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Energies 15 04266

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Applied Methodology for Designing and Calculating a Family
of Spur Gear Pumps
Ionuţ Gabriel Ghionea

Manufacturing Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics,

University Politehnica of Bucharest, Spl. Independenţei 313, 060042 Bucharest, Romania; gabriel.ghionea@upb.ro

Abstract: The paper presents in an applicative manner a parameter-based methodology about design,
modeling and optimization of a spur gear pump, currently under production in a Romanian company.
Wanting to expand their product range, the company asked for a parameter-based design of this
type of pump, FEM simulations and optimization of its conception to cover a wider range of flow
rates, as required by current beneficiaries. The purpose of this research was to find improved
alternative solutions via parametric design, mathematical validation and finite element simulation of
the manufacturing solutions. The pump model is well known and has been manufactured for decades
in many countries, under various licenses and constructive variants. The research process analyzed
the functional role of the gear pump, its structure, its 3D model, which was reconstructed from the last
manufactured solution, while identifying certain dimensions to be optimized and used in parametric
design relations. The author used the CATIA V5 software and Visual Basic programing language.
By mathematical computation, there were identified the pressure values and forces generated in the
pump’s gears, applied later in FEM simulations to check the behavior of the pump components at the
loads generated by these forces and pressures. The paper identifies and presents in a summary table
the maximum stress values, deformations and percentages of computation errors for each pump’s
constructive solution.

Citation: Ghionea, I.G. Applied Keywords: family of spur gears pump; constructive solutions; parametric modeling; pump flow
Methodology for Designing and
Calculating a Family of Spur Gear
Pumps. Energies 2022, 15, 4266.
https://doi.org/10.3390/en15124266 1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Andrea The design and manufacture of hydraulic gear pumps are very important economic,
Mariscotti technical and research requirements in the industrial and academic environments. These
pumps have a big number of industry applications in fields such as automotive, naval,
Received: 20 April 2022
aerospace, consumer goods, medical, energy production, electronics, food preparation and
Accepted: 9 June 2022
preservation, etc.
Published: 10 June 2022
The pumps must comply with very different functional requirements from the benefi-
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral ciaries. Generally, these pumps drive a specific fluid identified by the flow and pressure,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in such as fuel transfer, recirculation of water in a cooling circuit, dosing of medical substances
published maps and institutional affil- in various applications, mixing of additives, paints or chemicals, etc.
iations. In this context, where the flow is very important, the paper [1] presents a review of
a few different methodologies that were used for the calculus and the simulation of the
flow rates generated by gerotor, external gear and crescent pumps. Some ways of selecting
the control volumes of the pumps are analyzed, and the main calculus parameters and
Copyright: © 2022 by the author.
relations are presented. The working principles and the industry applications of distributed
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
models are also presented, and an important section refers to the evaluation methods of
distributed under the terms and
the required geometric quantities, such as analytical, numerical, CAD based.
conditions of the Creative Commons
The paper explains the leakages that may appear through the clearances that appear
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// between the two gears and/or between a gear and the pump casing. These leakages appear
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ due to the interactions between the pressurized fluid and the moving mechanical parts,
4.0/). and they should be taken into account.

Energies 2022, 15, 4266. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15124266 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2022, 15, 4266 2 of 19

Due to their known design simplicity, low-cost manufacturing, versatility and opera-
tional safety, these spur gear pumps are used in a large range of applications. On the market,
there is a large number of constructive solutions of gear pumps, which can be identified by:
pressure level (from low to high in several steps depending on the driven fluid), gear type
(external, internal, bevel, straight, V-shaped), tooth profile (involute, most used in gear
machinery, or cycloid, used for the most part in the elements of bulk impeller machines),
pumping capacity (constant or variable) and number of rotors (bi- or multi-rotor).
Gear pumps with straight external involute teeth [2] are the most common types and
are positive displacement pumps. These pumps contain rotors (either mounted on, or
integrated with shafts), orientation pins, gaskets, screws, a body and a cover. Their volumes
(the active cups) are composed of gaps between the teeth, successively passing through the
inlet chamber; the fluid enters these gaps and is transferred to the hydraulic installation.
Using parametric design, a manufacturing company wishes to extend the range of
production of these pumps through variation of dimensions of certain components and
of their modular whole-pump assembly, so the resulting flow rates vary from 2 L/min to
22.52 L/min for the rotational speed of 3000 rev/min.
There is a different solution for small flow rates, where the pump has reduced overall
dimensions and may be considered to be part of group 0—micropumps (with 1 cm3 /rev).
Although the manufacturer produces a wide variety of pumps, this particular pump
model to be assembled as a micropump is of interest in certain configurations.
In recent years, many research papers have focused on conceiving hydraulic gear
pumps to increase operating pressures [3,4], to extend the manufacturing range [4,5], to
improve the efficiency in operation [6], to reduce pressure variations [3,7], the dynamic
loads [8,9], weight [10], vibrations [11], etc.
In addition to their constructive and operational simplicity, low price and other pos-
itive features of the spur gear pumps, many problems are caused by the generation of
an important vibration due to the fluctuation of the generated flow during the pump’s
functioning [12]. It is known that vibrations are one of the main sources of noise in most
hydraulic systems, but they also produce mechanical failures, premature wear of moving
components, leaks, etc. Therefore, many studies are focused on reducing the flowrate
variation, as it is an important and continuous concern in the design process of hydraulic
gear pumps.
Ref. [11] contains an experimental study and numerical modal analysis for an external
gear pump mounted on a test stand in a laboratory setup. Many research works on
experimental modal analysis of hydraulic gear pumps focus on the modal frequencies in
order to approve the model validation.
The pump components, its assembly and mounting in an installation come with some
modeling problems, such as establishing the material properties of each component, the
importance and use of the bolted joints, critical modeling of the boundary conditions linked
to pump mounting. The authors experimentally observed and analyzed the vibration
modes of a reference pump using the least-square complex exponential method with an
emphasis on the characteristics of the mode shapes. More simple modeling strategies
are created, proposed and confirmed by performing the analysis from the simplest level
(a component) to the whole complex assembly.
The paper highlights that the pump casing does not show any important deformation,
but it is close to the rigid body motion. Without increasing the 3D model complexity too
much, the presented numerical approach offers a good accuracy with low error in modal
frequencies of 6% and a good agreement in terms of mode shapes.
Additionally, Ref. [11] discusses the vibration reduction strategy using the measured
mode shapes and the proposed modeling approaches that can be useful for studying a
large number of constructive solutions of external gear pumps, which may be of low model
complexity but with a reasonable result accuracy.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 3 of 19

