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2019 Summer Model Answer Paper (Msbte Study Resources)

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate‟s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate‟s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

1 a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

1 a) i) List any eight essential features of effective protective system.

Essential Features of Effective Protective System:
1) Selectivity
2) Speed
3) Sensitivity 1 Mark for
4) Reliability / Trust worthiness. any two
5) Simplicity features =
6) Economical 4 Marks
7) Stability
8) Adequateness
OR Equivalent Answer

1 a) ii) Draw diagram of

1) Busbar reactor
2) Generator reactor
3) Feeder reactor
1)Bus Bar Reactor:

2 Marks

Ring system Tie - Bar system

2)Generator Reactor:

1 Mark

3)Feeder Reactor:
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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

1 Mark

1 a) iii) Define TSM and PSM in relays.

Time Setting Multiplier (TSM):
The arrangement provided for setting the operating time of protective relay from zero 2 Marks for
sec to maximum permissible time for a specified current setting is known as time each
setting multiplier. definition
Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM): = 4 Marks
It is the ratio of fault current in relay coil to pick-up current.
PSM = ( Fault current in relay coil) / ( Pickup current)

1 a) iv) Name internal and external causes of system over-voltages.

Internal Causes of System Over-voltages :
1) Switching surges
2) Arcing ground 2 Marks for
3) Insulation failures 2 internal
4) Resonance causes and
External Causes of System Over-voltages: 2 Marks for
1) Direct Lightning strokes 2 external
2) Lightning discharge near the line causes
3) Voltage induced due to change in atmospheric condition = 4 Marks
4) Voltage induced due to frictional effects of small particles such as dirt, dust,
snow etc.

1 b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 06

1 b) i) Fig. No. 1 shows single line diagram of three phase system.The percentage reactance
of each alternator is based on its own capacity. Find short circuit current that will flow
into a complete three phase short circuit at „A‟ „F‟.

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)


1 Mark

(NOTE: Since data regarding line voltage is not specified, Examiners are
requested to award the marks appropriately to the examinee who has attempted
to solve the problem. Here the line voltage is assumed as 11 kV and point ‘A’ is
not specified so fault at F is considered for the calculation of reactance as per
assumed base kVA)
Now assume base kVA = 5000 kVA
% Reactance related to base kVA
% X = (Base kVA / Rated kVA) x % Reactance on Rated kVA
XA = (5000/2000) x 10%
= 50 % 1 Mark
XB = (5000/5000) x 50%
= 50 % 1 Mark
For Fault at Bus
Total reactance ,
% X = XA || XB
= 50 || 50 1 Mark
% X = 25%
Rated current at base kVA = I = (5000 x 1000) / (√3 x 11 x 1000)
I = 262.431 amp 1 Mark
ISC = I x (100/% X) = 262.431 x (100/25)
ISC = 1049.724amp 1 Mark

1 b) ii) Draw the circuit diagram of biased differential protection of ∆/λ transformer.
Biased Differential Protection of ∆/λ Transformer:
6 Marks

4 Marks
3 Marks

OR Equivalent Diagram

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

2 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

2 a) Define:
i) Arcing time
ii) Recovery time
iii) Arcing voltage
iv) Rate of rise of restriking voltage
i) Arcing time: It is the time measured from the instant of occurrence of cut off (or
commencement of arc) to the instant at which arc is extinguished.
ii) Recovery time: The time required for piece of equipment to resume its usual 1 Mark for
condition following an action, such as the passage of a current through electrical each
equipment. definition
iii) Arcing Voltage: The voltage existing between the circuit breaker contacts during = 4 Marks
arcing is called as the arc voltage.
iv) Rate of Rise of Restriking Voltage: The RRRV (Rate of Rise of the Restriking
Voltage) is defined as the slope of the steepest tangent to the restriking voltage
curve. It is expressed in volts per micro-second.

2 b) Draw a neat labeled constructional diagram of vertical type break isolator.

Vertical Type Break Isolator.

