Introduction Unique and Introduces the topic General introduction Introduction is not
memorable and purpose in an of the topic and included or does not
introduction engages engaging manner. purpose. Little make sense.
the audience creativity and only
The topic and
immediately and somewhat engaging.
purpose are not clear.
communicates the
purpose of the piece.
Images & The graphics and The graphics are The graphics only The graphics are not
Graphics images are accurate accurate, relate to the marginally relate to related to the audio
and contribute to a audio and are helpful and the content.
creative and effective in communicating the always helpful in
presentation and content. communicating the
enhance key points content.
by contributing to the
concept explanation.
All shots are in focus Most shots are in Most shots are in Many shots are out of
and nicely cropped. focus and nicely focus, but pictures focus and many shots
The camera work is cropped. Most need additional need additional
smooth and steady. camera work is cropping. Some cropping. Shaky or
smooth and steady. camera work is shaky unsteady camera
or unsteady. work is distracting.
Elements Exemplary Good Average Weak
20 15 Marks 14 10 Marks 9 5 Marks 0 4 Marks
Content Creativity and Creative elements are Creativity is lacking No creative elements
original content and doe are included, or the
enhance the purpose enhance the purpose the content and/or types of creative
of the piece in an of the piece. Creative purpose of the piece. elements used are
innovative way. Creative elements inappropriate or
distract from the may distract from the distract from the
content or purpose. content or purpose. content and/or
purpose of the piece.
Total Marks: 80
90-100 All required items are The student displays a Items are clearly
included, with a significant understanding introduced, well
significant number of of the concepts and items organized, and creatively
additions. listed. displayed, showing
connection between
75-89 All required items are The student displays a Items are introduced and
included, with a few general understanding of well organized, showing
additions. the concepts and items connection between
listed. items.
60-75 All required items are The student displays Items are introduced and
included. some understanding of somewhat organized,
the concepts and items showing some
listed. connection between
40-59 A significant number of The student does not Items are not introduced
required items are display understanding of and lack organization.
missing. concepts and items listed.
0 No work submitted
Required Items