2. Parametric Design and Optimization of the Pump

Usually, the new versions of pumps are, in fact, optimized models of the previous
working solutions, with improved parametric design, optimizations based on tests and
user experience.
Ref. [13] presents the topic of external gear pumps to be used in several automotive
applications because they are able to work at high rotational speed and low pressure.
The authors present a parametrically designed model that has been developed with an
extensive finite element analysis, the scope being to predict the pump’s dynamic behavior
for gears and casing acceleration. Their model includes the most important phenomena
that are involved in the pump operation and is validated after experimental tests and
data gathering.
In their work, the authors establish an optimization process with three methodologies
in order to reduce the level of pump vibration. The complex setup of the optimization
process contains the objective of case accelerations, operational and geometrical input
variables, the most important among those being oil viscosity, oil bulk modulus, radial
clearance in the bearings.
The research and the optimization processes use simulations that are compared with
a combined and complex analysis using the design of experiments (DOE), response sur-
face modeling (RSM) and by applying algorithms in order to find the optimal variable
combination. These are compared in terms of time efficiency and accuracy of the resulting
solution. In addition, the authors proposed a design process to calculate and establish the
manufacturing tolerances of the pump solution and evaluate their effect on its performance.
The results offer important data, design perspectives and ideas that could be very difficult
to obtain without these procedures.
In the current paper, for modeling and simulation of the proposed pump, the author
chose CATIA v5 that can perform the pump model design, assembly and parameterization.
This software also contains FEM and CAM simulation workbenches, an assembly of
components, simulations of product kinematics, etc.
The modeling of components took advantage of 2D drawings offered by the pump
manufacturer [4], and different dimensions and patented [14] manufacturing solutions
were integrated, as well as ideas from the literature review, improvements made in the
production workshops and input from technicians based on their experience. Different
design solutions of pumps were available during 3D modeling to observe the constructive
solutions, quality of the assemblies, etc. The company is persistently focused on its product
lines improvement.
After surface examination, certain parts were observed to display failure of design
and/or manufacturing (i.e., non-coaxiality, misalignment of certain areas, difficulty in
mounting the pins and the compensator). The author created, assembled and parameterized
the 3D model in CATIA v5 to identify and optimize the geometry in order to remove or
reduce such defects. An important requirement from the manufacturing company was to
preserve, where possible, the shape and outer dimensions of the semi-products/stocks as
an important part of the technology process [5].
The pump assembly design very much depends on the modeling accuracy of the two
gears, in accordance with the imposed flow rate, the distance between shaft axes, the size
and positions of the body pockets. The teeth flanks of the two gears are designed to have
an involute profile, with corrected toothing according to the specific standards [15]. The
profile and flank line equations are used in parameterization to respect the position of the
toothing line.
Drawing the involute tooth profile was a crucial step in the pump modeling and was
followed by correct determination of the distance between the shafts, conforming to the
methodology previously presented in detail in Refs. [16,17] and others. Each gear has
12 teeth and is manufactured in one piece with its shaft.
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19

Energies 2022, 15, 4266 4 of 19

methodology previously presented in detail in Refs [16,17] and others. Each gear has 12
teeth and is manufactured in one piece with its shaft.
The modelingofofthe theother
other components
components tooktook
intointo account
account the particularities
the particularities of shape
of shape
and position of the two gears, using drawings and measurements
and position of the two gears, using drawings and measurements of the parts in the fac- of the parts in the faculty
control and calibration laboratories.
ulty control and calibration laboratories.
During themodeling
modeling process,
process, multiple
multiple dimensions
dimensions andand constructive
constructive conditions
conditions were were
identified and transformed into parameters and later used to
identified and transformed into parameters and later used to establish formulae for para- establish formulae for para-
metric design [5,15]. Some of these parameters are mentioned as follows: diameters and and
metric design [5,15]. Some of these parameters are mentioned as follows: diameters
lengths of
lengths ofshafts,
axes, position,
position, shape
shape andand dimensions
dimensions of the
of the driving
andand supporting
supporting parts,diameters
parts, diameters andand positions
positionsofofthe thesupport
supportholes for the
holes forgear
the shafts,
gear shafts,
diametersand anddepths
depthsofof the holes
the that
holes contain
that contain the the
rotating gearsgears
rotating and the
the compensator,
etc. [16,18].
compensator,also alsocalled
thrust block,
block, is is
anan essential pump
essential pump component,
component, andand it
using this
this parametric
parametricdesign designsoso that its its
that nominal
diametersare defined to be to be
are defined
equal to to the
diametersofofthe thegears’
consequently, equal to to
equal thethe
diameters of
the holes bored in the pump body. The holes’ diameters in the pump body where the
the holes bored in the pump body. The holes’ diameters in the pump body where the gear
shafts shafts are mounted
are mounted have have
the the
samesame values
values as as these
these geargear shafts,
shafts, beingfitted
being fittedtogether
the samethe same distances
distances betweenbetween axes.axes.
TheThe lateral
lateral openings’
openings’ radii
radii are
are alsoparameterized
also parameterizedusing
using discrete values, letting the hydraulic fluid lubricate the gear shafts’ bearings manu-
discrete values, letting the hydraulic fluid lubricate the gear shafts’ bearings manufactured
factured in the pump’s body and cover [18].
in the pump’s body and cover [18].
The compensator has one of its faces in contact with the front surface of the gears;
The compensator has one of its faces in contact with the front surface of the gears;
this face also contains lubrication channels. The other face has a groove for mounting the
this face also contains lubrication channels. The other face has a groove for mounting the
sealing gasket. Its dimensions were parameterized on discrete values, taking into account
sealing gasket. Its dimensions were parameterized on discrete values, taking into account
the diversity of gasket standard sizes the company uses in the series production.
the diversity of gasketconditions
Such exemplified standard are sizessetthe
forcompany uses in theofseries
all the components production.
the gear pump using
Such exemplified conditions are set for all the components
large and various sets of formulae, which act as important constraints in pump of the gear pump using large
and various
terization. sets of formulae, which act as important constraints in pump parameterization.
Figure showsa apump pump retired
retired from
from service
service as anas assembly
an assembly (a) and
(a) and (b) as(b) as separate
parts (c) to observe its components and
parts (c) to observe its components and the worn areas. the worn areas.

Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 19

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Assembly view
Figure 1. of the spur
Assembly viewgears pump
of the spurand its components.
gears pump and its components.

Figure 2 features an expanded 3D model to identify each of the pump components.

Energies 2022, 15, 4266
(c) 5 of 19
Figure 1. Assembly view of the spur gears pump and its components.

Figure 2 features
Figure an expanded
2 features 3D model
an expanded to identify
3D model each of the
to identify pump
each of components.
the pump compone

Figure 2. 2. Exploded
Exploded 3D view
3D view of theof thegears
spur spurpump
pump CAD model.