4 Marks

3 Marks
2 Marks

2 c) Explain basic principle of lightning arrestor and enlist different types of lightning.
Basic Principle of Lightning Arrestor:

1 Mark for

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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

Lightning arrestor (LA) consists of spark gap in series with a nonlinear resistor. The
line/equipment to be protected is connected to one end of LA and other end of LA is 2 Marks for
solidly grounded to earth. The length of spark gap is set such that normal working Explanation
voltage is not sufficient to break the gap. The nonlinear resistor provides very high
resistance for working voltage and offers very low resistance for high voltages.
Under normal working condition the gap does not break and nonlinear resistor offer
very high resistance so there is no path for current from line to ground. But when
lightning stroke/surge appears on the line/equipment then the spark gap breaks with the
nonlinear resistor offering very low resistance value. Thus ultimately the lightning
stroke is diverted to earth instead of entering the equipment and the equipment is
Types of lighting: 1 Mark for
1) Direct Lightning Stroke types
2) Indirect Lightning Stroke

2 d) Give any four differences between equipment earthing and neutral earthing.
Difference between Equipment Earthing and Neutral Earthing:
Equipment Earthing Neutral Earthing

When the noncurrent carrying

When neutral of three phase star
metallic parts of the electrical
connected windings of transformers,
2 equipment are connected to earth
generators, motors is connected to 1 Mark for
through a very low resistive path, it is
earth, it is called as neutral earthing. each of any
called as equipment earthing.
four points
It provides protection to living beings = 4 Marks
Provides elimination of arching
3 (animals/humans) against electric
grounds and over voltage surges.
Does affect stability of the power Stability of the power system is
system in any way. increased.
Equipment earthing is provided Neutral earthing is provided through
5 through Pipe earthing, Plate earthing solid earthing, Resistance earthing,
or earth mats etc. reactance earthing.
It provides protection to the living
beings and also can help protective It provides suitable means for earth
system to protect the system fault protection of equipment.
equipment against earth faults.

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

2 e) Whether MCB is operated for earth fault? Give reason

MCB may or may not operate on earth fault here is the explanation:
i) MCB is protective device that is made to break the circuit in case of overload or
short-circuit. For Overload protection, it has bi-metallic strip which heats up during
overload. The heating causes uneven expansion of bi-metals leading to bending of
the strip. This bending movement is used to release the spring to trip or open the
circuit. For short-circuit protection, an electromagnet is used, which produces
strong magnetic field during short-circuit condition and attracts the magnetic
plunger. The movement of plunger is used to release the spring to trip or open the
ii) MCB will work only in case when the current through it exceeds its rating. i.e a 5A
MCB will trip the circuit when current greater than 5A passes through it.

4 Marks

Consider the above circuit in which the current flowing through MCB is sum of load
current and fault current. If fault path resistance is less, the current flowing through the
MCB may exceeds the limit i.e rated value of 5 A and the MCB will trip.

Consider a second case where the earth fault is through highly resistive path. So the
fault current may be very less and total current flowing through MCB will be within
the limit. Hence, even under earth fault condition, the MCB will not trip.

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

2 f) List the difficulties experienced in differential relay in alternator protection. How are
they overcome?
Difficulties Experienced in Differential Relay in Alternator Protection:

Sr. Difficulties Experienced in Differential

How are they overcome?
No. Relay in Alternator Protection:
1 The differential protection provides very Additional sensitive earth
fast protection against phase to phase fault relay should be 1 Mark for
faults and phase to ground faults. If provided. each of any
neutral is not grounded or grounded four points
through resistance, error may cause. = 4 Marks
2 When differential relay is used for Use Biased Differential
protection, the CT‟s should be identical protection.
in design, otherwise the ratio error may
3 There may be unequal length of leads ofUse Biased Differential
CT wire connections, causing error. protection
4 Unequal secondary burden on CT. Use Biased Differential
OR Equivalent Answer

3 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

3 a) Explain arcing phenomenon in circuit breaker.

Arcing Phenomenon in Circuit Breaker:
When a fault occurs, a large current flows in a system and hence through circuit
breaker connected in circuit. The circuit breaker is opened by protective system. At the
instant when contacts just begin to separate, the face-to-face contact area between
contacts reduces rapidly and the large fault current gets concentrated on reduced 4 Marks
contact area. This causes very large current density at reduced contact area, which in
turn rises temperature of contacts. With further movement of contact, the area again
reduces, giving higher current densities and higher temperature rise. The heat produced
due to very high temperature heats the surrounding medium and ionizes the medium.
This ionized medium act as a conductor and establishes the current through separated
contacts. This current through media due to ionization is called arc.

