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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

Module 1
1.What is a speech act? A communicative act by which people communicate with each other:
making statements, asking questions, giving directives with the aim of getting the hearer to
carry out some action, making an offer or promise, thanking or expressing an exclamation.

2.Can you name ten types of speech acts?

- Statements - Questions - Echo questions - Exclamations
- Offers - Reminders - Promises - Thanks
- Directives

3.What is a situation or state of affairs? It is the social context in which a speech act takes
place. It may have to do with our own or somebody else’s experience of life and the world at
large. Any happening or state in real or imaginary life can be expressed through
language as a situation or state of affairs. It does not refer directly to an extra-linguistic
reality that exists in the real world, but rather to the speaker’s conceptualization of it.

4.What functions or semantic roles can be distinguished in any communicative act?

• Processes: that is, actions, events, states and types of behavior
• Participants: entities of all kinds, not only human, but inanimate, concrete and abstract,
that are involved in the processes.
• Attributes: qualities and characteristics of the participants.
• Circumstances: any kind of contingent fact or subsidiary situation which is associated
with the process or the main situation.

5.What difference is there between interpersonal, representational and textual meaning?

The representational meaning is a clause which contains a linguistic representation of our
experience of the world. Interpersonal meaning is that contained in a communicative exchange
between persons. Textual meaning is that contained in an organized message or text.

6.What difference is there between transitivity structures, mood structures and thematic
Transitivity structures encode the representational meaning of the clause. These include agent,
recipient, affected, process, attribute and circumstance (locative, temporal, etc)
Mood structures are used to analyze a speaker’s interactions with others to exchange
information, influence their behavior or to get things done.
Thematic structures are those that show us how the speaker organized the information so as to
establish a point of departure for the message. This is called the Theme, the rest of the phrase
is called a Rheme.

Module 2
1.What is a unit? A unit is any sequence of words that constitutes a semantic whole and which
has a recognized pattern that is repeated regularly in speech and writing
What is a rank? Rank is the relationship of componence in which the four structural units of the
English language can be arranged.
What is an element? Part that composes a unit.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

2.Name the four main types of structural units.

Clause, group, word and morpheme

3.What is the difference between a finite and a non-finite clause?

Finite clauses are those marked for either tense or modality (not both), together with person and
number. Their function is to relate the verb to the speech event.
Infinite clauses are those where the verb form does not signal either tense or modality. Non-
finite verb forms are the infinitive, the to-infinitive, the partici-ing form and the past participal

What is the difference between an independent and a dependent clause?

An independent clause is complete in itself. It does not form part of a larger structure. They are
all finite and have variation in clause structure.
A dependent clause is related to an independent one. Can be finite or non-finite. Non-finite
clauses have dependent status.

What is a supplementive unit?

A supplementive unit is one that is not integrated into the main clause, as are embedded units.
It is subordinated and set off from the main clause by commas or by a dash. Supplementive
units have their own intonation contour. In texts that imitate spoken language, they can be free
standing despite their subordinate form.

What is a verbless clause?

It is a subsidiary type of clause which lacks a verb and often also a subject. The omitted verb is
typically a form of “be” and is recoverable from the context.

What is an abbreviated clause?

It is a clause which consists of the subject and a finite operator alone, with the rest of the clause
ellipted because it is known. Typically occur as responses in conversations and as tags, but
can also express such speech acts as reprimands given the appropriate social context.

4. What is a finite dependent clause? Major classes

A clause which forms part of a larger structure, which is not complete in itself and which
contains a verb marked for either tense or modality, but not both, together with person and
number. Classes: Circumstancial, Relative, Nominal (That-clause, Wh-nominal relative,
Wh-interrogative, Dependent exclamative) and Comparative.

5.Main classes of groups:

Nominal groups
Verbal groups
Adjectival groups
Adverbial groups

Main classes of words:

Noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun, article & conjunction

6.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph?