After thethe
After geometric modeling
geometric is completed,
modeling the parametric
is completed, design of design
the parametric the pumpofpro-
the pump
ceeds according to certain functional and dimensional constraints [4]. The main parameter
ceeds according to certain functional and dimensional constraints [4]. The main param
imposed by the manufacturing company and the parametric design goal is the pump’s
flow by the
rate, which manufacturing
is directly company
linked to one importantand the parametric
characteristic design
of hydrostatic goalthe
pumps: is the pum
flow rate,
geometric whichThis
volume. is directly
volume islinked to one
expressed important
through Relationcharacteristic
(1) [19]: of hydrostatic pum
the geometric volume. This volume is expressed h through
i Relation (1) [19]:
Vg = 2·z·b·A·10−3 , cm3 /rev (1)
V = 2 ∙ z ∙ b ∙ A ∙ 10 , [cm3/rev]
thus z—the teeth number on each gear, b—gear width, in mm, A—the area of the profile
thus z—the teeth number on each gear, b—gear width, in mm, A—the area of the pr
between two successive teeth, in cm2 . Parameter A is determined by assisted drawing of
the twothen
pump gear, successive teeth,the
by measuring in respective
cm2. Parameter A is determineddesign
area. Parametric-assisted by assisted
of the drawin
the pump
pump assemblygear, then
leads by and
to fast measuring
accurate the
determination. area. Parametric-assisted design o
pumpThisassembly leads to fast and
area A is geometrically andautomatically
accurate area determination.
calculated; its value depends on the
parameters, such as modulus,
A is geometrically number of teeth,calculated;
and automatically and angle of itsgearing and
value depends on
correction coefficient. The teeth profile and gear features are confidential
specific gear parameters, such as modulus, number of teeth, and angle of gearing for every pump
manufacturer. The profile area between two teeth decreases when teeth number increases.
correction coefficient. The teeth profile and gear features are confidential for every p
This determines the overall internal pump size.
Knowing the The area profile area between
A, it is possible two teeth
to determine decreases
the volume when
between twoteeth number incre
teeth, determines the overall
well as the pump’s internal
geometric pump
volume, size.as Vg . Using relation (2), the pump
flow rate is: the area A, it is possible to determine the volume between two consecu
Vg · n
teeth, as well as the pump’sQgeometricp = volume,
·η, [L/minnoted
] as Vg. Using relation(2) (2), the p
flow rate is:
where n—driving shaft rotational speed, in rev/min and ηv —volumetric efficiency, in %.
For this pump, the manufacturer imposed n =∙ 3000 rev/min to be the nominal rotational
Q = ∙ η, [L/min]
speed (but the pump has the capability of rotational speeds of nmin = 700 rev/min and
nmax = 5000 rev/min). In conformity with the pump’s specifications, ηv = 93% [4,18].
The gear width is determined, so that the pump has a corresponding value of the
geometric volume specific to the pump series HP05 [4], currently in series production. Thus,
in conformity with the manufacturing company’s technical data sheets, the first value of
this parameter for the pump’s first constructive variant is 1.2 cm3 /rev. There are minimal
dimensions imposed for the gear teeth and the compensator widths, which should not be
less than 2.2 mm and 6 mm, respectively.
The manufacturing company requested an increase in this geometric volume without
changing the external shape and size of the stock parts used to manufacture the body and
the cover. An external supplier provided the stock parts. The focus was to increase the
pump’s flow rate with the same type of pump and not by selecting the next pump model that
differs in the sizes and shapes of its components. All the constructive variants/solutions
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 6 of 19

have to be fitted in narrow spaces in various hydraulic installations. By parametric design

and according to the imposed constraints, a calculation is possible in order to find the
values that define the teeth, the compensator and body widths, depth of holes in the body
where the gears and the compensator are mounted, etc.
When a user, placing an order via a web interface, changes the pump flow rate [1,10],
the geometric parametric modeling of the body, gears and compensator is automatically
updated by the various relations and one reaction written in Visual Basic. The user is aware
at all times of the pump’s dimensions and its characteristics, whereas the manufacturing
company has all the specifications for any customized order production.
Table 1 identifies the parameters involved in the above-mentioned relations, based on
one multi-value parameter for the pump flow rate depending on the constructive solution.

Table 1. Values of basic parameters that impose the flow rate of the spur gear pump.

Pump Flow Nominal Geometric Geometric Teeth Body Depth of Compensator

No. Rate Speed Volume Area Width Width Bored Holes Width
ηv , %
Qp , L/min n, rev/min Vg , cm3 A, cm2 b, mm H, mm h, mm l, mm
1 2 82 0.81 2.3 25 10 7.7
2 2.53 85 0.99 2.8 25 10 7.2
3 3.18 88 1.2 3.4 25 10 6.6
4 4.58 90 1.7 4.8 25.5 12 7.2
5 6.05 92 2.19 6.2 30 15 8.8
6 7.30 93 2.62 7.4 32 15 7.6
3000 0.1474
7 8.98 94 3.18 9 30 15 6
8 10.08 95 3.54 10 35 20 10
9 12.23 96 4.25 12 35 20 8
10 13.55 96 4.71 13.3 35 20 6.7
11 17.32 96 6.01 17 40 25 8
12 22.52 96 7.82 22.1 45 30 7.9

Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7

As an example, the user selects the flow rate from a list (Figure 3), while the remaining
parameters take discrete values, as shown in Table 1.

Figure3.3. Selection
Figure Selection of
of pump’s
pump’s flow
flow rate
rate and
and confirmation of modified
confirmation of modifiedvalues
through param
parametric design.

This reaction written in Visual Basic using the CATIA v5 interface and presented in
Appendix is based onwritten in Visualorganized
these parameters Basic using the CATIA
into several v5 interface
sequences, and present
in a conditioned
manner, A is based
depending on these
on the selected parameters
value of flow rate.organized
To create theinto severalof sequences,
3D models the pump’s in a c
tioned manner,
components, depending
the author used theon the selected
CATIA valueofof
v5 capabilities flow rate.
working To create
with solid parts. the 3D mod
each component is a solid part that needs many parameters to create its
the pump’s components, the author used the CATIA v5 capabilities of working with volume, the holes,
pockets, etc. Some of these parameters were used in the Visual Basic code. Changing their
parts. Thus, each component is a solid part that needs many parameters to create it
values affects other parameters and thus the dimensions/shapes of the components. The
code thegenerates
holes, pockets, etc.
the change ofSome of these
constructive parameters
parameters of thewere
pumpused in the
assembly Visual Basic
Changing their values affects other parameters and thus the dimensions/shapes o
components. The code that generates the change of constructive parameters of the p
assembly contains a number of conditions that constantly check the required flow
parameter values. The reaction works only in the CATIA v5 environment because it n
Changing their values affects other parameters and thus the dimensions/shapes of t
components. The code that generates the change of constructive parameters of the pum
assembly contains a number of conditions that constantly check the required flow ra
parameter values. The reaction works only in the CATIA v5 environment because it nee
access to the pump parameters. Their names and relations that establish values
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 are stor
7 of 19

and managed within the program.

