MсKee's V.1 P.1
MсKee's V.1 P.1
MсKee's V.1 P.1
of the SKIN
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of the Skin
Commissioning Editor: William R. Schmitt
Development Editors: Louise Cook & Rachael Harrison
Editorial Assistant: Kirsten Lowson
Project Manager: Nancy Arnott
Design: Kirsteen Wright
Illustration Manager: Merlyn Harvey
Marketing Manager (USA): Tracie Pasker
IFourth Edition
of the Skin
Volume 1
with Clinical Correlations I
Eduardo Calonje MD, DipRCPath Alexander Lazar MD, PhD
Director of Dermatopathology Associate Professor
Department of Dermatopathology Departments of Pathology and Dermatology
St John's Institute of Dermatology Sections of Dermatopathology and Sarcoma Pathology
St Thomas' Hospital Faculty, Sarcoma Research Center and Graduate School
London, UK of Biomedical Science
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Thomas Brenn MD, PhD, FRCPath Houston, Texas, USA
Consultant Dermatopathologist and Honorary Senior
Lecturer Editor-in-Chief
Department of Pathology
Western General Hospital and The University
Phillip H McKee MD, FRCPath
Formerly Associate Professor of Pathology and
of Edinburgh
Director, Division of Dermatopathology
Edinburgh, UK
Department of Surgical Pathology
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical
Boston, MA, USA
The right of Eduardo Calonje, Thomas Brenn, Alexander Lazar and Phillip H McKee to be identified as author
of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No
part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
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Volume 1
1 The structure and function of skin 1 11 Diseases of the oral mucosa 362
John A. McGrath Sook-Bin Woo
4 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering 14 Cutaneous adverse reactions to drugs 590
diseases 99 Nooshin Brinster
5 Acantholytic disorders 151
15 Neutrophilic and eosinophilic
6 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses 631
dermatoses 180
16 Vascular diseases 658
7 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis 219
17 Idiopathic connective tissue
Wei-Lien Wang and Alexander Lazar disorders 711
Bostjan Luzar and Eduardo Calonje
8 Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory
dermatoses 259
18 Infectious diseases of the skin 760
9 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating Wayne Grayson
dermatoses 281
10 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat 326
Bostjan Luzar and Eduardo Calonje
Volume 2
Index I1
List of Contributors
It is hard to believe that sometime in 1988, when I was just starting my Thomas Brenn and Alex Lazar are also both very close friends and also
training in dermatopathology, I met Phillip McKee at a course on soft tissue regarded by me as members of the family. They both took on much greater
tumors organized in London by an unforgettable teacher, Dr Chris Fletcher. responsibilities in the fourth edition than in the third edition and have done
When Phillip heard about my interest in dermatopathology he said to me a wonderful job. I am deeply indebted to them. Similar to Eduardo this was
“I am writing a textbook in dermatopathology and you must buy it”. So I accomplished in a background of both a heavy routine workload and research
did, little suspecting that I was going to become heavily involved in the third commitment.
edition and the main editor to the fourth edition with the invaluable help When planning a new edition, it has been my practice to try to make the
of Thomas Brenn and Alex Lazar. During the 1980s immunohistochemistry new edition as different as possible from the preceding one to ensure that
was a relatively new diagnostic technique becoming in this age an invaluable people who buy the book get true value for money. To this end, a number
ancillary tool that has been instrumental in research and in diagnostic pathol- of new chapters have been added including, specialized techniques in der-
ogy. During the same period molecular biology was being developed as a matopathology, sentinel lymph node biopsy pathology, the pathology of
powerful research mechanism in pathology, becoming an additional and cru- HIV/AIDS and tumors of the conjunctiva. The oral pathology chapter has
cial aid in diagnosis in the fields of hematopathology and soft tissue tumors in been expanded to include tumors of the salivary glands. We have taken
the 1990s. Furthermore, some of these developments in the latter fields have on a large number of very experienced excellent new authors to bring per-
allowed an understanding of many aspects of the pathogenesis of neoplasia, sonal experience to many of the more difficult topics and this has certainly
and this has led to the ever expanding use of targeted therapy in the 21st cen- paid dividends. Much progress has been achieved in our understanding of
tury. These advances have had an important impact in dermatopathology, and the pathogenesis of disease and this is reflected in the new text with up-to-
more exciting developments have followed in research, diagnosis and under- date scientific data. I am deeply indebted to all of our new contributors.
standing of the pathogenesis of neoplastic processes that are of particular The Fourth edition is certainly a very different book than the first edition
importance in the skin, particularly melanocytic neoplasms. This is ongoing which I wrote for fun almost single handedly as an atlas with integrated
work with many questions still unanswered and although with great limita- text.
tions particularly in the field of diagnosis, it has nonetheless allowed immense In order to increase valuable space for the increased figures, enlarged text and
understanding of pathogenesis and the development of some targeted thera- new chapters, it was decided to make the references an online only component
pies for melanoma some with very promising although limited results. of the book. This has allowed us to considerably expand the text and increase
In this edition we have invited a number of experts to contribute in their the number of figures in the book, a large proportion of which are new.
areas of expertise realizing that it is very difficult if not impossible for a hand- I am also heavily indebted to my two friends in the publishing world -
ful of people to cover such an extensive area as dermatopathology. We have Louise Cook and Bill Schmitt. I have been associated with Louise for more
tried to include as much material as possible encompassing most of what is years than I choose to remember and she has always proven to be a pillar of
new in the literature but realize that inevitably this cannot be achieved to support particularly during the numerous episodes of stress that are inevi-
complete satisfaction. The third edition of this book was received with great table in a task of this magnitude. I thank her for always being there when
enthusiasm by many people all over the world and we hope to have fulfilled help was necessary. I met Bill when I moved to the United States and he has
the task and answered their criticisms in this new edition. also become a great friend in addition to being the senior Elsevier represen-
tative overseeing the progress of the book. Similar to Louise he has had to
Eduardo Calonje
put up with much from me and has always steered the project with a steady
hand during all of its crises which have been innumerable. Producing the
The fourth edition has been a huge undertaking and taken an immense amount
Fourth edition would have been an even harder task without their input.
of time and energy. I would first like to congratulate Eduardo Calonje for doing
More recently I have worked with Nancy Arnott in Edinburgh. She has been
a wonderful job against a background of a heavy daily workload and lecture
the senior editor of the project and most certainly done a wonderful job. The
commitment. I decided that having left hospital practice and been in charge of
editors and contributors owe her an awful lot.
the book for three editions, that it was high time for new blood to take over
Lastly and most importantly, I owe so much as always to Gracie. She has
control of the new edition while I became overall editor-in-chief. I have known
had to put up with me for the past 4 years while working on the new edition.
Eduardo since the early 1980's during which time he has become more than just
This has been no mean feat. She has let my ill temper and moods of depres-
a close friend; both Gracie and I regard him as one of the family. He is a superb
sion and anxiety wash over her and in her own thoughtful quiet way made
dermatopathologist (without question Europe's leading light) and I had every
the seemingly impossible possible. I would never have been able to complete
confidence that he would produce a wonderful new edition of Pathology of the
this task without her loyalty, support and love.
Skin. Needless to say he has gone beyond my greatest expectation and produced
a truly magnificent fourth edition. Words cannot express my gratitude. Phillip H. McKee
Working for so many years on a book of this proportion, especially when the Academic life is a complex web of mentors, colleagues and students. I have
task is something that has to be done as a “hobby” after formal work hours, been lucky to have worked with a number of fine mentors and colleagues
represents a daunting task. I often wondered in times of despair whether the who strongly influenced my thinking in pathology in general and/or in der-
job was ever going to be finished. It has finally been completed and I would matopathology specifically: Chris Fletcher, Scott Granter, George Murphy,
not have been able to achieve this without the invaluable help of many peo- Ramzi Cotran (deceased), Chris Crum, Bill Welch, Rob Odze, Jon Aster,
ple. They not only gave me emotional support but often went out of their Felix Brown (deceased), Jason Hornick, John Iafrate, Marcus Bosenberg,
way to help me with the many details necessary to finalize the numerous Jonathan Fletcher, Marty Mihm, Lyn Duncan, Steve Tahan, Steve Lyle, Victor
tasks that this job entailed. My wife Claudia has always given me her unwav- Prieto, Harry Evans, Sharon Weiss, Bogdan Czerniak, Frasier Symmans,
ering support no matter how trying the challenge ahead. My children Mateo Ken Aldape, Russell Broaddus, Greg Fuller, Mike Davies, Jon Reed, John
and Isabella have given me their patience and understanding. Numerous col- Goldblum, David Berman, Vinay Kumar, Marc Ladanyi, Matt van de Rijn,
leagues, many of them visiting fellows from many different countries, have Brian Rubin, Jesse McKenney, Steve Billings, Howard Gerber, Ron Rapini,
made my life easy in millions of ways and I cannot thank them enough for Julia Bridge, Paula dal Cin, Andre Oliveira, Pancras Hogendoorn, Paulo Dei
their patience, hard work and mainly for being wonderful human beings sup- Tos, Andrew Folpe, Judith Bovee, Lola Lopez-Terrada, Cristina Antonescu,
porting me in what for many reasons were the darkest days of my life. I espe- along with numerous others I have encountered either directly or through
cially want to show my appreciation to Drs Maiko Tanaka, Anoud Zidan, their writing and lecturing. This extended list testifies not only to my good
Vicki Howard, Viky Damaskou, Thomas Brenn, Bostjan Luzar, Ravi Ratnavel, fortune in meeting so many wonderful people, but also the generosity of
Rathi Ramakrishnan and Gregory Spiegel (who sadly died last year). academic pathologists as a group. I have many other friends in pathology
and medicine who shall have to remain nameless due to space constraints,
EC but this line hails that brilliant group. The other authors and editors of
this present work have been a joy to work with and I have benefited much
The path of life is often determined by the people we encounter. There are
from these interactions. The Dermatopathology Section at my institution
many ways in which certain individuals touch our hearts, steer us in the right
has a delightful combination of great people and fascinating diagnostic
direction and help us achieve goals which would have been unattainable oth-
material. My former Chairman of Pathology, Janet Bruner, was enthusi-
erwise. Words aren't ever enough to really show one's true appreciation for
astic and supportive of this project from our first conversation regarding
the generosity, support and motivation received over the years.
it. Another group of colleagues including Ralph Pollock, Dina Lev and the
My wonderful, loving parents, Sonja and Walter, have always been there
entire Sarcoma Research Center have done more than their share to help
for me and supported my every move. My wife and daughter, Anne and Yaëlle,
me balance the demands of clinical work, research, grants, papers and this
have had a terrible time dealing with my tempers throughout the writing of
book. The talented staff at Elsevier provided invaluable support through-
this book. They have always stood by my side and saved a smile for me for
out this project. Last, but certainly not least, I am indebted to my trainees.
which I am ever so grateful. My professional life could have gone very wrong
On a daily basis, they remind me of the marvels of what we do, ask difficult
indeed had it not been for the kindness and gracious support from these truly
and challenging questions, prompt re-examination of assumptions, expose
unique mentors and teachers Uta Francke, Heinz Furthmayr, Ramzi Cotran
biases, and force clarity and reproducibility in diagnostic criteria; may we
and Christopher Fletcher. Finally, there is so much I owe to these two won-
all retain these characteristics of motivated students throughout our career.
derful individuals who have become very close friends, Phillip McKee and
For all of this, I am humbled and grateful.
Eduardo Calonje.
This new edition is dedicated to my wife and best friend Gracie with all my
5-ARD 5-a-reductase CRASP complement regulator-acquiring surface FAMMM familial atypical multiple mole
AA alopecia areata protein melanoma [syndrome]
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme CREST calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, FAP familial adenomatous polyposis
[inhibitor] esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, FAPA fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis,
AgNORS argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions telangiectasis [syndrome] adenitis [syndrome]
AHNMD associated clonal hematological CTCL cutaneous T-cell lymphoma FHIT fragile histidine triad
non-mast cell lineage disease dcSSc diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis FIGURE facial idiopathic granulomata with
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome DDEB dominant dystrophic epidermolysis regressive evolution
AILD angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy bullosa FISH fluorescent in situ hybridization
with dysproteinemia DEB dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa GA granuloma annulare
ALA aminolevulinic acid DH dermatitis herpetiformis GABEB generalized atrophic benign
ALK anaplastic lymphoma kinase DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation epidermolysis bullosa
ALK1 activin-like receptor kinase 1 DIMF direct immunofluorescence GCDFP gross cystic disease fluid protein
ALM acral lentiginous melanoma DLE discoid lupus erythematosus G-CSF granulocyte-colony stimulating
AN acanthosis nigricans DNCB dinitrochlorobenzene factor
ANA antinuclear antibodies DSAP disseminated superficial actinic GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein
ANCA antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies porokeratosis GM-CSF granulocyte–macrophage colony
API2 apoptosis inhibitor-2 Dsc desmocollin stimulating factor
ARC AIDS-related complex dsDNA double-stranded DNA GSE gluten-sensitive enteropathy
ATF1 activating transcription factor 1 Dsg desmoglein GVHD graft-versus-host disease
ATLL adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma DSP disseminated superficial porokeratosis HA hyperandrogenism
BANS back, arm, neck and scalp [sites] EB epidermolysis bullosa HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
BB mid borderline leprosy EBA epidermolysis bullosa acquisita HAIR-AN hyperandrogenism–insulin resistance–
BCC basal cell carcinoma EBS epidermolysis bullosa simplex acanthosis nigricans [syndrome]
BCG bacille Calmette–Guérin EBS-DM epidermolysis bullosa simplex, HBV hepatitis B virus
B-FGF basic fibroblast growth factor Dowling–Meara HDL high density lipoprotein
BIDS brittle sulfur-deficient hair, intellectual EBS-K epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Koebner HF hemorrhagic fever
impairment, decreased fertility and EBS-MD epidermolysis bullosa simplex with HG herpes gestationis
short stature muscular dystrophy HHV human herpesvirus
BL borderline lepromatous leprosy EBS-WC epidermolysis bullosa simplex, HIT heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
BLAISE Blaschko linear acquired inflammatory Weber–Cockayne [syndrome]
skin eruption EBV Epstein–Barr virus HIV human immunodeficiency virus
BMP bone morphogenetic protein ECE endothelin-converting enzyme HLA human leukocyte antigen
BP bullous pemphigoid ECM extracellular membrane HMFG human milk fat globulin
BPA bullous pemphigoid antigen EDS Ehlers–Danlos syndrome HNPCC hereditary non-polyposis colorectal
BSAP B-cell-specific activator protein EGFR endothelial growth factor receptor carcinoma [syndrome]
BSLE bullous systemic lupus erythematosus ELAM endothelial leukocyte adhesion HPF (hpf) high power fields
BT borderline tuberculoid leprosy molecule HPL hyperlipoproteinemia
C3NeF C3 nephritic factor ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay HPV human papillomavirus
CAD chronic actinic dermatitis EM electron microscopy HRF histamine-releasing factor
cAMP cyclic adenosine 3'-5'- monophosphate EMA epithelial membrane antigen HSP heat shock protein
c-ANCA cytoplasmic-antineutrophil cytoplasmic ENA extractable nuclear antigen HSV herpes simplex virus
antibodies ENL erythema nodosum leprosum HTLV human T-cell lymphotropic virus
CDC Centers for Disease Control and EPPER eosinophilic, polymorphic and hTR telomerase RNA
Prevention pruritic eruption associated with HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen radiotherapy IBIDS ichthyosis and BIDS (see BIDS above)
CGRP calcitonin-gene-related polypeptide EPPK epidermolytic palmoplantar ICAM intercellular adhesion molecule
CHILD congenital hemidysplasia with keratoderma ICH indeterminate cell histiocytosis
ichthyosiform nevus and limb defects EPS extracellular polysaccharide substance IDL intermediate density lipoproteins
[syndrome] ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate IEN intraepidermal neutrophilic [IgA
CK cytokeratin ETA exfoliative toxin A dermatosis variant]
CLA cutaneous lymphocyte antigen ETB exfoliative toxin B IFAP ichthyosis follicularis–alopecia–
CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia EV epidermodysplasia verruciformis photophobia [syndrome]; intermediate
CMG capillary morphogenesis protein EWSR1 Ewing’s sarcoma [proto-oncogene] filament associated protein
CNS central nervous system FACE facial Afro-Caribbean childhood IFN interferon
CP cicatricial pemphigoid (mucous membrane eruption Ig immunoglobulin
pemphigoid) FADS fetal akinesia deformation sequence IIMF indirect immunofluorescence
xiv Glossary
ILVEN inflammatory linear verrucous NFII neurofibromatosis type II SALE summertime actinic lichenoid eruption
epidermal nevus NFP neurofilament protein SALT skin-associated lymphoid tissue
IMF immunofluorescence NIH National Institutes of Health SAPHO synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis,
IP inducible protein; immunoprecipitation NISH non-isotopic in situ hybridization osteitis [syndrome]
IR insulin resistance NK natural killer SCC squamous cell carcinoma
ISSVD International Society for the Study of NL necrobiosis lipoidica SCH squamous cell hyperplasia
Vulvovaginal Disease NRAMP1 natural resistance-associated SCID severe combined immunodeficiency
JEB junctional epidermolysis bullosa macrophage protein 1 SCLE subacute cutaneous lupus
JEB-H junctional epidermolysis bullosa, NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs erythematosus
Herlitz NSE neuron-specific enolase scRNP small cytoplasmic ribonuclear protein
JEB-nH junctional epidermolysis bullosa, OL-EDA- osteopetrosis, lymphedema, SEA staphylococcal enterotoxin A
non-Herlitz ID anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, SEB staphylococcal enterotoxin B
JEB-PA junctional epidermolysis bullosa with immunodeficiency [syndrome] Shh Sonic Hedgehog
pyloric atresia ORF open reading frame SIBIDS osteosclerosis and IBIDS (see IBIDS
KID keratitis–ichthyosis–deafness PAIN perianal intraepithelial neoplasia above)
[syndrome] p-ANCA perinuclear-antineutrophil cytoplasmic SIL squamous intraepithelial lesion
KOH potassium hydroxide antibodies SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
KPAF keratosis pilaris atrophicans facei PAPA pyogenic sterile arthritis, pyoderma SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma
L&H cells lymphocytic and/or histiocytic gangrenosum and acne [syndrome] SMA smooth muscle actin
Reed–Sternberg cell variants PAS periodic acid–Schiff snRNP small nuclear ribonuclear protein
LAD linear IgA disease PBG porphobilinogen SPD subcorneal pustular dermatosis
LATS long-acting thyroid stimulator PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen SPRRs small proline rich proteins/cornifins
LCA leukocyte common antigen PCR polymerase chain reaction SPTL subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell
LCH Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis PDGFβ platelet-derived growth factor b lymphoma
lcSSc limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis PECAM platelet endothelial cell adhesion SRP signal recognition particle
LDL low density lipoprotein molecule ssDNA single-stranded DNA
LE lupus erythematosus PEComa perivascular epithelioid cell tumor SSSS staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
LFA lymphocyte function-associated PGL phenolic glycolipid STD sexually transmitted disease
antigen PGP protein gene product sub-LD sub-lamina densa
LH–RH luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone PGWG purely granulomatous Wegener’s TCR T-cell receptor
LL lamina lucida; lepromatous leprosy granulomatosis TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis
LP lichen planus PI protease inhibitor TFIIH transcription/DNA repair factor IIH
LPP lichen planus pemphigoides PIBIDS photosensitivity and IBIDS (see IBIDS TGF transforming growth factor
LS lichen sclerosus above) thio- triethylene thiophosphoramide
LYVE lymphatic vessel endothelial PILA papillary intralymphatic TEPA
[hyaluronan receptor] angioendothelioma TIMP tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase
MAC membrane attack complex PLEVA pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta TNF tumor necrosis factor
MAI M. avium intracellulare PNET primitive neuroectodermal tumor TORCH toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella,
MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue POEMS polyneuropathy, organomegaly, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex
MART-1 melanoma antigen recognized by endocrinopathy, M-protein and skin [syndrome]
T-cells 1 changes [syndrome] TRAPS tumor necrosis factor receptor-
MBP myelin basic protein PPD purified protein derivative associated periodic syndrome
MC1R melanocortin-1 receptor PPDL pure and primitive diffuse leprosy TSST toxic shock syndrome toxin
MCGN mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis PPK palmoplantar keratoderma TT tuberculoid leprosy
MCP molecule chemoattractant protein pRB retinoblastoma protein tTA tetracycline transactivator [transcription
M-CSF macrophage colony stimulating factor PSS progressive systemic sclerosis factor]
MCTD mixed connective tissue disease PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog TTF-1 thyroid-transcription factor 1
MDR multidrug resistance gene PUPPP pruritic urticarial papules and plaques tTG tissue transglutaminase
Mel-CAM melanoma cell adhesion molecule of pregnancy TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia PUVA psoralen plus ultraviolet light of purpura
[syndrome] A [long] wavelength UPS undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
MFH malignant fibrous histiocytoma r IL-2 recombinant interleukin 2 URO uroporphyrinogen
MGS/ melanoma growth stimulatory RBC red blood cell URO-D uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
GRO activity RDEB recessive dystrophic epidermolysis URR upstream regulatory region
MHC major histocompatibility complex bullosa UV ultraviolet
miH minor histocompatibility complex RDEB-HS recessive dystrophic epidermolysis UVA ultraviolet A
MITF microphthalmia transcription factor bullosa, Hallopeau–Siemens UVB ultraviolet B
MMP matrix metalloproteinase RDEB- recessive dystrophic UVL ultraviolet light
MMR mismatch repair nHS epidermolysis bullosa, non-Hallopeau– VCAM vascular cell adhesion molecule
MSA muscle-specific actin Siemens VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
MSI microsatellite instability RER rough endoplasmic reticulum VEGFR vascular endothelial growth factor receptor
NADH nicotine adenine dinucleotide, reduced RNP ribonucleoprotein VIN vulval intraepithelial neoplasia
nDNA native [double-stranded] DNA RT-PCR reverse transcription polymerase chain VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide
NEMO nuclear factor [NF]-kappaB gene reaction VLDL very low density lipoprotein
modulator SA syphilitic alopecia VZV varicella-zoster virus
NF necrotizing fasciitis SA1 slowly adapting type-1 wrfr wrinkle free [mouse model]
NFI neurofibromatosis type I [mechanoreceptor] XP xeroderma pigmentosum
The structure and function Chapter
for references and
additional material
of skin
John A. McGrath
Properties of skin 1 Melanocytes 10 Dermal elastic tissue 24
Normal epidermal histology 1 Merkel cells 12 Ground substance 26
Regional variations in skin anatomy 2 Intercellular junctions 13 Fibroblast biology 26
Skin development 2 Pilosebaceous units 15 Cutaneous blood vessels and
lymphatics 27
Keratinocyte biology 5 Eccrine glands 17
Nervous system of the skin 28
Epidermal stem cells 6 Apocrine glands 19
Subcutaneous fat 30
Skin barrier 8 Dermal–epidermal junction 21
Skin immunity 9 Dermal collagen 22
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Fig. 1.1
Skin from forearm: there is a fairly thin epidermis. Compare the thickness of the Fig. 1.4
dermis with that from the back (see Fig. 1.5). Spongiosis: the
intercellular bridges
' (prickles) are stretched
r •.1 *
i. and more visible in this
biopsy from a patient with
• acute eczema.
absent.2 Toker cells express CK7, AE1, CAM 5.2, epithelial membrane anti-
gen (EMA), cerbB2, estrogen and progesterone receptors.3,4 They do not
express p53 or CD138. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) may also be present
albeit weakly.4 Paget's cells by way of contrast are often negative for estrogen
and progesterone receptors and are p53 and CD138 positive.4
rtw®Fig. 1.2
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Skin from palm: note the eosinophilic stratum lucidum clearly separating the
j There are two main kinds of human skin: glabrous skin (nonhairy skin)
and hair-bearing skin. Glabrous skin is found on the palms and soles. It
has a grooved surface with alternating ridges and sulci giving rise to the
dermatoglyphics (fingerprints). Glabrous skin has a compact, thick stratum
corneum, and contains encapsulated sense organs within the dermis but no
hair follicles or sebaceous glands. In contrast, hair-bearing skin has both
hair follicles and sebaceous glands but lacks encapsulated sense organs.
granular cell layer from the overlying stratum corneum. Hair follicle size, structure and density can vary between different body
sites. For example, the scalp has large hair follicles that may extend into
subcutaneous fat whereas the forehead has only small vellus hair-producing
follicles although sebaceous glands are large. The number of hair follicles
does not alter until middle life but there is a changing balance between vel-
lus and terminal hairs throughout life. In hair-bearing sites, such as the
axilla, there are apocrine glands in addition to the eccrine sweat glands.
Sg®T "r : Sebaceous glands are active in the newborn, and from puberty onwards,
and the relative activity modifies the composition of the skin surface lipids.
: The structure of the dermal–epidermal junction also shows regional vari-
ations in the number of hemidesmosomal-anchoring filament complexes
(more in the leg than the arm). In the dermis, the arrangement and size
of elastic fibers varies from very large fibers in perianal skin to almost no
fibers in the scrotum. Marked variation in the cutaneous blood supply is
found between areas of distensible skin such as the eyelid and more rigid
areas such as the fingertips.
Regional variation in skin structure is illustrated in Figures 1.5–1.20.
Skin development
Two major embryological elements juxtapose to form skin. These comprise
Fig. 1.3 the prospective epidermis that originates from a surface area of the early
Skin from palm: there is a conspicuous granular cell layer. gastrula, and the prospective mesoderm that comes into contact with the
Skin development 3
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Skin from the lower
Fig. 1.7
Skin from the sole of the foot: this is typified by a thickened stratum corneum
and prominent epidermal ridge pattern. The dermis is relatively dense at this site.
back: at this site the Similar features are seen on the palms and ventral aspects of the fingers and toes.
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and is characterized by
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Fig. 1.8
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Skin from the scalp: there are numerous terminal hair follicles with many of the
bulbs in the subcutaneous fat.
Fig. 1.6
Skin of the nose: there are conspicuous sebaceous glands: at this site, they often
drain directly onto the skin surface. These appearances should not be confused 14 to 21, fibroblasts are numerous and active, and perineural cells, pericytes,
with that of sebaceous hyperplasia.
melanoblasts, Merkel cells and mast cells can be individually identified. Hair
follicles and nails are evident at 9 weeks. Sweat glands are also noted at 9
weeks on the palms and the soles.3 Sweat glands at other sites and sebaceous
inner surface of the epidermis during gastrulation. The mesoderm generates glands appear at 15 weeks. Touch pads become recognizable on the fingers
the dermis and is involved in the differentiation of epidermal structures such and toes by the sixth week and development is maximal by the 15th week.
as hair follicles.1 Melanocytes are derived from the neural crest. After gastru- The earliest development of hair occurs at about 9 weeks in the regions of the
lation, there is a single layer of neuroectoderm on the embryo surface: this eyebrow, upper lip and chin. Sebaceous glands first appear as hemispherical
layer will go on to form the nervous system or the skin epithelium, depend- protuberances on the posterior surfaces of the hair pegs and become differ-
ing on the molecular signals (e.g., fibroblast growth factors or bone mor- entiated at 13–15 weeks. Langerhans cells are derived from the monocyte–
phogenic proteins) it receives.2 The embryonic epidermis consists of a single macrophage–histiocyte lineage and enter the epidermis at about 12 weeks.
layer of multipotent epithelial cells which is covered by a special layer known Merkel cells appear in the glabrous skin of the fingertips, lip, gingiva and
as periderm that is unique to mammals. Periderm provides some protection nail bed, and in several other regions, around 16 weeks. Although some cells
to the newly forming skin as well as exchange of material with the amniotic of the dermis may migrate from the dermatome (venterolateral part of the
fluid. The embryonic dermis is at first very cellular and at 6–14 weeks three somite) and take part in the formation of the skin, most of the dermis is
types of cell are present: stellate cells, phagocytic macrophages and granule- formed by mesenchymal cells that migrate from other mesodermal areas.4
secretory cells, either melanoblasts or mast cells (Fig. 1.21). From weeks These mesenchymal cells give rise to the whole range of blood and connective
4 The structure and function of skin
W: :
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•-> :.
npiÿi.- ass a
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Fig. 1.9 Fig. 1.11 Fig. 1.12
Skin from axilla: apocrine glands as seen at the Skin from the outer aspect of the lip: note the Mucosal aspect of lip: at this site the squamous
bottom of the field are typical for this site. keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium and epithelium does not normally keratinize. Minor salivary
skeletal muscle fibers. glands as shown in this field are not uncommonly present.
S t,
-msmm &
mm m&n Fig. 1.13
' *
Mucosal aspect of lip:
close-up view of the
salivary gland shown in
Figure 1.12.
'Ml s - - -ÿ
' , . j£fr£j;V
£i *3
Fig. 1.10 ai r,
Skin of areola: there are abundant smooth muscle 3
fibers: lactiferous ducts may also sometimes be ii,
present (not shown).
•fl .
Fig. 1.14
Mucosal aspect of lip:
the cytoplasm of the
• . •
Igpl iSS
. * <?
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ipl -4
BEE .*
,r *-:
-. *
|Fÿ;1 '
¥ 1$&$&:- p©tf.
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:ivVV-Cÿ; £W
•••ÿ?s - *sf * v i;
A -•! .>"ÿ"*•' :‘ “*-ÿ
./TV $i§ * . *:ÿ
Fig. 1.15 Fig. 1.16
Skin from the ear: note the vellus hairs, and a fairly (A, B) Vulval vestibule: at this site the stratum corneum is absent and there is no granular cell layer. The
thin dermis overlying the auricular cartilage. suprabasal keratinocytes have clear cytoplasm due to abundant glycogen and revealed by the periodic
acid-Schiff reaction.
•-- t-
- .v>«-
\v -'• .
B Try,
Si . 4;-ar > .
", -
V.i>_ \ <«
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Fig. 1.17 Fig. 1.18
Variation of skin: sample of skin from the forearm of a 92-year-old female. Note the Stasis change: skin from the lower leg. Although abnormal, the presence of
epidermal thinning and dermal atrophy. stasis change characterized in this example by papillary dermal lobular capillary
proliferation is a very common feature at this site.
tissue cells, including the fibroblasts and mast cells of the dermis and the fat
7–10 nm in diameter, known as intermediate filaments. There are six types
cells of the subcutis. In the second month, the dermis and subcutis are not
of intermediate filaments of which keratins are the filaments in keratinocytes
discernible as distinct skin layers but collagen fibers are evident in the dermis
(Figs 1.22, 1.23). The human genome possesses 54 functional keratin genes
by the end of the third month. Later, the papillary and reticular layers become
located in two compact gene clusters, as well as many nonfunctional pseudo-
established and, at the fifth month, the connective tissue sheaths are formed
genes, scattered around the genome.1 Keratin genes are very specific in their
around the hair follicles. Elastic fibers are first detectable at 22 weeks.
expression patterns. Each one of the many highly specialized epithelial tissues
has its own profile of keratins. Hair and nails express modified keratins con-
Keratinocyte biology taining large amounts of cysteine which forms numerous chemical cross-links
to further strengthen the cytoskeleton. The genes encoding the keratins fall
The cytoskeleton of all mammalian cells, including epidermal keratinocytes, into two gene families: type I (basic) and type II (acidic) and there is coex-
comprises actin containing microfilaments ≈7 nm in diameter, tubulin contain- pression of particular acidic–basic pairs in a cell- and tissue-specific manner.
ing microtubules 20–25 nm in diameter, and filaments of intermediate size, Keratin heterodimers are assembled into protofibrils and protofilaments by
6 The structure and function of skin
r-. \
'”' • *' t:’* *
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7«L4-7 7> 4, 51 Aft*'' **’ >
- Bg dS-
«• *
• Fig. 1.21
A s* «;
•' V# *Ktt (A, B)Development of
. 5ÿ|nB Ml/ dC « QV: • » ''dtO& V. normal human fetal skin:
4* N-
an outer layer specific
to mammals known as
s periderm. This contains
w %
• V»
/ •>* surface blebs which are
CtfWiSw" A*/
' \
X“S \ *
l K ,< r-:
r:?;r vS\
-JC'c- V \. v
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\f ' voÿ-
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.V r% T
* f S4 X
- —
v ;*'
: W? „//; '
Fig. 1.20
Variation of normal skin: in dark-skinned races, the presence of intense basal cell
melanin pigmentation is a normal histological finding.
Fig. 1.22
Cytoskeleton of a keratinocyte: the major intermediate filament of a keratinocyte is
keratin, highlighted in green.
an antiparallel stagger of some complexity. Simple epithelia are characterized
by the keratin pair K8/K18, and the stratified squamous epithelia by K5/K14.
Suprabasally, keratins K1/K10 are characteristic of epidermal differentiation
genetic disorder of keratin to be described was epidermolysis bullosa sim-
(Fig. 1.24). K15 is expressed in some interfollicular basal keratinocytes as
plex, which involves mutations in the genes encoding K5 or K14 (Fig. 1.25).
well as keratinocytes within the hair-follicle bulge region at the site of pluri-
About half of the keratin genes are expressed in the hair follicle, and muta-
potential stem cells. K9 and K2e expression is site restricted in skin: K9 to
tions in these genes may underlie cases of monilethrix as well as hair and nail
palmoplantar epidermis and K2e to superficial interfollicular epidermis.
ectodermal dysplasias.5
Apart from their structural properties, keratins may also have direct roles
in cell signaling, the stress response and apoptosis.2 In epidermal hyperprolif-
eration, as in wound healing and psoriasis, expression of suprabasal keratins Epidermal stem cells
K6/K16/K17 is rapidly induced.
Currently, 21 of the 54 known keratin genes have been linked to monogenic To maintain, repair and regenerate itself, the skin contains stem cells which
genetic disorders, and some have been implicated in more complex traits, reside in the bulge area of hair follicles, the basal layer of interfollicular epi-
such as idiopathic liver disease or inflammatory bowel disease.3,4 The first dermis and the base of sebaceous glands (Fig. 1.26).1 Stem cells are able to
Epidermal stem cells 7
vS-i c
P'2 Basal cell
keratinocyte \
• rZ j V 4
•' "'T - M
' T
' v*
i m > V f'iHL
f/ #
filaments *
+1 A
># j
il 4.-
W*3& &r-
• fk »
n- v, •Jÿ4 Jm <
* II
f. •' -
* T
h'£l 4L
f \
V i
r- k l
-2-Wÿ *ÿ
DE junction
«?!ÿ; 5 2M SL«I
TL ,
r> IS I*
v. 'JSESafe v
* •. . «
Fig. 1.25
* Clinicopathological consequences of mutations in the keratin 14 gene: (left) typical
Fig. 1.23 appearances of Dowling-Meara epidermolysis bullosa simplex which results from
Mid-prickle cell layer of normal epidermis: the abundant keratin filaments heterozygous missense mutations in the KRT14 gene; (right) ultrastructurally, there
(tonofibrils) form a distinct interlacing lattice within the cytoplasm of keratinocytes. is keratin filament disruption and clumping as well as a plane of blistering just above
the dermal–epidermal (DE) junction.
wS5 Epidermis
/ j
fi ‘ •< <?/
k»w ioi5‘ _J
S Epidermal
*Vo 7 \T stem cells / stem cells
Ki P
0/ WU\
#• V
„ o
Sebaceous gland
Bulge stem cells
Hair shaft
Fig. 1.24
Normal skin: suprabasal keratinocytes preferentially express keratins 1 and 10 as
Outer root sheath
shown in this picture. Anti-Keratin1 antibody courtesy of I.M. Leigh, MD, Royal
London Hospital Trust, London, UK.
Markers of interfollicular stem cells } r>
α6 integrin
β1 integrin •. - -
c L .
NFATc1 ,v .<
Vitamin D receptor **>
K*; «r
Lhx2 SB
ryr >
Markers of sebocyte stem cells
Blimp 1
Fig. 1.27
Molecular markers of stem cells in the
"*» fCi
wi%.* rZ -’-J
&*» +
skin. .*
1 1
can also differentiate into sebocytes and interfollicular epidermis. Despite this
multipotency, however, the follicle stem cells only function in pilosebaceous
unit homeostasis and do not contribute to interfollicular epidermis unless the Fig. 1.28
Granular cell layer: note the keratohyalin and membrane coating granules (arrowed).
skin is wounded.6
Stem cells are also found in the base of sebaceous glands: the progeny of
these cells differentiate into lipid-filled sebocytes. Apart from stem cells in
the hair follicles, sebaceous glands and interfollicular epidermis, other cells the cell membrane. They fuse with the plasma membrane, dispersing their
in the dermis and subcutis may have stem cells properties. These include cells contents into the intercellular space. Polar lipids from the lamellar granules
that have been termed skin-derived precursors (SKPs), which can differentiate are remodeled into neutral lipids in the intercellular space between corneo-
into both neural and mesodermal progeny.7 In addition, a subset of dermal cytes, thereby contributing to the barrier.
fibroblasts can have adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, neurogenic and Within the granular layer of the epidermis, the main keratinocyte pro-
hepatogenic differentiation potential.8 teins are keratin and filaggrin, which together contribute approximately
80–90% of the mass of the epidermis and are ultrastructurally represented
by the keratohyalin granules (Fig. 1.29). Filaggrin is initially synthesized as
Skin barrier profilaggrin, a ≈500-kDa highly phosphorylated, histidine-rich polypeptide.
During the post-translational processing of profilaggrin, the individual filag-
A major function of the epidermis is to form a barrier against the external grin polypeptides, each ≈35 kD, are proteolytically released. These are then
environment. To achieve this, terminal differentiation of keratinocytes results dephosphorylated, a process that assists keratin filament aggregation and
in formation of the cornified cell envelope. This physical barrier is rendered explains the origin of the name ‘filaggrin’ (filament aggregating protein) (Fig.
highly insoluble by the formation of glutamyl-lysyl isodipeptide bonds between 1.30). Typically, there are 10 highly homologous filaggrin units, although the
envelope proteins, catalyzed by transglutaminases.1 Several different proteins number of filaggrin repeat units is variable and genetically determined, with
contribute to construction of the cornified cell envelope, including involucrin,
and the family of small proline-rich proteins (SPR1) including cornifin or
SPR1 and pancornulins. Other envelope proteins include SKALP/elafin and
keratolinin/cystatin. Some precursors of the cornified envelope are delivered
by granules: small, smooth, sulfur-rich L granules contain the cysteine-rich
protein loricrin, and accumulate in the stratum granulosum.2 Loricrin is the
major component of the cornified envelope. Profilaggrin in F granules may
make a minor contribution to the envelope. Membrane-associated proteins ,, H
that contribute to the cornified envelope include the plakin family members,
periplakin, envoplakin, epiplakin, desmoplakin as well as plectin. Formation »
envoplakin remnants.
In the upper stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum lipid is synthe- •v
sized and packaged into lamellated membrane-bound organelles known as AJS «.
membrane-coating granules, lamellar granules or Odland bodies (Fig. 1.28).4 <; r<+
O *ÿ
it • 4/
They are found adjacent to the cell membrane with alternating thick and 1* i•
Fig. 1.29
thin dense lines separated by lighter lamellae of equal width, consistent with
packing of flattened discs within a membrane boundary. These granules con-
tain phospholipids, glycolipids and free sterols and move towards the plasma
membrane as the cells move through the granular layer where they cluster at
mmg0H•t Stratum corneum:
keratohyalin granules are
present just beneath the
keratin lamellae.
Skin immunity 9
Spinous )qpOCOQQO K
Upper spinous layer O
O o
o c
Inflammatory cells
skin: the physical barrier is
complemented by an innate
immune response that
targets bacteria, viruses
and fungi and prevents
Dooooonoc ;
layer O' o them from invading the
Constitutive anti-microbial peptides (psoriasin) skin. These peptides
include constitutive and
Inducible anti-microbial peptides
(β-defensins, RNASE7, LL-37) inducible substances
against a broad range of
Basal layer o Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNFα, etc) organisms.
junction Profilaggrin cleaved into Keratinocyte Langerhans cell peptides occurs as a result of unique structural characteristics that enable
10-12 filaggrin peptides Melanocyte
them to disrupt the microbial cell membrane while leaving human cell mem-
Fig. 1.30 branes intact. The antimicrobial peptides can have immunostimulatory and
Function of filaggrin in human skin: this is the major component of keratohyalin immunomodulatory capacities as well as being chemotactic for distinct sub-
granules. In the granular layer profilaggrin is cleaved into filaggrin peptides populations of leukocytes and other inflammatory cells.5 Some peptides have
subsequent deamination and degradation provides the skin with mechanical additional roles in signaling host responses through chemotactic, angiogenic,
strength and restricts transepidermal water loss. Filaggrin also prevents allergen growth factor and immunosuppressive activity. These peptides are known as
penetration. In the absence of filaggrin, for example caused by common mutations
alarmins.6 Alarmins may also stimulate parts of the host defense system, such
in the filaggrin gene, external allergens may penetrate the epidermis and encounter
as barrier repair and recruitment of inflammatory cells.
Langerhans cells. This may lead to the development of atopic dermatitis as well as
other atopic manifestations and systemic allergies. Skin immunity is also provided by a distinct population of antigen present-
ing cells in the epidermis known as Langerhans cells (Fig. 1.33). These are
dendritic cells that were first described by Langerhans, who demonstrated their
duplications of filaggrin repeat units 8 and/or 10 in some individuals. Fewer existence in human epidermis by staining with gold chloride. Without stimula-
filaggrin repeats leads to dryer skin. Loss-of-function mutations in filaggrin tion, Langerhans cells exhibit a unique motion termed ‘Dendrite Surveillance
are very common, occurring in up to 10% of the European population. These Extension And Retraction Cycling Habitude (dSEARCH)’.7 This is charac-
mutations lead to reduced or absent keratohyalin granules, and are the cause terized by rhythmic extension and retraction of dendritic processes between
of ichthyosis vulgaris as well as constituting a major risk factor for atopic intercellular spaces. When exposed to antigen, there is greater dSEARCH
dermatitis (Fig. 1.31).5 motion and also direct cell-to-cell contact between adjacent Langerhans
cells which function as intraepidermal macrophages, phagocytosing antigens
among keratinocytes. Langerhans cells then leave the epidermis and migrate
Skin immunity via lymphatics to regional lymph nodes. In the paracortical region of lymph
nodes the Langerhans cell expresses protein on its surface to present to a T
Skin possesses both innate and adaptive immune responses to defend against lymphocyte that can then undergo clonal proliferation. Langerhans cells, in
microbial pathogens and thereby prevent infection. One of the primary mech- combination with macrophages and dermal dendrocytes, represent the skin's
anisms is the synthesis, expression and release of antimicrobial peptides (Fig. mononuclear phagocyte system.8 By electron microscopy, Langerhans cells
1.32).1 There are more than 20 antimicrobial peptides in the skin, includ- have a lobulated nucleus, a relatively clear cytoplasm and well-developed
ing cathelicidins, β-defensins, substance P, RANTES, RNase 2, 3, and 7, and endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and lysosomes. They also possess
S100A7. Many of these peptides have antimicrobial action against bacteria, characteristic granules which are rod or racquet-shaped (Fig. 1.34). These
viruses, and fungi. In the stratum corneum there is an effective chemical bar- ‘Birbeck’ granules represent subdomains of the endosomal recycling compart-
rier maintained by the expression of S100A7 (psoriasin).2 This antimicro- ment and form at sites where the protein Langerin accumulates.
bial substance is very effective at killing Escherichia coli. Subjacent to this Besides antigen detection and the processing role by epidermal Langerhans
in the skin there is another class of antimicrobial peptides, such as RNASE7, cells, cutaneous immune surveillance is also carried out in the dermis by an
which is effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, especially array of macrophages, T cells and dendritic cells. These immune sentinel and
enterococci.3 Below this in the living layers of the skin are other antimicro- effector cells can provide rapid and efficient immunologic back-up to restore
bial peptides including the β-defensins.4 The antimicrobial activity of most tissue homeostasis if the epidermis is breached. The dermis contains a very
May cause Are the cause of Are a major risk factor Are associated with atopic
hyperlinearity of the palms ichthyosis vulgaris for atopic dermatitis dermatitis persisting into adulthood
\ _z
w.;> , l ;,
) . '/( or the potential to develop into CD1a-positive and Langerin-positive cells.
r •
i A
* »
- V t
A .
Dermal immune sentinels are capable of acquiring an antigen-presenting
mode, a migratory mode or a tissue resident phagocytic mode.9
* ft "
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* #
' •
• V /
7 A"' si
mm ’ ,vfe ;»••* 1 f*v Melanocytes are pigment-producing cells and are found in the skin, inner ear,
choroid and iris of the eye. In skin, melanocytes are located in the basal keratino-
"iV’v' .
,#vv* J*
»• \. MA
£A xsjfi\
cyte layer. The ratio of melanocytes to basal cells ranges from approximately 1:4
on the cheek to 1:10 on the limbs. They appear as vacuolated cells in hematoxylin
and eosin stained sections (Fig. 1.35). Ultrastructurally, melanocytes have pale
; : •>. •
-r *•
V 't- / i
'# ** ,7‘ **. / \ A cytoplasm and are devoid of tonofilaments and desmosomes (Fig. 1.36). They are
A- A
- easily recognized by their specific cytoplasmic organelles (melanosomes) which
T f
-;•*/ S:' m\ *en are derived from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Melanosomes are believed
# t1
I # .* > to represent a specialized variant of lysosome (Fig. 1.37). The function of mel-
Fig. 1.33 anocytes is the production of melanin, a pigment that varies in color from yel-
Langerhans cells express S-100 protein: note the conspicuous dendritic processes. low to brown or black and accounts for the various skin colors within and
A vwMfo:
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AS?*> i
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*••* *jff
Fig. 1.34
; j > r** .' (A, B) Langerhans cell:
B- 1k,
(A) note the characteristic
I i.
lobulated nucleus. Dendritic
)r ,v
- • W
•: V3
%£* 'ÿ
processes are evident,
(B) typical rod forms with
A ;N-/ \ ffl B
Q . LW*L
the characteristic trilaminar
fek. : *ÿ
r- structure.
Y HS'*/0
**v y-.*
3© '
‘ #»
Fig. 1.35
(A, B) Normal epidermis:
. &
« - p
melanocytes are seen
> % along the basal layer of the
epidermis. The cytoplasmic
•% /
vacuolation is a fixation
artifact; (B) melanocytes
can be highlighted
», . » with S100-protein
> immunohistochemistry.
«r a
'•Ifk v
A compound melanosome typically contains from three to six single melano-
a K
somes. In heavily pigmented skin and dark hair, melanosomes remain solitary
.... — 4ÿ
.*7ÿ •>/*
• > and are longer than those seen in melanogenesis in paler races. Other cells
that may contain compound melanosomes include macrophages (melano-
v> *•r#-
phages), melanoma cells and, occasionally, Langerhans cells, the other type of
"VC- Sara epidermal dendritic cell. Macromelanosomes (giant melanosomes) measure
several microns in diameter and therefore are readily visible in hematoxylin
S3 -
and eosin stained sections (Fig. 1.40). They may be encountered in normal
skin, in lentigines, dysplastic nevi, Spitz nevi, in the café-au-lait macules of
neurofibromatosis and in albinism. A key protein involved in melanosome
assembly is NCKX5, encoded by the gene SLC24A5.4 Loss of expression of
Fig. 1.36 this gene in mice results in marked changes in skin color with loss of pigment.
Normal melanocyte: it has abundant pale cytoplasm and scattered solitary
melanosomes. Note the absence of tonofibrils and desmosomes.
>-s kMÿ y*
u 5@& W>U~
n '“*,'*
i ‘7* •
Q r
/ * V.i
as »..* ‘1
•fk *
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* .: ;
w :I*
Wf •
*- .. r
Ik* 4
7. ,, .“'V yÿsr
. ,A>; .% st i
’* ’ & $
Sr *ÿ%>/ v
m\ m/ "J *
H 4
S *E
gp> -'ifc
tr Fig. 1.38
Normal epidermis: this section of black skin has been stained by the Masson–
Fontana reaction for melanin. Note the heavy pigmentation, which is present in
Fig. 1.37 both melanocytes and keratinocytes.
Melanosome: note the typical striated internal structure.
among races. Melanin protects the mitotically active basal epidermal cells from
the injurious effects of ultraviolet light, which accounts for individuals with —
less pigmentation (fair-haired and light-skinned) having a much greater risk of
sunburn and developing cutaneous malignancies (squamous cell and basal cell
0 r7” O
. ... C°<4ÿ
I -r-
V& pm
' v,
<F Vi
+ J*
.r t!
' V
.¥*• *
* t / %
-* -ÿ*&
i \
-y & FT
Fig. 1.41
f Si
% m Fig. 1.40
Merkel cells: separated human epidermis showing a striking linear arrangement
(troma-1 antibody). By courtesy of J.P. Lacour, MD, and J.P. Ortonne, MD, University
£> /- r/
* ',-ÿ*ÿ - > r.> Macromelanosomes: of Nice, France.
* note the large spherical
melanosomes in the
rAiJ : Jt
u cytoplasm of the
*m m .
Intercellular junctions
Desmosomes are the major intercellular adhesion complexes in the epider-
mis. They anchor keratin intermediate filaments to the cell membrane and
link adjacent keratinocytes (Fig. 1.45). Desmosomes are found in the epider-
at1** mis, myocardium, meninges and cortex of lymph nodes. Ultrastructurally,
desmosomes contain plaques of electron-dense material running along
n the cytoplasm parallel to the junctional region, in which three bands can
be distinguished: an electron-dense band next to the plasma membrane, a
V less dense band, and then a fibrillar area (Fig. 1.46).1 Identical components
• \
§5 are present on opposing cells which are separated by an intercellular space
ft & of 30 nm within which there is an electron-dense midline. There are three
main protein components of desmosomes in the epidermis: the desmosomal
cadherins, the armadillo family of nuclear and junctional proteins, and the
plakins (Fig. 1.47).2 The transmembranous cadherins comprise mostly het-
erophilic associations of desmogleins and desmocollins. There are four main
Kjgajÿ fcl
epidermis-specific desmogleins (Dsg1–4) and three desmocollins (Dsc1–3).
These show differentiation-specific expression. For example, Dsg1 and Dsc1
S3 eSfi/Lv*
Fig. 1.43
grÿ- s ?
Merkel cell: a heavily a*i&
granulated Merkel
cell is present in the
-* midfield. This is located
r& -•
immediately adjacent to a >T
JKt small nerve fiber.
. .
<>* -
, m
_. fi m y
k <•’-ÿ •
% J
sr •v
£ B *
"*Sl *
& :> "•
r w ' 3rA v
*5 : * z/1.ÿ
W , * % -* :-• LAr
* *' •
>: . •
d $i
>ÿ Fig. 1.45
ra Mid-prickle cell layer of normal epidermis: there are complex interdigitations
i mm 1
IF.1?V‘5l *55
between adjacent cell membranes with numerous desmosomal junctions.
rtt v
aMk 1
* •7
r * B'-
/A? •i
>' .-••
Fig. 1.44 S&.
M£Zu :*' .
Merkel cell granules: they are membrane bound and measure approximately '•••
150 nm in diameter. By courtesy of A.S. Breathnach, MD (1977) Electron
microscopy of cutaneous nerves and receptors. Journal of Investigative
Dermatology 69, 8–26. Blackwell Publishing Inc., USA. agy*—«i .. Si-
is that they arise from stem cells of neural crest origin that migrated during
... •V",
Stef m
embryogenesis, in similar fashion to melanocytes.13 Merkel cell hyperplasia is 'iCJ •1V
a common histological finding and may accompany keratinocyte hyperpro-
liferation as well as being frequently seen in adnexal tumors such as nevus &
sebaceus, trichoblastomas, trichoepitheliomas, and nodular hidradenomas.14
Merkel cell hyperplasia is associated with hyperplasia of nerve endings that
occurs in neurofibromas, neurilemomas, nodular prurigo, or neurodermati-
tis. It is not clear whether Merkel cell carcinoma originates from Merkel cells
Fig. 1.46
or their precursors but the latter may be more likely given that many dermal Mid-prickle cell layer of normal epidermis showing the stratified nature of the
Merkel cell carcinomas do not connect with the epidermis. desmosome.
14 The structure and function of skin
Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive
I i'lylfi Il5
Ectodermal dysplasia -
K r*
Plakophilin 1
Skin fragility syndrome
Plakophilin 2
Arrhythmogenic right
ventricular cardiomyopathy
epidermolysis bullosa
Arrhythmogenic right
Plakoglobin Naxos disease
Desmoglein Plakoglobin Desmoplakin ventricular cardiomyopathy
Desmocollin Plakophilin Keratin Striate palmoplantar
Desmoglein 1
Fig. 1.47
Protein composition of a desmosome junction between adjacent keratinocytes. The Arrhythmogenic right Arrhythmogenic right
Desmoglein 2
keratin filament network of two keratinocytes is linked by a series of desmosomal ventricular cardiomyopathy ventricular cardiomyopathy
plaque proteins and transmembranous molecules to create a structural and
signaling bridge between the cells. Localized recessive
Desmoglein 4
Recessive monilethrix
are found predominantly in the superficial layers of the epidermis whereas
Hypotrichosis with
Dsg3 and Dsc3 show greater expression in basal keratinocytes. The intra- Desmocollin 3
scalp vesicles
cellular parts of the cadherins interact with the keratin filament network
Arrhythmogenic right
via the desmosomal plaque proteins, mainly desmoplakin, plakoglobin and Desmocollin 2
ventricular cardiomyopathy
Clues to the biologic function of these desmosomal components have arisen Hypotrichosis simplex Corneodesmosin
from various inherited and acquired human diseases.3,4 Naturally occurring
Fig. 1.48
human mutations have been reported in ten different desmosome genes with
Genetic disorders of desmosomes: autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive
variable skin, hair and heart abnormalities and several desmosomal proteins mutations in ten different structural components of desmosomes may give rise to
serve as autoantigens in immunobullous blistering skin diseases such as pem- specific diseases that can affect skin, hair or heart or combinations thereof.
phigus (Figs 1.48 and 1.49).5 Antibodies to multiple desmosomal proteins
may develop in diseases such as paraneoplastic pemphigus through the phe-
nomenon of epitope spreading.6 Cleavage of the extracellular domain of Dsg1 Immunobullous diseases
has also been demonstrated as the basis of staphylococcal scalded skin syn-
drome and bullous impetigo.7 Desmoglein 3 Pemphigus vulgaris
Adherens junctions are recognized ultrastructurally as electron-dense trans-
Pemphigus foliaceus
membrane structures, with two opposing membranes separated by approxi- Desmoglein 1
mately 20 nm, that form links with the actin skeleton.8 They are 0.2–0.5 μm Endemic pemphigus
in diameter and can be found as isolated cell junctions or in association with Desmocollin 3 Atypical pemphigus
tight junctions and desmosomes. Adherens junctions are expressed early in
skin development and contribute to epithelial assembly, adhesion, barrier for- Atypical pemphigus
Desmocollin 1
mation, cell motility and changes in cell shape. They may also spatially co-
IgA pemphigus
ordinate signaling molecules and polarity cues as well as serving as docking (sub-corneal type)
sites for vesicle release. Adherens junctions contain two basic adhesive units:
the nectin-afadin complex and the classical cadherin complex.9,10 The nectins Fig. 1.49
form a structural link to the actin cytoskeleton via afadin (also known as Immunobullous diseases of desmosomes: intraepidermal blistering can arise
AF-6) and may be important in the initial formation of adherens junctions. through autoantibody disruption of four separate desmosomal proteins which leads
The cadherins form a complex with the catenins (α-, β-, and p120 catenin) to different clinical variants of pemphigus.
and help mediate adhesion and signaling. Cell signaling via β-catenin can acti-
vate several pathways linked to morphogenesis and cell fate determination. connexons (homotypic or heterotypic) to form a gap junction. To date, 13
Inherited gene mutations of the adherens junction proteins plakoglobin different human connexins have been described. The formation and stabil-
and P-cadherin have been reported. Plakoglobin mutations result in Naxos ity of gap junctions can be regulated by protein kinase C, Src kinase, cal-
disease (woolly hair, keratoderma, cardiomyopathy).3 P-cadherin mutations cium concentration, calmodulin, adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate
underlie autosomal recessive hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy (cAMP) and local pH.14 The connexins are classified into three groups (α,
as well as ectodermal dysplasia-ectrodactyly-macular dystrophy (EEM) syn- β and γ) according to their gene structure, overall gene homology and spe-
drome, in which there is hypotrichosis, macular degeneration, hypodontia cific sequence motifs.15 Apart from the connexins, vertebrates also contain
and limb defects, including ectrodactyly, syndactyly and camptodactyly.11,12 another class of gap junction proteins, the pannexins, which are related to the
Gap junctions represent clusters of intercellular channels, known as innexins found in nonchordate animals. The function of gap junctions is to
connexons, which form connections between the cytoplasm of adjacent allow sharing of low molecular mass metabolites (<1000 Da) and exchange of
keratinocytes (and other cells).13 Formation of a connexon involves assembly ions between neighboring cells. Gap junction communication is essential for
of six connexin subunits within the Golgi network. This complex is then cell synchronization, differentiation, cell growth and metabolic coordination
transported to the plasma membrane where connexons associate with other of avascular organs, including epidermis.14
Pilosebaceous units 15
Deafness with unusual Deafness with endocuticle, exocuticle and ‘a’ layer.1 Around the cuticle is the inner root
hyperkeratosis and oral erosions Clouston-like phenotype sheath (IRS), which is composed of three distinct layers of cells that undergo
keratinization: the IRS cuticle, the Huxley layer and the outermost Henle
Hystrix-like-ichthyosis Palmoplantar keratoderma layer.2 Differentiation in the IRS involves the development of trichohyalin
deafness syndrome with deafness granules, with 8–10 nm filaments orientated in the direction of hair growth.
Keratitis-ichthyosis - The IRS moves up the follicle, forming a support for the hair fiber, and
26 Bart-Pumphrey syndrome degenerates above the sebaceous gland. The outermost layer is the outer root
deafness syndrome
sheath (ORS), which is continuous with the epidermis and expresses epithe-
Non-syndromic deafness Vohwinkel’s syndrome lial keratins, K5/K14, K1/K10 and K6/K16 in the upper ORS and K5/K14/
Non-syndromic deafness 30 Clouston’s syndrome K17 in the deeper ORS.
Normal growth of the hair fiber is 300–400 μm/day. Hair growth is gener-
Erythro-keratoderma ated by the high rate of proliferation of progenitor cells in the follicle bulb.
There are three phases of cyclical hair growth: anagen, when growth occurs;
Peripheral neuropathy and Erythro-keratoderma catagen, a regressing phase; and telogen, a resting phase. The follicle re-enters
31 anagen, and the old hair is replaced by a new one.
hearing impairment variabilis
Immediately above the basal layer in the hair bulb, cells undergo a sec-
Non-syndromic deafness Charcot-Marie ondary pathway of ‘trichocyte’ or hair differentiation, and express a fur-
tooth disease (X-linked) ther complex group of keratins, the hard keratins.2 Two families of hair
Atrial fibrillation 40 keratins, types I and II, are present in mammals, which have distinctive
Non-syndromic deafness 43 Oculodentodigital dysplasia amino- and carboxy-terminals with high levels of cysteine residues but
lack the extended glycine residues of epidermal keratins. The proteins dif-
Zonular pulverulent
fer from epithelial keratins in position on two-dimensional gels but form
cataract-3 acidic and basic groups. There are four major proteins in each family and
Zonular pulverulent
50 several minor proteins, Ha 1–4 and Hb 1–4. Recent cloning of the hair ker-
cataract -1
atin genes, which cluster on chromosomes 12 and 17, has shown an even
Fig. 1.50 greater number of hair keratin genes, HaKRT1–6 (including 3.1 and 3.2)
Genetic disorders of connexins: nine different human connexin molecules are and HbKRT1–6.
associated with different inherited diseases. Mutations in the four low molecular Mutations in hair keratin genes have been found to cause autosomal domi-
weight connexins shown at the top of the diagram are associated with a spectrum nant forms of the human disease monilethrix. More common hair variants,
of skin pathology, as highlighted.
such as curly hair, may be explained by dynamic changes during hair growth.3
Curvature of curly hair is programmed from the very basal area of the follicle
and the bending process is linked to a lack of axial symmetry in the lower
Inherited abnormalities in genes encoding four different connexins (Cx26, part of the bulb, affecting the connective tissue sheath, ORS, IRS and the hair
30, 30.3 and 31) have been detected in several forms of keratoderma and/or shaft cuticle.
hearing loss (Fig. 1.50). Nondermatologic disorders can also arise from muta- Sebaceous glands usually develop as lateral protrusions from the outer
tions in some higher molecular weight connexins (Cx32, 40, 43, 46 and 50). root sheath of hair follicles, but at certain sites, such as the eyelids, lips, are-
Tight junctions contribute to skin barrier integrity and maintaining cell olae, nipples and labia minora, they appear to arise independently and drain
polarity, although in simple epithelia they are major regulators of perme- directly onto the skin's surface (Figs 1.51 and 1.52). They are widespread in
ability.8 An important function is to regulate the paracellular flux of water- distribution, being found everywhere on the body except on the palms and
soluble molecules between adjacent cells.16 The main structural proteins of soles. They are particularly abundant on the face and scalp, in the midline
tight junctions are the claudins, of which there are approximately 24 sub- of the back and about the perineum, and are concentrated around the ori-
types, as well as the IgG-like family of junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) fices of the body (Fig. 1.53). Those of the eyelid are known as the glands
and the occludin group of proteins. The principal claudins in the epidermis
are claudin 1 and 4. These transmembranous proteins can bind to the intrac-
ellular zonula occudens proteins ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3 which interact with the
actin cytoskeleton.8,17
Clinically, abnormalities in tight junction proteins can result in skin, kid-
ney, ear and liver disease. Inherited gene mutations in claudin 1 have been
reported in one pedigree with diffuse ichthyosis, hypotrichosis, scarring
alopecia and sclerosing cholangitis.18
ti>) ' 5 if
Pilosebaceous units
There are four classes of pilosebaceous unit: terminal on the scalp and beard;
apopilosebaceous in axilla and groin; vellus on the majority of skin; and
sebaceous on the chest, back and face. The dermal papilla is located at the
base of the hair follicle and is associated with a rich extracellular matrix.
Around the papilla are germinative (matrix) cells that have a very high rate
of division, and give rise to spindle-shaped central cortex cells of the hair
fiber, and the single outer layer of flattened overlapping cuticle cells. A cen-
tral medulla is seen in some hairs, with regularly stacked condensed cells
interspersed with air spaces or low-density cores. The cortical cells are filled
with keratin intermediate filaments orientated along the long axis of the Fig. 1.51
cell, interspersed with a dense interfilamentous protein matrix. The cuticu- Sebaceous glands: on the inner aspect of the labia these appear as tiny yellow
lar cells are morphologically distinct, with flattened outward-facing cells, papules (Fordyce spots). By courtesy of S.M. Neill, MD, Institute of Dermatology,
with three layers inside the cuticle of condensed, flattened protein granules: London, UK.
16 The structure and function of skin
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J® Fig. 1.55
. :-'#4 i\ y Sebaceous lobule: germinative cells are basophilic and flattened. With maturation
the cells acquire their characteristic ‘bubbly’ cytoplasm.
Fig. 1.53
Nose: sebaceous glands are particularly numerous at this site.
, mi
of Zeis and the meibomian glands. Sebaceous glands within the areolae are
known as Montgomery's tubercles. The largest sebaceous glands are associ-
ated with small vellus hairs in specialized pilosebaceous units known as seba- Wji&m
"1 '.
ceous follicles (facial pores).
Sebaceous glands consist of several lipid-containing lobules, usually con-
•; •’ÿ/ .i
• '• y J
nected to a hair follicle (Fig. 1.54). Each lobule is composed of an outer
layer of small cuboidal or flattened basophilic germinative cells, from which
arises the inner zone of lipid-laden vacuolated cells with characteristic cren-
fe#:. ::/:ÿyh0i
.. .:. .--
, h
ated nuclei (Fig. 1.55). The secretions drain into the sebaceous duct, which •jiv
V ;
joins the hair follicle at the level of the infundibulum (Fig. 1.56). The duct is ’ÿI
lined by keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium and is continuous with A?
the external root sheath. The glands are holocrine because their secretions
depend on complete degeneration of the acini, with release of all the cells'
lipid contents to become sebum.
* ;S" - Xÿr,,'.r . .
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-- * -£e '
- *•
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Histologically, eccrine sweat glands are divided into four subunits: a highly
vascularized coiled secretory gland, a coiled dermal duct, a straight dermal
duct, and a coiled intraepidermal duct (the acrosyringium) (Fig. 1.59). The
* T0
* 4*
** "N secretory coil is located in the lower dermis, and the duct extends through
V, '/
the dermis and opens directly onto the skin surface (Figs 1.60, 1.61). The
~ • •M
Sf zuv\* * •*> 4,-
active sweat glands are present most densely on the sole, forehead and palm,
t3y* *
t » - 4
b %
\ $
' *ÿ*
- * •//
* ' .\*S\>
somewhat less on the back of the hand, still less on the lumber region, and
the lateral and extensor surfaces of the extremities, and least on the trunk
.\‘w •.
w and the flexor and medial surfaces of the extremities. The uncoiled dimen-
I**, c t*
* sion of the secretory portion of the gland is approximately 30–50 μm in diam-
'- "i eter and 2–5 mm in length. The size of the adult secretory coil ranges 1–8 ×
-» * , I 10−3 mm3. The secretory component lies in the lower reaches of the reticular
* -ÿ-, .V M
Fig. 1.57
W <•
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.v®p-' .ÿir.
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Na J
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•». A
m A
CM t-
l f.; '
m?: *
' %g#
Fig. 1.58
Sebaceous gland: in this field from the center of a sebaceous lobule, the cytoplasm f
>L V
is completely distended with lipid droplets. Germinative cells are evident in the
right-lower quadrant.
their disintegration, the lipid droplets completely fill the cytoplasm and com-
press the centrally located nucleus (Fig. 1.58).
0 %>N
•' «<•
The secretion of sebaceous glands is sebum, an exceedingly compli-
cated lipid mixture that includes triglycerides (57%), wax esters (26%) and *
squalene (12%). Its function includes waterproofing, control of epidermal
water loss, and a protective function, inhibiting the growth of fungi and bac-
teria. Secreted sebum undergoes significant changes due to the presence of 4 >• ?!IU
Propionibacterium acnes (triglyceride hydrolysis) within the pilosebaceous Fig. 1.59
,*; Sy<v
Eccrine gland: (A) palmar
canal and Staphylococcus epidermidis (cholesterol ester formation) on the
perifollicular skin. Skin surface lipid is composed of a mixture of sebum and
epidermal lipids.
gy.- c« skin showing numerous
eccrine glands located in
the deep reticular dermis
and subcutaneous fat,
(see below). Sometimes the secretory lobules show striking clear cell change
due to glycogen accumulation (Fig. 1.62). The myoepithelial cells contract
in response to cholinergic stimuli. They have spindled cell morphology and
are distributed in a spiral, parallel array along the long axis of the secretory
tubule. On the basis of their expression of keratin filaments, they appear to
be of ectodermal rather than mesenchymal derivation. They do not label for
s vimentin. Myoepithelial cells therefore develop from the epithelial cells of the
tip of the secretory coil and not, as might be expected, from adjacent mesen-
chymal cells. The dermal duct components consist of a double layer of cuboi-
dal basophilic cells. The duct is not merely a conduit, but has a biologically
active function, modifying the composition of eccrine secretion and, particu-
B 1
' %
larly, the reabsorption of water. The intraepidermal portion of the sweat duct
opens directly onto the surface of the skin. A myoepithelial layer is absent.
The secretory unit is strongly labeled by CAM 5.2 (both cytoplasmic and
membranous) and Ber-EP4 and there is luminal accentuation (Fig. 1.63). The
ductal component is completely negative. EMA can be detected along the
;* luminal aspect of the secretory unit and outlining the intercellular canaliculi.
It is also present around the luminal border of the duct, and is often present
in large quantities within the lumen. CEA is present in a similar distribution
- H to EMA although secretory labeling tends to be rather focal and somewhat
>5? -
Fig. 1.60
weaker while the ductal lumen is more strongly outlined. The myoepithelial
f ';N Eccrine gland: high-power
.feWr *i&grV'
v.>. :s
view of eccrine straight
A i. r .-
\ 38$
mm . ,
sa &
ft SK
ms m
Fig. 1.62
Eccrine gland: excessive glycogen has resulted in vacuolated epithelium.
HI as
MSF**, &g
Fig. 1.61
Eccrine gland: most
superficially, the duct
coils through the stratum
Cam 5.2
- corneum.
: v .-
jf* St - & v,
dermis or around the interface between the dermis and subcutaneous fat and
is surrounded by a thick basement membrane and loose connective tissue
often rich in mucin. It embodies an outer discontinuous layer of contractile
myoepithelial cells and an inner layer of secretory cells comprising two cell
types: large clear pyramidal cells, which appear to be responsible for water
secretion, and smaller, darkly staining mucopolysaccharide-containing cells
(probably secreting a glycoprotein), which are much less commonly seen.
—.>m. HI
Fig. 1.63
Between adjacent cells are canaliculi, which open into the lumen of the tubule Eccrine gland: immunohistochemistry.
Apocrine glands 19
cells can be identified by antibodies to S-100 protein, desmin and smooth 4f &:
muscle actin. The eccrine glands show strong activity for the enzymes
amylophosphorylase, leucine aminopeptidase, succinic dehydrogenase and
5 a ;
mf ••» r< .*
w orientated tonofilaments.
MM ik
*T<w ‘
respiratory passages, the skin, and gaseous exchanges in the lungs. Heat,
exercise and carbon dioxide can all induce active sweating in human beings.
112ÿ Active sweating may be classified into two types: thermal and mental/emo-
tional. Thermal sweating plays an important role in keeping the body's tem-
'*m4 perature constant and involves the whole body surface.4 The secretory nerve
'Wl <ÿ*<*•>
fibers innervated in human sweat glands are sympathetic, which appear to be
tT*A .'‘.J-ÿ'K
':'.JLI®M '-V® • V*
A% cholinergic in character as sweating is produced by pilocarpine and stopped
by atropine.5 Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) coexisting in the cholinergic
nerve fibers has been suggested as a candidate neurotransmitter that may con-
•• 'i '> • trol the blood circulation of the sweat glands. Acetylcholine is the primary
neurotransmitter released from cholinergic sudomotor nerves and binds to
muscarinic receptors on the eccrine sweat gland, although sweating can also
.- * A.iiw:-
. *
-.•' J-
H w *>
occur via exogenous administration of α- or β-adrenergic agonists. The ini-
tial fluid released from the secretory cells is isotonic and similar to plasma
although it is devoid of proteins. As the fluid travels up the duct towards the
surface of the skin, sodium and chloride are reabsorbed, resulting in sweat
Fig. 1.64 on the surface being hypotonic relative to plasma.6 When the rate of sweat
Eccrine gland: low-power electron micrograph showing the lumen in the upper-right production increases, however, for example during exercise, ion reabsorption
quadrant, granular mucous-secreting cells and serous cells. mechanisms can be overwhelmed due to the large quantity of sweat secreted
into the duct, resulting in higher ion losses. The sodium content in sweat on
the skin's surface, therefore, is greatly influenced by sweat rate.
$*& '-X>.•*'
• rÿte
Apocrine glands
Apart from eccrine glands, the skin also contains apocrine sweat glands.1,2
Apocrine glands have a low secretory output, and hence no significant role in
thermoregulation. Apocrine glands are found predominantly in the anogeni-
, J •
".. .i
• .
I. rw * f L-.-V
r» \
viJ lar epithelium. They first appear during the fourth to fifth month of gesta-
tion. Their function in humans is unknown, but in other mammals they are
••*ÿ *.