A morpheme is an abstract category that has either a lexical or a grammatical meaning. A
morph is the actual realization of the morpheme.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

7.Clause elements within common clause structures:

Subject (S), predicator (P), Direct Object (od), Indirect Object (Oi), Prepositional Object (Op),
Subject Complement (Cs), Object Complement (Co), Locative/Goal Complement (Cloc),
Circumstantial Adjunct (A), Stance Adjunct (A. i.e.: unfortunately she came on Tuesday),
Connective Adjunct (A. i.e.: however, he was admitted)

8.The main syntactic elements of groups:

Nominal, adjectival and adverbial groups have 3 elements of functions
- A head (h)
- Preceded by a pre-modifier (m)
- Followed by a post-modifier (m)
- Complement or special type of post-head element

Verbal groups
- Lexical verb (v)
- Auxiliary (x) which preceeds it. The first auxiliary is the finite operator (o)
- Sometimes the verb is followed by an adverbial particle (p) – i.e.: break out

In prepositional phrases (PP):

- Prepositional head (h)
- The complement (c)
- The modifier (m) which is optional (right, quite, etc… as in right across the road or he is
quite out of practice)

9.What is the relationship between componence and realization?"There's no one-to-one

correspondence between the class of unit (componence?) and its function. It is true that certain
classes of unit typically realise a certain function (for example, the Nominal Group as Subject
and Object functions). However, many classes of unit can fulfil manymany different functions,
and different functions are realised by many different classes of unit.

Module 3
1.What is a finite operator used for?
It is used to form negative and interrogative clause structures.

2.How many types are there?

- Primary: positive & negative (am, is, aren’t isn’t…)
- Modal: positive & negative (can, could, will should, can’t won’t shouldn’t…)
- Do: positive & negative (do, didn’t…)
- Lexical auxiliaries based on the primary verbs be (be about to, be sure to…) and have
(have got to, have to). The primary verb functions as a normal operator in these
- Semi modals dare & need (less commonly used)

3.What ways are there of negating a clause?

- With the particle ‘not’ negating the finite operator or a non-finite verb in a dependent
- If no auxiliary is present, a form of ‘do’ is brought in as operator.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

- Interrogative clauses: inverting the operator with the subject

- Using a non-verbal nuclear negative word such as nobody, none…
- Using a no-negation or a not-negation along with ‘any’.

4.Assertive vs. non-assertive words

Assertive forms are those that have factual meanings and typically occur in positive declarative
clauses (some, someone, still, a lot)
Non-assertive words (any) are associated with non-factual meanings in the sense of non-
fulfillment or potentiality.

5.Local and transferred negation.

Local negation: groups, words and non-finite clauses can be negated by ‘not’ without the entire
finite clause being negated (she was admitted not long ago)
Transferred negation: consists in displacing the negative element from its logical place in the
reported clause to negate the verb in the main clause (I think she wasn’t a Londoner – I don’t
think she was a Londoner)

6.What are coordination, subordination and embedding?

Coordination expands units to enable the speaker to add more information contained within the
same structure. Subordination: combination of more than one clause where there is a
relationship of dependency. Embedding: a kind of subordination by which a clause functions as
a constituent of another clause or group (I’m pleased about Jane winning a prize).

Mock test 1
Identify which of the following is NOT a primary element or function of a group.


Which of the following elements are obligatory in a prepositional phrase?

Head and complement.
Head, complement and modifier.
Head, complement, modifier and qualifier.

Which of the following is NOT a semantic role (=a component of a state of affairs)?

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

What does a verbless clause lack?

A verb and often a subject too.
A verb.
A subject.
Supplementary information, like subject and verbal tense.
Why are there three types of clause structure?
To show the tripartite nature and analysis of clauses from a functional perspective.
Each type of clause structure corresponds to a different mood, i.e., declarative, interrogative and
Each type of clause structure corresponds to the following distinction: simple, complex
(subordination) and compound (coordination).
To reflect the different conceptualizations of reality by the speakers.
What type of operator is 'do'?

