-
cesses for better mechanical properties. For example, forging is coupled with
DED to create components with good strength and better material properties.



Hybrid metal-based additive manufacturing (HMAM) is a new technique

that combines the benefits of several AM technologies to create complex
metal components more effectively and efficiently. In contrast to conventional
SM techniques, which involve removing material from a solid block to mold
into the desired shape, AM involves building up layers of material to produce
the finished product [6,21]. HMAM combines many AM techniques, includ-
ing PBF and DED, to create components with complex geometries, graded
materials, and enhanced mechanical properties. One of the key benefits of
HMAM is its potential to overcome the constraints of single AM techniques
[6]. For example, PBF is good for precisely producing complex components,
but it can be costly as well as time-consuming when producing large compo-
nents. On the other hand, DED is excellent for swiftly assembling massive
layers of metal, although it is less precise than PBF. Combining these two pro-
cedures allows HMAM to make big, complex components more accurately
and quickly by taking advantage of each process’s advantages.
The fabrication of components using graded materials, in which the mate-
rial’s composition progressively varies throughout the component, is possi-
ble with HMAM. This is especially helpful when producing components for
industries such as aerospace or biomedical that need various material quali-
ties [21,22]. For instance, a component should have a tougher material on
the outside to fend against abrasion but a softer substance inside to absorb
stress and lighten the component. HMAM may accomplish this by depos-
iting various materials at various spots during the production process. In
addition, HMAM has the promise of revolutionizing the manufacturing of
metal parts with enhanced mechanical properties compared to conventional
manufacturing techniques. HMAM may fabricate components with greater
toughness, strength, and ductility by managing the deposition of metal pow-
ders and the energy input throughout the production process [6,23,24].
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 9



One of the primary benefits of HMAM systems is the ability to couple sub-
tractive and additive processes to fabricate complex components. In order
to ensure that the finished product satisfies the specified criteria, the part’s
design should take into consideration the prerequisites of both processes.
For instance, the additive process could be more suitable if the component
includes intricate details, but the subtractive method would be better suited
if the component needs exact dimensional tolerances [25–28]. Therefore,
while designing for HMAM, one can consider the following points:

• Material selection: The materials available for HMAM systems are

restricted since not all materials can be used in both subtractive and
additive processes. Materials must be chosen carefully so that they
may be used with both processes and have the right mechanical prop-
erties for the component or application. The thermal qualities of the
material should also be taken into account when choosing a material
since certain materials may be challenging to process owing to high
melting points or high thermal conductivity [29].
• Part orientation and support structures: The orientation of the com-
ponent throughout the manufacturing process may have a considerable
influence on the final component/part accuracy and quality. It is cru-
cial to orient the component in such a manner that the requirement
for support structures can be minimized because they may affect the
surface quality, increase the fabrication time, and be difficult to remove.
Furthermore, it has been observed that support structures may also
have an effect on the accuracy of the component. Therefore, it is impor-
tant to consider the part orientation during the design phase [30,31].
• Surface finish and post-processing: The final product’s surface quality
is an essential consideration for several applications, such as aeronau-
tical or medical components. HMAM techniques may create compo-
nents with excellent surface finishes, but further post-processing may
be necessary to get the appropriate degree of texture or smoothness.
To ensure the final outcome matches the required specifications, the
product should be designed with post-processing requirements, such
as polishing or machining [32].



HMAM processes combine additive and SM processes into a single system,

providing the advantages of both technologies to create complex metal parts
with high precision and accuracy. In this section, the different types of hybrid
metal AM systems, their advantages, and their applications are discussed.
10 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

1.5.1 Hybrid manufacturing systems with

laser-based additive manufacturing
These systems use laser-based AM technologies such as PBF and DED in
combination with SM processes such as drilling or milling, along with
some secondary processes such as shot peening and laser shock peening, to
produce high-strength complex metal components. The integration of sub-
tractive and additive processes allows creation of intricate features and high-
precision surfaces that are difficult to achieve using only one process [33].

1.5.2 Hybrid manufacturing systems with binder

jetting-based additive manufacturing
These systems use BJ AM technologies in combination with conventional
manufacturing processes such as drilling or milling and secondary pro-
cesses such as reheating, forming to produce complex metal components.
The integration of subtractive and additive processes allows for the creation
of parts with high resolution and accuracy. These systems are widely used
in the medical and dental industries, where the creation of personalized and
complex parts is required [34].