B k
P> ’
responsible for scent production and have importance in sexual attraction.
As with sebaceous glands, they are smaller in childhood, becoming larger and
functionally active at puberty. The secretions of the ceruminous glands are
believed to lubricate, clean and protect the external ear from bacterial and
fungal infections.
Apocrine glands include two distinct components: a complex secretory
Fig. 1.65 element situated in the lower reticular dermis or subcutaneous fat, and
Eccrine gland: (left) high-power view of clear cell showing conspicuous a tubular duct linking the gland with the pilosebaceous follicle at a site
mitochondria and numerous electron-dense glycogen granules, (right) high-power above the sebaceous duct. Microscopically, the secretory portion comprises
view of secretory granules in a dark cell. an outer discontinuous layer of myoepithelial cells and an inner layer of
20 The structure and function of skin
'i u
logical artifact, secretory droplets, which appear to be pinched off from the A
•J •% %
superficial aspect of the columnar cells (decapitation secretion), can be seen
on light microscopy. The duct portion is formed by a double layer of cuboi- • t* <
dal epithelium. It is morphologically indistinguishable from the eccrine *
duct. The inner layer of the secretory portion contains a single columnar
secretory cell type containing numerous large dense granules located at the \ •
o' F
inner layer is also surrounded by a fenestrated layer of myoepithelial cells i
but the lumen may be larger in diameter than that present in eccrine tissue 1
U CS -
The apocrine excretory duct does not have any known reabsorptive func-
tion and consists of a double layer of cuboidal cells that merge distally with
the epithelium of the hair follicle, resulting in emptying of the secretion into
the hair follicle. • /?*' .
-. '
. v
% 4 ’
Immunohistochemically, the secretory unit shows very strong labeling
with the antibody CAM 5.2 (both cytoplasmic and membranous), and there %
V • it «
»» rfl
is luminal accentuation. The apocrine duct is negative (Fig. 1.69). EMA labels ' ’ft
the cytoplasm of the secretory cells, and is accentuated along the luminal
border. It is also present along the luminal aspect of the apocrine duct. With
CAM 5.2
fJC? . IW
CEA, there is faint, focal staining of the secretory epithelium. The luminal Fig. 1.69
Apocrine gland: immunohistochemistry (CAM 5.2 and EMA).
I • .TJf
c • #
£ '.£» aspect of the duct is strongly outlined. Cytoplasmic granules express epider-
* mal growth factor. The myoepithelial cells of the secretory unit are reactive
/*,— *« •»
I ,* • /
•: liV for S-100 protein and smooth muscle actin (Fig. 1.70). The apocrine secre-
••• :WJ tory epithelium strongly expresses the enzymes NADH diaphorase, esterase,
s- *1 acid phosphatase and β-glucuronidase. There is weak or absent reactivity for
• •*
* * jpsi&®' V-t
cytochrome oxidase. The apocrine gland also can be stained with cationic
W' colloidal gold at pH 2.0.3
4 * * * Ultrastructure of the apocrine reveals cuboidal to columnar secretory cells
t •*
k containing numerous osmiophilic secretory vacuoles. Mitochondria are pres-
. •:• - r ent in large numbers. While some show obvious double cristae, others are so
> •
/• W/C' •; •
.• electron dense that the internal structure is obscured. The Golgi is conspicu-
'i Ml
V n.rr.
& f
FK df
•* '
1 /* * /
. r>
<* *
V •*
- 3 •• ?*
5 ,*
•W% • *
* /./I
ws_ '4 J
M ••
« K~
Ei '*»
% _ V
-> »»V ,*E# \ -
rM ?:"
* i 4
J au
«k r*
-V •* C7
1 vs ‘ s ' -A**
J '
t .t - /
•*.. • •k
* ;I9P ••
r 'v «*
« *;• *' #
‘ •;
i # % k
••; * > . v ;• -i
.1 S1OO-protein SMA
_ • * -r"# vV~-
Fig. 1.68
Apocrine gland: lobules are lined by tall columnar cells with intensely eosinophilic
Fig. 1.70
cytoplasm. ‘Decapitation secretion’ is conspicuous. Apocrine gland: immunohistochemistry (S-100 protein and SMA).
Dermal–epidermal junction 21
. c
i Basal keratinocyte
•4 *• *ÿ
Keratin filaments
r* » *
% s?.
*ÿ • ©
# .
i n Hemidesmosomal inner plaque
* 0 i wwv
rrVtÿrfW'r Cell membrane
Sub-basal dense plate
Lamina lucida
Anchoring filaments
* A
Lamina densa
Anchoring fibrils
Fig. 1.71
Apocrine gland: close-up view showing microvilli and decapitation secretion.
Papillary dermis
I fSLi pv>: £&
VPK?ÿ α6β4
. >4L .vV 4
integrin Type XVII Fig. 1.74
//nil 1IJ
Type IV
collagen Laminin-332
The basement membrane region stains strongly with periodic acid-Schiff.
inside the basal keratinocytes, through the lamina lucida and lamina densa,
collagen and into the superficial dermis are ultrastructurally recognizable attachment
structures. The components of these adhesion units are the hemidesmosomes,
anchoring filaments and anchoring fibrils.3 The importance of these struc-
Type VII tural complexes in securing adhesion of the epidermis to the underlying der-
collagen mis is highlighted by both inherited and acquired subepidermal blistering skin
diseases (Figs 1.76, Fig. 1.77). The precise role of individual proteins in adhe-
sion is demonstrated by the group of inherited skin blistering diseases, epi-
dermolysis bullosa, in which components in the hemidesmosomal structures,
Fig. 1.72 anchoring filaments, or anchoring fibrils are genetically defective or absent.4
The macromolecular components of the dermal–epidermal junction centered on This leads to fragility at the dermal–epidermal junction as a result of minor
a hemidesmosome-anchoring filament-anchoring fibril complex. Protein–protein trauma.
interactions between these molecules secure adhesion between the epidermis and The hemidesmosomes extend from the intracellular compartment of the
the subjacent dermis. basal keratinocytes to the cell membrane adjacent to the lamina lucida in
22 The structure and function of skin
jgg|s ir
L Bullous
MT i Bullous
* pemphigoid
P'S©” Plectin
pemphigoid-like 230-kDa
#C«J V
r J v -. ,r '-v
-&i Bullous
BP Ag Mucous
4 membrane
pemphigoid-like integrin Type XVII
collagen Laminin-332
T7- . */ A
Fig. 1.75
Transmission electron microscopy of the dermal–epidermal junction. Bar = 200 nm.
EB acquisita Type VII
Bullous SLE 4 collagen
EB simplex
5 & 14 Fig. 1.77
Recessive Acquired disorders of hemidesmosomal proteins. Autoantibodies directed against
EB simplex 4 EB simplex
components of the hemidesmosome-anchoring filament-anchoring fibril complex
EB simplex with give rise to specific subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases.
muscular dystrophy 4
EB simplex with
pyloric atresia BH
4 junctional EB structure of laminins contains both globular and rodlike segments which con-
tribute to interactions with other extracellular matrix molecules, as well as
integrin Type XVII
Herlitz & cell attachment and spreading, and cellular differentiation. The critical role
Junctional EB with collagen of laminin 332 in providing integrity to the cutaneous BMZ is evident from
Laminin-332 non-Herlitz
pyloric atresia
junctional EB findings that mutations in any of the three polypeptide subunits (the α3, β3,
or γ2 chains) can result in junctional forms of epidermolysis bullosa.
The major component of the lamina densa is type IV collagen, which in
skin is mainly composed of the α1 and α2 chains.7 Type IV collagen is assem-
bled to form a complex hexagonal arrangement which allows high flexibility
Dominant and to the BMZ and facilitates interactions with other collagenous and noncollag-
Type VII
recessive 4
collagen enous proteins (Fig. 1.79). Other BMZ components at the dermal–epidermal
dystrophic EB
junction include the glycoprotein nidogen (previously known as entactin)
which interacts with type IV collagen either alone or as part of a laminin-
nidogen complex. Also present are the heparan sulfate proteoglycans, which
are highly negatively charged and hydrophilic and capable of interacting with
Fig. 1.76 a number of basement membrane components and thus contribute to the
Genetic disorders of hemidesmosomal proteins. Mutations in components of the architectural organization of the BMZ.8
hemidesmosome-anchoring filament-anchoring fibril network give rise to specific
Anchoring fibrils are ultrastructurally recognizable fibrillar structures
variants of epidermolysis bullosa (EB).
which extend from the lower part of lamina densa to the upper reticular der-
mis. The main component of anchoring fibrils is type VII collagen (Fig. 1.80).9
Individual type VII collagen molecules are ≈450 nm long and by complexing
the upper portion of the dermal–epidermal basement membrane. The inner
as antiparallel dimmers and aggregating laterally, they forms loops which are
plaques of hemidesmosomes serve as attachment sites for keratin filaments
traversed by interstitial dermal collagens (types I, III and V) to adhere the
while the outer plaques associate with anchoring filaments that traverse the
BMZ to the underlying dermis.10 Type VII collagen is synthesized by both
lamina lucida. Subjacent to the hemidesmosomal outer plaques in the lamina
dermal fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes. Also inserting into the lam-
lucida are the sub-basal dense plates which contribute to the structural orga-
ina densa at the dermal–epidermal junction are elastic microfibrils, contain-
nization of the attachment complex. Intracellular hemidesmosomal proteins
ing proteins such as fibrillin. Fibrillin-containing microfibrils may exist as a
include the 230-kD bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 and the 500-kD plectin
fibrillar mantle surrounding an elastin core or be found independently as elas-
protein. Transmembranous hemidesmosomal proteins comprise the 180-kD
tin-free microfibrils. The latter, located beneath the lamina densa, are known
bullous pemphigoid antigen (also known as type XVII collagen), and the α6
as the dermal microfibril bundles (Fig. 1.81)
and β4 integrin molecules.5 The hemidesmosomes are associated with anchor-
ing filaments in the lamina lucida, thread-like structures 3–4 nm in diameter
that span the lamina lucida to the lamina densa. Dermal collagen
Located at the lamina lucida–lamina densa interface are the laminins.
The major laminin within the cutaneous BMZ is laminin 332, previously The major extracellular matrix component in the dermis is collagen.
known as laminin 5 (Fig. 1.78). In addition, laminin 111 (laminin 1), laminin Currently, 29 distinct collagens have been identified in vertebrate tissues
311 (laminin 6), laminin 321 (laminin 7) and laminin 511 (laminin 10) are and each is designated a Roman numeral in the chronological order of its
also integral components of the dermal–epidermal junction.6 The cruciform discovery. At least eight different collagens are found in human skin. All collagen
Dermal collagen 23
β3 γ2 #
i % (
* v*
Fig. 1.78
Laminin-332 is a major
r. m i %
adhesion protein at the dermal–
sr i
i:v a
polypeptide chains: α3, β3, and
γ2; (B) Laminin-322 identified by
immunofluorescence in a sample
of split skin.
are all distinct gene products, there are well over 40 different genes in the
human genome that encode the different subunit polypeptides.1 Collagens »•; -N **?«* m
demonstrate considerable tissue specificity and are synthesized by a number > -• -• Kmm I
of different cell types, including dermal fibroblasts, keratinocytes, vascular i •V
endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. A characteristic feature of col-
lagen is the presence of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine residues, amino
. y
as cofactors. The hydroxylation of prolyl residues is necessary for stabili- m
zation of the triple-helical conformation at physiologic temperatures, and '•
hydroxylysyl residues are required for formation of stable covalent cross- /
links. In the rough endoplasmic reticulum, trimeric molecules are formed
M I.
a < V
0 v :-
and following the prolyl hydroxylation reactions, triple helices are generated
which are then secreted through Golgi vesicles into the extracellular space.
Here, parts of the noncollagenous peptide extensions are cleaved by specific &
' -a
proteases, and the collagen molecules undergo supramolecular organization. XI \s
To acquire fibrillar strength, the fibers are then covalently linked together by
specific intra- and intermolecular cross-links. The most common forms of
cross-links in type I collagen are derived from lysine and hydroxylysine resi-
r V
* Kr#;1V**
dues, and in some collagens there are also cysteine-derived disulfide bonds. V.
Fig. 1.80
Normal skin: the anchoring fibrils are composed predominantly of type VII collagen
as shown in this immunogold electron microscopic preparation.
• :ÿ'-"
‘« H <•
, .> i • jb V
On the basis of their fiber architecture in tissues, collagens can be divided
into different classes. Types I, II, III, V and IX align into large fibrils and
are designated as fibril-forming collagens. Type IV is arranged in an inter-
lacing network within the basement membranes, while type VI is a distinct
.-.: •.WrV microfibril-forming collagen and type VII collagen forms anchoring fibrils.
< FACIT collagens (fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple-heli-
Fig. 1.79
•SJ> »
0 ces), include types IX, XII, XIV, XIX, XX, and XXI.2 Many of the FACIT
collagens associate with larger collagen fibers and act as molecular bridges
stabilizing the organization of the extracellular matrices.
Type I collagen, the most abundant form of collagen, is the predomi-
Basement membrane: basement membrane staining with type IV collagen. nant collagen in human dermis, accounting for approximately 80% of total
24 The structure and function of skin
mp tf V
- m -
m HpiffW) w .. - .
*df. ..i\>/. i* mI* li\ÿv-- - ™- •ÿ
. * t
V1 1 i1
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K* i 'A
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.•SV 5' A
“• A
t* -. jV
* ! * jpP* 1
i% * K. r
1 y “ /• ,
Fig. 1.82
Wt *
Fig. 1.81
Normal skin of forearm:
in the papillary dermis
i J •s'
** *
a vertical orientation.
Masson's trichrome.
c ollagen. Type I collagen associates with type III collagen to form broad,
extracellular fibers in the dermis. Mutations in the type I and III collagens or ' V77 '-',v '
in their processing enzymes can result in connective tissue abnormalities seen
in different forms of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and mutations in the type
.“v.:; t -T •
Type III collagen accounts for about 10% of the total collagen in adult der-
mis, although it is the predominant dermal collagen in the fetus. It predomi- •
nates in vascular connective tissues, the gastrointestinal tract, and the uterus, )
and mutations in the type III collagen gene occur in the vascular type of the
pr- . ? -. 4>--rÿr
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
&L* . '
-• &*<
Type V collagen is present in most connective tissues, including the der-
mis, where it represents less than 5% of the total collagen. Type V collagen is
located on the surface of large collagen fibers in the dermis, and its function
is to regulate their lateral growth. A lack of type V collagen leads to vari-
able collagen fiber diameters and an irregular fiber contour in cross-section.
Such fibers are seen in autosomal dominant forms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
associated with mutations in the type V collagen gene.
Mature collagen fibers are relatively inert and can exist in tissues under -M, ? 7';
normal physiologic conditions for long periods. However, there is some
continuous turnover of collagen that involves a number of enzymes of
the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) family. These proteinase families
include the collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysins, matrilysins, and the
membrane-type MMPs.4 The MMPs are synthesized and secreted as inert
Fig. 1.83
Normal skin of back: broad bundles of collagen typify the reticular dermis.
Masson's trichrome.
wan*!*''"’*" •; which interconnect (Fig. 1.87).2 Extending from these into the papillary dermis
.* 1
•ÿ.. >»
xwWft**’ * *
553E. *
is a network of vertical extensions of relatively fine fibrils which consist either
of bundles of microfibrils (oxytalan fibers) or of small amounts of cross-linked
elastin (elaunin fibers) (Fig. 1.88).3 Elastic fibers have two principal compo-
BfiVr nents: elastin, which is a connective tissue protein that forms the core of the
>'W mature fibers, and the elastin-associated microfibrils which consist of a family
if »***~z: of proteins. Examination by transmission electron microscopy reveals an elas-
tin core that makes up over 90% of the elastic fiber and which is surrounded
V •
'" 7ia0> -.‘tf! by more electron-dense microfibrillar structures (Fig. 1.89).
* Ill
'If** Elastin is initially synthesized as a precursor polypeptide, tropoelastin,
i, which consists of approximately 700 amino acids with a molecular mass of
≈70 kD.4 The amino acid composition of tropoelastin is similar to collagen in
: V
'Hi 1 1
that about one-third of the total amino residues consist of glycine but the pri-
&3B&* " * V
mary sequence is different, with domains rich in glycine, valine, and proline,
alternating with lysine- and alanine-rich sequences: a characteristic sequence
Saw , A
motif is the presence of two lysine residues separated by two or three alanine
a** ' ’
- ja
residues. The lysine residues in tropoelastin are critical for the formation of
i covalent cross-links between desmosine and its isomer, isodesmosine, which
appear to be unique to elastin. The first step in formation of these elastin-
Fig. 1.84 specific cross-links is oxidative deamination of three lysine residues to form
Collagen: it is characterized by cross-striations with a periodicity of 64 nm.
\ A .
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Fig. 1.90
Fig. 1.89 Ground substance: an eccrine gland from the sole of the foot shows an abundance
Elastic fiber: this consists of microfibrils embedded in an electron-dense matrix of glycosaminoglycans.
called elastin.
aldehydes, known as allysines. These aldehydes, with additional lysine, fuse enriched in dermal fibroblasts, facilitates the adherence of cells in conjunc-
to form a stable desmosine compound which covalently links two of the tro- tion with other extracellular matrix binding molecules, such as the integrins.3
poelastin polypeptides. Addition of desmosines to other parts of the molecule Proteoglycans also interact with other extracellular matrix molecules besides
progressively converts tropoelastin molecules into an insoluble fiber struc- collagen; notably, chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate bind fibronectin
ture. The oxidative deamination of lysyl residues to corresponding aldehydes and laminin. The largest extracellular GAG, hyaluronic acid, plays an impor-
is catalyzed by a group of enzymes, lysyl oxidases, which require copper for tant role in providing physical and chemical properties to the skin, mediated
their activity. Thus, copper deficiency can lead to reduced lysyl oxydase activ- in part by its hydrophilicity and viscosity in dilute solutions. Of particular
ity and synthesis of elastic fibers that are not stabilized by sufficient amounts note, hyaluronic acid has an expansive water-binding capacity, providing
of desmosines. In such a situation, the individual tropoelastin polypeptides hydration to normal skin. Indeed, water makes up ≈60% of the weight of
remain soluble and susceptible to non-specific proteolysis, and the elastin-rich normal human skin in vivo. Other properties attributed to large proteogly-
tissues are fragile. The metabolic turnover of elastin is slow, but is increased cans complexes, such as those formed with the versican or basement mem-
in some forms of cutis laxa and cutaneous aging. Elastic fibers are degraded brane proteoglycans, include their ability to serve as ionic filters, regulate salt
by elastases and metalloelastases. and water balance, and provide an elastic cushion.1
The elastin-associated microfibrils consist of tubular structures of ≈10– Except when present in very large amounts, ground substance cannot be
12 nm in diameter. These proteins include fibrillin, the latent transforming easily detected by routine hematoxylin and eosin staining (Fig. 1.90). Cationic
growth factor-β binding family of proteins, and the fibulins. Other compo- dyes, such as Alcian blue at appropriate pH and electrolyte concentration, are
nents comprise the families of microfibril-associated glycoproteins and micro- usually necessary for its demonstration.
fibril-associated proteins (MFAP), the emilins and certain lysyl oxidases. The
importance of the fibrillin is illustrated by mutations resulting in Marfan
syndrome with skeletal abnormalities, aortic dilatation, subluxation of the Fibroblast biology
ocular lens, and cutaneous hyperextensibility.5 Likewise, the significance of
The main cell responsible for the synthesis of collagens, elastic tissue and
certain fibulins is evident from mutations resulting in cutis laxa, manifesting
proteoglycan/glycosaminoglycan macromolecules in the dermis is the fibro-
with loose and sagging skin and loss of elastic recoil.
blast.1 In the mid-dermis of postnatal skin, the number of fibroblasts ranges
from 2100 to 4100 per mm3, and the cells have a limited replicative capacity
Ground substance ranging from 50–100 cell divisions. Fibroblasts also play a significant role
in epithelial–mesenchymal interactions, secreting various growth factors and
Proteoglycans form a number of subfamilies defined by a core protein to which cytokines that have a direct effect on epidermal proliferation, differentiation
polymers of unbranched disaccharide units, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), are and formation of extracellular matrix. The term fibroblast refers to a fully
linked.1 The core proteins can be intracellular, reside on the cell surface, or differentiated, biosynthetically active cell, while the term fibrocyte refers to
be part of the extracellular matrix and the GAGs are highly charged polyan- an inactive cell.
ionic molecules that vary greatly in size. For example, dermal fibroblasts can Myofibroblasts are a specialized form of fibroblast found in granulation
synthesize versican which consists of a core protein with attachment sites for tissue and are involved in wound contraction. They are functionally distinct
12 to 15 GAG side chains. The GAGs in versican are primarily chondroitin from other fibroblasts with ultrastructural, biochemical and physical fea-
sulfate or dermatan sulfate, but versican can also bind hyaluronic acid, result- tures of smooth muscle cells. Moreover, myofibroblasts are characterized
ing in formation of large aggregates. Proteoglycan/GAG complexes have mul- by the presence of intracellular bundles of α smooth muscle actin, which is
tiple functions. For example, the proteoglycans containing heparan sulfate the actin isoform expressed by smooth muscle cells. Currently it is thought
and dermatan sulfate have the ability to bind extracellular matrix compo- that the evolution of myofibroblasts involves a preceding form known as
nents, including various collagens.2 In addition, these proteoglycans bind the protomyofibroblast, although the latter do not always become the fully
several growth factors, cytokines, cell adhesion molecules, and growth fac- differentiated myofibroblast. In contrast to myofibroblasts, protomyofibro-
tor binding proteins, thereby influencing the bioactivity of these molecules. blasts have stress fibers but no α smooth muscle actin filaments. A bio-
They can also serve as antiproteases. In addition to binding to a number synthetically active fibroblast has an abundant cytoplasm, well-developed
of extracellular molecules, proteoglycans also play a role in the adhesion of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and prominent ribosomes attached to the
cells to the extracellular matrix. For example, syndecan-4, which is selectively membrane surfaces.
Cutaneous blood vessels and lymphatics 27
r *
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rw ft > «, 'ÿ> |A'' Fig. 1.92
,\ “-6ÿ5 /dJt *•*£< Small muscular artery from the deep vascular plexus from
the lower leg of an elderly man with endarteritis (intimal
aV5' / T thickening): note the thick muscle coat and conspicuous
f - -hr:j- •/" V 1
R 'y
internal elastic lamina, the latter accentuated by the
Weigert–van Gieson reaction. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin;
/ __ o B 2f* (B) Weigert–van Gieson.
SWSW58E gSS; trunks are very thick and muscular and can be confused with an artery
ga&v. Wf,. IV (Fig. 1.98). The absence of an internal elastic lamina readily allows their
distinction. Vascular endothelial cells may be identified by the monoclo-
* nal antibody CD31 or by an anti-von Willebrand factor antibody. Vascular
endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) has not lived up to its
r .
SOiraE., V
promise to be a useful lymphatic endothelial cell marker.5,6 Lymphatic vessel
endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 (LYVE-1), Prox-1 and podoplanin may
E be more useful.7
f, . •
Nervous system of the skin
\ The skin may be innervated with around one million afferent nerve fibers.
. * Most terminate in the face and extremities; relatively few supply the back.
- *vy.
The cutaneous nerves contain axons with cell bodies in the dorsal root gan-
'•£.: y,
4 vÿ|
glia. Their diameters range from 0.2 to 20.0 μm. The main nerve trunks enter-
;•ÿ «
-, - ing the subdermal fatty tissue each divide into smaller bundles. Groups of
? myelinated fibers fan out in a horizontal plane to form a branching network
-ÿT -
from which fibers ascend, usually accompanying blood vessels, to form a
Fig. 1.93 web of interlacing nerves in the superficial dermis. The cutaneous nerves sup-
Normal dermal capillary: note the lining of endothelial cells surrounded by a pericyte ply the skin appendages and form prominent plexuses around the hair bulbs
cell process and adjacent basal lamina. The lumen contains erythrocytes (E). and the papillary dermis. The afferent receptors consist of free nerve endings,
nerve endings in relation to hair, and encapsulated nerve endings. Free nerve
endings, of both myelinated and nonmyelinated types and with a low conduc-
The dermis also contains an extensive lymphatic system, which is closely tion speed, are mainly responsible for the appreciation of temperature, itch
associated with the vascular plexuses.3 Although largely disregarded except and pain. Hair follicles are supplied by an intricate network of myelinated
for their role in tumor spread, lymphatics are of major importance in fibers, some of which ramify as free nerve endings in the periadnexal fibrous
removing the debris of daily wear and tear including fluid, cells and macro- tissue sheath, while others enter the epidermis to terminate as expansions
molecules (Fig. 1.97). They also represent the primary disposal mechanism in intimate association with Merkel cells in the external root sheath. The
for contaminating microorganisms. Lymphatics have been shown to supply hair disc is a complex structure consisting of basally situated Merkel cells
the major route for epidermal Langerhans cells to reach the regional lymph and an associated myelinated peripheral nerve fiber. Despite the name, it has
node following antigen stimulation. Under normal circumstances these deli- an inconstant association with hair follicles. Hair discs are slowly adapting
cate vessels are collapsed and are difficult to detect. They are supported by mechanoreceptors. Throughout their course the axons of cutaneous nerves
delicate elastic tissue scaffolding and consist of a large thin-walled collapsed are enveloped in Schwann cells but, as they track peripherally, an increas-
vessel lined by attenuated endothelium and characterized by the presence of ing number lack myelin sheaths. Most end in the dermis; some penetrate the
multiple valves. Their presence is much more obvious in obstructive situ- basement membrane, but do not travel far into the epidermis.
ations (e.g., lymphedema or due to the presence of metastases). Dermal Sensory endings are of two main kinds: corpuscular, which embrace non-
lymphatics are loosely aggregated into a superficial and deep plexus, which nervous elements; and ‘free’, which do not. Corpuscular endings can, in turn,
drain into muscularized lymphatic trunks.4 In the lower limbs the lymphatic be subdivided into encapsulated receptors, of which a range occurs in the
Nervous system of the skin 29
Fig. 1.94
(A) Small dermal arteriole: the lumen is compressed to a narrow slitlike space; (B) high-power view of typical Weibel–Palade bodies. These are characteristic of blood vessel
Fig. 1.95
Companion vein to Figure 1.92: note the wide diameter of the lumen in comparison to the relatively thin muscle coat. There is a little elastic tissue but no discernible internal
elastic lamina. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin; (B) Weigert–van Gieson.
dermis, and nonencapsulated, exemplified by Merkel's ‘touch spot’, which Meissner's corpuscles are characteristic of the papillary ridges of glabrous
is epidermal. skin in primates. They have a thick, lamellated capsule, 20–40 μm in diameter
The most striking of the encapsulated receptors is the Pacinian corpuscle. and up to 150 μm long (Fig. 1.100).1 Meissner's corpuscles are involved in the
It is an ovoid structure about 1 mm in length, which is lamellated in cross- appreciation of touch sensation (rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors) and are
section like an onion, and is innervated by a myelinated sensory axon, which found predominantly in the dermal papillae of the hands and feet, the lips,
loses its sheath as it traverses the core (Fig. 1.99). Pacinian corpuscles are and on the front of the forearm. They comprise a perineural-derived lamel-
responsible for the appreciation of deep pressure and vibration and are found lated capsule surrounding a core of cells and nerve fibers, and are supplied by
predominantly in the subcutaneous fat of the palms and soles, dorsal surfaces myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers. They make intimate contact with
of the digits, around the genitalia, and in ligaments and joint capsules. the basal keratinocytes. Meissner's corpuscles have a multiple nerve supply
The Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscle found in the subcutaneous tissue of the and each nerve may also supply multiple corpuscles. Of somewhat different
human finger is similarly laminate but of much simpler organization. Another structure are the terminals first described by Ruffini in human digits, in which
classical receptor is the Krause end bulb, an encapsulated swelling on myeli- several expanded endings branch from a single, myelinated afferent fiber. The
nated fibers situated in the superficial layers of the dermis. endings are directly related to collagen fibrils. ‘Free nerve-endings’, which
30 The structure and function of skin
Fig. 1.97
Lymphatics: these exceedingly thin-walled channels are normally not visible in the
dermis. They become readily apparent, however, when obstructed, as in this patient
with lymphedema.
Fig. 1.100
Meissner's corpuscle within a dermal papilla: with hematoxylin and eosin staining it
appears as perpendicularly orientated lamellae of Schwann cells.
Subcutaneous fat
Fat is a major component of the human body. In nonobese males, 10–12% of
body weight is fat, while in females the figure is 15–20%. Eighty per cent of fat
is under the skin; the rest surrounds internal organs. Fat comprises white and
brown adipose tissue, the latter being more common in infants and children
Fig. 1.98 and is characterized by different mitochondrial properties and increased heat
Skin of lower leg: muscular lymphatic trunks can be readily mistaken for arteries. production.1 Historically, fat has been thought to provide insulation, mechani-
An internal elastic lamina is characteristically absent. cal cushioning and an energy store but recent data suggest that it also has an
Subcutaneous fat 31
endocrine function, communicating with the brain via secreted molecules such ediastinum. The brown coloration is due to the high cytochrome con-
as leptin to alter energy turnover in the body.2 Adipocytes also have important tent. The brown fat cytoplasm contains numerous, somewhat pleomorphic,
signaling roles in osteogenesis and angiogenesis. Indeed, multipotent stem cells mitochondria. Endoplasmic reticulum and a Golgi apparatus are not usually
have been identified in human fat which are capable of developing into adi- visible. The adipocytes have a bubbly appearance with the nucleus located
pocytes, osteoblasts, myoblasts and chondroblasts. Biological clues to genes, towards the center of the cell (Fig. 1.103).
proteins, hormones and other molecules that influence fat deposition and
distribution are gradually being realized, from both research on rare inher-
ited disorders (such as the lipodystrophies or obesity syndromes) as well as
population studies on more common forms of obesity.3
The subcutaneous fat is divided into lobules by vascular fibrous septa, and
its cells are characterized by the presence of a large single globule of lipid,
which compresses the cytoplasm and nucleus against the plasma membrane
(Fig. 1.101). The adipocyte is large, measuring up to 100 μm in diameter. The
cytoplasm contains numerous mitochondria. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
is prominent and a Golgi is often conspicuous. Processing for routine histo-
logical preparation dissolves the lipid, but the use of special stains on fro-
zen sections will reveal its presence (Fig. 1.102). The subcutaneous fat may
contain large numbers of mast cells.
Deposits of brown fat may be seen in the newborn and occasionally
in adults, particularly in the interscapular region, the back, thorax and
Fig. 1.102
Adult fat in frozen section stained by the Sudan IV technique.
Fig. 1.101
The lipid contents of fat cells are dissolved during processing using conventional
(paraffin-embedding) techniques. The cells therefore appear empty and have Fig. 1.103
peripheral compressed nuclei. Typical brown fat showing pink granular cytoplasm.
Specialized techniques in
2 dermatopathology
Pratistadevi K. Ramdial, Boris C. Bastian, John Goodlad, John A. McGrath and
Alexander Lazar
for references and
additional material
specimens embedded with the cut surfaces down. The eccentric sectioning
Specimen fixation, grossing/ put-through, ensures that the lesion is not missed. Biopsies less than 4 mm are put through
processing, embedding and sectioning in toto.9,10
Tissue processing refers to a series of steps that effect the removal of
The aim of fixation in dermatopathology is to maintain clear and consistent extractable water from biopsies to ensure sections of optimal diagnostic qual-
morphological features and to preserve tissue in an optimal state suitable for ity.9 These include fixation, dehydration, clearing, infiltration and embedding
a range of staining and ancillary histopathological techniques.1,2 Most fixa- in a support matrix. Use of manual and automated tissue processing achieves
tion methods employed during tissue processing depend on chemical fixa- this goal, including:
tion of tissue in liquid fixatives.3 Tissue fixation may also be accomplished • carousel-type processors,
by physical (heat, microwave, freeze-drying and freeze substitution) and/or • self-contained vacuum tissue processors,
chemical (coagulant and cross-linking) methods.4 The most commonly used • microwave tissue processing.
fixative is 10% neutral-buffered formalin solution. The quality of fixation is In most laboratories, overnight processing runs are the norm. 9
affected by: However, microwave-assisted tissue processing facilitates shorter pro-
• the size of the specimen, cessing times of one to two hours. Dehydrating reagents promote the
• duration and temperature of fixation, removal of unbound water and aqueous fixatives from the tissue.
• pH, Clearing reagents serve as an intermediary between the dehydrating and
• concentration, infiltrating solutions, being miscible with both. Paraffin is the most pop-
• osmolality, ular infiltration and embedding medium, being suitable for the major-
• ionic composition of fixatives and additives contained in the fixative.5 ity of routine and special stains. The important principle to be adhered
Formalin fixation occurs at an approximate rate of 1 mm per hour.4,6,7 to during embedding of skin biopsies is that the orientation of the skin
The volume of the fixative should be at least 10 times the volume of the sample should offer the least resistance to the blade during microtomy.
specimen.7 Large specimens, such as tumors, may require sectioning into Skin biopsies are usually cut in a plane at right angles to the epidermis
5-mm thick slices, covering with fixative soaked gauze or cloth and fixation so that the epidermal surface is sectioned last, minimizing its compres-
overnight.5,7 sion and distortion.
Diagnostic dermatological biopsies may be: Suboptimally processed tissue may result in incomplete tissue sections and
• small incisional (shave, core, punch), expansion or disintegration of sections in the water bath. Incorrectly embed-
• excisional specimens.8 ded tissue may result in poorly orientated incomplete sections. Faulty micro-
Prior to put-through, excisional specimens that require an appraisal of tome mechanisms, loose, dull or damaged blades and inaccurate clearance
margins should be inked. If localization sutures have been inserted by sur- angles may be the causes for:
geons then four-quadrant, four-color painting or two-color painted halves • thick and thin sections,
(Fig. 2.1) may be appropriate. Shave biopsies are used to sample or remove • folds (Fig. 2.2),
lesions, and if of appropriate size, may be divided into sections, bisected or • holes (Fig. 2.3),
trisected and embedded on edge. Edge embedding is critical in a shave exci- • scores (Fig. 2.4),
sion of a lesion such as a small melanoma so that the width and depth of • chatter.10
invasion can then be quantified.8,9 The main purpose of core or punch biop- The presence of calcified areas and suture in skin tissue and nicks in the
sies, which generally measure 2–8 mm in diameter, is to sample large lesions. blade may result in chatter or splitting of sections at right angles to the knife
Biopsies larger than 4 mm in size should be bisected eccentrically and the edge.
Routine and ‘special’ stains 33
Fig. 2.1
Gross representation of basal cell carcinoma: (A) with two-color painting of the
inferior surface (B). A 2-mm thick gross sections demonstrating the black and
blue painting at put through (C) and in paraffin blocks (D). By courtesy of Dr. J.
Deonarain, Department of Anatomical Pathology, National Health Laboratory
Service, Durban, South Africa.
Fig. 2.3
Technical artifact: holes in
tissue sections because
tissue sections were cut
too thin.
Fig. 2.2
Technical artifact: folds in tissue sections because of poor water bath floating
Table 2.1
The more commonly used histochemical stains
Stain Component Outcome
A. Routine
Hematoxylin- Cells, connective Nuclei: blue
eosin tissue Cytoplasm: pink/red
Extracellular matrix:
B. Carbohydrates &
Periodic acid-Schiff Neutral mucins, glycogen Magenta
PAS-diastase Glycogen, Resistant to
proteoglycans, HA diastase
resistant sialomucin digestion
Alcian blue, pH 2.5 Labile sialomucin Blue
Alcian blue, pH 1.0 Sulfomucin, resistant Blue
Mucicarmine Sialomucin, sulfomucin Pink
Colloidal iron Sialomucin, sulfomucin Blue
Fig. 2.5 HA, proteoglycans
Special stains: Warthin-Starry silver stain demonstrating Donovan bodies. High iron diamine Proteoglycans, Blue
Toluidine blue Sulfomucin Blue
Hyaluronidase HA Sensitive to HA
While colloidal iron, initially described by Hale for the identification of
acid mucopolysaccharides, is as sensitive as Alcian blue for this purpose, C. Connective tissue
its specificity and selectivity are debatable and background staining may be fibers
problematic.4 However, reduction of pH of the colloidal iron solution and Masson trichrome Collagen Blue or green
Muscle, nerve Red
inclusion of acetic acid washes may reduce this artifact.3–5 The high iron
Verhöeff-van Gieson Elastic fibers Black
diamine stain, in contrast to colloidal iron, stains highly acidic sulfamu- Pinkus acid orcein Elastic Dark brown
cins but does not stain sialomucins or hyaluronic acid.5–7 Connective tissue Silver nitrate Reticulum fibers Black
stains highlight collagen, elastic and reticulin fibers. The trichrome stain, a
D. Infective stains
combination of three dyes, is employed for the differential demonstration
Ziehl Neelsen Acid fast bacilli Red
of muscle, collagen fibers, fibrin and erythrocytes.8 Elastic fibers may stain
Fite-Faraco (weakly) acid fast bacilli Red
with eosin, phloxine, Congo red and PAS stains but are demonstrated well Periodic acid-Schiff Fungi, parasites Magenta
with the Verhöeff method in the diagnosis of scleroderma, anetoderma and Mucicarmine Cryptococcus sp Red
pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Silver stains are useful to demonstrate reticulin Giemsa Leishmania sp, Red
fibers, melanin and the identification of infective agents. While methenamine Donovan bodies Metachromatically
silver and Gomori Grocott methenamine silver stains highlight fungi and purple
bacteria, Warthin-Starry, Dieterle and Steiner silver stains are particularly Methenamine silver Fungi, bacteria Black
useful in the demonstration of spirochetes, B. henselae and Donovan bodies Grocott Fungi Black
(Fig. 2.5). Masson-Fontana silver staining is pivotal to the staining of the methenamine
cell wall of C. neoformans, especially in the identification of capsule-deficient
Warthin Starry silver Spirochetes, bacteria Black
C. neoformans. The role of the more commonly used special stains is sum-
Dieterle and Spirochetes, bacteria Black
marized in Table 2.1. Steiner silver
E. Other
Immunohistochemical techniques Perl's potassium Hemosiderin Blue
Since the first practical application of antibodies using the peroxidase labeled Oil red O Lipids Red
antibody method on paraffin-embedded tissues in 1968, immunohistochemis- Scarlet Red Lipids Red
Von Kossa Phosphate (often as Black
try (IHC) has emerged as a powerful supplementary investigation to histomor-
calcium phosphate) Black
phologic assessment.1–3 IHC has widespread dermatopathologic diagnostic,
Alizarin red S Calcium Orange-Red
prognostic, therapeutic and pathogenetic applications, not only in a range of Alkaline Congo Red Amyloid Apple green
neoplastic (Table 2.2), immunobullous and infective disease, but also in the birefringence
distinction between reactive and neoplastic disorders.4–14 Immunohistologic Chloro-acetate Myeloid series Red granules
techniques can be performed manually or in automated platforms. While esterase
automation allows enhanced quality and reproducibility of staining, detailed,
exact IHC protocols are critical in the many laboratories that still perform Key: HA, hyaluronic acid
Table 2.2 animal.1 The secondary antibody binds to the primary antibody with the
Some diagnostic immunohistochemical applications for cutaneous tumors4–13 biotinylated end being available for binding to a third layer. This layer may
Stain Application bind either to enzyme-labeled streptavidin or to a complex of enzyme-labeled
biotin and streptavidin. The enzyme may be horseradish peroxidase or alka-
Epidermal and appendageal neoplasms
line phosphatase. An appropriate chromogen is used for detection. In the per-
AE1/AE3 Pan-keratin. Confirms epithelial lineage oxidase method, peroxidase-oriented chromogens such as diaminobenzidine
CAM 5.2 CKs 8,18. Confirm epithelial lineage. Useful to confirm or 3-amino-9 ethylcarbazole are appropriate. Indole reagents (red), naphthol
glandular neoplasms
fast red (red) or NBT / BCIP (blue) are the chromogens used in the alkaline
MNF 116 CKs 5, 6, 8, 17, 19. Useful in diagnosis of SCC with
single cell infiltration
phosphatase-streptavidin method.1,4
BerEP4 Positive in BCC. Negative in SCC. The presence of endogenous biotin and resultant background staining led
CK 7 Confirmation of mammary and extra-mammary Paget's to the introduction of the increasingly popular polymer-based immunohis-
disease tochemical methods. In the new direct Enhanced Polymer One Step (EPOS)
p63 Distinguish primary cutaneous spindle SCC from technique, approximately 70 enzyme molecules and 10 primary antibodies
mesenchymal spindle cell tumors & primary are conjugated to a dextran ‘backbone’. While the entire IHC procedure is
cutaneous adnexal from metastatic adenocarcinomas completed in one step, the method is limited to highly select manufacturer-
CD10 Trichoepithelioma: positive in stroma and papillae, specific primary antibodies. Other newer polymer detection systems with a
negative in epithelium. BCC: positive in epithelium, dextran backbone to which multiple enzyme molecules may attach are avail-
negative in stroma.
able for manual and automated IHC. These quick, reliable and reproducible
bcl2 Positive in BCC, negative in SCC.
techniques are also characterized by greater sensitivity. Single-, dual-, and
Vascular proliferations triple-color staining with different chromogens is possible.1,2,4,5
CD31 High specificity and good sensitivity for endothelial tumors Background staining is a common difficulty that has multiple predispos-
CD34 High sensitivity but low specificity for endothelial tumors ing causes.6 While monoclonal antibodies reduce non-specific background
Fli-1 Nuclear staining of endothelial tumors staining, not only must antibody concentrates and prediluted preparations be
GLUT 1 Positive in endothelial cells of all juvenile hemangiomas. optimized for usage at the correct dilution in different laboratories (Figs
Usually negative in congenital hemangiomas 2.7 and 2.8), diluent pH is also critical in ensuring the absence of antibody
(rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma and non-
degeneration and resultant background staining. Avidin-biotin detection sys-
involuting congenital hemangioma)
tems and horseradish peroxidase systems may require biotin blocking and
Melanocytic tumors endogenous peroxidase quenching steps to decrease unnecessary background
S-100 protein Most widely used melanocytic marker. It is highly sensitive staining. Polymer-based detection systems can effectively eliminate biotin-
but not as specific as other melanocytic markers induced false-positive staining. While antigen retrieval techniques are criti-
HMB 45 Good specificity but relatively low sensitivity.Tends to cal for antigen unmasking, optimal results require control of the pH and
be negative in spindle cell melanoma. Also positive in temperature of retrieval solutions and controlled enzymatic digestion (Fig.
PEComa. 2.9).7–10 The latter causes excessive background staining when sections are
Melan A/Mart 1 Similar specificity to HMB45. Tends to be negative in exposed to increased digestion time, inappropriate high temperature and
spindle cell melanomas.
inadequate rinsing, causing protein diffusion into or deposition in skin sec-
Ki-67 Higher proliferation index in melanoma (13–35%)
than in nevi (<5%). Useful in the evaluation of some
tions and b ackground staining.
melanocytic tumors, mainly nevoid melanoma Chromogen entrapment, precipitation and contaminants may lead to false-
positive interpretation of an IHC test. Depletion of peroxidase or alkaline
Neuroectodermal and neural tumors phosphatase chromogenic activity, a consequence of the breakdown of chro-
S-100 protein Positive in neuroectodermal, neuronal, nerve sheath, mogens because of the sensitivity to light and heat, results in a background
chondroid tumors, some sweat gland tumors and blush. A similar effect is seen when there is inadequate chromogen rinsing
myoepithelioma or prolonged chromogen time. Filtering of the chromogen is effective in pre-
NSE Merkel cell carcinoma venting chromogen precipitation. Chatter, tears, folds and wrinkles and poor
CK 20 Merkel cell carcinoma adhesion of sections to slides causes entrapment and suboptimal rinsing of
Neurofilament Merkel cell carcinoma chromogen (Fig. 2.10). Skin sections with a thick stratum corneum, dermal
Chromogranin Merkel cell carcinoma calcification, or sclerosis may be prone to these artifacts, requiring meticulous
Synaptophysin Merkel cell carcinoma microtomy to prevent its occurrence. The handling of water baths, tissue sec-
TTF1 Negative in most Merkel cell carcinoma
tions and slides with ungloved hands may cause contamination of sections
with squames.1
Myogenic/myofibroblastic differentiation
False-negative immunostaining may also compromise IHC interpreta-
MSA Tumors of muscle origin
tion. Incomplete deparaffinization causes suboptimal or incomplete staining
Desmin Tumors of muscle origin (smooth muscle and skeletal
because of incomplete tissue penetration by the antibody. Overdigestion of
muscle, rarely and focally in myofibroblastic tumors)
Myogenin Positive in rhabdomyosarcoma tissue sections by proteolytic enzymes can destroy the tissue sections with
SMA Positive in smooth muscle tumors, glomus tumor, attendant loss of antigen for antibody binding. Other causes of false-negative
myopericytoma, dermatomyofibroma immunostaining include:
• incorrect temperature of reagents, including retrieval solutions,
BCC, basal cell carcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SMA, anti-smooth muscle
actin; MSA, muscle specific actin; CK, cytokeratin.
• expired antibodies,
• inappropriate dilutions,
• suboptimal storage of antibodies .1,3
a ntibody reacted directly with the tissue antigen.1 In the two-step indirect
technique, labeled secondary antibody directed against the immunoglobulin
of the animal in which the primary antibody was raised was used to visual- Immunofluorescence
ize an unlabeled primary antibody.4 The labeled streptavidin-biotin (LSAB)
method is a three-step technique. An unconjugated primary monoclonal Immunofluorescent techniques have the potential to define antigen-antibody
or polyclonal antibody, attached to the tissue antigen forms the first layer, interactions at a subcellular level.1 This interaction requires the irreversible
creating an antigen-antibody complex. The second layer is formed by a bioti- binding of a readily identifiable label for its recognition.1,2 Fluorochromes
nylated secondary antibody raised against the same species of the primary such as rhodamine or fluorescein are labels that can absorb radiation in the
36 Specialized techniques in dermatopathology
P Antigen
P Peroxidase
P B P Primary
Secondary Antibody on
a polymer backbone Fig. 2.6
Immunohistochemical techniques:
(A) direct, (B) indirect (C)
streptavidin biotin (D) polymer
chain. By courtesy of Dr. J.
Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Deonarain, Department of
Direct method Indirect method Avidin-biotin method Polymer chain two step direct method Anatomical Pathology, National
Health Laboratory Service, Durban,
A B C D South Africa.
form of ultraviolet or visible light.1–5 Direct and indirect immunofluorescence between the dermatopathologist and molecular laboratory is absolutely criti-
(IMF) techniques demonstrate a range of tissue antigens of dermatopatho- cal for efficient use of molecular techniques.
logic importance, including the diagnosis of infectious and autoimmune blis- Analysis of the inherited skin blistering disorder known collectively as epi-
tering disorders.3 In the direct IMF technique, antibody is conjugated directly dermolysis bullosa (EB) discussed in detail in Chapter 4 demonstrates the
with a fluorochrome and is used to detect an antigen in a tissue section using complex, multifaceted approach to diagnosis required in such cases. EB has
ultraviolet light microscopy.1–3 In the indirect IMF technique, patient serum been shown to result from mutations in genes encoding at least 11 different
(containing the antibodies) interacts with a tissue section containing the anti- structural proteins at or close to the dermal–epidermal junction (Fig. 2.11).1
gen. Antibody to a human immunoglobulin, conjugated to a fluorochrome, is Clinically, the different types of EB are characterized by widely differing
applied thereafter.1–7 The successful demonstration of the antigen requires the prognoses, from death in early infancy to blistering that may become milder
antigen to remain sufficiently insoluble in situ. Skin biopsies for direct immu- in later life.2 The clinical presentation in neonates, however, can be confusing
nofluorescence can be transported fresh on saline-soaked gauze in a container to dermatologists and pediatricians because of the overlapping features (Fig.
on ice, or in a transport medium such as Michel medium.8 The transport 2.12). In these circumstances, skin biopsy, usually a superficial shave biopsy
medium must be maintained at a pH of 7.0 to 7.2.1,3,5 The main uses for IMF since the key region is the dermal–epidermal junction, can provide critical
in dermatopathology are in the interpretation of the autoimmune blistering
diseases, lupus erythematosus, and vasculitis.6,7 In general, immunofluores-
cence has the following advantages over immunohistochemistry:
• more sensitive detection of antigen. Keratins
• use of special fixation that preserves ‘difficult’ antigens. 5 & 14
EB simplex
diagnostic and prognostic information. Typically, nonblistered skin from any antibodies can be used either to determine the level of cleavage in the
body site is sampled. Just before the biopsy is taken, the skin is rubbed gently skin (antigen mapping) or to see if there is a reduction or absence of
in an attempt to induce fresh microsplits at the dermal–epidermal junction, to immunostaining for a particular antigen.4 Figure 2.14 , for example,
facilitate the microscopic subtyping of EB (Fig. 2.13). demonstrates labeling using an antibody against type IV collagen in skin
The most informative investigation is immunolabeling of the der- from the neonate illustrated in Figure 2.12a . In this example, labeling
mal–epidermal junction using a panel of basement membrane anti- maps to the roof of the split. This indicates that the lamina densa is in
bodies. Skin biopsies can be transported in Michel's medium to a the blister roof and that there is a sublamina densa plane of blister for-
diagnostic laboratory at ambient temperature: this fixative is extremely mation. These findings support a diagnosis of dystrophic EB. This diag-
useful since basement membrane zone immunoreactivity is main- nosis can be refined by immunolabeling with an antibody to type VII
tained for at least 6 months. 3 For the immunolabeling, frozen skin collagen, as shown in ( Fig. 2.15 ). In normal skin there is bright, linear
sections are used rather than formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded mate- labeling at the dermal–epidermal junction; however, in the skin from the
rial because the antigenic epitopes of several transmembranous pro- neonate shown in Figure 2.12a , there is a complete absence of type VII
teins may be lost in routine skin processing. The basement membrane collagen immunoreactivity. All other antibodies show normal reactivity
Fig. 2.14
Antigen mapping to diagnose the subtype of inherited EB: this picture shows
immunolabeling of rubbed skin from an individual with EB (case illustrated in Fig. 2.16
Fig. 2.12a) with an anti-type IV collagen antibody. Rubbing the skin induces microsplits Transmission electron microscopy of skin in Dowling-Meara EB simplex (case
at the dermal–epidermal junction (asterisk). The type IV collagen reactivity maps to the illustrated in Fig. 2.12b): within the basal keratinocyte cytoplasm the keratin
roof of the dermal–epidermal junction (arrows). This indicates a sub-lamina densa plane filaments are condensed and form clumps and there is cytolysis that occurs just
of cleavage and establishes a diagnosis of dystrophic EB. (Bar = 25 μm.) above the dermal–epidermal junction. (Bar = 1 μm.)
Molecular techniques 39
Fig. 2.17
Genetics of clear cell sarcoma: (A) this complicated karyotype shows derivative chromosomes 12 (blue box) and 22 (orange box). While recurrent translocation-associated
karyotypes are initially simple, they can become more complex with tumor progression. (B) The mechanism of chromosomal translocation involves breaks in chromosomes
12 and 22 that recombine to produce novel derivative chromosomes 12 and 22. The active fusion gene (EWSR1-ATF1) is produced on der(22). The fusion genes can be
produced by a variety of breakpoints within the introns of the involved genes making multiple exon combinations (C). This complicates the design of PCR-based detection
methods, as does substitution of the CREB1 gene for ATF1 on occasion.
40 Specialized techniques in dermatopathology
der(22) d(22)
22 22
12 R
der(12) 22
Probe Y G
Active breakpoint
Probes Probe
(q12) Silent breakpoint
Fig. 2.20
Break-apart fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique: the 12;22 translocation associated with clear cell sarcoma is depicted; (A) when the EWSR1 locus is intact, the
probes hybridize to the centromeric (red) and telomeric (green) regions flanking the gene. The spectral overlap of the two signals in juxtaposition produce a yellow signal.
Thus in cell lacking rearrangement of this locus, two yellow signals are present, representing the two copies of chromosome 22 lacking rearrangement (right); (B) When
rearrangement occurs, such as the balanced translocation with chromosome 12 depicted here, the centromeric probe (red) is retained by the derivative chromosome
22 while the green probe is transferred to the derivative chromosome 12. Thus in the nuclei one yellow signal indicates the intact chromosome 22 while the derivative 12
and 22 chromosomes segregate freely as single green and red signals, respectively (right).
Desmoplastic small
round cell tumor
ATF1 ETS family Ewing
fibrous / PNET
12q13 FLI1 11q24 sarcoma
ERG 21q22
FEV 2q36
Clear cell sarcoma 16p11 Acute myeloid leukemia
ETV1 7p22 Fig. 2.21
ETV4 17q12 (FUS-ERG) Multiple translocations involve EWSR1 and the
(EWSR1-CREB1) 2q32
ZSG 22q12 Ewing homologous gene, FUS: both EWSR1 and FUS
7q33 sarcoma can often substitute for one another and both are
involved in balanced translocations with multiple
CREB3L1 genes resulting in a variety of neoplasms. Since
11p11 FISH only indicates that a single locus, such as
EWSR1, is re-arranged and nothing about the fusion
partner, results must be interpreted carefully within
the clinical and morphologic context of a tested
Low grade
case. Sometimes techniques such as RT-PCR must
fibromyxoid sarcoma
be used to verify the fusion partner.
interpret. Probably the most common use for CISH is in direct detection
of nucleic acids associated with infections in cells such as human papil-
lomavirus (HPV) or Epstein-Barr virus. In HPV, this technique can be use
to type the virus and determine whether it is high risk (e.g., 16 and 18)
or low risk (6 and 11). In this application, ISH is used to demonstrate the
presence of viral DNA that is not present in a cell until infection occurs.
Modifications of this technique can be used to detect messenger RNA in
tissue sections as well.
In situ hybridization, fluorescent or chromogenic, is best used to
• amplification of a specific gene,
• rearrangement of a specific gene,
• presence of ‘foreign’ (infection-related) DNA or RNA.
Fig. 2.25
Multiple modalities for detection of recurrent translocations. Traditional karyotypes use metaphase chromosomes spreads to detect translocations and other structural
genetic aberrations using banding (staining) techniques. FISH uses less condensed interphase chromosomes to detect rearrangements or amplifications. RT-PCR can detect
the precise exons involved in a fusion RNA transcript. Each is a valid method for demonstrating chromosomal translocations, but each has applicability to different sample
types and provides different information.
3 Disorders of keratinization
Dieter Metze
for references and
additional material
Fig. 3.1
(A, B) Severe generalized ichthyosis: this was an
A B incidental finding at postmortem. Ichthyosis can be very
disfiguring and a considerable social disadvantage.
Table 3.1 those on the face and scalp. The rims of the ears are often scaly.3 There is sea-
Non-congenital ichthyoses sonal variation, with improvement of the condition in the summer months,
Isolated (nonsyndromic With associated symptoms particularly in humid climates.2 The palms and soles show increased palmar
ichthyosis) (syndromic ichthyosis) and plantar markings in contradistinction to sex-linked ichthyosis and may
Autosomal dominant ichthyosis Syndromes with steroid sulfatase also show mild hyperkeratosis.3 An association with keratosis punctata of
vulgaris deficiency the palms and soles has also been documented.4 Chapping of the hands and
feet can be a problem.5 There is no evidence of hair, nail, or teeth involve-
Recessive X-linked ichthyosis Multiple sulfatase deficiency
ment. There is an increased incidence of atopic disorders.5 Serum lipids are
Refsum's disease
Differential diagnosis
The histologic differential diagnosis includes other diseases character-
ized by orthohyperkeratosis and a reduced or absent stratum granulosum
(Table 3.3)
Table 3.3
Histologic patterns in ichthyotic skin disorders
Fig. 3.6
Sex-linked ichthyosis: the scales are large and disfiguring. By courtesy of
R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 3.7
Sex-linked ichthyosis:
in this example the
scales appear dirty. This
can be an extremely
embarrassing condition.
By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 3.9
(A) Sex-linked ichthyosis: characteristic linear opacities at the level of Descemet's
membrane. Slit-lamp photograph. (B) Same lesion viewed by specular microscopy.
By courtesy of R.J. Buckley, MD, Moorfield's Eye Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 3.11
Autosomal recessive
lamellar ichthyosis: the
collodion membrane
is best seen on the
forehead. There is scaling
and erythema on the
trunk. By courtesy of
R.A. Marsden, MD,
St George's Hospital,
Fig. 3.10 London, UK.
(A, B) Sex-linked ichthyosis: there is hyperkeratosis and mild acanthosis. The
granular cell layer is normal.
hyperlinear palms. Due to lipid storage, melanocytic nevi may show a yellow
hue. Associated symptoms include loss of vision from retinitis pigmentosa,
in which night blindness is often the first problem, anosmia, cardiac arrhyth-
mias, and a whole spectrum of neurological problems including bilateral
sensorineural deafness, cerebellar ataxia, and peripheral polyneuropathies.2
g eneralized scaling (Fig. 3.13). In nonerythrodermic phenotype of lamellar described including ichthyosis, keratinization, hyper- and parakeratosis, and
ichthyosis the scales are large, dark and platelike and cover the entire body papilla development. The teeth are not affected.3
including the palms, soles, scalp, and flexures.5–8 Fissuring of the hands and In contrast, other individuals show a more pronounced erythroderma
feet occurs and the skin around the joints may become verrucous. There is with fine, white scaling (non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma,
often associated difficulty with sweating, and hyperpyrexia may be a feature.7 NCIE). A collodion membrane is often present at birth.1 After shedding, the
There is nail dystrophy, hair involvement (scarring alopecia), severe ectro- infant typically presents with an intense generalized erythroderma.2 While
pion (up to 80% of patients) and eclabium are characteristic (Fig. 3.14). The platelike scales may be seen on the extensor surfaces of the legs, the scalp,
ectropion is of the cicatricial type and develops as a consequence of exces- face, upper extremities and trunk are covered with fine white scaling (Figs
sive dryness and associated contracture of the anterior lamella of the eye- 3.15–3.20).8 Mild ectropion and eclabium may be complications and palmo-
lid. Complications include corneal ulceration, vascularization, and corneal plantar keratoderma is often more severe than in noneyrthrodermic forms of
scarring with eventual blindness.9 Primary conjunctival lesions have also been AR-lamellar ichthyosis.3 Exceptionally, congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma
has been associated with retinitis pigmentosa.10 There is an increased risk of
developing skin cancer including basal and squamous cell carcinoma.11
Fig. 3.13
Autosomal recessive
lamellar ichthyosis:
note the widespread
Fig. 3.15
and prominent large
Nonbullous congenital
dark brown scales. By
courtesy of D. Atherton,
erythroderma: there is
MD, Children's Hospital
intense erythema and fine
at Great Ormond Street,
scaling is also present.
London, UK.
The scalp hair is sparse
and the eyebrows are
absent. By courtesy of
D. Atherton, MD, Children's
Hospital at Great Ormond
Street, London, UK.
Fig. 3.14
Autosomal recessive
lamellar ichthyosis: in
this infant, there is gross
ectropion and eclabion.
By courtesy of D. Atherton, Fig. 3.16
MD, Children's Hospital Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma: there is marked erythema with
at Great Ormond Street, severe scaling. Blistering is not seen in this variant of ichthyosis. By courtesy of
London, UK. D. Atherton, MD, Children's Hospital at Great Ormond Street, London, UK.
Ichthyosis 53
Fig. 3.20
Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma: there is severe palmar
involvement and constriction bands are evident. By courtesy of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Table 3.4
Types of autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyosis (LI)
of clinical, biochemical, and ultrastructural observations have so far failed to is occasionally a feature.4 Dilatation and tortuosity of the dermal capillaries is
yield a consistent scheme.29–31 This difficulty is illustrated by the fact that the sometimes evident. Follicular hyperkeratosis may occasionally be seen.
same transglutaminase-1 mutation can give rise to different phenotypes.31 Ultrastructural studies show a variety of features including defective devel-
Histologically, the epidermis in autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyosis opment of the cornified cell envelopes and electron-dense debris adjacent to
shows marked hyperkeratosis (which may be extreme in the collodion baby) the plasma membranes, cholesterol clefts, lipid vacuoles, increased numbers
and mild acanthosis with a normal or thickened granular cell layer (Fig. 3.21). of small and dysmorphic lamellar bodies, elongated membrane structures,
The hyperkeratosis is much less marked in erythrodermic than in noneryth- or membrane packages.32–34 Prenatal diagnosis of lamellar ichthyosis can be
rodermic forms. Epidermal papillomatosis associated with a psoriasiform achieved by fetoscopy and biopsy.35
appearance has also been documented. A perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate
Harlequin ichthyosis
Clinical features
Harlequin ichthyosis (harlequin fetus, ichthyosis fetalis, ichthyosis congenita
gravis) is an extreme and rapidly fatal subtype, where babies are born with
a fissured ‘armor-plated’ skin (Fig. 3.22).1–4 Ectropion and eclabium are fre-
quent complications, and the ears and nose are often malformed.2 Harlequin
fetus has a very high mortality due to respiratory and feeding difficulties
accompanied by excessive fluid loss.3 Sometimes, treatment by retinoids and
intensive care is successful. Long-term survivors, following shedding of the
scales, develop a severe erythroderma reminiscent of nonbullous ichthyosi-
form erythroderma.5 Fortunately, antenatal diagnosis is possible.6,7
Fig. 3.22
(A, B) Harlequin ichthyosis: the most extreme form
of congenital ichthyosis. There is an exceedingly high
A B mortality. The scales are very thick and are often referred to
as armor-plating.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes lichen simplex chronicus which, however,
differs by the presence of inflammatory changes and fibrosis of the papillary
dermis (see Table 3.3).
Fig. 3.26
Congenital bullous
Hyperkeratosis and scales
follow re-epithelialization
of widespread blistering.
Fig 3.24
(A, B) Autosomal dominant lamellar ichthyosis: in this example there is marked
compact hyperkeratosis. The granular cell layer is prominent and there is focal
Fig. 3.27
Congenital bullous
erythroderma: adult
showing very generalized
scaling, particularly
severe on the legs. By
courtesy of the Institute
of Dermatology, London,
Fig. 3.28
Congenital bullous Fig. 3.30
ichthyosiform Congenital bullous
erythroderma: same ichthyosiform
patient as Figure erythroderma: blistering
3.27, showing elbow may sometimes be seen
involvement. By courtesy in adulthood. By courtesy
of the Institute of of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK. Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 3.31
Fig. 3.29 Congenital bullous
Congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma: the hands are particularly affected. ichthyosiform
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. erythroderma: adult
showing very severe
verrucous flexural scaling.
By courtesy of R.A.J.
to the keratin gene cluster either on chromosome 12q11–13 (type II keratin) Eady, MD, Institute of
or chromosome 17q21-q22 (type I keratin).8–10 Direct sequencing of keratin Dermatology, London, UK.
1 and 10 genes has identified point mutations in a number of affected fami-
lies.11–17 Most mutations are missense and clustered at the ends of the central
helical rod domains. Keratin 1 mutations are associated with severe pal-
moplantar hyperkeratosis while keratin 10 mutations are not because kera- formation may be present. There is massive orthohyperkeratosis, papillo-
tin 10 is physiologically substituted by keratin 9 on palmoplantar skin.15 matosis, and acanthosis. The granular cell layer is prominent and contains
Mutations in the keratin 1 or 10 gene exhibiting mosaicism explain the coarse and irregular keratoyhaline granules (Fig. 3.32).
nevoid variant of congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma.18,19 The By immunohistochemistry, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis shows a normal
annular variant shows minor mutations in keratin 1 or 10 genes on distinct distribution pattern of keratins 5/14 and 1/10, but in addition there is over-
keratin domains.4 expression of keratin 14 in the suprabasal epithelium accompanied by quite
The histological features are known as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis or marked labeling of the upper epithelial layers by keratin 16, as would be
granular degeneration and are very striking.20,21 Suprabasal keratinocytes expected in a hyperproliferative state.5,22
appear vacuolated and typically contain distinct eosinophilic intracytoplas- Ultrastructural studies have shown that the intracytoplasmic inclusions
mic inclusions. The cell borders are ill defined and intraepidermal blister seen on light microscopy are composed of abnormally aggregated keratin
58 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.33
Congenital bullous
erythroderma: striking
perinuclear keratin
clumping is evident.
By courtesy of R.A.J.
Eady, MD, Institute of
Dermatology, London,
Fig. 3.32
Congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma: (A) there is massive hyperkeratosis
and acanthosis. The epidermis shows conspicuous superficial vacuolation which has
resulted in vesiculation, (B) there is intracellular edema, and irregular eosinophilic
granules (representing dense abnormal aggregates of keratin filaments) are present
in the superficial layers of the epidermis.
filaments. Since large areas of the cytoplasm lack a regular keratin skeleton,
the suprabasal keratinocytes appear vacuolated and contain irregular kera-
toyhaline granules. Impairment of desmosome-keratin complexes accounts
for the fragility of the epidermis (Fig. 3.33).18 These ultrastructural changes
may form the basis of prenatal diagnosis including amniotic fluid squame
Immunoelectron microscopy has identified that the keratin clumps are
composed of keratins 1 and 10.22
Differential diagnosis
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a histopathologic pattern that is seen in
many conditions including ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens, epidermal nevus,
epidermolytic keratoderma, epidermolytic acanthoma, and epidermolytic
leukoplakia (see Table 3.3). It may also represent an incidental finding in
seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, in situ squamous cell carcinoma, inva-
sive squamous cell carcinoma, melanocytic nevi, and epidermal and pilar Fig. 3.34
Bullous ichthyosis
cysts.23 Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis may also be seen in normal and par-
Siemens: flexural
ticularly actinically damaged skin. In such incidental lesions, the changes are hyperkeratosis with early
limited to the epidermis overlying just one or two dermal papillae in contrast blister formation.
to the much more extensive involvement of the other conditions mentioned By courtesy of W.A.D.
above. Therefore, accurate clinical information is necessary to avoid diagnos- Griffiths, MD, Institute of
tic confusion. Dermatology, London, UK.
Ichthyosis 59
Fig. 3.35
Bullous ichthyosis Siemens: marked hyperkeratosis is present over the knees.
By courtesy of W.A.D. Griffiths, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Epidermolytic acanthoma
Clinical features
Isolated epidermolytic acanthoma (also termed disseminated epidermolytic
acanthoma) is an acquired lesion that presents as a verrucous papule or
plaque approximately 1.0 cm in diameter and sometimes resembles a viral
wart, nevus or seborrheic keratosis.1–3 Lesions may present at any site, but
the scrotum, head, neck, and leg are particularly affected.2,3 Although usually
solitary, occasional patients may present with multiple localized or dissemi-
nated lesions.4–8 Variants affecting the mucosae of the oral cavity and female
genital tract have also been documented.9,10 Caucasians and the Japanese are
predominantly affected.3
Fig. 3.41
Peeling skin syndrome: the biopsy is taken from the edge of the lesion. Note that
the stratum corneum is clearly separated from the underlying epidermis.
cytoskeleton from the nucleus.2 This is the first in vivo evidence for the crucial
role of a keratin tail domain in supramolecular keratin intermediate filament
organization and barrier formation.2
Histologically, the epidermis is acanthotic and orthohyperkeratotic. The
suprabasal keratinocytes are vacuolated and a few of them appear binucleated.
In contrast to epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, eosinophilic intracytoplasmic
inclusions are not present.4
The significant ultrastructural observation in ichthyosis hystrix Curth-
Macklin is the presence of perinuclear concentric shells of tonofilaments. In
contrast to keratin mutations of the rod domain in epidermolytic hyperkera-
tosis, aggregations and clumping of keratin filaments are absent.4
It is composed of polycyclic, migratory, annular and serpiginous lesions Patients with Netherton's syndrome may in addition suffer from life
with characteristic two parallel lines of scale at the periphery, the so-called threatening neonatal dehydration with hypernatremia, failure to thrive, and
double-edged scale (Figs 3.43–3.45). In infancy, erythema and scaling may recurrent skin infections often caused by Staphylococcus aureus,4,8,9 amino-
be widespread, but later the face is often predominantly affected (particularly aciduria,5 mental retardation,5,7 and immune defects.1,5 An impaired epider-
marked around the mouth and eyes), along with the perineum,4 and as such mal barrier is a potential risk for increased and even toxic absorption of
the eruption can be mistaken for acrodermatitis enteropathica (Fig. 3.46).1 topical medications.
Later the scalp, face, and eyebrows may show a yellowish scaling.5 Ichthyosis
linearis circumflexa is typically nonpruritic,5 and the nails and teeth are not Pathogenesis and histological features
involved.3 Rarely, infants may also show palmoplantar hyperkeratosis.6 Netherton's syndrome results from mutations in the SPINK5 gene which
Comèl-Netherton's syndrome is often misdiagnosed as seborrheic dermatitis, has been localized to 5q32.10,11 Nonsense, frameshift deletions and inser-
atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis vulgaris. tions and splice site defects resulting in premature termination codons and
Trichorrhexis invaginata (due to a transient and repeated defect of ker-
atinization, with resultant hair shaft intussusception)7 presents clinically as
coarse and lusterless hair, which is short, brittle, and fragile (Fig. 3.46). Pili
torti and trichorrhexis may also be evident (Fig. 3.47).5
Fig. 3.45
Fig. 3.43 Comèl-Netherton's
Comèl-Netherton's syndrome: ichthyosis linearis circumflexa. Note the serpiginous syndrome: there is
lesions with characteristic double border. By courtesy of M. Judge, MD, Institute prominent involvement of
of Dermatology, London, UK. the trunk and limbs.
Fig. 3.44
Comèl-Netherton's syndrome: (A) hyperkeratotic lesions
may sometimes be prominent; (B) note the focal loss of the A B
polycyclic pattern.
Ichthyosis 63
Fig. 3.46
Comèl-Netherton's syndrome: (A) there is profound
erythema with scaling; (B) the hair is dull and appears short
and thin. The eyebrows are deficient. (A) By courtesy of M.
Judge, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK,
A B (B) By courtesy of A. Griffiths, MD, Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Sudan black positive and are thought to represent an influx of serum exu-
dates resulting from the accompanying dermal inflammation.4 Similar ‘inclu-
sions’ have been described in psoriasis and atopic eczema16 and as such they
are not specific. Rarely, the parakeratotic scale may be associated with the
presence of Munro microabscesses.6 Biopsies from the center of the lesion
shows the features of atopic dermatitis.
Electron microscopy reveals reduced numbers of lamellar bodies in kera-
tinocytes and the presence of lysosomal inclusion bodies with intercellular
amorphous deposits in the horny layer.14,16
Immunohistochemistry can demonstrate the absence of LEKTI antigen
and is highly specific.17
Differential diagnosis
The histologic distinction from psoriasis vulgaris may be histologically
extremely difficult (if not impossible) in the absence of clinical information.
Other genodermatoses, dermatophytosis, and inflammatory skin diseases
with a psoriasiform-like pattern must be differentiated (see Table 3.3). Atopic
dermatitis is another important differential diagnosis.