It forms a type of its own.


Which of the following is NOT a syntactic element of a clause? Do you understand why?

Circumstantial adjunct.
Stance adjunct.
Connective adjunct.
Subjunctive adjunct.
What type of concept is “state of affairs” (=the speaker’s conceptualization of reality)?

Strictly linguistic.
Which of the following is a definition of a non-finite clause?

A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish to express tense or modality.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

A clause which is complete in itself, i.e., it does not form part of a larger structure.
A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish not to express tense or
A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish not to express tense or

Which of the following statements about meanings (=interpretations of clause structure) is NOT

Representational meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as the linguistic
representation of our experience of the world.
Interpersonal meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as a communicative exchange
between persons.
Textual meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as an organized message or text.
Semantic meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as a structure net of lexical
items and function words.

What are non-factual meanings related to?

Positive declarative clauses.
Non-fulfillment or potentiality.
Assertive units.
Negative, interrogative, declarative, comparative and conditional clauses.
What is a finite operator used for?

For expressing tense and modality together.

To form finite clauses.
To form negative and interrogative clause structures.
To describe a fully informative state of affairs.

What is the Theme in the sentence: "The girls uncovered the table"?

A participant.
A circumstance.
A process.
A recipient.

Which of the following statements about meanings (=interpretations of clause structure) is NOT

Representational meaning has to do with the content of the message.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

The representational meaning of the clause is encoded through the transitivity structures.
The roles adopted as speakers to exchange information, get things done, etc. are those of
“questioner” and “informant”.
The rheme is the point of departure for the message, which in English coincides with the initial
element(s) of the clause.

Which of the following is NOT a way of negating a coause?

Using a finite operator with the particle ‘not’.

Using the particle “not” with a non-finite verb in a dependent clause.
Using a non-verbal negative word.
Using an assertive verb in combination with a non-assertive determiner.

Unit 1 Test
Which of the following concepts is NOT an operation that can be used for structural

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A clause is the linguistic representation of our experience of the world.

A clause is an arbitrarily organized message or text
A clause is a communicative exchange between persons.
Which of the following is NOT a semantic role?


Which of the following types of meaning has to do with the content of the message?

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Representational meaning has to do with the content of the message.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

Interpersonal meaning is encoded in the communicative exchange between two speakers.

Textual meaning has to do with the presence of processes in the text.

Which of the following is a communicative act?

A representational act.
A speech act.
A textual act.
What does an abbreviated clause typically consist of?

At least one abbreviation.

A subject and an operator.
A conversation.
The following is NOT a type of group:

An adverbial group.
An adjectival group.
A prepositional group.
Which of the following is NOT a speech act?

A statement.
A question.
A hierarchical sentence.
What type of clause is a supplementive unit?:

A dependent clause.
A subordinate clause.
A non-finite clause.
What is the difference between a finite and a non-finite clause?

A limited clause has a limited number of verbs.

A finite clause has a verb with tense or modality.
A finite clause has a subject and a verb with aspectual meaning.

How can you make the difference between a verbless clause and a group?

A verbless clause has a subject.

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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa

A verbless clause has no verb.

The omitted verb of a verbless clause can be recovered from the context.
What type of reality does a state of affairs belong to?
The world.
The speaker's mind.
None of the above.
What is the difference between an independent and a dependent clause?
A dependent clause.
A subordinate clause.
A non-finite clause.
Which of the following is the basic unit that embodies both representational and interpersonal
The word.
The phrase.
The clause.
What is a finite operator typically for?
The formation of negative and interrogative clause structures.
Carrying tense.
Carrying modality.
The following is an example of a verbless clause:
I'll find you, wherever you are.
Terry Wogan.
What type of structure is the following: "We (Theme) invited them to come round for a coffee
Which of the following is NOT an assertive word?
Which of the following lists of linguistic units is the most complete?
Clause, group, word, morpheme.
Language, speech, act, message.
Sentence, clause, phrase, word.

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