Resumen Tema 1
Resumen Tema 1
Resumen Tema 1
Module 1
1.What is a speech act? A communicative act by which people communicate with each other:
making statements, asking questions, giving directives with the aim of getting the hearer to
carry out some action, making an offer or promise, thanking or expressing an exclamation.
3.What is a situation or state of affairs? It is the social context in which a speech act takes
place. It may have to do with our own or somebody else’s experience of life and the world at
large. Any happening or state in real or imaginary life can be expressed through
language as a situation or state of affairs. It does not refer directly to an extra-linguistic
reality that exists in the real world, but rather to the speaker’s conceptualization of it.
6.What difference is there between transitivity structures, mood structures and thematic
Transitivity structures encode the representational meaning of the clause. These include agent,
recipient, affected, process, attribute and circumstance (locative, temporal, etc)
Mood structures are used to analyze a speaker’s interactions with others to exchange
information, influence their behavior or to get things done.
Thematic structures are those that show us how the speaker organized the information so as to
establish a point of departure for the message. This is called the Theme, the rest of the phrase
is called a Rheme.
Module 2
1.What is a unit? A unit is any sequence of words that constitutes a semantic whole and which
has a recognized pattern that is repeated regularly in speech and writing
What is a rank? Rank is the relationship of componence in which the four structural units of the
English language can be arranged.
What is an element? Part that composes a unit.
Página 1
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
Página 2
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
Verbal groups
- Lexical verb (v)
- Auxiliary (x) which preceeds it. The first auxiliary is the finite operator (o)
- Sometimes the verb is followed by an adverbial particle (p) – i.e.: break out
Module 3
1.What is a finite operator used for?
It is used to form negative and interrogative clause structures.
Página 3
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
Mock test 1
Identify which of the following is NOT a primary element or function of a group.
Head and complement.
Head, complement and modifier.
Head, complement, modifier and qualifier.
Which of the following is NOT a semantic role (=a component of a state of affairs)?
Página 4
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
Which of the following is NOT a syntactic element of a clause? Do you understand why?
Circumstantial adjunct.
Stance adjunct.
Connective adjunct.
Subjunctive adjunct.
What type of concept is “state of affairs” (=the speaker’s conceptualization of reality)?
Strictly linguistic.
Which of the following is a definition of a non-finite clause?
A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish to express tense or modality.
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Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
A clause which is complete in itself, i.e., it does not form part of a larger structure.
A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish not to express tense or
A clause where the form of the verb chosen reflects the speaker’s wish not to express tense or
Which of the following statements about meanings (=interpretations of clause structure) is NOT
Representational meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as the linguistic
representation of our experience of the world.
Interpersonal meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as a communicative exchange
between persons.
Textual meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as an organized message or text.
Semantic meaning derives from the consideration of the clause as a structure net of lexical
items and function words.
What is the Theme in the sentence: "The girls uncovered the table"?
A participant.
A circumstance.
A process.
A recipient.
Which of the following statements about meanings (=interpretations of clause structure) is NOT
Página 6
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
The representational meaning of the clause is encoded through the transitivity structures.
The roles adopted as speakers to exchange information, get things done, etc. are those of
“questioner” and “informant”.
The rheme is the point of departure for the message, which in English coincides with the initial
element(s) of the clause.
Unit 1 Test
Which of the following concepts is NOT an operation that can be used for structural
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
Which of the following types of meaning has to do with the content of the message?
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Página 7
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
A representational act.
A speech act.
A textual act.
What does an abbreviated clause typically consist of?
An adverbial group.
An adjectival group.
A prepositional group.
Which of the following is NOT a speech act?
A statement.
A question.
A hierarchical sentence.
What type of clause is a supplementive unit?:
A dependent clause.
A subordinate clause.
A non-finite clause.
What is the difference between a finite and a non-finite clause?
How can you make the difference between a verbless clause and a group?
Página 8
Chapter 1 – Gramática Inglesa
Página 9