Sikafloor 161
Sikafloor 161
Sikafloor 161
Epoxy Primer, Levelling Mortar, Intermediate Layer and Mortar Screed
Sikafloor®-161 is a 2-part, low viscosity, multipurpose, ▪ Conformity with LEED v4 EQc 2: Low-Emitting Mater-
epoxy resin which can be used as an epoxy primer, ials
levelling mortar, intermediate layer and mortar
screed. Internal and external use. APPROVALS / CERTIFICATES
USES ▪ CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to
EN 1504-2 - Surface protection product for concrete -
Sikafloor®-161 may only be used by experienced pro- Coating
fessionals. ▪ CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to
EN 13813 - Resin screed material for internal use in
▪ Priming concrete substrates, cement screeds and buildings
epoxy mortars ▪ Coating Compatibility DIN EN 13578, Sikafloor®-161 /
▪ For low to medium absorbent substrates -264, Polymer Institut, Test report No. P 6239
▪ Primer for the Sikafloor®-263 SL N and Sikafloor®-
264 N economic flooring systems
▪ Binder for levelling mortars and mortar screeds
▪ Intermediate layer underneath Sikafloor®-263 SL N
and Sikafloor®-264 N
▪ Low viscosity
▪ Good penetration
▪ Good bond strength
▪ Short waiting times
▪ Multi-purpose
Composition Epoxy
Packaging Part A 23,7 kg container
Part B 6,3 kg container
Part A+B 30 kg ready to mix unit
Part A 220 kg drum
Part B 177 kg, 59 kg drum
Part A+B 1 Drum Part A (220 kg) + 1 drum Part
B (59 kg) = 279 kg
3 Drums Part A (220kg) + 1 drum
Part B (177 kg) =837 kg
Refer to current price list for packaging variations.
Appearance / Colour Part A brownish-transparent, liquid
Part B transparent, liquid
Shore D Hardness ~76 (7 days / +23 °C) (DIN 53 505)
Compressive strength > 45 N/mm² (mortar screed, 28 days / +23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN13892-2)
Mortar screed: Sikafloor®-161 mixed 1:10 with Sikafloor®-280 filler
Tensile strength in flexure ~15 N/mm² (mortar screed, 28 days / +23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN13892-2)
Tensile adhesion strength > 1.5 N/mm² (failure in concrete) (ISO 4624)
Systems Primer
Low / medium porosity concrete 1–2 × Sikafloor®-161
Levelling mortar fine
(surface roughness < 1 mm)
Primer 1–2 × Sikafloor®-161
Levelling mortar 1 × Sikafloor®-161 + quartz sand
(0,1–0,3 mm)
Levelling mortar medium
(surface roughness up to 2 mm)
Primer 1–2 × Sikafloor®-161
Levelling mortar 1 × Sikafloor®-161 + quartz sand
(0,1–0,3 mm)
Intermediate layer
(self-smoothing 1,5 to 3 mm)
Primer 1 × Sikafloor®-161
Levelling mortar 1 × Sikafloor®-161 + quartz sand
(0,1–0,3 mm)
Epoxy screed / repair mortar
(15–20 mm layer thickness)
Primer 1–2 × Sikafloor®-161
Bonding bridge 1 × Sikafloor®-161
Screed 1 × Sikafloor®-161 + suitable sand
The following sand mixtures are indicative mix design quantities that must
be confirmed by pre-trials. Grain size distribution for layer thicknesses of
15–20 mm , parts by weight (pbw):
25 pbw quartz sand 0,1–0,5 mm
25 pbw quartz sand 0,4–0,7 mm
25 pbw quartz sand 0,7–1,2 mm
25 pbw quartz sand 2–4 mm
Note: The largest grain size must be a maximum 1/3 of the finished layer
thickness. Dependent on the grain shape, application temperatures, ag-
gregates and the most suitable mix must be selected and confirmed by
Mixing ratio Part A : Part B = 79 : 21 (by weight)
Consumption Coating System Product Consumption
Priming 1–2 x Sikafloor®-161 1–2 × 0,35–0,55 kg/m²
Levelling mortar fine 1 pbw Sikafloor®-161 + 1,7 kg/m²/mm
(surface roughness < 10,5 pbw quartz sand
mm) (0,1–0,3 mm)
Levelling mortar medi-1 pbw Sikafloor®-161 + 1,9 kg/m²/mm)
um (surface roughness 1 pbw quartz sand
up to 2 mm) (0,1–0,3 mm)
Intermediate layer (self-
1 pbw Sikafloor®-161 + 1,9 kg/m²/mm
smoothing 1.5 to 3 mm)1 pbw quartz sand
(0,1–0,3 mm)
+ optional broadcast ~4,0 kg/m²
quartz sand 0,4–0,7
Bonding bridge 1–2 × Sikafloor®-161 1–2 × 0,3–0,5 kg/m²
Epoxy screed / Repair 1 pbw Sikafloor®-161 + 2.2 kg/m²/mm
Mortar (15–20 mm lay- 8 pbw quartz sand
er thickness )
These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material required due to surface porosity,
surface profile, variations in level or wastage etc.
Note the moisture content must be ≤ 4 % pbw when using the CM meas-
urement or Oven-dry-method. Test method: Sika®-Tramex meter, CM -
measurement or Oven-dry-method. No rising moisture according to ASTM
Pot Life Temperature Time
+10 °C ~50 minutes
+20 °C ~25 minutes
+30 °C ~15 minutes
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
FURTHER INFORMATION Substrates must be clean, dry and free of all contamin-
ants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings, laitance, surface
▪ Sika® Method Statement: Evaluation and Preparation treatments and loose friable material.
of Surfaces for Flooring Systems Cementitious substrates must be prepared mechanic-
▪ Sika® Method Statement: Mixing & Application of ally using suitable abrasive blast cleaning or planing /
Flooring Systems scarifying equipment to remove cement laitance and
▪ Sika® Method Statement: Sikafloor®-Cleaning Re- achieve an open textured gripping surface profile suit-
gime able for the product thickness.