Fig. 3.47
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome
syndrome: bamboo hair
(trichorrhexis invaginata). Clinical features
By courtesy of M. This autosomal recessive inherited disorder combines the features of ichthyo-
Judge, MD, Institute of
sis, spastic bi- or quadriplegia and mental retardation.1–5 It is rare, with an
Dermatology, London,
incidence of 0.4 per 100 000 of the population.4 Although the disease may
be encountered worldwide, the prevalence is particularly high in Northern
a defective serine protease inhibitor, i.e., Lympho-Epithelial Kazal Type The ichthyosis, which develops in the first year of life with a diffuse scal-
Inhibitor (LEKTI), have been identified.11–13 The lack of LEKTI consequently ing, affects the entire body with the exception of the central face and is typi-
leads to a hyperactivity of the proteases involved in the desquamation pro- cally intensely pruritic (Fig. 3.49).3,5 Later, the skin has a brownish-yellow
cess or inflammatory response (kallikreins) and accounts for the ichthyotic color and shows a cobblestone-like lichenification.4 Hyperkeratosis around
and inflammatory skin phenotype, which is associated with an extremely the umbilicus is said to be characteristic.5 Erythroderma is not a feature and
impaired epidermal barrier. the hair, nails, and sweat glands are unaffected.3,4 The diagnosis should be
For diagnostic features, the biopsy must be taken from skin just preced- especially considered in preterm babies with congenital ichthyosis.5
ing the lesion's scaly margin (Fig. 3.48).14,15 In this region the epidermis may The spasticity, which presents in early childhood, predominantly affects
show psoriasiform hyperplasia with associated spongiosis. There is a thick the legs and is often associated with contractures. The majority of patients are
adherent parakeratotic scale. Small, dark, round or oval granules can be iden- wheelchair bound.4 Kyphoscoliosis may also be present.3 Mental retardation
tified within the stratum granulosum. These are diastase-resistant, PAS and is typically present but is not invariable.1 Epilepsy is sometimes a feature.3
64 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.48
Comèl-Netherton's syndrome: (A) scanning view showing a detached Fig. 3.50
thickened stratum corneum and psoriasiform hyperplasia; (B) note the marked Sjögren-Larsson syndrome: characteristic macular crystals. By courtesy of
parakeratosis. M. Willemsen, MD, University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Belgium.
Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome
Clinical features
Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome is an X-linked dominant congeni-
tal ichthyosis with associated chondrodysplasia punctata. It is lethal in the
majority of male embryos. Chondrodysplasia punctata is defined as a stippled
calcification of the epiphyses. There are several forms but only the type
2 variant presents with severe ichthyosiform erythroderma. Later the
erythema clears and a whorled scaling following the lines of Blaschko persists
(Fig. 3.52).1,2
Associated symptoms are scarring alopecia, follicular atrophoderma,
localized hypo-and/or hyperpigmentation, sectorial cataracts, and skeletal
dysplasia, which leads to asymmetric shortening of the long bones or severe
kyphoscoliosis. Due to the individual differences in X-inactivation, expression
of the disease is rather variable even within families.1,2
Fig. 3.54
Conradi-Hönermann-Happle syndrome: (A) the granular cell layer is absent. Note
the basophilic deposits within the thickened stratum corneum, (B) the basophilic
Fig. 3.52 deposits represent calcium as seen in this von Kossa preparation.
Happle syndrome:
membrane which desquamates and then the skin improves within some weeks.
Scaly erythema follow
the whorled lines of
The skin shows compact orthohyperkeratosis and acanthosis. At ultrastruc-
Blaschko. By coutesy of tural level, characteristic masses of lipid membranes in lentiform paranuclear
H Traupe MD, Dept of swellings of granular and horn cells can be demonstrated which has lead to
Dermatology, Munster, the designation ichthyosis congenita type 4.1 A novel locus for the ichthyosis
Germany. prematurity syndrome has been assigned to chromosome 9q33–34.2
66 Disorders of keratinization
Follicular ichthyosis
Clinical features
Follicular ichthyosis (ichthyosis follicularis) is a poorly documented condition
in which patients present with horny, follicular lesions which, although
usually generalized, show a predilection for the head and neck (Fig. 3.55).1,2 B
In the report by Hazell and Marks, associated clinical findings included
pseudoacanthosis nigricans affecting the axillae, comedones on the cheeks Fig. 3.55
and fingers, and dental malocclusion.2 Literature subsequent to these two Follicular ichthyosis: (A) there are bilateral follicular lesions; (B) the follicles are plugged
papers has focused on the association of ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia with thornlike scale. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
and photophobia (see below).3
Fig. 3.58
Ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia: there is hyperkeratosis
centered on an acrosyringium.
buttocks, face, and neck.1 Occasionally, lesions are generalized. Lesions pres-
ent in the second and third decades as round to oval, 2–6-cm flesh-colored
and sometimes pruritic, symmetric plaques composed of multiple 1–3-mm
thorny, grouped follicular papules which protrude above the surface of the
skin.1–3 The texture has been likened to a nutmeg grater. Males are affected
more often than females. There is no racial predilection.2 Other than a cos-
metic nuisance, the condition is of no clinical significance. Lichen spinulosus
has been described in association with Crohn's disease, human immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV) infection, and as an adverse drug reaction.4–7
Histological features
Lichen spinulosus is characterized by keratotic plugging of dilated follicular
B infundibula and a perivascular and perifollicular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate.1
Sebaceous glands may be atrophic or absent. Perforating folliculitis-like fea-
Fig. 3.56 tures can be superimposed.
Ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia: (A) the skin is dry and
ichthyosiform, (B) on the scalp a non-scarring alopecia with follicular hyperkeratosis Differential diagnosis
is characteristic. By courtesy of H Traupe MD, Dept of Dermatology, Munster, There is considerable histological overlap with keratosis pilaris and the follic-
Germany. ular lesions of pityriasis rubra pilaris. The distinction is best made clinically.
Clinical features
Phrynoderma (toad skin) most often develops as a consequence of vitamin A
deficiency.1–4 Other proposed etiological factors include deficiencies of the vita-
min B complex, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids.4 In
Western countries most cases develop as a result of malabsorption.4,5 Patients
present with xerosis, hyperpigmentation and multiple 2–6-mm, red-brown,
dome-shaped papules with a central folliculocentric crater filled with lami-
nated keratinous debris.1,4 The elbows and knees are predominantly affected
but lesions may extend to involve the thighs, upper arms and buttocks.1
Histological features
The papules consist of a cystically dilated follicular infundibulum filled with
keratinous debris.4
Keratosis pilaris
Clinical features
Fig. 3.57 This fairly common condition, which has an autosomal dominant mode of
Ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia: there is marked follicular inheritance, is probably a follicular variant of ichthyosis and, indeed, fre-
atrophy. Note the small arrector pili muscles. quently accompanies ichthyosis vulgaris.1–3 The age at presentation is most
68 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.59
Keratosis pilaris:
(A) typical follicular
papules and pustules on
the thigh; (B) note the
conspicuous plugged
follicles. (A) By courtesy
Fig. 3.60
of R.A. Marsden, MD,
Keratosis pilaris: (A) there
St George's Hospital,
is follicular dilatation and
London, UK, (B) By
plugging; (B) note the
B courtesy of the Institute of
B atrophy of the infundibular
Dermatology, London, UK.
often in the first two decades with a peak during adolescence.2 Up to 40% Keratosis pilaris atrophicans
of adults may be affected.2 There is no racial predilection. There is an appar-
ent increased incidence in females and lesions present as pruritic small fol- Clinical features
licular keratoses, sometimes containing small distorted hairs. They are most Keratosis pilaris atrophicans combines the features of follicular hyper-
often found on the lateral aspects of the arms and thighs, although the face, keratosis and scarring.1 Although some authors believe this to represent a
trunk, and buttocks may also be affected (Fig. 3.59).2 Seasonal variation, single disease entity, others prefer to subdivideit into a number of categories
with lesions being much more severe in winter, is often documented.2 There is including ulerythema ophryogenes, atrophoderma vermiculata, and keratosis
an increased incidence of atopy.2 follicularis spinulosa decalvans.2 Evidence of different modes of inheritance,
Although keratosis pilaris most often presents as an isolated phenom- clinical differences, and variable associations supports the latter.2
enon, occasionally it may develop in association with systemic disease Ulerythema ophryogenes (keratosis pilaris atrophicans facei, KPAF) pres-
including Hodgkin's lymphoma, vitamins B12 and C deficiency, hypo- ents at birth or in early infancy with follicular papules and surrounding ery-
thyroidism, Cushing's disease, and treatment with adrenocorticotropic thema followed by atrophic scarring affecting the lateral aspect of the eyebrows
hormone.3,4,5 (Fig. 3.61).3–5 The cheeks, forehead, temples, and neck may also be involved
(Fig. 3.62). Later on, the entire eyebrow may be lost. Keratosis pilaris affect-
Histological features ing the extensor aspects of the arms and thighs is also sometimes present.3 The
Keratosis pilaris is characterized by follicular dilatation and keratin plugs, condition is believed to be inherited as an autosomal dominant.
which may contain a single or several distorted hair shafts (Fig. 3.60).4 A It may be associated with a number of other inherited disorders including
mild, non-specific chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate surrounds the dermal Noonan's syndrome, woolly hair, cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome, Cornelia de
blood vessels and sometimes involves the hair follicles themselves. Lange syndrome, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, and partial monosomy 18.3,6–12
Acquired ichthyosis-like conditions 69
Fig. 3.61
Ulerythema ophryogenes: there is intense erythema with loss of follicles. The
eyebrow is a commonly affected site. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 3.63
Keratosis pilaris atrophicans: (A) low-power view showing gross follicular
hyperkeratosis and dilatation of the ostium; (B) high-power view. Note the
perifollicular fibrosis.
Table 3.5
Acquired ichthyosis-like conditions
Etiology Diseases
Dry skin None
Paraneoplastic Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Kaposi sarcoma
Various carcinomas
Infections Leprosy
Malnutrition Pellagra
Vitamin A deficiency
Drugs Lipid-lowering agents (statins)
Nicotinic acid
Lithium A
Gastrointestinal diseases Crohn's disease
Celiac disease
Endocrinopathies Hyperparathyroidism
Miscellaneous Renal insufficiency
Graft-versus-host disease
Dermatomyositis and systemic lupus
Down's syndrome
Pityriasis rotunda
Clinical features
Also known as pityriasis circinata, this acquired disorder of keratinization
was originally described in the Japanese.1 It is also not uncommon in South
Africans (Bantu) and West Indian blacks,2,3 but has only rarely been reported in
Caucasians with the exception of a subpopulation of Italians in Sardinia.4–7 Fig. 3.65
Patients present with persistent, very sharply defined, circular or oval areas Acquired ichthyosis:
of hyper- or hypopigmentation associated with a fine scale (Fig. 3.68). Lesions, there is intense erythema
which are usually multiple and frequently numerous, are characteristically non- and scaling. This patient
inflammatory and asymptomatic. Often, they are confluent. They measure 0.5– also suffered from graft-
28 cm in diameter and are particularly located on the trunk and limbs. The sex versus-host disease.
incidence is equal. Lesions are sometimes associated with gradual remission By courtesy of B. Solky,
during the summer months and relapse in winter.6 The maximum incidence is MD, Department of
Dermatology, Brigham
in the third to fifth decades. There is often a family history of ichthyosis vul-
and Women's Hospital
garis.8 It may occasionally be associated with a familial incidence.8,9 and Harvard Medical
Pityriasis rotunda sometimes appears to be a cutaneous marker of severe inter- School, Boston, USA.
nal disease including tuberculosis,1 cancer (particularly hepatoma),10,11 leukemia,12 cir-
rhosis,6 ovarian and uterine disease,13 undernutrition, and favism.8 Pityriasis rotunda
might best be regarded as an acquired circumscribed variant of ichthyosis.12 Increased pigmentation of the basal keratinocytes may be evident. A mild
perivascular chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is sometimes present in the
Histological features superficial dermis. A superficial fungal infection, for example tinea (pityr-
The histological features are subtle and comprise hyperkeratosis with a dimin- iasis) versicolor, should always be excluded by a PAS reaction or silver
ished or absent granular cell layer and loss of the epidermal ridge pattern. stain.14
Erythrokeratodermas 71
Fig 3.66
Acquired ichthyosis: this patient developed ichthyosis in a background of mycosis Fig. 3.68
fungoides. Low-power view showing marked focally compact hyperkeratosis and Pityriasis rotunda: characteristic lesion showing circumscription, scaling, and
acanthosis. hyperpigmentation. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital,
London, UK.
transmembrane proteins that form gap junctions and are involved in epider-
mal differentiation.The KID/HID syndrome and Vohwinkel's syndrome are
associated with sensorineural hearing loss. In others, the genetic defect has
yet to be identified.2
Erythrokeratoderma variabilis
Clinical features
This rare ichthyosiform dermatosis generally has an autosomal dominant
mode of inheritance although an autosomal recessive variant has recently
been described.1–5 Lesions usually present soon after birth or during the first
year of life and are of two types, typically present simultaneously:
• Type 1 lesions are symmetrically distributed, discrete figurate, and
often bizarre patches of erythema, which vary in size, shape, number,
and location over periods of hours and days (Fig. 3.69).3 These are
sometimes temperature or stress related.1,6
Fig 3.67 • Type 2 lesions are well-defined, fixed geographical, reddish-yellow-
Acquired ichthyosis: high-power view to emphasize the atypical lymphocyte population brown greasy, hyperkeratotic plaques arising either within the
and atypia. Note the well-developed retraction artifact so typical of this condition. erythematous lesions or, more often, independently (Fig. 3.70). Lesions
are usually asymptomatic although occasionally mild pruritus or burning
sensations are a feature.4
Erythrokeratodermas The condition particularly affects the face, buttocks, and extensor surfaces
of the extremities.7 While cold weather in winter and emotional problems
‘Erythrokeratoderma’ or ‘erythrokeratodermia’ refers to a group of geno- may sometimes exacerbate the condition, the symptoms often improve in the
dermatoses characterized by localized erythematous lesions, hyperkeratotic summer months.4 Erythrokeratoderma variabilis is occasionally associated
plaques, and, infrequently, a mild palmoplantar keratosis.1 Many of these with high estrogen levels and symptoms may worsen with estrogen-contain-
diseases represent connexin mutations (Table 3.6). Connexin genes code for ing oral contraceptive therapy.1,2,4 Hypertrichosis (of vellus hairs) and mild
Table 3.6
Diseases with connexin mutations
Fig. 3.69
Erythrokeratoderma variabilis: annular and serpiginous erythematous lesions
showing scaling and the characteristic trailing edge. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 3.71
Erythrokeratoderma variabilis: (A) low-power view showing hyperkeratosis,
acanthosis with an undulating skin surface and a very light superficial perivascular
chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate; (B) high-power view showing marked
parakeratosis overlying a thickened orthokeratotic stratum corneum. Note the
presence of a granular cell layer.
Differential diagnosis mitochondria in the granular cell layer are said to be a helpful ultrastructural
diagnostic pointer.3–5,7
Progressive symmetrical erythrokeratoderma is characterized by symmetrical
distribution and a more fixed or very slow progression of erythema and scaly
plaques. Since mutations in the the loricrin gene have been identified (loricrin ker- Differential diagnosis
atoderma), this condition should no longer be grouped as a connexin disorder. Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia can be distinguished from pso-
riasis by the absence of suprapapillary plate thinning, neutrophil infiltration,
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia and Munro microabscesses.2 In addition, the parakeratosis tends to be very
focal and hypergranulosis is usually present.
Clinical features
Also known as erythrokeratodermia progressiva symmetrica or Gottron's
syndrome, this condition is inherited as an autosomal dominant with incom-
Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome
plete penetrance, although sporadic cases may also be encountered.1,2 It usu-
ally presents in the first year of life with fixed, symmetrical, and sometimes Clinical features
pruritic, erythematous scaly plaques on the extensor surfaces including Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome (KID syndrome, palmoplantar ectoder-
the elbows, knees, buttocks, dorsal surfaces of the feet and hands, and head mal dysplasia type XVI) is a very rare genodermatosis. Spontaneous mutations,
(Fig. 3.72).1–5 The face, chest, and abdomen are typically unaffected.2 The autosomal dominant, and autosomal recessive modes of inheritance have all
plaques gradually extend during the first few years and then become static.3 been documented.1–4 There is an equal sex incidence.5 It may present at birth
Additional features include palmoplantar keratoderma and pseudoainhum as a ‘vernix-like’ covering, which soon progresses to a dry, scaling erythema,
(constriction bands on the fingers and toes). The sex incidence is equal.2 There particularly affecting the face (especially the cheeks) and extremities, including
is clinical overlap with erythrokeratoderma variabilis and indeed patients the palms and soles.1,3,4,6,7 The skin may be thickened and leathery.7,8 Later the
may present with features of both diseases. However, progressive symmetric lesions become verrucous and hyperkeratotic, brownish-yellow, sharply circum-
erythrokeratoderma lacks transient migratory erythema.1 scribed plaques (Fig. 3.73).1 Circumoral furrows may lead to a progeria-like
appearance.9 Follicular keratoses sometimes develop on the head and extremi-
Pathogenesis and histological features ties and a ‘prickly’ spiculated appearance on the backs of the hands is occasion-
A mutation in the loricrin gene on chromosome 1q21 has been identified in ally evident.3,4,8 Palmar and plantar involvement with accentuation of the skin
one family with progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma.6 Similar muta- markings has been likened to heavily grained leather.10 There does, however,
tions have been reported in the ichthyotic variant of Vohwinkels's syndrome. appear to be some variation in presentation.1 Some patients have therefore been
As a result, more definitive genotype-phenotype correlation within the con- described as being normal at birth, developing dry, scaly skin in later childhood,
nexin gene disorders or other causative genes will have to be established to while others have been reported as ‘red and wizened at birth’.11,12
define symmetrical progressive erythrokeratoderma as a separate entity. Inflammation of the cornea with photophobia is usual and a vascularizing
Histologically, there is marked basket-weave hyperkeratosis with focal keratitis leads to severe visual impairment.8 The end result is destruction of
parakeratosis, hypergranulosis, and psoriasiform hyperplasia.2,3 Paranuclear the cornea by a pannus of vascular or fibrous tissue (keratoconus).1
vacuolation may be evident in the granular cell layer.3,7 A perivascular lym- Deafness is of the congenital neurosensory type, but is occasionally due to
phocytic infiltrate is present in the superficial dermis.5 recurrent otitis media; conduction defects may also be present.1,7,8 It is often
Ultrastructurally, characteristic loricrin-rich intranuclear granules are seen total and frequently present at birth although not usually recognized until
in the granular cell layer.6 Lamellar granules are increased in number and lipid sometime later in early childhood.8
droplets may be evident in the cornified cells.3 Immunohistochemically, the Ectodermal dysplasia is variably present and features include alope-
cornified cell envelopes show greatly reduced staining for loricrin.6 Swollen cia (either partial or complete, including eyebrows and eyelashes), small
Fig. 3.73
KID syndrome: there is
Fig. 3.72 marked scaling of the
Progressive symmetric scalp with alopecia. Note
erythrokeratodermia: the facial erythema and
Erythematous scaly dark plaques on the
plaques gradually appear cheeks. By courtesy
on the extensor surfaces of R.J.G. Rycroft, MD,
on the extremities and St John's Dermatology
then persist. Centre, London, UK.
74 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.76
KID syndrome: high-power view emphasizing the basket-weave keratin overlying a
zone of compact keratin. There is focal parakeratosis. There is vacuolization of the
granular cell layer.
HID show a more widespread involvement of the trunk but less palmoplan-
tar hyperkeratosis. Keratitis of the eyes is less prominent in HID patients, but Palmoplantar keratoderma
they also suffer from neurosensorial deafness, proneness to mycotic/bacterial
skin infections, and skin cancer.2 The palmoplantar keratodermas (PPKs) consist of a large heterogeneous
group of localized cornification disorders characterized by hyperkeratosis
of the palms and soles. Ichthyotic skin disorders and erythrokeratoderma
Pathogenesis and histological features may also show palmoplantar hyperkeratosis but mainly affect other body
Both HID and KID syndromes are associated with an identical connexin areas. PKKs are classified on the basis of mode of inheritance, distribution of
26 missense mutation.3 Therefore they may represent a spectrum of pheno- lesions, additional clinical features, and associated abnormalities.1–5 Many of
typic variability instead of separate entities.3 these genodermatoses have a late onset. At least 30 subtypes are recognized
Histologically, there is orthohyperkeratosis with foci of parakeratosis, and subdivided into two broad subtypes, one in which lesions are restricted
acanthosis, and the nuclei are surrounded by empty spaces reminiscent of to the skin (Table 3.7) and the other in which there is a much broader spec-
a bird's eye. At the ultrastructural level, keratinocytes show reduction of trum of ectodermal defects affecting skin, mucosae, nails, hair, teeth and neu-
tonofibrils and abnormal membrane-bound granules containing mucous sub- rological abnormalities (Table 3.8).4,5 Where more than a single ectodermal
stances that are discharged into the intercellular spaces.4 The absence of these structure is involved Stevens et al. coined the term ‘palmoplantar ectodermal
features in KID syndrome may result from sampling errors, with some skin dysplasia’ to emphasize the generalized nature of the disorder and identified
areas being more severely affected than others.3 a total of 19 subtypes.6
Table 3.7
Isolated palmoplantar keratodermas (PPK)
Palmoplantar keratoderma Inh. Locus Protein Disease
Diffuse AD 17q12-q21 Keratin 9 Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (Vörner-Unna-Thost)
12q11-13 Keratin 1 Epidermolytic PPK Vörner-Unna-Thost, Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
with polycyclic psoriasiform plaques
12q11-13 Keratin1 Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma (Greither) and other
nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma
8p22-23 unknown Keratolytic winter erythema
AR 8qter SLURP1 Mal de Meleda
12q11-13 unknown Gamborg-Nielson palmoplantar keratoderma
Circumscribed AD 18q12.1-12.2 Desmoglein1 Keratosis palmoplantaris areata et striata (type 1–3)
6q24 Desmoplakin
12q Keratin1
unknown unknown Keratosis palmoplantaris nummularis (hereditary painful callosities)
Punctate AD 8q24 unknown Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma (Buschke-Fischer-Brauer)
unknown unknown Marginal papular acrokeratoderma
Table 3.8
Palmoplantar keratodermas (PPK) with associated symptoms
keratoderma Disease Inh Locus Protein Symptoms
Diffuse Huriez syndrome AD 4q23 ? Sclerodactyly, nail dystrophy, squamous cell
carcinomas in atrophic areas
Vohwinkel syndrome 13q11-12 Connexin 26 Mutilating keratoderma, sensorineural deafness
Loricrin keratoderma 1q21 Loricrin Associated ichthyosis
Clouston syndrome 13q12 Connexin 30 Diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma, alopecia, nail
Olmsted [1927] syndrome ? ? ? Diffuse mutilating palmoplantar, periorificial
keratoses, ectodermal dysplasia
Papillon-Lefèvre AR 11q14 Cathepsin C Diffuse palmoplantar keratosis with severe
syndrome periodontitis
Naxos syndrome 17q21 Plakoglobin Wooly hair, cardiomegaly, tachycardia
McGrath syndrome 1q32 Plakophilin 1 Painful diffuse palmoplantar keratosis, Skin
fragility, dystrophic nails, sparse hairs
Circumscribed Pachyonychia congenita 1 AD 12q13 Keratin 6A Thickened nails, focal palmoplantar keratoderma,
Jadassohn-Lewandowsky 17q12-q21 Keratin 16 folliculare hyperkeratosis, leukokeratosis
Pachyonychia congenita 2 12q13 Keratin 6B Thickened nails, focal palmoplantar keratoderma,
Jackson-Lawler 17q12-q21 Keratin 17 cysts, natal teeth
Howel-Evans syndrome 17q24 ? Association with carcinoma of esophagus
Tyrosinemia II AR 16q22.1-q22.3 Tyrosine Focal, often painful palmoplantar keratoderma
(Richner-Hanart amino-transferase
Carvajal-Huerta syndrome 6p24 Desmoplakin Epidermolytic PPK, wooly hair, arrhythmogenic
left cardiomyopathy
Punctate Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge ? ? ? PPK with lid cysts, hypodontia and hypotrichosis
76 Disorders of keratinization
Table 3.9
Histologic patterns of PPK
Histological features
Histopathologic examination of the psoriasiform plaques demonstrates the
characteristic features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Sequencing of the ker-
atin 1 gene in affected family members reveals a mutation within the highly
conserved helix termination motif of the helix 2B segment.1
Fig. 3.82
Diffuse nonepidermolytic
keratoderma: there is
massive hyperkeratosis,
hypergranulosis, and
Fig. 3.85
Progressive palmoplantar
keratoderma: (A) diffuse
hyperkeratosis with fissures
progressively extends to the
back of the hands and feet
A B and (B) affects the region of
the Achilles tendon.
Mal de Meleda
Pathogenesis and histological features
The disorder has been mapped to chromosome 8p22–23 with some genetic Clinical features
heterogeneity, but a causative gene has not yet been identified.4,5 Mal de Meleda is inherited as an autosomal recessive with a high prevalence
The epidermis is acanthotic with a thickened stratum granulosum. in Meleda in the Adriatic Sea. The diffuse keratoderma progresses onto the
At the advancing edge spongiosis and vesicle formation can be observed. dorsal aspects of the fingers and toes (keratosis palmoplantaris transgre-
More centrally, the stratum granulosum becomes pale staining and diens et progrediens Meleda). Further features are inflammatory borders,
pyknotic. Concommitantly, parakeratotic layers form on top. In the severe hyperhidrosis, maceration, and unpleasant smell. In addition, con-
horny layer a cleft appears that contains remnants of parakeratotic cells.1 stricting bands (pseudoainhum), brachydactyly, nail dystrophy, lesions on
A superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate has been reported by knees and elbows, the perioral region and even oral leukokeratosis can be
some authors.3 observed.1,2
80 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.89
Keratosis palmoplantaris areata et striata: (A) there
A B is massive hyperkeratosis with hypergranulosis and
acanthosis; (B) high-power view.
Palmoplantar keratoderma 81
Fig. 3.92
Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma: there is massive hyperkeratosis overlying a
dell to the right of center.
involved.3,6 The sexes are equally affected and the disease is predominantly
seen in young to middle-aged adults.7 Although very rare in white patients,
it is common in black adults.3,5,8,9 The development of lesions appears to be
trauma related in many patients since outdoor workers are particularly affected
and the condition improves during a vacation. Although in the majority of
patients the condition appears to be a sporadic occurrence, in some reports an
autosomal dominant mode of inheritance has been documented.2,4
Lesions are small (1–3 mm) depressed yellowish keratotic plugs which are
usually asymptomatic but sometimes may be painful. They are localized to the
flexor creases and when removed leave a cone-shaped depression (Fig. 3.93).
Although usually seen as an incidental finding, on occasions they have been asso-
ciated with ichthyosis vulgaris.4,7 There are also reports of keratosis punctata of
Fig. 3.90 the palmar creases developing in patients with Dupuytren's contracture, derma-
Punctate palmoplantar titis herpetiformis with psoriasis, striate keratoderma, and knuckle pads.7,10
discrete yellow foci Histological features
of hyperkeratosis are
present over the weight- The lesions are characterized by a hyperkeratotic plug, sometimes with foci of
bearing surfaces. By parakeratosis below which are deep cone-shaped depressions sometimes cen-
courtesy of the Institute tered on the acrosyringium.4 The adjacent epidermis shows acanthosis with
of Dermatology, London, hypergranulosis and in some cases a perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate
UK. is present in the superficial dermis.
82 Disorders of keratinization
Histological features
Acrokeratoelastoidosis is characterized by massive orthohyperkeratosis over-
lying a crateriform dell lined by acanthotic epidermis. Hypergranulosis may
be present. The dermis shows fragmentation and loss of the elastic tissue
(elastorrhexis) (Fig. 3.96). Collagen may be disorganized or appear homog-
enized and pale staining.2,3
Focal acral hyperkeratosis and mosaic acral keratosis are histologically
identical with the exception that the elastic tissue appears normal.7–12
Degenerative collagenous plaques of the hands are characterized by a
dense zone of thickened and distorted collagen with fragmentation of elastic
fibers and overlying hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.4,13–18 The papillary dermis
is spared. Calcification is sometimes a feature (digital papular calcific elasto-
sis).19–21 Telangiectatic vessels may also be seen and increased dermal mucin
has been described.19
Huriez syndrome
Clinical features
In Huriez syndrome (keratosis palmoplantaris diffuse with sclerodactyly, scle-
Fig. 3.94 rothylosis) patients present with a diffuse mild palmoplantar keratoderma,
Marginal papular acrokeratoderma: there is a linear band of scaling along the border scleroatrophic skin of the limbs, hypohidrosis, hypoplasia, and dystrophy of
of the foot. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. the nails (Fig. 3.97).1 Aggressive squamous cell carcinoma may develop in the
Palmoplantar keratoderma 83
Fig 3.96
(A) there is marked
hyperkeratosis; (B) there is
A B diminution of the dermal
elastic tissue.
Fig. 3.97
Huriez syndrome: (A) the leading features are sklerodactyly, hypotrophic and dystrophic nails, (B) there is mid palmar keratosis.
affected skin in approximately 15% of the cases. It has an early onset with a ectodermal dysplasia type VII) is a rare keratoderma which is usually inher-
high risk of metastasis in the third to fourth decades.1 ited as an autosomal dominant although a recessive variant has also been
described.1–3 Onset is in infancy or early childhood.2 Caucasians are pre-
Pathogenesis and histologic features dominantly affected and there is a predilection for females.3 The clini-
The genetic cause of this autosomal dominant condition is still unknown. cal features include palmoplantar keratoderma with a yellowish papular
Histology shows a mild acanthosis, orthohyperkeratosis and well developed and honeycomb-like appearance and hyperhidrosis. Other characteristics
granular layer (Fig. 3.98). Most interestingly, immunohistochemical and ultra- are starfish-like keratoses affecting the dorsal surfaces of the hands, feet,
structural studies revealed an absence of Langerhans cells in involved skin.2 wrists, forearms, elbows. and knees (Figs 3.99 and 3.100).3 Flexion con-
tractures and circumferential hyperkeratotic constriction bands (pseudoain-
hum) affecting the interphalangeal joints associated with autoamputation
Vohwinkel's syndrome are also present.2,3 Additional features include alopecia, nail dystrophy, and
onychogryphosis.2 In the classical variant, sensorineural deafness is an inte-
Clinical features gral feature.1,4,5 The ichthyosis-associated variant of Vohwinkel is a com-
Vohwinkel's syndrome (keratoderma hereditarium mutilans, keratosis pal- pletely different entity (see Loricrin keratoderma or Camisa variant form of
moplantaris mutilans, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma, palmoplantar Vohwinkel's syndrome).6–9
84 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.100
Vohwinkel’s syndrome: in
Fig. 3.98 this example there is very
Huriez syndrome. There are mild acanthosis, orthohyperkeratosis and well disfiguring keratoderma,
developed granular layer. hence the alternative title,
keratoderma hereditarium
mutilans. By courtesy
of W.A.D. Griffiths, MD,
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 3.101
Loricrin keratoderma:
(A) there is a generalized fine
scaling and (B) palmoplantar
keratoderma with a yellowish
popular and honeycomb-like
appearance less mutilating
A B than in classical Vohwinkel's
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome
Clinical features
Palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontopathia (palmoplantar kerato-
derma with periodontopathia, palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type IV)
is rare and has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.1 The incidence
is 1–4 per million of the population.2 There is an equal sex incidence and
onset is usually in the first decade. It is characterized by symmetrical and
marked palmoplantar keratoderma sometimes affecting the dorsal aspects of
the hands and feet (Fig. 3.106).3 Hyperhidrosis may also be present, associ-
ated with gingivitis and marked periodontosis involving both deciduous and
permanent teeth.4,5 Periodontosis is unrelated to oral hygiene and results in
Fig. 3.104 loss of attachment of teeth to the periodontal ligament (Fig. 3.107) and atro-
Clouston's syndrome: there is nail dystrophy accompanied by hyperkeratosis of the phy of the alveolar processes (maxillar and mandibular) with eventual loss
fingertips, thereby accentuating the epidermal surface ridges. of teeth. The periodontal ligament, which is a dense fibrous band, attaches
By courtesy of D. Atherton, MD, the Children's Hospital at Great Ormond Street, the tooth to the alveolar bone and carries the blood vessels, lymphatics, and
London, UK.
nerves.6 Psoriasiform lesions may be evident on the knees and elbows and
Fig. 3.105
Olmsted syndrome: in this variant, the lesions are very disfiguring. Constriction
bands and autoamputation are important complications. By courtesy of W.A.D.
Griffiths, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 3.107
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome: gingival inflammation and swelling with the particularly
characteristic irregular positioning of the teeth which, as a result of destruction of Fig. 3.109
supporting tissues, have shifted under the forces of mastication. This patient is Papillon-Lefèvre
a 12-year-old child, but the severity of the periodontal destruction is what might syndrome: there
be expected in a person aged 60 years. By courtesy of R.A. Cawson, MD, Guy's is hyperkeratosis,
Hospital, London, UK. hypergranulosis and
onychogryphosis has been documented (Fig. 3.108).3 The adnexae are not granule serine proteases with resultant defective bacterial phagocytosis.11,12
usually affected. Presentation is usually in the early years of life (2–4 years The cathepsin C gene is also expressed in squamous epithelium of the palms,
of age). soles, knees, and the oral keratinized gingiva.9 At this site, its function is
There is sometimes associated calcification of the falx cerebri and chor- unknown.
oid plexus.6 Other features, which may sometimes be present, include deaf- The histopathological features of the palmoplantar lesions show marked
ness, deformity of the terminal phalanx, follicular hyperkeratosis, and mental hyperkeratosis with acanthosis and a thickened granular cell layer (Fig.
retardation. Patients show an increased risk of infection, particularly furun- 3.109).3 Parakeratosis and epidermal psoriasiform hyperplasia have also
culosis; this has been associated with defective neutrophil chemotaxis and been described.7 The elbow and knee lesions show epidermal psoriasiform
phagocytosis and impaired B- and T-cell mitogenic responses.7 hyperplasia with parakeratosis, elongation of the dermal papillae, and dilata-
tion of the superficial dermal vasculature.3
Pathogenesis and histological features
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome has been mapped to 11q14–21.8 The disease
is associated with missense and nonsense mutations, deletions, and inser-
Naxos syndrome
tions in the gene for the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin C (dipeptidyl
aminopeptidase I).9–12 In homozygous patients, loss of cathepsin C activ- Clinical features
ity results in impaired activation of bone marrow myeloid and macrophage Naxos syndrome (keratosis palmoplantaris with arrhythmogenic cardiomy-
opathy) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease defined by palmoplan-
tar keratoderma, curly hair, and other ectodermal features associated with
dilatative cardiomyopathy leading to arrhythmogenic episodes.1,2 It was first
reported in families on the Greek island of Naxos.1
McGrath syndrome
Clinical features
McGrath syndrome (skin fragility and hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) is
inherited in an autosomal recessive mode and is characterized by a diffuse,
sometimes verruciform palmoplantar keratoderma, trauma-induced skin
fragility, and congenital ectodermal dysplasia affecting nails, hair, and sweat
glands.1 In some cases plantar hyperkeratosis is painful and there is disabling
Fig. 3.108 cracking. The nails are thickened and markedly dystrophic. The integument
Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome: a scaly psoriasiform plaque is present over the elbow. shows fragility, with trauma-induced blisters and crusting on pressure points.
By courtesy of W.A.D. Griffiths, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. Hairs are noted to be short and sparse. Sweating may be reduced.
88 Disorders of keratinization
Pathogenesis and histologic features described.11 The follicular lesions show plugging of the ostia with surround-
ing hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and acanthosis (Fig. 3.114).6 A mononu-
The disease has been shown to be associated with mutations in the
clear perivascular chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate may be present in the
lakophilin-1 gene (PKP1) leading to complete ablation of plakophilin 1
superficial dermis. The oral lesions are indistinguishable from those of the
which is responsible for recruitment of desmosomal proteins to the plasma
white sponge nevus, consisting of parakeratosis, acanthosis, and epithelial
membrane and keratin interaction.1,2
vacuolation (Fig. 3.115). No evidence of dysplasia is seen.
Light microscopy of the skin shows thickening of the epidermis and exten-
sive widening of keratinocyte intercellular spaces, extending from the first
suprabasal layer upward. There is complete absence of cutaneous immunos- Pachyonychia congenita type II
taining for plakophilin-1. Electron microscopy reveals loss of keratinocyte–
keratinocyte adhesion. Desmosomes, particularly in the lower suprabasal
layers, are small and reduced in number. The inner and outer desmosomal
Clinical features
plaques are poorly developed.3 Pachyonychia congenita type II (palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type
II, Jackson-Lawler syndrome, Jackson-Sertoli syndrome) is inherited as an
autosomal dominant. It is characterized by limited and usually mild focal
Pachyonychia congenita type I
Clinical features
Focal (nonepidermolytic) palmoplantar keratoderma with oral hyperkera-
tosis (Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome, focal palmoplantar keratoderma
with oral hyperkeratosis, palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type I) is usu-
ally associated with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance although an
autosomal recessive variant has been described.1,2 It has a high incidence in
Croatia and Slovenia and also appears to be more commonly seen in Jews.3,4
Clinical features may be present at birth or appear within the first 6 months
of life.1,5 The sex incidence is equal.
The features include massive hyperkeratosis of the distal nail beds of the
fingers and toes, resulting in elevation and apparent thickening of the nail
plate (Fig. 3.110). Also present are palmoplantar keratoderma, hyperhidro-
sis and follicular keratosis, xerosis, and verrucous lesions, which most often
arise on the elbows, knees, and lower legs (Fig. 3.111). Patients also develop
alopecia and nail bed infections.1,5,6 Erythema and blistering of the soles of the
feet, and to a lesser extent on the palms of the hands, are sometimes present;
leukokeratosis oris is almost invariably evident (Fig. 3.112).1,6,7 Laryngeal
involvement has also been documented.8 Fig. 3.111
Pachyonychia congenita
Pathogenesis and histological features type 1: discrete, yellow,
hyperkeratotic plaques on
This variant of focal palmoplantar keratoderma is heterogeneous. Mutations
the soles of the feet are
have been described in keratin K16 and K6a genes.9–14 a common manifestation.
The nail beds show massive hyperkeratosis.1 The palmoplantar lesions By courtesy of R.A.
are characterized by hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, and acanthosis (Fig. Marsden, MD, St
3.113).1 Round to oval darkly staining perinuclear inclusions represent- George's Hospital,
ing densely aggregated keratin filaments in the prickle cell layer have been London, UK.
Fig. 3.110
Pachyonychia congenita type 1: (A) there is gross nail deformity with transverse arching of the distal portion. Although the nail plate appears to be thickened, most of the
changes are, in fact, due to massive hyperkeratosis of the nail bed, resulting in elevation and bending of the nail plate; (B) in this view, the subungual hyperkeratosis is more
obvious. (A) By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK, (B) By courtesy of W.A.D. Griffiths, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Palmoplantar keratoderma 89
Tyrosinemia type II
Clinical features
Tyrosinemia type II (Richner-Hanhart syndrome, tyrosine aminotransferase
deficiency, keratosis palmoplantaris with corneal dystrophy) is an oculocu-
taneous syndrome characterized by herpetiform corneal ulcers that develop
during the first months of life. Later painful punctuate, sometimes striated
and circumscribed hyperkeratoses of digits, palms, and soles evolve, often
accompanied by hyperhidrosis. Aberrant keratotic plaques have been sporad-
ically observed on the elbows, knees, and even the tongue. Other symptoms
include severe mental and somatic retardation.1
Howell-Evans syndrome
Clinical features
The combination of autosomal dominant focal nonepidermolytic palmoplan-
tar keratoderma with esophageal squamous carcinoma was first recognized
in 1958 and subsequently termed the Howell-Evans syndrome.1–5 Although
initially regarded as a diffuse keratoderma, a subsequent clinical re-evalu-
ation determined that the lesions were focal, sparing nontraumatized areas
(Fig. 3.116).4 The condition typically presents between 6 and 15 years of
age. The patients develop painful hyperkeratoses on the pressure areas,
which disappear with prolonged bed rest.5 Palmar involvement may be seen
Fig. 3.115
Pachyonychia congenita type 1: (A) scanning view of oral mucosa showing
massive acanthosis with large blunt rete ridges; (B) high-power view showing focal
parakeratosis and vacuolization of superficial keratinocytes. A single dyskeratotic
cell is evident (arrowed).
but the PPK in the former is of a striated and not diffuse type. The first car-
diac abnormalities are exclusively electrocardiographic and occur in asymp-
tomatic patients. In these patients, dilatation of the left ventricle, together
with alterations in muscle contractility, may lead to congestive heart failure
and death.
in manual workers. This syndrome, also termed palmoplantar ectodermal Keratoderma climactericum
dysplasia type III, includes keratosis pilaris particularly affecting the upper
arms and thighs, multiple epithelial cysts, and gray-white buccal mucosal
hyperkeratosis (This last feature typically predates the onset of keratoderma
Clinical features
and may therefore represent a clinical diagnostic clue of early involvement in Keratoderma climactericum (Haxthausen's disease, climacteric kerato-
family members of a pedigree.).5–9 Nails are unaffected.6 In the largest kin- derma) is an acquired disorder which is restricted to menopausal women.1,2
dred reported to date, 28% developed esophageal squamous carcinoma (89 Lesions present on the weight-bearing surfaces of the sole of the foot as ery-
affected members) of whom 84% died of their tumor.4 thematous hyperkeratotic and fissured plaques and then spread to involve
the rest of the plantar skin (Fig. 3.118). Patients are often overweight.
Pathogenesis and histological features Palmar involvement is sometimes seen with lesions affecting the area
between the thenar and hypothenar eminences.2 Similar lesions have been
The condition has been mapped to 17q23-qter region (TEC locus) distal to
documented in younger women who have undergone bilateral oophorec-
the keratin gene cluster, thereby excluding a keratin gene mutation.10–12
tomy.3 The condition is distinguished from congenital palmoplantar kerato-
The cutaneous lesions are characterized by hyperkeratosis, hypergranulo-
derma by its late onset.
sis, and acanthosis. Features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis are absent.
The buccal mucosal lesions are characterized by parakeratosis, acantho-
sis, and spongiosis accompanied by cytoplasmic vacuolation of the prickle
Histological features
cell layer.4 The plantar skin shows massive hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, acanthosis,
and spongiosis with lymphocytic exocytosis.2 A superficial perivascular der-
mal lymphohistiocytic infiltrate is present and vertically orientated dermal
Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome collagen associated with atypical myofibroblasts is often seen.2
Clinical features
The Schöpf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome (palmoplantar keratoderma with eye-
lid cysts, hypodontia, and hypotrichosis) is probably inherited in an auto- Clavi (corns) are extremely common painful keratotic lesions that develop
somal recessive pattern.1 Patients have a relatively mild, diffuse erythematous on the dorsal or lateral aspect of the toes, often as a consequence of ill-fitting
keratoderma association with hypodontia, hypotrichosis, nail dystrophies, shoes. Histologically, they are characterized by a deep keratin-filled depres-
and late-onset eyelid cysts. sion often associated with atrophy of the underlying epidermis (Fig. 3.119).
They are distinguished from plantar warts by the absence of koilocytes and
Histological features irregular keratohyalin granules.
The eyelid lesions represent apocrine hidrocystomas. Multiple eccrine syrin-
gofibroadenomas and squamous cell carcinomas may arise on the acral sur- Callus
faces in older patients.1,2 The underlying defect remains unknown.3 In contrast to a clavus, a callus is a nonpainful localized focus of hyperkerato-
sis usually arising on the ball of the foot or heel from pressure or foot defor-
Acquired palmoplantar keratoderma and mity. Palmar lesions arise as a consequence of chronic rubbing. Histologically,
they are similar to a clavus, consisting of a keratin-filled epidermal dell with
internal malignancy hypergranulosis. Parakeratosis is often present.
Acquired diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma may represent a paraneoplas-
tic phenomenon associated with a number of internal malignancies includ- Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf
ing carcinoma of the bronchus, esophagus, stomach, urinary bladder, and
myeloma (Fig. 3.117).1–6 There are also reports of acquired filiform (filiform Clinical features
palmoplantar keratoderma) and punctate (punctate porokeratotic kerato- This is an exceedingly rare dermatosis with an autosomal dominant mode of
derma) variants associated with a range of visceral cancers including breast, inheritance.1–3 The disease presents in infancy or early childhood as dry, rough,
kidney, colon, and lung.7,8 brownish or skin-colored verrucoid, keratotic papules, located particularly on
Fig. 3.117
Acquired palmoplantar
keratoderma: acquired
disease may be a
manifestation of
underlying malignancy. By
courtesy of the Institute Fig. 3.118
of Dermatology, London, Keratoderma climactericum: there is massive hyperkeratosis with fissuring over the
UK. heels. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
92 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.120
verruciformis: numerous
brown flat-topped
papules are symmetrically
distributed over the dorsal
aspects of the hands.
Fig. 3.119 By courtesy of
Clavus: massive R.A. Marsden, MD,
hyperkeratosis overlies an St George's Hospital,
epidermal depression. London, UK.
the backs of the hands (Fig. 3.120) and feet, and on the knees and elbows.4
Keratotic punctate pits are found on the palms and soles. Lesions, which are
clinically and histologically indistinguishable, may occasionally be seen in
Darier's disease.5–7 Exceptionally, a similar association with Hailey-Hailey dis-
ease has been documented and there is a report of acrokeratosis verruciformis
presenting in a patient with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.8,9 Nail
involvement, including longitudinal splitting, striations and subungual hyper-
keratosis may also be seen.10
Differential diagnosis
Acrokeratosis verruciformis-like features may occasionally be seen in lin- presents in adulthood as persistent lesions that are highly resistant to
ear epidermal nevi.13 There is also considerable histological overlap with therapy.
stuccokeratosis. • Localized porokeratosis usually consists of a single large lesion.
• Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, the most common variant,
is characterized by numerous small, dry, shallow lesions arising on
Porokeratosis the sun-damaged skin of adults (Figs 3.123 and 3.124).2 It may also
complicate PUVA therapy and develop in the immunosuppressed.3–5 It
Clinical features presents in the third and fourth decades and, despite its relationship
Porokeratosis is a not uncommon pathological process. It consists of a pig- to sunlight, rarely affects the face. The legs, forearms, back, upper
mented or reddish atrophic center bordered by a peripheral grooved keratotic arms, and thighs are most commonly affected, in decreasing order of
ridge, from the center of which a keratotic core (cornoid lamella) projects frequency.6
at an obtuse angle.1 There are six major categories: classical, localized, lin- • Disseminated superficial (nonactinic) porokeratosis (porokeratosis
ear, punctate, disseminated superficial porokeratosis (DSP), and disseminated palmoplantaris et disseminata) is characterized by asymptomatic lesions
superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP), all of which may be inherited as an with a tendency to involve the trunk, genitalia, palms, and soles. An
autosomal dominant, but sporadic cases also occur. intensely itchy eruptive variant of this has recently been described.7
• In the classical variant described by Mibelli, patients develop one or • In linear porokeratosis, the lesion is clinically reminiscent of an epidermal
several plaquelike lesions on the extremities (Fig. 3.122). It usually nevus affecting the extremities and usually presents in infancy or early
Acquired palmoplantar keratoderma and internal malignancy 93
Fig. 3.122
Porokeratosis of Mibelli: (A) these lesions have an
extensive and linear distribution; (B) the lesions are
erythematous, atrophic and scaly, with sharply defined and
A B slightly raised margins By courtesy of M.M. Black, MD,
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 3.124
Fig. 3.123 Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis: in this variant, the lesions are small
Disseminated superficial and discrete. Note the characteristic raised edge. By courtesy of the Institute of
actinic porokeratosis: Dermatology, London, UK.
there are numerous small,
reddish or brownish carcinoma.1,8,10–15 The reported incidence has varied from 6.8% to 11.6%.10,13,14
keratotic macules on sun In some instances there is a probable causal relationship with previous treat-
damaged skin. ment with radiotherapy.10 Tumors usually develop many years after the onset
of the disease, are frequently multiple, and arise most often on large or coalesc-
childhood (Fig. 3.125).8 A zosteriform variant has also been described ing lesions.8,10,16 They are most often found on the trunk and extremities.8
which generally affects children and shows a predilection for the lower
limbs, upper limbs, and trunk.9 Pathogenesis and histological features
• In punctate porokeratosis (porokeratosis palmoplantaris punctata, spiny The pathogenesis of porokeratosis is unknown. The presence of localized
keratoderma) tiny spines develop on palms and soles in the second or dysplastic features was suggested by Reed and Leone to indicate that the
third decade. Some argue that the typical ultrastructural changes of disease represented a focal, expanding clone of abnormal keratinocytes asso-
porokeratosis of Mibelli are not present. It must be distinguished from ciated with the development of a cornoid lamella.17 The more recent literature
other forms of punctate keratoderma.6 appears to support this claim.
Porokeratosis may involve the mucous membranes, cause nail dystrophy, Porokeratotic lesions have been shown to be associated with abnormal
and result in patchy alopecia. It is associated with a slightly increased risk of epidermal DNA ploides in association with increased DNA indices, midway
cutaneous neoplasia. Lesions of porokeratosis may therefore be complicated between normal skin and Bowen's disease.18,19 Uninvolved skin, however, is
by the development of Bowen's disease, and basal cell and squamous cell usually diploid.8 Chromosomal abnormalities have been identified within
94 Disorders of keratinization
cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts derived from patients suffering from causally related to hepatitis C infection, Crohn's disease, renal failure, and
both the localized and Mibelli variants.8,10,20,21 These findings have since been hemodialysis.25–29
confirmed in both cultured fibroblasts from normal untreated skin and lym- p53 and pRb proteins are overexpressed within keratinocytes immedi-
phocytes, and it has been shown that chromosome 3 is preferentially affected.22 ately beneath and adjacent to the cornoid lamellae; mdm-2 and p21waf-1 are
Mutations in the proximal segment of the short arm of chromosome 3 have reduced.30–33 This imbalance in cell cycle control mechanisms offers a poten-
been associated with a wide variety of malignancies.22 Ionizing radiation, ultra- tial explanation for the development of malignancy in porokeratosis although
violet light including sun tanning beds, and PUVA may be associated with the to date p53 mutation has not been identified.32,34
development of new skin lesions in porokeratosis.23 The first may be of par- Recently, a gene for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis has been
ticular relevance to the development of malignancy in these lesions.14,24 mapped to chromosome 12q23.2–24.1 in a large Chinese family.35
Cultured fibroblasts from porokeratosis patients have been shown to be The biopsy must be taken through the peripheral grooved ridge. If the long
hypersensitive to the lethal effects of X-radiation, but not ultraviolet radia- axis of the specimen does not transact the border, the diagnostic features will be
tion.21,22 This has been shown to be associated with chromosomal instability missed. These consist of a keratin-filled epidermal invagination with an angu-
in approximately 50% of patients.20 While it has been proposed that this may lated parakeratotic tier, the cornoid lamella (Fig. 3.126). Despite its name,
result from abnormal DNA repair mechanisms (see xeroderma pigmentosa) the lesions of porokeratosis are rarely related to the ‘pore’ of the eccrine duct.
the evidence necessary to support such a hypothesis is not yet available.21 While they may involve the follicle, their most common origin is from nonad-
Porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial porokeratosis, and nexal epithelium. The corneocytes of the cornoid lamella contain characteristic
disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis may also develop against a PAS-positive granules. The epithelium deep to the tier is vacuolated and devoid
background of solid organ transplantation or blood transfusion, possibly of a granular cell layer (Fig. 3.127). Dyskeratotic cells may be present and
Fig. 3.127
Fig. 3.125 Porokeratosis of Mibelli:
Linear porokeratosis: in the epidermis at the base
this variant, the lesion of the cornoid lamella
has a linear, nevoid is vacuolated and the
distribution. granular cell layer absent.
Fig. 3.126
Porokeratosis of Mibelli: (A) there is hyperkeratosis with two well-developed cornoid lamellae. Note the epidermal depression at their bases. (B) The cornoid lamella can be
seen to be composed of an angulated tier of parakeratosis.
Acquired palmoplantar keratoderma and internal malignancy 95
Fig. 3.128
Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis: in this example, the cornoid lamella
has arisen overlying an acrosyringium. The epidermis towards the center on the
lesion appears atrophic and the papillary dermis contains ectatic blood vessels.
Differential diagnosis
With the appropriate clinical information, the histopathological changes
of porokeratosis are diagnostic. Cornoid lamella formation, however, does
occur as a non-specific finding in a variety of conditions including psoriasis
vulgaris, seborrheic, solar keratosis, verruca vulgaris, and squamous cell and
basal cell carcinomas.36 Cornoid lamellae are also features of verrucous epi-
dermal nevus and porokeratotic eccrine nevus.37,38 They are also not uncom-
mon in normal, and particularly actinically damaged, skin. PAS-positive
structures in the cornoid lamella may be a useful marker for porokeratosis
although this has not been authors experience.39 Fig. 3.129
Flegel's disease: (A) there are characteristic disseminated erythematous scaly
lesions; (B) the lower legs are commonly affected. Lesions are small, multiple
Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans and covered by a well-developed scale. By courtesy of M. Price, MD, Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Clinical features
Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans (Flegel's disease) is a not uncommon der-
matosis that is sometimes mistaken for Kyrle's disease.1–5 It has an equal sex
incidence and patients present most often in their fourth or fifth decade. It is Pathogenesis and histological features
characterized by a very protracted course, many patients having lesions for Flegel's disease is of unknown etiology and pathogenesis and is characterized
decades. Patients present with large numbers of 1–5-mm discrete, gray, gray- by focal areas of abnormal hyperkeratinization.7–10 Early lesions are not diag-
brown or red-brown, circular scaly papules (Fig. 3.129). Initial lesions often nostic, showing merely lamellar hyperkeratosis, focal parakeratosis, and an
arise on the dorsum of the foot. Other sites of predilection include the lower essentially normal epidermis. In an established lesion, in addition to hyper-
legs, upper arms, and pinnae. The buttocks, trunk, and dorsal aspects of the keratosis and occasional parakeratosis, there is epidermal atrophy with an
hands may also be affected, and punctate keratoses have been described on inconspicuous or absent granular cell layer (Figs 3.130, 3.131). The lower
the palms and soles. The lesions are either asymptomatic or mildly pruritic. layers of the epithelium may show intercellular edema and occasional foci of
Characteristically, removal of the scale is associated with pinpoint bleeding, basal cell degeneration. Cytoid bodies are sometimes evident. Typically, the
a feature that distinguishes this disorder from stucco keratoses. Other than papillary dermis is edematous and a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is
an isolated report of an increased incidence of both basal cell and squamous often present, adopting a perivascular or lichenoid distribution. Pigmentary
carcinomas, there is no particular associated disease process (compare incontinence is not usually a feature.
with Kyrle's disease).6 Although most cases appear to be sporadic, there is The lymphocytes are an admixture of CD4+ T-helper cells and, less fre-
some evidence to support an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance in a quently CD8+ T-suppressor cells.8,9 Sézary-like forms have been described.
proportion of cases. Langerhans cells are highly reduced.9 In the atrophic areas, differentiation
96 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.131
Flegel's disease: high-power view showing spongiosis with microvesiculation,
cytoid bodies, and a predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate.
Fig. 3.132
Granular parakeratosis: (A)
in the axilla of a middle-
aged woman erythematous,
hyperpigmented and
hyperkeratotic papules
develop in a reticulated
A B fashion, (B) a few of them
are erosive.
Fig. 3.133
Granular parakeratosis: (A) there is marked thickening of the horny layer with parakeratosis, (B) high-power view showing retention of the keratohyalin granules.
depressed, erythematous lesions on the thenar and hypothenar regions of of the continuous growth of some lesions, and suggest a trauma or a human
the palms or the medial side of the soles (Fig. 3.135).1 The lesions some- papillomavirus type 4 as a causative.1–5
times have an arcuate or polycyclic outline, a slightly scaling border, range Histologically, the lesional depression relates to a sharply circumscribed
in diameter from a few millimeters up to 3 centimeters, and are symp- loss of the cornified layer above an otherwise normal epidermis (Fig. 3.136).1–7
tomless. All patients were middle aged or elderly with a predominance of Other authors observed a thin layer of parakeratosis in the hypokeratotic
women.2 zone and some psoriasiform hyperplasia of the epidermis with expression of
the hyperprolifertaive keratin 16.6,7
Pathogenesis and histological features Additional features are hyperplasia of sweat ducts, and tortuous and elongated
The pathogenesis of circumscribed palmar or plantar hypokeratosis is a mat- capillaries in the papillary dermis; still, an inflammatory cell infiltrate is lacking.5
ter of debate. While some authors favor the interpretation of an epidermal Ultrastructurally, breakage of the corneocytes within their cytoplasm
malformation in view of persistence over years, others dispute this because suggests enhanced corneocyte fragility.7
98 Disorders of keratinization
Fig. 3.134
Granular parakeratosis:
(A) this example arose
against a background of
A B lymphomatoid papulosis;
(B) high-power view.
Fig. 3.136
Circumscribed palmar or plantar hypokeratosis: (A) scanning view from the edge of
a lesion, (B) note the focal thinning of the stratum corneum.
Fig. 3.135
Circumscribed palmar or plantar hypokeratosis: (A) on the thenar a well-
circumscribed, depressed, erythematous lesion is present, (B) a closer view reveals
a scaly border.
Inherited and autoimmune Chapter
for references and
additional material
subepidermal blistering diseases
Split skin immunofluorescence 100 Lichen planus pemphigoides 131 Dermatitis herpetiformis 144
Immunoperoxidase antigen mapping 101 Mucous membrane pemphigoid (cicatricial Linear IgA disease 147
pemphigoid) 133
Epidermolysis bullosa 101
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic
Bullous pemphigoid 117
pemphigoid) 137
Pemphigoid gestationis 127
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus 142
Blisters, which are clinically subdivided into vesicles (L. vesicula, dim. of substrate as a mechanism of localizing the site of epidermodermal separation.1
vesica, bladder) and bullae (L. bubble), are defined as accumulations of fluid If a sample has not been taken for indirect immunofluorescence, immunoper-
either within or below the epidermis and mucous membranes. Although oxidase antigen mapping on paraffin-embedded material may on occasions
somewhat arbitrary, the term ‘vesicle’ is applied to lesions less than 0.5 cm in be of value at least as a screening procedure. Although the results of electron
diameter and ‘bulla’ to those greater than 0.5 cm. Subepidermal blisters, i.e., microscopic investigations and, in particular, molecular studies have formed
those that develop at the epidermal or mucosal basement membrane region, the basis of the current classification of subepidermal bullous dermatoses,
include inherited variants and acquired (often autoimmune mediated) such techniques are usually not essential to the everyday investigation of a
conditions. The former are usually classified as noninflammatory (cell-poor) patient with an acquired blistering disorder.
blisters whereas the latter are commonly inflammatory (cell-rich) in nature The mechanisms involved in the development of a subepidermal blister are
(Fig. 4.1). variable. They include inherited mutational defects of basement membrane
Subepidermal blisters may develop within the lower epidermis, the lamina proteins, i.e., epidermolysis bullosa, acquired autoimmune bullous diseases
lucida (e.g., bullous pemphigoid) or deep to the lamina densa (e.g., such as bullous pemphigoid, cellular immunity-mediated disorders (e.g.,
epidermolysis bullosa acquisita) (Fig. 4.2). In addition to clinical observa- erythema multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis), metabolic diseases
tions, the precise diagnosis of a blistering disorder requires careful histologi- including porphyria cutanea tarda, and profound subepidermal edema such
cal and immunofluorescence correlation. When possible, the last should as may be seen in bullous arthropod bite reactions and dermal acute
include indirect studies and, in particular, NaCl-split skin should be used as inflammatory processes (e.g., Sweet's disease).
Fig. 4.1
Classification of subepidermal
blisters: lesions may be
A B subdivided into (A) cell-poor
and (B) cell-rich variants.
100 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Intact skin
K5, K14 (IF)
Plectin BP230
CM Dermis
BP180 b4
NaCL split skin
LD Epidermis
AP Artificial
blister cavity
Fig. 4.2
Basement membrane constituents: blisters can be classified into those that develop LD
within the lamina lucida (LL) and those that arise below the lamina densa (LD). (AF,
anchoring fibrils; AP, anchoring plaque; CM, cell membrane.) Dermis Fig. 4.3
Split skin immunofluorescence.
Fig. 4.4
(A, B) Split skin immunofluorescence: the split is through the lamina lucida, the lamina densa lining the floor of the artificial blister cavity.
Epidermolysis bullosa 101
Fig. 4.6
Split skin immunofluorescence: (left) linear IgG at the basement membrane;
(middle) in epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA), the antibody binds to the floor of
the blister cavity; (right) in bullous pemphigoid (BP), the antibody binds to the roof
of the blister. By courtesy of B. Bhogal, FIMLS, Institute of Dermatology, London, Fig. 4.8
UK. Paraffin-embedded immunoperoxidase antigen mapping: in epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita, type IV collagen is present along the roof of the blister cavity.
Junctional EB, gravis variant (Herlitz variant) associated with the JEB-PA syndrome.
Junctional EB, mitis variant (non-Herlitz variant; EB atrophicans
generalisata mitis; generalized atrophic benign EB)
Cicatricial junctional EB
Dystrophic EB
In 1999, a fourth category – hemidesmosomal EB (where the level of split
Localized is within the hemidesmosome) – was added.10 This provisional category has
RDEB, inversa now been removed and Kindler syndrome now constitutes a fourth major cat-
DDEB, minimus egory. The most recent classification, which takes into account the current
DDEB, pretibial
precise molecular data which is now known for virtually all of the subtypes
RDEB, centripetalis
of this disease, is particularly valuable when considering the pathological
basis of EB and forms the basis for this account. There have been some
Autosomal dominant forms of DEB changes in nomenclature based on an attempt to produce names that are
DDEB, Pasini variant
more accurately descriptive of the diseases and concordant with current
DDEB, Cockayne-Touraine variant transient bullous dermolysis
of the newborn
molecular classification of this disease.
Autosomal recessive forms of DEB Mutations of sundry types in a variety of genes encoding plakophilin-1
RDEB, gravis (Hallopeau-Siemens variant) (PKP1), desmoplakin (DSP), keratins 5 and 14 (KRT5, KRT14), plectin
RDEB, mitis (PLEC1), BP180, α6 and β4 integrin subunits (ITGA6, ITGB4), laminin-5
(now termed laminin-332 and encoded by LAMA3, LAMB3, LAMC2), types
XVII and VII collagen (COL17A1, COL7A1) and kindling-1 (KIND1) cur-
rently account for the different subtypes of EB (a more detailed account of
the variants of EB, a considerably simplified classification system was rec- these basement membrane proteins is given in Chapter 1).10–12
ommended at that time (Table 4.2).7,8 Most recently, at the Third International Molecular studies including Western blot and immunoprecipitation,
Consensus Meeting on Diagnosis and Classification of EB, the classification however, are not always available for every case of EB, particularly at
scheme was further revised and this current proposed scheme forms the presentation, and therefore initially at least the patient may well be
framework for the discussion in this chapter (Tables 4.3, 4.4).9 Research provisionally subclassified on the basis of:
over the past two decades has generated a wealth of literature specifically • clinical variation,
addressing the molecular basis of the various subtypes of EB. As a result, it • presence or absence of extracutaneous manifestations,
is now possible to subgroup EB on the basis of the level of separation within • mode of inheritance,
the basement membrane region as well as on specific molecular findings. • immunoepitope mapping and/or electron microscopy.
Though molecular classification now drives our understanding of this dis- Clinical evaluation of a patient with suspected EB should include the age
ease group, knowledge of the traditional clinical subtypes can be helpful in of onset and nature and distribution of the cutaneous lesions and whether or
explaining the disease course to patients, despite the often overlapping not scarring and contractures are present. In addition, the family pedigree
spectrum of manifestations. should be studied and the patient investigated for the presence or absence of
Traditionally, EB has been classified into three major groups based on extracutaneous involvement (eyes, oropharynx, larynx, gastrointestinal and
clinical differences, antigen mapping, and electron microscopic observations: genitourinary tracts, and musculoskeletal system) and other specific lesions
• simplex (epidermolytic; in which the level of split is within the basal (including enamel hypoplasia, anodontia or hypodontia, pyloric atresia, and
keratinocyte), muscular dystrophy) that might point towards a particular variant.4,5
• junctional (lucidolytic; where the level of split is within the lamina Four major subtypes of EB are now recognized: simplex, junctional,
lucida), dystrophic and Kindler Syndrome: 4–7,9
• dystrophic (dermolytic; where the level of split is deep to the lamina • EB simplex (historically also known as the epidermolytic variant) is
densa). characterized by the level of separation within the epidermis, usually as a
Epidermolysis bullosa 103
Table 4.3
Third consensus conference (2007): classification of epidermolysis bullosa
Adapted from Fine et al (2008) J Am Acad Dermatol, 58, 931–50 from American Academy of Dermatology.
Rare variants are italicized.
+Previously termed EBS, Weber-Cockayne
^Includes cases previously termed EBS-Koebner
‡α β integrin is a heterodimeric protein; mutations in either gene have been associated with both EBS-PA and JEBS-PA. Some cases of EB associated with pyloric atresia may have
6 4
intraepidermal cleavage or both intralamina lucida and intraepidermal clefts.
*Laminin-332 (laminin-5 is a macromolecule composed of three distinct (α3, β3, γ2) laminin chains; mutations in any of the encoding genes result in a junctional EB phenotype.
$Previously termed generalized atrophic benign EB (GABEB).
Dominant dystrophic EB; EBS-DM, EBS Dowling-Meara; EBS-K, EBS, Koebner; EBS-MD, EBS with muscular dystrophy; EBS-WC, EBS, Weber–Cockayne; JEB-H, junctional EB, Herlitz;
JEB-nH, junctional EB, non-Herlitz; JEB-PA, junctional EB with pyloric atresia; RDEB-HS, recessive dystrophic EB, Hallopeau-Siemens; RDEB-nHS, recessive dystrophic EB,
†Some cases of EB associated with pyloric atresia may have intraepidermal cleavage or both intralamina lucida and intraepidermal clefts.
‡α β integrin is a heterodimeric protein; mutations in either gene have been associated with the JEB-PA syndrome.
6 4
consequence of cytolysis. Traditionally, all variants have been associated distinguished by the split through the hemidesmosome. The group
with mutations in the genes encoding keratin 5 or 14.8,9 However, the included EB with late-onset muscular dystrophy (previously included in
most current classification scheme divides this group into suprabasal and the simplex group), some examples of generalized atrophic benign EB
basal forms, and now certain rare variants are known to be associated (others associated with laminin-332 mutations are included within the
with mutations in the genes encoding desmoplakin, plakophilin-1, junctional group) and EB with pyloric atresia (previously included in the
plectin, and α6 and β4 integrin subunits.9 junctional group).10,14–16 These three variants of EB develop as a
• Epidermolysis bullosa with late-onset muscular dystrophy, which had consequence of mutations of genes encoding the hemidesmosomal
traditionally been included in the simplex category, is now known to proteins plectin, BP180, and the α6 and β4 integrin subunits
result from a mutation in the plectin gene and was included in the respectively.10 In the newest classification scheme, these are now
provisional hemidesmosomal group of EB as delineated by Pulkkinen and included in the suprabasal and basal types of EB simplex (Table 4.4).
Uitto in the 1999 classification scheme.10,13 Hemidesmosomal EB was The hemidesmosomal group designation is no longer used as the
104 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.9
EB simplex (Weber-Cockayne): typical lesions affecting (A) the fingers and (B) the toes. The pale color of the latter is due to the marked thickness of the roof of the blister.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.11
EB simplex (Koebner):
intact blisters are present
in the axilla and on the
chest. By courtesy of
M.J. Tidman, MD, Guy's
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.10
EB bullosa simplex:
Dowling-Meara variant involvement.36–38 Blisters and erosions present at birth or soon thereafter and
showing characteristic are usually generalized. Patients may also suffer from atrophic scarring, milia,
grouping of blisters and
nail dystrophy or anonychia, alopecia, and oral lesions36,37 Severe mucose
erosions. By courtesy
of R.A.J. Eady, MD,
membrane involvement is rare.39 The mortality of this variant is high.6
Institute of Dermatology, Mutations in plectin are associated with these forms of the disease.40–42 Plectin
London, UK. is a large (greater than 500 kD) intermediate filament binding protein that pro-
vides mechanical rigidity to cells by acting as crosslinking adaptor to the
cytoskeleton.43 The PLEC1 gene bears a domain structure similar to BPAG1,
indicating they belong to a common family and may have similar functions.
absent. Although oral lesions may be present in infancy, systemic involvement
A lethal variant of EBS with mutations in plectin at the level of the plakin
is not a feature of this variant.
domain may occur exceptionally and it is associated with aplasia cutis of the
EBS with mottled pigmentation limbs and developmental impairment.42
This autosomal dominant variant was originally described in six members of
EBS with pyloric atresia
a single kindred.33 The cutaneous lesions are similar to the Dowling-Meara
This category was placed in the provisional hemidesmosomal category in the
variant with the addition of mottled or reticulate pigmentation, particularly
prior edition of this book. Cases with pyloric atresia are currently considered
affecting the neck and trunk. Atrophic scarring, milia, and nail dystrophy are
in two groups: EBS discussed here, and another category in junctional EB dis-
uncommon. Punctate keratoderma affecting the palms and warty hyperkera-
cussed below. This is a rare variant of epidermolysis bullosa in which affected
totic lesions involving the hands, elbows, and knees may be additional fea-
infants are at risk of ureterovesical junction obstruction with fibrosis involv-
tures.33–35 Dental caries is also sometimes present and intraoral lesions are
ing the entire urinary tract and aplasia cutis congenita in addition to pyloric
occasionally seen.
atresia (Figs 4.12, 4.13).44–47 Polyhydramnios is also seen. The pyloric atresia
EBS with muscular dystrophy (pseudojunctional EB) may be due to a diaphragm or stenosis (Fig. 4.14). The mortality rate of this
This is an autosomal recessive variant in which patients concomitantly develop variant is very high, up to 78% of affected infants succumbing.46 It appears to
muscular dystrophy or exceptionally myasthenia gravis and even cardiac be the most lethal form in the EBS category. Mutations in both plectin and
106 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.12
EB with pyloric atresia:
stillborn infant with
widespread blistering.
By courtesy of M.J.
Tidman, MD, Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.14
(A, B) EB with pyloric atresia: pyloric canal is obliterated by fibrous connective tissue.
EBS, Ogna
This form is autosomal dominant and presents at birth. It primarily involves
acral sites, but can become widespread. Blistering is prominent and ony-
chogryphosis is common. A tendency to bruise has been described.9,52 Lack of
muscular involvement distinguishes this form of disease from EBS with mus-
cular dystrophy described above; the mutation genotype may be predictive of
disease expression.42,53
Fig. 4.13 Mutations in plectin underlie this syndrome.39,52
EB with pyloric atresia: in addition to blistering there is also deep ulceration.
By courtesy of M.J. Tidman, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. EBS, migratory circinate
This generalized form of EBS presents at birth with an autosomal dominant
inheritance pattern. Blistering is very prominent and associated with a migra-
tory circinate erythema and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.9 Mutations
α6β4 integrin subunits (junctional EB) have been described.48 Since both α6β4 in keratin 5 have been described, but none is currently reported in keratin
integrin and plectin are expressed in villous trophoblast from the first trimes- 14.39,54,55
ter of pregnancy this feature has been used successfully for the prenatal diag-
nosis of this group of conditions.49 Hemidesmosomal EB
This group previously included three variants:
EBS, autosomal recessive • patients with generalized atrophic benign EB (GABEB) (others were
Autosomal recessive EBS is generalized with onset at birth. Blistering is prom- included in the junctional group; see below),
inent with mild atrophic scarring. Ichthyotic plaques and focal palmoplantar • EB with late-onset muscular dystrophy (formerly included in the simplex
keratoderma are sometimes encountered. Nails may be dystrophic or absent. group),
Anemia, growth retardation, dental caries, and constipation can be complica- • EB with pyloric atresia (formerly included in the junctional category).
tions.9 Mutations in keratin 14 underlie this disease; keratin 5 mutations have This subtype is of historical interest only as it no longer exists in the most
not been described.50,51 current classification scheme.
