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2019 Summer Model Answer Papermsbte Study Resources 1

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2005 Certified)

SUMMER- 2019 Examinations

Subject Code: 22328 Model Answer Page 1 of 23

Important suggestions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and communication skills)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principle components indicated in a figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate understands.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10 Marks

a) State the need for strictly following safety rules while working in electrical installations.
Ans Need for strictly following safety rules while working in electrical installations: (2 Marks)
1. To avoid the electrical shock to the human being and to provide safe guard.
2. To minimize the chances of fire hazard in the consumer premises or in installation
3. To get uniformness to everybody in our country.
4. For the better control simple and smooth operation of the electrical devices.
5. To minimize the chances of mechanical and electrical accidents.

b) Write any two properties of good electrical insulation material.

Ans Electrical Properties of insulating material:- ( Any TWO expected: 1 Mark each)

1. It should have high resistance.

2. It should have high breakdown voltage.
3. It should have high dielectric strength.
4. It should have low dielectric loss.
5. It should have low dielectric constant.
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c) Draw the labeled hysteresis loop for an electromagnetic material.

Ans labeled hysteresis loop for an electromagnetic material: ( 2 Mark )

or equivalent figure

d) Define dielectric failure of electrical insulating material.

Ans Definition of dielectric failure of electrical insulating material. ( 2 Marks)
In the insulating material if the applied voltage is increased gradually then for certain value
insulation will break down, which is known as dielectric failure
Insulating material vanishes its insulating properties and starts conducting, also known as
dielectric failure.
e) Name one gaseous and one liquid electrical insulation material.
Ans i) Gaseous insulating material : ( Anyone expected : 1 Mark)
1. Air
2. Nitrogen
3. Hydrogen
4. SF6
ii) liquid insulating material: ( Anyone expected : 1 Mark)
1. Transformer oil
2. Capacitor oil
3. Cable oil
4. Pyranol
5. Savotal
6. Savol
7. Vegetable oil
8. Silicon liquids
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f) Draw a labeled circuit diagram of a one lamp control circuit using one switch.
Ans Circuit diagram for one lamp controlled with one switch: (2 Marks)

or equivalent figure
g) Define earthing related to electrical wiring system.
Ans Definition of earthing: ( 2 Mark)
 Earthing means connecting the metal body of electrical device to the general mass of
earth by a wire of negligible resistance.
 Earthing means connecting the metal body of electrical device to the earthing pit.
 Earthing is the processes of connection to the specific part of installation with earth
conductive surface.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following : 12 Marks

Write any four of the IE rules to be followed in respect of safety while working in an
electrical installation system.
Ans: While working in an electrical installation following safety IE rules regarding with
safety: ( Any Four expected : 1 Mark each: Total : 4 Marks)
1. IE Rule 3 : Authorization
2. IE Rule 29 : Construction and maintenance of electrical supply line and apparatus
3. IE Rule 30: Service line and apparatus on consumers premises.
4. IE Rule 31: IE Rule 30: Cut out on consumer premises.
5. IE Rule 32: Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductor and position of
switches and cut outs therein
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6. IE Rule 33: Earthed termination consumers premises.