Whena anumber
certain condition is met for the pump flow (the user has chosen a certa
of conditions that constantly check the required flow rate parameter values. The
value fromreaction
the list), theonly
works code sequence
in the CATIA v5 imposes newbecause
environment discrete values
it needs fortothe
access the pump
pump param
eters and modifies
parameters. the
Their3D models
names of thethat
and relations pump components.
establish In and
values are stored Appendix A, several s
managed within
the program.
quences of the reaction code for specified values of the pump flow rate are briefly pr
When a certain condition is met for the pump flow (the user has chosen a certain value
sented. from the list), the code sequence imposes new discrete values for the pump parameters and
4 contains two ofofthe
the 3D models twelve
the pump constructive
components. variants
In Appendix of the
A, several parametrically
sequences of the d
reaction code for specified values of the pump flow rate are briefly
signed pump, depending on flow rates, as follows: (a) Qp = 2 L/min and (b) Qp = 22. presented.
Figure 4 contains two of the twelve constructive variants of the parametrically designed
L/min. pump, depending on flow rates, as follows: (a) Qp = 2 L/min and (b) Qp = 22.52 L/min.

(a) (b)
Figure 4. Parametric
Figure 4. Parametric model of model
the pump
flow rate
2 L/min (a) and
2 L/min (a) of
L/min (b).
Certain standard components of the assembly (i.e., cover, screws and gaskets) were
in the figure to of the assembly
simplify (i.e.,
it and only to cover,
highlight screws
how and gaskets) we
the parameterized
components are changed.
not represented in the figure to simplify it and only to highlight how the parameteriz
The two models express the pump assembly parametric design possibilities when the
components are changed.
modification criterion is the user’s required flow rate. Figure 4 shows different widths of
the bodies, compensators and gears, easily and correctly mounted in CATIA v5. In the
pump assembly modeling phases, some improvements were identified and proposed to
the company.
Figure 5 presents the components from two constructive variants of the same type of
pump, after and before its improvement/redesign. The new pump body and cover use
four pins for better cover orientation, whereas the previous solution had only two pins.
The often incorrect cover mounting by the technicians after the application of maintenance
and repair operations imposed this change.
An additional improvement is the hole diameter and its position relative to the outlet
chamber. The new compensator has a slightly larger gasket channel, obtained directly
during the casting phase, while the previous compensator was contour milled. Additionally,
in the new compensator, a supplementary thin plastic gasket is added and mounted for a
better sealing of the pump chambers. This plastic gasket holds the rubber gasket tightly
inside the compensator, preventing movements and premature wears.
For each subfigure, the left side shows the new proposed solutions of the pump com-
ponents, while the right side corresponds to the previous solutions, following the parame-
terization and design processes. Both solutions are still in production and testing stages.
and repair operations imposed this change.
An additional improvement is the hole diameter and its position relative to the outlet
chamber. The new compensator has a slightly larger gasket channel, obtained directly
during the casting phase, while the previous compensator was contour milled. Addition-
ally, in the new compensator, a supplementary thin plastic gasket is added and mounted
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 8 of 19
for a better sealing of the pump chambers. This plastic gasket holds the rubber gasket
tightly inside the compensator, preventing movements and premature wears.



body, (b)
(b) cover
cover and
and (c)
(c) compensator.

3. Numerical Analysis of
For each subfigure, thethe
leftLoads Applied
side shows the on
new the Pump’s solutions
proposed Spur Gear of the pump com-
step the right sidein
is important corresponds to the previous
order to understand solutions,
the behavior of following thespur
the external param-
loaded with pressures and forces to simulate the real operating conditions, for
eterization and design processes. Both solutions are still in production and testing stages. every
constructive solution. By mathematical computation, the loads and constraints applied in
the pump assembly were determined.
A specific systematic methodology previously presented in Refs. [5,19] was applied
to count the distribution of the loading forces that affect the gears, body, cover, shafts
and their support bearings. These elements are loaded by the radial components of the
pressure forces applied on gears and also by the gearing forces that correspond to the
components of the pressure forces acting on teeth flanks [5,8,9] in each teeth space between
two consecutive teeth (Figure 6).
In the addendum area of every tooth, a pressure distribution appears and operates.
There are some very small variations of pressure along every tooth, and therefore, the radial
pressure distribution is considered continuous.
The gearing forces oriented along the gearing line (marked with ∆) are decomposed in
two directions: tangent and radial. The theory and practice considered that under nominal
operating conditions, the pressure distribution has a parabolic shape [19]. The radial
clearance between the gears and the respective holes in the pump body has an influence on
the flow rate and fluid discharge pressure.
clearance between the gears and the respective holes in the pump body has an influence
on the flow rate and fluid discharge pressure.
Considering the directions of movement at the angular speed ω1 = ω2 of the two gears,
the contact between any tooth of the driving gear z1 with the conjugate tooth of the driven
gear z2 takes place at a point belonging to the gearing line Δ. At that moment, the pair of
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 9 of 19
teeth cause a discharge of fluid into the outlet aperture of the pump.
Once the pair of teeth leave out the meshing area, the next pair of teeth follow in.


Applying the the

Considering generated pressures
directions on the peripheral
of movement at the angularsurfaces
speedof ωthe
1 =gears
ω2 ofcreates a
the two
gears, thetorque that
contact is counteracted
between any toothbyofthe
theengaging of thez1driving
driving gear with the gear. This torque
conjugate toothvalue
of the
measure of the
z2 takes necessary
place driving
at a point power,
belonging by the
to the relation
gearing ∆. At that moment, the
pair of teeth cause a discharge of ∙fluid into ∙the∙ outlet
∙ aperture of the pump.
Once the pair of teethPleave
= out=the meshing area,
∙ ∙
, [kW]the next pair of teeth follow in. (3)
Applying the generated pressures on the peripheral surfaces of the gears creates a
resisting torque that is counteracted by the engaging of the driving gear. This torque value
gives the measure of the necessary driving power, by the relation (3):

Qp ·p 10−3 ·Vg ·n·p

P = = , [kW] (3)
6·ηt 6 · ηm

where the parameters are indicated in §2, ηm is the hydro-mechanical efficiency (%), and ηt
is the total efficiency (%). Because of the viscous friction losses that appear in the bearing
couplings between the gear shafts and the compensator [20]; of the viscous friction losses
at the teeth tips within the gap between these tips and the pump’s internal casing; of the
viscous friction losses generated within the gap between the gear’s lateral surface and the
internal surfaces of the bushing blocks of the pump; and of the mechanical losses due to the
gears meshing, in practice, the hydro-mechanical efficiency ηm is considered and applied.
Relation (4) determines the force acting on each tooth in the horizontal (x–x) direction
because of the torque generated by the driving gear (z1 ):

2 · Ma
Fd = , [N] (4)

where Ma (N·mm) is the torque that has to be generated by the driving shaft, and Dw (mm)
is the gear-rolling diameter. Ma may be calculated [19] using relation (5):

Ma = p·m2 ·b·(z1 + 1) , [N · mm] (5)

where p—pressure (bar) generated within the pump (especially in the outlet chamber)
while it is operating, b = λ·m—gears width (mm), λ—width coefficient, m—gear modulus
(mm), z1 = z2 —teeth numbers of the driving gear, also called pinion, and of the driven gear.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 10 of 19

The values of the necessary powers and torques to run the pump are determined and
presented for each parametric variant in Table 2. The rolling diameters Dw12 [4,19] of the
displaced spur gears are given by (6)

Dw12 = m·(z12 + 2·ξ12 ) , [mm] (6)

where ξ—specific displacement of the gear teeth profile. Therefore, the calculation formula
of the force, which is applied on the teeth, is (7)

Fd = 2·p·m·b , [N] (7)

Fd —the tangent component of the generated force acting on the driving gear tooth z1 .