High spots can be removed by grinding.
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS Weak cementitious substrates must be removed and
surface defects such as blow holes and voids must be
▪ After application, Sikafloor®-161 must be protected fully exposed.
from damp, condensation and direct water contact Repairs to the substrate, filling of cracks,
(rain) for 24 hours. blowholes/voids and surface levelling must be carried
▪ Construction joints and existing static surface cracks out using appropriate products from the Sikafloor®,
in substrate require pre-treating with a stripe coat by Sikadur® and Sikagard® range of materials. Products
prefilling and levelling to seal against loss of material must be cured before applying Sikafloor®-161.
through the joint or cracks before full layer applica- All dust, loose and friable material must be completely
tion. Use Sikadur® or Sikafloor® resins. removed from all surfaces before application of the
▪ The incorrect assessment and treatment of cracks product and associated system products, preferably by
may lead to a reduced service life and reflective vacuum extraction equipment.
cracking on the surface.
▪ If temporary heating is required, do not use gas, oil, MIXING
paraffin or other fossil fuel heaters, these produce
large quantities of both CO2 and H2O water vapour, Prior to mixing all parts, mix separately part A (resin)
which may adversely affect the finish. For heating using a low speed single paddle electric stirrer (300 -
use only electric powered warm air blower systems. 400 rpm). Add part B (hardener) to part A and mix part
▪ Discard any material over the pot life recommenda- A + B continuously for 3,0 minutes until a uniform mix
tions. has been achieved. When parts A and B have been
▪ Do not apply on substrates with rising moisture. mixed. Using a double paddle (axis) electric stirrer
▪ Sikafloor®-161 mortar screed is not suitable for fre- (>700W), pan type revolving or forced action mixer or
quent or permanent contact with water unless other suitable equipment (free fall mixers must not be
sealed. used). If required, gradually add the appropriate
▪ Pre-trials must be carried out for mortar mixes to as- granulometry of dried quartz sand and if required Ex-
sess suitable aggregate grain size distribution. tender T. Mix for a further 2,0 minutes until a uniform
▪ For external applications, apply on a falling temper- mix has been achieved. To ensure thorough mixing
ature. If applied during rising temperatures “pin hol- pour materials into another container and mix again
ing” may occur from rising air. These pinholes can be to achieve a smooth consistent mix. Excessive mixing
closed after light grinding by applying a scratch coat must be avoided to minimise air entrainment. During
of Sikafloor®-161 mixed with ~3 % of Extender T. the final mixing stage, scrape down the sides and bot-
tom of the mixing container with a flat or straight
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY edge trowel at least once to ensure complete mixing.
Mix full units only. Mixing time for A+B+quartz sand =
For information and advice on the safe handling, stor- 5,0 minutes.
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall
refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con- APPLICATION
taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in
safety-related data.
method statements, application manuals and working
DIRECTIVE 2004/42/CE LIMITATION OF EMISSIONS OF instructions which must always be adjusted to the ac-
VOC tual site conditions.
Prior to application, confirm substrate moisture con-
According to the EU-Directive 2004/42, the maximum tent, relative air humidity, dew point, substrate, air
allowed content of VOC (Product category IIA / j type and product temperatures. If moisture content > 4%
sb) 500 g/l (Limit 2010) for the ready to use product. parts by weight, Sikafloor® EpoCem® may be applied
The maximum content of Sikafloor®-161 is < 500 g/l as a Temporary Moisture Barrier (T.M.B.) system.
VOC for the ready to use product. Primer
Pour mixed Sikafloor®-161 onto the prepared sub-
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS strate and apply by brush, roller or squeegee then
back roller in two directions at right angles to each
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT other. Ensure a continuous, pore free coat covers the
substrate. If necessary, apply two priming coats.
Cementitious substrates (concrete / screed) must be Confirm primer waiting /overcoating time has been
structurally sound and of sufficient compressive achieved before applying subsequent products. Refer
strength (minimum 25 N/mm2) with a minimum to individual primer Product Data Sheet.
tensile strength of 1,5 N/mm2.
Levelling mortar LEGAL NOTES
Apply the levelling mortar by squeegee/trowel to the
required thickness. The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
Intermediate layer products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
Pour mixed Sikafloor®-161 onto the prepared sub- rent knowledge and experience of the products when
strate and spread evenly using a serrated trowel to properly stored, handled and applied under normal
the required thickness. Roll immediately in two direc- conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions at right angles to each other with a spiked roller tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
to ensure even thickness and if required broadcast strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
with quartz sand. Broadcast between ≥15 minutes ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
minimum, ≤30 minutes maximum (at+20°C), lightly at particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
first and then to excess. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
Bonding bridge mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
Pour mixed Sikafloor®-161 onto the prepared sub- user of the product must test the product’s suitability
strate and apply by brush, roller or squeegee. For for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
epoxy screed, back roller in two directions at right serves the right to change the properties of its
angles to each other. Ensure a continuous, pore free products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
coat covers the substrate. If necessary, apply two be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
priming coats. current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
Epoxy screed / repair mortar refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Apply the repair or screed mortar onto the “tacky” Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
bonding bridge. For the screed, use levelling battens will be supplied on request.
and screed rails as necessary. After a short waiting
time, compact and smoothen the mortar with a trow-
el. For the screed, a teflon coated power float (~20 -
90 rpm) is recommended.
Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner
C immediately after use. Hardened material can only
be removed mechanically.
Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
the declared data for this product may vary from
country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact product data.