7. IE Rule 34: Accessibility of bare conductors
8. IE Rule 35: Danger boards notices
9. IE Rule 36: Handling of electrical supply line and apparatus.
10. IE Rule 37: Supply to vehicles, cranes etc.
11. IE Rule 38: Cable for portable or transportable apparatus.
12. IE Rule 41: Distinction of different circuits.
13. IE Rule 41A: Distinction of the installations having more than one feed
14. IE Rule 42: Accidental charges
15. IE Rule 43: Provision applicable to protective equipment’s.
16. IE Rule 44: Instruction for restoration of persons suffering from electrical shock.
17. IE Rule 44A: Intimation of accidents
18. IE Rule 45: Precautions to be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers, electrical
contractors, electrical workman and suppliers.
19. IE Rule 46: Periodical inspection and testing of consumers installation.
20. IE Rule 48: Precaution against leakage before connection.
21. IE Rule 49: Leakage on consumers premises
22. IE Rule 50: Supply and use of energy.
23. IE Rule 54: Declared voltage of supply to consumers
24. IE Rule 55: Declared frequency of supply to consumer
25. IE Rule 56: Sealing of meters and cutouts
26. IE Rule 60: Test for resistance of insulation
27. IE Rule 61: Connection with earth
Explain the suitability of copper as an electrical conductor with reference to its mechanical
and electrical properties.
Ans: Following are properties of conductor:-
( Any Four expected : 1 Mark each: Total : 4 Marks)
i) High conductivity :-
Material should have high conductivity, So that
 Cross section of conductor (size) reduces,
 Copper losses reduces,
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 So Efficiency increases,
 Voltage drop reduces,
 So, Regulation gets improved.
ii) High mechanical strength:-
Material should have sufficiently high mechanical strength to with stand against
 Rough handling of conductor during transportation & Stringing,
 Wind Pressure,
 Ice loading and
 Severe climatic condition
iii) Flexibility:-
Material should be flexible for
 Easy handling and
 Storage
iv) Weight:-
Material should be light in weight to reduce transportation & handling cost.
v) High resistance to corrosion:-
Material should have high resistance to corrosion
 To avoid rusting
vi) Brittleness:-
Material should not be brittle.
 So that it will not easily cut after twisting.
vii) Temperature coefficient of resistance:-
Material should have low temperature coefficient of resistance.
viii) Availability & cost:-
Material should be easily available & less costly.
ix) Scrap Value:-
Material should have high scrap value.

Properties of Copper: ( Any Four expected : 1 Mark each: Total : 4 Marks)

1. Conductivity : High (1.6 times more than Aluminum)

2. Resistivity :  = 1.68x10-8 ohm m / 0.01786 ohm m /mm2 at 200 C

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3. Mechanical Strength: High, Tensile strength = 40 kg/mm2

4. Weight: High, specific gravity = 8900 kg/mm2

5. Flexibility : Less flexibility

6. Temperature coefficient of resistance :  = 0.0038/0C at 200 C

7. Soldering & Welding : It can be welded & solder easily

8. Melting point : 1083 0C

9. Thermal conductivity : Thermal conductivity of copper is about twice

10. Young modulus : 13000 kg/mm2

Explain the electrical and thermal properties of transformer oil those make it suitable as
an electrical insulating medium.
Ans: (Any four properties are expected from following or equivalent 1 Mark each ,Total 4
Following are the electrical and thermal properties of transformer oil:-

1. Dielectric strength :-
It should be have a high dielectric strength
2. Specific resistance:-
It should be have a high Specific resistance.
3. Dielectric dissipation factor (DDF) (tanδ):-
It should be as low as possible.
4. Relative permittivity (Dielectric constant):-
It should be 2.2
5.Flash Point :-
Oil should have very high flash point. (1600c minimum, or greater than 1400c)
4. Fire point -
It should have high fire temperature (not less than 200°C) it should be 25% greater than
flash point.
5. Pour Point: - (Indicates the lowest temperature at which the insulating oil will flow.)
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It should be low (Pour point of transformer oil is an important property mainly at the
places where climate is extremely cold.)(- 60c to – 400c)
6. Viscosity:-
Oil should have low viscosity at 1000c .
7. Density:-
Oil should have low density. Density of oil at 200C should be 0.89 gm/cm3.
8. Moisture content:-
Oil should be free from moisture (moisture content should be less than 10 ppm (Parts per
million) Water content in oil is allowed up to 50 ppm
9. Dissolved gas:-
Oil should be free from dissolved gas.
10. Acidity content:-
Oil should be chemically stable. Acidity content should be very low. (0.03mg KOH/mg
11. The oil should be clear & plane in colour, transparent & free from suspended matter.
12. For mineral oil, the power factor of new oil should not exceed 0.05 percent at 250c.
13. It should not contain impurities such as sulpher & its compounds to avoid rusting &
sludge formation.

d) Explain the process and need of crimping of cable joints.