Table 2. Calculated values of forces acting on the pump gear and shafts.

No. Vg , cm3 b, mm P, kW Ma , N·mm Fd , N Frx , N Fx1 , N Fx2 , N Fy , N FR1 , N FR2 , N

1 0.81 2.3 0.59 1794 138 838.35 700.35 976.35 58.57 703.8 841.8
2 0.99 2.8 0.74 2184 168 1020.6 852.6 1188.6 71.30 856.8 1024.8
3 1.2 3.4 0.93 2652 204 1239.3 1035.3 1443.3 86.58 1040.4 1244.4
4 1.7 4.8 1.35 3744 288 1749.6 1461.6 2037.6 122.23 1468.8 1756.8
5 2.19 6.2 1.78 4836 372 2259.9 1887.9 2631.9 157.88 1897.2 2269.2
6 2.62 7.4 2.15 5772 444 2697.3 2253.3 3141.3 188.43 2264.4 2708.4
7 3.18 9 2.64 7020 540 3280.5 2740.5 3820.5 229.18 2754 3294
8 3.54 10 2.97 7800 600 3645 3045 4245 254.64 3060 3660
9 4.25 12 3.60 9360 720 4374 3654 5094 305.57 3672 4392
10 4.71 13.3 3.99 10374 798 4847.85 4049.85 5645.85 338.67 4069.8 4867.8
11 6.01 17 5.09 13260 1020 6196.5 5176.5 7216.5 432.89 5202 6222
12 7.82 22.1 6.62 17238 1326 8055.45 6729.45 9381.45 562.75 6762.6 8088.6

The fluid under pressure that fills the space between the teeth is a load in the radial
direction (Figure 6) for both gears. This pressure has a variation from the atmospheric
pressure p0 in the inlet chamber up to the nominal pressure p in the outlet chamber.
Considering an angular variation starting with the inlet chamber, ϕ ∈ (0 . . . π), the
pressure is rising, while for ϕ ∈ (π . . . 3π/2), Figure 6, it remains almost constant [18].
Taking a point on the circumference of the driving gear z1 , in the interval ϕ ∈ (0 . . . π),
the pressure generated in the pumped fluid to the outlet chamber is pgz1 = p·ϕ/π.
This pressure creates a radial elementary force dFr1 , which acts on the outside radius
circumference of the driving gear z1 , in correspondence with the angle dϕ.
This force can be calculated by relation (8):

ϕ De
dFr1 = p· ·b· ·dϕ , [N] (8)
π 2
The radial elementary force acting on the interval ϕ ∈ (π . . . 3π/2) is (9):

dFr2 = p·b· ·dϕ , [N] (9)
The total radial force Frx acting in the horizontal direction x–x on both gears results
through relation (10).
Z π 3π
De De
Frx12 = p·b· ϕ· cos ϕ·dϕ + p·b· ϕ· cos ϕ·dϕ ≈ 0.81·p·De12 ·b, [N] (10)
2·π 0 2 π

Here, ϕ—the rotation angle of the driving gear z1 , De = De12 —the outer diameter of
gears, calculated by using formula (11).

De = m·(z12 + 2 + 2·ξ) , [mm] (11)

It may be considered, due to the small diameter of the gears, that forces Frx1, Frx2 (Fig
ure 7) also act on the gear centers O1 and O2. The resulting forces FR1 and FR2 are considered
to act on these centers as well.
The radial force acting on the driving shaft in the direction x–x is determined [6,8] b
Energies 2022, 15, 4266
formula (12), while for the force applied on the driven shaft and in the same direction
11 of 19
relation (13) is used.
The resultant of the radial forces, relation (14), acting in the vertical direction (y–y
on the twobe
It may gears becomes
considered, duenull
to (according to the radial
the small diameter of thedistribution of pressures).
gears, that forces Frx1 , Frx2
A radial rejecting force F
(Figure 7) also act on the gear centers O1 and O2 . The resulting forces FR1 and as
y acting in the same y–y direction results FR2a are
reaction o
teeth in contact—relation
considered (15).as well.
to act on these centers

Figure Forces acting
acting on gears
on gears and and shafts.

The radial force acting on the driving shaft in the direction x–x is determined [6,8]
F = F − F = 0.81 ∙ z − 0.38 + 1.62 ∙ ξ ∙ p ∙ m ∙ b , [N] (12)
by formula (12), while for the force applied on the driven shaft and in the same direction,
= F + F = 0.81 ∙ z + 3.62 + 1.62 ∙ ξ ∙ p ∙ m ∙ b , [N]
relation (13) is Fused. (13)
The resultant of the radial forces, relation (14), acting in the vertical direction (y–y) on (14)
F becomes
the two gears φ ∙ sin φ
= p ∙ b ∙null (according to ∙the
+ p ∙ bdistribution
∙ sin
of φ ∙ dφ = 0 , [N]

A radial rejecting force Fy acting in the same y–y direction results as a reaction of teeth
in contact—relation (15). F = F ∙ tan α , [N]
Fx1 = Frx1 − Fd = (0.81·z1 − 0.38 + 1.62·ξ)·p·m·b , [N] (12)
As an example, the gear angle is αw = 230, and the gear has displaced teeth [8,16].
x2 =and
+ Fcalculate
d = (0.81the resulting
· z2 + forces
3.62 + 1.62 ·ξ)·pF
·m and
R1·b , [NF]R2, which produce
(13) load
on the gear bearings: Z π Z 3
D De12 2 π
Fry12 = p·b·F e12= p ∙ ϕ · sin · dϕ + p · b · sin ϕ·dϕ = 0 , [N] (14)
2·π 0 m ∙ b ∙ 0.66 ∙ z + 20.7 ∙πz + 0.7 , [N]
ϕ (16)
F = p ∙ m ∙Fb y ∙= 0.66 ∙ zαw+,3.94
Fd · tan [N] ∙ z + 6.4 , [N] (15) (17)
To calculate the forces with the above formulae, the following values were used: p
As an example, the gear angle is αw = 230 , and the gear has displaced teeth [8,16].
150 Relations
bar, m = 2(16)
= 0.5 mm. Table
calculate 2 contains
the resulting theF values
forces of forces Fd, Frx1, Frx2, Fx1, Fx2, F
R1 and FR2 , which produce loads
F R1 and FR2 determined
on the gear bearings: for each constructive variant.
Analyzing the data presented q in Table 2, a proportional increase by 8–10 times th
calculated values between
FR1 = p·m·b· and
the first 0.66·the
z21 +last
1 + 0.7 , [N] constructive variant
(16) of th
pump may be observed. q
FR2 = p·m·b· 0.66·z22 + 3.94·z2 + 6.4 , [N] (17)
To calculate the forces with the above formulae, the following values were used:
p = 150 bar, m = 2 mm, ξ = 0.5 mm. Table 2 contains the values of forces Fd , Frx1 , Frx2 , Fx1 ,
Fx2 , Fy , FR1 and FR2 determined for each constructive variant.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 12 of 19

Analyzing the data presented in Table 2, a proportional increase by 8–10 times the
calculated values between the first and the last parameterized constructive variant of the
pump may be observed.

