2012 CCNiCrMo EA2012
2012 CCNiCrMo EA2012
2012 CCNiCrMo EA2012
Electrochimica Acta
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The crevice corrosion kinetics of alloys C-22, C-22HS and HYBRID-BC1 was studied in several chloride
Received 17 February 2012 solutions at 90 ◦ C. The crevice corrosion resistance of the alloys increased with PREN (Pitting Resistance
Received in revised form 16 April 2012 Equivalent Number), which is mainly affected by the Mo content in the alloys. The crevice corrosion
Accepted 17 April 2012
kinetics of the three alloys was analyzed at potentials slightly higher than the repassivation potential.
Available online 22 May 2012
Crevice propagation was controlled by ohmic drop in the more dilute chloride solutions, and by charge
transfer in the more concentrated chloride solutions. Ohmic drop was not a necessary condition for
crevice corrosion to occur.
Nickel alloys
Crevice corrosion © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (UNS N06022) [5] is one of the most versatile members of the
Ni–Cr–Mo family. This alloy has shown excellent resistance to
Crevice corrosion is a form of localized corrosion that may occur pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion and environmentally assisted
within cracks and crevices where an acidic concentrated solu- cracking in hot concentrated chloride solutions [3,6,7]. Alloy C-22
tion is developed [1]. Pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion are is used in harsh industrial environments and it was proposed as a
essentially the same phenomena from an electrochemical point of corrosion-resistant barrier of high-level nuclear waste containers
view, although there are geometrical differences between them [2]. [3,6–8]. The increasing demand of the industry for corrosion resis-
Crevice corrosion is of particular concern for stainless steels and tant alloys with particular properties of corrosion and mechanical
nickel alloys when in contact with chloride containing solutions resistance has led to the development of new alloys. HASTELLOY®
[1,3,4]. C-22HS® (UNS N07022) is a novel high-strength corrosion resis-
Several families of nickel alloys have been developed based tant material. This alloy provides a corrosion resistance comparable
on the ability of nickel to retain large amounts of different with that of other Ni–Cr–Mo alloys, and it can also be age-hardened
alloying elements in solid solution [3,4]. Each alloy family is to effectively double its yield strength [9–11]. High yield strength
intended for specific applications. Commercially pure nickel is corrosion resistant alloys, such as alloy C-22HS, are candidate mate-
widely used in caustic environments. Nickel–Copper (Ni–Cu) rials for oil and gas applications [12]. HASTELLOY® HYBRID-BC1®
alloys are able to withstand hot wet hydrofluoric acid; and (UNS N10362) is a new alloy intended for filling the gap between
Nickel–Molybdenum (Ni–Mo) alloys are the selected materials Ni–Mo and Ni–Cr–Mo alloys. Despite the versatility of Ni–Cr–Mo
for handling hot reducing (non-oxidizing) acids (HCl and H2 SO4 ), alloys, there is a need within the chemical process and pharmaceu-
provided that no oxidants are present. The most versatile family tical industries for materials with even higher resistance to HCl
is the Nickel–Chromium–Molybdenum (Ni–Cr–Mo), which pro- and H2 SO4 . This need is partially satisfied by the Ni–Mo alloys.
vides corrosion resistance in reducing and oxidizing hot acids [3]. However, Ni–Mo alloys cannot withstand even small quantities of
Chromium and molybdenum provide protection against oxidizing dissolved oxygen [13]. Alloy HYBRID-BC1 is able to withstand HCl
and reducing conditions, respectively [3,4]. HASTELLOY® C-22®1 and H2 SO4 , even in the presence of dissolved oxygen and other
oxidizing species, and its resistance to chloride-induced pitting
corrosion, crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking is also
remarkable [13].
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +54 11 6772 7353; fax: +54 11 6772 7362.
The crevice corrosion kinetics of Ni–Cr–Mo alloys has been stud-
E-mail addresses: martinrz@gmail.com, maalrodr@cnea.gov.ar (M.A. Rodríguez).
HASTELLOY® , C–22® , C–22HS® and HYBRID–BC1® are trademarks of Haynes ied in some detail [14–19]. Results from a previous work suggest
International, Inc. that the charge transfer process controls the anodic dissolution
0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.S. Zadorozne et al. / Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 94–101 95
Table 1
Nominal composition (wt%) of the tested alloys (* maximum values).