Ans: The process of crimping of cable joints: (2 Marks)
Measure the dimensions of cable and lug , select proper lug size.
1. Remove the insulation of the cable as per the measured dimension.
2. Remove armouring and mechanical sheath on cable if present OR if required.
3. Both cable conductor and compression crimp should be cleaned down using cable
cleaning wipes.
4. Select the proper lug size and die for crimping of core

5. Check cable conductor is be fully inserted into the crimp connector.

6. The correct compression or crimping sequence must be followed and the full
compression pressure applied.
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Need of crimping of cable joints : (2 Marks)

1. Proper connection of the cable
2. To avoid the loose connection
3. To Minimize contact resistance
4. When permanent or direct fastening methods are not feasible then crimping procedure is
followed, then cables are connected to bus bars.

Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following : 12 Marks

Explain the use of following tools in carrying out electrical wiring installation:
(i) Nose pliers (ii) Test lamps (iii) Crimping tools (iv) Cutter.
Ans: ( Use of each tools : 1 Mark each)
(i) Nose pliers : To hold and tight the wires
(ii) Test lamps: Verification of voltage & current in the system and also check the open circuit
(iii) Crimping tools: for crimping of the lugs for wires and cables
(iv) Cutter: To cut the wire and remove the insulation

b) Describe with reasons the failure of porcelain insulators.

Ans: The reasons the failure of porcelain insulators: - ( Any Four point expected: 1 Mark each)
1. Manufacturing Defect:-
Insulator may fail due to manufacturing defect. So, it must be tested before use.
2. Uneven Expansion and Contraction:-
Insulator is manufactured by using combination of material. For.eg: porcelain,
glass, cements and also attachment steel is used.
Co-efficient of expansion and contraction of each material is different. So, there is
possibility of cracking of insulator, so it may fail.
3. Mechanical Stress:-
Due to mechanical stress of wind insulator may fail.
4. Porous:-
Porcelain is porous material. So, if insulator is not glazed properly then direct dust will
accumulate on insulator and It will absorb moisture from air, so reduces resistance of
Hence leakage current increase which increases temperature of insulator. It may cause
failure of insulator.
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5. Flashover due to lightning stroke:-

If lightning stroke directly attacks on insulator than there is flash over and causes
failure of insulator.
6. Flash over due to large birds or similar objects:-
Large birds or similar objects causes short circuit resulting in flash over and causes of
failure insulator.
7. Flash over caused due to dust deposition:-
Transmission line running over/near dusty area for eg: coal mine, large stone
crusher, cement factory etc.
Dust will deposit on insulator which reduces clearance between two conductors. So,
there is possibility of flash over and causes failure of insulator.
8. Wrong Selection:-
If 11 KV insulators are used for 22 KV, then it causes failure of insulator.
9. Rough Handing:-
Due to rough handling of insulator during transportation, construction of line work
etc causes failure of insulator.
10. Ageing Effect:-
Due to continuous use of insulator for a long period, its dielectric strength
reduces. So, it may fail insulator.
c) Explain with neat labeled circuit diagram the staircase wiring in which a lamp is controlled
from two different locations.
Ans: one lamp controlled from two places: (Figure: 2 Mark & Explanation: 2 Mark)

or equivalent figure
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1. The switch S1 (two way switch is located at bottom position of the staircase.
2. The switch S2 is located at top position of the staircase.
3. Initially the lamp is ‘OFF’ by changing the position of S1 or S2 the lamp will become
‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ as per our requirement.
4. The staircase wiring is also used in hospitals.
5. The operation steps for the staircase wiring are as below:
 Initially lamp is OFF
 Change the position of S1 lamp will become ON due to current flow
 Change the position of S2 lamp will become OFF due to current discontinuity
 This process remains continuously

d) Explain the uses of safety rubber hand gloves and rubber mats in electrical engineering.
Ans: Uses of safety rubber hand gloves in electrical engineering: ( 2 Marks)
 The safety rubber hand gloves are always used for online work to insulate the human
body or operator from the electrical supply.
 The danger of electrical shocks from leakage current is also avoided from rubber hand
gloves, the hand gloves manufactured for various operating voltages for LT line upto
600V it is differently manufactured and for 11KV and 33KV etc it is differently designed
and manufactured.
Uses of safety rubber mats in electrical engineering: ( 2 Marks)
 The Rubber mats are always used in the front of all control panels and if required switch
 The main purpose of rubber mat is at the time of earth fault or earth leakage current
operators (human body) is isolated from ground or earth i.e. why danger of electrical
shock is avoided.
Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following : 12 Marks
Explain the use of the following components in electrical wiring system and give
specification of each: (i) MCB (ii) ELCB
Ans: Explanation:
i) MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) ( 1 Mark)
 MCB provides short circuit protection.
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 MCB provides overload protection