4. Simulation with Finite Elements of the Spur Gear Loads

A FEM simulation model is applied for validating various variants of the pump
product’s parameterized concept. The force values and the pressure distribution used
were presented in Table 2. Thus, crucial data are obtained and presented in this paragraph
regarding the stresses and deformation distributions that appeared related to the pump
assembly. Keeping the safety conditions to operate the pump, it is required that the
computed stresses be lower than the critical ones. For most critical conditions (tensile
strength, flow limit, elasticity limit, etc.), different safety coefficients can be chosen.
The yield strength of each material applied on the pump’s parts is defined as the
maximum limit of the actual stresses under the safety conditions imposed by the safety
coefficient admissible value. The yield strength value determines the change of the model
(its geometry, mesh refining), of the restraints and/or the loads. The goal is to control and
keep the deformations, if possible, in the elastic domain, respecting the safety coefficient
imposed by the manufacturer after testing the pump in real conditions [21].
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW The physical properties of the pump components’ materials are very important 13 toof be

correctly implemented in the FEM analysis. The yield strength values crucially affect the
simulations results computed in this analysis. According to the pump manufacturer, its
body is made
accepted limitsofofangoodaluminum
practicealloy AlSi9Cu3(Fe),
related to such analysesyield[9,21].
strength Rm8=shows
Figure 240 MPa, HBS
the mesh-
ing solution= 104,for Si
gears and Fethe
pump’s Cu (3.04%), Ni (0.43%), Mg (0.3%), Zn (0.2%),
Sn (0.18%),
Physical Ti constraints,
(0.18%), Mnsuch (0.08%) [3]. ThePressure,
as Contact, cover is made of AlSi6Cu4,
Fastened and Slider,yield
m = 200 the MPa, HBS 2.5/62.5
components of the= gear
121 with
pump, the composition:
according to RefsSi[3,7,22].
(7.97%), Cu (5.12%), Mg
(0.7%),An Feimportant
(0.53%), Mn stage(0.12%), Ni (0.01%),
in the analysis Znpump
of the (0.12%). Theseisalloys
assembly are recommended
the application of virtual
loads on certain surfaces of the components. These virtual loads (pressures aand
casting parts, having a very good machinability. For the gears and shafts, steelforces)
m = 350and MPa, HRC =the
simulate 51real
that appearandwithin
for thetheassembly components
model during (pins
operation [8].and
screws), a qualitytocarbon
According steel Rm =
the theoretical 250 MPa.
considerations and practice, the forces inside the pump
A good
assembly act3Donmodel of the
teeth and pump
also assembly
on the pressures should be followed
radially distributedby the discretization
in the gaps between of
Other pressure Thus,
loadsa correct
affect therefining of the
bearings, themesh
planefor these of
surfaces components
the cover and leads of
a reduced error of the computations model, so the values resulted
compensator. These loads determine the appearance of stresses and deformations in- from FEA are close
ones [10,22,23].
[3,22]. In order to analyze the pump, a mesh of points and elements is
defined in CATIA v5, with afor
The applied pressures goodFEAprecision
are locatedfor in
gaps(size = 0.5 mm,
between sag =
the teeth 0.2 mm,
(Figure 8)
parabolic type). These components are the most stressed, also presenting
for each gear. The pressure distribution starts from a value of 1.5 MPa going up to the a high interest for
the proposed
value of 15 MPastudy. (150 bar), which is the nominal pressure for pump operation according
to the analysis alsospecifications.
manufacturer’s considers other Thecomponents
inlet chamber having the the
presents bearing
lowest role for the close
pressure, gear
shafts: cover, body and compensator (size = 1.5 mm, sag = 1 mm,
to the atmospheric pressure p0, and the highest value is found in the outlet chamber [19]. linear type). After
Two discretization
forces of equal andvalue
simulation computations
but opposite directionareFdcompleted, the resultsonfor
also act tangentially thethe gears
present a much lower error rate than for the other components. All,
teeth. Together with the forces created by the applied pressures (Frx1 and Frx2), the pump however, are within
the accepted
assembly limits of
is loaded good
with thepractice
forces toFx1such analysesfor
, Fx2, applied [9,21].
FEA onFigure 8 showsteeth
the gearing the
meshing solution for the
and on the gear shafts (Figure 7).gears and the pump’s body.

Figure 8. Radial distribution of pressures in the gaps between the teeth.

Figure 8. Radial distribution of pressures in the gaps between the teeth.

Combining these forces with the reaction force of the gearing teeth, Fy, the resulting
forces FR1 and FR2 (Figure 7) are obtained. These forces stress the bearings of the driving
and driven gears.
Figure 9 presents the loading applied on the two gear teeth in contact at a certain
the compensator. These loads determine the appearance of stresses and deformations in
side the pump [10,22,23].
The applied pressures for FEA are located in the gaps between the teeth (Figure 8
for each gear. The pressure distribution starts from a value of 1.5 MPa going up to th
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 value of 15 MPa (150 bar), which is the nominal pressure for pump operation 13 of 19accordin
to the manufacturer’s specifications. The inlet chamber presents the lowest pressure, clos
to the atmospheric pressure p0, and the highest value is found in the outlet chamber [19
Two forces constraints,
Physical of equal valuesuchbut oppositePressure,
as Contact, direction Fd alsoand
Fastened act Slider,
tangentially on the gearin
were applied
teeth. Together with the forces created by the applied pressures
between the components of the gear pump, according to Refs. [3,7,22]. (F rx1 and Frx2), the pum