Epidermolysis bullosa 107
JEB inversa
Lesions, which are present at birth or develop in early infancy, are initially gen-
eralized, but later are predominantly localized to inverse (flexural) sites includ-
ing the axillae and groin.5 Blisters and erosions are accompanied by atrophic
scarring and nails may be dystrophic or absent. Other features that are some-
times evident include mouth erosions, maldeveloped teeth with enamel hyp-
oplasia, and occasional gastrointestinal lesions, particularly affecting the
esophagus and anus. Mutations in the subunits of laminin-332 are noted.9,58
Fig. 4.15
Junctional EB (Herlitz):
JEB-late onset (progressiva)
newly born infant with
blistering and nail
In this variant, lesions do not present until late childhood, and consist of
involvement. By courtesy blisters and erosions affecting the hands, elbows, knees, and feet.5 Nails
of J. McGrath, MD, may be dystrophic or absent and enamel hypoplasia is characteristic. Mouth
Institute of Dermatology, erosions may be evident. Mild finger contractures are sometimes a compli-
London, UK. cation.3,5 The mutation underlying this form of the disease is unclear.9
108 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Dominant dystrophic EB
Five subtypes are recognized; four of these are rare.
Dominant dystrophic EB, generalized
Autosomal dominant EB, generalized includes both the Cockayne-Touraine
and Pasini variants. This is because the two conditions are characterized by
identical type VII gene mutations and the albopapuloid lesions (white perifol-
licular papules and plaques) have been found to be an inconsistent finding
(Fig. 4.20).6,7 Generalized blisters are seen at birth (Fig. 4.21a).4,8 Alopecia
may be present and milia, atrophic scarring, and dystrophic or absent nails
are typical features (Fig. 4.21b). Oral involvement may be mild or absent.
Enamel hypoplasia is sometimes evident. Gastrointestinal and genitourinary
tract involvement is seen in a minority of patients. There is a slightly increased
risk of basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.75
Dystrophic EB
Two major subtypes – dominant dystrophic EB and recessive dystrophic EB Fig. 4.20
(Hallopeau-Siemens) – are recognized and these are categorized into three Dystrophic EB: albopapuloid lesions on the lumbosacral area. These are an
major subtypes (one dominant and two recessive) and nine rare dominant or inconstant finding in dystrophic EB. The lesions are not preceded by blistering and
recessive groups. All subtypes are associated with mutations in the gene probably represent connective tissue nevi. By courtesy of M.J. Tidman, MD, Guy's
encoding type VII collagen. 9 Hospital, London, UK.
Epidermolysis bullosa 109
Fig. 4.21
Dominant dystrophic EB
(Cockayne-Touraine): (A)
truncal involvement is present
in addition to the more typical
limb lesions; (B) hemorrhagic
blisters, scarring, milia and
nail dystrophy. By courtesy of
A B the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 4.23
Dystrophic EB–pretibial: close-up view. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Recessive Dystrophic EB
This category is composed of seven subtypes, of which five are rare.
Fig. 4.24
Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens): extensive blistering present at birth.
The disease process has involved the nails and those of the first two toes are
absent. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.27
(A, B) Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens): in addition to the gross mitten
deformity, there is very severe scarring and scaling. (A) By courtesy of R.A.J.
Eady, MD, and B. Mayou, MD, St Thomas' Hospital, London; (B) by courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.25
Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens): note the scarring and extensive
erosions. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.26
Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens): weblike folds enveloping the toes Fig. 4.28
have resulted in a clublike appearance. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens): there is gross deformity of the knees.
Hospital, London, UK. By courtesy of J. McGrath, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Epidermolysis bullosa 111
Fig. 4.30
Recessive dystrophic EB:
extensive esophageal
involvement with
complete separation of
Fig. 4.29 the mucosa has resulted
Recessive dystrophic EB in this dramatic, but
(Hallopeau-Siemens): note fortunately very rare,
the conspicuous milia. manifestation. By courtesy
By courtesy of the of R.A. Marsden, MD,
Institute of Dermatology, St George's Hospital,
London, UK. London, UK.
Recessive dystrophic EB, pruriginosa Recessive dystrophic EB, bullous dermolysis of the newborn
The pattern of involvement is similar to the dominant form (see above), but The pattern of involvement is similar to the dominant form (see above), but
can be more severe. can be more severe.
112 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.34
EB simplex: the earliest histological feature in the development of a blister is Fig. 4.37
marked vacuolation of the basal keratinocytes, so-called cytolysis. EB simplex: old lesion; the features are those of a cell-free subepidermal blister and
are not specific.
Fig. 4.35
EB simplex: established lesion showing ‘subepidermal’ vesiculation.
Fig. 4.38
EB simplex: paraffin
displays type IV collagen
along the floor of the
blister cavity (same case
as Fig. 4.37).
Fig. 4.39
EB simplex (Dowling-Meara): (A) electron micrograph
showing intrakeratinocyte splitting; (B) close-up view of
A B tonofilament clumps. By courtesy of J.A. McGrath, MD, and
R.A.J. Eady, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
The keratoderma shows hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. Clumps of keratin clusters on chromosomes 12 and 17.126–130 The gene for keratin 5 is carried on
may also be evident. chromosome 12q and that for keratin 14 is located on 17q. Truncated mutant
Ultrastructurally, the level of cleavage is low within the basal keratinocytes, just human keratin 14 gene induces the EB phenotype when introduced into trans-
above the level of the hemidesmosomes (Figs 4.40, 4.41). In addition to cytolysis, genic mice and similarly causes an identical keratin abnormality when
however, acantholysis may also sometimes be evident. The keratin filament expressed in transfected human keratinocytes.131,132 Specific missense muta-
abnormalities include irregular whorled bundles in addition to homogeneous tions or deletions have now been identified in patients with Dowling-Meara
clumps. They are present in normal skin in addition to lesional material (K5 and K14), localized (K5 and14), other generalized (K5 and14) subtypes,
(Fig. 4.42).122,123 Desmosomes may appear diminished in number in the keratinocytes and the the rare EB simplex subtypes with mottled pigmentation (K5), autosomal
showing tonofilament clumps. Basement membrane zone constituents are normal. recessive (K14), and migratory circinate (K5).133–138 The highly conserved end
In EB simplex superficialis the plane of cleavage is in the upper epidermis domains of the keratin rod are particularly susceptible to significant mutation
just beneath the stratum corneum.22 Additional clefts may also be evident in with resultant instability of the filament assembly and consequent fragility of
the lower third of the epidermis. basal keratinocytes following mild trauma.124
It is now apparent that the majority of EB simplex develop as a direct Plectin, which localizes to the inner plaque of the hemidesmosome, is a
consequence of keratin gene mutation, but mutations in desmoplakin, member of the plakin family and in concert with BP230 is believed to be of
plakophilin, plectin, and α6β4 integrin subunits are seen in some of the rare importance in keratin filament anchorage.10,14 Recently, mutation of the gene
subtypes (see Table 4.2).124,125 Following the initial discovery of keratin PLEC1 encoding this protein has been described in patients with the muscular
filament clumps in Dowling-Meara EB and their subsequent identification as dystrophy-associated, pyloric atresia, and Ogna subtypes.39 Plectin is associ-
keratins 5 and 14, it was shown that keratinocyte cultures from patients with ated with the Z-lines in the desmin cytoskeleton and this explains its
this disease exhibited an identical morphological abnormality.120 Genetic importance in myocyte adhesion and their role in the pathogenesis of EBS
linkage studies showed that EB simplex was associated with keratin gene with muscular dystrophy.139 Mutations in the genes encoding desmoplakin
and plakophilin-1, respectively, are associated with lethal acantholyic EB and
plakophilin deficiency.19,20
EB (both the simplex and junctional forms) associated with pyloric atresia
results from α6β4 integrin missense mutations resulting in premature termina-
tion codons with synthesis of defective or nonfunctional α6 or β4 subunits.140–142
As a result, hemidesmosomes are hypoplastic or reduced in number.10 Mutations
in the gene encoding plectin are also noted in the simplex form.48,143
Exceptionally, amlyoid has been described in the Weber-Cockayne type of
EB.144 Dyskeratosis has been reported as a histologic feature in Dowling-Meara
EB but not in other variants, including Koebner EB or Weber Cockayne EB.145
The sample in this study, however, was small and further investigation is
required to confirm the specificity of this finding.
Fig. 4.40
EB simplex (Koebner): the
M blister cavity forms within Junctional EB
the basal keratinocyte.
Note the cytoplasmic Junctional EB variants are also characterized by subepidermal blistering, usually
remnants along the unaccompanied by any substantial inflammatory cell infiltrate (Fig. 4.43).146
floor of the blister. Ultrastructurally, the site of cleavage is through the lamina lucida (Fig. 4.44). The
(M, melanosome.) hemidesmosomes may appear malformed, be diminished in number or
Epidermolysis bullosa 115
absent.147–150 Hemidesmosome alterations as detected by electron microscopy, Junctional EB, non-Herlitz (generalized and localized) is most commonly
however, are heterogeneous. In a morphometric study of numbers of hemidesmo- a result of BP180 mutations (BPAG2/type XVII collagen).161–163 Nonsense
somes per unit length of basement membrane, one of five patients with the Herlitz mutations or insertions/deletions with resultant premature termination
variant and two of three patients with non-Herlitz variants had normal results.151 codons result in absence of type XVII collagen. This is a transmembrane col-
The same authors recorded an association between junctional EB and a reduction lagen that is thought to contribute to the anchoring filaments via its carboxy-terminal
in the numbers of hemidesmosomes with associated sub-basal plates. segment.10 The amino-terminal globular domain resides within the cytoplasm
Junctional EB is characterized by mutations in the genes that encode the of the basal keratinocyte localizing to the outer plaque of the hemidesmo-
α3, β3 or γ2 chains of laminin-332 (laminin-5).152–158 Mutations resulting in some. Less often, laminin-332 mutations are responsible for this clinical
premature termination codons in the laminin-332 genes are present, for phenotype.
example, in all cases of the Herlitz lethal variant.7,10 Nonsense mutations,
out-of-frame deletions or insertions and splicing errors affect both alleles, Dystrophic EB
resulting in reduced synthesis and defective assembly of trimeric laminin-5 In the dystrophic variants the histological features are those of subepidermal
molecules.10 The majority of mutations have affected the LAMB3 gene vesiculation or blister formation in the absence of any significant inflamma-
although LAMA3 and LAMC2 gene abnormalities have also been docu- tory content (Fig. 4.45). The clinical subtypes show no particular distinguishing
mented. Non-Herlitz junctional EB variants, including some cases of general- features. The adjacent dermis is often markedly scarred due to previous epi-
ized atrophic benign EB, are associated with milder missense mutations or sodes of blistering.
deletions in the laminin-332 genes.152,159,160 Laminin-332 is located within The squamous carcinoma that develops in association with recessive dys-
anchoring filaments and in the lamina densa. The abnormal laminin-332 trophic EB is very often well differentiated (Fig. 4.46) and occasionally its
results in defective anchoring filaments with resultant instability at the base- appearance suggests a verrucous variant. Whether this latter form has the
ment membrane region. good prognosis usually evident with verrucous carcinoma is uncertain.
116 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Differential diagnosis (Fig. 4.51). Often they contain clear or bloodstained fluid. Any area of the
body may be affected, but the blisters are most commonly located about the
With the appropriate clinical information the histological diagnosis of EB
lower abdomen, the inner aspect of the thighs and on the flexural surfaces of
should not pose any problems. With the exception, however, of the
the forearms, the axillae, and groin (Fig. 4.52).14 Grouping of lesions as seen
Dowling-Meara variant, it is not usually possible to predict which subtype
the patient suffers from although, in specimens from early lesions, it is in dermatitis herpetiformis is not usually a feature and symmetry is character-
sometimes possible to identify the simplex variants of the basis of cytolysis. istically absent. A ‘cluster of jewels’ appearance of new blisters arising at the
Cell-free subepidermal blisters, however, may be seen in a variety of conditions edge of resolving lesions as seen in linear IgA disease may, however, occasionally
be a feature of bullous pemphigoid (Fig. 4.53).15 The lesions are often pruritic
including autolysis, EB acquisita, cell-free pemphigoid, suction blisters,
and a burning sensation is sometimes a feature. Nikolsky's sign is usually
bullous cutaneous amyloidosis, bullous lichen sclerosus, porphyria cutanea
negative. In contrast to mucous membrane pemphigoid, generalized bullous
tarda, and pseudoporphyria.
pemphigoid is not associated with scarring.
Because the genetic defects for so many of the EB subtypes are now known,
Reported mucosal involvement (frequently as ulcers) is highly variable,
prenanatal testing is possible.178 It is hoped that understanding of the molecu-
lar pathobiology of this disease may eventually lead to successful gene ther- ranging from 8% to 58%.16–18 In a series of 115 patients, 24% had oral
involvement and 7% had genital lesions.18 Lesions are found most often on
apy as was recently described for a patient with junctional EB using
the palate, the cheeks, lips, and tongue (Fig. 4.54). Other sites less commonly
transplanted epidermal stem cells genetically modified to express wildtype
involved include mucosae of the nose, pharynx, conjunctiva and, rarely, the
urethra and vulva (see below) (Fig. 4.55).17 In contrast to mucous membrane
pemphigoid, mucosal involvement in generalized bullous pemphigoid is not
associated with scarring.
Bullous pemphigoid
Clinical features
Bullous pemphigoid is not a single disease entity. Rather, there are many sub-
types, which have been classified into primary cutaneous and mucosal vari-
ants and into generalized and localized forms (Fig. 4.48).1–4 Bullous
pemphigoid (BP) is the most frequently encountered autoimmune bullous
dermatosis with an annual incidence of 6.6 new cases per one million of the
Widespread Vegetans
Fig. 4.54
Fig. 4.52 BP: oral erosions are an occasional finding. Intact blisters are rare. By courtesy of
BP: widespread, fluid- R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
filled, hemorrhagic blisters
on the arms and legs
of an elderly female. By
courtesy of the late M.
Beare, MD, Royal Victoria
Hospital, Belfast, N.
Clinical variants of generalized pemphigoid Dyshidrosiform pemphigoid is a rare variant of pemphigoid in which
Urticarial bullous pemphigoid presents with large persistent erythematous patients develop 1–2-mm, tense ‘sago-grain-like’ vesicles on the palms and
plaques, which sometimes display an annular or gyrate peripheral component soles resembling dyshidrosiform dermatitis (pompholyx).44–50 Lesions may be
(Fig. 4 56, 4.57).1 Rarely, small vesicles are also to be found. localized, or precede or occur simultaneously with generalized disease.
Vesicular pemphigoid is a rare clinical variant in which the cutaneous Overlap with pemphigoid nodularis has been described.51
manifestations show a striking overlap with dermatitis herpetiformis.25–28 Childhood pemphigoid exhibits lesions that are similar to their adult coun-
Patients present with numerous small tense vesicles that may be symmetrical, terparts, but there is some tendency for lesions to be localized around the
intensely pruritic, and therefore associated with conspicuous excoriation. face, lower trunk, thighs, and genitalia, reminiscent of linear IgA disease in
Polymorphic pemphigoid is a somewhat confusing entity, which is similar childhood (Fig. 4.60).7,8,52–61 Similarly, a ‘cluster of jewels’ appearance is
to vesicular pemphigoid, but probably shows overlap with linear IgA sometimes evident.7 Palmar, plantar, and oral lesions are often present and
disease.29–31 may be the sole site of involvement in infants (Fig. 4.61). The mucous mem-
Patients present with burning and itching lesions predominantly affecting branes may be affected but scarring is absent. A number of children with pri-
the extensor aspects of the limbs, back, and buttocks. Symmetry, grouping, mary localized penile and vulval lesions have also been described (Fig.
and a polymorphic clinical appearance of papules, vesicles, and variably sized 4.62).47,48,59,62,63 This is of particular clinical importance since it may be mis-
bullae emphasize a similarity to dermatitis herpetiformis. It has been sug- taken for evidence of sexual abuse. Childhood pemphigoid has a good prog-
gested that polymorphic pemphigoid is not an entity sui generis, but repre- nosis and, as in adults, is usually self-limiting. Although the etiology is
sents a potpouri of conditions including vesicular pemphigoid, linear IgA generally unknown, in some infant cases there appears to be a relationship to
disease, and mixed subepidermal bullous disease in which patients show both prior vaccination or immunization.59,64 Differences between childhood and
linear IgG and linear IgA or dermal papillary granular IgA on direct infant cases have been described, but the importance of further subdividing
immunofluorescence.30 this group is unclear.64
Pemphigoid vegetans is an exceedingly rare vegetative intertriginous vari-
ant that may be associated with chronic inflammatory bowel disease.32–39
Fewer than 10 cases have been documented. Patients present with vegetative, Localized cutaneous pemphigoid
crusted, purulent, and sometimes eroded lesions in the groin, axillae, neck, Although classical bullous pemphigoid not uncommonly presents initially as
hands, eyelids, inframammary, and perioral regions (Fig. 4.58). Vesicles and localized lesions that after a few months become generalized, occasional
bullae may also be evident. Scarring has been described.39 The etiology of the patients present with localized blisters that do not subsequently disseminate
vegetative lesions is unknown. (localized bullous pemphigoid).65 Traditionally, this group has been subdivided
Seborrheic pemphigoid is a variant in which the clinical features are sug- into two variants:
gestive of pemphigus erythematosus.31 • Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid predominantly affects the head and neck
Pemphigoid nodularis represents the extremely rare association of lesions and is associated with scarring.66
of bullous pemphigoid with intensely pruritic papules and nodules of nodular • Localized cutaneous nonscarring bullous pemphigoid (Eberhartinger and
prurigo predominantly affecting the trunk and extremities (Fig. 4.59).40–42 Niebauer variant)67 predominantly affects the lower legs (in particular the
The association of pemphigoid nodularis with immune dysregulation, poly- pretibial region) of females.
endocrinopathy, enteropathy, and X-linked (IPEX) syndrome is the subject of The former variant is considered in the section on mucous membrane
a single case report.43 pemphigoid. Although the latter nonscarring cutaneous form particularly
Exceptionally, patients may show immunofluorescent evidence of bullous affects the lower legs (Fig. 4.63), it may also present at a variety of other sites
pemphigoid in the absence of clinical blistering.42 The cause of this unusual including forearms and hands, breasts, chest, buttocks, and umbilicus. Lesions
phenomenon is unknown although in some patients at least, chronic scratch- in localized bullous pemphigoid may be related to trauma.67 This variant
ing probably damages the basement membrane region with exposure of shows a peak incidence in the sixth decade. As with generalized bullous pem-
bullous pemphigoid antigens. There is a female predilection (2:1).42 The age phigoid, patients present with tense, sometimes hemorrhagic, bullae that arise
range of this variant extends from 24 to 80 years but, as with classical bullous on normal or erythematous-appearing skin. Localized cutaneous nonscarring
pemphigoid, the majority of patients are elderly. bullous pemphigoid is generally associated with a good prognosis.67
120 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.58
(A, B) Pemphigoid vegetans:
presentation as verrucous
lesions in the flexures
may result in considerable
diagnostic difficulties. By
courtesy of R.K. Winkelmann,
A B MD, The Mayo Clinic,
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
Fig. 4.60
Childhood BP: very rarely
this disease affects young
Fig. 4.59 children and infants.
Pemphigoid nodularis: in There is a widespread
addition to bullous lesions, distribution of bullae,
this patient also developed which characteristically
these pruritic nodules. arise on an erythematous
By courtesy of H. Shimizu, base. By courtesy of
MD, Keio University R.A. Marsden, MD,
School of Medicine, Tokyo, St George's Hospital,
Japan. London, UK.
Rare patients present with localized bullous pemphigoid at the site of manifestation of lichen planus, mucosal pemphigoid, and pemphigus.41 The
trauma without much evidence of disease elsewhere.68 diagnosis of localized oral pemphigoid depends upon the presence of a linear
band of immunoreactants at the epithelial basement membrane region on
Mucosal pemphigoid/desquamative gingivitis direct immunofluorescence.69 Clinical features include erythema, edema, erosions,
Localized oral pemphigoid is a recently described variant of desquamative gin- and ulcers.72 The oral lesions are nonscarring. Bullous pemphigoid-associated
givitis.69–71 The latter, of multifactorial etiology by definition, affects the mar- desquamative gingivitis may remain confined to the gingiva (the localized oral
ginal and attached gingivae. It shows a female predominance (9:1) and presents pemphigoid type), but approximately an equal proportion of patients goes on
most frequently in the middle aged. Desquamative gingivitis may also be a to develop full-blown cutaneous pemphigoid (Fig. 4.64).69
Bullous pemphigoid 121
Fig. 4.63
Localized pemphigoid,
nonscarring variant:
lesions are found
particularly on the lower
Fig. 4.61 legs of females. The
Childhood BP: plantar involvement is sometimes the only site of disease. By courtesy prognosis is usually good,
of M. Liang, MD, The Children's Hospital, Boston, USA. but occasionally the
condition can become
generalized. By courtesy
of R.A. Marsden, MD,
St George's Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 4.62
Childhood BP: note the perineal scarring and isolated blister. By courtesy of M. Liang,
MD, The Children's Hospital, Boston, USA.
Fig. 4.69
BP: preservation of the dermal papillary outline (festooning) is a characteristic
Fig. 4.66 feature.
Prebullous pemphigoid: there are numerous eosinophils.
Fig. 4.71
BP: eosinophilic
spongiosis is sometimes
seen in the epidermis
adjacent to the blister.
Fig. 4.73
Vesicular pemphigoid: (A) low-power view showing a multilocular blister; (B) the
blister contains a neutrophil-rich infiltrate.
Fig. 4.74
Vesicular pemphigoid: (A) neutrophil microabscesses in the adjacent dermal papillae heighten the resemblance to dermatitis herpetiformis. It would be impossible to establish
the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid without appropriate immuno-fluorescent findings; (B) preservation of the dermal papillae may be a clue to the correct diagnosis of
Fig. 4.75
Pemphigoid nodularis: this is a biopsy of a pruritic nodule showing hyperkeratosis,
irregular acanthosis, dermal chronic inflammation, and scarring.
Fig. 4.77
BP: electron micrograph showing the lamina densa lying along the floor of the
blister cavity.
Fig. 4.76
Pemphigoid nodularis: this subepidermal blister comes from the same patient as
shown in Figure 4.75. Pemphigoid nodularis is of particular importance because Fig. 4.78
the nodular lesions may precede clinical evidence of blistering. BP: high-power view of the lamina densa.
Bullous pemphigoid 125
Basal keratinocyte
HD plaque
nonscarring bullous pemphigoid-like illness although linear IgA disease-like Successful differentiation depends upon careful clinicopathologic correlation
and dermatitis herpetiformis-like variants have also been reported.144 The dis- and immunofluorescent studies or, more recently, serum-based immunologic
ease has also been described in association with psoriasis.145 With split skin (ELISA) testing. Split skin indirect immunofluorescence or lamina densa anti-
indirect IMF, the antibodies bind to the floor of the blister cavity.144 With gen mapping by type IV collagen or laminin-1 direct immunoperoxidase is
indirect immunoelectron microscopy, the antibodies bind to the lower lamina essential to determine the level of the split. Although electron microscopy,
lucida.147,148 The identity of the 200-kD antigen has yet to be determined but immunoelectron microscopy, and immunoprecipitation or Western blotting
it is neither laminin nor type VII collagen.148 provide definitive information, such techniques are not necessary in the
Anti-p450 pemphigoid has been documented in a single patient. The anti- majority of cases.
gen, which has been localized to the basal keratinocyte, belongs to the plectin The cell-poor variant of bullous pemphigoid has a very wide range of differential
family.149 Its precise nature has yet to be determined. diagnoses including epidermolysis bullosa (congenital and acquired), porphyria
Exceptionally, bullous pemphigoid may be associated with antiplectin cutanea tarda, bullous amyloidosis, bullosa diabeticorum, and autolysis.
Bullous pemphigoid has been described following PUVA therapy for myco-
sis fungoides. More recently, a case arising in the setting of radiation therapy Pemphigoid gestationis
has also been noted, perhaps suggesting a role for tissue damage in the patho-
Pruritus is a very common symptom in pregnancy, occurring in up to 18% of
genesis of this disease.151
gravid females.1–4 When it occurs in the absence of significant cutaneous stig-
A mechanism for blister development in bullous pemphigoid has been pro-
mata it is known as pruritus gravidarum. This may occasionally be associated
posed by Jordon et al.80,152 and is outlined as follows. Following antibody–
with a cholestatic pathogenesis. The specific pregnancy eruptions have long
antigen interaction and complement fixation, various chemotactic agents
been a source of considerable confusion and controversy in the literature,
including C3a and C4a are produced.153 Mast cells degranulate under the
largely due to a diverse range of terminologies and classifications. Recently,
influence of the latter or IgE, and release ECF-A, NMW-NCF, ESM, hista-
Holmes has attempted to clarify the situation with the introduction of a new
mine, and enzymes.154 Eosinophils and neutrophils, so recruited, bind (possi-
and much simplified classification and others have proposed similar schemes.2,5
bly via C3b receptors) to the basement membrane region. By direct cytotoxic
Therefore the specific dermatoses of pregnancy may be divided into:
action (eosinophils are capable of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity)
• polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, where the predominant lesions are
or via released proteases, particularly elastase, damage at the basement mem-
urticarial; in the United States, the term pruritic urticarial papules and
brane region results in the development of a vesicle. Lymphocytes elaborate
plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) has achieved greater popularity;
histamine-releasing factor (HRF), which increases mast cell degranulation
• pregnancy prurigo in which the lesions consist of itchy papules;
and perpetuates the process. A broad range of cytokines are involved in this
• pemphigoid (herpes) gestationis, an autoimmune dermatosis belonging to
inflammatory reaction including interleukin (IL)-1, IL-4-IL-8, IL-10-IL-13,
the bullous pemphigoid group of diseases.
IL-15 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ).155 As yet, their relative importance and
Pemphigoid gestationis is a bullous dermatosis of pregnancy and the puer-
time sequences are unknown.
perium. It may be exacerbated by the use of oral contraceptives and rarely
Bullous pemphigoid is therefore a true autoimmune disease in which
complicates hydatidiform mole and gestational (but not nongestational) cho-
antigen–antibody reaction and complement fixation results in a character-
riocarcinoma. The current evidence implicates an autoimmune-mediated
istic and reproducible train of events, which is inevitably accompanied by
pathogenesis in which hormonal influences play a significant role.6,7
the development of subepidermal blister formation. The etiology or
initiator (other than those associated with drugs or PUVA therapy, which Clinical features
are the minority) is unknown. The question as to why self-tolerance breaks
down with the formation of symptomatic autoantibodies in patients with The term herpes (gestationis) is neither appropriate nor satisfactory. It is not
this d
isease is an important question for further investigation. of viral etiology, nor has it anything to do with creeping (Gr. herpes, to creep).
It was originally so named because of the tendency of the disease to show
‘progressive involvement by peripheral extension’.3 Because of its intimate
Differential diagnosis relationship to bullous pemphigoid, the designation pemphigoid gestationis is
The inflammatory cell-rich variant of bullous pemphigoid must be distin- preferred. As the major larger series have consisted of patients derived from a
guished from other subepidermal blistering dermatoses in which a heavy variety of sources, estimates of incidence have been very variable, ranging
inflammatory cell component is a typical finding. These include dermatitis from 1:3000 to 1:50 000 pregnancies.4,8–10 The more recent figures where
herpetiformis, linear IgA disease, inflammatory epidermolysis bullosa cases have had immunofluorescent confirmation would suggest that the latter
acquisita, and bullous systemic lupus erythematosus (see Table 4.5). figure is the most accurate.3
Table 4.5
Differential diagnosis of cell-rich pemphigoid
Fig. 4.87
Fig. 4.85 Pemphigoid gestationis: slightly raised erythematous lesions with a propensity to
Pemphigoid gestationis: prebullous phase showing erythema and small papules. cluster on the abdomen. By courtesy of R.C. Holmes, MD, Warneford Hospital,
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. Oxford, UK.
Pemphigoid gestationis 129
Fig. 4.89
Pemphigoid gestationis: early erythematous lesion showing marked edema of the
Fig. 4.88 papillary dermis and conspicuous eosinophils.
Pemphigoid gestationis: umbilical involvement is a common mode of presentation.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Occasionally, the presence of target or iris lesions may mimic erythema mul-
tiforme.25 Less commonly, features may initially suggest classical bullous
pemphigoid.25 Very occasionally, there is clinical overlap with dermatitis
Pemphigoid gestationis is not associated with pre-eclamptic toxemia and
there is no related maternal mortality.
Pemphigoid gestationis is accompanied by a significant increased risk of
developing Graves' disease and an increased risk of autoantibodies.26
The literature concerning the incidence and nature of fetal morbidity and
mortality is a source of some confusion. Kolodney therefore considered that
there was no evidence of an increased incidence of stillbirths or abortions;
however, his report predates the immunofluorescence era.5 An investigation
by Lawley et al.20 of a large series of cases where immunofluorescent confir-
mation was available, suggested that there was an increased risk of fetal mor-
bidity and mortality. More recently, evidence has been presented that patients
with pemphigoid gestationis are liable to deliver low weight and small-for-
dates infants, prematurely.27 In contrast, however, Shornick et al. failed to
show any evidence of significant fetal complications.7 It has been shown that Fig. 4.90
the onset of the disease in the first and second trimester and the presence of Pemphigoid gestationis: early erythematous lesion showing eosinophilic
blisters is associated with higher morbidity including premature birth and spongiosis.
low birth weight children.28 Morbidity, however, still remains low. The anti-
body can cross the placenta and, in approximately 5% of cases, this may be
associated with a mild and transient vesiculobullous eruption.29–32
dermis is edematous and contains a predominantly perivascular lympho/his- same NC16A domain as described in bullous pemphigoid.55–62
tiocytic infiltrate with large numbers of eosinophils. Leukocytoclasis and This can be detected in serum using the same test employed for bullous
eosinophil dermal papillary microabscesses are only rarely identified.33,34 pemphigoid.60–62 Antibodies that recognize the 230-kD bullous pemphigoid
Ultrastructural studies show that the cleavage plane lies within the lamina antigen are present in 10–26% of cases.56,57 Experimental models indicate that
lucida.33,35 antibodies against the NC16A domain of BP180 are the pathogenic antibodies
Direct immunofluorescence of perilesional skin in pemphigoid gestationis in pemphigus gestationis just as they are for bullous pemphigoid 7,62
shows a linear basement membrane zone deposition of C3 in all patients.3,36–41 Patients with pemphigoid gestationis have an increased incidence of HLA-
About 30–50% of cases also have an IgG band (less frequently IgM or IgA).36 B8 (43–79%), HLA-DR3 (61–80%) and HLA-DR4 (52–53%). The paired
They are present in nonlesional (perilesional) as well as in lesional skin.36 haplotypes HLA-DR3 and -DR4 are present in 54% of patients compared
Recently, it has been suggested that demonstration of linear C3d deposition with 3% in the general population.1,3,22,63,64 The phenotype, however, does not
at the dermoepidermal junction may be a useful tool in the diagnosis of the appear to correlate with the clinical features of pemphigoid gestationis.3,65
disease.42 The authors of this study used immunohistochemistry in paraffin- Patients with pemphigoid gestationis also have a high incidence (100%) of
embedded, formalin-fixed material with good results. Complement pathway anti-HLA cytotoxic antibodies, particularly directed against the paternal
components including properdin and properdin factor-B may also be identi- antigens.36,63–66 These are, however, found in 25% of normal multiparous
fied.1 IgG and complement can often be detected along the amniotic basement women and therefore their possible role in the pathogenesis of pemphigoid
membrane region using direct immunofluorescence.38,43,44 Pemphigoid gesta- gestationis is uncertain.26
tionis antigen has been detected in the placenta from early in the second The pathogenesis of pemphigoid gestationis relates to antibody-associated
trimester onwards.45 The antibody may also be found in the skin of infants of complement fixation with the production of leukocyte chemotactic factors,
affected mothers.29 Interestingly, serologic evidence of pemphigoid gestationis mast cell degranulation, and associated dermoepidermal separation.36
without manifestation of the disease may be seen, An exceptional case of neo- The presence of pemphigoid gestationis antigen in both skin and amnion
natal pemphigus in a child whose mother had clinical and serologic evidence raises the possibility that an initial antiplacental antibody cross-reacts with
of pemphigus vulgaris but only serologic evidence of pemphigoid gestationis skin, giving rise to the clinical features of pemphigoid gestationis.29 Support
has been described.46 for this theory has been the discovery that the HLA antigens -DP and -DR are
Circulating complement-fixing (via the classical pathway) IgG antibodies consistently expressed in the placentas of patients with this condition.64,67 The
(pemphigoid (herpes) gestationis (HG) factor) can be detected in 50–75% of main antigen present in both the skin and placenta seems to be collagen type
cases by indirect complement immunofluorescence (Fig. 4.93).20,36,47–51 The so- XVII and this, associated with genetic predisposition and specific HLA
called HG factor is nothing more than a low titer IgG complement-fixing genotype, appears to trigger the disease.68
antibasement membrane antibody.36 The antibody can be of any IgG subclass;
IgG1 and IgG4 have been reported as predominent.38,51 If monoclonal antibod-
ies directed against IgG are used, 100% of patients can be shown to possess Differential diagnosis
circulating HG factor.38 Approximately 25% of patients have antibasement The differential diagnosis includes epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, dermatitis
membrane zone antibodies detectable by conventional techniques.51 These bind herpetiformis, linear IgA disease, and bullous systemic lupus erythematosus (see
to the roof of 1 M NaCl-split skin.36 The antibody also reacts with amnion and Table 4.4). Pemphigoid gestationis must also be distinguished from pruritic urti-
chorion basement membrane.42,44 The autoantibodies in the disease are directed carial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) and pregnancy prurigo.
against collagen XVII which is the BP 180-kD protein (BPAG2). The latter PUPPP is predominantly a disorder of first pregnancies. Lesions particu-
plays a major role in cell adhesion and signaling. It has been demonstrated that larly develop around abdominal striae, and periumbilical sparing is a charac-
collagen XVII is present in the epithelial cells of the amniotic membrane and in teristic feature (Fig. 4.94). Eosinophilic spongiosis and subepidermal
syncitial and cytotrophoblastic cells.52 Although the exact pathogenetic mecha- blistering may be seen in established lesions and therefore, in the absence of
nism of the disease is still unknown (see below), the presence of collagen XVII clinical details and immunofluorescence findings, distinction from pemphig-
in these tissues seems to play a major role in the mechanism of the disease. oid gestationis may be impossible.
With immunoelectron microscopy the immunoreactants are deposited Pregnancy prurigo, which typically develops in the third trimester, presents
within the upper lamina lucida where they are most probably associated with with pruritic papules and nodules (Fig. 4.95). Blisters are not a feature.
the sub-basal dense plate.53,54 In pemphigoid gestationis the antibody recog- Histologically, the changes are those of a low-grade, non-specific spongiotic
nizes BPAG2 (collagen type XVII) on Western immunoblot and localizes to the dermatitis.
Lichen planus pemphigoides 131
Fig. 4.94
Pruritic papules and plaques of pregnancy: note the erythematous papules
particularly related to the abdominal striae, and characteristic umbilical sparing. Fig. 4.96
By courtesy of R.C. Holmes, MD, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK. Lichen planus pemphigoides: typical lichenoid papules are present on the anterior
aspect of the wrist. By courtesy of M.M. Black, MD, Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 4.95
Pregnancy prurigo: there are erythematous papules and excoriations. Blisters are
not a feature of this condition. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.97
Lichen planus pemphigoides: note the blisters and erosions arising on an erythematous
base. Atypical target lesions are present. By courtesy of M.M. Black, MD, Institute of
Lichen planus pemphigoides Dermatology, London, UK.
Clinical features
Lichen planus (lichen ruber) pemphigoides (Kaposi) must be distinguished Pathogenesis and histological features
from the vesicles occasionally seen in lichen planus as a consequence of severe The lichenoid lesions show the typical histopathological and immunofluores-
hydropic degeneration (lichen planus vesiculosis).1,2 Rarely, lichen planus is cent changes of lichen planus, but the bullae have features more suggestive of
associated with a generally benign, bullous pemphigoid-like disease: lichen bullous pemphigoid (Fig. 4.99). A variety of findings have been described.
planus pemphigoides. This represents a heterogeneous condition characterized Early erythematous lesions show intense dermal edema with a dense
by basement membrane antibodies directed towards a number of antigens. perivascular and interstitial eosinophil infiltrate; eosinophilic spongiosis may
Clinically, the pemphigoid-like lesions are usually preceded by typical also sometimes be evident. Established blisters are subepidermal and both
lichen planus although rarely the blisters may develop first (Fig. 4.96). The inflammatory (cell-rich) and cell-poor variants have been documented (Figs
bullae, which are most numerous on the extremities, may arise on normal 4.100, 4.101).5 Eosinophils are variably present but often may be numerous.
skin, in areas of erythema or on lichenoid papules (Figs 4.97 and 4.98). Immunofluorescent examination of biopsies from peribullous skin reveals
In some patients the blisters are generalized. Exceptionally, the blisters are linear deposition of IgG and complement.10–13 The serum contains an IgG
localized with typical lichen planus-like lesions elsewhere. A case with single antibasement membrane antibody in up to 50–60% of patients. With NaCl-split
blisters on the soles has been described.3 They are tense, dome-shaped and skin, the antibody generally labels the roof of the blister cavity. Ultrastructural
hemorrhagic or contain clear fluid. Evolution to pemphigoid nodularis-like investigations have shown that the level of separation is usually through the
lesions has been described.4 Lichen planus pemphigoides more commonly lamina lucida. By immunoelectron microscopy, the immunoreactants typically
affects males and presents most often in the fourth and fifth decades.5,6 localize to the hemidesmosome and lamina lucida.5,13,14 Mucous membrane
Exceptionally, however, cases have been documented in childhood.7–9 All pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA)-like variants have,
races may be affected. however, also been documented.15
132 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.98
Lichen planus pemphigoides: note the intact dome-shaped tense blister. By courtesy
of M.M. Black, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.100
Lichen planus
pemphigoides: there is a
subepidermal blister.
Fig. 4.99
Lichen planus
pemphigoides: the
lichenoid papules show
typical features of lichen
A number of antigens have been recognized in lichen planus pemphigoides Fig. 4.101
including BP180, BP230, and an as yet uncharacterized 200-kD protein of Lichen planus
keratinocyte derivation.1,15–23 The segment of the NC16A domain recognized pemphigoides: the blister
in lichen planus pemphigoides differs from BP, localizing to MCW-4 (the contains eosinophils.
more C-terminal end of the domain) as opposed to MCW-0 to MCW-3.24,25
Type VII collagen has also been implicated in the EBA-like variant although
the immunoblot was negative.15 planus pemphigoides might be associated with internal malignancy but the
Although the pathogenesis of lichen planus pemphigoides has not been diagnosis lacked substantiation by immunofluorescence studies.36 Two addi-
fully unraveled, it is likely that the basement membrane zone damage associ- tional cases involving a patient with multiple keratoacanthomas and colonic
ated with lichen planus results in antigen exposure with subsequent autoanti- adenocarcinoma indicating a Torre-Muir-like syndrome and association with
body production and resultant bullous disease. So far, it is uncertain why only retroperitoneal Castleman disease have been noted more recently.37,38
a small percentage of patients with lichen planus are affected. The pathogen-
esis in those patients in whom the blisters develop first is unknown although a Differential diagnosis
different antigen may be involved. Exceptionally, cases have been documented Lichen planus pemphigoides differs from typical bullous pemphigoid clini-
as an adverse drug reaction (e.g., to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, cally by its earlier age of presentation and predilection for the lower limbs. In
complicating PUVA therapy, or in a patient taking paracetamol, ibuprofen, those cases associated with antibodies to BP180, epitope mapping may make
and having narrowband UVB).26–35 There has been a suggestion that lichen the distinction.
Mucous membrane pemphigoid (cicatricial pemphigoid) 133
Clinical features
Mucous membrane pemphigoid is a rare blistering disorder in which mucosal
lesions predominate and in which scarring is a characteristic feature (although
not generally in the oral lesions).1,2,5 It is often associated with severe morbid-
ity, largely due to the effects of the scarring. As ocular and oral lesions pre-
dominate, many patients come to the attention primarily of the dental and
Fig. 4.103
oral surgeons or ophthalmologists rather than dermatologists.
Mucous membrane pemphigoid: in addition to erosions, intact blisters are evident.
The incidence is estimated as being between 1:12 000 and 1:20 000 of the By courtesy of P. Morgan, FRCPath, London, UK.
population per year.2 It is associated with a female preponderance (2:1) and it
not uncommonly presents in the seventh decade. Very rare instances of child-
hood involvement have been reported.3,6–10 Mucous membrane pemphigoid is
a chronic disease and is rarely self-limiting. It shows no racial or geographic Ocular lesions, which occur in approximately 64% of patients, are a
predilection. source of considerable morbidity.17–19 The eye (in particular the conjunctiva)
Oral lesions occur in 85–95% of patients and commonly follow mild may be a sole site of involvement.14 Early symptoms are those of a non-spe-
trauma.11 Bullae, erosions, and erythema most commonly affect the gingival cific conjunctivitis. In more advanced lesions, subconjunctival fibrosis
or buccal mucosa, but the hard and soft palate, tongue, and lips are also fre- develops.20,21 Patients may therefore present with fibrous bands (sym-
quently involved (Figs 4.102, 4.103). Desquamative gingivitis is the most blephara) stretching between the fornices and the globe (Fig. 4.104).
common manifestation.12,13 Patients with this condition present with painful, Eventually, contractures may obliterate the conjunctival sac. An essential
swollen, erythematous lesions of the gums, which may be associated with feature of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid is the production of an abnormal
bleeding, blistering, erosions, and ulceration.14 Most cases of desquamative tear film. This develops because of diminished lacrimal gland secretion (due
gingivitis have lichen planus and only in a low percentage, around 9%, is the to ductal stenosis), impaired goblet cell mucus secretion and ocular exposure
process a manifestation of mucous membrane pemphigoid.15 Lesions limited due to impaired eye closure.20 The end result is ocular drying and eventual
to the oral cavity is a distinctive subset, usually associated with a good keratinization of the ocular surface epithelium. Other important sequelae
prognosis although characterized by chronicity.1 Pharyngeal (19% of patients) include entropion, trichiasis (maldirected eyelashes, which can result in cor-
and esophageal (4% of patients) lesions may be complicated by scarring, neal abrasion), erosions and perforation, corneal neovascularization and
resulting in stenoses. Aspiration pneumonia is sometimes a fatal complica- scarring with opacification (Figs 4.105, 4.106). Primary corneal bullae have
tion. Nasal lesions, which may occur in up to 15% of patients, lead to obstruc- been described but are very rare, and erosions are more typical.11 Corneal
tion and occasionally cicatricial stenoses and septal perforation.16 Laryngeal lesions manifest as foreign body sensation, photophobia, and eventual
involvement, which occurs in 8% of patients, is sometimes complicated by blindness, which may be bilateral, occurring in up to 16% of patients.9
such severe stricture formation and edema that tracheotomy may be a life- Ocular involvement may be classified into a number of stages of progression
saving necessity.14 (modified Foster staging system).22
Fig. 4.104
Fig. 4.102 Mucous membrane pemphigoid: there is a dense fibrous adhesion (symblepharon)
Mucous membrane pemphigoid: there is erosion of the buccal mucosa. By courtesy between the conjunctiva lining the eyelid and that covering the globe. By courtesy
of P. Morgan, FRCPath, London, UK. of the Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.
134 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.106
Mucous membrane pemphigoid: here there is dense corneal scarring with complete
opacification. By courtesy of D. Kerr-Muir, MD, St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.108
Mucous membrane
pemphigoid: note the
Ocular involvement should not be confused with drug-induced pemphig- localized blistering and
oid (pseudo-ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid).2 This is a self-limiting erosion with scarring on
unilateral scarring disease of the eye, which most commonly develops as a the lower leg of an elderly
consequence of long-term use of eyedrops containing pilocarpine, echothio- female. By courtesy
phate iodide, idoxuridine, timolol, and adrenaline (epinephrine) in the treat- of R.A. Marsden, MD,
St George's Hospital,
ment of glaucoma.23,24
London, UK.
Lesions of the female genitalia, which occur in 20% of patients, predomi-
nantly affect the labia majora and minora.14 Scarring is common and may
occasionally be associated with labial fusion (Fig. 4.107). In males, genital In the Brunsting-Perry variant of localized mucous membrane pemphig-
lesions most often affect the prepuce and the glans penis and are occasionally oid, scarring lesions are found predominantly on the head and neck
complicated by urethral stricture formation. Anal lesions affect up to 4% of (Fig. 4.109).25,26 This condition shows a male predominance (2:1) and pres-
patients and sometimes cause stenosis.14 ents most often in the sixth decade. The lesions are slowly enlarging, atrophic
Cutaneous lesions are found in approximately 25–33% of patients with or scarred plaques measuring several centimeters or more in diameter and
mucous membrane pemphigoid and most often affect the scalp, face, and showing vesiculation and/or bullae formation, both centrally and at the
neck.2,14,15 In some patients, presentation is similar to that of bullous pemphi- enlarging margin.27 The anterior portion of the scalp, the face (forehead,
goid, and fibrosis is not a feature.2 Lesions are generally few in number and temporal regions, and cheeks), and the anterolateral aspects of the neck are
present as itchy, sometimes burning, tense bullae situated on an erythematous most often affected.27 In some patients, lesions are few in number and,
or urticated base (Fig. 4.108). They tend to recur on previously affected sites. because of crusting, they may be clinically treated as actinic keratosis,
Rarely, patients may suffer from a transient generalized bullous eruption.14 thereby delaying the diagnosis. Transient mucous membrane lesions may be
Nikolsky's sign is negative.21 a feature, but scarring is not seen.25
Mucous membrane pemphigoid (cicatricial pemphigoid) 135
Fig. 4.110
Fig. 4.109 Mucous membrane pemphigoid: in this example of a recurrent lesion, the
Brunsting–Perry localized pemphigoid: there is extensive alopecia in addition to subepidermal blister is cell free and there is dermal scarring.
multiple erosions with scarring. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.114
Mucous membrane pemphigoid: in this example the infiltrate consists of Fig. 4.116
lymphocytes and histiocytes. Eosinophils are not a feature. Mucous membrane pemphigoid: section of cornea. The overlying pannus shows squamous
metaplasia, chronic inflammation, and neovascularization. Blood vessels are also present in
the cornea. By courtesy of A. Garner, MD, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK.
Conjunctival vesicles or bullae are very rarely seen in ocular cicatricial
pemphigoid. Although erosions may be a feature, more commonly one may
anticipate conjunctival squamous metaplasia with foci of hyperkeratosis and
parakeratosis accompanied by goblet cell depletion (Fig. 4.115).14 The lam-
ina propria is infiltrated by a mixed inflammatory cell population consisting
of lymphocytes, plasma cells, mast cells, and occasional eosinophils and neu-
trophils.21 Granulation tissue may be seen in early lesions, but dense scarring
is a feature of the later stage. In more severely affected patients, a variety of
intraocular manifestations, including iridocyclitis, rubiosis iridis, and the
development of synechiae, may be seen (Figs 4.116–4.118).
Laryngeal, pharyngeal and esophageal lesions occasionally show subepithe-
lial bullae, erosions, ulcers, inflammatory changes, and fibrosis are more likely
to be seen (Fig. 4.119). Chronic involvement may result in serious stenosis.
The histological features of the localized cutaneous scarring (Brunsting-
Perry) variant are indistinguishable from those of mucous membrane
Electron microscopic observations are variable. In some patients, the split is in
the lamina lucida with the lamina densa lining the floor of the blister cavity
whereas in others, lamina densa is found along the roof of the blister, and occa-
sionally the lamina densa may be split, lining the roof and the floor.2,34 Fig. 4.117
Direct immunofluorescent findings in cicatricial pemphigoid are similar to Mucous membrane pemphigoid: this section shows iris impaction with anterior
those found in generalized bullous pemphigoid. Therefore a linear deposit of synechiae. Iritis and posterior synechiae are also present. By courtesy of A. Garner,
IgG (and sometimes IgA) and C3 is found at the basement membrane region MD, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK.
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic pemphigoid) 137
in from 50% to 100% of cases with active disease.48,49 Although the majority
of sera have reacted with the epidermal side of the split, some have labeled the
floor (dermal side, subsequently shown to be due to antilaminin 332 antibod-
ies: see below), and exceptionally both the roof and the floor have been
labeled.45–49 There is also variation in indirect immunofluorescence findings
depending upon the predominant site of involvement. Thus, for example,
split skin indirect immunofluorescence may be positive in up to 81% of
patients with combined skin and mucosal disease whereas much lower figures
have been found in patients with mucosal disease only (18%) or isolated ocu-
lar disease (7%).2,50
The immunofluorescent findings in the Brunsting-Perry variant are the
same as those described for mucous membrane pemphigoid.51–54
Immunoelectron microscopic observations in mucous membrane pemphi-
goid have revealed two patterns of immune reactant deposition. IgG and C3
may be localized to the lower lamina lucida and lamina densa or else identified
overlying the hemidesmosome.55–61 There is no involvement of the sublamina
densa region. The variation can be explained by the different target antigens
involved, i.e., BP180, laminin 332 or β4 integrin.
In the Brunsting-Perry variant of localized chronic pemphigoid the immu-
Fig. 4.118 noreactants are localized within the lamina lucida and on the undersurface of
Mucous membrane pemphigoid: this field shows anterior uveitis. There is
basal keratinocytes.62 In a single case it was demonstrated that the antibodies
inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. By courtesy of A. Garner, MD, Institute of
Ophthalmology, London, UK.
in the serum reacted with the C-terminal domain of the BP180 (BPAG2) pro-
tein.63 Additionally, however, the complement components C3 and C4 may
also be detected within the lamina densa and the upper papillary dermis. It is
suggested that this latter finding might account for the scarring characteristic
of this disease process.62
A number of subsets of cicatricial pemphigoid have been delineated by
antigen analysis including variants characterized by antibodies to BP180,
laminin-332, and β4 integrin.43,47,57,64–74 Traditionally, this group of diseases
has been classified together, but the increasing demonstration of autoimmune
reactions to different cell adhesion molecules will likely ultimately lead to
subtyping of this disease similar to the cutaneous forms. For now, since the
clinical features are more uniform than those seen in the skin, these mucosal
cases are considered together. BP180 (collagen XVII) antibodies react with at
least two different sites on the extracellular domain of BP180. One is located
on the noncollagenous domain NC16A; the other is located within the
carboxy-terminal region.68,75–78 Antilaminin-332 (also called epiligrin) antibodies
to the γ3 subunit (sometimes accompanied by antilaminin type-6 antibodies)
are present in a minority of cases and, although the antibodies are usually
IgG, IgA, and IgE, antibodies against laminin-332 may also be found in a sub-
set of patients.79 Patients with antilaminin-332 antibodies have been classified
as having antiepiligrin mucous membrane pemphigoid (AEMMP). Some of
such cases are associated with internal malignancies (including lung, colon,
endometrium, stomach, ovary, pancreas, prostate, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,
cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and acute myeloblastic leukemia).80–84 Integrin
Fig. 4.119 has been implicated in patients with ocular disease and an as yet unidentified
Mucous membrane
45-kD antigen, which binds to the epidermal side on split skin immunofluo-
pemphigoid: postmortem
specimen showing
rescence, has been identified in some patients with IgA antibodies.70,72,73
laryngeal erosion, Autoantibodies to type VII collagen is of importance in some cases of
ulceration, and scarring. Brunsting-Perry cicatricial pemphigoid (these patients might be better classi-
fied within the epidermolysis bullosa acquisita spectrum, see below).85
of perilesional mucosa (the site of choice) or perilesional skin in approxi- Differential diagnosis
mately 80–97% of patients.35–39 The presence of IgA at the basement mem-
Apart from the presence of scarring in older lesions, mucous membrane pem-
brane region accompanied by IgG and C3 is a diagnostic pointer towards
phigoid is indistinguishable from bullous pemphigoid.
cicatricial pemphigoid.2 Examination of the oral mucosa is also of value in
the diagnosis of ocular disease.2 Direct immunoperoxidase of paraffin-embed-
ded tissue can be a satisfactory alternative if a specimen has not been taken
for direct immunofluorescence studies.40 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic
Circulating antibasement membrane zone autoantibodies (IgG and/or IgA) pemphigoid)
are sometimes present (26–36%) and are usually of low titer.36,41,42 Substitution
of normal buccal mucosa as substrate does not increase the yield of circulat- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic pemphigoid) is a rare, chronic
ing antibodies.41 The antibody consists predominantly of IgG4 and IgG1 blistering disease, which is characterized by variable clinical presentations
subclasses, the presence of the latter conferring complement-fixing ability.43 and which may therefore be mistaken for a number of other blistering disor-
The presence of IgA may be linked to the mucosal membrane distribution of ders including congenital epidermolysis bullosa and the other acquired auto-
this disease.44 immune bullous dermatoses.1,2 Annual incidence figures from France and
Investigations of cicatricial pemphigoid antibodies using 1 M NaCl-split Central Germany are 0.17–0.26 per million of the population.3,4 In contrast
skin have yielded variable results.45–47 Circulating antibodies may be detected to its congenital counterpart, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) usually
138 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
develops in adult life although cases in childhood have been documented.5,6 e pidermolysis bullosa. Scarring may then be extreme with resultant contrac-
Initially it was characterized as a porphyria cutanea tarda-like mecha- tures and syndactilism. Rarely, esophageal involvement has been documented
nobullous dermatosis. More recently, however, patients have been described with resultant stricture formation.10,13,14
in whom the disease has presented as a generalized inflammatory bullous der-
matosis.1 For many decades the diagnosis of EBA was one of exclusion. As a Bullous pemphigoid-like EBA
result of immunofluorescence and immunoultrastructural techniques This is the most commonly encountered inflammatory variant.15 On the basis
combined with immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation, EBA is now of split skin indirect immunofluorescence (see below) it has been suggested
recognized as an autoimmune dermatosis, type VII collagen (290 kD) repre- that a BP presentation may account for up to 50% of cases of EBA and that
senting the target antigen.1,8 A 145-kD antigen is also sometimes identified. 10–15% of patients diagnosed as BP, in fact, have EBA.15 Other authors,
This represents a cleavage product of the 290-kD antigen. however, have found that EBA is very rare compared to BP, the relative inci-
dence being approximately 25–50 cases of BP for every one case of EBA
Clinical features diagnosed.16,17
EBA was defined in 1971 by Roenigk and colleagues5 as follows: Patients present with a generalized eruption of large tense blisters, which
are often associated with erythema and show a predilection for the flexural
• clinical lesions resembling dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (blisters
developing on the hands, feet, elbows, and knees following mild trauma and intertrigenous areas.18,19 Pruritus is common.15 Skin fragility is typically
and complicated by atrophic scarring, milia formation and nail dystrophy), absent and scarring and/or milia are not usually features unless the patient
concomitantly shows or evolves towards a mechanobullous phase.1,15
• an adult onset,
Infrequently, the clinical manifestations may resemble dermatitis herpetiformis
• a negative family history of epidermolysis bullosa,
(Fig. 4.122). Exceptionally, prurigo nodularis-like lesions may be seen.20
• exclusion of all other recognized bullous dermatoses including porphyria
cutanea tarda, bullous pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis, pemphigus,
erythema multiforme, and bullous drug reactions.9
It has a wide age incidence ranging from 11 to 77 years, with a mean age
of 47 years. It is associated with a slight female predominance.
In addition to the mechanobullous classical form of EBA, inflammatory
variants, including bullous pemphigoid-like, mucous membrane pemphigoid-
like, and linear IgA disease-like variants, may also be encountered.1,10,11
A case of familial EBA has been described.12
Classical variant
The classical variant is the most commonly encountered variant of EBA.
Patients present with a porphyria cutanea tarda-like illness showing extreme
skin fragility, developing erosions, blistering and crusting in response to mild
trauma including shearing forces.5 Lesions are located on the backs of the fin-
gers and hands in particular and at other sites that are susceptible to trauma,
including the knees, elbows, and buttocks, but virtually any site may be
affected (Fig. 4.120).1,5 The blisters are characteristically noninflammatory,
painless, and tense, and may contain clear or bloodstained fluid.
Healing is usually associated with postinflammatory hyperpigmentation,
considerable scarring, and atrophy. Milia are frequently conspicuous, and
nail changes, including distal onycholysis, dystrophy, and anonychia with Fig. 4.121
nail bed scarring, are common complications (Fig. 4.121). More widespread Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: conspicuous milia are present on the back of the
involvement may resemble dominant or more often recessive dystrophic hand. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 4.122
Fig. 4.120 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: in this patient with the dermatitis herpetiformis-like
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: there is a tense fluid-filled blister on the ankle. An inflammatory variant, blisters, erosions, and erythematous plaques are evident on
old lesion is also evident. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. the elbow. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic pemphigoid) 139
Brunsting-Perry variant
Some patients with the Brunsting-Perry variant of mucous membrane pem-
phigoid (characterized by blistering and scarring confined to the head and
neck) have antibodies against type VII collagen and therefore might better be
classified within the epidermolysis bullosa acquisita spectrum.7,23,24 Facial
involvement predominates.24,25 A very unusual localized case with periorbital Fig. 4.123
papulovesicular blisters has been reported.26 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (classical variant): there is a cell-free subepidermal
vesicle. Note the dermal scarring.
Linear IgA disease-like variant (IgA-EBA)
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita may also present as a linear IgA disease-like
variant in which both adult and childhood patients have IgA autoantibodies
directed against type VII collagen (see below).27–29 In adults, ocular involve-
ment is often severe and blindness is not uncommon.28
Childhood EBA
Childhood EBA is extremely rare. Mucosal disease is often severe, and clini-
cal manifestations have included classical bullous pemphigoid and linear IgA-
like variants.6,8,30–33
Systemic disease
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita has long been known to be associated with a
number of systemic illnesses, many with an immunologically mediated patho-
genesis. Most important are inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes melli-
tus.2,10,15,34–45 Approximately 30% of patients with EBA manifest inflammatory
bowel disease, predominantly Crohn's disease.42,46 Control of this improves
the skin condition in some patients. Interestingly, although up to 68% of
patients with inflammatory bowel disease have antibodies against collagen
type VII, only very few develop EBA.47 Presentation as a paraneoplastic phe-
Fig. 4.124
nomenon in association with internal malignancy has also on occasion been
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (classical variant): high-power view. There is fibrin
described.48,49 along the floor of the blister cavity. Note the absence of inflammatory cells.
Fig. 4.125
Fig. 4.127
(A, B) Inflammatory epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: in this bullous pemphigoid-like
(A, B) Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: electron micrograph showing the lamina
variant, subepidermal blistering is associated with an eosinophil-rich infiltrate.
densa in the roof of the blister. (BC, blister cavity.)
Fig. 4.126
epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita: dermatitis Fig. 4.128
herpetiformis-like variant, Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: occasional deposits of finely granular electron-
with a neutrophil-rich dense material (immunoreactant) as seen in this field may be a useful diagnostic
infiltrate. pointer.
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (dermolytic pemphigoid) 141
Fig. 4.132
Fig. 4.130 Epidermolysis bullosa
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: direct immunoelectron microscopy showing acquisita: there are two
reactant deposition below the lamina densa. distinct antigens: one the
290-kD major antigen; the
other the 145-kD minor
(Fig. 4.130).1,51,52,60,61 Immunogold labeling confirms that the immunoglobu- antigen. By courtesy of I.
lin deposits are related to the anchoring fibrils (Fig. 4.131).62 As a conse- Leigh, MD, Royal London
quence of these additional observations, a modified set of criteria for the Hospital Trust, London, UK.
diagnosis of EBA has been recommended:1,63
• clinical lesions of trauma-induced bullae occurring over the joints of the
hands, feet, elbows and knees, atrophic scars, milia and nail dystrophy, through the lamina densa to the connective tissue constituents of the adjacent
or else presentation as a clinically inflammatory bullous or mucous dermis and is composed of three identical alpha-chains (each 290 kD). It is
membrane pemphigoid-like process, synthesized by both human keratinocytes and fibroblasts in culture, and is
• postinfancy onset of the disease, found in other mammalian skin including dog, cat, guinea pig, rat, mouse,
• no family history of EBA, and hamster, but not in avian, reptilian, amphibian, or fish skin.69–72 Type VII
• exclusion of other bullous diseases, collagen has also been identified within the esophagus, mouth, anus, and
• IgG at the basement membrane zone on direct immunofluorescence, vagina. It has a high affinity for fibronectin, which is thought to be respon-
• demonstration of blister formation beneath the lamina densa, sible (at least in part) for adhesion between cells and matrix within the der-
• demonstration of IgG associated with anchoring fibrils beneath the basal mis.73 The interaction between the EBA antibody and type VII collagen is
lamina by immunoelectron microscopy, thought to somehow upset this delicate relationship with consequent der-
• localization of the immunoreactants to the floor of 1 M NaCl-split skin moepidermal separation.74 Passive transfer of human EBA autoantibodies to
by direct and or indirect immunofluorescence. mice and immunization of mice with type VII collagen both lead to EBA dis-
The EBA antigen (290 kD) is the globular (noncollagenous) carboxyl ter- ease models, confirming the importance of this autoantibody.75–78 An animal
minus of type VII procollagen (Fig. 4.132).64–68 Type VII collagen is the major model and human antibody characterization indicate that the pathogenic
constituent of anchoring fibrils which anchor the basement membrane antibodies of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita are often against the cartilage
142 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases
Fig. 4.138
Bullous systemic lupus
erythematosus: the
Fig. 4.136 presence of a neutrophil
Bullous systemic lupus abscess in the papillary
erythematosus: tense dermis increases the
bullous pemphigoid-like histological similarity of
lesions. By courtesy of the this condition to dermatitis
Institute of Dermatology, herpetiformis.
London, UK.
fibrils, and also occasionally somewhat deeper in the papillary dermis similar
to those seen in nonbullous SLE.4, 23–25 The antibody binds to the lamina
densa and sublamina densa in a manner identical to that seen in epidermoly-
sis bullosa acquisita.4,24
Western immunoblot has shown that these antibodies bind to antigens of
290 kD and 145 kD as described for EBA (i.e., type VII collagen).19 Recently,
rare patients with SLE have been shown to have circulating antibodies to type
VII collagen in the absence of blisters, and occasional patients with bullous
SLE have been shown to have antibodies which bind to both the roof and the
floor of NaCl-split skin, suggesting that a number of different basement mem-
brane antigens may be involved.1,4 The target antigen in the epidermal variant
of bullous SLE has not yet been identified although bullous pemphigoid anti-
gen 1 was identified in addition to type VII collagen and laminins-332 and -311
in one patient with combined epidermal and dermal staining on NaCl-split
skin indirect IMF, most likely representing a manifestation of postinflamma-
tory epitope spreading.25
The bullous SLE antibodies are associated with complement activation
activity, which results in neutrophil migration and adherence to the basement
membrane region.4 Neutrophil enzyme release is associated with basement
Fig. 4.139 membrane damage and subsequent dermoepidermal separation.
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus: this scanning view shows a central focus
of subepidermal vesiculation. Striking inflammatory changes outline the dermal
vasculature. Differential diagnosis
Bullous SLE shows obvious overlap with EBA. There are, however, a number
of discriminatory features. Bullous SLE is not associated with a mecha-
nobullous pathogenesis and scarring is not a feature. It develops most often
in a younger age group than EBA. The dermatitis herpetiformis-like histologi-
cal features are rarely seen in EBA and probably of greatest importance;
bullous SLE responds dramatically to dapsone therapy, but EBA does not.3
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Clinical features
Dermatitis herpetiformis and celiac disease are highly interrelated conditions
and best regarded as variable expressions of a common inherited tendency to
autoimmune disease.
Dermatitis herpetiformis (Duhring-Brocq disease) is a widespread, intensely
pruritic, papulovesicular eruption affecting all ages, but particularly people in
their second to fourth decades.1–4 The male to female ratio is 2:1.
The incidence of dermatitis herpetiformis is highest in Northern Europe,
Fig. 4.140 Scotland, and Ireland.2,5,6 It is less frequently seen in the United States.
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus: this view shows florid leukocytoclastic Caucasians are mainly affected, the disease being rare in Asians and blacks.
Case clustering is common and familial involvement (either dermatitis
herpetiformis or celiac disease), possibly autosomal dominantly inherited, has
been documented in up to 10.5% of cases.2,7 Relatives of patients with
dermatitis herpetiformis have an increased risk of developing celiac disease.2
The lesions, which may be symmetrical, are grouped mainly on the
posterior scalp, shoulders, back, buttocks, and extensor aspects of the limbs
(Figs 4.142, 4.143). Scratching is often severe and therefore excoriation and/
or lichenification typically predominate with intact vesicles rarely being seen.
However, occasionally, larger blisters similar to those found in bullous
pemphigoid may be evident. Patients sometimes present with urticarial
plaques and crusted erosions.2 Oral involvement is rare.3 Rarely, the initial
presentation may be with localized lesions in areas such as the scalp.8 The lat-
ter is not infrequently involved in more generalized disease. In one patient,
the presenting symptom was petechiae on the fingertips.9
The clinical response to dapsone (50–200 mg/day) is dramatic; therefore,
the drug is commonly administered for diagnostic as well as therapeutic
purposes. Relief from pruritus occurs within a few hours of commencing
treatment and is soon followed by clearing of the rash. The eruption returns
2–3 days after dapsone is discontinued. The disease persists for many years
and is usually lifelong. A gluten-free diet may result in prolonged remission in
Fig. 4.141 some patients or lowering of the daily dapsone requirement in others.
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus: this is a close-up view of the subepidermal At least 65–75% of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis show histological
vesicle shown in Figure 4.139. evidence of celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy, GSE). However, only
Dermatitis herpetiformis 145
Fig. 4.143
Dermatitis herpetiformis: the buttocks are frequently affected. By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
deposits may still be detected after dapsone therapy. They do, however, many levels of the biopsy will have to be examined before a microabscess is
sometimes disappear after a prolonged gluten-free diet.2 Cutaneous IgA found.
deposition is not seen in patients with celiac disease.2 Abscess evolution depends upon the initial presence of fibrin and
Electron microscopy reveals electron-dense, amorphous granular deposits polymorphs within the tips of the dermal papillae (Fig. 4.146), both of
in the superficial dermis showing no particular relationship with the base- which are associated with degenerative changes of the collagen and the
ment membrane region or any other specific structure.38,39 development of edema. Development of small subepidermal microvesicles
Immunoelectron microscopic observations initially suggested that the IgA follows, leading on to the formation of multilocular subepidermal
deposits were associated with elastic-containing microfibrillar bundles, but blisters.
more recently published work using antifibrillin antibodies has discounted Typically, the blister cavity contains edema fluid, a reticular network of
this theory.38,40 fibrin, and numerous polymorphs (Figs 4.147, 4.148). In contrast to bullous
Antigliadin antibodies, which are often used to assess celiac disease status, pemphigoid, the floor of the blister cavity usually shows effacement of the
are of limited value in the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis.13 They have dermal papillary outline.
high specificity, but low sensitivity.13 Anti-smooth muscle endomysial anti- Within the dermis is a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate consisting of lym-
body correlates with the gluten-sensitive state and appears before the devel- phocytes, histiocytes, and abundant neutrophils. Leukocytoclasis (nuclear
opment of any small intestinal histological abnormality in patients with dust, Fig. 4.149) is characteristic. Although blood vessels frequently show
dermatitis herpetiformis.13,41,42 Such endomysial antibodies are present in up endothelial swelling, there is no evidence of vasculitis. Occasionally, eosino-
to 70% of patients and are highly specific; they react with tissue transglu- phils are quite numerous in the infiltrate, but usually they are late arrivals,
taminase (tTG) (antitransglutaminase antibodies).43 Antibodies against epi- appearing 24–48 hours after the neutrophils. On occasions, biopsies from
dermal transglutaminase are found more frequently than the latter. typical dermatitis herpetiformis may show acantholysis, a cause of consider-
Antitransglutaminase antibodies, particularly those to epidermal tranglutam- able confusion (Fig. 4.150).
inase, seem to be the most sensitive serological marker of dermatitis herpeti-
formis.33,44 Patients with high levels of IgA and IgG transglutaminase
antibodies usually have more prominent mucosal villous atrophy and more
severe clinical disease.45 Gliadin is an important substrate for tissue transglu-
taminase forming gliadin–gliadin or gliadin–tTG complexes.46 Circulating
IgA antibodies to tTG are pathognomonic of dermatitis herpetiformis and
celiac disease.47 The gut subtype of transglutaminase is TG2 while that in the
skin is TG3. Cross-reactivity between these homologous proteins or antigenic
drift may underlie some of the mucosal and cutaneous features of this condi-
tion.48,49 Whatever the underlying mechanism, the IgA in some way ‘fixes’ in
the skin, resulting in complement activation via the alternative pathway.50–52
Neutrophil chemotaxins are then released and the ensuing inflammatory
reaction leads to dermal papillary edema, fibrin deposition, and eventual
vesiculation. There may be a role for cell-mediated immunity in this disease
as well, perhaps involving γ/δ T cells.53
The histological hallmark of dermatitis herpetiformis is the dermal papil-
lary neutrophilic microabscess, best seen in early erythematous lesions or well
away from the blister in an established eruption (Fig. 4.145).54–56 Occasionally,
Fig. 4.146
Dermatitis herpetiformis: in this early lesion, there are thin strands of fibrin visible
above the neutrophilic infiltrate.
Fig. 4.145
Dermatitis herpetiformis:
biopsy from an early
lesion showing Fig. 4.147
conspicuous neutrophil Dermatitis herpetiformis: an established subepidermal blister. Although early lesions
microabscesses. are usually multilocular, by 24–48 hours the lesion becomes unilocular.
Linear IgA disease 147
Fig. 4.148
Dermatitis herpetiformis:
floor of the blister in
Figure 4.147 showing
an intense neutrophil
Fig. 4.150
(A, B) Dermatitis herpetiformis: in this example acantholysis may result in
diagnostic confusion with pemphigus. Note that the blister is subepidermal.
Clinical features
Linear IgA disease of adults affects the sexes equally and, while the age distribu-
tion is wide, there are peaks in teenagers and young adults and in patients in
their sixties.1 It may present as a somewhat atypical bullous eruption showing
features suggestive of dermatitis herpetiformis or more commonly bullous pem-
phigoid (Fig. 4.151). Occasionally, it may initially resemble and be mistaken
clinically for erythema multiforme.21 Pruritus and/or a burning sensation are
common manifestations and early lesions may include urticarial, annular,
polycyclic, and targetoid eruptions.15,22 The established dermatosis may be
vesicular or more often frankly bullous; blisters arising at the edge of erythema-
tous annular lesions (‘string of beads’ sign) are said to be characteristic.15
Sites affected in decreasing order of frequency include the trunk, limbs,
hands, scalp, face, and perioral region. The perineum and vagina may also be
affected with erosions and blisters.1 Mucous membrane involvement, which
is common, is of particular importance because it can be associated with scar-
ring. Important sites that may be affected include the eyes (conjunctivitis,
symblepharon, trichiasis, corneal opacification, and rarely blindness; Fig.