3 b) Distinguish between circuit breaker and isolator.

Difference Between Circuit Breaker and Isolator:
Sr. No. Circuit breaker Isolator
1 Symbol Symbol

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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

2 Operated ON load /on Operated on NO load.

occurrence of fault.
3 Heavy current is interrupted, No arcing during ON/OFF, so no
arc is produced hence arc arc quenching facility provision.
quenching facility is provided. 1 Mark for
4 Operation is in oil or gas Visible operation in open air each of any
chamber (not visible). (opening & closing of contacts). four points
5 Big sound on operation. Noise-less operation. = 4 Marks
6 Costly / Expensive. Economical
7 Periodic maintenance is very No periodic maintenance
much required. required (only contact cleaning).
8 Occupy more space. Occupy less space.
9 Requires tripping circuit for No tripping circuit.
10 Manually operated in normal Operation may be
condition & automatically manual/mechanical/pneumatic.
operated in fault condition.
11 Types are as follows: Types are as follows:
(a) Air break C. B. (a) Vertical break type
(b) Oil C.B. (b) Horizontal break type
(c) Air blast C.B. (c) Pantograph type etc.
(d) Vacuum C.B.
(e) SF6 C.B.
(f) MCCB etc.
12 Complicated in construction. Simple in construction.

3 c) With a neat diagram explain the working of static over current relay.
Static Over Current Relay:

2 Marks for

The current derived from the main CT is feed to the input transformer, which gives a
proportional output voltage. The input transformer has an air gap in the iron core to
give linearity in the current voltage relationship up to the highest value of current
expected and is provided with taping on its secondary to obtain different current
settings. The output voltage is then rectified and then filtered at a single stage to avoid
undesirable time delay in filtering so as to excurse high speed of operation. A zener 2 Marks for
diode is also incorporated in the circuit to limit the rectified voltage to safe value even Explanation
when the input current is very high under fault conditions.
A fixed portion of the rectified filtered voltage is compared against a preset pick-up
value by a level detector and if it exceeds the pick-up value, a signal through an
amplifier is given to the output device, which issues the trip signal.

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

3 d) Describe the opeartion of Buchholz relay with principle and installation.

Opeartion of Buchholz Relay with Principle and Installation :

2 Marks for

The relay is located in the path of the oil from transformer tank to conservator. As
seen from diagram, the upper mercury switch operates the alarm circuit due to tilting of
the float by accumulation of gas evolved slowly in the transformer tank due to minor
faults, which may develop into major ones if the alarm is not investigated.
Further lower mercury switch operates the trip circuit to switch off the circuit breaker 2 Marks for
related to the transformer when there is a sudden flow or rush of oil from the Description
transformer tank to conservator. Such flow occurs when there is serious fault in the
transformer tank. Here the float (lower) is placed in such a manner that it senses the
sudden violent movement of oil from transformer tank to conservator.

3 e) A 3 phase transformer of 220 V/11 kV line volts is connected in λ/∆.The protective

transformer on 220 V side have current ratio of 600/5.What should be the CT ratio on
11 KV side?
1) Line current on 220 V side is 600 amp
Phase current on delta connected CT‟s on 220 V side = 5 amp
2) Line current of delta connected CT‟s on 220 V side = 5 √3 amp
= 8.66 amp. 1 Mark
This current of 8.66 amp will flow through the pilot wires, obviously this
will be the current which flows through the secondary of CTs on the 11kV
3) Phase current of star connected CT on 11 kV side = 5 √3 amp = 8.66 amp 1 Mark
If I2 is the line current on 11kV side, then
4) For transformer,
√3 V1 I1 = √3 V2 I2
√3 x 220 x 600 = √3 x 11000 x I2
I2 = (√3 x 220 x 600) / (√3 x 11000)
I2 = 12 amp 1 Mark
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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

Therefore CT‟s ratio on 11000 V side = 12 : 8.66 1 Mark

4 a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

4 a) i) Draw a neat labeled diagram of Merz Price protection scheme for an alternator.
Merz Price Protection of Alternator:

4 Marks

3 Marks
2 Marks

4 a) ii) With neat sketch explain Thyrite type Lighting Arrestor.