assembly is loaded
An important with
stage theanalysis
in the resulting forces
of the pump , Fx2, applied
Fx1assembly is the for FEA onof
application the gearing teet
and on certain
the gear surfaces
shafts of the components.
(Figure 7). These virtual loads (pressures and forces)
replace and simulate the real loads that appear within the model during operation [8].
According to the theoretical considerations and practice, the forces inside the pump
assembly act on teeth and also on the pressures radially distributed in the gaps between the
teeth. Other pressure loads affect the bearings, the plane surfaces of the cover and of the
compensator. These loads determine the appearance of stresses and deformations inside
the pump [10,22,23].
The applied pressures for FEA are located in the gaps between the teeth (Figure 8)
for each gear. The pressure distribution starts from a value of 1.5 MPa going up to the
value of 15 MPa (150 bar), which is the nominal pressure for pump operation according to
the manufacturer’s specifications. The inlet chamber presents the lowest pressure, close
to the atmospheric pressure p0 , and the highest value is found in the outlet chamber [19].
Two forces of equal value but opposite direction Fd also act tangentially on the gearing
teeth. Together with the forces created by the applied pressures (Frx1 and Frx2 ), the pump
Figure 8. Radial distribution of pressures in the gaps between the teeth.
assembly is loaded with the resulting forces Fx1 , Fx2 , applied for FEA on the gearing teeth
and on the gear shafts (Figure 7).
Combining these forces with the reaction force of the gearing teeth, Fy, the resultin
Combining these forces with the reaction force of the gearing teeth, Fy , the resulting
forces FR1and
forces FR1 andFR2FR2 (Figure
(Figure 7) are
7) are obtained.
obtained. TheseThese
forcesforces stress
stress the the bearings
bearings of the drivin
of the driving
and driven gears.
Figure 9 presents
Figure 9 presents the the loading
loading applied
applied on theontwo
gearinteeth in at
contact contact at a certai
a certain
moment. TheThe forces
forces mentioned
mentioned aboveabove
createcreate stresses
stresses inand
in gears gears andbut
shafts shafts
also but also in othe
in other
components of the pump: compensator, body, cover, pins and
components of the pump: compensator, body, cover, pins and screws. screws.

Figure 9. 9. Forces
Forces distribution
distribution onteeth
on the the teeth

Thefinite elements
finite analysis
elements reveals
analysis that the
reveals teeth
that the are most
teeth arestressed when they
most stressed reach
when they reac
position where
maximum pressure is applied
pressure on their
is applied onflanks
their but alsobut
flanks in the
in the gearin
area [3,6]. In addition, the deformation values of such areas are determined by the analysis.
The maximum and the minimum stress values are possible to be located on every compo-
nent of the pump and also the deformations and the rates of error for all 12 parameterized
pump variants, according to Table 3.
Maximum stresses appear for the last parameterized pump model (width of gear teeth
b = 22.1 mm, tangential forces Fd = 1326 N).
The most loaded components are the gear teeth. The maximum stress (of 256 MPa) is
obtained in the driven gear, in the last constructive variant. The stress is located at the teeth
root [17]. Additionally, the driving gear presents maximum stress (of 154 MPa) at the root
of the teeth.
The maximum stress values identified in the gears do not exceed the yield strength
value (350 MPa) of the gear steel. The deformations experienced by each gear model in
the contact area are small (10.9 × 10−3 mm—driven gear, 5.7 × 10−3 mm—driving gear),
insignificant for the proper pump assembly operation.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 14 of 19

Table 3. Variation of maximum stresses, deformations and error rates.

Driving GEAR Driven GEAR Compensator Body Cover

No. b, mm Fd , N Stress, Disp, Stress, Disp, Stress, Stress, Stress,
Er, % Er, % Er, % Er, % Er, %
MPa ×10−3 mm MPa ×10−3 mm MPa MPa MPa
1 2.3 138 136 3.3 6.59 139 4.9 5.89 7.72 14.4 7.72 11.3 11.5 11.2
2 2.8 168 108 3.1 6.27 139 5.1 5.82 9.6 16.7 4.77 11.4 13 11
3 3.4 204 126 3.2 6.15 143 5.2 5.92 10.6 16.5 3.38 12.3 14.3 10.8
4 4.8 288 121 3.4 6.5 147 5.9 6.38 14.6 17.2 4.54 12.2 19.6 10.6
5 6.2 372 108 3.7 6.38 151 6.3 6.23 17.2 14.3 8.89 12.4 24.4 10.3
6 7.4 444 11 3.6 6.3 149 6.5 6.56 19.4 17.1 6.87 14.8 27.8 10.2
7 9 540 121 4 6.56 146 6.9 6.61 19.1 16.4 7.57 13.6 22.7 10.2
8 10 600 109 4.3 7 165 7.4 6.92 26.2 14.8 9.45 13 26.1 11.1
9 12 720 108 4.4 7.11 179 7.8 6.95 28.6 16.3 9.22 13.2 28.7 11.2
10 13.3 798 107 4.6 7.06 182 8.1 7.26 26.1 18.2 12 13.1 31.5 11.1
11 17 1020 13 5.2 7 198 9.5 7.21 39 16.3 14.1 12.4 39.9 11.7
12 22.1 1326 154 5.7 6.79 256 10.9 7.46 54.1 17.3 21 13.4 48.2 11.3

The error rates for the two gears discretized by finite elements of the parabolic type
are within the 7–10% interval. These values are convenient and accepted for a FEM analysis
of such an assembly [21].
The compensator presents a maximum stress of 54 MPa, the body has a maximum
stress of 21 MPa, while the cover has a maximum stress of 48.2 MPa.
The other pump components (pins, screws and gaskets) present various levels of stress,
but their values are very low and do not influence its functioning. The good influence of
those two supplementary pins, which stiffen the pump assembly, was observed.
It was also observed that the stress distribution is higher in the driven gear bearings
(compensator and cover), in the gearing area and in the gaps between the teeth that contain
the high pressures.
The stress values found in these components after analysis are smaller than the value
of yield strength (260 MPa) of the aluminum alloy that they are made of.
Figures 10 and 11 present the evolution of stresses that occurred in the driving and
driven gears and in the body, compensator and cover, according to the values of Fd forces
applied on the teeth, for all the parameterized variants.
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Knowing the simulation practices with FEM and analyzing all these results presented 15 of 1
in tables, it can be concluded that the parameterized variants of the pump model meet the
conditions for manufacturing [24].

Figure 10.Stress
Stress evolution
evolution in the
in the twotwo gears,
gears, depending
depending on theon the applied
applied Fd forces.
Fd forces.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 15 of 19

Figure 10. Stress evolution in the two gears, depending on the applied Fd forces.

Figure 11.Stress
compensator, depending
depending onon applied
applied FdFforces.
d forces.