1.5.3 Hybrid manufacturing systems with sheet

lamination-based additive manufacturing
These systems use sheet lamination-based AM processes coupled with con-
ventional manufacturing processes such as drilling or milling to produce
complex metal components. The combination of additive and subtractive
practices allows for the creation of large and complex parts with high preci-
sion and accuracy. These systems are widely used in the energy and power
generation industries, where the creation of large and complex components
such as heat exchangers or turbines is required [35].
Apart from the above-mentioned hybridized process, researchers or engi-
neers can develop many more possible combinations for their applications
and facilitate industries with more new ideas, such as metal AM coupled
with forming and many other secondary post-processing techniques.



Hybrid manufacturing, also known as hybrid additive-subtractive manu-

facturing or integrated manufacturing, integrates SM or AM processes
for fabricating complex parts and structures. This technology has gained
popularity due to its ability to bring together the advantages of both SM
and AM, including decreased production time, increased design freedom,
higher accuracy, and reduced waste [36–38]. This section covers the pos-
sible advantages of hybrid manufacturing.
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 11

• Increased design freedom: Hybrid manufacturing facilitates the fab-

rication of complex shapes that would be difficult to fabricate using
conventional manufacturing processes. The combined use of SM and
AM enables the fabrication of complex shapes and interior cavities
that SM alone cannot achieve. This technology provides designers and
engineers with new opportunities to build innovative products that
have better functionality.
• Reduced production time: Hybrid manufacturing can substantially
reduce manufacturing time by integrating the benefits of both SM and
AM methods. Unlike conventional SM processes, which require mul-
tiple steps and different machinery and tools, hybrid manufacturing
processes can be executed using a single machine. This may lead to a
decrease in idle time, tool changing time, and work load time.
• Improved accuracy: Hybrid manufacturing facilitates the fabrication
of components/parts with high precision and accuracy. The hybrid
processes offer the fabrication of precise features with great reproduc-
ibility and precision, such as small channels and holes, which is not
possible using single operations either by SM or AM processes.
• Reduced waste: Researchers are developing different strategies to reduce
waste in manufacturing processes. Waste reduction plays an essential
role in optimizing the total manufacturing cost. In this direction, hybrid
manufacturing comes out as a potential process that minimizes overall
material waste. The combination of SM and AM processes facilitates
the manufacturing of complex geometries with less material waste than
conventional SM methods. Researchers are also considering the total
machining steps in designing steps to reduce the waste.
• Cost-effective: Hybrid manufacturing is a cost-effective technology
that can reduce production costs and improve profitability. By com-
bining the advantages of AM and SM processes, hybrid manufactur-
ing can reduce the number of manufacturing steps, the number of
machines required, and the amount of labor required.



Over time, the manufacturing sector and its facilities have accommodated
the growing societal demand for goods and services while also having an
effect on the ecosystem. This impact is characterized by the resources
and energy consumption required for the inputs and outputs for the
manufacturing processes and, on the other side, the consequences that
our behavior has on the ecosystem (damage, diseases, resource depletion,
biodiversity loss, changes in environments, etc.) [39,40]. Therefore, sus-
tainability becomes a major field of interest in the researcher’s commu-
nity. Researchers are trying to contribute to sustainability in their own
way. For example, Bambam et al. [41–43] focus more on environmentally
12 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

Figure 1.10 Sustainable additive manufacturing ecosystem [44].

friendly metalworking fluids so that they can reduce atmospheric emis-

sions and minimize health risks for the workers. Furthermore, this
research group added ionic liquids to vegetable oil to improve its proper-
ties so that friction, tool wear, and surface roughness can be minimized
for SM applications. It also reduces tool cost, energy cost, and work piece
This section discusses the importance of hybrid manufacturing in sus-
tainability, with an emphasis on its effects on social, economic, and envi-
ronmental sustainability, as shown in Figure 1.10. There are several ways
that hybrid manufacturing might help to advance sustainability. It is an
environmentally friendly manufacturing method owing to its capacity to
minimize material waste and preserve resources. Its flexibility and capacity
to lower the costs of production contribute to economic sustainability and
facilitate small enterprises to compete in the market [44,45]. Furthermore,
it is a socially sustainable manufacturing method because of its capacity
to enhance working conditions and support employment growth. Hybrid
manufacturing has several benefits over conventional processes, which
make it a potential approach for sustainable manufacturing.
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 13

1.7.1 Environmental sustainability

Hybrid manufacturing reduces material waste by using the precise quantity
of material required to fabricate a part. This helps preserve energy and
materials by minimizing waste generation. Unlike conventional manufac-
turing processes, which entail removing material from a larger sheet or
block, there is less waste generation and more efficient use of available
resources during production using hybrid manufacturing. Hybrid manufac-
turing further reduces environmental impact since it permits the use of sus-
tainable resources such as bioplastics and recycled materials and considers
some other steps to analyze sustainability as shown in Figure 1.11. It uses
less energy and produces less waste, which reduces the carbon footprint.
Therefore, fewer greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which
contributes to mitigating climate change [44,46].