Thyrite Type Lightning Arrestor :

2 Marks for

When the line voltage is normal, the air gap assembly does not break down. When a
lighting stroke occurs the series spark gap breaks down providing the earth path for the
2 Marks for
surge current through the nonlinear resistors, which offer a low resistance to surge
current and again regain back high value after the surge gets conducted to earth.

4 a) iii) “ELCB is must for a residential installation”. Justify the statement.


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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

ELCB is must for a Residential Installation:

When the insulation of equipment fails and person touches the metal casing, the
leakage current (say i) flows through human body and he may receive severe shock.
However, if ELCB is used with residential installation, it senses the fault current 2 Marks for
(leakage current) and operates in very short time under such conditions and the current Explanation
flowing through the body of person/operator is interrupted. Thus the person is
protected from getting electric shock.
Referring to the figure, under normal condition, the phase current I flows through
circuit and same amount of current I returns through circuit hence relay does not
operate. But when fault occurs, a small part of I say i completes its path through fault,
human being and earth. The return current through neutral gets reduced to (I - i).
Therefore, flux ϕB reduces to a value less than the flux ϕA. Hence the resultant flux Φr
=(ϕA.- ϕB) induces an emf, which is further amplified and operates relay circuit within
50ms, resulting into opening of the mains and ultimately protects the person / operator
because of ELCB. So it is must for a residential installation.

2 Marks for

OR Equivalent Answer

4 a) iv) Explain time graded over current protection for ring main system of busbar.
Time Graded Over Current Protection for Ring Main System of Bus Bar:
The ring main consists of various generating stations and substations interconnected by
alternate routes. When the fault occurs in any section of the ring, that section can be 2 Mark for
disconnected for repairs and power is supplied from both ends of ring, maintaining the Explanation
continuity of supply.
Figure represents the single line diagram of a typical ring main system, which consists
of a generator and four sub-stations S1, S2, S3, S4. As the power can flow in both the
directions under fault conditions, it is necessary to grade feeder protection in both
directions round the ring with directional relays.

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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

In order to ensure selectivity, the circuit breakers at E & F should open to clear the

2 Marks for

fault, there by maintaining other section intact. Actually the power is fed to the fault
via two routes i.e. (i) From G around S1, S2 and (ii) from G around S4 and S3. The
relays at A, B, C and D as well as J, I, H and G do not trip. Therefore, only relays at E
and F operate before any other relay operates.

4 b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 06

4 b) i) Explain what is single phasing of 3ϕ I.M? Draw a neat circuit diagram of single phase
Single Phasing of 3ϕ I.M :
When one of the supply lines of the three phase supply connection gets disconnected
then this situation is known as single phasing. Under this condition, motor continues to 3 Marks
operate on two-phase supply. If the motor is loaded to its rated full load, it will draw
excessive current on single phasing. Single phasing may cause extreme magnetic
unbalance, reduction in torque and over- heating due to negative phase sequence
current. This condition may cause damage to the motor. Hence protection against
single phasing is necessary.
Single Phase Preventer:

3 Marks

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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

4 b) ii) Explain differential protection for busbar with diagram.

Differential Protection for Busbar:
Under normal conditions, the sum of the currents entering the bus bar zone is equal to 3 Marks for
those leaving it and no current flows through the relay coil. If a fault occurs within the Explanation
protected zone, the currents entering the bus will no longer be equal those leaving it.
The difference of these currents will flow through the relay coil causing opening of
circuit breaker.

3 Marks for

5 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

5 a) Explain construction and working of HRC fuse with diagram.

Construction of HRC fuse:
HRC fuse mainly consists of heat resisting ceramic body. The current carrying
element is compactly surrounded by the filling powder. Filling material acts as an arc 1 Mark for
quenching and cooling medium when the fuse element blows off due to excessive heat Construction
generated under abnormal conditions.

