Cource Outline
Cource Outline
Cource Outline
Course 3(2+1)
Learning On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
State the role of soil physical and chemical properties to soil water accessibility
Determine siol moisture using various methods
Apply formulea to calculate crop water requirements
Explain appropriate irrigation methods for different crops, soils and climatic zones
Construct different water harvesting schemes
Understand the principles of drainage systems in irrigation scheme
Set irrigation schedules for different crops
Understand soil characteristic and agronomic aspects for water harvesting
Explain the most applicable soil-storage water harvesting techniques (micro
catchment, macro catchment and floodwater harvesting) and apply them on field
Apply suitable on farm water management techniques for crop production
Part-I: Irrigation Principles and Practices
1. Introduction
1.1. Early history of Irrigation development
1.2. Definitions of irrigation
1.3. The Need for irrigation
2. Source of Irrigation Water
2.1. Surface water sources
2.2. Groundwater
2.3. Harvested Water
2.4. Identification of the deferent source of irrigation water
3. Water Resource and Irrigation Development in Ethiopia
3.1. Water resource potential of Ethiopia,
3.1.1. Surface water resource
3.1.2. Ground water resource
3.2. Irrigation development in Ethiopia
3.2.1. Irrigation schemes in Ethiopia
3.2.2. Constraints in Irrigation Dev’t in Ethiopia
4. Basic Soil-water relations –
4.1. Physical properties of soil
4.2. Entry of water in to the soil
4.2.1 Infiltration process
4.2.2. Factors affecting Infilitration
4.3. Soil water conditions
4.4 Soil moisture conditions
4.3.1. soil moisture contents
4.3.2 Soil water classification
4.3.3. Soil moisture constants
4.5. Energy state of soil-water
5. Crop Water Requirements
5.1. Definition of terms
5.2. Factors affecting crop water use
5.2.1. Climatic factors
5.2.2. Crop type
5.3. Determination of crop water needs
5.3.1. Pan Evaporimeter
5.3.2. Empirical formulea
5.3.3. CROPWAT Software
5.4. Effective precipitation
5.5. Irrigation Scheduling
5.5.1. Irrigation water need
5.5.2. Determination of Irrigation scheduling Plant observation method Estimation method Simple calculation method Soil moisture measurement method
6. Irrigation water quality and management
6.1. Suitability of irrigation water
6.2. Classification of irrigation water quality
6.3. Salinization
6.4. Management of salt affected irrigation water
6.4.1. Leaching requirement plus artificial drainage
6.4.3. Pre-plant irrigation
6.4.4. Irrigation frequency management
6.4.5. Residue management
6.5. Conjunctive use of surface and ground water for irrigation)
7. Irrigation Methods
7.1. Surface irrigation methods
7.1.1. Basin irrigation Basin layout and construction Irrigating basins
7.1.2. Furrow irrigation Furrow layout and construction Irrigating in furrows
7.1.3. Border irrigation Layout of borders Irrigating borders
7.2. Pressurized Irrigation methos
7.2.1. Sprinkler Irrigation Sprinkler system layout Wetting pattern
7.1.2. Drip irrigation Drip system layout Wetting pattern Low cost drip irrigation system
7.3. Irrigation efficiencies
Part-II: Water Harvesting Technology
50%--continues assessment
50%--final Exam
Attendance requirement: 85 % Lecture, 100% Practical
References AM Michael, 2005. Irrigation Theory and practices. Vikas publishing House, New Delhi.
Allen, R., L. Pereira, D. Raes and M. 1998. Smith. Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines
for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56.
Rome, Italy.
Dilip Kumar M., 2002. Irrigation Water Management : Principles and practices. Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi.
Doorenbos, J. and W.O. Pruitt. Rome. 1977. Crop water requirements (revised). Irrigation
and Drainage Paper 24. Rome, Italy.
Dr. R. Suresh, 2008. Land and water management principles. Prabhat Offset Press, Delhi.
Stern, P. 1979. Small Scale Irrigation. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, and
International Irrigation Information Center, Bet Dagan.
Withers, B. and S. Vipond. 1974. Irrigation Design and Practice. Batsford, London.