Alloy Ni Cr Mo W Fe Co Si Mn C V Al B
within the crevice of alloy C-22 [16]. However, ohmic drop may test. A water-cooled condenser combined with a water trap was
be a necessary condition for crevice corrosion to occur [20]. Lillard used to avoid evaporation of the solution and to prevent the ingress
et al. indicate that crevice corrosion of alloy 625 in artificial ocean of air (oxygen). The temperature of the solution was controlled by
water is under ohmic control [14]. immersing the cell in a water bath, which was kept at a constant
The objective of the present work was to study the crevice corro- temperature. All the tests were performed at ambient pressure. The
sion kinetics of nickel alloys bearing chromium and molybdenum reference electrode was a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), which
in chloride solutions, at 90 ◦ C. Alloys C-22, C-22HS and HYBRID- has a potential 0.242 V more positive than the standard hydrogen
BC1 were selected to assess the effect of the chemical composition. electrode (SHE). The reference electrode was connected to the solu-
Testing in hydrochloric acid solution was performed in order to tion through a water-cooled Luggin probe. The reference electrode
simulate the environment within active crevices. The results are was kept at room temperature. The electrode potentials were not
analyzed in terms of the localized acidification model [2]. corrected for the thermal liquid junction potential, since it was
assumed to be on the order of only a few mV. The counter electrode
2. Experimental consisted in a flag of platinum foil (total area 50 cm2 ) spot-welded
to a platinum wire. All the potentials in this paper are reported in
The test specimens were prepared from wrought mill annealed the SCE scale.
plate stock. The nominal chemical compositions of the tested alloys
in weight percent are listed in Table 1. Fig. 1 shows the two different
types of specimens used. Fig. 1a shows the prism crevice assemblies 2.1. Corrosion behavior in 1 M HCl solution
(PCA), fabricated based on ASTM G 48 and G192 [21,22] which con-
tained 24 artificially creviced spots formed by a ceramic crevice The tests were performed in deaerated 1 M HCl at 90 ◦ C, to
former wrapped with a 70 m-thick PTFE tape. The torque applied simulate the acidic conditions in active crevices using prismatic
to the crevice formers was 5 N m. Fig. 1b shows the prismatic specimens. The open circuit or corrosion potential (ECORR ) of the
specimen fabricated based on a variation of the ASTM G 5 speci- tested alloys was monitored and recorded for 24 h in deaerated
men [23]. The tested surface areas were approximately 14 cm2 for conditions. For the three tested alloys, ECORR remained approx-
PCA specimens and 10 cm2 for prismatic specimens. The specimens imately constant over the testing time varying only within a
had a finished grinding of abrasive paper number 600 and were range of 20–30 mV. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
degreased in acetone and washed in distilled water within the hour measurements were performed after 24 h of immersion. A 10 mV-
prior to testing. Prism crevice assemblies were used for determin- amplitude sinusoidal potential signal was superimposed to ECORR .
ing the repassivation potential of the tested alloys in near neutral The frequency scan was started at 10 kHz and ended at 10 mHz.
chloride solutions. Prismatic specimens were used for studying the Parameters of simple equivalent circuit mathematical models were
general corrosion of the tested alloys in 1 M HCl solution. Although fitted to these data in order to obtain the polarization resistance
this specimen forms a crevice (Fig. 1b), it is not severe enough for (RP ), which led to the calculation of the instantaneous uniform
producing crevice corrosion of the tested alloys [16]. corrosion rate. The equivalent circuits used for fitting to the EIS
All the electrochemical tests were conducted in a one-liter, experimental results were simple combinations of R//CPE in series
three-electrode vessel (ASTM G 5) [23]. Nitrogen (N2 ) was purged with an ohmic resistance, where CPE stands for Constant Phase
through the solution from 1 h prior to testing until the end of each Element. Circuits with two or three time constants were used. RP
was defined as the sum of the resistances of all the time constants
observed. Further analyses of the impedance data was out of the
scope of the present work.
Calculation of the corrosion rate of the tested alloys was made
according to ASTM G 102 [24]. Since the anodic behavior of the
tested alloys in hot HCl solutions does not show a linear Tafel
region, the Tafel slopes cannot be obtained directly from polariza-
tion curves [25,26]. The value of the anodic Tafel slope (bA ) used
in the present work was 0.053 V. This value is reported in the lit-
erature for alloy C-22 when tested in a variety of low pH chloride
solutions at 90 ◦ C [25]. The cathodic behavior of the tested alloys
in 1 M HCl at 90 ◦ C did not show a linear Tafel region either. The
value of the cathodic Tafel slope (bC ) used in the present work was
0.023 V, which was extrapolated from data of alloy C-22 at slightly
higher pH values, where a Tafel behavior is observed [26]. There is
no reported data about Tafel slopes for alloys C-22HS and HYBRID-
BC1 in hot HCl solutions. The above mentioned anodic and cathodic
Tafel slopes were used for the three tested alloys and they rendered
a Stern–Geary constant (B) of 0.007 V.