 ELCB provides earth fault protection.
 MCB is in series with load and ELCB is across the supply.
The standard specifications of MCB available in the market: ( 1 Mark)

1. Single pole
2. Two pole
3. Three pole
4. Four pole
5. For available current rating : 0.5A, 1A, 1.6A,2A,5A, 6A, 10A,16A,20A, 25A, 30A, 32A,
40A, 50A, 60A and 63A 250V and 450 v
ii) ELCB- (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) ( 1 Mark)
An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a device used to directly detect currents
leaking to earth from an installation and cut the power and avoid the person from getting shock.

There are two types of ELCBs:

1. Voltage Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (voltage-ELCB)
2. Current Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (Current-ELCB).
Earth leakage circuit breaker is a safety device used in electrical installations with high
earth impedance to prevent shocks and disconnect power under earth fault conditions. Works on
principle of relaying when the current in the earth path exceeds a set value. ELCB is used for
protection against electric leakage in the circuit of 50 Hz or 60 Hz , rated voltage single phase
230 V, 3 ph. 400 v. Rated current up to 60 Amp. When the earth fault occurs, the ELCB cuts
off the power within 0.1 sec. automatically to protect the personnel.

The standard specifications of ELCB available in the market: ( 1 Mark)

1. There are three categories as per the sensitivity :’ B’ class ELCB for residential,
‘C’ Class ELCB for commercial and ‘D’ class ELCB for industrial.
2. The ELCB are available in 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA and 1000 mA
3. The low sensitivity ELCB are used for electrical machine the rating is in between
the 3A to 10 A
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Explain with justification two uses of each of two following as an electrical conductor:
(i) Brass (ii) Silver
Ans: (i) Brass: ( 1 Marks)
Brass is an alloy of copper (60% ) and zinc ( 40%) ; the proportions of zinc
and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties. Brasses set
the standard by which the machinability of other materials is judged and do not become
brittle at low temperatures like mild steel. Brass has excellent thermal conductivity and is
a first choice for heat exchangers. The following properties of brass:
 Resistivity : 7.5 x 10-8 ohm m
 Tensile strength is high
 Soldering and welding is simple.
 It has high resistance to corrosion.
 Specific gravity 8.5
 Melting point is 8900C
Uses of Brass as an electrical conductor: ( 1 Marks)
1. The brass is generally used for nut bolts
2. It is also used for current carrying rods.
3. Electrical plugs and outlets use brass connections.
(ii) Silver: ( 1 Marks)
Silver is the best conductor of electricity because it contains a higher number of
movable atoms (free electrons). For a material to be a good conductor, the electricity
passed through it must be able to move the electrons; the more free electrons in a metal,
the greater its conductivity. However, silver is more expensive than other materials and is
not normally used unless it is required for specialized equipment like satellites or circuit
 It is a best conductor of electrical current and heat due to vary high cost it is rarely used
for conducting material
 Properties are as below:
 Electrical resistivity is equal to 1.65x10-8 ohm m
 Melting point is equal to 9600C
 Ducting and malleability property is very good
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 It is a well resistance to corrosion.

 The cost is very high
Uses of Silver as an electrical conductor: ( 1 Marks)
1) In switches to minimize contact resistance
2) In measuring instruments
3) In relays

c) Explain the phenomenon of loss of magnetism.