4.152), the mouth (erosions, blisters, and chronic ulceration), nasal cavity
(crusting and bleeding) and the pharynx (hoarseness).1,23–25 When these Fig. 4.152
mucosal symptoms are severe there is clinical overlap and diagnostic confu- Adult linear IgA disease: there is marked conjunctival injection and blepharitis.
sion with mucous membrane pemphigoid. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Childhood linear IgA disease (chronic bullous disease of childhood) not
uncommonly develops after an upper respiratory tract illness, often following
treatment with penicillin.26–29 Females are affected more often than males
(1.6:1) (Fig. 4.153). The average age of onset is 6 years, but very rare cases
in neonates have been described.30
Lesions, which can be pruritic or burning in the early stages, may be
urticated, annular or polycyclic in appearance and usually arise on normal
skin. Vesicles and large bullae (sometimes hemorrhagic) then predominate,
and although the perioral regions and genitalia are particularly affected, the
face, ears, trunk, limbs, hands, and feet are also often involved (Fig. 4.154).
Usually, the new lesions appear around those that are resolving (the ‘cluster
of jewels’ sign, Fig. 4.155). In older and black African children the clinical
appearances can suggest bullous pemphigoid. Healing is sometimes associ-
ated with postinflammatory hyper- or hypopigmentation. Mucous membrane
lesions are common (64%). Ocular symptoms of pain, grittiness, discharge
and redness are found in 40% of children; conjunctival scarring is present in
approximately 21%; oral lesions are found in up to 57%.
Fig. 4.153
Childhood linear IgA
disease: in this case
widespread erosions
on an erythematous
background are present
on the buttocks and legs.
Occasional intact vesicles
are also evident. By
courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
MD, St George's Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 4.154
Childhood linear IgA disease: groups of blisters are present on the vulva and inner
thighs. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 4.156
(A, B) Linear IgA disease: in this example the features are those of a neutrophil-rich
subepidermal vesicle reminiscent of dermatitis herpetiformis.
Fig. 4.157
(A, B) Linear IgA disease: in this field the presence of eosinophils is more suggestive of bullous pemphigoid.
Fig. 4.158
Linear IgA disease: direct Fig. 4.159
immunofluorescence Linear IgA disease: direct immunoperoxidase reaction using frozen tissue substrate.
showing linear IgA There is an abundance of granular IgA beneath the basal lamina.
deposition. By courtesy
of the Department of
Immunofluorescence, clinical features of these various autoimmune bullous disorders. LAD1 has
Institute of Dermatology, been identified as ladinin localizing to the extracellular domain of BP180 kD.69
London, UK. Those patients with mixed IgA and IgG antibody-mediated disease also target
BP180.44 Recent reports suggest that antibodies against the NC16A domain
may be more important than those against the LAD1 cleavage product of
250-kD proteins and type VII collagen.14,49,56,57 Epidermal binding antibodies BP180, but not all cases contain the anti-NC16A antibodies.70–72
react with BP230 (BPAG1), BP180 (BPAG2), and 200/280-kD antigens dis- Drug-induced linear IgA disease is considered in chapter 14.
tinct from either of the BP antigens.58–60 The antigens 120 kD (LAD1) and
97 kD described in earlier reports represent proteolytic cleavage products of
BP180.61–64 Linear IgA disease 180-kD antibodies recognize the NC16A Differential diagnosis
domain of collagen XVII (BPAG2) also critical for bullous pemphigoid, pem- The diseases from which linear IgA disease must be differentiated are derma-
phigoid gestationis, mucous membrane pemphigoid, and lichen planus pem- titis herpetiformis, bullous pemphigoid, and inflammatory epidermolysis
phigoides described above.65–68 This fact is remarkable considering the variable bullosa. Points of distinction are considered in Table 4.4.
for references and
additional material
Acantholytic disorders
Introduction 151 Paraneoplastic pemphigus 163 Linear Darier's disease 173
IgA pemphigus 165 Transient acantholytic dermatosis 174
Pemphigus 151 Acantholytic dermatosis of the genitocrural area 176
Drug-induced pemphigus 167
Pemphigus vulgaris 152
Contact pemphigus 167 Warty dyskeratoma 176
Pemphigus vegetans 156
Familial dyskeratotic comedones 177
Pemphigus foliaceus 157 Acantholytic dermatoses with dyskeratosis 167 Acantholytic acanthoma 178
Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem) 160 Hailey-Hailey disease 167
Acantholytic dyskeratotic acanthoma 179
Pemphigus herpetiformis 162 Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis 169
Focal acantholytic dyskeratosis 179
Pemphigus erythematosus 162 Darier's disease 169
Table 5.1
Introduction Antigens targeted in the pemphigus variants
The term acantholysis derives from the Greek akantha, a thorn or prickle, and Pemphigus variant Autoantigen
lysis, a loosening. In its simplest definition, the term is used to reflect a primary Pemphigus vulgaris Dsg3 (mucosal), Dsg1 (cutaneous),
disorder of the skin (and sometimes the mucous membranes) characterized desmocollins, pemphaxin, α9-acetylcholine
by separation of the keratinocytes at their desmosomal junctions (Fig. 5.1). receptor
A wide range of conditions are characterized by this feature, from inherited Pemphigus vegetans Dsg3, Dsc1, and Dsc2 in some patients
disorders such as Darier's disease and Hailey-Hailey disease in which a cal-
Pemphigus foliaceus Dsg1
cium pump gene mutation results in desmosomal instability through to the
autoimmune pemphigus group of diseases whereby autoantibodies directly Pemphigus erythematosus Dsg1
damage desmosomes with resultant keratinocyte separation and blister for- Fogo selvagem Dsg1, rarely also Dsg3
mation (Table 5.1). Desmosomes may also be damaged by secondary phe-
IgA pemphigus Dsc1, Dsg1 or Dsg3
nomena, for example following severe edema, either intercellular (spongiosis)
or intracellular (e.g., ballooning degeneration as is seen in various viral infec- Herpetiform pemphigus Dsg1, rarely also Dsg3
tions). Such processes, however, are not included in the acantholytic category Paraneoplastic pemphigus Desmoplakins I and II, envoplakin,
periplakin, BP230, plectin, Dsg1, and Dsg3
Drug-induced pemphigus Dsg1 or Dsg3
Dsc, desmocollin; Dsg, desmoglein. Modified from Martel, P., Joly, P. (2001)
Pemphigus: autoimmune diseases of keratinocyte's adhesion molecules. Clinical
Dermatology, 19, 667.
Pemphigus (Gr. pemphix, blister) refers to a group of chronic blistering dis-
eases which develop as a consequence of autoantibodies directed against a
variety of desmosomal proteins.1–5 The condition as a whole is rare, with an
annual incidence ranging from 0.1–0.7 per 100 000 of the general population.2
Fig. 5.1 It is commoner in the Jewish population in which the annual incidence rises
Acantholysis: the keratinocytes are rounded and separated from each other to form to 1.6–3.2 per 100 000.6 Ashkenazi Jews are the most frequently affected.6
an intraepidermal blister. Villi formed from the underlying dermal papillae typically The incidence in India also appears to be higher than in other countries.7
project into suprabasal cavities. There is no sex predilection.
152 Acantholytic disorders
The clinical features and, therefore, classification of these disorders blisters spread to involve the skin.12–15 Oral lesions most commonly affect the
depends upon the level of separation within the epidermis: buccal, palatine, and gingival mucosae.1,15–17 Pemphigus vulgaris is only rarely
• In pemphigus vulgaris (p. vulgaris) and pemphigus vegetans (p. vegetans) confined to the skin.18,19
the blisters are suprabasal. The typical skin lesion is a fragile, flaccid blister, which develops on nor-
• In pemphigus foliaceus (p. foliaceus), pemphigus erythematosus (p. erythe mal or erythematous skin, and readily ruptures, leaving a painful, crusted,
matosus) and fogo selvagem, the blisters are situated more superficially. raw, bloody erosion (Figs 5.4, 5.5). Lesions are most often seen on the
Pemphigus vulgaris is by far the most common variant, accounting for scalp, face, axillae, and groin, although in some patients they are generalized
80% of cases.8,9 (Figs 5.6–5.8).1–3,20 Blisters can be induced by rubbing the adjacent, appar-
In addition to affecting humans, pemphigus has been described in a variety ently normal skin with a finger – the Nikolsky sign. Direct pressure applied
of animals including dogs, cats, goats, and horses.10 to the center of the blister is also followed by lateral extension – the Asboe-
Hansen sign.2 Healing is often accompanied by postinflammatory hyperpig-
Pemphigus vulgaris mentation but scarring is not a feature.2
Before the introduction of corticosteroid therapy, the lesions usually became
more extensive and in the past often led eventually to death. Treatment with
Clinical features
high doses of corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, such as azathioprine and
Pemphigus vulgaris (p. vulgaris) particularly affects the middle aged (onset more recently biologicals has significantly reduced the mortality to 5–15%
typically at 40–60 years of age) although occasionally (up to 2.6%) children and prolonged remissions without treatment are now being reported.2 A con-
are affected.1–7 Self-limiting neonatal disease through transplacental transfer siderable proportion of the deaths that do occur, however, are due to the
of maternal autoantibodies has also rarely been documented (see pathogene- side effects of therapy and include staphylococcal infections and, to a lesser
sis).8–11 The disease begins in the mouth (Figs 5.2, 5.3) in 50–70% of patients extent, pulmonary embolism.2 Severe opportunistic infections due to a wide
with painful erosions or bullae and, after a period of weeks or months, the range of organisms including listeria, nocardia, enterococci, herpes virus,
cryptococcus and candida may further complicate the disease.21–27
Fig. 5.2
Pemphigus vulgaris: painful erosions are present on the buccal mucosa. By courtesy Fig. 5.4
of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK. Pemphigus vulgaris: since the blisters are superficial, erosions are more commonly
encountered. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 5.3
Pemphigus vulgaris: in this patient there is an intact blister on the floor of the Fig. 5.5
mouth. Pemphigus commonly presents in the mouth. By courtesy of the Institute Pemphigus vulgaris: extensive erosions and blisters are present on the shin. By
of Dermatology, London, UK. courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Pemphigus 153
Fig. 5.6
Pemphigus vulgaris: umbilical lesions showing intact blisters as well as raw
erosions. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK. Fig. 5.8
Pemphigus vulgaris:
extensive disease can
be very disfiguring. By
courtesy of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 5.13
Pemphigus vulgaris:
follicular involvement
distinguishes pemphigus
from Hailey-Hailey disease
in which it is not a feature.
Fig. 5.14
Pemphigus vulgaris: electron photomicrograph of an early lesion showing suprabasal,
Pemphigus vegetans
intraepidermal vesiculation. Residual cytoplasm of basal keratinocytes lines the floor
of the blister. The lamina densa is clearly visible. Clinical features
Pemphigus vegetans (p. vegetans), a chronic variant of p. vulgaris, has a
somewhat better prognosis than p. vulgaris with occasional cases associated
with spontaneous remission documented.1–3 It accounts for 1–2% of all cases
of pemphigus.1 As with the vulgaris variant, p. vegetans typically presents in
adults. There has, however, been a small number of cases described in child-
hood including a dapsone-responsive IgA-mediated variant.4–7 The lesions,
which present as blisters and erosions, are particularly prolific in the flexures,
especially the axillae, the groin, the inframammary region, the umbilicus and
at the margins of the lips. The scalp is also said to be a site of predilection.8,9
Soon thereafter, patients characteristically develop hypertrophic vegetations
and pustules at the blistered edges (Fig. 5.16).1
The oral cavity is commonly affected and a cerebriform or ‘scrotal’ tongue
is said to be a diagnostic clue in cases of early involvement.10–13 An exceptional
case of the disease restricted to the tongue has been reported.14 Esophageal
involvement presenting as erosions and white plaques has been described in
a number of patients and the nasal mucosa, larynx, vulva, vagina, penis, and
anus may also be affected.7,15–19 Nail involvement including onycholysis and
pustules is sometimes seen.20 Acral involvement can clinically be mistaken for
acrodermatitis continua suppurativa.21 A case has been described developing
after and restricted to a split-thickness skin graft.22 A further exceptional case
Fig. 5.15 developed in association with intranasal heroin abuse and was restricted to the
Pemphigus vulgaris: electron photomicrograph of an early lesion showing marked nasal mucosa.23 Peripheral blood eosinophilia is commonly present.
dilatation of the intercellular space. Cytoplasmic ‘villus’ formation is conspicuous Two clinical subtypes are recognized:24,25
and only occasional desmosomes are apparent. • In the Neumann variant (the more serious form), lesions usually begin
as described in p. vulgaris, but the ensuing erosions develop vegetations.
The course of this variant is similar to that of p. vulgaris.
Differential diagnosis • In the Hallopeau variant (‘pyodermite vegetante’), the eruption begins as
The differential diagnosis of p. vulgaris includes a variety of conditions such pustular lesions that rapidly evolve into verrucous vegetating plaques.2
as Darier's disease, Hailey-Hailey disease, and transient acantholytic derma- Bullae are usually not seen. This is a milder variant in which spontaneous
tosis (Grover's disease) (Table 5.2). In the absence of clinical information remission is not uncommon.
Table 5.2
Differential diagnosis of suprabasal pemphigus
Fig. 5.17
Fig. 5.16 Pemphigus vegetans: the epidermis is hyperplasic and there are scattered abscesses.
Pemphigus vegetans:
axillary ulceration and
vegetative lesions. From
the slide collection of the
late N.P. Smith, MD, The
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 5.21
Pemphigus foliaceus:
crusted lesions are evident
Fig. 5.19 on the back of this young
Pemphigus vegetans: male. From the collection
there are numerous of the late N.P. Smith,
eosinophils. Note the MD, The Institute of
acantholysis. Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 5.20
Pemphigus foliaceus:
multiple erosions
are present with B
background erythema
and postinflammatory Fig. 5.22
hyperpigmentation. Pemphigus foliaceus: (A) there are numerous crusted lesions on the lower
Courtesy of The Institute of abdomen and in the groin, (B) high-power view. From the slide collection of the late
Dermatology, London, UK. N.P. Smith, MD, The Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Pemphigus 159
Fig. 5.24
Pemphigus foliaceus: (A) in this patient, the eruption was induced by penicillamine therapy; (B) close-up view of intact blisters, erosions and crusting. By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
160 Acantholytic disorders
Fig. 5.25
Pemphigus foliaceus: (A) in this example, there is a cell-free, subcorneal blister; (B) occasional acantholytic cells are present adjacent to the roof.
g ranular layer or beneath the stratum corneum (Fig. 5.25). The roof of the Table 5.3
fragile blister is often not present, having sloughed either before or after Differential diagnosis of superficial pemphigus: conditions characterized by
biopsy. Acantholysis is frequently difficult to detect, but usually a few acan- subcorneal pustules
tholytic cells can be found attached to the roof or floor of the blister. In those
Superficial pemphigus
cases where the blister is missing, a careful inspection of the hair follicles IgA pemphigus
may reveal focal acantholysis. Sometimes the blister contains numerous acute Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
inflammatory cells (Fig. 5.26), particularly neutrophils, which can make dis- Pustular psoriasis
tinction from subcorneal pustular disorders, including bullous impetigo, a Reiter's syndrome
dermatophyte infection, candidiasis, pustular psoriasis, and subcorneal pus- Pustular drug reaction
tular dermatosis especially difficult.55,56 Eosinophilic spongiosis may also be Bullous impetigo
seen.57 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Pustular fungal infection
Differential diagnosis
The histological features in the superficial forms of pemphigus may be eas-
ily overlooked and, since bullae are often not appreciated by the clinician,
the unwary pathologist may not consider a bullous disorder when evaluat-
Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo
ing the biopsy. A high index of suspicion is therefore critical. The differential selvagem)
diagnosis of superficial pemphigus includes bullous impetigo, staphylococcal
scalded skin syndrome, IgA pemphigus, and subcorneal pustular dermatosis Clinical features
(Table 5.3). Distinction depends upon a careful consideration of the clinical
Fogo selvagem (Brazilian pemphigus foliaceus, ‘wild fire’, endemic pemphigus
information, the results of bacterial culture, and immunofluorescent studies.
foliaceus) is endemic in regions of Brazil and has also been documented in other
areas of Central and South America including Colombia, El Salvador, Paraguay,
Venezuela, and Peru.1–11 An endemic area has also been described in Tunisia.12,13
The condition is associated with poverty and malnutrition and particularly
affects children and young adults. Results from a more recent epidemiological
study demonstrated disease manifestation also in patients of higher socioeco-
nomic class and urban areas.14 There is a striking familial incidence.4 Most cases
are found along major rivers, and people especially at risk include farmers and
workers involved in land clearing and road construction.2 It appears that the
majority of patients live at an altitude of between 500 and 800 meters, and that
their homes are generally within 10–15 kilometers of running fresh water and in
the path of prevailing winds, thus suggesting a likely insect vector.4,15 In support
of this, a case-controlled epidemiological study has provided evidence that bites
by the black fly (family Simuliidae) are a significant risk factor for development
of the disease and it has been proposed that a component of the saliva may trig-
ger an antibody response in susceptible individuals.16–18 Simulium nigrimanum,
which is found in the same areas in which Brazilian fogo selvagem occurs, has
been identified as being the likely species involved.17
The clinical presentation of fogo selvagem has been divided into a number
of categories including localized and generalized forms:2,4
• Localized disease presents in a variety of ways including small blisters
Fig. 5.26 and erosions or violaceous papules and plaques distributed mainly in the
Pemphigus foliaceus: in this example, the blister cavity contains numerous neutrophils. seborrheic areas. Such lesions may be clinically misdiagnosed as discoid
Acantholytic cells are conspicuous. lupus erythematosus.
Pemphigus 161
were detected.32,33 Patients have circulating CD4+ memory T cells with a Th2
cytokine profile that proliferate in response to the extracellular domain of
Dsg1 and are thought to be of importance in the initiation and progression of
the disease by stimulating B-cell production of autoantibodies.34–36 The sys-
temic kinin system appears to be activated in patients with fogo selvagem but
the significance of this finding and its mechanism of action in blister forma-
tion are unclear.37
Patients often share the HLA phenotype DRB1*0102 and lack DQB1*0201
which is thought to represent a dominant protective gene found in unaffected
persons living in endemic regions.38,39 HLA-DRB1*0404, *1402 and *1406
may also confer susceptibility.4,28,34
The histological changes of fogo selvagem are identical to the other forms
of superficial pemphigus (p. foliaceus and p. erythematosus).40 Since the blis-
ters are superficial, often only nonbullous erosions are present for histologi-
cal examination. It is very difficult to obtain an intact lesion for diagnosis.
Typically, the cleft or blister lies within the granular layer or beneath the stra-
tum corneum. Acantholysis is frequently subtle but usually a few acantho-
lytic cells can be found attached to the floor of the blister. The blister roof is
often missing. Blisters may contain numerous inflammatory cells, particularly
Fig. 5.27 neutrophils. This feature may cause confusion with infection or other sub-
Brazilian pemphigus foliaceus: this woman with chronic disease shows very severe
corneal pustular disorders. Eosinophilic spongiosis is also sometimes present,
scaling. Blisters are not apparent. By courtesy of S.A. Pecher, MD, Amazonas, Brazil.
particularly if biopsies of early lesions are examined (Figs 5.28, 5.29).
The verrucous plaques and nodules seen occasionally in localized or t argets a different epitope although this has yet to be confirmed. Recently, two
chronic fogo selvagem show acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and patients with neutrophil-rich histology were shown to co-localize pemphigus
papillomatosis.41 Acantholysis is invariably present. antibody and the neutrophil chemoattractant IL-8. In addition, circulating
The hyperpigmentation characteristic of remission is a direct result of IgG antibody up-regulated cultured keratinocyte IL-8 expression, thereby
pigmentary incontinence. offering an explanation for the neutrophil recruitment.20,21
The histological findings in the endemic form described in the El Bagre The biopsy findings are variable and often non-specific. Although eosino-
area in Colombia are identical to those of fogo selvagem in active disease. philic spongiosis is most typical, spongiosis associated with either a mixed
In addition, liquefactive degeneration of the epidermal basal cell layer is eosinophilic and neutrophilic, or a neutrophil-predominant infiltrate may
observed in a quarter of biopsies.22 By direct immunofluorescence, a posi- also be encountered.4,22 Intraepidermal vesicles and pustules, also of variable
tive lupus-band test is detected in 40% of patients in addition to IgG depo- composition, are often present and dermal papillary neutrophil microab-
sition on the surface of keratinocytes. Reactive antibodies are of the IgG4 scesses have been described.2,6,16 Acantholytic cells are usually (but not invari-
subtype with Dsg1 being the major antigen. Sera from patients also contained ably) identified. A requirement for multiple biopsies before a diagnosis can be
additional antibodies against antibasement membrane zone as well as further established is a common theme in the literature.
IgG1 anticell-surface antibodies, which may represent desmoplakin1, envo-
plakin, and periplakin.42 Differential diagnosis
Recently, criteria have been proposed to establish a diagnosis of fogo There is both clinical and histological overlap with IgA pemphigus and
selvagem as distinct from nonendemic p. foliaceus:4 dermatitis herpetiformis. Immunofluorescence allows for distinction between
• clinical evaluation, these entities. It should also be noted that, exceptionally, dermatitis herpeti-
• presence of subcorneal acantholysis, formis may histologically show occasional acantholytic cells in the absence of
• positive direct and indirect immunofluorescence and/or any evidence of pemphigus herpetiformis.
immunoprecipitation or ELISA assays, In those cases where eosinophilic spongiosis is the predominant histologi-
• confirmatory epidemiological data. cal feature, the differential diagnosis also includes hypersensitivity reactions
and infection (bacterial and fungal). Immunofluorescence studies and special
Differential diagnosis stains for microorganisms will eliminate these possibilities.
As with p. foliaceus, the histological features in fogo selvagem may be easily
overlooked and a high index of suspicion is critical to making the diagno- Pemphigus erythematosus
sis. The differential diagnosis includes p. foliaceus, p. erythematosus, bullous
impetigo, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, and subcorneal pustular
Clinical features
dermatosis. Careful clinical correlation, immunofluorescence studies, and
sometimes bacterial culture are necessary to establish a definitive diagnosis. Pemphigus erythematosus (p. erythematosus, Senear-Usher syndrome) is
a mild localized form of superficial pemphigus with the histological and
immunofluorescent findings of p. foliaceus combined with features of lupus
Pemphigus herpetiformis erythematosus.1–6 In general, the latter is subclinical, being suggested only
by laboratory findings, but there are also rare reports of full-blown systemic
Clinical features disease being present.4 The condition shows a worldwide distribution and a
Pemphigus herpetiformis (p. herpetiformis, herpetiform pemphigus, acantho- slight female predominance.5 Exceptionally, it has been described in children
lytic dermatitis herpetiformis) is a variant of pemphigus which shows clinical although immunological confirmation of the diagnosis is available in only
features resembling dermatitis herpetiformis with the histology and immu- one case.7–10
nofluorescent findings of pemphigus.1–6 It is rare, accounting for only up to Clinically, it is commonly confined to the head, neck, and upper trunk, and
7.3% of cases of pemphigus.2 The sexes are affected equally and there is a typically resembles p. foliaceus. Lesions are erythematous, scaly, and crusted,
wide age range varying from 31 to 83 years.3 with or without superficial vesicles, blisters or erosions. Facial involvement
Patients typically present with intensely pruritic, grouped, erythematous often shows a butterfly distribution reminiscent of lupus erythematosus
papules and plaques, vesicles and blisters, sometimes associated with mucous or seborrheic dermatitis (Fig. 5.30).1 Mucous membrane involvement is
membrane involvement.2 Urticaria may also be a presenting feature.7 The exceedingly rare.2
Nikolksy sign is variably present. Although lesions are often generalized,
there is a tendency for the extensor surfaces of the extremities to be par-
ticularly involved. Exceptionally, herpetiform pemphigus may be associated
with psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematous or with an underlying malig-
nancy including prostate and lung cancer (see paraneoplastic pemphigus).8–12
Although in some patients the clinical manifestations remain herpetiform
throughout, in others, the features evolve into more typical p. foliaceus,
fogo selvagem and, less commonly, p. vulgaris.2,4–6 Contrariwise, patients
with typical p. foliaceus and p. vulgaris may go on to develop a herpetiform
eruption.13 IgA pemphigus may also present with herpetiform lesions.14,15 In
general, p. herpetiformis has a benign course, most patients responding well
to sulfones or steroids.2,3,16
There are reports of p. erythematosus developing after treatment with a the latter deposits are found within sun-exposed skin but in some patients
number of drugs, notably D-penicillamine, and there are also instances attrib- normal, nonsun-exposed skin may also be positive.2 Pemphigus antibody is
uted to therapy with propranolol, captopril, pyritinol, thiopronine, ceftaz- generally present on indirect immunofluorescence, and antinuclear factor
idime, and cefuroxime.11–15 P. erythematosus has also been described as a may also be identified.20,21 Anti-DNA antibodies and antibodies to extract-
complication of heroin abuse.16 able nuclear antigens are negative except in those patients with features of
P. erythematosus may rarely be associated with thymoma.3,17–19 Typically, systemic lupus erythematosus.4 In common with p. foliaceus, the antibody
the thymoma precedes the onset of cutaneous lesions, which often present reacts with Dsg1.22
following thymectomy.18 Most tumors have been benign but one malignant P. erythematosus has histological changes that are identical to those seen in
variant has been documented.19 P. erythematosus may also be a manifestation p. foliaceus and fogo selvagem. As the blisters are superficial, it is often very
of paraneoplastic pemphigus.3 difficult to obtain an intact lesion for diagnosis. Usually, the cleft or blister
lies within the granular layer or beneath the stratum corneum. As with the
Pathogenesis and histological features other forms of superficial pemphigus, acantholysis is frequently difficult to
Pemphigus erythematosus, in addition to intercellular staining, also shows detect, but usually a few acantholytic cells can be found attached to the roof
granular deposition of IgG and complement along the basement mem- or floor of the blister. The blister may contain numerous acute inflammatory
brane region (positive lupus band test) (Figs 5.31 and 5.32).2,20,21 Typically cells, particularly neutrophils, which can make distinction from subcorneal
pustular disorders especially difficult.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes the other forms of superficial pemphi-
gus (p. foliaceus and fogo selvagem), bullous impetigo, and staphylococ-
cal scalded skin syndrome, in addition to subcorneal pustular dermatosis.
Distinction depends upon a careful consideration of the clinical information,
the results of bacterial culture, and immunofluorescence studies.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus
Clinical features
Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a variant of pemphigus, quite distinct from
p. vulgaris and p. foliaceus.1 Paraneoplastic pemphigus may be associated
with a variety of tumors, such as B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and
hematopoietic malignancies, Castleman's disease, Waldenström's macro-
globulinemia, thymoma (occasionally with myasthenia gravis), Hodgkin's
Fig. 5.31 lymphoma, carcinomas (e.g., carcinoma of bronchus, pancreas, liver, uterus,
Pemphigus breast, and liver), and sarcomas (including dendritic follicular cell sarcoma,
round cell liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, and inflammatory myofibroblas-
typical intercellular
immunofluorescence with
tic tumor).2–47 We have seen an exceptional association with systemic mas-
granular staining (IgG) at tocytosis. Lymphoma is most often the coexistent neoplasm.1 In a case of
the basement membrane a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the disease developed only after
region. By courtesy six cycles of fludarabine, raising the possibility of an association with the
of B. Bhogal, FIMLS, medication.48 In a further exceptional case, a patient presented with a dis-
Institute of Dermatology, ease fulfilling the diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus by histology, immu-
London, UK. noblotting, and immunoprecipitation. However, no neoplasm was found in
8 years of follow-up.49
Paraneoplastic pemphigus has been defined by Sapadin and Anhalt as
• painful mucosal erosions and a polymorphous skin eruption in the
context of an occult or confirmed neoplasm (Fig 5.33),
• histopathological changes of keratinocyte necrosis, intraepidermal
acantholysis, and vacuolar-interface dermatitis,
• direct immunofluorescence showing intercellular IgG and complement
accompanied by linear or granular complement at the dermal–epidermal
junction (Fig 5.34),
• indirect immunofluorescence showing circulating antibodies to simple,
columnar, and transitional epithelia in addition to a more typical
pemphigus pattern of binding to skin and mucosa,
• circulating autoantibodies that immunoprecipitate a high molecular
weight complex of polypeptides from keratinocyte extracts weighing
250, 230, 210, 190, and 170 kD.
Although the disease may develop in a wide age range (7–83 years), the
majority of patients have been in the fifth to eighth decades and there is a
male predominance.5 Exceptionally, children may be affected.4,51–54 Lesions
are seen in both the mucosa and the skin. Patients present with refractory,
Fig. 5.32 painful, persistent erosions of the oral mucosa and vermilion border of the
Pemphigus erythematosus: immunoelectron micrograph showing immunoreactant lips. In addition, the tongue, gingiva, floor of mouth, palate, oropharynx,
beneath the lamina densa in addition to occupying the intercellular space. By and nasopharynx can be affected.5 Manifestation confined to the skin or oral
courtesy of B. Bhogal, FIMLS, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. mucosa is exceptional.22,55,56 Esophageal disease has been described and the
164 Acantholytic disorders
Fig. 5.36
Paraneoplastic pemphigus: higher-power view of acantholysis with suprabasal
cleft formation. Courtesy of N. Brinster, MD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
IgA pemphigus
Clinical features
IgA pemphigus is a rare dapsone-responsive variant of pemphigus that, as its
name suggests, is characterized by intercellular IgA deposition and presents
clinically with pustular rather than bullous or vesicular lesions.1–6 This disease
has been described under a number of different names, such as intraepidermal
neutrophilic IgA dermatosis, IgA pemphigus foliaceus, IgA herpetiform pem-
phigus, intraepidermal IgA pustulosis, intercellular IgA dermatosis, and inter-
cellular IgA vesiculopustular dermatosis.7–16 Most patients are middle aged Fig. 5.38
IgA pemphigus:
or elderly but children may also be affected.8,17–21 The sex incidence is equal.
erythematous lesions
There is no racial or geographic predilection.8,11 Drug-induced variants have
and an intact vesicle are
occasionally been documented.22 present. From the slide
IgA pemphigus is divided into two major subtypes: subcorneal pustular collection of the late
dermatosis (SPD) variant (IgA pemphigus foliaceus) and intraepidermal neu- N.P. Smith, MD, The
trophilic IgA dermatosis (IEN) variant (IgA pemphigus vulgaris).7 Other less Institute of Dermatology,
readily classifiable variants may also be encountered. London, UK.
166 Acantholytic disorders
Drug-induced pemphigus
There are at least 25 drugs that have been shown to be associated with the
development of pemphigus.1 Penicillamine and captopril are the most com-
mon offenders; however, enalapril, propranolol, bisoprolol, glibenclamide,
cilazapril, penicillins, cephalosporins, rifampicin, pyrazolon derivatives, and
lisinopril, among others, have also been implicated.1–8 Some drugs such as
penicillamine may elicit either p. foliaceus or p. vulgaris, but the former is
much more common.
Symptoms disappear in most patients following withdrawal of causative
drugs that contain a sulfhydryl group (thiol drugs). Non-thiol drugs are much
less likely to be associated with remission following withdrawal.2
Histologically, drug-induced pemphigus resembles sporadic counterparts
with positive direct immunofluorescence in most, but not all, patients.9 As
expected, given the different variants of pemphigus that drugs may induce,
antibodies against both Dsg1 and Dsg3 have been documented.10 It has been
suggested that a monoclonal antibody against desmogleins 1 and 3 may be
useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of drug-induced pemphigus.11 Staining
with this antibody is usually patchy in idiopathic pemphigus and diffuse in
drug-induced pemphigus. Furthermore, cases of drug-induced pemphigus Fig. 5.42
with diffuse pattern tend to have a poorer prognosis. Hailey-Hailey disease: erythematous and scaly lesions are present in the groin
and on the labia majora. From the slide collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, The
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Contact pemphigus
as the genitalia, umbilicus, inframammary regions and scalp, may also be
Clinical features affected. Rarely the disease may be generalized.4,5 Nikolsky's sign is some-
There is a growing body of literature documenting contact with topical sub- times positive.3 Vesicles and bullae, arising on normal or erythematous skin,
stances preceding the onset of pemphigus. The pathogenesis is not under- are soon replaced by erosions, crusting and scaly plaques sometimes resem-
stood, but in some cases the exposure is thought somehow to trigger or bling impetigo (Figs 5.43, 5.44).2,6 Healing is accompanied by hyperpig-
induce pemphigus. The term ‘contact pemphigus’ has been proposed as a mentation, but scarring is not a feature.3 Lesions are frequently itchy and
designation for this phenomenon, which has been described in the vulgaris, malodorous. Sometimes pain is a considerable problem, particularly if fissur-
vegetans, foliaceus and erythematosus variants.1,2 Substances that have been ing is present.3 Symptoms often improve with advancing age.1 Superinfection
implicated include nickel, pesticides, chromium sulfate, tincture of benzoin, by Candida albicans, herpes virus, and Staphylococcus aureus are frequent
phenol, diclofenac, dihydrodiphenyltrichlorethane, ketoprofen, feprazone, complications.7,8 Segmental involvement has rarely been reported as a result
and imiquimod.1–14 Clearly, further study is necessary to elucidate the rela- of type 1 or type 2 mosaicism according to the classification by Happle, and it
tionship between exposure to topical agents and contact pemphigus. has now become clear that at least some of the cases of relapsing linear acan-
tholytic dermatosis represent type 2 segmental Hailey-Hailey disease.9–13
Pathogenesis and histological features The development of the lesions is related to mechanical trauma, stress,
Whether this phenomenon relates to systemic absorption, contact allergy or and ultraviolet radiation and exacerbation of the disease has been reported
a direct ‘toxic’ effect on epidermal antigens is as yet unknown. It is interest- due to scabies, contact irritation, and patch testing.14–18 An exceptional case
ing to note that in the majority of documented cases, the patient has been of a patient developing the disease while on efalizumab for psoriasis has been
exposed to the offending agent for a considerable period of time before the reported.19 Symptoms often improve or even disappear during winter, but
onset of the blistering eruption.6 tend to worsen in summer.1,20 Mucosal involvement is unusual. Anogenital
Biopsy of contact pemphigus shows histological features similar to those disease, however, occasionally presents as multiple 3–5-mm diameter warty
of p. vulgaris, although one patient developed features more reminiscent of
pemphigus vegetans. Immunofluorescent studies show intercellular IgG and
sometimes C3.
Differential diagnosis
The main differential diagnosis is with classic pemphigus. Only clinical infor-
mation will allow distinction of contact pemphigus from other members of
the pemphigus family of disorders.
papules.21 This occurs most often in females, particularly blacks, and some-
times may be a presenting feature. In such instances there is overlap with
papular acantholytic dyskeratosis of the vulva.22
Asymptomatic white longitudinal bands may be present on the fingernails
in up to 70% of affected patients.1,23 The other nail changes of Darier's dis-
ease are absent.
Significant associated conditions have not been documented with the pos-
sible exception of a bipolar disorder and a patient with affective disorder (see
Darier's disease).24,25 An association with supernumerary nipples has been
documented in one Tunisian family.26
Exceptionally, squamous carcinoma has been documented as a compli-
cation in patients with Hailey-Hailey disease.27 It is likely, however, that
those arising on the vulva have a human papillomavirus-associated basis.28,29
Condylomatous change and evidence of HPV infection has recently been
detected in genital lesions of the disease.30,31
While it has rarely been reported that Darier's disease may coexist with
Hailey-Hailey disease, the available evidence supports the contention that
these two conditions represent completely different entities.32
Fig. 5.45
Pathogenesis and histological features Hailey-Hailey disease: early lesion showing the characteristic ‘dilapidated brick wall’
Hailey-Hailey disease is primarily an abnormality of cell adhesion.
Development of this disease has recently been shown to be caused by mul-
tiple mutations in ATP2C1 on chromosome 3q21–24, a gene that encodes the
calcium pump SPCA1.33,34 SPCA1 is a Ca2+/Mn2+ ATPase present within the
membrane of the Golgi apparatus and responsible for the transport of Mn2+
as well as Ca2+ ions into the Golgi.35,36 Over 100 mutations have been identi-
fied spanning the entire ATP2C1 gene including missense, frameshift, splice
site as well as nonsense mutations.37–46 However, no clear genotype–pheno-
type correlation has emerged as yet. Studies have shown that calcium regula-
tion in cultured keratinocytes is impaired.33 In addition, there is evidence that
integrity of intercellular junctions may be dependent on intracellular calcium
stores.47–50 The precise mechanism by which the abnormality in the calcium
pump causes acantholysis is not known. However, the addition of calcium to
monolayers of squamous cells in culture elicits stratification.48 In contrast,
cells grown in low calcium medium fail to stratify.50 It should be noted that
Darier's disease, another disorder showing acantholysis, is also associated
with a mutation in another calcium pump – ATP2A2. That both of these dis-
orders of acantholysis are associated with mutations in a calcium pump is
strong evidence for an important role in maintaining cell–cell cohesion.
Immunohistochemical studies have confirmed that the major desmosomal
proteins and glycoproteins are synthesized in Hailey-Hailey disease and dis-
tributed along the plasma membranes in uninvolved epidermis.51 In lesional Fig. 5.46
skin there is marked cytoplasmic labeling for the desmoplakins (DpI, DpII), Hailey-Hailey disease: in this example, there is marked hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis,
desmogleins (Dsg2, Dsg3) and the desmocollins.51–55 Studies on keratinocyte and acanthosis. Villi project into the blister cavity.
Acantholytic dermatoses with dyskeratosis 169
Histological features
The features are indistinguishable from Hailey-Hailey disease.
Darier's disease
Clinical features
Darier's disease (keratosis follicularis, morbus Darier), which is character-
ized by abnormal keratinocyte adhesion, is a rare hereditary disorder, usually
transmitted in an autosomal dominant pattern. In a large series, however,
47% of patients had no clear family history of Darier's disease.1 Presumably
these cases represent new mutations or evidence of incomplete penetrance.
Its documented incidence is variable. In Oxfordshire (UK), the incidence is
1:55 000, in the north of England it is 1:36 000, in the west of Scotland it is
1:30 000, whereas in Denmark it is 1:100 000.2–5 The sex incidence is equal,
although males appear to be more severely affected than females. The disease
Fig. 5.47 usually presents in the first or second decade (with a peak around puberty)
Hailey-Hailey disease: and often follows exposure to ultraviolet light.1 Exceptionally, patients may
in contrast to Darier's not present until their sixth or seventh decade.6 Darier's disease is a long-term
disease, dyskeratosis is
illness. Remissions do not occur, although some patients show improvement
usually minimal or even
with increasing age.6
The lesions are frequently itchy and, less commonly, painful.1,6 They
are characterized by greasy, crusted, keratotic yellow-brown papules and
Ultrastructural studies have primarily disclosed abnormalities of the des- plaques found particularly on the ‘seborrheic’ areas of the body – the scalp,
mosome-tonofilament units, characterized by diminished numbers of desmo- forehead, ears, nasolabial folds, upper chest, back, and supraclavicular fos-
somes and clumped tonofilaments.59–62 The latter have a linear distribution in sae (Figs 5.48–5.52).1,5 There is mild involvement of the flexures in the
the basal keratinocytes, but develop a whorled configuration in the suprabasal majority of patients although sometimes this distribution predominates.1,6
layers.60,62 The cell membranes show microvillus formation.59 An electron Lesions may be induced or exacerbated by stress, heat, sweating, and mac-
microscopic study of artificially induced early lesions suggests the desmo- eration.1,7 In some areas the lesions have a warty appearance, while in the
somal splitting precedes the tonofilament clumping.61 Dyskeratotic cells are flexures they are often vegetative, malodorous (a particularly distressing
characterized by condensed tonofilaments surrounding pyknotic nuclei. problem), and often secondarily infected (Figs 5.53, 5.54).6 Bullous lesions
generally following sun exposure can occur, albeit rarely.8–10 Leukodermic
Differential diagnosis macules in black patients have also been described.11–14 Additional features
including cutaneous horns and hemorrhagic palmar lesions have also been
The histological features of Hailey-Hailey disease must be distinguished from
those of Darier's disease, p. vulgaris, and Grover's disease. Pemphigus is dis-
Patients with Darier's disease are susceptible to bacterial (particularly
tinguished from Hailey-Hailey disease by the presence of relatively intact epi-
Staphylococcus aureus), dermatophyte, and viral infections.1,19,20 There are
thelium in the adjacent epidermis (versus disintegrating ‘dilapidated brick
rare case reports of eczema vaccinatum and eczema herpeticum complicating
wall’) and involvement of adnexal structures. In difficult cases, positive
immunofluorescence staining supports a diagnosis of pemphigus. Darier's
disease tends to show prominent suprabasal cleft formation with involve-
ment of adnexae and is associated with numerous corps ronds and grains.
These points of distinction are summarized in Table 5.2.
Immunofluorescence studies for immunoglobulin and complement are
invariably negative, aiding in the distinction from immunobullous disorders.
Distinction from acantholytic dermatosis of the genital area can, however,
be extremely difficult. In fact, the relationship between these disorders is not
well understood. The combination of clinical features of a lesion or lesions
localized to the vulvogenital area and a negative family history favors acan-
tholytic dermatosis of the genital area.
Fig. 5.50
Darier's disease: this patient shows a striking symmetrical distribution. From the
slide collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, The Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 5.56
Darier's disease:
parallel white and red
longitudinal streaks are
pathognomonic features.
Fig. 5.54 By courtesy of the
Darier's disease: severe involvement can be very disfiguring and a source of Institute of Dermatology,
considerable disability and embarrassment. By courtesy of M. Greaves, MD, the London, UK.
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 5.58
Fig. 5.57 Darier's disease: very early lesion showing multiple characteristic corps ronds.
Darier's disease: notches
on the free margin of the pyknotic nucleus surrounded by a clear halo enclosed within a basophilic
nail are common findings. or eosinophilic ‘shell’ (Fig. 5.58). Variable amounts of highly irregular
By courtesy of the keratohyalin granules may also be evident.
Institute of Dermatology, • Grains are located within the horny layer and consist of somewhat
London, UK. flattened oval cells with elongated cigar-shaped nuclei and abundant
keratohyalin granules.
In the fully established lesion there is hyperkeratosis and often parakera-
there is emerging evidence to suggest that the integrity of intercellular junc-
tosis, sometimes arranged in a clearly defined tier (Figs 5.59–5.61). The epi-
tions is dependent on the intracellular calcium stores.70 SERCA is a ubiqui-
dermis may appear acanthotic or atrophic and typically shows acantholysis
tously expressed calcium-ATPase and its function is the transport of cytosolic
with suprabasal cleft formation in which the underlying dermal papillae, cov-
calcium ions into the endoplasmic reticulum.68 There are three different genes
ered by a single layer of epithelium, project into the cavity (villus formation).
encoding these proteins, resulting in a total of nine different isoforms. Of the
The roof contains variable numbers of grains and the adjacent epithelium has
different isoforms only SERCA2b appears to be expressed in keratinocytes.71
variable numbers of corps ronds. Occasionally, epithelial proliferation can be
Loss of SERCA2 function can therefore not be compensated for, explaining
marked, resulting in pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia. Bullous lesions are
the severe skin manifestations in the absence of further systemic involvement
illustrated in Figures 5.62 and 5.63.
in most patients with Darier's disease.68 Ultimately, intact intracellular cal-
There may be a perivascular chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate in the
cium ion homeostasis has been identified as a major factor in the complex
superficial dermis, although this is not a common finding.
process of desmosome assembly and is necessary for intracellular interactions
The histological features of the oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esopha-
between desmosomal cadherins and intracellular plaque proteins such as pla-
geal lesions are similar to those described in the skin although dyskeratosis
koglobin.68,72 Apoptosis in Darier's disease resulting in dyskeratotic cells is
is said to be less conspicuous.42 Salivary gland lesions show ductal dilata-
likely directly related to the imbalance in calcium homeostasis, and immuno-
tion and squamous metaplasia of the lining epithelium with acantholysis and
histochemical studies have revealed reduced expression of antiapoptotic pro-
teins of the bcl-2 gene family in lesional epidermis.73–75
No single specific ultrastructural abnormality has been identified in
Darier's disease. Changes described have included complete loss of desmo-
somes in foci of acantholysis with formation of cell membrane microvilli,
cytoplasmic vacuolization, cell membrane defects, abnormal tonofilament
aggregation, clumping and distribution, premature and abnormal forma-
tion of keratohyalin granules and membrane coating (Odland) bodies, and
excessive lipid lamellae between the flattened keratinocytes of the stratum
corneum.76–80 Hemidesmosomes and the lamina densa usually appear morpho-
logically normal, although discontinuities of the latter have been described.
Ultrastructurally, corps ronds are characterized by large dense keratohyalin
masses, numerous membrane coating granules, and tonofilament clumps.76
They are distributed particularly around the nucleus, often surrounding a
perinuclear cytoplasmic halo containing distended vesicles. Grains of Darier
are composed of nuclear remnants with surrounding dyskeratotic debris.76
Acantholysis develops as a consequence of desmosomal breakdown and
dissociation of tonofilaments, although which comes first is uncertain.
The histological features of Darier's disease depend upon a variable
interplay between acantholysis and abnormal keratinization (dyskeratosis),
the acantholysis resulting in suprabasal cleft formation (and rarely vesicles
or even blisters), and the dyskeratosis manifesting as corps ronds and grains
of Darier. Fig. 5.59
• Corps ronds are large structures, usually most conspicuous in the Darier's disease: scanning view through a typical lesion. Note the keratotic tier and
granular layer, and consist of an irregular eccentric and sometimes suprabasal cleft formation.
Acantholytic dermatoses with dyskeratosis 173
Differential diagnosis
Although warty dyskeratoma, Hailey-Hailey disease, and pemphigus are
considered in the differential diagnosis of Darier's disease, their distinction is
not challenging when clinical information is considered. Warty dyskeratoma
is a single umbilicated lesion that typically forms more pronounced papillary
structures. Hailey-Hailey disease is characterized by full-thickness epidermal
acantholysis and does not show extensive dyskeratosis. Grover's disease may
be indistinguishable from Darier's disease in a given biopsy, but the lesions are
usually small, spanning only a few rete ridges. The presence of some combina-
tion of spongiosis, and changes mimicking more than one of the acantholytic
dermatoses, is characteristic of Grover's disease. In cases that show only Darier-
like changes, clinical information should allow for definitive diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis
Very rarely, true epidermal nevus may show histological features of acan-
tholysis and dyskeratosis presenting against a background of a verrucous
plaque characterized by marked acanthosis and papillomatosis.14,15 Such
lesions, which are present at birth, would be best classified as epidermal
nevus showing acantholysis and dyskeratosis rather than being included in
the spectrum of acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal nevus.
Differential diagnosis
Clinically, transient acantholytic dermatosis is easily differentiated from
Darier's disease, Hailey-Hailey disease, and pemphigus. However, the biopsy
findings often mimic these diseases. A histological clue to the diagnosis is the
small size of the lesion. Usually only one or two small discrete lesions that
span a few rete ridges are noted. This is in contrast to other acantholytic
dermatoses, which tend to involve the entire biopsy. Biopsies from a patient
with Grover's disease often show varying features mimicking more than one
of the acantholytic dermatoses and occasionally a number of patterns are
seen in a single biopsy specimen. Sometimes, a biopsy will show non-spe-
Fig. 5.71
cific features of spongiotic dermatitis. The association of both spongiosis and Warty dyskeratoma: scaly nodule on the scalp, a commonly affected site. By courtesy
acantholysis may be a useful pointer to the diagnosis of Grover's disease (see of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
also Table 5.2).
in the literature.2,3 Although the cutaneous lesions are believed to be of folli-
Acantholytic dermatosis of the cular derivation, histologically similar nodules have been described affecting
the oral and vulval mucosa.8–11 The former occur most often on keratinized
genitocrural area mucosa of the palate, alveolar ridge, and gingiva.9 Subungual warty dyskera-
toma-like lesions have also been documented.12
Clinical features
In acantholytic dermatosis of the genitocrural area (papular acantholytic Pathogenesis and histological features
dermatosis of the vulvocrural area) focal dyskeratosis and/or acantho- The etiology of warty dyskeratoma is unknown, although in the past authors
lysis may present as an isolated phenomenon on the vulvocrural region have suggested an effect of actinic radiation or possibly a viral infection.
of young or middle-aged females.1–10 Lesions sometimes extend on to the Neither of these has been substantiated. There is no relationship with Darier's
thigh and perineum.5 Patients present with variably pruritic, multiple, disease. Multiple lesions have been associated with chronic renal disease.5,6
0.1–0.4-mm isolated or groups of white papules, solitary keratotic nod- Warty dyskeratoma is most probably of follicular derivation. Thus, many
ules or, less often, with erythematous or white plaques measuring up to examples appear in continuity with a dilated hair follicle and, less frequently,
1.0 cm in diameter involving the labia majora or inguinal region. More a sebaceous gland may be evident.3,6 The recent observation of positive stain-
recently, cases with histologically similar findings have been described in ing with antibodies directed towards cortex and inner root sheath provides
males, presenting on the penis, scrotum, thigh, perianal region, and in the additional support. Mucosal and subungual variants must have a different
anal canal.11,12 derivation.
Family history is invariably negative for either Darier's or Hailey-Hailey Histologically, warty dyskeratoma is composed of a widely dilated cup-
disease and, by definition, there is no evidence of similar lesions elsewhere on shaped or cystic lesion containing keratinous debris and often associated
the body.4 Two cases have developed in the presence of syringomas.1 with a hair follicle (Fig. 5.72). Superficially, the keratinous debris contains
conspicuous corps ronds and grains of Darier. The adjacent and deeper
Pathogenesis and histological features epithelium shows marked acantholysis and suprabasal villi are a prominent
The pathogenesis is unknown although it is likely that the moist environment feature (Figs 5.73 and 5.74). The underlying dermis is often infiltrated by
of the body folds is of importance. Candida albicans infection has accompa- lymphocytes and histiocytes, and sometimes plasma cells are evident.
nied a number of cases although this may have been coincidental.4,6 With the
exception of one case showing intracellular IgG and C3 staining, immuno-
fluorescence (when performed) has been negative.3–5,8
The lesions show features of hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, acantho-
sis, and acantholysis, sometimes with dyskeratosis, resembling Darier's or
Hailey-Hailey disease. Warty dyskeratoma-like features associated with fol-
licular involvement may also be encountered.2,4 Typically, minimal or no
inflammation is present.
Warty dyskeratoma
Clinical features
Warty dyskeratoma is a peculiar hyperkeratotic, umbilicated, persistent nodule
that usually presents on the sun-exposed skin of the head and neck of middle-
aged adults, although lesions on the trunk and extremities have occasionally
been documented (Fig. 5.71).1–4 Most cases are solitary, but occasional patients
with multiple tumors have been reported, particularly in Japanese patients.3,5–7
Lesions are commonly asymptomatic but occasionally discharge and bleeding Fig. 5.72
may be encountered.2 There are conflicting data regarding gender distribution Warty dyskeratoma: typical scanning view of a cystic nodule with acantholysis.
Acantholytic dermatoses with dyskeratosis 177
nodule should not be confused with any of the above disorders with the
possible exception of familial dyskeratotic comedones; however, villi are not
conspicuous in the latter. There is also considerable overlap with both focal
acantholytic dyskeratosis and acantholytic acanthoma; however, in neither of
these conditions is there a deeply penetrating crateriform lesion.
Histological features
Fig. 5.73
The lesions are characterized by a follicle-like crateriform cystic cavity con-
Warty dyskeratoma: note
the acantholysis and villi. taining laminated hyperkeratotic and parakeratotic debris and lined by
squamous epithelium showing dyskeratosis and sometimes acantholysis at
the base (Figs 5.77, 5.78).4 Grains of Darier are typically present but corps
ronds are sparse and poorly developed. Villi, as seen in Darier's disease, are
not a feature. Hair shafts and sebaceous glands are absent.
Differential diagnosis
The consistent folliculocentric nature of the eruption and absence of nail and
oral mucosal changes help to distinguish familial dyskeratotic comedones
from Darier's disease. Corps ronds, a characteristic finding in Darier's dis-
ease, are usually not prominent in familial dyskeratotic comedones. Villus
formation and well-developed corps ronds within a solitary lesion distinguish
warty dyskeratoma.
Fig. 5.74
Warty dyskeratoma: corps
ronds are conspicuous.
Fig. 5.76
Familial dyskeratotic Fig. 5.78
comedones: a small Familial dyskeratotic
cutaneous horn is seen comedones: note the
arising on the scrotum. By superficial dyskeratosis.
courtesy of B.J. Leppard, By courtesy of B.J.
MD, Royal South Hants Leppard, MD, Royal South
Hospital, UK. Hants Hospital, UK
Acantholytic acanthoma
Clinical features
Acantholytic acanthoma is a common entity consisting of a solitary, usually
asymptomatic, keratotic papule or plaque, 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter, often
with overlying scale/crust. It usually presents on the trunk, arm or neck
and is clinically thought to be a seborrheic keratosis or actinic keratosis.1–5
A case with central umbilication reminiscent of molluscum contagiosum
has also been described.6 Very occasionally multiple lesions have been docu-
mented.7 Some patients report pruritus. Patients are usually elderly (median
Fig. 5.77 age 60 years) and there is a predilection for males (2:1).2,4 Lesions are not
Familial dyskeratotic seen about the head, palms, and soles and the mucous membranes appear
comedones: this section to be spared.2
comes from the edge of a
lesion. Note the dell with Pathogenesis and histological features
associated hyperkeratosis
The pathogenesis of this lesion is unknown. Although one case has been doc-
and parakeratosis. The
acanthosis is in part due
umented in association with immunosuppression, it is likely that this was
to the oblique angle of the coincidental.7
cut. By courtesy of B.J. Diagnosis is one of exclusion and depends upon the solitary nature of the
Leppard, MD, Royal South lesion. The histological features are those of hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and
Hants Hospital, UK. papillomatosis accompanied by acantholysis affecting all or any layer of the
epidermis (Figs 5.79 and 5.80).1 Dyskeratosis may be evident. A perivascular
lymphohistiocytic chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate, sometimes with occa-
Diffuse familial comedones differ by the absence of dyskeratosis.9,10 sional eosinophils, may be present in the superficial dermis.
Familial dyskeratotic comedones may also be mistaken for Kyrle's and
Flegel's diseases: Differential diagnosis
• Kyrle's disease typically presents on the extensor aspect of the lower In acantholytic seborrheic keratosis the acantholysis is typically focal and
extremities and presents in adulthood. There is no familial incidence. the lesion elsewhere shows the typical features of horn cysts and squamous
Histologically, it is characterized by transepidermal elimination of eddies.8 Darier's disease, acantholytic dermatosis of the genitocrural area,
parakeratotic and inflammatory debris. There is no dyskeratosis. warty dyskeratoma and pemphigus, Hailey-Hailey disease, and Grover's
• Flegel's disease typically presents in older adults and is characterized by disease may show similar histological features but are easily distinguished
epidermal atrophy, interface change, and dyskeratosis. A keratin-filled clinically. Acantholytic actinic keratosis also shows dysplasia in addition to
crateriform lesion is absent. acantholysis.
Acantholytic dermatoses with dyskeratosis 179
Differential diagnosis
Acantholytic dyskeratotic acanthoma differs from acantholytic acanthoma by
the presence of marked dyskeratosis. Focal acantholytic dyskeratosis shows
identical histological features but is an incidental finding rather than a clini-
cally distinct lesion. Warty dyskeratoma is characterized by its cup-shaped
and endophytic growth. Pemphigus, Darier's disease, and Grover's disease
differ in their clinical presentation.
Fig. 5.80
Acantholytic acanthoma: high-power view showing acantholysis and dyskeratosis.
ECZEMATOUS DERMATITIS 180 Actinic prurigo 194 Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal
Eosinophilic spongiosis 194 nevus 214
Eczema – general considerations 180 Erythroderma 194
Sulzberger-Garbe syndrome 195
Bazex syndrome 215
Endogenous dermatitis 180
Atopic dermatitis 180 Vein graft site dermatitis 195
Papular acrodermatitis of childhood 195 PUSTULAR DERMATOSES 215
Seborrheic dermatitis 182
Discoid dermatitis (nummular eczema) 183 Pityriasis rosea 196 Pustular drug reactions 215
Hand eczema (dyshidrotic eczema, palmoplantar Juvenile plantar dermatosis 199
eczema, pompholyx) 183 Miliaria 199 Subcorneal pustular dermatosis 215
Autosensitization (Id) reaction 184 Fox-Fordyce disease 200 Toxic erythema of the neonate 217
Transient acantholytic dermatosis with prominent
Exogenous dermatitis 184 eccrine ductal involvement 200 Infantile acropustulosis 217
Contact dermatitis 184
Infective dermatitis 186 Transient neonatal pustular melanosis 218
Asteatotic dermatitis 186 Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of
Lichen simplex chronicus 188 Psoriasis 201 infancy 218
Nodular prurigo and prurigo nodule 190
Reiter's syndrome 211
Stasis dermatitis and acroangiodermatitis 192
Pityriasis alba 193 Pityriasis rubra pilaris 211
Eczematous dermatitis
This chapter discusses a number of disorders under the rubric eczematous der- For instance, in pompholyx (acute vesicular dermatitis of the hands and
matitis, also called eczema and spongiotic dermatitis. The term eczema refers to feet), the fluid is trapped beneath the thickened horny layer as small tense
a group of disorders that share similar clinical and histological features but may white blisters resembling rice grains. In other regions where the skin is loosely
have different etiologies. Some object to a diagnosis of eczema since it does not attached, as on the eyelids, scrotum, and backs of hands, tissue edema is often
reflect a specific disease but is a non-specific term that simply can be used for any marked.
clinical lesion that exhibits spongiosis, which clinically manifests as moist, often Eczematous dermatitis has two major etiological classifications:
‘bubbly’ papules or plaques superimposed on an erythematous base. The patho- • endogenous dermatitis, related to major constitutional or hereditary
genesis of some forms is poorly understood. The histopathologist usually can- factors,
not render a more specific diagnosis other than ‘spongiotic dermatitis consistent • exogenous dermatitis, involving environmental factors.
with eczematous dermatitis’ and precise classification within the differential
diagnosis of spongiotic dermatitis is often not possible. For these reasons, this
class of disorders is discussed as a group. Distinguishing clinical, pathogenetic, Endogenous dermatitis
and histological features are presented in the appropriate sections.
Atopic dermatitis
Eczema – general considerations Clinical features
Eczema encompasses a number of disorders with variable etiologies and Although atopic (infantile or flexural) dermatitis may begin at any age, it usu-
clinical manifestations and is one of the most common complaints of patients ally commences from about the sixth week onwards. It is characterized by a
visiting dermatology clinics. chronic, relapsing course.1 In the infantile phase lesions are present mainly
The earliest clinical lesions are erythema and aggregates of tiny pruritic ves- on the head, face, neck, napkin area, and extensor aspects of the limbs (Fig.
icles, which rupture readily, exuding clear fluid, and later become encrusted 6.3). As the patient grows older and enters childhood, the eruption shifts to
(Fig. 6.1). More chronic lesions become scaly and thickened (lichenification), the flexural aspects of the limbs. Chronic atopic cheilitis may also be evident.1
resulting in lichen simplex chronicus (Fig. 6.2). Lichenification occurs if the Pruritus is intense and constant scratching and rubbing leads to lichenifica-
skin is continually scratched or rubbed as, for example, in atopic dermatitis. tion and frequent bouts of secondary bacterial infection (Fig. 6.4).2,3 Atopic
Therefore, the clinical features of dermatitis depend upon the duration of the eczema is commonly associated with dry skin (xerosis). Vesiculation is uncom-
lesions, site(s) involved, and the amount of scratching. mon. There is an increased risk of dermatophyte and viral infections.1
Endogenous dermatitis 181
Fig. 6.4
Atopic dermatitis: these crusted, exudative and infected lesions with lichenification are
characteristic. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
patients with atopy; this does not appear to be due to a response to an envi-
ronmental antigen.7 Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial disease. Its pathogen-
Fig. 6.2 esis is complex and, despite recent advances, only incompletely understood.
Lichenification: pronounced pebbly lichenification on the dorsum of the hand of a In addition to a genetic susceptibility, the main elements responsible for the
patient with atopic dermatitis. Bizarre forms, as seen here, are not uncommon in initiation and maintenance of the disease state include abnormal skin barrier
black children. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK. function, abnormal activity of the innate and adaptive immune systems, as
well as environmental factors and infectious agents.7–15
Since patients with atopic dermatitis often have a personal or family his-
The disease improves during childhood and, in over 50% of cases, clears tory of asthma or allergies, a genetic predisposition to the disease has long
completely by the early teens. Approximately 75% of patients with atopic been suspected. Recent studies have demonstrated that loss-of-function
dermatitis have a family history of atopy and up to 50% have associated mutations in the FLG gene, encoding the cornified envelope protein pro-
asthma or hay fever.4,5 The condition typically worsens in the winter months. filaggrin, are present in a significant subset of patients with atopic derma-
It is associated with an increased incidence of contact dermatitis, particularly titis and represent the highest risk factor for development of the disease.16
affecting the hand.6 Other features that may be seen include ichthyosis Together with involucrin and loricrin, filaggrin is a major constituent of the
(50%), nipple eczema, conjunctivitis, keratoconus, bilateral anterior cata- cornified envelope during terminal keratinocyte differentiation responsible
racts, sweat-associated itching, wool intolerance, perifollicular accentuation, for intact epidermal barrier function. Disruption of the skin barrier function
food intolerance and white dermatographism.5 Infraorbital folds (Dennie- appears to be of particular significance in the initiation and early stages of
Morgan folds) are said to be characteristic of atopic dermatitis, particularly the disease. Nevertheless, 40% of patients with FLG mutations never develop
when double.1 atopic dermatitis and FLG mutations have been identified in only 14–56%
of patients, indicating that other factors may also play an important role in
Pathogenesis the pathogenesis of the disease. In addition to the cornified envelope, epider-
Atopy is defined as a genetically determined disorder encompassing dermati- mal barrier function is maintained also by other factors such as proteases
tis, asthma, and hay fever. It is associated with excess immunoglobulin E (IgE) and protease inhibitors as well as direct keratinocyte–keratinocyte interac-
antibody formation in response to common environmental antigens. A subset tion. Increased expression of kallikrein-related peptidases has been observed
of patients with ‘intrinsic atopic dermatitis’ represents perhaps 10–30% of in the stratum corneum in atopic dermatitis and in one study a 4-bp insertion
182 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
into the 3′ untranslated region of KLF7 leading to increased levels of this with atopic dermatitis is colonized with Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast,
protease was identified in patients with atopic dermatitis.13,17,18 However, this S. aureus is found on the skin of only a minority of control subjects.33 Disease
finding has not been substantiated in further studies.13 Linkage has also been severity has been shown to correlate with the presence of toxigenic S. aureus.34
demonstrated to the gene SPINK5, encoding the serine protease inhibitor It is thought that staphylococcal superantigens SEA and SEB (staphylococcal
LEKTI. LEKTI, expressed at the granular cell layer, is an important inhibi- enterotoxins A and B, respectively) activate T cells.34–37 In a study of children
tor of the kallikrein-related peptidases KLK5 and KLK7 and is responsible with atopic dermatitis, there was a correlation of disease severity and pres-
for controlling desquamation. Linkage to SPINK5 is, however, significantly ence of SEA and SEB antibodies.35 Recently, application of SEB was shown to
weaker than to profilaggrin.13 A further mechanism involved in skin barrier be associated with T-cell activation in both normal and atopic patients.38 In
function is the presence of intercellular junctions, and recent data have dem- summary, there is mounting evidence that staphylococcal superantigens play
onstrated reduced expression of the tight junction protein claudin-1 in atopic a role in the symptomatology of atopic dermatitis. Whether superantigens
dermatitis.15 play a key role in the development of disease or simply exacerbate symptoms
Many lines of evidence also implicate an abnormal immune response as in atopic patients requires further study.
pivotal in the pathogenesis of atopy. It is interesting to note that atopy is cured
by bone marrow transplantation in patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome,
an immunological disorder characterized by susceptibility to infection and
Seborrheic dermatitis
thrombocytopenia, in addition to eczematous dermatitis.19 Wiskott-Aldrich
syndrome shows an X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance and is charac- Clinical features
terized by depletion of nodal and circulating T lymphocytes. Contrariwise, Seborrheic dermatitis is a common dermatosis which affects up to 1–3% of
patients without a prior history of atopy may develop atopic disease follow- the population.39–41 There is a male predominance. It presents in infants, with
ing transplantation of bone marrow from an atopic individual.20 a second peak affecting adults.42 There is often a family history of the disease.
Patients with atopic dermatitis have an abnormal immune reaction to a It particularly affects those areas where sebaceous glands are most numerous,
variety of environmental antigens leading to production of IgE antibodies i.e., the scalp, forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, ears, cheeks, presternal and inter-
and a T-cell response.9,21–23 There is evidence that certain subpopulations of scapular areas (Figs 6.5, 6.6).43 Occasionally, the flexural regions are affected
T cells selectively circulate to and perform immune surveillance for the skin (intertrigo). Often the lesions of seborrheic dermatitis are sharply margin-
and lymph nodes that drain cutaneous sites.9,23 This subset of lymphocytes ated, dull red or yellowish, and covered by a greasy scale.43 They are therefore
is characterized by a unique immunophenotype and is defined by expression easily confused with psoriasis.
of cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA). In patients with atopic dermatitis, Dandruff and cradle cap are also sometimes included within the spectrum
antigens such as dust mites and bacteria activate CLA T cells, resulting in the of seborrheic dermatitis.
production of cytokines, which stimulate eosinophils to produce IgE, which, Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most common dermatoses seen in
in turn, promotes mast cells and basophils to release cytokines and chemot- patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Seborrheic der-
actic factors in what has been termed the intermediate-phase response.8 The matitis has also been associated with stress and neurological disorders includ-
so-called late-phase reaction is characterized by migration of eosinophils, ing Parkinson's disease, syringomyelia, and trigeminal nerve injury.44
lymphocytes, histiocytes, and neutrophils from the circulation into the der-
mis and epidermis. Pathogenesis
Factors released by the various cells present in the dermis certainly play
The precise pathogenesis of this condition is unknown. Surprisingly, and in
a role in the generation of the clinical appearance and induction of pruritus,
spite of the distribution (and the name) of the disease, sebaceous gland activ-
leading to scratching and rubbing. In the early phase, mechanical trauma and
ity and sebum composition appear to be normal.44
skin barrier disruption lead to release of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1α,
Seborrheic dermatitis is associated with heavy colonization of the skin by
IL-1β, TNF-α, GM-CSF) which activate cellular signaling and induce expres-
the lipophilic yeast Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum ovale) while more recent
sion of vascular endothelial cell adhesion molecules after receptor binding
data have identified a predominance of Malassezia restricta and Malassezia
to endothelial cells.15,24,25 These steps subsequently initiate transvascular
globosa.41,45–50 Although many workers in the field believe this to be of etio-
migration of inflammatory cells.8,26 Chemokines released by inflammatory
logical importance, an almost equal number are unconvinced. The body of
cells attract a more directed cellular immune response. In particular, CCL27,
evidence favoring a significant relationship relates to the successful treatment
CCL22, and CCL17 are increased in patients with atopic dermatitis and levels
correlate with disease activity.14,25 Disease onset is related to TH2 cytokines
IL-4, IL-13, and IL-31 while disease maintenance (chronic phase) is associate
dwith TH1 cytokines. Other T cells, such as Treg and TH17, are also present
in cutaneous lesions but their precise role is uncertain.14 The demonstration
that squamous cells in patients with atopic dermatitis show increased produc-
tion of GM-CSF, a cytokine thought to play a role in Langerhans/dendritic
cell function, further suggests that a keratinocyte defect may be involved in
the pathogenesis of atopy.27
Another area of interest has been the role of superantigens in the patho-
genesis of atopy as well as other immunologically mediated cutaneous and
noncutaneous disorders.28–33 Although superantigens have been implicated in
the pathogenesis of psoriasis and Kawasaki's disease, in addition to atopic
dermatitis, their precise role in these and other diseases is not well understood
and is controversial.29,30 Further research is necessary to clarify the role of
superantigens in immunologically mediated diseases.
Superantigens are microbiological (viral, bacterial, fungal) toxins that
stimulate CD4+ T cells. They bind to T-cell receptors and to the class II major
histocompatibility complex (MHC), thus stimulating lymphocyte prolifer-
ation, activation and release of cytokines, as well as T-cell-mediated tissue
damage. They may also stimulate B cell activation. Superantigens are power-
ful mediators of the immune system by virtue of their ability to stimulate a Fig. 6.5
large population of T cells in a non-specific manner. Staphylococcal superan- Seborrheic dermatitis: there is diffuse erythema and scaling of the scalp. By
tigens have, in particular, been an area of research.32 The skin of most patients courtesy of B. Al Mahmoud, MD, Doha, Qatar.
Endogenous dermatitis 183
Fig. 6.9
Discoid eczema: there is
extensive involvement
of the leg. A sharply
demarcated erythematous
and scaly circular lesion
is present just below the
knee. By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
The pathogenesis is poorly understood. A participatory role for organisms in
the pathogenesis has been suggested but not been widely accepted.53 Discoid
dermatitis may follow irritants such as soap, acids or alkalis (Fig. 6.10).52
Sometimes it may be a manifestation of atopy and, occasionally, it develops
as a consequence of nickel, chromate or cobalt allergy.54,55 Generalized dis-
ease has also been documented in the setting of interferon alpha-2b plus riba-
virin treatment for hepatitis C infection.56
Fig. 6.7
Discoid eczema:
Hand eczema (dyshidrotic eczema,
erythematous lesions palmoplantar eczema, pompholyx)
on the forearm, a
characteristic site. By
courtesy of the Institute
Clinical features
of Dermatology, London, Hand eczema is characterized by a recurrent pruritic vesicular eruption of
UK. the palms, soles or digits. Because of the increased thickness of the keratin
184 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
The pathogenesis of the Id reaction is poorly understood but some data sug-
gest that an abnormal T-cell-mediated immune response directed against skin
antigens is responsible for this curious disorder.71
Fig. 6.11
Hand eczema: tense yellow vesicles are present. By courtesy of B. Al Mahmoud, MD, Exogenous dermatitis
Doha, Qatar.
Contact dermatitis
layer at these sites, the vesicles appear as small pale papules before rupturing This form of dermatitis is due to external agents and is divided into two vari-
(Figs 6.11, 6.12). Occasionally, frank bullae can form. With the passage of ants: allergic contact and irritant contact.
time, the affected parts may show scaling and cracking. The nails sometimes
become dystrophic, with discoloration and transverse ridging.57 In the major- Allergic contact dermatitis
ity of cases the cause is unknown, although heat or psychological stress may Allergic contact dermatitis is an idiosyncratic cell-mediated immunologi-
precipitate an attack.57 In some patients there is a personal or family history cal reaction to an environmental allergen, which may be present in very
of atopy or coexisting tinea pedis. Rubber, latex, chromium, cobalt or nickel low concentration. Common examples seen in clinical practice include
sensitivity may be the trigger.58–62 The condition can be exacerbated by heat sensitivity to nickel (found in items such as jewelry, buttons, watches,
and, rarely, it is photoinduced.63 and suspenders), constituents of synthetic rubber (e.g., thiuram in rubber
Pompholyx is often associated with hyperhidrosis.58 Females are affected gloves), primula, poison ivy, topical medicaments (e.g., neomycin, anti-
slightly more often than males and patients are predominantly in the second histamines, local anesthetics), and chromates found in cement and leather
to fifth decades.59 A familial autosomal dominant form has been reported (Figs 6.13–6.15).72–82
where the candidate gene has been mapped to chromosome 18q22.1- Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) is a potent contact sensitizer and this is
18q22.3.64 used as a test of cell-mediated immunity.83,84
A growing understanding of allergic contact dermatitis has emerged over
Pathogenesis the last decade with the preponderance of evidence pointing to a T-cell-
The pathogenesis is obscure. It has been noted that serum IgE levels are often mediated hypersensitivity reaction.3,85–88 It is thought that antigens causing
raised.58 allergic contact dermatitis are often unstable (haptens) and need to bind to
Exogenous dermatitis 185
Infective dermatitis ity, all of which tend to dry the skin.111 The affected regions are inflamed and
criss-crossed by scaly lines and superficial fissures (Fig. 6.18). Asteatotic der-
Infective dermatitis is a severe chronic and recurrent eczematous dermati- matitis may be associated with internal malignancy, including lymphoprolif-
tis showing pronounced exudation and crusting and presenting in children erative disorders and solid tumors.112–115
with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection.102–105 Adult
onset is exceptional.106,107 The disease has a predilection for the scalp, flex- Pathogenesis and histological features
ures, the ears and feet, and sometimes around wounds and ulcers (Fig. 6.17),
The histopathological features of spongiotic dermatitis include both dermal
and is frequently associated with Staphylococcus aureus and beta-hemolytic
and epidermal changes. Their relative proportions vary to some extent with
Streptococcus infection of the skin and nasal vestibule. It occurs in regions
the subtype, but perhaps more importantly, with the stage of evolution of the
where HTLV-1 is endemic. It has frequently been reported in Jamaica, while
disease. It is essential not to consider the changes of spongiotic dermatitis as
presentation in Japan appears relatively rare.108 Development of the disease
static: different features are seen at different stages.116–118 Attempting to dis-
may be associated with a defective immune system and may be a risk factor
tinguish the various clinical subtypes based on histological features alone is
for the development of other HTLV-1-related diseases such as adult T-cell leu-
generally futile. Instead, once the disorder has been recognized as spongiotic
kemia and tropical spastic paraparesis.109,110
in nature, clinical examination is a much more satisfactory method of deter-
mining the particular variant.
