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An initiative of companies

Expert consultation for scaling up the hydrogen economy

For a sustainable turnaround,

you need to make a U-turn – we’re
paving the way to hydrogen.

Global climate goals are ambitious. It will be the business enter- ultimately, ensure it, HydroHub has introduced its comprehensive
prises, above all, that will have to make them possible. Hydrogen 360° service package. Starting with strategies to transition from
technology, in particular, will play a pivotal role in achieving natural gas to hydrogen, encompassing route and pipeline engi-
greenhouse gas neutrality and minimizing resource consumption. neering, and extending to the flexibility and operational optimiza-
Furthermore, the new geopolitical energy landscape has given a tion of energy networks.
fresh impetus to the energy transition. Wait and see is no strategy
– hydrogen now! WE CAN HANDLE PRESSURE.

Like no other country in the world, Germany is making funding Both the time constraints and the challenges in the complex details
available for this purpose. International hydrogen strategies envi- along the value chain put all market participants under pressure
sion substantial investments in research, development, and manu- to enter uncharted territory flawlessly. We provide comprehensive
facturing to enable swift decarbonization while ensuring resource consulting and engineering expertise for hybrid energy supply, net-
security. Germany has set its sights on becoming a global leader in working, distribution, storage, and power re-conversion systems.
this field of the future. From research projects to essential analyses and planning, through
to concrete assessments, consultations, and engineering services.
It can be assumed that by 2050, the market ramp-up of water
electrolysis in Germany alone will account for between 60 and 80
GW in the power grid. In order to speak of a successful market
penetration by 2030, a significant number of MW-scale electrolyz-
ers and growth rates of around 1 GW per year until the end of the
decade are necessary. The challenges to achieve this volume are
intricate and require seamless supply chains and a correspondingly
competitive electrolysis industry. Smart exit strategies from exist-
ing production processes are needed, along with the expansion of
manufacturing capacities towards increasingly green hydrogen.
This is precisely where HydroHub is dedicated, with extensive
consulting, engineering, and training services.

In order to enable industrial companies, as the most significant Technology-neutral: In addition to green hydrogen, HydroHub covers the entire spectrum of
hydrogen colors.
consumers, to widely embrace the meaningful utilization of
hydrogen, there is still a considerable amount of research and
development work to be done. This includes establishing reliable Even though capacities for intra-European hydrogen production will
policy frameworks and ensuring stable plant operations in the face experience significant growth in the medium term, the long-term
of changing feedstocks and flow rates, from the creation of reliable demand from industrial, mobility, and heat/power sectors can only
policy frameworks to the technical assurance of stable plant opera- be met through hydrogen imports – especially given the altered
tions amid varying feedstocks and flow volumes. political landscape.

The optimal expansion of the hydrogen pipeline network forms the For our clients, it pays off that we've been working since the be-
foundation for industrial applications. As promising as the molecule ginning of industrialization to ensure that everything flows and
may be for the future, realizing its true potential requires an infra- evolves. Safety is at the core of our business, even in areas where
structure of absolute process reliability. To make this possible and, technologies are still in the process of establishing themselves.
Electrolysis powered by renewable energy: Countries abundant in sunlight and wind are particularly well-suited for green hydrogen production.

The demand for hydrogen will be enormous in the near future – not storage operators, importers, public authorities, investors, and users
only in Germany. Sooner or later, as it replaces other energy sources in developing early strategies to ensure the success of hydrogen
comprehensively, hydrogen will also become a commodity product. supply. This includes identifying ideal export countries, conducting
This is because production will be significantly scaled up over time, technical, economic, and safety assessments in feasibility studies and
and production as well as transportation costs will be optimized in reports, as well as exploring storage and transport options.
the long term. Until then, the focus is on defining the best strategies
for import, transportation, storage, and utilization. As a rule, sun- Looking at Germany now, we need to ask what the greatest challen-
and wind-rich countries, which are particularly suited for sustainable ges in hydrogen import will be. By 2050, approximately 250 tera-
hydrogen production, tend to have an energy surplus, while count- watt-hours per year will need to be imported, which corresponds to
ries like Germany, with a corresponding energy deficit, have a signifi- 7.5 million tons, roughly two-thirds of Germany's total demand. Thus,
cant demand for hydrogen. Germany will remain a hydrogen-importing country in the long run.
Challenges are evident throughout the entire value chain of import.
Let's first consider the future molecule in terms of import strategies. For instance, to achieve a global CO2 reduction effect through green
Hydrogen can be transported over long distances, enabling the hydrogen, the production in the exporting country must be conside-
import of green energy. But what are the most pressing tasks for red. Renewable energy required for hydrogen production there needs
manufacturers, importers, and users? Companies and municipalities to be provided in addition to existing sustainable energy sources.
need to ensure a timely supply of hydrogen as an energy carrier. This Sustainable transportation of green hydrogen is also significant to
means evaluating potential imports via pipelines or shipping from a ensure a genuinely green energy carrier at the end. Hydrogen has an
technical, economic, and safety standpoint. This involves assessing extremely low energy density, making it challenging to store in gas-
various storage and transport options depending on the carrier sub- eous form during transport, rendering it uneconomical in this state.
This calls for technical solutions.