Ans: Phenomenon of loss of magnetism: ( 2 Mark)
It is the process in which permanent magnetic material completely demagnetize
Due to following factors is called as a loss of magnetism.
Following factors for loss of magnetism. ( 2 Mark)
1. Ageing: Due to ageing or completion of life of the magnetic material loss of
magnetism is possible.
2. Heat: If the magnetic material is heated more than its curie temperature then loss of
magnetism is possible.
3. Due to mechanical process: If the number of mechanical process like punching,
cutting, drilling, machining are carried out then loss of magnetism is possible.
4. Improper storage of magnetic field: If the magnetic material is not magnetized
properly with high efficiency then loss of magnetism is possible

Describe with sketches the process of laying of underground cables by the drawing in
Ans: Drawing in cable laying System: ( Figure: 2 Mark & Explanation: 2 Marks)

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 A trench of minimum 60cm deep is made along with cable route.
 Width of trench depends on number of conduits to be laid.
 Separate pipes are provided for each cable.
 Spacing between 2 cables (conduit) is between 25 cm to 75 cm.
 Diameter of pipe is 2 to 3 cm, greater than cable diameter for easy handling of
 Pipe used may be cement pipe, DWC pipe or ducts of glad stone are used.
 For Maintenance and other cable work, man-holes are provided at suitable
 Size of man-holes should be large enough to allow a person to enter into duct
without difficulty.
 Unarmored cables are used in this type.

Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following : 12 Marks

(a) State the properties of copper and aluminium which make them good conductors of
Ans: i) Following properties of copper: ( Any three point expected: 1 Mark each, Total 3 Marks)
1. Conductivity : High (1.6 times more than Aluminum)

2. Resistivity :  = 1.68x10-8 ohm m / 0.01786 ohm m /mm2 at 200 C

3. Mechanical Strength: High, Tensile strength = 40 kg/mm2

4. Weight: High, specific gravity = 8900 kg/mm2

5. Flexibility : Less flexibility

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6. Temperature coefficient of resistance :  = 0.0038/0C at 200 C

7. Soldering & Welding : It can be welded & solder easily

8. Melting point : 1083 0C

9. Thermal conductivity : Thermal conductivity of copper is about twice

10. Young modulus : 13000 kg/mm2

ii) Following properties of Aluminium:

( Any three point expected: 1 Mark each, Total 3 Marks)
1. Conductivity : Less, (1.6 times lesser than copper)

2. Resistivity : More,  = 2.8 x 10-8 ohm m / 0.0287 ohm m/ mm2 at 200 C

3. Mechanical Strength: Less, Tensile strength = 18 kg/mm2

4. Weight: Low, specific gravity = 2700 kg/mm2

5. Flexibility : More flexibility

6. Temperature coefficient of resistance :  = 0.004/0C at 200 C

7. Soldering & Welding : Pure aluminum can’t be welded or soldered

8. Melting point : 655/658 0C

9. Thermal conductivity : Thermal conductivity of aluminum is about twice times less

10. Young modulus: 5600 kg/mm2

Explain the reasons for failure of gaseous and solid dielectric materials used in electrical
engineering application.
Ans: Reasons for failure of gaseous and solid dielectric materials used in electrical engineering
application. ( 6 Marks)

1. If the system voltage increases more than breakdown voltage for some interval then there
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are chances of dielectric failure

2. Long time partial discharge in solid insulator will create dielectric failure.
3. Due to super heating of dielectric material i.e. due to heavy load or over load temperature
increases and dielectric failure occurs.
4. Due to lighting surge there may be possibility of dielectric failure.
5. Due to short circuit or ground fault there may be possibility of dielectric failure.
6. Due to poor maintenance of insulating material there may be possibility dielectric failure
Failure of gaseous dielectric or Breakdown of gaseous dielectric depends on following
factors: (Any Three point expected: 1 Mark each, 3 Mark)
1. Breakdown voltage depends on the frequency of the applied voltage.
When frequency is increased breakdown voltage decreases.
2. It depends on distance between the electrodes & the chemical composition of the
3. It also depends on shape & size of electrodes.
4. It also depends on uniformity of the applied electric field.
5. It also depends on pressure.