Asteatotic dermatitis The histological hallmark of spongiotic dermatitis is the presence of inter-
Commonly seen in the elderly, particularly in winter and in those with minor cellular edema or spongiosis (L., Gr. spongia, sponge). Slight degrees of intra-
degrees of ichthyosis, asteatotic dermatitis (eczema craquelé) may be precipi- cellular edema may also be evident but may easily be overlooked. In the early
tated by excessive washing, exposure to detergents, cold winds or low humid- stages of development, spongiosis results in widening of the intercellular
spaces, rendering the intercellular bridges conspicuous (Fig. 6.19). Further
accumulation of fluid leads to the eventual development of an intraepidermal
vesicle. A common finding in association with the intercellular edema is lym-
phocytic infiltration of the epidermis (exocytosis). In severe contact irritant
dermatitis, the epidermis may be infiltrated by large numbers of neutrophil
polymorphs in association with necrotic keratinocytes.119 In addition, such
reactions may be accompanied by dermoepidermal separation resulting in a
vesicle or blister. The lesions very often become traumatized and may show
marked crusting.
Spongiotic dermatitides not uncommonly become infected with bacterial
or fungal organisms. Superimposed infection may dramatically alter the his-
tological picture by causing marked acute inflammation with subepidermal,
intraepidermal, and subcorneal pustules. Such changes may dominate the his-
tological picture and obscure the underlying spongiotic dermatitis. Use of
stains for organisms – Gram, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) – or cultures are nec-
essary to evaluate for infection.
Concomitant with these changes are varying degrees of epithelial prolif-
eration, ranging from mild acanthosis in early acute dermatitis to marked
psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia in chronic variants. Parakeratosis is
frequently seen overlying spongiotic foci, while hyperkeratosis is a usual
Fig. 6.17 accompaniment of chronic spongiotic dermatitis that has been scratched or
Infective dermatitis: lesions affecting the foot web spaces are often due to rubbed (lichenification).
staphylococci or streptococci and are associated with excess sweating. By The dermis is often congested and edema is usually marked in active
courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK. lesions. The vessels of the superficial vascular plexus are surrounded by a
Exogenous dermatitis 187
Fig. 6.19
Dermatitis: the earliest visible manifestation of intercellular edema is widening of
the intercellular spaces with accentuation of the intercellular bridges.
Fig. 6.21
Acute dermatitis:
the vesicle contains
mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and lymphocytes and
occasional eosinophils or neutrophils. The degree and composition of der- occasional eosinophils.
mal inflammation is highly variable. Eosinophils may be numerous in allergic
contact dermatitis.119
Traditionally, spongiotic dermatitis is subclassified histologically into
acute, subacute, and chronic variants:
• In acute lesions, vesiculation and blister formation may be seen (Figs
• Acanthosis and spongiosis, often with vesiculation, also characterize
subacute spongiotic dermatitis (Fig. 6.23).
• In chronic spongiotic dermatitis, although spongiosis is evident, it may be
subtle, and vesicles are uncommon. Epithelial acanthosis is marked and
often shows a psoriasiform pattern (Fig. 6.24).
Systemic contact dermatitis may be associated with the features of vascu-
litis or erythema multiforme.120 As with other forms of spongiotic dermatitis
the histological appearances can be divided into acute, subacute, and chronic
forms. Spongiosis is more conspicuous in the acute phase although it is never
marked. In contrast, the epidermal hyperplasia becomes more conspicuous
and psoriasiform towards the chronic end of the spectrum.
Fig. 6.22
Acute dermatitis: in contact reactions, Langerhans cell-rich vesicles are often
present, as shown in this picture. These should not be mistaken for the Pautrier
microabscesses of mycosis fungoides.
Fig. 6.23
Subacute dermatitis showing patchy parakeratosis, crusting, marked acanthosis Fig. 6.25
with considerable elongation (and fusion) of the epidermal ridges, and focal Seborrheic dermatitis:
spongiotic vesiculation. The dermis contains an intense lymphocytic infiltrate. in this field, there is
perifollicular psoriasiform
hyperplasia. Parakeratosis
is present on either side
of the follicular ostium.
Fig. 6.24
Chronic dermatitis (lichenification): there is hyperkeratosis with hypergranulosis
and psoriasiform hyperplasia. The papillary dermis is fibrosed and there is a patchy
chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate.
Differential diagnosis
Although spongiosis is a characteristic feature of spongiotic dermatitis, it Fig. 6.26
is also encountered in many other inflammatory dermatoses (Table 6.1), Seborrheic dermatitis:
particularly superficial dermatophytoses. A diagnosis of spongiotic der- there is parakeratosis, and
matitis should never be made until a stain for fungus (e.g., PAS reaction) occasional neutrophils are
has been performed to exclude this possibility. This is especially impor- present.
tant since the common treatment of spongiotic dermatitides – topical
corticosteroids – would exacerbate a fungal infection (tinea incognito)
(Figs 6.27–6.29).
condition (Fig. 6.30).1 Lichenification is an identical process in which an
underlying intensely pruritic dermatosis such as atopic eczema is present.2
Lichen simplex chronicus Dermatophyte infections, stasis dermatitis, and chronic allergic contact
dermatitis may also predispose to lichenification. Picker's nodules and nodu-
Clinical features lar prurigo are related conditions (see below).3
The term lichen simplex chronicus (circumscribed neurodermatitis) refers to Patients present with profound pruritus and localized scaly plaques with
the development of localized areas of thickened scaly skin complicating pro- accentuated skin markings described as resembling tree bark. There is a pre-
longed and severe scratching in a patient with no underlying dermatological dilection for females, and young to middle-aged adults are predominantly
Exogenous dermatitis 189
Table 6.1
Conditions featuring spongiosis
• Pityriasis rosea
• Superficial fungal infections
• Herpes gestationis (early lesions)
• Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
• Erythema multiforme
• Miliaria rubra
• Erythema annulare centrifugum
• Guttate parapsoriasis
• Acral papular eruption of childhood
• Eczema
• Lichen striatus
• Insect-bite reaction
• Prurigo nodularis
Fig. 6.29
Spongiotic superficial dermatophyte infection: numerous fungal hyphae are seen in
this PAS-stained section.
Fig. 6.27
Spongiotic superficial dermatophyte infection: there is marked subcorneal
Fig. 6.30
Lichen simplex chronicus:
thick, scaly erythematous
plaques are present on
the shins, a commonly
affected site. By courtesy
of R.A. Marsden, MD,
St George's Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 6.33
Fig. 6.31 Nodular prurigo: typical
Lichen simplex chronicus: there is hyperkeratosis, patchy parakeratosis, and globular nodules; the
elongation of the rete ridges. intervening skin appears
normal. From the
collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, the Institute
of Dermatology, London,
Fig. 6.32
Lichen simplex chronicus:
there is hypergranulosis.
Note the vertically
orientated collagen fibers,
a characteristic feature. Fig. 6.34
Nodular prurigo: there are scattered, excoriated discrete nodules on the buttocks
and thighs. Note the postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. By courtesy of R.A.
a characteristic feature and in some cases nerve hyperplasia is seen (Fig. 6.32).3 Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
In our experience, however, the latter feature is distinctively uncommon.
Nodular prurigo (prurigo nodularis) and Individual lesions are often described as globular with a warty and excori-
ated surface and may measure up to 2 cm in diameter (Fig. 6.33).2 They are
prurigo nodule (picker's nodule) often grouped, symmetrical, and occur predominantly on extensor aspects
of the (distal) limbs (Figs 6.34, 6.35).1 The trunk may also be affected.2
Clinical features Occasional disseminated cases have been described.2 The palms and soles are
Nodular prurigo is characterized by the development of chronic, intensely typically uninvolved.2 The intervening skin usually appears normal. Similar-
pruritic, lichenified, and excoriated nodules.1,2 It occurs over a wide age looking lesions are sometimes seen in patients with eczema (see below).
range, from 5 to 75 years, with a mean of 40 years. Rarely, children are The majority of patients with nodular prurigo are perfectly well and inves-
affected.3 Disease duration ranges from 6 months to 33 years, with a mean tigations are unhelpful; however, occasionally nodular prurigo is found in
of 9 years. Nodular prurigo occurs equally in men and women. It shows patients with gluten enteropathy.4 Psychosocial disorders have been reported
significant overlap with lichen simplex chronicus, although this is not uni- in a high proportion of patients.5 In some cases the eruption occurs after an
formly accepted.1,2 insect bite, but subsequent lesions develop spontaneously.5
Exogenous dermatitis 191
Fig. 6.35
Nodular prurigo: in this Fig. 6.36
patient there is very Nodular prurigo: there is hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, and
severe involvement of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia. The dermis is scarred and there is a
the shins and dorsal perivascular and interstitial chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate.
surface of the feet. By
courtesy of the Institute
of Dermatology, London,
Fig. 6.41
Stasis dermatitis: there is hyperkeratosis, focal parakeratosis and marked epidermal
hyperplasia. The dermis is chronically inflamed and scarred.
Fig. 6.40
Stasis dermatitis: there is
vesiculation, exudation,
and crusting on the lower
leg around a stasis ulcer,
which was precipitated
by allergy to the antibiotic
dressing. By courtesy
of R.A. Marsden, MD,
St George's Hospital, Fig. 6.42
London, UK. Stasis dermatitis: note the increased vascularity.
Exogenous dermatitis 193
Differential diagnosis
Acroangiodermatitis differs from Kaposi's sarcoma by the absence of a spin-
dle cell population or irregular lymphatic-like vascular channels dissecting
the dermal collagen. In addition, the promontory sign (tumor vessels partially
surrounding normal vessels and the adnexae) is absent. In acroangiodermati-
tis, the hallmark is the presence of lobular capillary proliferation.
In cases where the diagnosis is in doubt, CD34 immunocytochemistry is of
value. The spindle cells in Kaposi's sarcoma express this antigen whereas those
in acroangiodermatitis do not.24 Smooth muscle actin emphasizes the pericytes in
acroangiodermatitis and a reticulin stain can be used to highlight the lobularity.
Pityriasis alba
Clinical features
Fig. 6.44
Pityriasis alba is a very common form of chronic dermatitis usually affecting
Stasis dermatitis: in this view, there is marked new blood vessel formation and
abundant hemosiderin is present. preadolescent children of either sex.1 In the United States, the prevalence is
1.9% in a healthy population.2 The lesions are seen on the face in particu-
lar, but the shoulders, upper extremities, and legs may also be involved (Figs
6.47–6.49).1,3 Early lesions present as slightly scaly, mildly pruritic, round to
oval pink plaques measuring from 0.5 to 5.0 cm or more in diameter, which
later appear as scaly hypopigmented lesions.1 The races are equally affected
although lesions are more prominent in dark-skinned persons.1,4 The condi-
tion usually resolves spontaneously after months or years.
Fig. 6.47
Fig. 6.49
Pityriasis alba: there are
Pityriasis alba: lesions in white-skinned patients are much more subtle. By courtesy
multiple hypopigmented,
of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
scaly patches on the
arms. Lesions are more
obvious in the colored eruption. Lesions may form nodules and plaques and there may be evidence of
races. By courtesy of C. lichenification and excoriation due to repeated scratching and postinflamma-
Furlonge, MD, Port of tory scarring.1–3 Sun-exposed areas of the face, neck, upper chest, forearms, and
Spain, Trinidad. hands are predominantly involved. The lips and conjunctiva are also frequently
affected.1,3 Associated cheilitis particularly affecting the lower lip is characterized
by edema, fissuring, ulceration, and chronic dry scaling and may be the sole mani-
festation.6 Conjunctival involvement results in photophobia, hyperemia, and for-
mation of a pseudopterygium.1,3 The disease course of actinic prurigo is chronic
with significant adverse impact on the quality of life.7 Remission may be observed
in the winter months in patients living in geographic areas with significant varia-
tion of sunlight throughout the year.1,3 In a subset of patients with childhood onset,
symptoms will improve in adulthood with occasional spontaneous remission.3
neuropathy, some authors believe that the neuralgia may play a pathogenic
role.1 It is also possible that stasis changes play a role in this disorder.
Biopsy shows non-specific spongiotic dermatitis.
Fig. 6.53
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: the papules are very uniform. A viral etiology is often
identified. By courtesy of C. Gelmetti, MD, Milan University, Italy.
In cases with hepatitis, the appearances are those of an acute viral hepa-
titis, which usually resolves over a period of up to 6 months. Rarely, chronic
disease ensues.
Fig. 6.54
Pityriasis rosea: (A) the ‘herald patch’ which marks the onset of this dermatosis, is marked by an arrow; (B) close-up view. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Pathogenesis and histological features of old trauma and scars, suggesting an isomorphic (Koebner's) response.17
The exact etiology of pityriasis rosea is unknown; however, most of the evi- Atypical pityriasis rosea has also been described in bone marrow transplant
dence points to an infectious, probably viral, cause. It sometimes complicates recipients and following treatment with interferon-alpha (IFN-α) as well as
an upper respiratory tract infection.18 The herald patch may develop at the Hodgkin's disease, and a pityriasis rosea-like eruption has been documented
site of an insect bite, particularly fleas, but patches have also occurred in areas due to drugs such as imatinib mesylate, ACE inhibitors, and hydrochlorothi-
Fig. 6.55
Pityriasis rosea: (A) the secondary rash presents as small pink slightly scaly macules; (B) close-up view. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
198 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
azide.19–23 Case clustering in establishments with communal living supports an large numbers of Langerhans cells.41 Human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR,
infectious etiology. Recently, HHV-7, as well as HHV-6 and HHV-8, has been Ia-like antigen) has been demonstrated on the surface of keratinocytes, and
identified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in addition to plasma and this has been interpreted as showing that they are taking an active role in cel-
skin of patients with pityriasis rosea, and herpes virus-like particles have been lular immunity.42–44 HLA-DR antigen may also be expressed on the surface of
identified in cutaneous lesions of pityriasis rosea by electron microscopy.24–33 the T-helper cells.43
Other workers, however, have failed to confirm this observation.28,34,35 Rarely,
a pityriasis rosea-like eruption may be a manifestation of HIV/AIDS.36 Differential diagnosis
The histopathological features are those of a non-specific subacute or Guttate psoriasis shows considerable overlap with pityriasis rosea. The presence
chronic dermatitis and comprise focal hyperkeratosis and angulated paraker- of neutrophils within the parakeratotic mounds favors a diagnosis of psoriasis.
atosis with slight acanthosis (Figs 6.57–6.60).37 The granular cell layer may A wide range of drugs has been associated with a pityriasis rosea-like erup-
be absent beneath the foci of parakeratosis. Intraepidermal cytoid bodies are tion including barbiturates, ketotifen, clonidine, captopril, isotretinoin, gold,
present in as many as 50% of cases.38,39 Focal acantholytic dyskeratosis has bismuth, arsenic, organic mercurials, methoxypromazine, D-penicillamine,
occasionally been documented.40 A lymphohistiocytic infiltrate surrounds the tripelennamine hydrochloride, metronidazole, and salvarsan.15,17 In such cases,
vessels of the superficial vascular plexus and there is slight spongiosis. Rarely, the distinction depends upon clinicopathological correlation. The presence of
spongiotic vesiculation may be evident.5 Occasionally, scattered eosinophils large numbers of eosinophils is a clue to a hypersensitivity reaction.
are present. Red cell extravasation is a not infrequent feature and occasional Acute and subacute eczematous dermatitis may also be confused with
erythrocytes may be seen within the epidermis. pityriasis rosea. The presence of lens-shaped parakeratosis and limited spon-
Immunocytochemical staining has demonstrated that the dermal infiltrate giosis favors pityriasis rosea. Again, clinical findings should help make this
consists mainly of T cells, including helper and suppressor cells, together with distinction.
Fig. 6.59
Pityriasis rosea: there
is spongiosis and a
perivascular lymphocytic
infiltrate. The angulated
Fig. 6.57 tier of parakeratosis
Pityriasis rosea: low-power view showing multiple foci of scale with psoriasiform (teapot lid sign) is
hyperplasia. characteristic.
Exogenous dermatitis 199
Juvenile plantar dermatosis years before resolving.1,3 However, many patients develop features of classic
eczema of the hands later in life.2
Clinical features
Scaly palms and soles with loss of a normal epidermal rete pattern charac- Pathogenesis and histological features
terize juvenile plantar dermatosis. The affected area often has a shiny red The pathogenesis of this disorder is not understood; however, it has been sug-
appearance with fissures (Figs 6.61, 6.62).1–4 As its name suggests, the dis- gested that synthetic footwear may play a role in its development.3
ease is seen in prepubertal children with a mean age of 9.6 years.1 The most Biopsy shows epidermal acanthosis and subacute to chronic spongiosis.1
common sites affected are the volar aspect of the great toe and the ball of Variable parakeratosis and hypogranulosis may be seen. A lymphocytic infil-
the foot.1 The hand is only rarely affected. Patients often have a personal or trate centered on the eccrine duct is said to be characteristic.1
family history of atopy.2,4 The disorder usually lasts for 6 months to several
Differential diagnosis
The histological changes are probably non-specific but the presence of chronic
inflammation centered on the sweat duct should suggest juvenile plantar derma-
tosis in the appropriate clinical setting and allow distinction from other spongi-
otic dermatitides, which typically spare the acrosyringium. One group could not
identify PAS-positive material occluding sweat ducts in multiple histological sec-
tions of juvenile plantar dermatosis (compare with miliaria).1 A PAS stain with
diastase digestion should also be performed to evaluate for fungal infection.
Clinical features
This common disorder, although most often seen in children, may affect any
age group but congenital presentation is rare.1 It develops as a consequence
of obstruction to the outflow tract of the intraepidermal component of the
eccrine sweat duct and is associated with excessive sweating and exposure to
high humidity. Traditionally, the condition is subdivided into three subtypes:
miliaria crystallina, miliaria rubra, and miliaria profunda.2,3
• In miliaria crystallina the level of obstruction is within the stratum
corneum, and results in the formation of small, clear vesicles, located
Fig. 6.61 particularly on the trunk (Fig. 6.63). There are accompanying symptoms
Juvenile plantar
of a high fever and pronounced sweating.
dermatosis: multiple
erythematous lesions
• Miliaria rubra (prickly heat) is particularly common in hot, humid
are present on the climates and is due to obstruction within the prickle cell layer, resulting
soles of the feet. By in erythematous papules and vesicles, usually located about the
courtesy of the Institute trunk and intertriginous regions (Fig. 6.64). This form of miliaria is
of Dermatology, London, particularly common in infants. The term miliaria pustulosa has been
UK. applied to the above subtypes when pustules develop. Miliaria rubra
200 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
Fox-Fordyce disease
Clinical features
Fox-Fordyce disease (apocrine miliaria, chronic itching papular eruption of
the axillae and pubic region) presents as a chronic papular eruption, associ-
ated with pruritus, and located in areas containing apocrine sweat glands
(i.e., the axillae, the pubic area, the vulval labia, the perineum, and areola)
(Fig. 6.65).1–3 The papules are discrete, firm, and flesh-colored or pigmented.
Associated hair loss is often present.
The disease is uncommon and over 90% of reported cases have occurred
in women, usually aged 13–35 years. Rarely, prepubescent and postmeno-
Fig. 6.63 pausal patients have been described.4,5
Miliaria crystallina: tiny vesicles resembling water droplets are scattered over the
abdomen of this young male. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Pathogenesis and histological features
Patients with Fox-Fordyce disease have apocrine anhidrosis. Although eccrine
sweating is normal, apocrine sweating does not occur due to the keratotic
plugging of the apocrine duct orifice. The continued secretion of sweat, how-
ever, causes the duct to rupture and an apocrine sweat retention cyst forms
in the epithelium. The exact cause of the follicular plugging is unknown,
but a hormonal link has been postulated. Occasional instances of coexistent
hidradenitis suppurativa have been recorded.6
Follicular infundibular plugging is present in association with acanthosis,
parakeratosis, spongiosis, and an underlying non-specific chronic inflamma-
tory cell infiltrate. Dilation of the apocrine glands may be present and the
presence of perifollicular foamy histiocytes is a frequent and diagnostically
helpful feature.7–9 Further reported findings include vacuolar change, dysker-
atosis, and parakeratotic lamellae affecting the follicular infundibulum.10 The
keratinous obstruction prevents the outflow of apocrine secretion and leads
to the diagnostic feature of an intrafollicular sweat retention vesicle; serial
sections may be needed to demonstrate this lesion.11,12
Fig. 6.65
Fox-Fordyce disease: (A) there are numerous white
papules. The axilla is a characteristic site; (B) close-up
A B view. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Psoriasiform dermatoses
The psoriasiform reaction pattern is defined by the presence of epidermal (Fig. 6.69). The scalp, the extensor surfaces (mainly the knees and elbows),
hyperplasia with fairly uniform and marked enlargement of the rete ridges. the lower back, and around the umbilicus are particularly affected. The clini-
Although confluent parakeratosis with neutrophil exocytosis is characteris- cal features, however, show regional variation: scalp involvement often shows
tic of psoriasis (the prototype of this group of conditions), this feature is not very marked plaque formation, whereas on the penis scaling is commonly
included within the definition, which would otherwise become too restrictive. minimal and the features may be mistaken for Bowen's disease (Figs 6.70–
Diseases in addition to psoriasis which may manifest a psoriasiform pattern 6.72). Linear lesions (linear psoriasis) follow previous trauma (koebneriza-
include Reiter's syndrome, pityriasis rubra pilaris, lichen simplex chronicus, tion) (Fig. 6.73).
psoriasiform drug reactions, subacute and chronic spongiotic dermatitis, Psoriasis may manifest in a variety of other ways.
parapsoriasis, and pityriasis rosea (herald patch). Other conditions in which • Guttate (eruptive) psoriasis presents as small (0.5–1.5 cm in diameter)
psoriasiform hyperplasia may sometimes be a feature include dermatophyte papules over the upper trunk and proximal extremities, typically in
infections and candidiasis, secondary syphilis, scabies infestation, inflamma- younger patients (Figs 6.74–6.76).
tory linear verrucous epidermal nevus, necrolytic migratory erythema, acro-
dermatitis enteropathica, and pellagra. Neoplastic conditions such as Bowen's
disease and mycosis fungoides, which often show marked epidermal hyper-
plasia, are not included in this definition.
Clinical features
Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing and remitting disease of the skin that may
affect any site.1 It is one of the commonest of all skin diseases, with a reported
incidence of 1–2% in Caucasians.2,3 It is rare among blacks, Japanese, and
native North and South American populations.4 Males and females are
affected equally. Although psoriasis may occur at any age, it most frequently
presents in the teens and in early adult life (type I psoriasis).5 A second peak
in which the disease is often milder appears around the sixth decade (type II
The classic cutaneous lesion of psoriasis vulgaris (plaque psoriasis),
developing in about 85–90% of patients with psoriasis, is raised, sharply
demarcated, with a silvery scaly surface (Figs 6.66–6.68).6,7 The underly-
ing skin has a glossy, erythematous appearance. If the parakeratotic scales Fig. 6.66
are removed with the fingernail, small droplets of blood may appear on the Psoriasis: typical plaque disease showing bilateral and fairly symmetrical
surface (Auspitz's sign); this is diagnostic. Plaques, when multiple, are often distribution. In this example, the silvery scale is well demonstrated. From the
symmetrical and annular lesions due to central clearing are a common finding collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
202 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
Fig. 6.70
Plaque psoriasis: the scalp is a commonly affected site. By courtesy of the Institute
of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 6.71
Plaque psoriasis: in this
extreme case, the initial
Fig. 6.68 diagnosis was Norwegian
Plaque psoriasis: close-up scabies. Surprisingly,
view showing the thick alopecia is an uncommon
scale. From the collection complication. By courtesy
of the late N.P. Smith, of R.A. Marsden, MD,
MD, the Institute of St George's Hospital,
Dermatology, London, UK. London, UK.
Psoriasis 203
Fig. 6.74
Guttate psoriasis: this infant shows a characteristic distribution over the trunk.
By courtesy of M. Liang, MD, Children's Hospital, Boston, USA.
Fig. 6.72
Psoriasis: penile lesion showing a sharply demarcated, erythematous, eroded,
slightly scaly plaque. By courtesy of C. Furlonge, MD, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Fig. 6.75
Guttate psoriasis: this close-up view shows the erythema and scaling.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 6.73
Plaque psoriasis: linear involvement is a manifestation of koebnerization following
trauma. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 6.79
Fig. 6.77 Pustular psoriasis: early
Flexural (inverse)
stage showing intense
psoriasis: this is a rare
erythema. By courtesy
variant in which the
of the Institute of
lesions develop on
Dermatology, London, UK.
flexural skin.
myalgia are commonly present.11 Biochemical abnormalities include The nail is frequently affected in psoriasis; lesions may include pitting,
hypoalbuminemia, anemia, and dehydration.15 High-output cardiac discoloration, onycholysis, subungual hyperkeratosis, nail grooving, splinter
failure is an important complication. hemorrhages and complete loss in pustular psoriasis.18
• Localized (mixed) pustular psoriasis represents the development of Patients with psoriasis have a higher incidence of certain comorbidities
pustules on pre-existent plaques.9 This variant most often develops in including, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia,
acute flares of psoriasis or following treatment.11 It sometimes represents hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, Crohn's disease,
a harbinger of a more generalized process. and multiple sclerosis, as well as cutaneous and visceral malignancies.6,19
• Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis of Barber (pustulosis palmaris et
plantaris) refers to a chronic recurrent pustular dermatosis localized to Psoriatic arthritis
the palms and soles (Figs 6.82, 6.83). It shows a strong predilection Psoriatic arthritis has a prevalence of 0.02–7% but more recent data suggest
for females (9:1) in the fourth to fifth decade of life and the disease is that it could be as high as 30%.20 It may take a number of different forms
associated with a history of smoking.6,16,17 In about 25% of patients there (Fig. 6.86):21
is coexistent chronic plaque psoriasis.6 • The most common is an asymmetrical involvement of a few joints of the
• Acrodermatitis continua (acropustulosis) of Hallopeau is a rare sterile fingers or toes; this accounts for over 70% of cases.
pustular eruption of the fingers or toes, involving the nails and slowly • In 15% of cases a symmetrical polyarthritis, clinically indistinguishable
extending proximally (Figs 6.84, 6.85). from rheumatoid arthritis, but seronegative, is seen.
Psoriasis 205
Fig. 6.83
Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis: close-up view of palmar pustules.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 6.81
Psoriatic erythroderma: there is generalized erythema. Patients are at risk of
dehydration, hypoalbuminemia, and anemia. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 6.84
Acropustulosis continua: there is pustulation with erythema and scaling, the nail
has been shed, and there is damage to the nail plate. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 6.82
Palmoplantar pustular
psoriasis: there is intense
erythema, scaling, and
numerous pustules. By Fig. 6.85
courtesy of the Institute of Acropustulosis continua: a particularly severe example. By courtesy of S. Dalziel,
Dermatology, London, UK. MD, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK.
206 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
Fig. 6.86
Psoriatic arthropathy: joint involvement is a rare manifestation. Lesions of the
interphalangeal joints, while said to be characteristic, are an uncommon finding.
In this patient there is gross deformity. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 6.88
Psoriatic arthropathy: sacroiliitis. Note the virtual obliteration of the sacroiliac joints.
By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
with a number of drugs including lithium, antimalarials, and beta-blocking promotes keratinocyte proliferation and induces angiogenesis.73,74 IL-8 is pre-
agents.6,43 dominantly derived from superficial keratinocytes and the associated neu-
The development of the psoriatic plaque results from a complex interplay trophils within the psoriatic plaque. MGS/GRO-α is an additional powerful
between keratinocyte hyperproliferation with loss of differentiation, changes neutrophil chemoattractant.69
in the superficial dermal vasculature, and a T-lymphocyte-mediated inflam- The pathogenesis of psoriasis therefore involves interaction between
matory component.44 The relative roles of keratinocyte hyperplasia, vascular injured keratinocytes and activated lymphocytes through the release of vari-
changes, and immunological reactions have been the subject of much discus- ous cytokines developing in a background of genetic predisposition.71 The
sion in the recent literature.45 Most recently, the focus has been particularly precise relationship between the T-cell-driven immune reaction and epider-
directed towards the importance of the innate as well as adaptive immune mal hyperplasia, however, remains unclear. Similarly, the initiator(s) of this
systems.7 process are uncertain. Although autoantigens and bacterial superantigens are
In the skin there is an increased epidermal proliferation rate: the transit currently favored, the possibility of a direct consequence of lymphocyte–kera-
time of keratinocytes through the epidermis in normal skin is 56 days; in pso- tinocyte interaction has not yet been disproved.74
riatic skin it is shortened to 7 days.46,47 The epidermal cell cycle is probably In biopsies of the early lesions, the histological features consist primarily
shortened, and there is a large increase in the number of proliferating genera- of dermal changes.75–79 The evolution of the psoriatic plaque consists initially
tive cells in the basal layers, where up to three layers of proliferating cells may of the development of tortuous, dilated, and frequently congested capillaries
be seen compared with only one in normal resting epidermis. in the superficial papillary dermis accompanied by edema and a perivascu-
Vascular proliferation predominantly affecting the postcapillary venules lar mononuclear cell infiltrate (Fig. 6.89).75 This vascular change is common
of the dermal papillae appears to be one of the earliest manifestations of to all forms of psoriasis and may even be seen in biopsies from clinically
psoriasis.48 This is mediated by upregulation of αVβ3 integrin and vascular resolved lesions following treatment.78 Lymphocytes then migrate into the
endothelial growth factor (VEGF).49–51 lower epidermis, which becomes spongiotic. Subsequently, the upper epider-
The current weight of evidence suggests that a T-cell-mediated immune mis shows focal vacuolation and eventual loss of the granular cell layer with
reaction is central to the pathogenesis of psoriasis.44,52 Clinical studies sup- the resultant formation of parakeratotic mounds. Migration of neutrophils
porting this hypothesis include the response to antilymphocyte therapies from capillaries in the dermal papillae through gaps in the epidermal base-
such as ciclosporin.53 More recently, remission in patients with severe pso- ment membrane and hence to the stratum corneum completes the process.
riasis has resulted from treatment with an activated T-lymphocyte selective Psoriasiform hyperplasia of the affected epidermis then follows.
toxin DAB389 IL-2 that interacts with the receptor-binding domain of IL-2.54 Classical plaque psoriatic lesions show marked and characteristic acan-
Successful responses to therapy with monoclonal anti-CD3 and anti-CD4 thosis of the epidermal ridges, which are evenly elongated and club-shaped at
antibodies adds further support.55,56 Additional evidence has come from bone their bases, alternating with long edematous papillae, which are club-shaped
marrow transplantation studies. Unaffected patients develop psoriasis follow- at their tips (Figs 6.90–6.93). Fusion of adjacent ridges is commonly pres-
ing a transplant from an affected donor whereas patients are cured of their ent in established lesions. The suprapapillary plate is typically thinned and
disease following transplantation from an unaffected donor.57 In vitro stud- the epidermal surface is covered by confluent parakeratosis associated with
ies in which intradermal injection of T-helper lymphocytes from an affected diminution or loss of the granular cell layer. The lower suprabasal layers of
patient into severe combined immunodeficient mice results in the development the epidermis can frequently be seen to be actively dividing. Large tortuous
of typical psoriasis further supports a T-lymphocyte-driven pathogenesis.58 capillaries are present in the papillary dermis and there is a slight perivascular
The innate immune system appears to play an important part in the early lymphocytic infiltrate in the subpapillary dermis. Palmar and plantar lesions
stages of the disease and increased numbers of activated plasmacytoid den- may sometimes cause diagnostic difficulty as spongiosis can be marked, and
dritic cells are present in early psoriatic lesions.59 Production of interferon occasionally vesiculation is evident.78
alpha by plasmacytoid dendritic cells and TNF-α and INF-γ by natural killer The diagnostic features of active lesions include the ‘Munro microab-
cells leads to activation of myeloid dendritic cells and subsequent prolifera- scess’ and ‘spongiform pustule of Kogoj’. Munro microabscesses represent
tion of T cells through IL-12 and IL-23 release.7,60 an accumulation of polymorphs within the parakeratotic stratum corneum.
Although CD4 T-helper (Th) lymphocytes are probably of importance in Spongiform pustules are seen beneath the keratin layer and consist of small
the earliest stages of plaque development, the major population is charac- accumulations of neutrophils and occasional lymphocytes intermingled with
terized by CD8 expression. The immunophenotype of the T cells includes the epidermal cells in foci of spongiosis.
CD45RO+, HLADR+, CD25+ and CLA+, indicating activated skin-specific
memory cells.61 The lymphocyte cytokine profile, which includes IL-2, IL-17,
interferon gamma (IFN-γ), and absence of IL-4, IL-10, and tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNF-α), reflects a predominantly Th1-mediated inflammatory
reaction as well as IL-17-A producing type 17 helper T (Th17) cells.7,62–64
Th17 cells are of particular importance for epithelial immunosurveillance
and produce IL-22, a molecule involved in keratinocyte differentiation and
proliferation.65,66 IFN-γ is central to the development of the plaque. In vitro
studies have shown that the keratinocyte proliferation is IFN-γ dependent.67
Also, IFN-γ injection in normal human skin results in epidermal prolifera-
tion.68 In addition to the lymphocyte-derived cytokines discussed above, the
keratinocytes themselves are a rich source of inflammatory mediators, which
are likely to be of importance in initiating the inflammatory reaction and
the development and maintenance of the psoriasiform plaque.69 In particular,
keratinocytes secrete IL-1α, IL-1β, and TNF-α. These cytokines play a major
role in angiogenesis, in recruitment of circulating lymphocytes, and induc-
ing expression of a number of endothelial cell adhesion molecules includ-
ing E-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1).69–71 These last are of particular importance
in facilitating the extravasation of lymphocytes through the endothelium.52
Keratinocytes are also a valuable source of chemokines including IL-8, mela-
noma growth stimulatory activity alpha (MGS/GRO-α), gamma inducible Fig. 6.89
protein 10 (IP-10), and molecule chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1).69 IL-8 Evolving psoriasis: in the early stages, there is capillary dilatation, with spongiosis,
is of importance in both neutrophil and T-lymphocyte chemotaxis.72 It also as shown in this field. A small parakeratotic mound is also demonstrated.
208 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
Fig. 6.94
Fig. 6.92 Guttate psoriasis: the multiple discrete, parakeratotic mounds are characteristic.
Plaque psoriasis: Munro microabscess, spongiform degeneration, and parakeratosis. Hyperplasia is not as well developed as in plaque disease.
Psoriasis 209
Fig. 6.99
Fig. 6.97 Psoriatic erythroderma: there is only very focal parakeratosis with scattered
Pustular psoriasis: close-up view. neutrophils. The epidermal hyperplasia is only slight.
210 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
those who have had more than 200 PUVA treatments and/or a cumula-
tive dose in excess of 1000 J/cm2. There is some evidence to suggest that
these tumors behave in a low-grade fashion, with little risk of metastatic
Psoriasis may rarely coexist with a number of autoimmune bullous
dermatoses including bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, linear IgA
disease, and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.86–92 Although not in all cases,
there is often a relationship to treatment, particularly with PUVA ther-
apy. In some instances, the histology may show features of both conditions
(Figs 6.102–6.104).
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of psoriatic lesions includes a number of
• Pityriasis rubra pilaris differs from psoriasis by the presence of
alternating parakeratosis and hyperkeratosis in both vertical and
horizontal directions (spotty parakeratosis). Neutrophil infiltration of the
stratum corneum is not a feature of pityriasis rubra pilaris unless there is Fig. 6.104
secondary infection. Bullous pemphigoid and pustular psoriasis: higher-power view of the pustule.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 211
Reiter's syndrome
The skin lesions of Reiter's syndrome typically show psoriasiform hyperpla-
sia with parakeratosis. The epidermis is markedly acanthotic with elonga-
tion and hypertrophy of the epidermal ridges. The suprapapillary plates are
thinned and there is infiltration of the epidermis by neutrophils, associated
with the formation of spongiform pustules, microabscesses, and ultimately
macropustules indistinguishable from pustular psoriasis. A perivascular lym-
phohistiocytic infiltrate with neutrophils is seen in the upper dermis.
Fig. 6.110
Pityriasis rubra pilaris:
Fig. 6.107
classical juvenile type.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris: characteristic, scattered islands of unaffected skin are evident.
Note the very extensive
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
distribution of the lesions.
By courtesy of M.M.
Black, MD, Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
The prognosis in this group is good, most patients clearing within 1 year
but a recurrence rate of up to 17% has been reported.9
• Type IV, circumscribed pityriasis rubra pilaris, affects 25% of patients
and presents in prepubertal children. Sharply defined areas of follicular
hyperkeratosis and erythema are seen on the knees and elbows, together
with occasional scaly erythematous patches on the rest of the body and
palmoplantar hyperkeratosis.10
• Type V, atypical juvenile pityriasis rubra pilaris, accounts for approximately
5% of patients; presentation occurs early in life and this type has a lengthy
duration. Characteristic follicular hyperkeratosis is present, together with a
mild erythema. Ichthyosiform features are sometimes seen.5 The skin of the
feet and hands may become thickened and scleroderma-like.
Familial variants, which account for 0–6.5% of cases, mostly present with atyp-
ical features as described in type V pityriasis rubra pilaris.5 In most families, inheri-
tance has been via an autosomal dominant mechanism with variable expression
and reduced penetrance although a recessive form has also been postulated.11
Fig. 6.108
Pityriasis rubra pilaris has been reported in association with HIV
Pityriasis rubra pilaris: in this patient, the scale is conspicuous.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
infection.12,13 Nodulocystic acneiform or furuncle-like lesions and lichen
spinulosus may also be present. This is a particularly severe variant, which
responds poorly to therapy.13 Further associations include rheumatological
disease, in particular arthritis, dermatomyositis, and underlying malignancy
possibly representing a paraneoplastic phenomenon.14–25
Fig. 6.113
Fig. 6.111 Pityriasis rubra pilaris: alternating hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris:
follicular lesion showing
the conical keratin plug.
Parakeratosis is present
above the adjacent
Fig. 6.114
Pityriasis rubra pilaris:
close-up view.
Fig. 6.115
Pityriasis rubra pilaris:
plantar lesion showing
hyperkeratosis, focal
Fig. 6.112 parakeratosis, and regular
Pityriasis rubra pilaris: there is hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis and acanthosis with a rounded
psoriasiform hyperplasia. lower border.
214 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus
Differential diagnosis
Pityriasis rubra pilaris may be confused both clinically and histologically
with psoriasis. Features in favor of pityriasis rubra pilaris include follicular
plugging with parakeratosis of the adjacent epithelium, focal parakeratosis,
broad rete ridges, thickened suprapapillary plates, increased granular cell
layer, and an absence of tortuous dilated capillaries immediately adjacent to
the epidermis. In psoriasis the acanthosis is typically more marked and often
strikingly regular, the rete ridges are thin and often fused, the suprapapillary
plate is thinned, parakeratosis is usually confluent, and characteristic collec-
tions of neutrophils are seen in the overlying parakeratotic stratum corneum
in association with spongiform degeneration of the underlying superficial
Histological features
Histologically, the nevus is characterized by sharply demarcated, alternating
parakeratosis and orthohyperkeratosis (Figs 6.117–6.119).2,5,15 The epider-
mis shows papillomatosis with psoriasiform hyperplasia and absence of the
Fig. 6.118
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN): alternating hyperkeratosis
and parakeratosis is characteristic.
Fig. 6.116
Inflammatory linear
verrucous epidermal
nevus (ILVEN): patients
present with scaly,
erythematous, itchy
papules and plaques
in a linear distribution,
showing a predilection
for the legs. From the
collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, the Institute
of Dermatology, London, Fig. 6.119
UK. Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN): close-up view.
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis 215
Differential diagnosis
ILVEN must be distinguished from linear psoriasis.16 In ILVEN, parakera-
tosis alternates with orthohyperkeratosis in contrast with psoriasis where
the parakeratosis is confluent. Similarly, the thickened rete ridges of ILVEN
contrast with the thinned ones of psoriasis. By immunocytochemistry, in
ILVEN, involucrin expression is markedly diminished in the epithelium deep
to the parakeratosis, while it is increased in the epithelium underlying the
hyperkeratosis.17 In psoriasis, there is a general increase in involucrin expres-
sion throughout the entire lesion.
Rare cases of ILVEN showing histiocyte infiltration of the underlying
dermis reminiscent of verruciform xanthoma have been documented.18–21
Histological features
Histologically, there is considerable overlap with psoriasis and chronic spon-
giotic dermatitis, the epidermis showing hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and
acanthosis. In addition however, dyskeratosis and interface changes reminis-
cent of lichen planus are also commonly present.1 A perivascular or less com-
monly lichenoid chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is present in the superficial Fig. 6.121
dermis. Bazex syndrome: keratoderma. By courtesy of J.L. Bolognia, MD, Yale Medical
Bullous lesions may be subepidermal or, less often, intraepidermal.1,6 School, CT, USA.
Pustular dermatoses
Pustular drug reactions ally been described.3,4 It may be associated with a benign or malignant IgA
paraproteinemia (up to 40% of cases) or multiple myeloma, and sometimes
This topic is discussed in the chapter on adverse reactions to drugs. pyoderma gangrenosum is also present.5–15 Other associations include rheu-
matoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperthyroidism, Crohn's
disease, multiple sclerosis, IgG cryoglobulinemia, bullous pemphigoid, mor-
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis phea, diffuse scleroderma, Sjögren syndrome, marginal zone lymphoma,
chronic lymphocytic leukemia, squamous carcinoma of the bronchus, and
Clinical features metastatic gastrinoma, although it is doubtful whether these are of any great
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson disease) is a rare significance.15–26
chronic, relapsing, and apparently noninfective eruption of unknown eti- Clinically, patients present with waves of superficial flaccid pustules in
ology.1,2 It predominantly affects females (4:1) and is usually diagnosed circinate or serpiginous groups and sheets, particularly in the folds of the
during the middle years of life. Pediatric cases have, however, occasion- body, such as the axillae (Figs 6.122, 6.123) and groins, beneath the breasts,
216 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses
Fig. 6.122
Subcorneal pustular
dermatosis: typical
example showing a
Fig. 6.123
succession of pustules
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis: close-up view of early lesions characterized by
spreading outwards from
numerous pustules arising on an erythematous background. By courtesy of R.A.
the axilla. At the periphery
Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
the lesions are healing
with crust formation. By
courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
MD, St George's Hospital,
London, UK.
and on the abdomen. Fluid levels are sometimes evident. Typically, the
mucous membranes, face, scalp, and peripheries are spared. Healing is rapid,
usually within a few days or weeks, and the condition responds to dapsone,
although not as dramatically as dermatitis herpetiformis. Postinflammatory
hyperpigmentation is common.
Canine subcorneal pustular dermatosis, particularly affecting Miniature
Schnauzers, has been reported.27
Differential diagnosis
The histological features of subcorneal pustular dermatosis cannot be reli-
ably distinguished from those of bullous impetigo, staphylococcal scalded
skin syndrome, pemphigus foliaceus, and IgA pemphigus. Impetigo is, how-
ever, a disease of young children and, although a Gram stain is often negative,
cultures should grow staphylococci or streptococci.
The staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (Ritter's disease) is predomi-
nantly a disease of infants, but rarely it may present in adults. Clinically it
is different from subcorneal pustular dermatosis, being characterized by the
development of large flaccid blisters, which rupture, leaving extensive areas
of denuded skin.
Although acantholysis is typical of the pemphigus group of diseases, it Fig. 6.125
may occasionally be seen in impetigo, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, Subcorneal pustular dermatosis: close-up view.
Infantile acropustulosis 217
Differential diagnosis
Toxic erythema of the neonate must be distinguished from incontinentia pig-
menti. The latter, however, is characterized by eosinophilic spongiosis, a fea-
ture not seen in toxic erythema. In miliaria rubra the vesicles are related to
sweat ducts rather than hair follicles and typically contain mononuclear cells
rather than eosinophils. Toxic erythema of the neonate must also be distin-
guished from infantile acropustulosis, transient neonatal pustular melanosis,
Fig. 6.126 and infantile eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (see below).
Subcorneal pustular
dermatosis: in addition
to neutrophils there are
scattered acantholytic Infantile acropustulosis
These features are Clinical features
indistinguishable from
those of pemphigus
This uncommon condition usually presents in the first year of life and is
foliaceus. sometimes evident at birth.1–4 There is a marked male predilection. Although
it is most often seen in black children, it has occasionally been reported in
Asians and whites.5–8
The disorder presents as crops of intensely itchy, erythematous papules
subcorneal pustular dermatosis, and pustular psoriasis. In difficult cases the 1–5 mm in diameter, vesicles, and pustules, which are found most often on the
demonstration of positive immunofluorescence will establish the diagnosis of palms and soles, but the volar surfaces of the wrists, the ankles, the face, and
pemphigus (however, see IgA pemphigus). scalp may occasionally be affected (Fig. 6.127).6 The mucous membranes
There has been considerable controversy in earlier literature concerning are spared.1 Lesions are often present for 1–2 weeks and tend to recur every
the relationship between subcorneal pustular dermatosis and pustular psoria- 2–4 weeks. With progression, the duration of the eruption diminishes and the
sis, with some authors claiming them to be one and the same condition and remission lasts for gradually increasing periods of time. Spontaneous resolu-
others equally determined that they are quite different. In our view, these are tion has usually occurred by 2–3 years of age.
two distinct diseases. Thus, in subcorneal pustular dermatosis, there is no
family history and there is no evidence of more typical psoriasiform lesions Pathogenesis and histological features
elsewhere. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis responds to dapsone in the vast
majority of cases and histologically spongiform change deep to the pustule The etiology and pathogenesis of this condition are unknown. However, infan-
(typical of psoriasis) is characteristically absent. Psoriasis is not associated tile acropustulosis may be associated with atopy and hypereosinophilia.6,9–11
with monoclonal gammopathy or multiple myeloma. Sometimes, a history of prior or concurrent scabies infection is present but
whether this is causal is uncertain.4
for references and
additional material
Wei-Lien Wang and Alexander Lazar
Lichenoid dermatoses 219 Interface dermatoses 237 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 246
Lichen planus 219 Erythema multiforme 238 Blooms' syndrome 247
Lichen nitidus 229 Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson Cockayne's syndrome 248
Lichenoid keratosis 231 syndrome 241 Dyskeratosis congenita 248
Lichen striatus 232 Paraneoplastic pemphigus 245 Graft-versus-host disease 249
Adult Blaschkitis 233 Poikiloderma 245 Pityriasis lichenoides 255
Keratosis lichenoides chronica 234 Poikiloderma of Civatte 245
Erythema dyschromicum perstans 236 Mitochondrial DNA syndrome-associated
Lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis 236 poikiloderma 246
The term ‘lichenoid’ refers to inflammatory dermatoses which are character- gingivae are most often affected, in decreasing order of frequency.12 Patients
ized by a bandlike lymphohistiocytic infiltrate in the upper dermis, hugging frequently present with a white lacelike pattern, but papules, plaques and
and often obscuring the dermoepidermal interface. Lichen planus is the proto- erosions, ulcerated, atrophic, and bullous variants may also be found (Figs
typic lichenoid dermatitis (Box 7.1). Interface dermatitis refers to the presence 7.4–7.6).1,15 Lesions are usually asymptomatic, although erosions and bul-
of basal cell vacuolization (hydropic degeneration) and is often accompanied lae are sometimes tender and painful. Chronic ulcerated oral lichen planus
by single-cell keratinocyte apoptosis (Box 7.2). These two terms are by no is of particular importance because it has been related to an increased risk,
means mutually exclusive as most lichenoid infiltrates are accompanied by albeit low, of developing squamous cell carcinoma (Fig 7.7). The risk of
interface change. However, some dermatoses are characterized primarily by developing malignancy is debated, with current literature suggesting that
interface change without a lichenoid infiltrate such as lupus erythematosus 0–12.5% of affected patients will develop an oral malignancy.12,16–22 Oral
and erythema multiforme. involvement in lichen planus and its relationship to cutaneous squamous
cell carcinoma is discussed in greater depth elsewhere. Involvement of the
gums may present as desquamative gingivitis.1 Other mucous membranes
Lichenoid dermatoses that may be involved include those of the pharynx, larynx, esophagus,
nose, anus, and genitalia.23 Familial cases of lichen planus limited to oral
involvement are noted.24
Lichen planus Ocular involvement is rare and may include eyelid lesions, blephari-
tis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, punctate corneal opacities, iridocyclitis, and
Clinical features chorioretinitis.25,26
Lichen planus (Gr. leichen, tree moss) is a common, usually intensely pruritic, Esophageal involvement, although rare, is an important potential
symmetrical, papulosquamous dermatosis.1,2 Its prevalence in the general cause of morbidity, and is the most frequently involved gastrointestinal
population is approximately 1%, and it most often presents in the fourth to site.27 Concomitant oral lesions are invariably present. To date, middle-
sixth decades with a slight female predominance.3,4 It is uncommon in child- aged or elderly females are typically affected.28–31 Complications include
hood.5,6 Occasional familial cases have been reported.7,8 chronic dysphagia and stricture formation affecting the mid or upper
The disease is characterized by small, smooth, shiny, flat-topped polygonal esophagus.28,32–35 Patients with esophageal lichen planus may have a
papules measuring several millimeters to 1 cm in diameter and often having a risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. The role of surveillance is
violaceous color (Fig. 7.1). Delicate white lines known as Wickham's striae uncertain.27,28,30,31,36,37
typically cross the slightly scaly surface (Fig. 7.2). The lesions are found Genital lesions in lichen planus are common (particularly in males),
most commonly on the flexor aspect of the wrists, the forearms, the exten- being present in up to 25% of patients, and sometimes adopting an annu-
sor aspect of the hands and ankles, the lumbar area and the glans penis (Fig lar configuration (Fig. 7.8).1 Similar annular lichen planus may be found
7.3). Lichen planus is associated with a positive Koebner's phenomenon. It is elsewhere on the body, including intertriginous areas.38 Occasionally, penile
a usually self-limiting although sometimes protracted disorder, patients clear- lesions are the sole expression of the disease.39 Vulval lesions may be found
ing of lesions within weeks to 1 or 2 years. in up to 51% of females with cutaneous involvement.40 Sometimes gingi-
Oral involvement, which is very common (affecting up to 60% of val and female genital lesions may coexist as a variant of erosive lichen
patients with cutaneous disease), shows a marked female preponderance planus, the so-called vulvovaginal-gingival syndrome.41–44 Patients present
and presents most often in the seventh decade. It may sometimes be the sole with dyspareunia and intense burning vulval pain. The vulva appears con-
manifestation (an estimated 15–35% of patients with oral lichen planus gested and there may be erosions, which are often surrounded by a white
never develop skin lesions).9–14 The buccal mucosa, vestibule, tongue, and reticulate border. Vaginal involvement similarly presents as dyspareunia
220 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Box 7.1
Causes of lichenoid dermatitis
• Lichen planus
• Lichenoid graft-versus-host disease
• Lichen nitidus
• Lichenoid keratosis
• Lichenoid drug reaction
• Fixed drug reaction
• Lichen planopilaris
• Lichen striatus
• Adult Blaschkitis
• Lichen aureus
• Lichenoid mycosis fungoides
• Ashy dermatoses
• Lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis
Box 7.2 A
Causes of interface dermatitis
Fig. 7.4
Lichen planus: this lace-like pattern is characteristic. From the collection of the late
N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig 7.6
Lichen planus: the tongue
is commonly affected. By
courtesy of M. Blanes,
MD, Alicante, Spain
Fig. 7.5
Lichen planus: there
is extensive ulceration
of the buccal mucosa.
By courtesy of Fig. 7.7
R.A. Marsden, MD, Lichen planus: there is an ulcerated squamous carcinoma on the lower lip. By
St George's Hospital, courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
London, UK.
Fig. 7.9
Lichen planus: there is longitudinal ridging and striation affecting the thumbnail,
with inflammatory changes in the nail folds. From the collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
B Fig. 7.10
Lichen planus: postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is a common manifestation.
By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 7.8
Lichen planus: (A) typical papules are present on the shaft of the penis; (B) note the
erythematous erosions around the vulval introitus and labia minora. (A) From the
collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK; • Ulcerative lichen planus, a chronic variant affecting the fingers, hands,
(B) By courtesy of S. Neill, MD, Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. soles, and toes, is often associated with permanent loss of the nails (Figs
7.18, 7.19). Squamous cell carcinoma may complicate this variant of
lichen planus.76
• Lichen planus pigmentosus, most commonly encountered in the tropics Other variants include lichen planus linearis, which occurs predominantly
in dark-skinned patients, is characterized by the development of variably in children, and the rare vesicular or bullous variants, which must be distin-
pruritic pigmented dark-brown macules predominantly affecting exposed guished from lichen planus pemphigoides. Bullous lichen planus implies the
skin and the flexures (Figs 7.15, 7.16). The most common affected sites development of vesicles or bullae on pre-existent lichenoid lesions as a con-
include the face and neck.67–72 There is no sex predilection. The disorder sequence of severe basal cell hydropic degeneration. It is more often a histo-
is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.4 Exceptionally, logical finding rather than a clinical observation. In contrast, lichen planus
involvement of the oral mucosa has been documented.5 pemphigoides is characterized by the development of large tense bullae aris-
• Hypertrophic lichen planus, which represents superimposed lichen ing on normal or erythematous skin in a patient with typical lichen planus
simplex chronicus, commonly affects the lower limbs, particularly the elsewhere. It represents the combined expression of lichen planus and bullous
shins, and manifests as highly pigmented warty plaques (Fig. 7.17).73 pemphigoid.77
Familial lichen planus shows an increased incidence of this variant.74 Childhood lichen planus shows a modest male predominance (2:1).5,6,61,78
The lesions are intensely itchy and very persistent. There may be an Although mucosal involvement is said to be rare, recent series report a fre-
attendant (albeit very slight) risk of neoplastic transformation although quency of 14–39%.6,61,78 Hypertrophic lesions may be seen in up to 26%
the evidence is weak and based largely on case reports.75 of cases.6
Lichenoid dermatoses 223
Fig. 7.13
Lichen planopilaris: follicular lichenoid papules are clearly seen in this patient. By
courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.11
Lichen planopilaris: there are characteristic hyperpigmented follicular papules, which
are confluent in some areas. The limbs are commonly affected. By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 7.14
Lichen planus actinicus: there is marked facial hyperpigmentation representing
postinflammatory changes. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.12
Lichen planopilaris: marked inflammatory changes with scarring and secondary hair
loss. These changes are difficult to distinguish from those of pseudopélade and
chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith,
MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.19
Ulcerative lichen planus: the digits are often affected. This variant is associated with
a slightly increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
Fig 7.16 MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
Lichen planus pigmentosus: the face is a commonly affected site. From the
collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), combined with the well-recognized relationship
to numerous drugs, adds support to this hypothesis.81–83
Lichen planus is associated with a variety of liver cell abnormalities including
aberrant liver function tests and serology.84,85 An increased incidence of chronic
active hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and primary biliary cirrhosis has
also been recorded.86–91 Not all documented series, however, have confirmed
these observations, suggesting that the reported relationship may be dependent
upon the background level of hepatitis B virus infection.89 Lichen planus has
also followed hepatitis B vaccination.92–95 More recently, lichen planus (particu-
larly oral disease) has been linked to hepatitis C virus and chronic liver disease.
The incidence of hepatitis C virus in patients with lichen planus is, however,
very variable, ranging from effectively zero in some populations, including the
United Kingdom, India, and Slovenia, to as high as 100% in Japan.96–101
Evidence of other disorders including thyroid disease, dyslipidemia, and
impaired carbohydrate metabolism including overt diabetes mellitus has also
been documented in lichen planus, particularly the oral variant.102–110 A recent
study from Japan suggests a possible association of hepatitis C infection with
both diabetes and lichen planus.109
A significant association between lichen planus and human leukocyte anti-
gen (HLA)-DR1 and HLA-DQ1 has been noted by a number of authors.111–117
Fig. 7.17 This association pertains to patients with or without mucosal lesions but does
Hypertrophic lichen planus: raised, warty, violaceous plaques on the shin of an not extend to patients with the drug-induced variant. It is suggested that this
elderly man. These lesions had been present for 30 years. By courtesy of R.A. association relates to antigen presentation by HLA-DR1+ cells to T-helper
Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK. cells with the resultant development of an autoimmune response.111
Although it is generally accepted that the pathogenesis of the basal cell
damage in lichen planus primarily involves the cellular immune response, the
precise mechanism(s) require further elucidation. It is unlikely that autoan-
tibody and immune complex-mediated damage have a significant role in the
lichenoid tissue reaction.79,80
The initial event in the evolution of the lichen planus papule is destruction
of the basal epidermal layer (keratinocytes and melanocytes).118,119 In the ear-
liest stage of development, increased numbers of Langerhans cells are present
within the epidermis and it is believed that these cells process modified epi-
dermal antigens for presentation to T lymphocytes.120 Keratinocytes express
HLA-DR and this is likely to be of pathogenetic importance. Subsequent
migration with resultant CD8+ T-cell activation results in basal keratinocyte
death due to the combined effects of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin
(IL)-6, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α).81–83,121 The expression of FasR/FasL by
the basal keratinocytes suggests that apoptosis is an important mode of cell
death in lichen planus.122 The dermal infiltrate consists predominantly of Ia+,
CD4+ lymphocytes.120,123 CD8+ lymphocytes are also present in close appo-
sition to the dermoepidermal junction adjacent to foci of basal keratinocyte
Fig. 7.18 necrosis and are said to predominate in early lesions.121,123–125 B lymphocytes
Ulcerative lichen planus: there is marked atrophy of the skin around this crusted are scarce and plasma cells are characteristically absent in cutaneous lesions,
ulcer. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. except in the hypertrophic variant.
Lichenoid dermatoses 225
Fig. 7.25
Lichen planus: close-up view of Figure 7.24 showing basal cell liquefactive
degeneration and cytoid bodies.
Fig. 7.28
Atrophic (resolving) lichen planus: in addition to the lymphohistiocytic infiltrate,
there are excessive numbers of fibroblasts and increased papillary dermal collagen.
In lesions of annular lichen planus the typical histologic features are only
seen in the periphery at the advancing edge of the lesion.
In micropapular lichen planus the changes are so focal that the diagnosis
may be missed if serial sections are not examined.
Lichen planopilaris in its early stages shows an infiltrate surrounding the
lower hair follicle and papilla, follicular dilatation, and keratin plugging (Fig.
7.29).52,54 The adjacent interfollicular epithelium may or may not show a typ-
ical lichenoid infiltrate (Fig. 7.30). Basal cell hydropic degeneration, cytoid
body formation, and pigmentary incontinence are also sometimes evident. In
advanced scalp lesions, the hair follicles are destroyed and replaced by ver-
tically orientated fibrous scars, reminiscent of the fibrous streamers seen in
pseudopélade of Brocq.
Lichen planoporitis represents a rare variant in which lichenoid/interface
changes are centered on the acrosyringium and eccrine sweat duct as it enters
the epidermis. Squamous metaplasia of the ductal lining epithelium may be
a feature.127
Fig. 7.26 In lichen planus actinicus, the annular borders of the macules show typi-
Lichen planus: melanin pigment is present within macrophages (pigmentary cal features of lichen planus. In the center of the lesions, however, the epithe-
incontinence). lium is atrophic, thin, and flattened, although the lymphohistiocytic infiltrate
Lichenoid dermatoses 227
Fig. 7.29
Lichen planopilaris: (A, B) there is marked follicular dilatation and plugging accompanied by a bandlike folliculocentric infiltrate. This patient presented with scarring alopecia
and typical lichen planus lesions elsewhere.
Fig. 7.30
Lichen planopilaris: (A, B) there is a strikingly folliculocentric bandlike infiltrate associated with keratin plugging. The interfollicular epidermis is unaffected.
Fig. 7.35
Lichen planus: brilliant
green fluorescence
indicates the presence
Fig. 7.33 of fibrin. By courtesy
Hypertrophic lichen of the Department of
planus: there is basal cell Immunofluorescence,
liquefactive degeneration Institute of Dermatology,
with cytoid bodies. London, UK.
Fig. 7.36
Lichen planus: cytoid
bodies labeled positively
for IgM. By courtesy
of the Department of
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Differential diagnosis
Lichen planus should be differentiated from other diseases showing a
lichenoid infiltrate and hydropic degeneration of the basal layer of the epi-
thelium.130 Thus lichen planus may be indistinguishable from lichenoid Fig. 7.37
keratosis and their distinction is entirely dependent on clinicopathological Lichen nitidus: numerous tiny papules are present on the chest of a young child.
correlation. In many cases of lichenoid keratoses, there are other associated By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
changes including focal spongiosis and parakeratosis. Atrophic lesions may
be confused with poikiloderma and chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. A
lichen planus-like morphology is typical of the early stages of chronic graft-
versus-host disease (GVHD).
Poikiloderma shows epidermal atrophy, with loss of the ridge pattern and
no tendency to a saw-toothed appearance. In those examples associated with
mycosis fungoides, the lichenoid infiltrate contains variable numbers of atypi-
cal lymphocytes and mycosis fungoides cells.
Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus is associated with epidermal atro-
phy and follicular plugging. The inflammatory cell infiltrate is patchy with a
tendency to periappendageal location. A positive lupus band test is a helpful
Lichen planus may easily be mistaken for a lichenoid drug reaction, par-
ticularly in the absence of clinical information. Histological features favoring
the latter include high-level cytoid bodies and eosinophils within the dermal
Lichen nitidus
Clinical features
Lichen nitidus is a rare but distinctive dermatosis, which shows an equal sex
incidence.1 Children and young adults are predominantly affected. It presents Fig. 7.38
clinically as an eruption of pinhead-sized, flesh-colored, shiny, flat-topped Lichen nitidus: numerous
tiny papules are present
or dome-shaped papules and shows a predilection for the arms, chest, abdo-
on the penis. The genitalia
men, and genitalia (Figs 7.37, 7.38).1–5 A positive Koebner's phenomenon are commonly affected.
is typically present.5 The condition is usually localized and asymptomatic, From the collection of the
although occasionally there may be mild or even intense pruritus.2 Rarely, late N.P. Smith, MD, the
generalized lesions have been described.2,6,7 An association with generalized Institute of Dermatology,
lesions and Down's syndrome has been documented, as has been a case after London, UK.
230 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Histological features
Lichen nitidus is recognizable by a characteristic histology in many cases. The
classic papule is sharply circumscribed and occupies the space of only four
or five dermal papillae. It is often depressed in the center and composed of
atrophic epidermis, frequently covered by a parakeratotic tier and overlying
a cellular infiltrate (Figs 7.39–7.42). Clawlike extensions of epidermal ridges
mark the lateral boundaries of the lesion. The epithelium shows basal cell
hydropic degeneration, and cytoid bodies may be a feature. The inflamma-
tory component consists of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and variable numbers
of epithelioid cells. Giant cells are sometimes a feature and true granulomata
may occasionally be found, although caseation is never present.24 In addition
to red blood cell extravasation, purpuric variants may show increased vascu-
larity with vessel wall thickening and hyalinization.18 In rare cases, a promi-
nent lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate can extend down the hair follicle
and eccrine glands, making the distinction from lichen striatus challenging.24
A follicular variant of lichen nitidus may be seen and mimics lichen spinulo-
sus histologically.25 However, rarely, lichen nitidus and lichen spinulosus may
coexist clinically.26
Fig. 7.41
Lichen nitidus: the infiltrate consists of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and epithelioid
cells. Ill-defined noncaseating granulomata are not uncommon.
Fig. 7.39
Lichen nitidus: scanning view showing a typical small, circumscribed lesion occupying Fig. 7.42
only a couple of dermal papillae. Note the clawlike epidermal lateral borders. Lichen nitidus: there are multiple lesions of lichen nitidus with an associated
granulomatous component. The patient also had typical lichen planus lesions. By
courtesy of R. Margolis, MD, St Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston, USA.
Lichen nitidus may coexist with lichen planus or predate it and lichen niti-
Fig. 7.40 dus-like lesions may be found in patients with typical lichen planus, but it is
Lichen nitidus: note the parakeratosis and bandlike infiltrate. unlikely that the conditions are closely related.34,35 Wickham's striae are not
Lichenoid dermatoses 231
a feature of lichen nitidus and mucosal involvement is exceptional.2,4 Lichen expression, suggesting the absence of localized antigenic stimulation as seen
nitidus is associated with parakeratosis and epidermal atrophy, in contrast in lichen planus.2,12 These studies suggest that lichenoid keratosis is an entity
to the orthohyperkeratosis and acanthosis seen in lichen planus. The saw- distinct from lichen planus despite the similarities in histology.
toothed appearance of the lower border of the epidermis seen in lichen planus Despite this, histologically, as its name suggests, the features are similar to
is not a feature of lichen nitidus and immunofluorescence for immunogloblins those of lichen planus. Thus there is hyperkeratosis, wedge-shaped hypergran-
is negative. Epithelioid cells and giant cells are characteristic of lichen nitidus ulosis, variable acanthosis, and basal cell liquefactive degeneration sometimes
and are not typically a feature of lichen planus. Three patients with Crohn's accompanied by lymphocytic exocytosis (Figs. 7.44, 7.45).2,3,5 Foci of parak-
disease were reported to develop lichen niditus; however it remains to be eratosis are also frequently seen.1,2 Although the saw-toothed acanthosis of
seen if lichen nitidus is truly an extragastrointestinal finding of this disease.36 lichen planus is sometimes evident, more often the epithelium merely shows
Another patient developed lichen nitidus after hepatitis B vaccine injection.37 broadened, widened, and irregular epidermal ridges.4 The basal epidermal
The significance of this is uncertain. layers may sometimes show very minor degrees of cytological atypia, includ-
ing cellular and nuclear enlargement with conspicuous nucleoli, but these
Lichenoid keratosis changes represent regenerative phenomena.3 Dysplasia as seen in lichenoid
actinic keratosis is not a feature of a lichenoid keratosis. Colloid bodies are
usually conspicuous in both the epidermis and dermis and pigmentary incon-
Clinical features
tinence is often marked (Figs 7.46–7.48).1,2,7 Apoptotic keratinocytes can
Lichenoid keratosis (benign lichenoid keratosis, lichen planus-like keratosis, be prominent and may be associated with inatraepidermal blister formation
solitary lichen planus) is not uncommon and usually presents as a solitary, with subepidermal vesiculation. Epidermal pallor and dermal edema can be
0.3–2-cm diameter, sharply demarcated, erythematous, violaceous, tan or seen in cases with only slight or no acanthosis and an interface population of
brown papule or plaque (Fig. 7.43).1,2 Occasionally, multiple lesions may lymphocytes along the junction with vacuolar degeneration. Foci of atrophy
be present.2,3 It is usually of short duration and shows a predilection for the can be occasionally encountered.2 In some cases a combination of lichenoid
face (particularly the cheeks and nose), neck, upper trunk (especially the pre- and spongiotic changes may be seen.
sternal area), forearm, and dorsum of the hand.2,4–8 The surface is often scaly.
Lesions are commonly asymptomatic, but mild pruritus has sometimes been
documented.8 Patients are frequently Caucasian, but occasionally blacks are
affected.2,7,8 Females develop these lesions more commonly than males, usu-
ally in their fourth to seventh decades.2,5
Lichenoid keratosis is often clinically misdiagnosed as a seborrheic keratosis,
superficial basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis or
Bowen's disease.5
Differential diagnosis
Many conditions show lichenoid histology and therefore come into the differ-
ential diagnosis. Most prominently, these include lichen planus and lichenoid
Fig. 7.48
drug reactions. Lichenoid keratosis: basal cell liquefactive degeneration is evident in addition to
If clinical information is available, differentiation from lichen planus cytoid bodies. Note the parakeratosis.
should present little difficulty. Lichen planus is characterized by large num-
bers of lesions in contradistinction to the single papule or plaque of lichenoid
keratosis. In addition, lichen planus is usually itchy. Parakeratosis and dermal
plasma cells with eosinophils are not a feature of lichen planus, but are typi-
cal of lichenoid keratosis.7
Both actinic keratoses and squamous cell carcinoma in situ may some-
times show a lichenoid inflammatory cell reaction. Dysplasia by definition
is not a feature of lichenoid keratosis.1,2 Inflamed seborrheic keratosis and
porokeratosis can have a prominent lichenoid reaction. The absence of
horn cyst formation, squamous epidermal eddies, and laminated stratum
corneum keratin helps distinguish these lesions from seborrheic keratosis,
while the absence of cornoid lamella excludes porokeratosis. Melanocytic
lesions with halo phenomenon can become a diagnostic consideration and
require examination of the dermis and dermoepidermal junction for mel-
anocytic nests. In difficult cases, additional step sections or S-100 protein
immunohistochemical study can prove useful. Finally, the presence of scat-
tered CD30-positive lymphocytes in some cases of lichenoid keratosis may
raise the histological differential diagnosis of lymphomatoid papulosis.
However, the paucity of these enlarged CD30-positive cells, the absence of
a deep infiltrate, and the clinically history of a solitary lesion is reassuring
for lichenoid keratosis.2
Fig. 7.46
Lichenoid keratosis: in this early lesion, there is more uniform acanthosis.
Lichen striatus
Clinical features
Lichen striatus (Blaschko linear acquired inflammatory skin eruption
(BLAISE)) is an uncommon, usually asymptomatic, dermatosis of unknown
etiology, affecting the limbs or neck in which lesions typically follow Blaschko's
lines.1–8 Infrequently, the condition is pruritic.6–9 It is self-limiting, normally
disappearing within months to a year of onset. It shows a female predomi-
nance (2–3:1) and, although it may occur at any age, it most often presents
in children aged 5–15 years.2,5,7,8 Rarely, lichen striatus has been described
in adults (adult Blaschkitis, see below).4,10,11 Occurrence during pregnancy is
very rare.12 A family history is rarely encountered, suggesting a genetic pre-
disposition and/or a common environmental etiology in such cases.2,6,8,13,14 It
is associated with seasonal variation with most series reporting the majority
of patients presenting in spring and summer,2,7 with the exception of one large
series where the majority of patients presented in the winter 8,13 Case cluster-
ing has been documented.2
Lesions, usually solitary and unilateral, present as erythematous or flesh-
colored lichenoid or sometimes psoriasiform scaly papules, which coalesce
into a continuous or interrupted linear or curved band, 1–3 cm wide and
often covering the whole length of a limb, either lower or upper extremi-
Fig. 7.47 ties (Figs 7.49, 7.50).2,8 Occasionally, multiple lesions have been recorded,
Lichenoid keratosis: there is interface change with cytoid bodies. as has bilaterality.8,15,16 Presentation at two different sites and at multiple
Lichenoid dermatoses 233
sites may exceptionally occur.17 Nail changes, which may affect a single nail,
include onycholysis, longitudinal ridging, splitting, and nail loss.8,1,18,19 An
exceptional case of lichen striatus with bilateral nail dystrophy has been
described.20 Lichen striatus is not associated with Koebner's phenomenon.