1.7.2 Economic sustainability

Hybrid manufacturing provides financial advantages as well, most notably
in the form of lower production costs. Large investments in equipment and
machinery are necessary for traditional production processes, making it dif-
ficult for new entrants to break into the market. In contrast, hybrid produc-
tion enables more production flexibility and reduces fixed manufacturing
costs. This facilitates long-term economic growth by lowering entrance
barriers and increasing competition for small enterprises. Hybrid produc-
tion allows for more rapid prototyping and mass production, which in turn
shortens product development cycles and raises quality standards. The time

Figure 1.11 Additive manufacturing stages toward environmental sustainability [44].

14 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

and money needed to bring a product to market may be cut significantly

by improving manufacturing efficiency through rapid prototyping and
design iteration. Reduced expenses and higher profits are two outcomes of
enhanced efficiency that may help the economy last [44,46].

1.7.3 Social sustainability

Hybrid manufacturing also provides societal advantages, including better
working conditions for employees. Traditional methods for manufacturing
products involve a lot of manual labor, and workers are often exposed to
hazardous materials and situations. In contrast, hybrid manufacturing is
highly automated and requires a minimal amount of human labor, which
in turn promotes workers safety and improves productivity [44,47]. This
can promote social sustainability and enhance work satisfaction. Hybrid
manufacturing also facilitates customization, which is beneficial for cus-
tomers demands as well as for society. Customers may personalize and
customize items to their unique requirements and tastes, reducing waste
and extending product life. Furthermore, small-batch production is made
possible by hybrid production, opening the door to niche markets
and ­ customization—two factors that, in turn, may increase customer
­satisfaction and loyalty [48].



Hybrid AM processes have some limitations, such as skilled labor, high

cost, complex processes, and limited material compatibility, that should be
considered before adopting hybrid processes [1,16].

• Complex process: Hybrid AM processes are more complex than tra-

ditional AM or SM processes. The combination of different manu-
facturing processes requires specialized software and equipment to
control the process, which increases the overall complexity.
• High cost: The cost of specialized software and equipment required
for hybrid AM is very high, which limits the initial adoption of hybrid
processes. Also, these processes required skilled labor, which demands
high wages. Therefore, it’s difficult for many small industries to adopt
hybrid processes.
• Limited material compatibility: Hybrid AM processes are limited
by the compatibility of the materials used in the process. The com-
bination of different materials may result in material compatibility
issues, limiting the range of materials that can be used in the pro-
cess. Table 1.2 summarizes some other challenges associated with
hybrid metal AM.
Hybrid metal additive manufacturing technology 15

Table 1.2 C
 hallenges associated with hybrid metal AM
Software integration Hardware integration Intelligent manufacturing
• CAM-hybrid simulation • System for remaining • Cloud manufacturing
• Real-time control and row material removal • IoT enable manufacturing
monitoring • System for metalworking
• Tool path generation fluids removal
• Measuring and • Intermediate
inspection tools post-processes
• Hybrid tool path • High degree of freedom
• Machining strategies system such as robotic
• Material deposition arms


In the past two decades, AM has emerged as a cutting-edge manufacturing

technique that offers distinct benefits over conventional production meth-
ods. However, its industrial acceptance has not yet been achieved due to
the limitations inflicted by the nature of the method. The combination of
SM, AM, and other supplementary practices opens up new opportunities
to overcome some of the major downsides of metal AM. As a result, hybrid
metal AM has lately received interest from both academia and industry
in contemporary manufacturing. Further advancements are projected to
increase the availability of hybrid manufacturing systems in the future.
This chapter focuses on hybrid metal AM by discussing the hybridiza-
tion of processes that are compatible with AM technologies, possible hybrid
metal AM processes, and design considerations for hybrid AM technolo-
gies. Furthermore, the role of hybrid AM in sustainability is discussed. This
chapter categorizes the essential information for engineers, professionals,
and researchers working on the subject, as well as clearly highlighting the
current difficulties and research possibilities.


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18 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing

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