In the recipient countries, the ongoing development of the hydrogen

market, in turn, influences import strategies. This is especially true
for green hydrogen. It is crucial to ensure that the imported hydro-
gen meets the required technical standards and consistently delivers
a positive environmental impact. However, it's not only ecological and
economic standards that are being considered; social prerequisites in
the exporting countries must also be met to achieve comprehensive

The most cost-effective means of transporting hydrogen, as with

many gases, is through pipelines. However, this is not always fea-
The repurposing of existing infrastructure offers immense advantages in scaling-up of the hydro- sible. But for distances of up to 1,500 kilometers, mainly overland,
gen economy and is already in full swing.
pipelines are the preferred solution even for gaseous hydrogen. This
stance, such as ammonia, methanol, or LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydro- isn't always applicable when considering green hydrogen. Not all
gen Carriers). And what is the most efficient supply chain system exporting sun- and wind-rich regions are close enough to Germany
that closes the loop all the way to export countries? HydroHub is for the necessary infrastructure to develop. This brings maritime
ready to contribute to supporting the sustainable energy transition in transport into focus. Various technologies can be employed here as
the hydrogen market with its years of expertise in consulting, engi- well. For instance, the energy density can be increased by liquefying
neering, and training. HydroHub assists manufacturers, network and hydrogen through cooling it to -250 degrees Celsius. This is energy-
intensive and incurs losses, but it's an option. Moreover, there are and connection to the national hydrogen infrastructure, and more.
different carrier substances like ammonia, methanol, or LOHC, in Port locations need to develop strategies early on to determine which
which hydrogen is transported not in its elemental form but che- trade cooperations and technologies make the most sense for them.
mically bound. Ammonia then becomes interesting as a sustainable Is there existing infrastructure for handling ammonia, oil, or natural
maritime fuel, making imports more environmentally friendly and is gas that can be repurposed for hydrogen – and what role do LNG
therefore being increasingly discussed. However, the most suitable terminals play in this context?
carrier depends on conditions in both the exporting and, to some
extent, importing countries. No procedure has prevailed yet. In ear- This also involves repurposing existing facilities and reviewing and
ly 2022, the first ship with liquefied hydrogen traveled between adjusting standards and regulations in effect. Topics such as H2 rea-
Australia and Japan. Besides comprehensive foundational work and diness and H2 second life link import issues with storage and onward
conducting transport pilot projects on a larger scale, further relevant transportation in the recipient country. Here, HydroHub, the initiati-
steps need to be considered, including regulations, incentives, on-site ve of TÜV NORD GROUP companies, boasts extensive expertise as a
storage, conversion back to hydrogen, onward transport, expansion, technology consultant.

Port locations are aligning themselves with import strategies: On behalf of the City of Hamburg, HydroHub produced a report outlining the economic, technical, safety, and sustainability-related
requirements for the necessary hydrogen infrastructure.