Failure in solid dielectric or Breakdown in solid dielectric depends on :

(Any Three point expected: 1 Mark each, 3 Mark)
Three types breakdown.

i)Electro-thermal ii) purely Electrical iii) Electro – chemical

1. Electro-thermal breakdown is due to the heat produced by the dielectric loss which is
due to the heat produced by the dielectric loss which is proportional to the intensity of
the electrostatic field &frequency.
2. Purely electrical breakdown is due to collision ionization by electrons. When the free
electrons in the crystals are accelerated by the strong electric field K.E. increases and
collision occurs.
3. Electro chemical breakdown usually occurs at very high temperature and high humidity
of the surrounding air
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Describe with neat circuit diagram the measurement procedure of earth resistance for an
Ans: ( Any one method of laying of underground cable expected: Figure: 3 Mark &
Explanation: 3 Mark, Total 6 Marks)
Following procedure (Method) for testing of earth pit resistance with necessary diagrams.
1) Earth Tester : i) Three point method ii) Four point method
2) By Potential drop method
3) Water tap method
1) earth resistance measurement for Earth Tester

 The earth tester has two coils named current coil and pressure coil.
 The three GI rods or iron rods (electrode) are embedded in the ground. The distance
between the electrode no.1 and no.2 is kept 100 ft (30m). The connections for this
electrode are made as shown in figure.
 Initially electrode no.3 is kept or embedded in the ground near to electrode no.2.
 The earthing pit connection is done to the rod no.1. The procedure for earth resistance
measurement test is as below.
 Make the connection as shown in figure.
 Rotate the handle of earth tester near to 100 to 120 RPM and measure the first reading of
earth resistance.
 Remove the rod no.3 and place at the distance of 90 ft from the rod no.1 and embed in
the ground. Rotate the handle of earth tester at 100 to 120 RPM and measure the earth
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 The same procedure is repeated and rod no.3 is kept at 80 ft., 70 ft,70ft,50 ft, 40 ft,30 ft
,2 0 ft, 10 ft and 0 ft, and by rotating handle of earth tester separate readings are taken.
 The graph is plotted between the earth resistance value and the distance between rod no.1
and rod no.3.
 The earth resistance of the earth pit should be which is specified by Indian electricity rule

2) By Potential Drop Method:

or equivalent figure
 The connection are as shown in figure.
 In potential drop method external DC source battery or handle driven generator is used
as DC source.
 The current flowing through the rod no.1 and rod no.2 current electrodes is measured
 AT same time voltage across the rod No.1 and rod No.3 is measured by apply the
ohms law. 𝑅 = is calculated. The procedure is as below

 Make the connections as shown in figure for observation no.1. Keep the rod no.3 near
to the rod no.2 (at 20m distance) from rod no.1 measure the voltage and current,
calculate resistance.
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 The rod no.3 is kept at position no.2 (23 m from rod no.1) and measure the voltage
and current and calculate resistance.
 Keep the distance between rod no.1 and rod no.3 (17 m in the ground). Measure the
voltage and current calculate the resistance.
 For the 3 observation 3 resistances are calculated the mean resistance of that is
declared as earth resistance of that earthing pit.
 Due to external DC source there are chances of electrical shock so that skilled labours
can be this test
3) By Water tap Method:

or equivalent figure
Earth resistance measurement test by water tap method is shown in figure.
As per this figure the water tap should be of GI pipe which is embedded in the ground.
The rod no.1 is not essential. The procedure is as below.
 Make the connections as shown in figure
 The common link of C1-P1 is connected to the earthing pit and common link of C2-
P2 is connected to the water tap.
 The distance between the water tap to earthing pit should be near to 20m.
 By rotating handle of earth tester at near about 100 to 120 rpm measure the earth
resistance on that earth tester.
 That resistance is declared as earth resistance of that earthing pit. In this test the
accuracy is less but electrical rods are not required.
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Q.6 Attempt any TWO of the following : 12 Marks

Explain the criteria to be applied in deciding the earthing system for an electrical
Ans: Following criteria (factors) to be applied in deciding the earthing system for an electrical
installation: ( Any six point expected: 1 Mark each, Total 6 Marks)
(1) Temperature of soil:

(2) Soil Condition:

 Different soil conditions give different soil resistivity. Most of the soils are very poor
conductors of electricity when they are completely dry.( Soil resistivity is measured in
ohm-meters or ohm-cm.)
 Soil with low resistivity is highly corrosive. If soil is dry then soil resistivity value will
be very high.
(3) Moisture:
 Moisture has a great influence on resistivity value of soil. The resistance of soil drops
quickly to a more or less steady minimum value of about 20% moisture content in soil.(
A dry soil has high resistivity if it contains no soluble salts)
(4) Dissolved salts:
 Resistivity of soil depends on resistivity of water; Small quantity of salts in water reduces
soil resistivity by 80%.
(5) Climate Condition:
 Increase or decrease of moisture content determines the increase or decrease of soil
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 Thus in dry whether resistivity will be very high and in monsoon months the resistivity
will be low.
(6) Physical Composition:
 Different soil composition gives different average resistivity. Based on the type of soil,
the resistivity of clay soil may be in the range of 4 – 150 ohm-meter, whereas for rocky
or gravel soils, the same may be well above 1000 ohm-meter.
(7) Location of Earth Pit:
 The location also contributes to resistivity to a great extent. Therefore, choose a site of
earth pit that is naturally not well drained.
(8) Effect of grain size and its distribution:
 Grain size, its distribution and closeness of packing are also contributory factors, since
they control the manner in which the moisture is held in the soil.
(9) Area Available:
 Single electrode rod or strip or plate will not achieve the desired resistance alone.
 If a number of electrodes could be installed and interconnected the desired resistance
could be achieved.
(10) Obstructions:
 The soil may look good on the surface but there may be obstructions below a few feet
like virgin rock. In that event resistivity will be affected. Obstructions like concrete
structure near about the pits will affect resistivity.
(11) Depth of electrode embedded in the earth. (Depth: As a ground rod is driven deeper into the
earth, its resistance is substantially reduced. In general, doubling the rod length reduces the
resistance by an additional 40%)
(12) Size and spacing of earth plate and size of conductor. (Size: Increasing the diameter of the
rod does not materially reduce its resistance. Doubling the diameter of the ground rod
reduces resistance by less than 10%)
(13) Metal of earth plate and earth wire.
(14) Quality of Coal / Charcoal used in the earth electrode pit.
(15) Leakage Current Magnitude:
 A current of significant magnitude and duration will cause significant drying condition in
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soil and thus increase the soil resistivity.

16) The resistance of the grounding is made up of the following components:
 Resistance of the electrode itself and that of the connection to it
 Contact resistance of the surrounding earth to the electrode
 Resistance of the earth immediately surrounding the grounding electrode or
resistivity of earth, which is often the most significant factor
17) Cost of the earthing pit
State two insulators of following types along with their areas of application: (i) Class A (ii)
Class E (iii) Class H
Ans: Temperature class and withstand temperature ranges for them:
( Each type of insulation & their application: 2 Mark each , Total : 6 Marks)

S.No Insulation Maximum Materials Areas of

Classes permissible application

1 Class- A 1050 cotton, silk, or paper, press winding of

board, vulcanized fiber, transformer,
wood, with impregnated motors etc
varnish or insulation oil
2 Class- E 1200 Superior wire enamels enameled
based on polyvinyl ferrul coating for
or epoxy resins, moudling wires, spacers
with cellulose fibers,
cotton fabric and paper
3 Class- H 1800 Combination of materials Heating devices
such as mica, glass, fiber, such as oven.
asbestos, with suitable Iron, geyser etc
high resistive bonding
material like silicon
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Compare the casing / capping system of electrical wiring to concealed system of electrical
c) wiring. On the basis of look, cost, life, safety retentivity of material and suitability for
Ans: Compare casing capping wiring with concealed wiring:

( Each point 1 Mark : Total 6 Marks)

S.No Point Casing Capping Concealed wiring

1 Look (Appearance) Better Best

2 Cost High Very High

3 Life High Very High

4 Safety Medium High

5 Retentivity of material better good

6 Suitability for location for any location it is Suitable for only

suitable designed trenches in
walls and ceiling.

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