Hypo- or hyperpigmentation sometimes follows resolution, which may be
marked in people with pigmented skin.8 Lichen striatus is associated with
atopy in up to 60% of patients.1,6–8
Adult Blaschkitis
Clinical features
Adult Blaschkitis (acquired relapsing self-healing Blaschko dermatitis) is a
rare, relapsing linear eruption with a mean age of onset of 40 years, predomi-
nantly affecting males.1–14 Lesions, which are pruritic papules and vesicles,
Fig. 7.49 affect multiple sites, particularly the trunk, following Blaschko's lines and
Lichen striatus: a typically resolve in days or weeks.1 The condition, which may be unilateral or
linear band of scaly more commonly bilateral, recurs over the ensuing months or years.
hyperpigmented papules
is present on the inner Pathogenesis and histological features
aspect of the leg, a
commonly affected
The etiology is unknown. Abnormalities in chromosome 18 in cells from
site. By courtesy of involved skin in comparison to normal-appearing skin has been described
R.A. Marsden, MD, in a female patient with adult Blaschkitis, supporting a link with cutaneous
St George's Hospital, genetic mosaicism.13 Association with a drug has been cited in one case and
London, UK. emotional stress has been reported to precede relapses.11,12
234 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Fig. 7.55
Keratosis lichenoides
chronica: there
are erythematous
hyperkeratotic lichenoid
lesions in a linear and
reticular distribution. By Fig. 7.57
courtesy of R.A. Marsden, Keratosis lichenoides chronica: plantar involvement showing disfiguring exophytic,
MD, St George's Hospital, hyperkeratotic verrucous plaques. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
London, UK. Hospital, London, UK.
236 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Differential diagnosis
The precise relationship of erythema dyschromicum perstans to lichen
planus is uncertain. The histological, immunological, and ultrastructural
findings certainly suggest that they are closely related.15,16 Typical lichen Fig. 7.59
Erythema dyschromicum perstans: in this patient there is extensive involvement of
planus may precede the development of erythema dyschromicum per-
the face, neck, and trunk. By courtesy of J. Tschen, MD, Baylor College of Medicine,
stans and sometimes the two conditions have presented simultaneously, Houston, USA.
although some of the documented cases may have represented lichen
planus pigmentosus.21,22
Lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis The extremities and trunk are most often involved, followed by the head and
neck region. Clinically, the lesions present as lichenoid papules
Clinical features
These lesions were described in 2000 by Magro and Crowson to have features Pathogenesis and histology
of both lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis.1 There is a slight female Various etiologic agents included drug, coexisting medical illnesses, and
predominance (21:15) affecting a broad range of ages (5–86 years old). infections have been implicated. Similar to any lichenoid disorder, there is a
Interface dermatoses 237
Fig. 7.60
Erythema dyschromicum
perstans: in this patient
with more advanced
Fig. 7.62
disease, there is a
Erythema dyschromicum
generalized bluish
perstans: note the
discoloration. By
hydropic degeneration,
courtesy of the Institute
cytoid body, and pigment
of Dermatology, London,
Interface dermatoses
There is such considerable variation in the literature as to the exact defini-
tions and interrelationships between erythema multiforme (particularly the
‘major’ variant), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necroly-
sis that it is often difficult or impossible to be certain to which disease the
authors are actually referring!1–5 The consensus paper published in 1993 by
Bastuji-Garin is used as a basis for classification since the authorship included
most of the major players at that time in this difficult subject.1
Classification of an individual patient depends upon the precise morphol-
ogy and pattern of individual lesions and the extent of skin involvement
(detached and detachable epidermis) as a percentage of total body surface
area at the worst stage of the illness.
• Target lesions are defined as sharply demarcated and round, less than
3.0 cm in diameter and comprising three distinct zones, namely a central
erythematous or purpuric disc with or without a blister, surrounded
by a raised edematous ring, in turn bordered by an erythematous rim
(Fig. 7.63).1 Target lesions are typically distributed in an acral location,
are often seen following a herpetic infection, and are characteristic of
erythema multiforme. Typical target lesions are not seen in patients with
Fig. 7.61 widespread epidermal detachment.
Erythema dyschromicum perstans: there is hyperkeratosis and marked pigmentary • Raised atypical target lesions are ill-defined, round, palpable lesions
incontinence. with only two zones including a central raised edematous area with an
erythematous border.
• Flat, atypical target lesions are ill-defined, round lesions with only two
bandlike infiltrate of lymphocytes and histiocytes. The histiocytes are vari- nonpalpable zones. The center may be blistered (Fig. 7.64).
ably described as loosely aggregated and superficially located, cohesive gran- • Macules with or without blisters are defined as nonpalpable,
ulomata, diffuse interstitial granulomatous inflammation, scattered solitary erythematous or purpuric macules with irregular shape and size and
giant cells, and granulomatous vasculitis.1 Cases associated with drugs also often confluent. Blisters often occur on all or part of the macule.
may display parakeratosis, keratinocyte necrosis, acrosyrinogeal accentua- This lesion is characteristically seen in patients with widespread
tion, red cell extravasation, granulomatous vasculitis, eosinophils, and plas- epidermal detachment who have a history of drug ingestion.
macellular infiltrate sparing the deep dermis.1,2 Lymphocyte atypia may also Working on this basis, the following definitions have been proposed:1
be a feature in examples associated with cutaneous lymphoma or lymphoma- • Bullous erythema multiforme is characterized by < 10% detachment,
tous drug reactions.1 typical target lesions, and sometimes raised atypical target lesions.
238 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
including children, and shows a slight male predilection.1–8 All races may
be affected. It is self-limiting and commonly recurrent (recurrent erythema
multiforme), although rarely continuous episodes of erythema multiforme
have been described (persistent erythema multiforme).9–13 Very occasionally,
epidemics are seen, as for example in military camps.4 The eruption shows
seasonal variation with many patients developing the condition in spring and
It presents as symmetrically distributed, fixed, discrete erythematous
round maculopapules 1–2 cm in diameter which appear in crops on the
acral regions, particularly the elbows, the knees, and extensor aspects of
the extremities (Figs 7.65–7.67). Sometimes, the face, palms and soles,
flexural extremities, and perineum (Fig. 7.68) are affected.2 The scalp is
rarely involved.14 Typically, the center of the lesions becomes ischemic to
produce a bluish discoloration (the classic iris or target lesion) which may
eventually blister. Although lesions are often present for up to 7 days, the
entire episode is usually over by 6 weeks or less.14 Lesions often number
a hundred or more. Resolution may be associated with postinflammatory
Oral lesions are common and are usually mild, typically presenting as mul-
Fig. 7.63 tiple ulcers, which may involve the entire oral cavity, or predominantly affect
Target lesion: characterized by a central blister surrounded by an edematous ring
the buccal mucosa and tongue (Figs 7.69, 7.70).15 Target lesions on the lips
and an outer erythematous border. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
may also be encountered.
Hospital, London, UK.
In many patients, episodes of erythema multiforme are recurrent, develop-
ing as often as five times each year. Such cases are almost invariably due to
herpes simplex infection. Particular clinical features of this variant include a
• Stevens-Johnson syndrome is characterized by > 10% detachment, flat positive Koebner's phenomenon, photodistribution, grouping of lesions over
atypical target lesions, and erythematous macules in addition to blisters the elbows and knees, and nail fold involvement.8
and erosions affecting one or more mucous membranes. In the older literature, a variant of erythema multiforme was recognized
• Overlap Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis is (erythema multiforme major) in which patients developed severe mucosal dis-
characterized by 10–30% detachment, atypical target lesions, and flat ease including oral, ocular, and anogenital lesions. In keeping with the current
erythematous macules. thinking on this complex topic, such cases are now included in the spectrum
• Toxic epidermal necrolysis is characterized by > 30% detachment with of Stevens-Johnson syndrome.1,2
flat atypical target lesions and/or erythematous macules. Rarely, toxic Rarely, patients (usually females) may develop erythema multiforme in asso-
epidermal necrolysis may develop as large epidermal sheets in the absence ciation with discoid or systemic lupus erythematosus – Rowell syndrome.
of erythematous macules.
Pathogenesis and histological features
Erythema multiforme The etiology in the overwhelming majority of cases is past or present infec-
tion with herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II. In many patients, dis-
Clinical features ease is subclinical. In some studies the relationship is strongest in patients
Erythema multiforme is a relatively common condition, which predominantly with recurrent disease. Occasionally, Mycoplasma infection is of etiological
affects younger individuals (particularly in their second to fourth decades), importance. Although many other viral and bacterial infections have also
Fig. 7.64
Flat atypical target lesion: characterized by only two components, a central Fig. 7.65
edematous area or blister surrounded by a zone of erythema, these lesions may Erythema multiforme: multiple lesions on the hand, a typical site of presentation.
be seen in erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology,
necrolysis. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London. London, UK.
Interface dermatoses 239
Fig. 7.69
Erythema multiforme: multiple erosions are present on the labial mucosa. By
courtesy of P. Morgan, MD, London, UK.
Fig. 7.67
Erythema multiforme: more extensive involvement in an adult with large
erythematous lesions. The blisters have ruptured. By courtesy of the Institute of
Dermatology, London.
drug paclitaxel has not only been associated with erythema multiforme but
may trigger a photosensitive variant of the disease.22 Furthermore, the erup-
tion has also been associated with photocontact dermatitis to ketoprofen.23
A single association with HPV vaccination has been reported.24 A localized
contact dermatitis to a henna tattoo has also triggered the disease.25 Erythema
multiforme has also been associated with internal malignancy, including
lymphoma, and may follow radiotherapy.26,27
Although cultures of skin lesions in erythema multiforme are generally
negative for herpes simplex, viral DNA has been identified within the epi-
dermis of skin lesions by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); in situ hybrid-
ization and immunohistochemistry detecting viral components are often
positive.13,16,28–35 Viral DNA is absent from healed lesions.31 Viral gene
expression correlates with lesion development.29 Since there is no evidence
of a viremia, it is thought that viral DNA is transported to the skin within
circulating lymphocytes rather than directly through the bloodstream or
via centrifugal neuronal spread.31,34 Why it localizes to specific sites in the
skin is unknown but this may be related to ultraviolet (UV) exposure. It is
likely that an episode of erythema multiforme develops as a delayed hyper-
sensitivity (and/or cytotoxic) reaction to herpes viral antigens including
DNA polymerase expressed on the surface of keratinocytes. The identifi- Fig. 7.71
Erythema multiforme: early lesion showing hyperkeratosis, basal cell hydropic
cation of IFN-γ in active skin lesions suggests a delayed hypersensitivity
degeneration, and occasional cytoid bodies.
reaction with involvement of variable cytokines recruiting additional lym-
phocytes and macrophages to amplify the inflammatory reaction.35,36 It
has been postulated that HSV DNA polymerase might also be associated
with increased expression of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and
p21waf, thereby accounting for cell growth arrest and apoptosis.37 Viral
antigens do not persist in lesional skin after resolution of the eruption and
therefore in patients with recurrent disease, repeat transportation of viral
DNA to the skin must occur.
Erythema multiforme is associated with an increased incidence of
HLA-B15 (B62), HLA-B35, and HLA-DR53, particularly in recurrent
disease.38–41 Patients with limited mucosal involvement show an increased
frequency of HLA-DQB1*0302 compared with patients in whom
mucosal lesions predominate, when HLA-DQB1*0402 is more com-
monly identified.41
Erythema multiforme is characterized by a combination of basal cell
hydropic degeneration and keratinocyte apoptosis accompanied by a heavy
superficial dermal lymphohistiocytic infiltrate associated with lymphocytic
exocytosis and satellite cell necrosis.16,42–46 An exceptional case in which the
predominant cells were histiocytes mimicking Kikuchi's disease has been
Apoptotic keratinocytes are rounded, intensely eosinophilic, and often
anucleate, although residual pyknotic forms may be present (Figs 7.71, Fig. 7.72
7.72). Their distribution may be focal, involving only an occasional and often Erythema multiforme: close-up view of basal cell hydropic degeneration.
basally located keratinocyte, or it can affect the entire epidermis, thereby
resembling toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome) (Fig. 7.73). Marked
basal cell hydropic degeneration sometimes results in subepidermal clefting
or vesiculation (Fig. 7.74). Intra- and intercellular intraepidermal edema is
evident and spongiotic vesiculation can be a feature (Fig. 7.75).
In biopsies from early lesions, the changes may be predominantly dermal
with marked edema of the papillary dermis accompanied by a chronic inflam-
matory cell infiltrate and red cell extravasation (Fig. 7.76), thereby account-
ing for the clinical appearance of purpura.
The inflammatory cell infiltrate in erythema multiforme usually comprises
lymphocytes and histiocytes; neutrophils are sparse or absent. Eosinophils
may sometimes also be present.48 Leukocytoclasis is not seen.
Histological features, similar to those of the skin lesions, typify involve-
ment of the mucous membranes with spongiosis and intracellular edema.
These lesions tend to be more obvious and, therefore, intraepithelial blisters
are sometimes conspicuous.
With immunohistochemistry, the infiltrate consists predominantly of
helper (CD4+ Vβ2+) lymphocytes with a lesser number of cytotoxic lym-
phocytes and admixed macrophages.49,50 Keratinocytes express intracellu-
lar adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and HLA-DR, the latter thought to be
induced by IFN-γ of activated CD4+ T-helper 1 (Th1) cell derivation.49,51
TNF-α is not expressed in HSV-associated lesions.37 Circulating soluble Fas is Fig. 7.73
thought to be an mediator of apoptosis, as in toxic epidermal necrolysis and Erythema multiforme: marked apoptosis has resulted in intraepidermal vesiculation.
Interface dermatoses 241
Differential diagnosis
Erythema multiforme shows considerable overlap with Steven-Johnson
syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. In erythema multiforme, how-
ever, there are commonly more marked inflammatory changes than seen in
Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in which the epi-
dermal changes of widespread apoptosis are the predominant feature.
Erythema multiforme may also on occasion be confused with fixed drug
eruption, acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and connective tissue
diseases such as systemic or subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and
dermatomyositis. Presence of mucin and evidence of chronicity such as hyper-
keratosis and parakeratosis are useful clues for connective tissue disease. The
presence of conspicuous eosinophils would be in favor of a drug reaction.
Focal interface change combined with an absence of significant eosinophils
and follicular involvement is thought helpful for distinguishing between
GVHD and erythema multiforme. None of the findings is considered abso-
lutely pathognomonic of any entity and clinicopathological correlation will Fig. 7.76
most often ensure their distinction with ease. Erythema multiforme: early lesion showing interface change and marked upper
dermal edema.
Clinical features
Classification of a blistering disorder as toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's
syndrome) or Stevens-Johnson syndrome is based upon the extent of detached
or detachable skin at the worst stage of the illness.2 In the former condition,
30% or more skin is involved whereas in the latter less than 10% is affected
(Figs 7.77, 7.78). An intermediate category where 10–30% of the skin is
involved has also been recognized.3–5
Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome are very rare
conditions, with reported incidences ranging from 0.93 to 1.3 cases per mil-
Fig. 7.74
Erythema multiforme: in this example, subepidermal vesiculation is present. lion population in Europe and 0.5 in the United States.6–9 They represent
severe drug hypersensitivity reactions except for those instances in which
GVHD develops a toxic epidermal necrolysis-like appearance.7,10 While prior
studies have shown there is no racial predilection, there is some evidence
of genetic susceptibility to this condition. Patients with HLA-B*1502 and
HLA-B*5801 are associated with carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson
syndrome and allopurinol-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome among the
Han Chinese, respectively. 5,11,12 The elderly are predominantly affected, but
the condition may present at any age, including children, infants, and the
newborn.13–15 In the last group, mucosal lesions may sometimes be the sole
manifestation of the disease.16 Prior studies have shown that females are
affected more often than males (2:1) but more recent reports suggest that this
may be changing, with more male and HIV/AIDS patients being reported.4,15
In children the sex ratio is equal.
Patients typically present with a short prodromal illness of pyrexia, sore
throat, muscle ache, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and burning
eyes, soon followed by the development of a painful rash most often start-
ing on the face, neck, and shoulders before becoming more generalized with
trunk and proximal limb accentuation.4,5,15–18 The eruption consists of irregu-
lar, erythematous, and sometimes purpuric or necrotic, flat, atypical target
lesions. In some patients, an exanthematous, morbilliform eruption is initially
Fig. 7.75 seen.19 Occasionally, typical target lesions overlapping with erythema multi-
Erythema multiforme: early lesion showing spongiosis, lymphocytic exocytosis, and forme may be a feature.9 In any event, this early stage is soon followed by the
cytoid bodies. development of flaccid, fluid-filled bullae (Fig. 7.79). These rapidly ulcerate,
242 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Fig. 7.79
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: early stage showing multiple large fluid-filled blisters.
By courtesy of R. Reynolds, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
Fig. 7.77
Stevens-Johnson syndrome: this patient developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome
following sulfonamide therapy. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 7.80
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: there is widespread erythema and numerous blisters
Fig. 7.78
are evident. By courtesy of I. Zaki, MD, and S. Dalziel, MD, University Hospital,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome: this condition is distinguished from toxic epidermal
Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK.
necrolysis by there being less than 10% of the skin involved. Note the tense
blisters. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.83
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: healing is commonly followed by postinflammatory
hyperpigmentation. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Differential diagnosis
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is an important clinical differential
diagnosis. The typical histological finding of a subcorneal pustule in this con-
dition makes the distinction easy. In addition, staphylococcal scale skin syn-
drome does not demonstrate full-thickness necrosis.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis/Stevens-Johnson syndrome may sometimes be
indistinguishable from severe erythema multiforme. Marked lymphocytic
exocytosis, apoptosis predominantly affecting the lower epidermis, intense,
lichenoid dermal chronic inflammation with extension along the superficial
and deep vascular plexuses, and prominent erythrocyte extravasation are
Fig. 7.86
more in favor of erythema multiforme.40,48 This histological distinction is also Toxic epidermal necrolysis: this field shows the floor of the blister. There are no
mirrored to some extent by the etiology. Thus, those cases that result from an inflammatory cells in this example.
Fig. 7.87
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: medium-power view showing necrosis of the full
Fig. 7.84 thickness of the roof of the blister.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: low-power view showing subepidermal blistering.
Fig. 7.88
Fig. 7.85 Toxic epidermal necrolysis: follicular involvement showing basal cell hydropic
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: the roof of the blister is completely necrotic. degeneration and apoptosis.
Interface dermatoses 245
Poikiloderma of Civatte
Poikiloderma of Civatte (poikiloderma of head and neck, Derbyshire neck) refers
to a fairly common progressive and irreversible disorder in which typical poiki-
loderma presents in a photodistribution, predominantly affecting the sides of the
face and neck and the ‘V’ of the chest (Fig. 7.93).1–4 Middle-aged and elderly
women, menopausal females, are predominantly affected. Possible etiological
factors include hormonal effects, phototoxicity or photoallergy possibly due to
perfumes or fragrances.4–6 Recently, familial cases have been documented.4
Histological features
In addition to the typical features of poikiloderma, solar elastosis is often very
marked.3 In some biopsies, however, the appearances can be very non-specific.
Fig. 7.89
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: there is a perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate.
Fig. 7.91
Poikiloderma: there is basal cell hydropic degeneration and a very light perivascular
Fig. 7.90 lymphohistiocytic infiltrate.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: note the apoptosis and pigment incontinence.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus
Erythema multiforme-like histological features are an integral feature of para-
neoplastic pemphigus.
Poikiloderma (Gr. poikilos, spotted, mottled, varied) is a clinical descriptive
term applied to skin showing slight scaling, atrophy, variable pigmentation,
and telangiectasia. It is a feature of a number of conditions including lupus
erythematosus, dermatomyositis, large plaque parapsoriasis, poikiloderma
of Civatte, poikiloderma congenitale, Bloom's syndrome, Cockayne's syn- Fig. 7.92
drome, dyskeratosis congenita, and DNA mitochondrial syndrome-associated Poikiloderma: close-up view.
246 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Mitochondrial DNA syndrome-associated hands.6 While occasionally reported, mental retardation is not usually a fea-
ture of this syndrome.1 The disease is associated with the development of
poikiloderma cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and more rarely basal cell carcinoma.2,4
Photodistributed poikiloderma has been documented in a number of mito- Bowen's disease has also been described.7
chondrial DNA syndromes, particularly Pearson's syndrome, which also There is also an increased risk of internal malignancies, particularly tib-
includes failure to thrive, exocrine pancreas insufficiency, severe renal tubule ial osteosarcoma and multicentric osteosarcoma (7–32%).1,2,8–10 An associa-
dysfunction, and bone marrow suppression.1 Other dermatological manifes- tion with duodenal stenosis and annular pancreas has been described in one
tations of mitochondrial DNA syndromes include acrocyanosis, dry brittle patient.11 The life span of the patient, however, is generally normal.
hair, vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, and anhidrosis.2–7
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
Clinical features
This rare syndrome, which has been described in Asians and blacks as well as
Caucasians, has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In contrast to the
earlier finding of an equal sex incidence, the more recent literature suggests a
predilection for males (2:1).1,2 It usually presents between the third and sixth
months of life (hence the term ‘poikiloderma congenitale’) as a reticulated,
erythematous rash – sometimes described as marmoreal (L. marmor, marble) –
on the face, which eventually spreads to involve the extremities and the but-
tocks (Figs 7.94–7.96).2 The trunk and flexural aspects are usually spared.1
Affected infants are photosensitive and, therefore, there is often a history of
sun exposure before the development of skin lesions.3,4 This is later replaced
by reticular, linear, or punctate foci of atrophy.4 Telangiectasia is present and
areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation may be noted. The poikilodermatous
change is seen most frequently at sun-exposed sites.1
Fig. 7.94
A variety of other manifestations may be observed, including variable alo- Rothmund-Thomson
pecia particularly involving the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, and seen most syndrome: there is
often in females. This is present in up to 80% of patients.1 Gastrointestinal a marked mottled
problems including chronic emesis and diarrhea may be seen in infancy.2 hyperpigmentation
Juvenile, subcapsular (unilateral or bilateral) cataracts are common and skel- predominantly affecting
etal abnormalities include short stature, osteopenia, pathological fractures, the peripheries. By
dislocations, irregular metaphyses, abnormal trabeculation, and stippled ossi- courtesy of the Institute
fication of the patellae.2 Small hands with shortened digits are frequently of Dermatology, London,
seen.5 Frontal bossing, saddle nose, and prognathism are characteristic.1 UK.
Absent or malformed radii are seen in 10–20% of patients and bifid or absent
thumb may also be present.1,2,6 Nail dystrophy, dental abnormalities (par-
ticularly conical-shaped teeth with caries), and hypogonadism may also be
detected. Hyperkeratotic warty or verrucous lesions sometimes develop on
the extensor surfaces, particularly overlying joints and especially the feet and
Fig. 7.95
syndrome: there is
symmetrical involvement
of the legs. By courtesy
Fig. 7.93 of the Institute of
Poikiloderma of Civatte: note the mottled hyperpigmentation in a characteristic Dermatology, London,
distribution. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. UK.
Interface dermatoses 247
Bloom's syndrome
This rare chromosomal instability syndrome (also known as congenital Fig. 7.97
telangiectatic erythema with dwarfism) has an autosomal recessive mode of Bloom's syndrome:
inheritance and is particularly seen in East European (Ashkenazi) Jews. When characteristic facies
found in non-Jews, there is a high incidence of parental consanguinity. It rep- includes ‘pinched’
resents a genetically homogenous single locus disease unassociated with any features. Marbled
apparent heterogeneity.1 erythema of the cheek
and crusted lesions
Clinical features involving the lower
lip. By courtesy of D.
There is a characteristic appearance with microcephaly, dolichocephaly, and Atherton, MD, Institute
small, narrow ‘pinched’ facies, and stunted growth leading to severe dwarf- of Dermatology and
ism.2,3 An erythematous rash with telangiectasia develops predominantly on Children's Hospital at
the face (in particular the ‘butterfly’ area) and is exacerbated by sunlight Great Ormond Street,
(Fig. 7.97).4 The rash may also affect the backs of the hands and forearms London, UK.
248 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Cockayne's syndrome
This is a very rare disorder with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance
and a male predominance (4:1) with the majority of cases reported to be of
British ancestry. It is a multisystem disease associated with premature aging and
particularly affects the skin, teeth, eyes, skeleton, and central nervous system.1
Clinical features
Children appear to be normal at birth and have an unremarkable early devel-
opment. However, usually in the second year of life, they show photosensi-
tivity and acquire a ‘butterfly’ rash (as in lupus erythematosus) on the malar
region, which with time is associated with scarring and hyperpigmentary
changes. These features, in association with prognathism, sunken eyes, loss of
subcutaneous fat, and nasal atrophy (‘beaked’ nose), give the children a char-
acteristic progeria-like or bird-headed appearance (Fig. 7.98).2–4 Fine hair
and anhidrosis may also be evident.1
Ocular lesions include corneal opacity, cataract, retinal degeneration, and
optic atrophy with resultant blindness.1 ‘Salt and pepper’ pigmentation of the
fundus is characteristic.2
Patients usually suffer from progressive sensorineural deafness.1 The patients Fig. 7.98
are dwarfs and have disproportionately long limbs with enlarged hands and Cockayne's syndrome: the features include prominent ears, prognathism, a
‘beaked’ nose, and flexion contractures.By courtesy of D. Atherton, MD, Institute of
feet.2 Microcephaly is common and radiological examination reveals thick-
Dermatology and Children's Hospital at Great Ormond Street, London, UK.
ening of the skull bones. Kyphosis, ankylosis, and flexion contractures are
frequent complications, and dental abnormalities include malocclusions and
caries. Involvement of the central nervous system presents as microcephaly,
normal pressure hydrocephalus, mental subnormality, ataxia, choreoatheto-
sis, spasticity, myoclonus, and gait disturbance.1,2,5 Renal function is usually The cerebral lesions are characterized by loss of white matter, cerebellar cor-
impaired.6 tical atrophy, hydrocephalus, and widespread calcification.5,21 Histologically,
Patients with Cockayne's syndrome have an increased incidence of infec- there is demyelination and gliosis. Iron-laden neurons, neurofibrillary tan-
tions and usually die within the third decade. gles, and giant, bizarre astrocytes have also been reported.21,22 Severe athero-
An unusually severe form with early onset and quick death associated with sclerosis resulting in occasional strokes can occur. 21
abnormal thymidine dimer repair (and hence showing overlap with xero- The kidney shows global sclerosis due to marked basement membrane (type
derma pigmentosum) has recently been described.5,7 IV) collagen deposition associated with tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis.6
Prenatal diagnosis of Cockayne's syndrome is now possible.8
Dyskeratosis congenita
Pathogenesis and histological features Clinical features
The two genes responsible for Cockayne's syndrome (CSA and CSB) have This is a rare, but important, systemic illness with poor prognosis and high
been cloned, with most cases due to mutations in CSB.9–11 CSA encodes a mortality. It has a predominantly X-linked recessive mode of inheritance
WD (Trp-Asp) protein, which interacts with a number of proteins including and occurs mainly in males (6:1), although both autosomal dominant
p44 protein, a subunit of transcription/DNA repair factor IIH (TFIIH).12 CSB and recessive variants are also recognized.1–5 The condition consists
belongs to the yeast SNF2/SW12 protein family, which is of importance in predominantly of a complex triad of skin pigmentation, nail, and mucosa
gene transcriptional activation.12 Unlike CSA, CSB is devoid of helicase activ- abnormalities. There is also an increased incidence of malignancy including
ity. CSB protein interacts with CSA and excision repair enzyme XPG. It may hematological and solid tumors.1,2,6
also have a role in response to hypoxic injury and in chromatin structure.11 The skin acquires a widespread reticular pigmentation with associated
A mouse model of this syndrome has been developed.13 poikiloderma, which at first appears most prominently on the face, neck,
Patients with Cockayne's syndrome have an impaired DNA excision/ and the ‘V’ neck region of the upper chest, but later becomes generalized
repair mechanism and are hypersensitive to the effects of UV radiation with (Fig. 7.99).1,4 During childhood the nails become dystrophic and are often
an inability to promote normal levels of DNA and RNA synthesis following lost (Fig. 7.100). There may also be palmoplantar hyperkeratosis associated
UV irradiation.14–17 The specific defect resides within repair of mutations in with hyperhidrosis, development of epiphora, early loss of dentition, caries,
transcriptionally active genes rather than in excision/repair mechanisms in poor growth, sparse hair, bullous eruptions, lacrimal duct stenosis, and men-
general.18,19 There are five complementation groups identifiable by cell fusion tal subnormality.1–3,7 A reduced diffusion capacity develops from pulmonary
studies: CSA, CSB, XPB, XPD, and XPG.5,11 XPB, XPD, and XPG differ from fibrosis.2
groups CSA and CSB by showing an increased incidence of skin cancer.12 Premalignant leukoplakia involving particularly the mouth and anus is an
Cockayne's syndrome may also coexist with trichothiodystrophy.20 important complication, with a significant risk of squamous cell carcinoma
Biopsy of the malar rash shows epidermal atrophy associated with basal developing in these lesions.2,5 The urethra and vagina may also be affected.
cell hydropic degeneration. A chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is present Hematological manifestations include thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia,
in the superficial dermis. pancytopenia, myelodysplasia, and acute myeloid leukemia.7–9
Interface dermatoses 249
The grave outlook of dyskeratosis congenita relates particularly to the with a striking predisposition to develop rearrangements.2,14 Dyskeratosis
development of infections complicating aplastic anemia, malignancy, and congenita therefore appears to result from defective telomerase activity with
pulmonary complications.2,10 resultant impaired stem cell turnover or proliferative activity.4,15 This is sup-
The clinical features of this disease are most severe in males with the ported by the finding that telomeres are markedly shortened and that this
X-linked variant. There is considerable variation in autosomal variants and develops at an early age.6,16
in some of these patients symptoms may be very mild, allowing a normal life The autosomal dominant variant has similarly recently been shown to be
expectancy.2 associated with a mutation of the RNA component of telomerase TERC,
telomerase enzyme TERT – both part of the shelterin telomere protection
Pathogenesis and histological features complex TIN2.4,6
Dykeratosis congenita is characterized by mutations in genes involved in Finally, the autosomal recessive variant has been associated with mutation
telomere function, with the effected gene depending on the mode of inheri- in the NOP10/NHP2 genes that regulate telomerase.6
tance.6 X-linked recessive dyskeratosis congenita is due to mutations of the The histological features of the pigmentary changes are non-specific, show-
DKC1 gene, which has been mapped to Xq28.11 The mutations, which are ing only pigmentary incontinence.
predominantly missense, result in single amino acid substitutions in dyskerin, Biopsies of the mucosal lesions show an acanthotic epithelium with or
a nucleolar protein believed to be responsible for site-specific pseudouridy- without dysplastic changes. In the latter case, great care must be taken to
lation of ribosomal RNA. It is also associated with mutations in the TERC, exclude the presence of squamous cell carcinoma.
TERT, NOP10, and NHP2 genes involved in telomere function.12,13 Not all
cases have a known genetic cause. There is marked chromosomal instability Graft-versus-host disease
Clinical features
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) represents a complex multisystem major
complication of organ transplantation, usually bone marrow, that particu-
larly affects the skin, intestine, and liver. It develops when transplanted immu-
nocompetent donor T lymphocytes are activated, proliferate, and respond
to foreign host major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-histoincompatible
antigens in a background of recipient immunosuppression.1–9 In the context
of identical class I HLA antigens, as may be seen in sibling donors, class II
HLA antigens (HLA-DR, -DP, and -DQ) and minor histocompatibility anti-
gens are of major pathogenetic significance.1,2 These latter HLA antigens are
expressed on host epithelial cells following pregraft irradiation or chemother-
apy, thereby focusing the donor lymphocyte immune response on the skin,
liver, and intestinal tract.1,10,11
GVHD is a very serious complication of allogeneic bone marrow trans-
plantation and morbidity and mortality is very high.12 It may also follow
solid organ transplantation, develop in severely immunodepressed patients
after transfusion of nonirradiated blood or blood products, or complicate
transplacental transfer of maternal lymphocytes into an immunodeficient
Fig. 7.99 The clinical features of GVHD develop as a consequence of donor
Dyskeratosis congenita: typical poikilodermatous pigmentation on the neck. By T lymphocyte-mediated reactions to host tissues. Successful bone marrow
courtesy of D. Atherton, MD, Institute of Dermatology and Children's Hospital at transplantation is dependent upon compatibility of the ABO system blood
Great Ormond Street, London, UK. groups and histocompatibility antigens (HLA). The D locus (HLA class II)
is of particular importance; successful transplantation has occurred in the
presence of identical D loci with dissimilarities at the A and B loci. However,
the development of GVHD is not totally dependent upon HLA incompatibility
as it can develop in 35% of cases with identical A, B, and D loci, suggesting the
additional importance of the minor histocompatibility antigens (miH).2,16
Development of acute GVHD appears to be a consequence of HLA dis-
parity, sex mismatch, increasing patient age, and the presence of infection.7
While the skin is a major target organ in GVHD and one of the first involved
organs, the liver and gastrointestinal tract are also affected.9,17 Manifestations
include malaise, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorption, and abnor-
mal liver function. Additionally, patients with GVHD have an increased risk
of opportunistic infections, which are an important cause of morbidity and
Historically, GVHD was conventionally subdivided into two subgroups by
time after transplantation:
• Acute GVHD occurs within the first 3 months following transplantation
(most often presenting between 2 and 6 weeks).2,17–19
• Chronic GVHD presents after the third month.
However, changing transplantation practices have resulted in delayed
and even atypical presentations of GVHD. In 2005, the National Institutes
Fig. 7.100 of Health Consensus Development Project on Criteria for Clinical Trials in
Dyskeratosis congenita: there is dystrophy of the nails with marked atrophy of the Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease proposed new criteria to standardize the
surrounding skin. By courtesy of D. Atherton, MD, Institute of Dermatology and diagnosis of chronic GVHD and also account for these new GVHD presenta-
Children's Hospital at Great Ormond Street, London, UK. tions, dividing it into four groups:17,19–21
250 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
• Classic acute GVHD: acute GVHD presenting within 100 days after
HCT or donor leukocyte infusion,
• Persistent, recurrent or late onset acute GVHD: acute GVHD occurring
more than 100 days after transplation without chronic GVHD
• Classic chronic GVHD: chronic GVHD without features of acute GHVD
regardless of timing from transplantation,
• Overlap syndromes: both acute and chronic GVHD features present
regardless of timing from transplantation.
The classical features of acute and chronic GVHD are presented below.
The other two categories show similar features and are defined by the clinical
context in which they occur, that is their timing relative to transplantation.
Acute GVHD
Acute GVHD develops in between 6% and 90% of patients who undergo
bone marrow transplantation.22 The incidence relates particularly to HLA
mismatch, the age of the patient, and the conditioning regimen protocols
used.1,2 Additional risk factors of importance include sex mismatch, i.e., when
the donor is a female (particularly if multiparous) and the recipient is male,
use of radiation and/or high dosage chemotherapy prior to transplantation,
prior blood transfusions, prior splenectomy, viral infections, and inadequate
It presents with the sudden onset of fever and malaise, which are rap-
idly followed by cutaneous signs including facial erythema and a gener-
alized morbilliform, maculopapular rash characteristically affecting the
palms and soles (Figs 7.101, 7.102). Mucosal lesions may also be a feature Fig. 7.101
(Fig. 7.103). The skin lesions particularly affect the upper half of the body Acute graft-versus-host disease: chest and arm showing widespread macular
and the back of the neck; ears and shoulders are sites of predilection.1,7,18,19 erythema with fine telangiectasia and mild scaling. By courtesy of R. Touraine, MD,
Lichen planus-like features may sometimes supervene. Additional cutane- Hôpital Henri Mondor, Paris, France.
ous lesions include purpura, petechiae, desquamation, and a folliculitis-like
More severe variants include erythroderma or even a toxic epidermal
necrolysis-like reaction. The latter has a poor prognosis and may be a mani-
festation of a drug reaction or represent a true component of acute GVHD.
It usually affects a large surface area, shows mucosal involvement, and is
associated with severe liver and gastrointestinal lesions.23,24 Mortality is very
high (50% and higher, especially if untreated), related to the effects of ther-
apy in addition to the lesions themselves.12,25 In the event of survival of acute
GVHD, the rash may resolve completely or merge into the features of chronic
GVHD. It is often difficult on clinical grounds (and histologically) to dif-
ferentiate between acute GVHD, viral disorders, and cytotoxic/adverse drug
The clinical manifestations of acute GVHD are traditionally divided into
four stages:1,2,17,18
• Stage I: Maculopapular eruption affecting up to 25% of surface area.
Bilirubin levels of 2–3 mg/dL and diarrhea in excess of 500 mL/day.
• Stage II: Maculopapular erythema affecting 25–50% of surface area.
Bilirubin levels of 3–6 mg/dL and diarrhea in excess of 1000 mL/day.
• Stage III: Generalized erythroderma. Bilirubin levels of 6–15 mg/dL and
diarrhea in excess of 1500 mL/day. Fig. 7.102
• Stage IV: Toxic epidermal necrolysis. Bilirubin levels of 15 mg/dL or more Acute graft-versus-host disease: this vivid palmar erythema is characteristic.
and diarrhea exceeding 1500 mL/day. By courtesy of R. Touraine, MD, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Paris, France.
Chronic GVHD
Chronic GVHD develops in 10% of all patients undergoing allogeneic bone fasciitis have also been described.30–32 In addition, a variety of presentations
marrow transplantation and in 30–70% of all long-term survivors.26 Systems have been reported which can be subtle, especially in the early phase. These
involved include the skin, eyes, mouth and esophagus, liver, genitalia, muscle, include xerosis, ichthyosis, follicular prominence, pityriasiform, eczematous,
and peripheral and central nervous systems.7 Virtually all chronic GVHD psoriasiform lesions, annular lesions similar to urticaria or erthyema annu-
patients exhibit skin manifestations and 90% develop oral lesions.2 Some lare centrifigum, a morbilliform papulosquamous rash, and even erythro-
develop chronic GVHD de novo (30%); others show a gradual progression derma.33 Risk factors for developing chronic GVHD include prior episode of
of continuous acute GVHD into the chronic variant (32%).2 Occasionally, acute GVHD, increasing age, sex mismatch, i.e., when the donor is a female
chronic GVHD may follow a period of resolution of acute GVHD, after an (particularly if multiparous) and the recipient is male, and use of non-T-cell
interval of quiescence (36%).2 Chronic GVHD can occur as a lichen planus- depleted bone marrow.2,34
like eruption or show features of a poikilodermatous or sclerodermatous reac- Although early in chronic GVHD the lesions are typically lichenoid and later
tion.27–29 A discoid lupus erythematosus-like reaction is rare. Polymyositis and sclerodermatous, in some patients these features may appear simultaneously.2
Interface dermatoses 251
UV irradiation, trauma, and infection with herpes zoster virus or Borrelia can
precipitate chronic GVHD.2
The early chronic GVHD lesion commonly has a classic lichenoid appear-
ance with typical erythematous or violaceous polygonal papules sometimes
showing Wickham's striae (Fig. 7.104). The periorbital region, ears, palms,
and soles are sites of predilection.2 Oral mucosal lesions include typical net-like
lacy white lesions, and ulcerated areas may also develop (Figs 7.105–7.107).
The cheeks, tongue, palate, and lips are sites of predilection.2 Symptoms of
Sjögren's syndrome are also often present. Onycholysis and cicatricial alope-
cia may be features. The rash is sometimes less typical, appearing as a desqua-
mative active dermatitis or as follicular hyperkeratosis. As mentioned above,
the findings can sometimes be subtle, such as xerosis.33
The late phase of chronic GVHD is typically sclerodermatous and usu-
ally presents 8–18 months after transplantation (Figs 7.108–7.110). The
development of a poikilodermatous rash is followed by induration, atro-
phy, and sclerosis.30 The resultant features resemble morphea or systemic
sclerosis; chronic ulceration, particularly involving pressure points, can
be an unpleasant complication. Blisters may occasionally develop.30 The
development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma has occasionally been
Chronic GVHD has a mortality of up to 40%. Causes of death include Fig. 7.105
Early chronic graft-versus-host disease: there are diffuse widespread lichenoid
infection, cachexia, and liver failure.2
changes of the lips. By courtesy of R. Touraine, MD, Hôpital Henri Mondor,
Systemic features include chronic hepatitis, diarrhea with malabsorption,
Paris, France.
bronchiolitis obliterans, peripheral entrapment neuropathy, and polymyosi-
tis.2 Opportunistic infections are also of major importance.
Pathogenesis and histological features result in increased recognition of histoincompatible MHC antigens by donor
GVHD is mediated by the combined effects of donor T lymphocytes (CD4+ T-cells.1 The superficial dermal endothelial cells express E-selectin, α4β1
T cells responding to MHC class II antigens and CD8+ T cells to class I anti- integrin, αLβ2 integrin, ICAM-1, platelet endothelial cell adhesion mole-
gens) and cytokines including IL-1, TNF-α, IFN-γ and GM-CSF.1,2,11,35–43 The cule-1 (PECAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) which
development of acute GVHD depends upon a complex interplay between mediate lymphocyte adhesion to the endothelium and facilitate recogni-
host immunosuppression, tissue damage as a result of pregraft induction tion, activation, and response to MHC molecules.1,47–49 The mechanisms
therapy, and donor lymphocyte proliferation and activation with consequent of cell injury and death result from both cytotoxic T cell and possibly NK
injury and death of susceptible host tissues.1 cell-mediated cytotoxic effects and the actions of cytokines. The former
The lymphocytes may be of CD4+ or CD8+ immunophenotype and com- includes cytolytic actions mediated by perforin and granzyme B, and apop-
monly there is an admixture. Both Th1 and Th2 CD4+ subtypes are rep- tosis through the Fas-Fas ligand pathway.50,51 IL-1, IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α are
resented. The former produce IL-2 and IFN-γ and are thought to promote thought to be of particular importance in mediating cytotoxicity.1 Raised
GVHD, the latter produce IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 and are believed to be pro- serum TNF-α correlates with GVHD and antibodies to TNF-α or its recep-
tective, although this has been contested.44 Natural killer (NK) cells may also tor protect against the disease.1,52–54 Recently, regulatory T cells (Treg) have
be of importance although their presence appears to be variable.45 B cells are been postulated to play a role in GVHD. Treg are decreased in patients with
absent. Activated keratinocytes following induction chemotherapy or irradia- GVHD and their role remains to be elucidated.17 Studies suggest a role for
tion produce TNF-α and IL-1 and express ICAM-1 and HLA-DR.46 This may B cells in GVHD.55
252 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Deposition of IgM and C3 at the dermoepidermal junction and around The acute lesion of GVHD is characterized by focal or diffuse basal cell
the superficial vasculature in up to 39% of patients with acute GVHD sug- hydropic change (Figs 7.111–7.114).58 Apoptotic and dyskeratotic keratinocytes,
gests that humoral responses play a significant role in the pathogenesis of at all levels of the epidermis and associated with adjacent lymphocytes (satellite
GVHD.56 cell necrosis), are characteristic.17,59,60 Isolated cytoid bodies are also frequently
The development of chronic GVHD is dependent on a variety of factors evident. Lymphocytic exocytosis is invariably present and spongiosis is sometimes
including, antihost tissue activity of donor T cells and the development of a feature. Microvesiculation at the dermoepidermal junction occasionally occurs.
autoimmunity.2,57 The infiltrate consists predominantly of CD8+ T cells; NK Follicular involvement is a common feature and the hair bulge region is typically
cells are usually absent.2 As with acute GVHD, TNF-α and IL-1 are the major affected.61,60 Langerhans cells are often reduced in number. Vascular changes include
cytokines implicated.2 endothelial cell swelling with sloughing, and intimal and perivascular lymphocytic
Interface dermatoses 253
infiltration. Blood vessel proliferation has also been described. Perivascular edema
and nuclear dust may additionally be present and mast cells are also conspicu-
ous.62,63 Eosinophils are sometimes present and this finding does not necessarily
indicate a drug reaction. Therefore, the histologic presentation of GVHD is broad
and no finding can be considered pathognomonic for GVHD.12,19
The toxic epidermal necrolysis-like lesions are characterized by severe
epidermal necrosis in association with subepidermal vesiculation. Evidence
of sweat gland involvement is commonly present.64,65 Keratinous plugging
of the acrosyringium may therefore be seen and the excretory ducts often
show cytopathic-degenerative and proliferative changes.65 The former com-
prises basal cell hydropic degeneration, lymphocytic infiltration, and apop-
tosis. Follicular involvement is a not uncommon additional manifestation.66
The histological features of acute GVHD may be subdivided into four stages,
which have prognostic significance (Table 7.1).66–68
The histology of chronic GVHD is typically lichenoid in appearance and is
indistinguishable from idiopathic lichen planus (Fig. 7.115). These features
are hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, irregular acanthosis, basal cell hydropic
degeneration, cytoid body formation, pigmentary incontinence, and a ban- Fig. 7.113
Acute graft-versus-host disease: high-power view lesion showing parakeratosis,
basal cell hydropic degeneration, and apoptosis.
Fig. 7.111
Acute graft-versus-host disease: evolving lesion showing basal cell hydropic Fig. 7.114
degeneration and scattered apoptotic keratinocytes. The dermis contains dilated Acute graft-versus-host disease: high-power view showing parakeratosis, apoptosis,
blood vessels and a light perivascular chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate. and satellite cell necrosis.
254 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Table 7.1
Grading of acute graft-versus-host disease
Grade Feature
I Focal or diffuse vacuolar alteration of basal cells
II Vacuolar alteration of basal cells; spongiosis and
dyskeratosis of epidermal cells
III Formation of subepidermal cleft in association with
dyskeratosis and spongiosis
IV Complete loss of epidermis
Fig. 7.116
Late chronic graft-versus-
host disease: there is
dense fibrosis of the
dermis with tethering of
the subcutaneous fat.
Appendages are absent.
These appearances
are reminiscent of
some extent in favor of an adverse drug reaction, in reality there are no real
discriminators between adverse drug reactions and acute GVHD.74 In short,
the regular practice of skin biopsy to differentiate between GVHD, drug reac-
tions, chemotherapy effect, and viral infection is extremely difficult and of
dubious clinical value in some cases.
Acute GVHD may be indistinguishable from erythema multiforme and,
Fig. 7.115 in more severely affected patients, toxic epidermal necrolysis. Recently,
Early chronic graft-versus-host disease: the hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, the intriguing report of bile pigment deposition in the stratum corneum in
irregular acanthosis, and basal cell hydropic degeneration are indistinguishable from patients with GVHD offers a possible line of approach to making this impor-
idiopathic lichen planus. tant distinction.75
The early changes of chronic GVHD may be indistinguishable from lichen
planus. However, the dermal infiltrate is usually less conspicuous than that
in lichen planus and sometimes contains plasma cells and eosinophils. The
presence of satellite cell necrosis may be a diagnostic pointer towards chronic
dlike lymphohistiocytic infiltrate obscuring the dermoepidermal interface. GVHD.
In contrast to idiopathic lichen planus, satellite cell necrosis is often present In the absence of clinical information it is usually not possible to dis-
in the early phase of chronic GVHD and the infiltrate sometimes contains tinguish the features of late chronic GVHD from morphea or systemic
plasma cells and eosinophils. Squamous metaplasia of the eccrine sweat ducts sclerosis.
has been described.60,65 The histological features of the eruption of lymphocyte recovery are indis-
The late stage of chronic GVHD is characterized by epidermal atrophy tinguishable from acute GVHD. The differential diagnosis of acute GVHD
with abolition of the ridge pattern and scarring of the superficial and deep includes engraftment syndrome. This syndrome can occur 10–14 days after
dermis, with loss of the adnexal structures (Fig. 7.116) imparting a scle- transplantation but before peripheral lymphocytes are seen. It presents with
rodermoid feature including eosinophilic fasciitis, panniculitis, morphea-like a fever, hepatitis, intestinal symptoms, and an erythmatous maculopapular
changes, and lichen sclerosus.60,69,70 Features of the early stage of chronic eruption similar to acute GVHD. Some also require the presence of weight
GVHD, i.e., hydropic basal cell degeneration, cytoid body formation, and gain and pulmonary edema. Whether or not this represents a hypoacute
a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate, may or may not be evident. Dermal GVHD is uncertain. The etiology is unknown although it is postulated that
mucin deposition has also been documented.71 the damage may be caused by cytokines released from recovering and degran-
Hepatic changes include bile duct atypia with necrosis, periportal inflam- ulating neutrophils. G-CSF, GM-CSF, female gender, breast cancer, and other
mation, focal hepatocyte necrosis, and cholestasis.9 Gastrointestinal lesions hematopoietic and drugs have been implicated as risk factors for developing
show individual crypt cell necrosis accompanied by a mild chronic inflamma- this condition.17,76
tory cell infiltrate.60,72,73 In summary, no histological feature is pathognomonic for graft-versus-
host disease and clinical correlation is essential. Therefore, in the appropri-
Differential diagnosis ate clinical population, a positive biopsy can be very predictive despite subtle
The features of acute GVHD can be reproduced by cytotoxic drugs such as non-specific histologic findings. A negative biopsy is less reassuring. Some
cyclophosphamide and by radiotherapy. Viral infections also enter the dif- have advocated the use of a four-tier diagnostic system of no GVHD, possible
ferential diagnosis, as does an adverse drug reaction, for example, to anti- GVHD, consistent with GVHD, and definite GVHD, a practical proposal
biotic therapy. Although the presence of conspicuous eosinophils argues to that reflects the realities of daily practice.60
Interface dermatoses 255
Pityriasis lichenoides orrhagic and ultimately develop necrosis and ulceration (Fig. 7.120).
Healing is usually associated with the development of superficial varioli-
form scars. Postinflammatory hyper- or hypopigmentation is not uncommon
Clinical features (Fig. 7.121).9,11 The rash is often polymorphic, individual patients having
Pityriasis lichenoides (Gr. pityron, bran + iasis; lichen; Gr. eidos, form) lesions at varying stages of evolution. Patients may be pyrexic and sometimes
is an uncommon dermatosis of unknown etiology, although a hypersen- lymphadenopathy is present.1
sitivity reaction to a number of infectious agents including adenovirus, The chronic lesions are typified by numerous, lichenoid, brownish-red,
toxoplasmosis, Epstein-Barr virus, and Mycobacterium pneumoniae have scaly papules, 3–10 mm across, the scale being most noticeable peripher-
been proposed.1–4 The condition has also been documented in association ally, sometimes referred to as the mica scale (Figs 7.122, 7.123). These
with a range of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, hypo- lesions usually heal without scarring, but are sometimes associated with
thyroidism, and pernicious anemia.3,4 Two cases of pityriasis lichenoides hypopigmentation, which may be the most prominent feature in dark-
chronica (PLC) associated with adalimumab therapy for Crohn's disease skinned races.
and a case induced by infliximab have been described.5,6 The term includes
a spectrum of disease manifestations, ranging from the acute ulcerone-
crotic lesions of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA, also
known as Mucha-Haberman disease or acute guttate parapsoriasis) to the
more chronic scaly papules of pityriasis lichenoides chronica (chronic gut-
tate parapsoriasis); there is often clinical overlap.7–10 In addition, a febrile,
ulceronecrotic variant (febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha-Habermann disease)
is recognized.3–8
Pityriasis lichenoides in more recent studies lacks strong sex predominance
in adults. However, some studies have shown more of a male predominance in
pediatric populations.11–14 It most often occurs in childhood (5–10 years of
age) and early adulthood, second or third decade.11–14
Lesions show a propensity to involve the arms, legs, trunk, and buttocks
(Fig. 7.117). The upper limbs appear to be involved more often than the
lower and the flexor more commonly than the extensor surfaces. They can
begin as small macules that progress to papules. PLC is typically asymp-
tomatic while PLEVA is associated with burning and pruritis.9 The onset
is usually insidious and the course fluctuating and episodic, patients expe-
riencing recurrent crops of lesions, with the exception of the ulcronecrotic
variant which is rapid. Duration of the rash is quite variable: although
many patients are free of lesions by 3–6 months, others show great per-
sistence of the disease, often for many years.11 The disease shows some
seasonal variation, with lesions worsening in winter and showing improve- Fig. 7.118
ment in sunlight. Although pityriasis lichenoides is traditionally divided Pityriasis lichenoides acuta: typical lesions with pustulation are present on the arm,
into acute and chronic variants, not uncommonly both types of lesions can a commonly affected site. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
be seen in the same patient, indicating a possible connection between PLC
and PLEVA.9
In the more acute form of the disease, the initial lesions are crops of
pink papules (Figs 7.118, 7.119). These may become vesicular or hem-
Fig. 7.119
Pityriasis lichenoides
acuta: early lesions
are erythematous and
Fig. 7.117 papular. By courtesy
Pityriasis lichenoides acuta: erythematous papules and crusted lesions are present of the Institute of
on the buttocks and thighs. In severe cases, lesions may be very extensive. Dermatology, London,
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. UK.
256 Lichenoid and interface dermatitis
Fig. 7.121
Pityriasis lichenoides acuta: healed lesion showing scarring and hypopigmentation.
By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.122
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica: widespread scaly papules are present on the
chest and arms. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of
B Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.120
Pityriasis lichenoides acuta: (A) necrotic and ulcerated lesions are present;
(B) close-up view. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 7.126
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica: high-power view showing basal cell hydropic
for references and
additional material
inflammatory dermatoses
Chronic superficial dermatitis 259 Tumid lupus erythematosus 269 Pregnancy prurigo 277
Toxic erythema 261 Perniosis 270 Urticarial vasculitis 278
Erythema annulare centrifugum 261 Chilblain lupus erythematosus 272 Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated
periodic syndrome 280
Erythema gyratum repens 263 Pigmented purpuric dermatoses 273
Eosinophilic, polymorphic and pruritic
Lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin 264 Lichen aureus 275
eruption associated with radiotherapy 280
Reticular erythematous mucinosis 265 Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of
Viral exanthemata 280
pregnancy 276
Polymorphous light eruption 267
Fig. 8.5
Chronic superficial
dermatitis: there is very
Fig. 8.3 slight intercellular edema.
Chronic superficial dermatitis: closer examination shows that the lesions appear The infiltrate consists
somewhat wrinkled and have a fine scale. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, of lymphocytes and
St George's Hospital, London, UK. histiocytes.
Immunohistochemistry should be viewed with caution. Loss of T-cell superficial dermatitis is mycosis fungoides.5 The observation that chronic
expression may support a diagnosis of mycosis fungoides provided there superficial dermatitis rarely, if ever, evolves into (or declares itself as) frank
are histological features in favor of the diagnosis and if the clinical con- mycosis fungoides has led some authors to cast doubt on this view.6 More
text is appropriate. Loss of CD7 expression, however, may be seen in reac- recent publications have asserted that chronic persistent dermatitis does
tive conditions and this feature is therefore not reliable. Occasionally, only not progress to mycosis fungoides.7 It is perhaps more likely that some
careful review of the clinical information, taken in conjunction with the cases of very early mycosis fungoides cannot be reliably distinguished from
histological features of previous biopsies (if available) allows for defini- chronic superficial dermatitis. Recently, clonal T-cell gene rearrangements
tive diagnosis. It is important to note that some investigators have dem- have been demonstrated in circulating lymphocytes in blood but not in skin
onstrated cases of chronic superficial dermatitis with clonal T-cell gene of patients with digitate dermatitis.8 Clearly, long-term follow-up studies
rearrangements by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).4 One case with a are necessary to resolve the significance of clonality in putative cases of
clonal T-cell population resolved, underscoring the growing appreciation chronic superficial dermatitis.
that clonality and malignancy are not necessarily synonymous.4 Therefore, Pityriasis lichenoides may also be confused with chronic superficial der-
it appears that demonstration of a clonal T-cell population may not suf- matitis. Spongiosis without interface changes favors the latter. Pityriasis
fice to reliably distinguish chronic superficial dermatosis from early myco- lichenoides is associated with either vacuolar or lichenoid interface changes
sis fungoides in all cases. In the past, others have concluded that chronic in the absence of spongiosis.9
Toxic erythema 261
Fig. 8.8
Erythema annulare centrifugum: bilateral annular lesions are present on the
buttocks. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, The Institute of Fig. 8.10
Dermatology, London, UK. Erythema annulare
centrifugum: the
superficial and deep
vasculature is surrounded
by a dense infiltrate.
Fig. 8.9
Erythema annulare centrifugum: close-up view. From the collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, The Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 8.11
Erythema annulare centrifugum: the infiltrate is composed of mature lymphocytes
and histiocytes.
Histological features
A spectrum of non-specific histological findings is seen in erythema annulare
centrifugum. As noted above, deep and superficial variants are recognized.45 Differential diagnosis
In the superficial variant, a well-demarcated perivascular infiltrate of Given that the histological features of erythema annulare centrifugum are not
lymphocytes and histiocytes, often described as having a ‘coat sleeve'’ or distinctive, it is critical to correlate the biopsy and clinical findings. Clinical
‘pipe-stem’ appearance, is confined to the superficial dermis (Figs 8.10, 8.11). information is necessary to distinguish this disorder from other gyrate
The overlying epidermis often may be normal; however, epidermal changes erythemas, pityriasis rosea, hypersensitivity reactions, lupus erythematosus,
including mild spongiosis, slight and focal basal layer vacuolar degeneration, viral exanthemata, and Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate. In cases with significant
mounds of parakeratosis or hyperkeratosis are encountered in approximately epidermal changes, a silver stain to exclude a fungal infection is also advised.
50% of patients.14,45 Clinically, erythema annulare centrifugum may resemble psoriasis. The presence
In the deep subtype of erythema annulare centrifugum, the perivascular of parakeratotic mounds associated with neutrophils would favor a diagnosis
infiltrate involves both the superficial and deep plexuses.14,32–34,45 Epidermal of psoriasis. In contrast to cutaneous lupus erythematosus, interface changes
changes are usually absent or minimal. are not usually well developed and immunofluorescence studies are negative.
In both variants, the degree of inflammation is variable; however, the Erythema chronicum migrans also enters the differential diagnosis. The presence
density of inflammation tends to be greater in the deep variant. The vast of plasma cells would be in favor of the latter condition. Histochemical stains
majority of cells are lymphocytes; however, a minor component of histiocytes for spirochetes may be positive but are cumbersome and difficult to interpret.
and eosinophils may be seen. PCR is a more realiable and easy test to confirm the diagnosis.
Toxic erythema 263
Fig. 8.12
Erythema gyratum repens:
the presence of annular
erythematous parallel
bands with scaling is
characteristic. From the
collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, The Institute Fig. 8.14
of Dermatology, London, Erythema gyratum repens: there is hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a mild perivascular
UK. chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate.
264 Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory dermatoses
Differential diagnosis
As noted above, the histological features are non-specific and vary from coexist.1 The disease tends to affect adults, particularly in the third to fifth
patient to patient. Fortunately, the clinical features are so distinctive that con- decades. Although some authors have found a predilection for males, 54%
fusion with other disorders is unlikely. Obviously, any patient with features of patients in a large series were female and the overall gender distribution
of erythema gyratum repens should be very carefully evaluated for an under- appears to be equal.1,3 Rarely, the condition presents in children.9–11 Lesions
lying neoplasm. often resolve within weeks or months, but relapses are not uncommon and, in
many patients, the disorder persists for years. The eruption is not character-
Lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin (Jessner) ized by seasonal variation. The evidence available suggests that lymphocytic
infiltrate of the skin is a distinctive dermatosis. It does not evolve into lupus
Clinical features erythematosus, polymorphous light eruption or lymphoma.1
Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin is an uncommon dermatosis of Pathogenesis and histological features
unknown etiology, although a relationship with sun exposure, at least in the
early stages, is occasionally documented.1 Lesions, which may be single or The etiology of this curious condition is unknown. Although some patients
more often multiple, occur most often on the face, neck, back, and upper notice a relationship with sun exposure, many do not, and lesions not uncom-
chest, and present as 1–2-cm diameter, asymptomatic, discoid or annular, ery- monly develop on covered sites.
thematous or brownish papules or plaques that often show central clearing to Braddock and coauthors found that natural killer cell lytic activity and anti-
produce circinate lesions (Figs 8.16, 8.17).1–4 Familial cases have occasion- body-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity was decreased.10 This same group
ally been documented.5–8 identified increased levels of circulating immune complexes in patients with
In contrast to discoid lupus erythematosus, with which it is sometimes lymphocytic infiltrate of skin. In two patients immune complexes decreased
confused, there is no hyperkeratosis, telangiectases or follicular plugging, to normal levels following treatment but became elevated during recurrence
and scarring is not a feature. Rarely, however, the two diseases appear to of disease following treatment.10,11 Based on these observations, these inves-
tigators concluded that immune defects might be important in the pathogen-
esis of Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate. Of interest, similar findings have been
observed in patients with reticular erythematous mucinosis. Clearly, further
study is necessary to determine the pathogenesis of this disease.
The epidermis is typically unaffected. Within the superficial and mid der-
mis is a perivascular and, much less commonly, a perifollicular infiltrate of
mature lymphocytes (Figs 8.18, 8.19). Occasional histiocytes and scattered
plasma cells may also be present and sometimes there is an increase in dermal
ground substance.12 Lymphoid follicles are not a feature.
The infiltrate consists predominantly of T cells, most often of the CD4+
helper subtype (Fig. 8.20). Occasionally, however, CD8+ suppressor T cells
constitute the majority of cells.3,13–16 Leu 8 is commonly expressed but human
leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR is not present. B cells are relatively sparse in
number or are absent.
Differential diagnosis
Lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin differs from discoid lupus erythematosus
by the absence of epidermal changes, scarring, and a negative lupus band
test. Immunohistochemistry may sometimes be helpful. The infiltrate in lym-
phocytic infiltrate is HLA-DR negative in contrast to discoid lupus erythe-
Fig. 8.16 matosus in which the lymphocytes and often the keratinocytes are HLA-DR
Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate: there are multiple erythematous plaques on this positive.17 Leu 8 (immunoregulatory T-cell) expression is also more frequently
young man's cheek. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. seen in lymphocytic infiltrate.13,18 In one study, the average percentage of Leu
Reticular erythematous mucinosis 265
Fig. 8.21
Reticular erythematous mucinosis: erythematous reticular eruption in a characteristic
distribution in a young woman. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 8.23
Reticular erythematous mucinosis: closer view of previous figure. Macular elements
predominate. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, The Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
if any, has not been defined. It is, of course, tempting to postulate that they
are related but data to support such a conclusion are not yet established.
The presence of monoclonal IgG (kappa) paraproteinemia has been
reported in one patient.19
Differential diagnosis
The principal clinical and pathological differential diagnoses include lupus
erythematosus and polymorphous light eruption. Distinguishing between
lupus erythematosus and reticular erythematous mucinosis may be very diffi-
cult, particularly as one condition may evolve into the other.28 Histologically,
reticular erythematous mucinosis lacks the epidermal changes of lupus ery-
thematosus and the immunofluorescent findings are usually, but not always,
negative.7–9 As noted above, there are a few reports in which granular
Fig. 8.24
Reticular erythematous mucinosis: there is a perifollicular and perivascular infiltrate
immunoglobulin deposition at the dermoepidermal junction has been iden-
in the upper and mid dermis. tified.2,10,24 The presence of several immunoreactants favors a diagnosis of
lupus erythematosus. Clinical and serological studies are also necessary to
establish a diagnosis of lupus erythematosus.
In polymorphous light eruption, mucin deposition is much less striking and
is limited to the papillary dermis.29 Perifollicular inflammation is not a feature
of polymorphous light eruption. In addition, epidermal changes of spongiosis –
sometimes with vesiculation in papular and eczematous lesions and mild basal cell
hydropic change in the plaque variant – serve as further distinguishing features.30
Polymorphous light eruption resolves once exposure to sunlight has ceased, in
contrast to reticular erythematous mucinosis where the lesions persist.
Histologically, reticular erythematous mucinosis also shows some overlap
with lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner.2 Mucin deposition, however, is not gen-
erally a feature of the latter condition and the inflammatory cell infiltrate is
always more prominent.
authors concluded that the risk of lupus erythematosus was not increased in
patients with polymorphous light eruption. Authors of another study, how-
ever, have suggested that a subgroup of patients with polymorphous light
eruption may be at an elevated risk for lupus erythematosus.15
Juvenile spring eruption appears to be either a variant of polymorphous
light eruption or a closely related disorder.16–21 In one study, the prevalence was
6.7% with a male predominance.16 The lesions are characterized by erythema-
tous papules and vesicles located on sun-exposed portions of the helix of the
ear following light exposure. They tend to be pruritic. In one study, 4 of 18
patients also had lesions of typical polymorphous light eruption.17 As its name
implies, the lesions tend to occur in the spring. A positive family history is
present in some patients.19 A disorder, clinically and histologically reminiscent
of juvenile spring eruption, has also been reported to develop in farmers at the
time of lambing and calving. It is provisionally termed ‘lambing ears’.22
Fig. 8.28
Polymorphous light eruption: the eruption is typically symmetrical and is usually
pruritic. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
and giant cells is a conspicuous feature that favors actinic reticuloid. Finally,
the finding of large atypical, hyperchromatic cerebriform lymphoid cells and
blast forms is characteristic of actinic reticuloid.
Fig. 8.36
Perniosis: there is hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and a heavy lymphocytic infiltrate.
Note the marked subepidermal edema.
Fig. 8.34
Perniosis: in this patient,
the nose is affected.
From the collection of the
late N.P. Smith, MD, The
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Fig. 8.37
Perniosis: there is marked subepidermal edema and red cell extravasation.
Fig. 8.35
Equestrian cold
panniculitis: tender
erythematous lesions on
buttock and thigh.
By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
a dipose tissue. In some cases it is difficult to demonstrate strict criteria for Approximately 15% of patients develop SLE, particularly those who
lymphocytic vasculitis (Fig. 8.39). In other examples, however, fibrinoid develop discoid and perniotic lesions simultaneously and those with DLE-
vascular damage with thrombi is extensive. Papillary dermal edema, which erythema multiforme-like syndrome in addition to perniosis.1,2,8 Patients with
may be marked, is often present.10 Interface changes, either vacuolar interface severe chilblains that persist into warmer seasons appear to be at higher risk
or lichenoid dermatitis, may sometimes be seen.11 A chronic inflammatory of lupus erythematosus compared to those with the idiopathic form.9 Patients
infiltrate around sweat glands has occasionally been noted.7 with some criteria, but not meeting diagnostic thresholds for connective tissue
Biopsy of cold panniculitis shows a perivascular chronic inflammatory disease, have been designated as having ‘atypical chilblains’.9 These individ-
infiltrate that tends to be prominent at the dermal–subcutaneous tissue uals appear to be at higher risk of eventually developing frank connective
junction.6 tissue disease.9 Based on the above observations, it is clear that patients with
The inflammatory infiltrate is mostly composed of CD3+ T cells with a minor perniosis should be evaluated for evidence of lupus erythematosus.
subpopulation of CD20+ B cells and scattered CD68+ macrophages.11,12
Fig. 8.42
Fig. 8.41 Majocchi's disease: characteristic brown plaques on the backs of the knees in a
Chilblain lupus male. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George's Hospital, London, UK.
erythematosus: there is
subepidermal edema with
red cell extravasation and
a superficial perivascular
lymphocytic infiltrate.
Fig. 8.47
Fig. 8.45 Pigmented purpura: there is an upper dermal heavy perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate.
Itching purpura: these
small macules are widely
distributed over both legs.
By courtesy of J. Newton,
MD, St Thomas' Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 8.48
Pigmented purpura:
the infiltrate consists
of lymphocytes and
histiocytes. Note the red
cell extravasation.
Fig. 8.46
Itching purpura: close-up
view of a typical orange
macule. By courtesy of J. the later stages they may not be present when hemosiderin-laden macrophages
Newton, MD, St Thomas' become conspicuous (Fig. 8.49). An iron stain is useful to demonstrate
Hospital, London, UK. hemosiderin. Recently, cases of pigmented purpuric dermatosis associated
with granulomatous inflammation have been described and designated granu-
lomatous pigmented purpuric dermatoses.13,14 Some cases of granulomatous
Since lichen aureus has more distinctive features, it is discussed separately pigmented dermatosis appear to be associated with hyperlipedemia.15
(see below).
Differential diagnosis
Histological features It should be emphasized that extravasated red blood cells and hemosid-
All variants show similar histopathological features. A perivascular lympho- erin associated with a lymphocytic capillaritis are non-specific findings.
cytic infiltrate is associated with reactive endothelial changes and extravasated The differential diagnosis is broad and includes other forms of perivascular
red blood cells (Figs 8.47, 8.48).11 The lymphocytes are predominantly of the lymphocytic infiltrates and lymphocytic capillaritis. Careful clinical cor-
T-helper subset.12 The density of the infiltrate is highly variable. The Gougerot- relation is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis. Progression of lesions
Blum variant is often associated with a dense lichenoid lymphocytic infiltrate. mimicking pigmented purpuric dermatoses to mycosis fungoides has been
Extravasated red blood cells are usually appreciated in early lesions, while in documented.16,17 However, this appears to be an uncommon event and
Lichen aureus 275
it is more likely that these cases represent examples of purpuric cutane- fashion immediately below the epidermis (Figs 8.51, 8.52). In contrast
ous T-cell lymphoma from the beginning. The absence of epidermotropism to lichen planus, however, there is no evidence of basal cell hydropic
and cytological atypia favors pigmented purpuric dermatitis over a T-cell degeneration and cytoid bodies are not usually found. A Grenz zone is
lymphoproliferative disorder. However, in rare cases, distinction may be sometimes present, although the infiltrate may abut the overlying epi-
difficult or impossible and ancillary investigations such as immunohistologi- dermis. Lymphocytic exocytosis is sometimes present. Scattered within
cal and T-cell gene rearrangement studies may be indicated. Adding to this the infiltrate are increased numbers of blood vessels. Hemosiderin-laden
occasionally difficult distinction, cases of pigmented purpuric dermatoses macrophages are present in the deeper aspect of the infiltrate or in the
with clonal T-cell gene rearrangements have been reported.13,18 Therefore, it adjacent noninfiltrated dermis. Purpura is a variable feature and there is
appears that the results of gene rearrangement studies may not always reliably no evidence of frank vasculitis.
aid in this differential diagnosis. All information – clinical, histological, immu-
nohistological, and genetic – should be evaluated in context.
Differential diagnosis
There may be some histological overlap with the Gougerot-Blum variant of
Lichen aureus pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis but lichen aureus tends to be more
Clinical features
Lichen aureus (lichen purpuricus) is a rare variant of the pigmented purpu-
ric dermatoses. It may be differentiated from the other forms by virtue of
its distinctive clinical and histological features.1–4 It is, therefore, discussed
Lichen aureus shows a male predilection (2:1) and tends to affect the
younger age group, with a peak incidence in the fourth decade. Children
may occasionally be affected.3 Lesions are usually asymptomatic, although
pruritus is an occasional feature. The disease is characterized by discrete
or confluent lichenoid macules and papules, which may be golden yellow,
bronze, purple, or dark brown, and may resemble a bruise (Fig. 8.50).