2 Marks for

Under normal conditions, the fuse element is at a temperature below its melting point.
Therefore, it carries the normal current without overheating.
When a fault occurs, the current increases and the heat produced is sufficient to melt 1 Mark for
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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

these elements. Fuse element melts before the fault current reaches its first peak value.
Vaporized metal /fuse element chemically reacts with filling powder and results in the
formation of high resistance substance that helps in quenching the arc.

5 b) State methods for arc extinction and explain working of any one method with neat
circuit diagram.
Methods for Arc Extinction:
There are two methods of arc extinction: 1 Mark for
i) High resistance extinction method two methods
ii) Low resistance or Zero current extinction method
High Resistance Arc Extinction Method:
In this method, the arc is so controlled that its effective resistance increases with time so
that the current reduces to a value insufficient to maintain the arc. The currents tends to
be in phase with the voltage so that at zero current instant, the restriking voltage
appearing across the contacts is relatively low and arc cannot struck again. Arc path
resistance is increased to reduce the current to low values while interrupting the arc.
Arc resistance = varc/iarc. The arc resistance mainly increased by: 3 Marks for
i) Lengthening of the arc by arc runners Explanation
ii) Splitting the arc by arc splitters: An appreciable voltage is absorbed at the contact with
surface so that if the arc can be split into a number of small arcs in series, the Diagram of
voltage available for the actual arc column is reduced. any one
iii) Arc cooling: The voltage required to maintain ionization increases with decrease of method
temperature of arc, so that cooling effectively increases the resistance.
iv) Constraining the arc: If the arc can be constrained into a very narrow channel, the
voltage necessary to maintain it is increased.

Arc Extinction Method by Lengthening, Splitting and Cooling the Arc

OR Equivalent Diagram and Answer
Current Zero or Low Resistance Method:
This method is employed in a.c. circuit breakers, since the ac passes through zero 100
times/second in 50 cycle current wave. When current wave passes through every zero,

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

the arc vanishes for a brief moment. However the arc restrikes again with the rising
current waves.
In this method, at current zero instant, fresh unionized medium is introduced between
the spaces in between the contacts. Due to this medium deionization effect takes place.
The dielectric strength of the contact space increases to such an extent that the arc does
not continue after current zero.

OR Equivalent Diagram and Answer

5 c) With the help of neat sketch, explain principle of operation and working of induction
type overcurrent relay.
Principle of Operation and Working of Induction Type Overcurrent Relay:
Figure represents the details of
induction type overcurrent relay. It
consists of two electromagnets, the 2 Marks for
upper magnet is of „E‟ shape & on Explanation
the central limb of which are placed
two windings. The upper winding
acts as primary winding and lower
winding acts as secondary winding.
The upper magnet produces flux ϕ1
when current flows through primary
winding. The alternating flux ϕ1 of
primary winding links to secondary
winding ultimately induces emf in the
secondary winding. The emf induced
in the lower winding produces current
to flow through the winding placed
on the lower „U‟ magnet. This 2 Marks for
secondary current produces flux ϕ2. The two fluxes ϕ1 and ϕ2 are sufficiently displaced Diagram
from each other and cause eddy currents in the disc, which will set up a torque on the
disc causing rotation of the disc. The tapings are connected to plug setting bridge for
giving desired current setting.

5 d) With neat sketch, explain watt-hr-meter structure of induction type relay.

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Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

Watt-Hour Meter Structure of Induction Type Relay:

2 Marks for

The general arrengement of watt-hour-meter structure of induction type relay is shown

in figure. It consists of a pivoted aluminum disc arranged to rotate between the poles of
two electromagnets. The upper electromagnet carries two windings, the primary and
the secondary.
The primary winding carries the relay current I1 while the secondary winding is
2 Marks for
connected to the winding of the lower magnet. The primary current induces emf in the
secondary and so circulates a current I2 in it. The flux ϕ2 induced in the lower magnet
by the current in the secondary winding will lag behind ϕ1 by an angle α. The two
fluxes ϕ1 and ϕ2 differing in phase by α will produce a driving torque on the disc
proportional to ϕ1 ϕ2 sin α.