In addition to the key topic of H2 Import/Export discussed earlier, GUIDED WITH SAFETY,
HydroHub has also dedicated itself to areas that play a pivotal role
for the energy industry and industrial sites in Germany. First and fo-
remost is the realm of sustainability, which must be fully integrated Along these central key topics, HydroHub's specialists adeptly
from the outset in the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy to ensure guide clients through various development projects. From feasibi-
the successful decarbonization of sectors (H2 Sustainability). Furt- lity studies, analyses, evaluations, consulting, and engineering in
hermore, we encompass the status quo analysis of affected sectors the fields of plant, process, and procedural technology, to complete
and markets, along with a comprehensive and robust infrastructure, transformations of production sites, we support our clients. We
including the repurposing of existing facilities and infrastructures oversee plant planning, construction, and the production of e-fuels
for hydrogen use, under H2 Readiness and H2 Second Life. With this, through carbon capture and utilization. We design industry-specific
HydroHub completes the cycle of the hydrogen economy that will hydrogen concepts as well as concrete hydrogen application stra-
shape the local market in the next 5–10 years. tegies for companies, evaluating them from technical and economic
Let's delve into the key topics in detail. Starting with Sustainability:
The rapid establishment of a European/global hydrogen economy Moreover, our engineers develop comprehensive hydrogen site
is regarded as one of the main instruments to mitigate climate strategies, including hydrogen roadmaps and technology adoption
change. The foundation for establishing a hydrogen-centric econo- strategies, for municipalities, states, the federal government, and
my lies in the sustainable and preferably greenhouse gas-neutral related agencies. In this context, we always operate with a keen
implementation of necessary technologies and processes. To assess focus on product and project safety, climate protection, sustaina-
and evaluate the greenhouse gas intensity/neutralization as well bility, as well as economic considerations, while addressing legal
as the sustainability of hydrogen, systems for classification and matters.
certification must be established across the entire value chain. This
includes considering the ecological and social impacts of produc- Lastly, we bring market participants together through our foun-
tion, including precursor elements, as well as storage and transport, dation of trust, ensuring the necessary investments in sustaina-
up to the application of hydrogen. Therefore, HydroHub provides a ble hydrogen concepts. We assess their viability, conduct due
corresponding specialized service offering focused on sustainability. diligence, and develop business models along with their financial
engineering. Ideally, new technologies align with 360° solutions,
In H2 Readiness and H2 Second Life, existing and required infrastruc- which can certainly be utilized individually but are always consi-
ture comes into focus: A successful market ramp-up of the hydro- dered holistically.
gen economy necessitates a comprehensive and robust infrastruc-
ture, presenting companies across the value chain with challenging
and, in some cases, new strategic issues. Key questions revolve
around economic and safety planning, realization, and operation,
both for newly constructed facilities and for repurposing existing
hydrogen-specialized infrastructures and facilities. The focus is on
economic and safety planning, realization, and operation of existing
facilities that were originally intended for the use of other process
gases but are now suitable for hydrogen through repurposing. This
is complemented by the consideration of infrastructures or facilities
that were designed for hydrogen use from the outset.
Sustainability at the 360° center of HydroHub services: Green hydrogen should encompass social standards in producing countries and be transported sustainably.

HydroHub organizes itself on a project basis in response to dynamic requirements.

As the head of HydroHub, Dr. Carsten Gelhard sees engagement development. With a broadly diversified and well-trained spe-
with this exciting technology as the most important field for the cialist network, we cover all requirement scenarios. Our aim is to
future: 'It is one of HydroHub's central visions to contribute to a empower market participants as quickly as possible to transition
secure, efficient, and sustainable energy supply for tomorrow. We from thinking to action, and thus from ambitious plans to secure
are now at a point where the potential applications of hydrogen operational capability.
technology are becoming clear, whether as a storage medium, a dri-
ver of clean mobility, or for power and heat supply.' What drives us 360° CONSULTATION EXPERTISE.
in the hydrogen sector is the prospect of making a significant con-
tribution to decarbonization – which can only be successful in the Dr. Andreas Ziolek, Managing Director of EE ENERGY ENGINEERS
future if strategically and safely deployed. We aim to make every GmbH, a company within the TÜV NORD GROUP and integrated into
possible contribution, alongside innovative companies and instituti- the HydroHub network, states: 'Whatever your requirement may be –
ons, to quickly secure sustainable infrastructure and applications. you will always meet the best experts for the task from an excellent-
ly specialized team. This team then organizes everything necessary
Our goal is clear. To achieve it, we have defined an extraordinary to ensure optimal project progress."
offering with HydroHub. This enables us to pragmatically, flexi-
bly, and solution-oriented complement the entire hydrogen value
chain with any service that can be helpful at various stages of

"HyLand – Hydrogen Regions in Germany" is a competition initiated

by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) in 2019,
which has already progressed to further rounds. HyLand encourages
stakeholders across all regions of Germany to initiate, plan, and
implement concepts related to hydrogen. The competition's goal is
to identify and support the most innovative and promising regional
concepts while promoting the local production of hydrogen from
renewable energy sources and its consumption within the region.

