Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment Rubrics: Evaluation Sheet For Individual Activity
Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment Rubrics: Evaluation Sheet For Individual Activity
Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment Rubrics: Evaluation Sheet For Individual Activity
Please follow the rubric for given below for Group Activity: (not to be attached in the portfolio)
4 3 2 1
Participation Participated fully Participated most of Participated but Did not participate/wasted
and was always in the time and was on wasted time regularly time and rarely was ready to
task when group task most of the time and or rarely on task. do the task.
activity was going when group activity
on. was going on.
Leadership Assumed Sometimes assumed Usually allowed Did not assume
leadership leadership others to assume leadership/assumed in non-
appropriately. appropriately. Most of leadership or often productive way. Never tried to
Helped other group the time helped other dominated the group. help other group members.
members, provided group members and Rarely helped other Had no positive attitude while
solutions and had tried to provide group members. Was doing the activity.
always positive solutions. Most of the not active for
attitude. time had positive providing solutions.
attitude. Had positive attitude
for few times.
Listening Listened carefully Usually listened Sometimes did not Did not listen others’ idea and
others’ idea. others’ idea. listen others’ idea. interrupted them.
Cooperation Treated others Usually treated Sometimes treated Often treated others
respectfully and others respectfully others disrespectfully disrespectfully and/ did not
shared the work and shared the work and or did not share share the work load fairly.
load fairly. load fairly. the work load fairly.
Time Completed Usually completed Often did not Did not complete most of the
Management assigned task on assigned task on Complete assigned assigned tasks on time and
time. time. Rarely the task on time. Many often forced the group to
group had to wait for time the group had to make last minute changes to
completion of my part wait for completion of accommodate missing work.
of work. my part of work.