5 e) Draw neat sketch of induction type reverse power relay and explain its working.
Induction Type Reverse Power Relay:

2 Marks for

Figure shows the induction type directional relay used for the reverse power
protection. Here the shunt magnet coil and series magnet coil are exited from machine

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Model Answers
Summer – 2019 Examinations
Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

to whom protection is to be provided (e.g. Alternator). When power flow direction is

correct, the disc rotates in the normal direction and does not close trip contacts. But 2 Marks for
when the power flow reverses, the disc rotates in opposite direction causing closure of Explanation
trip contacts.

5 f) Compare electromechanical relay and static relay.

Comparison between Electromechanical Relay and Static Relay.

Sr. No. Electromechanical Relay Static Relay

1 Its accuracy is very high. Its accuracy is comparatively low.
2 Power consumption is high Power consumption is low
There are moving parts in this There are no moving parts in this
relay. relay
Its operating time is
4 Its operating time is very small.
comparatively high.
These are compact hence need
5 It needs more space.
less space.
Remote backup and monitoring Remote backup and monitoring is
is not possible. possible.
Its operation can be affected by Its operation cannot be affected
vibrations and shocks. by vibrations and shocks.
It is not affected by temperature It is very much affected by
changes. temperature changes.
9 Construction is robust. Construction is delicate. 1 Mark for
10 These are affected by gravity. These are not affected by gravity each of any
four points
11 Lower torque / weight ratio Higher torque / weight ratio
= 4 Marks
Auxiliary power supply is not
12 Auxiliary power supply is needed.
Not affected by voltage
13 Affected by voltage transients.
Can be programmed as per
14 Cannot be programmed.

6 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

6 a) Draw figure for restricted earth fault protection scheme for transformer. Labeled
Ans: diagram
4 Marks
Restricted Earth Fault Protection Scheme for Transformer:
3 Marks
2 Marks

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Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

6 b) Explain why the secondary of a CT should not be open circuited? i)

Secondary of a CT should not be Open Circuited:
If secondary of CT is open circuited, then current through secondary becomes zero
hence the ampere-turns produced by secondary which generally oppose primary
ampere-turns becomes zero. As there is no counter m.m.f, the unopposed primary 4 Marks
m.m.f (ampere-turns) produce very high flux in the core. This produces excessive core
losses, heating the core beyond limits. Similarly heavy e.m.f‟s will be induced on the
primary and secondary side. This may damage the insulation of the winding. This is
danger from the opeartor point of view as well. So secondary of a CT should not be
open circuited.

6 c) Explain how negative sequence current are set up in an alternator?

Draw protective scheme for same.
Negative Phase Sequence Protection:
Because of unbalance load, negative phase sequence currents are produced and they 2 Marks for
overheats alternator, the protection against this is provided by negative phase sequence Explanation
current protection scheme.

2 Marks for

6 d) Explain over heating protection scheme of 3 phase transformer.

Over Heating Protection Scheme of 3 Phase Transformer:

2 Marks for

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Subject & Code: Switchgear & Protection (17508)

Figure shows overheating protection scheme for 3 phase transformer. Wheatstone‟s

bridge principle is used to detect overheating. P, Q and S are the fixed value
resistances. The RTD is connected in one arm. This RTD is kept near each winding of
When temperature is within limits, points a and b are at same potential and relay coil
does not carry any current i. e. bridge is balanced. When overheating occurs, RTD
resistance changes causing imbalance and some potential difference is created across
the points a and b. The relay coil is thus energized and relay operates the alarm circuit. 2 Marks for
OR Any Equivalent Answer Explanation

6 e) Explain with neat sketch the operation of attracted armature type relay. State two
Operation of Attracted Armature Type Relay:

1 Mark for

The coil is energized by the actuating quantity current or voltage proportional to the
system voltage or current as the case may be. The electromagnetic force on the 2 Marks for
armature is proportional to the square of the magnetic flux (the flux is proportional to Operation
the current in the coil) in the air gap between core and armature. As the armature is
attracted and its motion is linked to the trip contacts that operate to give the trip signal.
The force of attraction increases as the armature nears the core (or as the air gap
reduces). A restraining force in the form of a spring can be used to avoid unwanted
operation of the armature relay for normal currents in the current coil.
1. Simple construction.
2. Reliable operation. 1 Mark for
3. Unaffected by temperature changes. any 2
4. Long life. advantages
5. Robust construction.

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