Figure the simulation
12 shows practices
the maximum stresswith FEM in
location and
theanalyzing all these results
main components presented
of the analyzed
in tables,
pump it can
for the be parameterized
third concluded thatvariant
the parameterized variants
(Table 3). The of thethe
areas where pump model
stress meet as
increases, the
well the pressure
conditions distribution between
for manufacturing [24]. the gear teeth, are graphically presented, together
with the palette
Figure 12 of values.
shows theInmaximum
addition, the figure
stress highlights
location in thehow thecomponents
main meshing of ofthethe
components was prepared. Thus, the finite elements mesh is denser on gears,
lyzed pump for the third parameterized variant (Table 3). The areas where the stress16 in-
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
which leadsof 19
lower (and better)
as well theerror percentages.
pressure distribution between the gear teeth, are graphically pre-
sented, together with the palette of values. In addition, the figure highlights how the
meshing of the pump components was prepared. Thus, the finite elements mesh is denser
on gears, which leads to lower (and better) error percentages.
If the error is relatively high in a particular area of interest, the analysis results will
not be considered, and the 3D model must be refined and the calculation repeated. The
purpose of refining the pump’s mesh [11] is to achieve a rate of error as small as possible
and, therefore, the least possible difference in pump assembly behavior under both virtual
and real conditions.
To complete this study, many computation iterations were performed, which were
required to obtain the imposed objectives regarding a low error percentage.

Figure 12. Mesh representations of the main pump components for the third parametric variant.
Figure 12. Mesh representations of the main pump components for the third parametric variant.
5. Concluding Remarks
The parametric design study, quick creation of twelve constructive variants of the
gear pump product and finite element analysis of each assembly show that it is entirely
possible to reach preliminary product validation, which is an important stage in product
design optimization [5], with significant impact on the process of establishing similar
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 16 of 19

If the error is relatively high in a particular area of interest, the analysis results will
not be considered, and the 3D model must be refined and the calculation repeated. The
purpose of refining the pump’s mesh [11] is to achieve a rate of error as small as possible
and, therefore, the least possible difference in pump assembly behavior under both virtual
and real conditions.
To complete this study, many computation iterations were performed, which were
required to obtain the imposed objectives regarding a low error percentage.

5. Concluding Remarks
The parametric design study, quick creation of twelve constructive variants of the gear
pump product and finite element analysis of each assembly show that it is entirely possible
to reach preliminary product validation, which is an important stage in product design
optimization [5], with significant impact on the process of establishing similar product
ranges for future development.
The paper presented an applied methodology for the manufacture of a family of
pumps, as well as for calculating the power and torque required for the electric drive motor,
the forces involved in the operation of the pump, the dimensions of its components, etc.
The dimensional parameters of the pump have discrete values resulting from successive
calculations and tests, taking into account the semi-finished products available for the
body and cover. The pump must supply certain flows according to requirements from the
beneficiaries, and the sizing of its components especially takes into account the parameters
that define the geometric volume.
The finite element analysis applied and performed on the parametric pump assembly
provided the validation by simulation of all twelve identified solutions, as the maximum
stress values were lower than the material yield strength of each component. The maximum
values of displacements in all the parts were very low and would not lead to interference
between the pump components nor to a leakage of the hydraulic fluid during operation.
After an optimal pump assembly re-modeling, corresponding to the third solution
(which is already in production and testing), the weight increased from 546 g to 587 g.
The number of pump components increased for several reasons. For the new pump,
a supplementary thin but rigid plastic gasket was added to the compensator for a better
sealing of the pump chambers. This gasket also prevented the movement and premature
wear of the rubber gasket, which was re-designed to have a slightly different shape to match
the new shape of the larger channel of the compensator. Additionally, the higher number
of pins was due to the increased stresses that appeared in the larger constructive versions
of the pump but also the fact that, sometimes, the beneficiaries’ technicians incorrectly
mounted the pump cover after completing the maintenance and repair operations.
The analysis presented in this paper did not consider the pressure pulsation, nor the
hydraulic fluid temperature increase in the operating time, which also impacts the pump
components’ loads. Further research might consist of fully testing the resulting prototype
variants in experimental conditions to measure the real stress values, flows, temperatures,
noise and vibrations. This validation should be the final product confirmation before a full
series production.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank HESPER Bucharest, Hidraulica UM Plopeni and
MEFIN Sinaia companies for the pumps and tests.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 17 of 19


Symbols Description Units

Vg geometric volume cm3 /rev
z teeth number on each gear -
zi1 , zi2 tooth of the driving gear and the conjugate tooth of the driven gear -
∆ gearing line -
b gear width mm
A area of the space profile between two consecutive teeth cm2
Qp pump flow L/min
n driving shaft rotational speed rev/min
ηv volumetric efficiency %
ηm hydro-mechanical efficiency %
ηt total efficiency %
H body width mm
h depth of bored holes mm
l compensator width mm
ω1 , ω2 angular speeds of the two gears s−1
P necessary driving motor power kW
Fd tangential force applied on teeth N
Ma torque moment required for the driving shaft N·mm
Dw gear-rolling diameter mm
p pressure generated in the pump (in the outlet chamber) during operation bar
λ width coefficient -
m gear modulus mm
ξ specific displacement of the gear teeth profile mm
angular variation, ϕ ∈ (0 . . . π), pressure is rising, ϕ ∈ (π . . . 3π/2),
ϕ degrees
pressure remains constant
pgz1 pressure generated in the pumped fluid to the outlet chamber bar
radial elementary force acting on the outside radius circumference of the
dFr1 N
gear z1 , corresponding to the angle dϕ
dFr2 radial elementary force acting on the interval ϕ ∈ (π . . . 3π/2) N
Frx total radial force acting in the direction x–x on the gears N
De = De12 the outer diameter of gears mm
αw = 230 gear angle degrees
FR1 , FR2 resulting forces that produce stress on the gear bearings N
Fx1 , Fx2 radial force acting on the shafts z1 and z2 in the direction x–x N
Fry12 radial forces acting in the vertical direction y–y on the two meshing gears N
Fy radial rejecting force generated as a reaction of teeth in contact N

Appendix A
Fragment of the code that generates the change of constructive parameters of the
pump assembly:
if ‘Pump flow Qp (L/min)‘ = = 2
{‘spur gear1\gear\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 2.3 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length = 25 mm
body\PartBody\Pocket.6\FirstLimit\Depth = 10 mm
compensator\PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length = 7.7 mm
‘spur gear1\gear\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 23 mm + 1.7 mm
‘spur gear2\gear\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 15 mm + 1.7 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length = 2 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.8\FirstLimit\Length = 2 mm
Efficiency = 0.82}
else if ‘Pump flow Qp (L/min)‘ = = 2.53
{‘spur gear1\gear\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 2.8 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length = 25 mm
body\PartBody\Pocket.6\FirstLimit\Depth = 10 mm
Energies 2022, 15, 4266 18 of 19

compensator\PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length = 7.2 mm
‘spur gear1\gear\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 23 mm + 1.2 mm
‘spur gear2\gear\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length‘ = 15 mm + 1.2 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.3\FirstLimit\Length = 2 mm
body\PartBody\Pad.8\FirstLimit\Length = 2 mm
Efficiency = 0.85}
Message(“The pump flow is Qp = # L/min|Efficiency = #|Body width H = #|Depth
of pockets in body = #|Width of gears teeth b = #|Compensator width = #”.
‘Pump flow Qp (L/min)‘, Efficiency, body\PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length,
‘spur gear1\gear\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length‘,

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ISBN 978-3-902734-07-5.

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