The general corrosion rate (CR) was calculated using Eq. (1),
where jCORR is the corrosion current density, EW is the equivalent
Fig. 1. Scheme of PCA and prismatic specimens. weight, is the alloy density and K is the faradaic conversion factor
96 N.S. Zadorozne et al. / Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 94–101
Table 2
Constants used in corrosion rate calculations (* assuming congruent dissolution of
the major alloying elements as Ni2+ , Cr3+ , Mo6+ , Fe2+ , and W6+ ) [24].
(K = 3.27 m g cm−1 A−1 yr−1 ). The values of EW and used for each
tested alloy are listed in Table 2 (ASTM G 102) [24].
K · jCORR · EW
CR = (1)
Potentiodynamic polarization curves were performed in deaerated
1 M HCl solutions at 90 ◦ C using prismatic specimens. The anodic
polarization started a few mV below the ECORR and ended when an
anodic current density of 1 mA cm−2 was attained. A potential scan
rate of 0.167 mV s−1 was used.
Fig. 2 shows the complex plane diagram and bode plots cor-
responding to EIS tests in deaerated 1 M HCl at 90 ◦ C, after 24 h
of immersion. Experimental data are shown along with the corre-
sponding equivalent circuit fittings. EIS tests showed two or three
time constants indicating complex anodic dissolution processes for
the three tested alloys. Alloy HYBRID-BC1 showed the highest cor-
rosion resistance in the tested conditions (Fig. 2).
Fig. 3 shows average values of CR of the tested alloys as a function
of ECORR in deaerated 1 M HCl, at 90 ◦ C. Error bars represent one
standard deviation of two to three values of CR and ECORR . Alloy C-22 Fig. 3. Corrosion rate as a function of potential for the tested alloys in deaerated 1 M
showed the highest CR of the three alloys (0.8 mm yr−1 ), followed HCl at 90 ◦ C, after 24 h of immersion.
N.S. Zadorozne et al. / Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 94–101 97
Fig. 5. PD–GS–PD test for an alloy HYBRID-BC1 specimen, in pH 6, 1 M NaCl at 90 ◦ C. Fig. 8. Image of an alloy HYBRID-BC1 specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 1 M
NaCl at 90 ◦ C.
98 N.S. Zadorozne et al. / Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 94–101
Fig. 9. Image of an alloy C-22 specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 5 M CaCl2 at Fig. 12. SEM image of an alloy C-22 specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 1 M
90 ◦ C. NaCl at 90 ◦ C.
Fig. 10. Image of an alloy C-22HS specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 5 M CaCl2
at 90 ◦ C.
Fig. 13. SEM image of an alloy C-22 specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 5 M
CaCl2 at 90 ◦ C.
Fig. 14. Crevice corrosion repassivation potentials (ECO ) from PD–GS–PD tests as a
Fig. 11. Image of an alloy HYBRID-BC1 specimen after a PD–GS–PD test in pH 6, 5 M function of the chloride concentration for all the tested alloys at 90 ◦ C.
CaCl2 at 90 ◦ C.
N.S. Zadorozne et al. / Electrochimica Acta 76 (2012) 94–101 99
Fig. 15. ECO in NaCl solutions and ECORR at 24 h of immersion in deaerated 1 M HCl,
as a function of PREN for all the tested alloys.
Fig. 16. ECO − ECORR = + ˚ as a function of PREN for all the tested alloys.
3.4.3. Ohmic drop
˚ is a function of the crevice corrosion current density and
Financial support from the Agencia Nacional de Promoción
of the resistivity of the crevice solution and that of the corrosion
Científica y Tecnológica of the Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y
products layers, usually precipitated on the surface of the corroding
Tecnología from Argentina and from the Universidad Nacional de
alloy [1]. Corrosion products formed within active crevices of alloy
San Martín is acknowledged. The authors are grateful to N. S. Meck
C-22 are rich in molybdenum and tungsten [16,31,32]. Polymeric
from Haynes International, who kindly supplied the tested alloys.
molybdates were detected within the crevice corroded region of
alloy C-22 in 5 M NaCl, at 120 ◦ C [32]. In the present work, cor-
rosion products were not observed in the tests in 10 M chloride References
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