One of the HyLand sub-projects is 'HyExperts – Green Hydrogen for

Freight Transport – Future Mobility,' in which EE ENERGY
ENGINEERS GmbH, a company within the TÜV NORD GROUP and a
part of HydroHub, participated. The potentials of the rural region of
Northeast Lower Saxony were assessed, calculated, and designed for
the use of green hydrogen in the mobility sectors of regional freight Hydrogen in mobility applications - a clean solution.

transport, public transport, and waste collection. The project was

divided into three areas, covering the entire value chain exemplarily me was a comprehensive concept presented in the form of a guideli-
under technical, economic, and legal aspects: from decentralized ne outlining the best introduction strategy for hydrogen technology
green hydrogen production using local renewable energy sources to in regional freight transport. The results enabled the Northeast Lower
logistics with storage, transportation, and deployment. The focus was Saxony region to apply for the subsequent 'HyPerformer' competi-
on dedicated regional companies: network partners had around 1,600 tion. In addition to EE ENERGY ENGINEERS GmbH, BBH Consulting
trucks, 700 buses, 110 refueling stations, and 175 MW of renewable GmbH and BBH GmbH were involved in the project with a total
generation capacity (approximately 450,000 MWh/year). The outco- volume of 1.46 million euros.


1. Technology overview 2. Prioritization
• Market overview of technical options and cost degression
potential of relevant components along the H2 value chain
• Presentation of tax and legal framework conditions
• Overview of funding opportunities and relevant networks
• Economic evaluations
• Recommendations and implementation concepts
• Overall project coordination
3. Project development • Organization of meetings with local stakeholders

Our services span the entire value chain of the hydrogen economy – from production to transportation and storage, all the way to
utilization in various application areas. We provide comprehensive support for hydrogen projects and offer a wide range of services
depending on the application area, covering the phases of concept/planning, production, operation, as well as decommissioning/disposal.

Energy generation
Renewables Conventional power plants Geothermal
(e.g. wind, solar)

H2 generation
Electrolysis Reforming processes Methane pyrolysis
desalination plants

Electrical grid Intelligent networks Tankers
Pipelines (lorry, train, ship)
Refuelling stations/
District heating filling systems

Battery storage Cavern storage Pressure vessels
Gas tanks (H2 and CO2) H2 hydride storage

Fuel cell system Carbon capture and utilisation Power to gas (gas, heat, liquid)
Methanol synthesis unit Mobility (e.g. e-fuels) Industrial applications
(e.g. refinery)
Reconversion to electricity

> 100
Active in 100+

> 14.000

~ 1,3
b € Revenue TÜV NORD companies projects

As a recognized technology service provider, the TÜV NORD GROUP stands worldwide for safety and trust, neutrality, and quality. In all
aspects, we have a firm focus on the digital future. Independent engineers and IT security experts provide excellent solutions for safe-
ty, quality, and a strong competitive position. With a presence in 50 countries and activities in more than 100 countries, we empower
companies with over 14,000 employees to fulfill their responsibilities towards people, technology, and the environment. We have accom-
panied all industrial revolutions, develop globally recognized safety standards, and contribute to a safer world, especially in the digitally
interconnected era.
Our services along the hydrogen value
chain have been compiled into 16
detailed PDFs for you. You can easily
access these through the QR code.
Alternatively, visit:

HydroHub Your contact

An initiative of TÜV NORD GROUP Dr. Carsten Gelhard

companies Head of the HydroHub
Mobile: +49 (0)160 888-2036
EE ENERGY ENGINEERS GmbH Phone: +49 (0)201 825-2026
TÜV NORD GROUP gelhard@energy-engineers.de
Munscheidstraße 14
45886 Gelsenkirchen

HydroHub © Copyright EE ENERGY ENGINEERS GmbH | All rights reserved | 08.2023



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