Sometimes a purpuric element is evident. The lesions of lichen aureus are
characteristically very persistent, although occasionally spontaneous reso-
lution is a feature. They occur most often on the lower legs, but may affect
quite a wide variety of sites, including the arms, hands, trunk, thighs, and
vulva.5,6 Lesions are usually unilateral and limited to only one or two sites;
they consist of either solitary ovoid maculopapules 3–5 cm in diameter or
irregular plaques up to 20 cm across. Rarely, a zosteriform pattern has been
Histological features
The epidermis is structurally normal. A dense lymphohistiocytic infil- Fig. 8.51
trate is present in the upper dermis, usually distributed in a bandlike Lichen aureus: there is a dense bandlike infiltrate in the upper dermis.
276 Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory dermatoses
Differential diagnosis
The histological features are non-specific and clinical correlation is necessary
to render a firm diagnosis. The diagnosis is perhaps best approached as one of
exclusion, and underlying etiologies should be sought. The major differential
diagnosis includes hypersensitivity reactions (drug eruption, insect bites, etc.)
with superimposed prurigo nodularis.
Fig. 8.55
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy: the infiltrate consists of
lymphocytes, histiocytes, and eosinophils.
Pregnancy prurigo
Clinical features
Pregnancy prurigo (prurigo gravidarum, prurigo gestationis) affects 1 in
300 pregnancies, presenting as pruritic, erythematous, 0.5–1.0-cm papules
and nodules with a predilection for the extensor surfaces of the extremities
and the abdomen.1–8 Superimposed features of excoriation with scale-crust
may be seen. Lesions usually present during the third trimester but may
present at all stages of pregnancy.6 The condition usually disappears fol-
lowing delivery, but in some cases it persists into the puerperium. Blistering
is not a feature. Fetal and maternal health does not appear to be adversely
Urticarial vasculitis
Clinical features
Urticarial vasculitis is an uncommon condition characterized clinically by
chronic urticaria and histologically by leukocytoclastic venulitis.1–3 In some
patients, urticarial vasculitis is associated with antibody–antigen complexes –
a type III hypersensitivity reaction.4,5 In many patients, however, no underly-
ing cause is discovered.
Patients may have, in addition to urticarial skin lesions, angioedema, arth-
ralgia, gastrointestinal symptoms, and evidence of renal involvement. The
spectrum of illness ranges from mild symptoms to a serious systemic illness,
for which treatment with corticosteroids is sometimes necessary.6
The disease shows a female predominance (2:1) and is most often seen in
the third, fourth or fifth decade. It is rare in children.7 The cutaneous lesions
are urticarial in appearance, but usually last 24–72 hours (Figs 8.58–8.60).8
Pruritus, a burning sensation, or pain, are common complaints. The fre-
quency of attacks varies from daily to monthly. The skin lesions are edem-
atous, raised, and erythematous, and are associated with nonblanchable
Systemic manifestations/associations include joint pain, stiffness and swell- Fig. 8.59
ing, particularly of the hands, elbows, feet, ankles, and knees. Frank arthri- Urticarial vasculitis: in
this patient, there is an
tis is extremely rare but may be associated with the development of valvular
extensive urticarial plaque.
heart disease.9,10 Proteinuria and hematuria may be seen in some patients.
By courtesy of J. Newton,
Many patients are hypocomplementemic.4,11 Rarely, renal biopsy reveals the MD, St Thomas' Hospital,
features of focal or diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis. Crescentic glom- London, UK.
erulonephritis, and mesangial and membranous nephropathy have also been
documented.6,12–14 Abdominal pain associated with nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea is a feature in some patients.
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is raised in many cases and in
about 50% of patients there is hypocomplementemia. The presence of the lat-
ter correlates with systemic involvement.6,15 There may also be depression of
the early classical pathway components C1q, C4, and C2. Patients with hypo-
complementemic urticarial vasculitis have a high prevalence of autoantibodies
to endothelial cells and antibodies against C1q are invariably present.16–18 The
term ‘Schnitzler's syndrome’ has been applied to patients with urticarial vas-
culitis and monoclonal IgM gammopathy.19–24 Hepatosplenomegaly, elevated
ESR, elevated white blood cell count, fever, and joint pain are characteristic
Fig. 8.60
Urticarial vasculitis:
note the bizarre annular
purpuric urticarial plaque.
By courtesy of J. Newton,
MD, St Thomas' Hospital,
London, UK.
Histological features
In urticarial vasculitis, vascular damage is superimposed on a background
of dermal edema and inflammation typical of urticaria. The vasculitis affects
the superficial vascular plexus. Extravasation of red blood cells is evidence
of vascular damage. The vasculitis shows features of leukocytoclastic vas-
culitis except that the histological features tend to be subtle and are easily
Fig. 8.63
Urticarial vasculitis: there is a heavy lymphocytic and eosinophil infiltrate. In this
example, there are conspicuous flame figures.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical correlation is necessary to distinguish urticarial vasculitis from
other forms of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Although urticarial vasculitis
is often associated with subtle, low-grade vascular injury, this pattern
should not be relied upon in the distinction from other forms of vasculi-
tis. In short, the pathologist's role in diagnosis is to confirm the presence
of vasculitis.
Fig. 8.61
Urticarial vasculitis: in this example of an early lesion, there is a conspicuous
perivascular eosinophil infiltrate. There is no evidence of vessel wall damage.
Fig. 8.64
Urticarial vasculitis: this
Fig. 8.62 biopsy of a purpuric lesion
Urticarial vasculitis: in this field, there is marked edema accompanied by a mixed shows features of florid
lymphocytic and eosinophil infiltrate. vasculitis.
280 Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory dermatoses
for references and
additional material
perforating dermatoses
Sarcoidosis 281 Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 306 Granulomata in congenital
immunodeficiency syndromes 314
Granuloma annulare 288 Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous
dermatitis 308 Aluminum granuloma 315
Necrobiosis lipoidica 295
‘Metastatic’ Crohn's disease 309 Perforating disorders 316
Rheumatoid nodule 300
Granulomatous cheilitis 310 Reactive perforating collagenosis 316
Pathogenesis and histological features 301
Perforating folliculitis 318
Differential diagnosis 301 Acne agminata 310
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa 319
Elastolytic granulomata 302 Perioral dermatitis 310 Hyperkeratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in
Annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma 302 cutem penetrans 321
Demodicosis 311 Perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum 322
Actinic granuloma (O'Brien) 302
Atypical facial necrobiosis lipoidica 304 Infective granulomata 311 Necrotizing infundibular crystalline
Granuloma multiforme 304
Foreign body granulomata 311 folliculitis 323
Rheumatic fever nodule 306
Granulomatous contact dermatitis 313 Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica
helicis 324
Clinical features
Sarcoidosis (Gr. sarkos, flesh; eidos, form), so-named because its histological
features were originally thought to resemble a sarcoma (Boeck), is a common
systemic disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized and defined by the
presence of noncaseating granulomata, usually (but not invariably) affecting
multiple organ systems.1–10 Manifestations are variable. Patients may present
• an acute and usually self-limiting variant,
• a chronic form exclusively affecting the skin (up to between 20%
and 40% of patients with cutaneous sarcoidosis do not have systemic
• a serious systemic chronic variant with widespread lesions, which affects
multiple systems, is associated with high morbidity, and may occasionally
be fatal.
Sarcoidosis is more commonly encountered in industrialized countries and
shows particularly high incidences in northern Europe (including the UK),
Fig. 9.1
the USA, and New Zealand, where as many as 20/100 000 of the population
Sarcoidosis: this patient presented with multiple plaques with raised margins
may be affected. It presents particularly in people in their third and fourth on the neck. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of
decades and shows a female predominance.11 In the USA, sarcoidosis is com- Dermatology, London, UK.
mon among blacks and there is a similar tendency in the UK (Figs 9.1, 9.2).
An epidemiological study of sarcoidosis in the Detroit, Michigan, area found
that African-Americans living there had a 3.8 times greater risk of developing children and occurring mainly during teenage years presents with a multisys-
the disease compared with Caucasians.12 The disease is rare in Asians.13 First- temic disease similar to that seen in adults. Younger children under the age of
and second-degree relatives of patients with sarcoidosis seem to have a sig- 4 present with a cutaneous rash, arthritis, and uveitis.18 Infantile sarcoidosis
nificant risk of developing the disease compared to the normal population.14 should not be confused with Blau's syndrome. This disease is inherited in an
The disease is rare in children, presents mainly in teenagers and although the autosomal dominant fashion and is characterized by sarcoidal granulomata
manifestations are usually similar to those seen in adults, infants may present in the skin, uveal tract and joints but with no pulmonary involvement.19,20
with symptoms simulating juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Fig. 9.3).15–17 Two Despite the similarities between both diseases, no genetic linkage has been
forms of sarcoidosis have been identified in children. A variant affecting older identified.
282 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Fig. 9.4
Fig. 9.3 Sarcoidosis: widespread erythematous plaques on the upper arm, some with
Sarcoidosis: the condition
an annular appearance. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George’s Hospital,
is rare in children.
London, UK.
There are widespread
micropapules on this
child’s face. By courtesy
of C.T.C. Kennedy, MD,
Bristol Royal Infirmary,
Bristol, UK.
Fig. 9.6
Sarcoidosis: micropapular variant. Note the tiny lichenoid papules. By courtesy of Fig. 9.8
the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. Sarcoidosis: erythematous
plaque adjacent to the
eye. From the collection
of the late N.P. Smith,
MD, the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 9.7
Sarcoidosis: there is extensive facial involvement, a commonly affected site. From
the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 9.10
Sarcoidosis: these grouped nodules are present on sun-damaged skin of the upper
chest. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 9.12
Sarcoidosis: annular
lesions on the ankle. By
courtesy of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 9.11
Sarcoidosis: small nodules on the anterior aspect of the neck. By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, MD, St George’s Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 9.15
Sarcoidosis: tattoo
reaction. There are
multiple dome-shaped
nodules. By courtesy
of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
in monitoring the level of disease activity in patients known to have sarcoido- example, HLA-A1 and HLA-B8 are associated with arthritis, HLA-A1 is
sis. Patients may also display increased levels of serum and urinary lysozyme, also associated with uveitis, and HLA-B13 may be associated with a chronic
serum beta-2-microglobulin, and collagenase. refractory variant.10 Patients with HLA-DR17 have a better prognosis.106 One
The Kveim test was used in the past to aid in diagnosis. A homogenate of study has shown that patients with sarcoidosis have an increased frequency of
known sarcoid tissue is injected intradermally at a marked (India ink) site, and a glutamine residue at position 69 of the B1 chain of the HLA-DPB molecule
4–6 weeks later the injection site is biopsied. A positive result depends upon compared with a control population.107 This is particularly interesting since
the detection of an epithelioid cell granuloma. False-positive reactions may a similar polymorphism has been documented in patients with chronic beryl-
occur with other diseases including Crohn's disease, infection (mycobacterial, lium disease, a disorder also characterized by granulomata and which shares
fungal), berylliosis, silicosis, asbestosis, and lymphoma. The stimulatory some pathological features in common with sarcoidosis.
‘sarcoidal’ antigen of the Kveim reagent has not been identified.75 The Kveim Immunological investigations in patients with sarcoidosis have produced
test is almost never used nowadays because of difficulties in obtaining the an immense wealth of data, which reveal that there is clearly an associated
homogenate of sarcoid tissue. state of abnormal immunological hyperactivity. There are alterations of both
Although sarcoidosis is associated with a high morbidity, the mortality rate cell-mediated and humoral immunity. Despite great efforts to clarify the
is low, being of the order of 3–6%. Causes of death include cardiac involve- immunobiology of sarcoidosis, particularly with regard to the precise anti-
ment and respiratory or renal failure. The prognosis is better in females and gens that may facilitate the disease, we still do not have a clear understand-
appears to be improved in those with a positive purified protein derivative ing of the disease process. Sarcoidosis, at least in part, appears to be due
(PPD) skin test and normal serum immunoglobulin levels. The severity of dis- to a hyperactive T-helper cell proliferation with lymphokine production.108
ease is greater in blacks and Asians compared with Caucasians.76 Of interest, Increased T-helper (Th1, Th2) cells are present in the alveolar lung paren-
despite the very marked upset in immunological phenomena, patients do not chyma. Several studies have demonstrated selective activation of certain oli-
seem to have an associated greatly increased risk of opportunistic infections goclonal T-cell subsets.109–112 In one study, there was a correlation between
except as a consequence of therapy (e.g., corticosteroids). the particular oligoclonal T-cell subsets and disease activity.109 Th1 lympho-
The association between sarcoidosis and a number of systemic diseases cytes (T cells expressing interleukin (IL)-2 and IFN-γ) preferentially accumu-
is probably coincidental. Sarcoidosis has been documented in association late in pulmonary parenchyma and the alveolar space compared with Th2
with vitiligo, pernicious anemia, autoimmune thyroiditis, Graves' disease, lymphocytes (T cells expressing IL-4 and IL-5).113 Compared with T-cells in
chronic hepatitis, Addison's disease, Sjögren's syndrome, diabetes mellitus peripheral blood, T cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage show greater
and ulcerative colitis, lymphoma, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) expression of IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α).106 Of interest,
infection, and primary biliary chirrosis.77–88 Interestingly, patients with patients with HLA-DR17 show a muted cytokine response, a finding that is
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) usually develop manifesta- perhaps related to the better prognosis observed in this subset of patients.107
tions of sarcoidosis after antiretroviral therapy is started. This phenome- T lymphocytes, in turn, stimulate B cells. Abnormalities of humoral
non is the result of the immune restoration syndrome.85,89 Associations with immunity include a non-specific polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and
cutaneous autoimmune disease include dermatitis herpetiformis and linear circulating immune complexes in acute forms of the disease, particularly in
IgA disease.90,91 A single case of trachyonychia associated with sarcoidosis association with erythema nodosum.
has been reported.92 The paramount puzzle in unraveling the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is
identifying the initial event(s) that lead to the disease. Despite our increas-
Pathogenesis and histological features ing knowledge of the immunobiology of sarcoidosis, we seem no closer to
The pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is poorly understood. The demonstration of answering this key question.
familial clustering suggests hereditary susceptibility to sarcoidosis in at least Histologically, sarcoidosis is characterized by a dense, noncaseating
a subset of patients.14,93 granulomatous infiltrate in the dermis (Figs. 9.17, 9.18), which sometimes
Despite intensive studies, the etiology and pathogenesis of sarcoidosis extends into the subcutaneous fat. The granulomata are discrete and strik-
remains elusive.94,95 It is likely, however, that sarcoidosis represents a reaction ingly uniform in size and shape. They are composed of epithelioid histiocytes
pattern that may develop in a predisposed patient on exposure to one or more with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and oval or twisted vesicular nuclei
infective agents or other antigens. often containing a small central nucleolus (Fig. 9.19). Variable numbers of
The role of mycobacteria in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is a controver- Langhans giant cells are present and sometimes a scattering of lymphocytes
sial topic. Attempts at detection of mycobacterial DNA by polymerase chain is seen at the peripheral margin of the granuloma (Fig. 9.20). Discrete small
reaction (PCR) have produced conflicting results. While some authors have
failed to detect mycobacterial DNA, others have identified DNA of various
strains of tuberculous and nontuberculous mycobacteria.96–100 In one study,
although amplified mycobacterial DNA was detected by PCR in 38% of sar-
coidosis patients, mycobacterial DNA was also detected in tissue in 44% of
control patients.101 Furthermore, most studies published in the literature fail
to report more than 6% positivity for Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in
patients with sarcoidosis.102 In another interesting study, cell wall deficient
acid-fast bacteria (L forms) were cultured from the blood of 19 of 20 patients
with sarcoidosis but not from controls.103 In summary, these mixed results
between laboratories have not clarified the role of mycobacteria in the patho-
genesis of sarcoidosis. It seems, however, that mycobacteria may be of etio-
logical importance in at least a subset of cases.
Propionibacterium acnes DNA has also been identified in tissues of
patients with sarcoidosis, including involved lymph nodes.104,105 The signifi-
cance of this finding remains uncertain. Human herpesvirus 8 DNA has not
been demonstrated in tissues of patients with sarcoidosis.105
The occasional association with known autoimmune diseases, such as pro-
gressive systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), has inevi-
tably led to the proposal of an autoimmune pathogenesis. Although many
familial cases have been reported in the literature, no consistent pattern of Fig. 9.17
inheritance has emerged. The results of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Sarcoidosis: the dermis is replaced by uniform circumscribed nests of non-
typing have shown associations with particular features of the disease; for caseating granulomata.
Sarcoidosis 287
central foci of fibrinoid necrosis are sometimes present but caseation necrosis
is rare (Fig. 9.21).114,115 Transepidermal elimination is sometimes seen.116
The epidermis is usually normal although occasional cases display acantho-
sis and sometimes the granulomata are focally lichenoid. A predominantly
lichenoid pattern may exceptionally be seen.117 Exceptional cases of sarcoido-
sis may display histologic findings that focally overlap with granuloma annu-
lare, palisading neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis, and interstitial
granulomatous dermatitis.118 Further histologic findings described include
elastophagocytosis, perineural granulomas resembling leprosy, mucin deposi-
tion, and an infiltrate rich in plasma cells.115
In some cutaneous lesions, inclusion bodies are present, although much
less frequently than in lymph nodes. The Schaumann body, a basophilic,
laminated, rounded, conchoidal structure composed of calcium carbonate, cal-
cium oxalate, phosphate, iron, and dolomite, is not specific for sarcoidosis and
is seen in a number of other granulomatous conditions including tuberculosis
and berylliosis (Fig. 9.22).119–121 The asteroid body is a small intracytoplasmic
eosinophilic star-shaped structure; it is not specific for sarcoidosis, being seen
also, for example, in tuberculosis, tuberculoid leprosy, berylliosis, and atypi-
cal facial necrobiosis. It is also commonly found in necrobiotic xanthogran-
Fig. 9.18 uloma.122 Initial studies suggested that the asteroid body was composed of
Sarcoidosis: note the paucity of lymphocytes and absence of necrosis.
collagen but more recent reports, using immunohistochemistry, suggest that
Fig. 9.19
Sarcoidosis: the epithelioid cells are composed of pink cytoplasm with a central oval Fig. 9.21
or sometimes twisted vesicular nucleus containing a small basophilic nucleolus. Sarcoidosis: occasionally small foci of ‘fibrinoid’ necrosis may be seen in the center
The granuloma also contains lymphocytes and occasional fibroblasts. of the granuloma, but cellular detail is not lost.
it is a product of the microtubular system.123,124 The presence of foreign mate- Other documented associations of granuloma annulare include morphea,
rial in sarcoidal granulomata does not exclude the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. In chronic hepatitis C infection, autoimmune thyroiditis, secondary hyperpara-
fact, polarizable material has been found in up to 5% of cases.125–127 thyroidism, sarcoidosis, Plummer's disease, myelodysplastic syndrome, met-
It has been shown that the gli-1 oncogene is consistently and abnormally astatic carcinoma, and a bee sting.25–33 Granuloma annulare has also been
expressed in the cells forming the granulomata not only in sarcoidosis but described after vaccination for tetanus and diphtheria, hepatitis B and tuber-
also in granuloma annulare and necrobiosis lipoidica. This observation raises culosis (BCG), and after mesotherapy.34–38 It may also develop in the scars
the possibility of trials using inhibitors of gli-1 signaling to treat this group of of herpes zoster.39–42 It is important to highlight that most patients with the
granulomatous disorders.128 condition heal after variable periods of time, and long follow-up has not
The visceral lesions are characterized by an identical histology of nonca- revealed consistent associations with any systemic diseases.43 A further study
seating granulomata, which may be accompanied by significant scarring, for has found no consistent relationship between malignant neoplasms and gran-
example in the lung, where advanced cases are characterized by interstitial uloma annulare.44 However, it has been suggested that elderly patients with
fibrosis and sometimes honeycomb lung formation. In the liver, granulomata lesions that do not have typical features of granuloma annulare but display
are most commonly found in the portal tracts or in relation to central veins. microscopic findings resembling granuloma annulare should be investigated
Splenic lesions are randomly distributed and are not usually associated with for an underlying malignancy, especially lymphoma.44
significant fibrosis. Granuloma annulare has developed during treatment with allopurinol,
amlodipine, daclizumab, and antitumor necrosis factor.45–48 Interferon-alpha
has been associated with generalized interstitial granuloma annulare.49 It is
Differential diagnosis most likely, however, that granuloma annulare-like eruptions secondary to drug
Sarcoidosis must be approached as a diagnosis of exclusion and has to be administration often represent interstitial granulomatous drug eruptions.
distinguished from the numerous conditions that may be associated with a
noncaseating granulomatous histology, including some forms of tuberculo- Localized granuloma annulare
sis, tuberculoid leprosy, berylliosis, fungal infections, Crohn's disease, and
The localized variant is the commonest type. It usually presents in the first
foreign body granulomatous reactions.129 Therefore, the use of special stains,
three decades and is associated with a female preponderance (2.25:1). Lesions
including the Ziehl-Neelsen preparation for mycobacteria and the periodic
consist of one or several papules, which may be skin-colored, red or viola-
acid-Schiff (PAS) and methenamine silver reactions for fungi, is mandatory
ceous, and are typically distributed to form an annular or arcuate lesion 1–5
before diagnosing sarcoidosis. Depending on the clinical context, culture
cm in diameter (Figs 9.23–9.27). About 50% of patients have solitary lesions.
may also be required to exclude an infective etiology. Tuberculoid leprosy
The acral sites are most commonly affected, in particular the knuckles and
is characterized by nerve involvement, a feature that is usually absent in
dorsum of the fingers. In a small proportion of patients, lesions are present
on both the upper and lower limbs, and occasionally the trunk is affected.
Some of the granulomata seen in a variety of primary immunodeficiency
Lesions on the palms are exceptional.50 Facial involvement appears to be
syndromes closely mimic those found in sarcoidosis and histological distinc-
uncommon.51,52 In a reported case, lesions were restricted to the area involved
tion may be impossible. A study comparing granulomata in sarcoidosis to
by a Becker's nevus.53 Although lesions may be persistent, approximately 50%
those seen in primary immunodefiencies found a much lower rate of CD4+/
of patients can anticipate resolution by about 2 years from onset. However,
CD8+ cells in the former as opposed to the latter.130
recurrences are, unfortunately, quite common. Patients in which the disease
Labial and gingival involvement may be histologically mistaken for
arises earlier in life appear to have earlier resolution of lesions.54 Interestingly,
Crohn's disease and granulomatous cheilitis (Miescher). It is worth noting
on occasion lesions regress spontaneously after biopsy.55 In one case, spon-
that in rare cases oral involvement in Crohn's disease may precede systemic
taneous resolution resulted in mid-dermal elastolysis.56 Rarely, granuloma
manifestations by several years. Metastatic Crohn's disease may be difficult
annulare has been reported in families and in monozygotic twins.57 A case has
to distinguish from sarcoidosis. The former often show nonsuppurative gran-
been documented in which the lesions recurred seasonally with sun-exposed
ulomata in a diffuse pattern and surrounded by a thin cuff of lymphocytes.
areas.58 There has only been a single case report of cutaneous granuloma
Further frequent findings include the presence of numerous eosinophils and
annulare with similar lesions in an intra-abdominal location.59 In one case,
ulceration, findings not often seen in sarcoidosis.131
granuloma annulare was the first sign of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma and
Granulomatous lesions that have been described in exogenous ochronosis
appear to be related to sarcoidosis.132 However, similar lesions have also been
described as showing changes mimicking actinic granuloma.133
Granuloma annulare
Clinical features
Granuloma annulare is a common, usually asymptomatic, dermatosis of
unknown etiology.1,2 It may be divided into six clinical subsets:
• localized,
• generalized,
• perforating,
• subcutaneous,
• papular,
• linear.
Unusual clinical variants include pustular follicular lesions and presenta-
tion with patches.3,4 A single case presenting as contact dermatitis has been
reported.5 Granuloma annulare (often with widespread disseminated lesions)
has been described in patients with HIV infection and sometimes may be the
presenting sign.6–18 Granuloma annulare, mainly the generalized variant (see Fig. 9.23
below), has also been reported in association with both Hodgkin's and non- Localized granuloma annulare: a typical annular lesion over the knuckle. Stretching
Hodgkin's lymphoma.19–22 Exceptionally, anterior uveitis and concomitant of the skin reveals a translucent beaded margin. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD,
skin lesions have been described.23,24 St George’s Hospital, London, UK.
Granuloma annulare 289
the extremities, often the dorsum of the hands (Fig. 9.31). Presentation of
lesions on the ears has exceptionally been described, as has a generalized vari-
ant.80–82 It may affect both children and adults, and both localized and gener-
alized forms exist. Spontaneous resolution sometimes occurs within months
or years of onset. An exceptional case of perforating granuloma annulare
which developed following tattooing has been reported.83
Fig. 9.37
Fig. 9.35 Localized granuloma
Localized granuloma annulare: the characteristic appearance of a well-circumscribed annulare: this lesion is
palisading granuloma consisting of a necrobiotic center surrounded by a cellular from the palm of the
infiltrate. hand, an uncommonly
affected site. There is a
sharply delineated focus
of necrobiosis in the deep
reticular dermis.
Fig. 9.36
Localized granuloma annulare: the collagen is fragmented and in part granular. Note
the peripheral palisade of histiocytes, occasional lymphocytes, and fibroblasts.
Fig. 9.38
basophilic appearance due to the presence of acid mucopolysaccharides, but Localized granuloma annulare: the necrobiosis is advanced, presenting as eosinophilic
granular debris. The histiocytic palisade is well established.
more commonly there is eosinophilia, due in part to fibrin deposition (Fig.
9.40). Heparin sulfate is an important component of the mucin in granuloma
annulare but not of other cutaneous diseases associated with mucin deposi-
tion (Fig. 9.41).113 cases when the collagen changes are inconspicuous and should, therefore,
Occasionally, sparse karyorrhectic debris is present in the center of the encourage examination of additional sections to detect more typical features
lesion and sometimes the necrobiotic foci contain lipid droplets. More (Fig. 9.45).
often, however, the collagenous degeneration is not organized into a nod- An almost inevitable feature of granuloma annulare is the presence of a
ular pattern, but affects isolated fibers in a random pattern, an appear- perivascular chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate, both within the lesion and
ance often best appreciated on low-power examination (Fig. 9.42).114 In in the adjacent tissue. Well-formed sarcoidal granulomata with associated
this so-called diffuse or interstitial form of granuloma annulare, affected giant cells are seen in some cases. Significant numbers of eosinophils may be
fibers, which are swollen and intensely eosinophilic, alternate with appar- encountered.115 In one study, eosinophils were present in 66% of biopsies, of
ently normal fibers to give a rather disorganized appearance (Figs. 9.43, which 14% showed more than 10 eosinophils per high-power field.115 Plasma
9.44). Necrobiosis is minimal or absent. Characteristically, the collagen cells are rare and this is useful in the differential diagnosis with necrobiosis
fibers are separated by mucin, which stains positively with Alcian blue at lipoidica (see below). Neutrophils are a rare finding and when present, par-
pH 2.5. Histiocytes are often seen infiltrating around and between affected ticularly in association with changes of vasculitis, it is likely that there is an
fibers, and this feature may be a helpful clue to the diagnosis in early association with systemic disease.116
Granuloma annulare 293
Fig. 9.46
Perforating granuloma annulare: scanning view showing widespread typical Fig. 9.48
granuloma annulare (in the upper-right quadrant degenerate collagen is undergoing Subcutaneous granuloma annulare: within the subcutaneous fat and involving the
transepidermal elimination). fascia is a massive necrobiotic nodule.
Differential diagnosis
Granuloma annulare must be distinguished from necrobiosis lipoidica, Necrobiosis lipoidica
rheumatoid nodule, actinic granuloma, and granuloma multiforme. Points of
distinction are summarized in Table 9.1. Clinical features
Granuloma annulare-like lesions with the added features of vasculitis and Necrobiosis lipoidica is a disease of unknown etiology which shows a strong
a significant component of acute inflammatory cells may be encountered in association with diabetes mellitus.1–6 Although the affiliation is likely to
the setting of systemic disease.116,119 This pattern of disease is discussed in have pathogenic implications, the precise mechanism by which the lesions
detail in the section on palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis of necrobiosis lipoidica develop is, nevertheless, unknown and the nature
and related disorders. of the relationship between the two diseases is unclear. Therefore, although
Granuloma annulare-like drug eruptions have been reported. The presence the diagnosis of diabetes is most often established before the onset of the
of associated interface changes favors a drug eruption.10,120 skin lesions, on occasion, typical plaques may precede the apparent onset
Very rarely, scleromyxedema may focally mimic interstitial granuloma of diabetes mellitus by several years. The course of the cutaneous disease
annulare histologically.121 However, the changes simulating granuloma annu- does not appear to be related to the hyperglycemia, and treatment of diabetes
lare are focal, and elsewhere in the biopsy there are more typical features of does not affect the outcome of the cutaneous lesions. In one study, proteinu-
scleromyxedema including fibrosis and increase in fibroblasts. ria, retinopathy, and smoking were more common in patients with necro-
Occasionally, infection by Mycobacterium marinum may mimic intersti- biosis lipoidica compared with patients with diabetes but no skin disease.7
tial granuloma annulare. The microscopic features may be so similar that the Interestingly, however, only a minority of patients with necrobiosis lipoidica
diagnosis can only be made by special stains and culture.122 has diabetes mellitus. It has been shown that 11% of patients with necrobio-
Although epithelioid sarcoma, with its associated geographic necrosis, sis lipoidica have diabetes mellitus and a further 11% develop the disease or
may bear a superficial resemblance at low-power examination to granuloma altered glucose tolerance on follow-up.8
annulare, the degree of nuclear atypia and pleomorphism in the former con- Necrobiosis lipoidica may develop in both juvenile (type I) and maturity-onset
dition should afford their distinction in the majority of cases. In addition, (type II) diabetes. Interestingly, the condition improves in diabetic patients
epithelioid sarcoma often shows perineural tumor infiltration. It should be after pancreatic transplant.9 Necrobiosis lipoidica has been documented in
noted, however, that mitotic activity may be encountered in granuloma annu- patients with endocrine disorders other than diabetes such as hypo- and
lare.123 In difficult cases, keratin, epithelial membrane and, in up to 60% of hyperthyroidism, and also in association with inflammatory bowel disease
cases, CD34 antigen immunoreactivity in epithelioid sarcoma should assist in and vasculitis.10 One nondiabetic patient with necrobiosis lipoidica and
this differential diagnosis. ataxia telangiectasia has been reported.11 Exceptionally, necrobiosis lipoidica
Rare cases of mycosis fungoides may be associated with a tissue reac- and granuloma annulare have presented simultaneously.12,13 The disease has
tion resembling granuloma annulare.124,125 The presence of interstitial also been documented in association with sarcoidosis.14,15
lymphocytes with nuclear atypia and epidermotropism, a feature not seen Necrobiosis lipoidica shows a marked female preponderance (3.3:1) and,
in granuloma annulare, should resolve this differential diagnosis. However, although a wide age range may be affected, patients present most often in the
in difficult cases, immunophenotyping and gene rearrangement studies may fourth decade (those associated with diabetes mellitus) or fifth decade (those
be required. not associated with diabetes mellitus). The condition is rare in childhood
Table 9.1
Differential diagnosis of palisading granulomata and variants
Reprinted from Muhlbauer JE. Granuloma annulare. J Am Acad Dermatol 3:217–230; Copyright Elsevier 1980, with permission from the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
296 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Fig. 9.52
Necrobiosis lipoidica: lesion on shin showing atrophy and telangiectasia.
From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
loss of nerves within lesions and, based on this finding, the authors pos-
tulated that destruction of nerves might explain the sensory loss that is
observed in some patients.42,43 Hypohidrosis and partial alopecia have also
been reported.44
Rarely, squamous carcinoma may arise in longstanding lesions.45–49
One such case developed in association with perforating necrobiosis
Fig. 9.50
Necrobiosis lipoidica: Pathogenesis and histological features
characteristic, bilateral,
symmetrical lesions.
The precise pathogenesis of necrobiosis lipoidica is unknown. Of primary
From the collection of the importance is the temporal relationship between collagen degeneration and
late N.P. Smith, MD, the the inflammatory infiltrate.51 The close association of necrobiosis lipoidica
Institute of Dermatology, and diabetes mellitus suggests a causal relationship, but the exact mechanism
London, UK. is uncertain. In the past, some 60% of patients with necrobiosis lipoidica were
Necrobiosis lipoidica 297
with associated diabetes mellitus or other systemic disease. These changes are
particularly severe in those cases where necrobiosis is very marked. One study
also showed that neutrophilic and granulomatous vasculopathies correlated
with systemic disease.73 In addition, telangiectatic superficial venules are a com-
mon feature. Cases with necrobiosis-like features and significant vasculitis and
neutrophilic infiltrates in the setting of systemic disease are discussed in detail
in the section on palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis associ-
ated with systemic disease. In lesions with anesthesia, S-100 shows destruction
of nerve fibers in the areas of necrobiosis.42,43
In the diffuse variant there is very widespread necrobiosis with a mini-
mal inflammatory cell response; such cases are usually associated with dia-
betes (Fig. 9.60). Sometimes linear infiltrates of histiocytes between collagen
fibers are a feature, as in granuloma annulare. Lipomembranous fat necrosis
is noted in occasional cases.74
In the sarcoidal type of necrobiosis lipoidica, which is more often noted
with the nondiabetes mellitus-associated variant, the appearances are those
of naked epithelioid cell granulomata, particularly in the lower dermis
(Fig. 9.61). Langhans and foreign body giant cells are usually conspicuous
and a lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate may be evident (Fig. 9.62).
Necrobiosis is usually minimal; multiple levels may have to be examined Fig. 9.61
Necrobiosis lipoidica (granulomatous variant): well-defined noncaseating granulomata
before its presence is confirmed (Fig. 9.63). The sarcoidal type of necrobiosis
replace the reticular dermis. Necrobiosis is present to the left of center.
lipoidica in patients without diabetes mellitus has in the past been described as
Miescher's granuloma.
Perforating necrobiosis lipoidica is associated with transepidermal
elimination of necrobiotic collagen and also degenerated elastotic material
(Figs 9.64–9.66).71,75,76
Differential diagnosis
Necrobiosis lipoidica must be distinguished from granuloma annulare, rheu-
matoid nodule, actinic granuloma, and granuloma multiforme. Points of
distinction are summarized in Table 9.1. The presence of massive necrobio-
sis associated with numerous cholesterol clefts, bizarre multinucleated giant
cells, and Touton-type giant cells distinguishes necrobiotic xanthogranu-
loma from necrobiosis lipoidica. As noted above, prominent cholesterol cleft
formation, which is a feature that usually suggests necrobiotic xanthogranu-
loma, may rarely be seen in necrobiosis lipoidica.66,67 Small punch biopsies
may not be adequate for definitive evaluation and sampling bias may be
misleading. Clinical correlation should be taken into consideration before
making a final diagnosis.
Fig. 9.62
Necrobiosis lipoidica (granulomatous variant): the naked granulomata are very
reminiscent of sarcoidosis. Note the multinucleate giant cells.
Fig. 9.60
Necrobiosis lipoidica
(diffuse variant): a
broad band of confluent Fig. 9.63
necrobiosis has destroyed Necrobiosis lipoidica (granulomatous variant): higher-power view of the necrobiotic
the entire reticular dermis. focus seen in Figure 9.61.
300 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Fig. 9.64
Perforating necrobiosis lipoidica: there is widespread hyperkeratosis and crusting.
A perforating channel is seen on the right side of the picture. Fig. 9.66
Perforating necrobiosis:
the dermis immediately
beneath the site of
perforation shows severe
necrobiotic change.
Fig. 9.65
Perforating necrobiosis: Fig. 9.67
close-up view of the Rheumatoid nodules: lesions on the knuckles are commonly seen in rheumatoid
perforating channel. arthritis. By courtesy of Dr J.C. Pascual, MD, Alicante, Spain.
Differential diagnosis
Fig. 9.72 Many granulomatous reactions, including infections, often display elas-
Rheumatoid nodule: the palisading histiocytes may sometimes show mitotic tophagocytosis. However, in these conditions the change is mild and focal.
figures which may lead the unwary to consider epithelioid sarcoma. In granuloma annulare, there is usually very little or no elastophagocytosis,
while in annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma there is no necrobiosis or
palisading granuloma.19
Although epithelioid sarcoma, with its associated geographic necrosis,
may bear a superficial resemblance at low power to rheumatoid nodule, the Actinic granuloma (O’Brien)
degree of nuclear atypia and pleomorphism in the former should allow easy
distinction between these conditions (Fig. 9.72). However, in difficult cases, Clinical features
keratin and epithelial membrane antigen immunoreactivity in epithelioid
Actinic granuloma develops on the sun-damaged skin of the neck, face, upper
sarcoma should assist in the differential diagnosis.
chest or arms of middle-aged patients.1–5 It may also affect the conjunc-
tiva, and a single case affecting the upper lip has been reported.6–9 A further
Elastolytic granulomata case presented as alopecia.10 The incidence is equal in men and women, and
individuals with blond hair and freckled skin are predisposed, particularly
This is a controversial group of diseases, the prototype of which is the actinic those living in sunny climates. An association with the longstanding use of
granuloma. Other entities that probably belong to this group include atypical sunbeds and with doxycycline phototoxicity has also been described.11,12
facial necrobiosis lipoidica and granuloma multiforme (see below). It has been Lesions present as one or more skin-colored or pink papules, which
suggested that all these conditions represent examples of granuloma annulare enlarge to form annular or arcuate plaques up to 1 cm in diameter. The edge
occurring in different clinical settings.1–4 However, the clinicopathological of the lesion is somewhat raised, forming a border 0.2–0.5 cm in width.
features are distinctive and the pathological process clearly relates to the pri- These annular plaques enlarge slowly and the center may gradually clear to
mary destruction of elastic fibers by a granulomatous infiltrate. In granuloma appear relatively normal or slightly atrophic with variable depigmentation.
annulare, as in diseases such as sarcoidosis, destruction of elastic fibers does Lesions are asymptomatic and there is no evidence of anesthesia. They do not
not always occur and when it does, it tends to occur focally, developing as a develop on nonsun-damaged skin. Spontaneous resolution may take place
secondary phenomenon.5 after months or years.
Elastolytic granulomata 303
Fig. 9.74
Actinic granuloma: in addition to solar elastosis, this example also shows interface Fig. 9.77
change with conspicuous cytoid bodies. Actinic granuloma: high-power view of basophilic degenerate elastic fibers.
304 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Differential diagnosis
The facial location, presence of elastophagocytosis, and absence of necro-
biosis aid in distinguishing actinic granuloma from other granulomatous
lesions. The absence of dermal mucin, necrobiosis, and palisading granu-
loma and the presence of marked elastoclasis and mild scarring help to distin-
guish actinic granuloma from granuloma annulare, the disorder that it most
Histological features
The condition is characterized by a dense granulomatous infiltrate, with con-
spicuous giant cells, involving the dermis (Figs 9.79, 9.80). The infiltrate has
a rather irregular distribution, being dispersed between individual collagen
bundles. Occasional circumscribed granulomata may sometimes be a feature.
Asteroid bodies are often found in the cytoplasm of giant cells. Typically,
there is loss of elastic tissue in the areas of granulomatous inflammation.
Fig. 9.80
Atypical facial necrobiosis lipoidica: close-up view of the granulomata. Note the
conspicuous giant cells.
Rarely, ill-defined foci of necrobiosis are noted (Fig. 9.81), but well-defined
palisading granulomata are not present. In cases with coexistent necrobiosis
lipoidica, biopsies from the affected areas on the shins show the typical histo-
logical features of this condition.
Differential diagnosis
In contrast to actinic granuloma with which this condition is often confused,
the surrounding skin does not show evidence of significant solar elastosis and
Granuloma multiforme
Clinical features
This dermatosis of unknown etiology is of particular importance because clin-
ically it can be confused with leprosy; however, it is not associated with cuta-
Fig. 9.78 neous anesthesia.1,2 Granuloma multiforme, which shows a marked female
Atypical facial necrobiosis lipoidica: atrophic plaque on forehead with a well-defined predominance, is seen most often in Central Africa, especially eastern Nigeria.
edge. From the collection of the late N.P. Smith, MD, the Institute of Dermatology, It has also been documented in the Congo, Uganda, India, and Tunisia.3–6
London, UK. The disease is very common in some villages. It particularly affects patients
Elastolytic granulomata 305
over 40 years of age. Lesions, which tend to chronicity, are found on the
upper and exposed parts of the body. They commence as small, flesh-colored,
indurated, pruritic papulonodules, 1–8 mm in diameter and raised 1–3 mm
above the skin surface, which extend peripherally and coalesce to form annu-
lar lesions and plaques (Figs 9.82, 9.83). Very large lesions become irregular
and develop scalloped or gyrate borders. Central healing may be associated
with residual hypopigmentation.
Histological features
The epidermis is normal. Situated within the dermis is an ill-defined, irregu-
lar, necrobiotic lesion (Fig. 9.84).7 In general, this affects individual collagen
fibers, producing a rather haphazard picture of abnormal fibers interspersed
with unaffected ones and associated with a histiocytic infiltrate (Fig. 9.85).
Only rarely is a well-defined palisading granuloma seen. In addition to his-
tiocytes, giant cells are commonly found and the tissues show a perivascular
lymphocytic infiltrate with variable numbers of plasma cells and eosinophils.
Fig. 9.84
Granuloma multiforme: there is extensive necrobiosis.
Fig. 9.82
Granuloma multiforme:
typical annular lesions
with raised borders in a
child. By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, St George’s Fig. 9.85
Hospital, London, UK. Granuloma multiforme: necrobiosis is seen in the center.
306 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
Clinical features
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma (necrobiotic xanthogranuloma with parapro-
Fig. 9.86 teinemia) is an extremely rare condition of unknown etiology.1–3 It occurs
Granuloma multiforme: note the complete loss of elastic tissue. Elastic-van Gieson. equally in men and in women, in the late middle aged and elderly (average
age at presentation is 56 years). The disease is characterized by the develop-
ment of nodules and plaques, which show a predilection for the face, neck,
trunk and, less commonly, proximal limbs. The facial lesions are charac-
The giant cells do not contain asteroid bodies. Perineural involvement is not teristically periorbital (most often infraorbital) in distribution and consist
a feature.1 The adjacent vasculature is normal. Loss of elastic tissue is typical of papules that progress to nodules, and plaques that may form irregular
in relation to the inflammatory infiltrate and healed areas are characterized ulcers (Fig. 9.87). Although periorbital involvement is fairly constant, in
by absence of elastic tissue and mild superficial scarring (Fig 9.86).1 some patients this feature is absent.4,5 Scarring and telangiectasia are com-
mon. Lesions are sharply demarcated and have a distinctive xanthomatous
Differential diagnosis appearance. Ocular complications are common and include episcleritis,
The exact nosological position of granuloma multiforme is unknown. It is keratitis, proptosis, uveitis, and iritis.6 Some patients report pain but this is
probably a clinicopathological variant of elastolytic granuloma. An associa- not a usual feature.2
tion with sun exposure has been suggested.8 The granulomata do not show The lesions on the trunk and limbs are irregular, well-demarcated, bright
a perineural distribution, thus helping to distinguish granuloma multiforme yellow, dermal and subcutaneous plaques measuring up to 25 cm across
from leprosy. Nevertheless, since infection must be excluded before giving a (Fig. 9.88). They may be complicated by ulceration, hemorrhage, scarring,
definitive diagnosis, stains for organisms (especially mycobacteria and fungi) central atrophy, and telangiectases, and typically have a peripheral inflam-
must be performed to exclude this possibility. Culture should also be per- matory border. Violaceous and flesh-colored nodules are sometimes pres-
formed when clinically appropriate. ent, particularly over the trunk. Unusual presentations include a solitary
nodular lesion mimicking a tumor and, exceptionally, the absence of skin
involvement.7,8 A lesion presenting at the site of a blepharoplasty scar and a
Rheumatic fever nodule further lesion presenting in the scar of a burn have been reported.9,10
Involvement of myocardium, lung, larynx, kidneys, salivary gland,
Clinical features and skeletal muscle has been documented.11–16 Patients may have arthritis,
Fortunately, effective antimicrobial therapy has relegated rheumatic fever to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, neuropathy or hypertension.2 Other
a rare pediatric infection. As a consequence, complications of rheumatic fever
are only rarely encountered in dermatology practice. In older studies, approx-
imately one-third of patients with rheumatic fever develop papules that had a
tendency to occur over bony prominence of the knee, elbows, fingers, ankles,
spine, scalp, and rarely at other sites.1–3 Most patients had multiple nodules.
In one report, the number of nodules ranged from 1 to 108.1 Lesions per-
sisted from days to several months. Interestingly, in a more recent study of
44 patients with rheumatic fever, only one had a single subcutaneous nodule.4
Histological features
Biopsy shows central gossamer fibrin associated with variable numbers of
neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and karyorrhexis. The lesions are
often not well circumscribed and histiocytes surround the lesion, forming a
poorly defined palisade.
Differential diagnosis
The histological features of the rheumatic fever nodule are not pathog-
nomonic. Clinical correlation is required to establish a definite diagnosis.
The rheumatic fever nodule can be classified under the rubric of ‘palisaded
neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis associated with systemic dis-
ease’. Rheumatic fever nodule is discussed separately, however, because of Fig. 9.87
its historic interest and its longstanding recognition as a distinct clinical Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma: indurated yellow plaques are present around both
entity. The differential diagnosis is therefore that of palisaded neutrophilic eyes and on the eyelids. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 307
reported cases include one associated with Graves' disease, another with
linear morphea, one with scleroderma and one with lichen sclerosus.2,17–19 In
another patient there was an association with syncitial giant cell hepatitis.20
Nodular transformation of the liver is a feature noted in rare patients.14,21
Laboratory investigations reveal anemia, leucopenia, and a raised ESR.
Most patients with necrobiotic xanthogranuloma have an associated mono-
clonal paraproteinemia, usually IgG kappa type. Few present with a lambda
paraprotein and an exceptional case has been documented with two mono-
clonal paraproteins. Some patients have multiple myeloma or B-cell lym-
phoma.22–26 A case with associated Hodgkin's lymphoma has also been
reported.27 Diabetes mellitus is sometimes present and occasionally hyper-
lipidemia. Other associations that may be encountered include low serum
complement levels and cryoglobulinemia.
affect muscular arteries. Staining for elastic fibers reveals their absence in the
necrobiotic areas; Alcian blue staining may reveal small amounts of inter-
stitial mucin. As with most necrobiotic disorders, transepidermal elimina-
tion of necrobiotic collagen is sometimes a feature.34 A case with prominent
elastophagocytosis has been described.35The lungs and heart may show giant
cells, granulomata, necrobiosis or a combination of these features in patients
with systemic disease.12
Differential diagnosis
The clinical and histological features are distinctive: the presence of massive
necrobiosis associated with numerous cholesterol clefts, bizarre multinucle-
ated giant cells, and Touton-type giant cells distinguishes necrobiotic xan-
thogranuloma from necrobiosis lipoidica and other necrobiotic dermatoses.
It should, however, be noted that prominent cholesterol cleft formation may
rarely be seen in necrobiosis lipoidica.36 Small punch biopsies may not be ade-
quate for definitive evaluation and sampling bias may be misleading. Clinical
correlation should be taken into consideration before making a definitive
Fig. 9.92
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma: Touton giant cells are sometimes prominent.
Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous
Clinical features
Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis (interstitial granu-
lomatous dermatitis) is a term that has been applied to a reaction pattern
of necrobiotic and granulomatous inflammation encountered in the setting
of systemic disease.1 Other terms that have been applied to similar, overlap-
ping and, in some cases, probably identical lesions, include interstitial granu-
lomatous dermatitis with arthritis, rheumatoid papules, superficial ulcerating
rheumatoid necrobiosis, cutaneous extravascular necrotizing granuloma, and
Churg-Strauss granuloma.1–6 Myriad underlying systemic diseases have been
purported to be associated with these lesions including rheumatoid arthri-
tis, lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, Sjögren's syndrome, thyroiditis,
Raynaud's syndrome, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoprolif-
erative disorders, myelodysplastic syndrome, vasculitis (Wegener's granulo-
matosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Takayasu's arteritis, periarteritis nodosa),
hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, mixed
cryoglobulinemia, drug reactions (especially sulfonamides), carcinoma, diabe-
tes, and infections (streptococcal, HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus).1–4,7–12
Fig. 9.93 In most cases an underlying systemic disease is found, and it is rare that an
Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma: angulated giant cells with darkly staining nuclei are underlying disease is not detected.13
commonly present. The lesions are mainly located on the extremities and less commonly the
trunk in an adult.1 Children are seldom affected.14,15 The disease is character-
ized by papules and nodules, which are often arranged in a linear pattern.
These linear lesions may be confluent and have been described as linear bands
or cords with a ‘ropelike’ consistency (the so-called rope sign). Plaques have
also been described.6
Differential diagnosis
Fig. 9.96 Since the histological features of cutaneous Crohn's disease are non-specific,
Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis: close-up view showing a definitive diagnosis requires clinical confirmation of the presence of asso-
necrobiosis, histiocytes, and neutrophils associated with karyorrhexis. ciated bowel disease. Therefore, endoscopy, evaluation of gastrointestinal
biopsies, and review of clinical findings all play a role in confirmation of this
diagnosis. Sarcoidosis may be indistinguishable from metastatic Crohn's dis-
the background there is a neutrophilic infiltrate with karyorrhexis (Figs 9.95, ease; however, the granulomata of the former tend to be more discrete and
9.96). In late stages, fibrosis may be seen. The various changes described are compact. Eosinophils may be prominent in metastastic Crohn's disease and
more likely to represent the evolution of the lesions. Variable numbers of eosino- are rare in sarcoidosis.20 Mycobacterial infection is also an important differ-
phils may be noted and, when present, appear to occur mostly in patients with ential diagnosis; therefore liberal use of special stains for microorganisms is
a peripheral eosinophilia. Frank leukocytoclastic vasculitis is present in some essential. Culture should be performed as deemed clinically appropriate.
cases.18 A few cases may resemble necrobiosis lipoidica.4 As noted above, cutaneous granulomata may precede evidence of bowel
involvement.7,16,17 Therefore, patients with granulomatous skin disease of
Differential diagnosis uncertain etiology should be followed up carefully for evidence of bowel
From the above discussion it can be seen that a number of different terms disease.
have been proposed to describe lesions resembling granuloma annulare or Granulomatous cheilitis may also show identical histological features.
rarely necrobiosis lipoidica but with the added features of acute and eosino- Studies have documented patients presenting with granulomatous cheili-
philic inflammation, karyorrhexis and neutrophils with leukocytoclasia and tis who subsequently developed clinical manifestations or pathological evi-
rarely with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Some authors include these changes dence (without gastrointestinal symptoms) of Crohn's disease.20,22–27 One
within the spectrum of granuloma annulare and necrobiosis lipoidica.4 The group study described a patient in whom granulomatous cheilitis antedated
precise terminology preferred by the dermatopathologist is probably not development of Crohn's disease by 7 years.28 It appears, therefore, that some
important. More significant than any nosological nuances is issuing a report patients with granulomatous cheilitis are at risk for development of Crohn's
that alerts the clinician to the possibility that the patient may have underly- disease and require gastrointestinal evaluation and careful clinical follow-up.
ing systemic disease and that, when such lesions are encountered, appropriate Similarly, vulval Crohn's disease precedes development of bowel involvement
clinical evaluation is necessary.10 in 25% of cases.13
310 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Granulomatous cheilitis
Granulomatous cheilitis (cheilitis granulomatosa, Meischer's cheilitis, orofa-
cial granulomatosis) is discussed elsewhere.
Acne agminata
Clinical features
Acne agminata (lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, acnitis, papular tuberculid) is
a rare condition originally thought to be a form of tuberculid but an association
with tuberculosis has since been excluded.1–4 Some authors consider this disease
to be synonymous with granulomatous rosacea. However, the distinctive clini-
cal presentation, and the absence of typical rosacea in patients affected by the
disease, argue against this. Recently, a new name has been suggested for the dis-
ease: facial idiopathic granulomata with regressive evolution (FIGURE).5
Clinical presentation is characterized by fairly monomorphous yellowish-
brown papules typically involving the central face with predilection for peri-
ocular areas (Fig. 9.97). The disease is limited to the eyelids in rare cases.6 Fig. 9.98
Involvement of axillae or upper limbs is an exceptional finding.7–9 There is Acne agminata: there are multiple caseating granulomata.
no sex predilection and the age range is wide although most cases occur in
young to middle-aged adults.10 An exceptional case during pregnancy has
been documented.11 Response to conventional treatment for rosacea is often
ineffective but lesions tend to regress spontaneously over a period of months
or even years, leaving mild scarring.12
Fig. 9.99
Acne agminata: close-up view. The condition is not a tuberculid. Special stains and
culture for tubercle bacilli are invariably negative.
Differential diagnosis
The diagnosis is fairly easy in the presence of granulomata surrounding an
area of caseation necrosis since the latter is not usually a feature of either
granulomatous rosacea or perioral dermatitis. In biopsies showing only focal
granulomatous inflammation, establishing the diagnosis may require very
careful clinicopathological correlation.
Fig. 9.97
Acne agminata: note the Perioral dermatitis
characteristic distribution
of papules on the cheek Clinical features
and around the eyes.
From the collection of the Perioral dermatitis (perioral granulomatous dermatitis, periorificial derma-
late N.P. Smith, MD, the titis) is a common dermatosis that may represent a variant of rosacea.1–6
Institute of Dermatology, It is discussed in this section since it can, on occasion, be associated with
London, UK. granulomatous histology. Patients are usually young women but the condition
Foreign body granulomata 311
a predilection for the face. Their pathogenetic role in skin diseases has
always been controversial and they are often regarded as innocent bystand-
ers. However, it does seem that in a small number of cases, particularly in
immunocompromised patients, they have an important role in causation of
disease.1–4 The mites do not appear to be a primary factor in the develop-
ment of rosacea although they may play a part in the granulomatous form
of the disease. Traditionally, three facial forms of involvement have been
described: pityriasis folliculorum, rosacea-like demodicosis, and demodi-
cosis gravis. Skin eruptions attributed to the mites, however, have variable
manifestations and include a rosacea-like eruption, a perioral dermatitis-
like eruption, chronic blepharitis, follicular plugging and erythema and a
disseminated form in immunocompromised patients.1–12 Localized pustules
and even abscesses have also been reported.13 An unusual case of a patient
with demodicosis presenting as a facial plaque after ophthalmic herpes
zoster has been described. In a further case, the disease mimicked favus
in a child.14 Adults are mainly affected but cases in children have been
Table 9.2
Important causes of foreign body granulomata
Endogenous Exogenous
Keratin Silica Graphite Cactus spine
Hair shaft Beryllium Paraffin Vegetable oil
Ruptured cyst Zirconium Shrapnel Mineral oil
Released lipids Talc Sutures Food particles
Urate crystals Silicone Arthropods Wood splinters
Tattoo pigment Sea urchin spine
Fig. 9.103
Foreign body granuloma:
this free hair shaft has
been partially engulfed by
foreign body giant cells.
Fig. 9.101
Foreign body granuloma: there is a florid granulomatous reaction to shrapnel.
Fig. 9.104
Foreign body granuloma: high-power view
Fig. 9.105
Suture granuloma: suture fragments are present; note the multinucleate giant cells.
Fig. 9.107
Bioplastique and silicone
granuloma: note sclerosis
and cystic spaces.
Fig. 9.106
Suture granuloma: when viewed with polarized light, suture fragments show
Fig. 9.108
form of papules, follows direct inoculation.6 Diagnosis of chronic beryllium
Bioplastique and silicone granuloma: note silicone spaces resembling lipoblasts in
disease is based on demonstration of a cell-mediated response to beryllium by the left of the field. On the right there are irregular cystic space containing foreign
patch testing.6 Diagnosis may also be established by laser microprobe mass material.
Zirconium was once added to antiperspirants.8 Patients developed pap-
ules at sites where the substance was used and interstitial lung disease also
occurred.9 More recently, elephantiasis following nodal involvement has Granulomatous contact dermatitis
been described in patients with beryllium and zirconium exposure from min-
eral-rich soil (podoconiosis).10 Diagnosis may be made using spectrographic Clinical features
analysis.6,7,11 There are rare reports of a granulomatous reaction to metals, mainly pal-
Foreign body granulomata following esthetic microimplants are relatively ladium and less commonly gold and a titanium alloy, particularly at the
uncommon nowadays, as the material used is greatly improved. Silicone gran- site of ear piercing but also in relation to piercing at other body sites.1–8
ulomata are sometimes found and occasionally one encounters foreign body Granulomata induced by titanium have also been reported after implanta-
granulomata to cosmetic microimplants such as Dermalive (hyaluronic acid tion of a titanium-containing pacemaker.9 Areas of swelling, induration, or
and acrylic hydrogel), artecoll (PMMA-microspheres), bioplastique (polym- red papules and/or nodules develop at the site of piercing and this may occur
ethylsiloxane), and bioalcamid.12,13 Foreign body granulomata to iron oxide shortly after or weeks and even months after the patient starts wearing ear-
after permanent p igmentation of the eyebrows have also been reported.14 rings. Most cases have been reported in adults but similar lesions may be
A metastatic silicone granuloma mimicking acne agminata and associated seen in children.10
with the sicca complex has been reported in a silicone breast implant A granulomatous contact dermatitis to propolis has also been
patient.15 described.11
314 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis from sarcoidosis and other granulomatous pro-
cesses may be difficult. The clinical history of piercing and the sites affected
are useful in achieving a correct diagnosis. Fig. 9.110
Tuberculoid granulomata in agammaglobulinemia: high-power view
Granulomata in congenital
immunodeficiency syndromes
A number of inherited immune deficiency diseases may on occasion present
with noninfectious granulomata involving different organs including the
skin.1–4 These diseases include combined immune deficiency, chronic granu-
lomatous disease, ataxia telangiectasia, common variable immunodeficiency,
and X-linked infantile hypogammaglobulinemia (Figs 9.109–9.112).
In combined immune deficiency, cutaneous tuberculoid and necrobiotic
granulomata may occur and in a single instance perineural invasion was
identified, closely mimicking tuberculoid leprosy.5,6 Cutaneous granulomata
in chronic granulomatous disease may show caseation necrosis without a
detectable trigger and can also be associated with foreign bodies.7,8 In ataxia
telangiectasia, patients present with either necrobiotic or tuberculoid gran-
ulomata.9–11 In common variable immunodeficiency, tuberculoid, sarcoidal,
and caseating granulomata have been documented.12–14 In X-linked infan-
tile hypogammaglobulinemia, caseating granulomata have been reported.15
An unusual perforating neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis has been
reported in a patient with agammaglobulinemia.16 It is important to highlight
the fact that affected patients have an immune deficiency; therefore, every
Fig. 9.111
effort should be made to rule out an infectious process with special stains Necrotizing granuloma in agammaglobulinemia: there is very extensive dermal
and cultures. necrosis with a surrounding granulomatous infiltrate.
Fig. 9.109
Tuberculoid granulomata in agammaglobulinemia: there is a diffuse granulomatous Fig. 9.112
infiltrate throughout the dermis. Necrotizing granuloma in agammaglobulinemia: high power view.
Aluminum granuloma 315
Aluminum granuloma
Clinical features
Aluminum granuloma refers to the persistent, sometimes painful, subcutaneous
nodules that develop at the sites of vaccination or hyposensitization with agents
containing aluminum hydroxide as an absorbing agent (Fig. 9.113).1–5 If a vac-
cine is erroneously applied intradermally, lesions may occur within the dermis.6
The term granuloma is a misnomer as lesions do not usually consist of granu-
lomatous inflammation. The lesions develop after a few weeks or years after the
injections and are thought to be secondary to a hypersensitivity reaction to alu-
minum hydroxide. Often, patients have positive patch tests to aluminum hydrox-
ide. The most common vaccine associated with this reaction is tetanus toxoid
but any vaccine containing aluminum hydroxide as an absorbent may induce the
reaction, including hepatitis A and C and human papillomavirus vaccines.7
Intramuscular vaccines induce a condition described as macrophagic myo-
fasciitis. This condition has been described both in children and adults.8,9
disease in the same biopsy.33 Drugs including sirolimus and indinavir have
also been associated with the disease.34,35 The inherited cases are not associ-
ated with any systemic disorder. Reactive perforating collagenosis has also
been reported in a patient with HIV/AIDS in association with end-stage renal
failure.36 Perforating collagenosis is seen in approximately 10% of patients
with renal failure.1,2,37 Patients may develop lesions either before or after dial-
ysis treatment.2 In most cases, underlying diabetes mellitus is also present.1,2,37
Affected individuals suffer generalized pruritus and crusting papules. A single
case with a zosteriform distribution has also been documented.38
Following mild trauma, such as a scratch or insect bite, patients develop
flesh-colored papules 1–2 mm in diameter. These enlarge, become umbili-
cated and, over the course of about 4 weeks, grow to reach a diameter of
some 5–10 mm (Figs 9.119–9.121). Rarely, giant lesions are observed.39 The
umbilicated area contains keratinous debris, which is dark brown, hard, and
leathery. It is also very densely adherent, and bleeding results if detachment is
attempted. This is followed by regression. The papules flatten, and by 6–8 weeks
Fig. 9.117
Aluminum granuloma: in this example there is a palisading granuloma surrounding
a necrobiotic nodule.
Fig. 9.119
Reactive perforating collagenosis: there are multiple pink papules, some showing
central umbilication with crusting. By courtesy of D. McGibbon, MD, St Thomas’
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 9.118
Aluminum granuloma: the histiocytes have finely granular cytoplasm.
Perforating disorders
Reactive perforating collagenosis
Clinical features
This is a very rare disorder of uncertain etiology in which patients are predis-
posed to develop an unusual skin reaction to mild trauma, causing damaged
collagen to be extruded through the epidermis.1–4 Although sporadic cases do
occur, in many instances reactive perforating collagenosis appears to be an
inherited condition, autosomal recessive and dominant variants having been
described.5–8 Reactive perforating collagenosis has been documented in asso-
ciation with the Treacher Collins syndrome.9 The disease shows an equal sex
incidence, most cases presenting in childhood, although lesions tend to per-
sist into adult life. In familial cases the expression of the disease is variable
and can sometimes be mild and subtle.10 Lesions may be precipitated by sun Fig. 9.120
Reactive perforating
exposure.10 An acquired variant occurring in adulthood and associated with
collagenosis: an example
IgA nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, hydronephrosis, on the cheek of a young
lung fibrosis, herpes zoster infection, cytomegalovirus, scabies, lymphoma, boy. By courtesy of E.
leukemia, and carcinoma (including papillary thyroid carcinoma and hepato- Young, MD, Wycombe
cellular carcinoma) has been described.11–32 In a single patient with Mikulicz's General Hospital, High
disease, the condition showed histologic features of IgG4-related sclerosing Wycombe, UK.
Perforating disorders 317
from onset all that remain are residual scars or hypopigmented areas. It is of
interest that lesions develop only after mild superficial trauma, deep penetrat-
ing wounds healing normally. A positive Koebner phenomenon is character-
istic and lesions may be induced by gentle needle scratching. Lesions tend
to be rather polymorphic: as old lesions heal, new ones develop. They are
distributed primarily on the upper and lower extremities and face, although
the trunk may be affected.40,41 Rarely, the palms and soles may be involved.
Mucosal involvement has also been described in one patient.42 The severity of
this condition seems to increase in cold weather, whereas there is a reduction
in the number of lesions in summer. Exceptionally, secondary bacterial infec-
tion within the lesions may occur.43
Differential diagnosis
Changes identical to those seen in reactive perforating collagenosis may be
seen following trauma in ‘normal’ patients without stigmata of the disease.
Not uncommonly, biopsies of patients with prurigo nodularis/lichen simplex
chronicus (but who do not meet clinical criteria for reactive perforating
Fig. 9.122 collagenosis) show transepidermal elimination of collagen in a pattern simi-
Reactive perforating collagenosis: this is a transverse section through the center of lar to that seen in perforating collagenosis. Table 9.3 highlights points of
a lesion. Note the crust overlying multiple points of incipient perforation. distinction among the perforating disorders.
318 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Perforating folliculitis
Clinical features
Perforating folliculitis is a not uncommon, usually asymptomatic, derma-
tosis of unknown etiology that superficially resembles Kyrle's disease.1–3
It shows a female predominance (2:1) and, although a wide range of age
groups may be affected, the majority of patients present in the third decade.
The disease is characterized by the development of discrete, erythematous
follicular papules, 2–8 mm in diameter, each containing a small central white
keratotic core. Lesions most often affect the extremities, with a predilection
for the hairy portions of the arms, forearms, and thighs. The buttocks may
also be involved (Figs 9.128, 9.129). Koebnerization is not usually a feature.
Duration of the rash is variable, ranging from several months to years and
remissions and exacerbation may punctuate the course. Some patients present
with features of more than one perforating disease (i.e., perforating folliculitis
and elastosis perforans serpiginosa).4
Perforating folliculitis is associated with renal failure in some patients.5–7
It has also been reported in the setting of HIV infection and recently was
Fig. 9.126 described in two dialysis patients with markedly elevated serum silicon
Reactive perforating collagenosis: this example developed in a patient with chronic levels.8,9 Primary sclerosing cholangitis may rarely be associated with
renal failure. perforating folliculitis.10,11 A number of medications have been associated with
perforating folliculitis including sorafenib, infliximab, and etanercept.12,13
Table 9.3
Differential diagnosis of perforating disorders
Reactive perforating
Kyrle’s disease collagenosis Elastosis perforans serpiginosa Perforating folliculitis
Age of patient Average 30 years (20–60) Childhood Second decade Third decade
Sex distribution ♂=♀ ♂=♀ 4 ♂=♀ 2 ♀=♂
Site Extensor lower extremities; upper Upper and lower Side and back of neck; upper Hair-bearing portions of
extremities; head, neck and trunk extremities; face extremities; face; lower extremities arms, forearms, thighs
Koebner phenomenon Occasionally positive Positive Occasionally positive Negative
Associated diseases Diabetes mellitus; renal failure; None; (acquired variant Down’s syndrome; Ehlers-Danlos None
hepatic insufficiency; congestive renal failure) syndrome; osteogenesis imperfecta;
cardiac failure pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Mode of inheritance ? autosomal recessive
? autosomal dominant
Histology Transepidermal elimination of Transepidermal Transepidermal elimination of Intrafollicular
degenerate parakeratin and elimination of collagen abnormal elastic tissue curled- up hair;
inflammatory debris transepidermal limination
of degenerate connective
Perforating disorders 319
Differential diagnosis
Perforating folliculitis is differentiated from Kyrle's disease by uniform fol-
licular involvement associated with infundibular epithelial perforation (com-
pared with perforation at the base of the lesion in Kyrle's disease) and the
presence of tortuous hairs. Although elastic fibers may be found within
the dilated follicle, they are neither abnormal in appearance nor increased
Fig. 9.128
in quantity as seen in elastosis perforans serpiginosa. Table 9.3 highlights
Perforating folliculitis:
discrete scaly lesions on points of distinction among the perforating disorders. Keratosis pilaris is
the buttocks and thighs. associated with keratotic plugs that tend to be folliculocentric, but perfora-
By courtesy of K. Green, tion and inflammation are not features.
MD, Lister Hospital,
Stevenage, UK.
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
Clinical features
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa (L. serpere, to creep) is a rare dermatosis asso-
ciated with transepidermal elimination of abnormal elastic tissue.1–3 It shows
a male predominance (4:1) and presents most often in the second decade.
A case with simultaneous onset in two sisters has been reported.4 Another
unusual case has been documented in an individual with a 47 XYY karyotype
and unilateral atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini.5
The primary lesion is a 2–5-mm flesh-colored or red keratotic papule
containing an adherent plug, removal of which is associated with bleeding.
Classically, the papules are arranged in an arcuate or serpiginous pattern,
although sometimes they are randomly distributed (Fig. 9.131). Most often
the lesions are confined to one site, with the back and sides of the neck being
most frequently affected. Symmetrical involvement is very rare.6 Other sites
include the upper extremities, face, lower extremities, and abdomen, in
decreasing order of frequency. The penis is very rarely involved.7 In those cases
where multiple sites are involved, symmetrical distribution is characteristic.
Fig. 9.129
Perforating folliculitis:
close-up view. By courtesy
of K. Green, MD, Lister
Hospital, Stevenage, UK.
Fig. 9.131
Elastosis perforans
serpiginosa: typical scaly
serpiginous eruption on
the elbow. By courtesy
of M.M. Black, MD,
St Thomas’ Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 9.135
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa: the elastic fibers stain strongly with elastic-van Gieson in
the superficial dermis, but less strongly as the fibers undergo transepidermal elimination.
Differential diagnosis
Although elastic fibers may be found within the dilated follicle in perforat-
ing folliculitis, they are neither abnormal in appearance nor increased in Fig. 9.136
Kyrle’s disease: multiple
quantity as seen in elastosis perforans serpiginosa. Keratosis pilaris is associ-
umbilicated lesions are
ated with keratotic plugs that tend to be folliculocentric but perforation and present on the thigh. The
inflammation are not features. Kyrle's disease is differentiated from elastosis largest contains a keratin
perforans serpiginosa by perforation of a keratin plug at the base of the lesion plug. By courtesy of M.M.
associated with curled hairs in the former. Table 9.3 summarizes the points of Black, MD, St Thomas’
distinction among the perforating disorders. Hospital, London, UK.
322 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Differential diagnosis
Kyrle's disease must be distinguished from reactive perforating collagenosis
and elastosis perforans serpiginosa. In the former, collagen bundles may be
seen entering the lesion from the dermis; in the latter, the basophilic material
is elastic tissue. Kyrle's disease must also be distinguished from perforating
folliculitis (see above). Table 9.3 highlights points of distinction in the differ-
ential diagnosis of perforating disorders.
Fig. 9.142
Kyrle’s disease: in this example there is incipient perforation.
Fig. 9.144
Fig. 9.143 Perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum: multiple small crusted lesions are seen in a
Kyrle’s disease: high-power view showing liquefactive degeneration of the background of typical yellow papules. By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology,
basal layer. London, UK.
324 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses
Fig. 9.147
Fig. 9.145 nodularis: this presents
Necrotizing infundibular crystalline folliculitis: note a crater like area containing as a crusted lesion on the
filamentous material. helix and may be clinically
misdiagnosed as an
epithelial neoplasm.
By courtesy of R.A.
Marsden, MD, St George’s
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 9.150
Fig. 9.148 Chondrodermatitis nodularis: note the fibrin and intensely eosinophilic degenerate
Chondrodermatitis nodularis: this is a section through the center of the lesion cartilage.
showing ulceration. The adjacent epithelium is hyperkeratotic, parakeratotic, and
acanthotic. There is chronically inflamed granulation tissue at the base of the lesion.
Cartilage is evident in the center field.
Fig. 9.151
Fig. 9.149 Chondrodermatitis nodularis: high-power view of granulation tissue and
Chondrodermatitis nodularis: there is abundant granulation tissue at the base and inflammation.
adjacent to the ulcer.
It is thought that the pathogenetic process at advanced stages of this dis- Differential diagnosis
ease represents the transepidermal or, occasionally, transfollicular elimination
of damaged collagen.3,14 There are often degenerative changes present in Punch biopsies, which show the characteristic layering of fibrin, granula-
the underlying cartilage, including hyalinization, tinctorial changes, and tion tissue, and degenerating cartilage, are diagnostic and distinctive. Often,
perichondritis. Occasionally, degenerate and fragmented cartilage may also superficial shave biopsies sample only fibrin and granulation tissue without
be seen undergoing transepidermal elimination. The adjacent dermis often cartilage. Nevertheless, if the clinical setting is appropriate, the diagnosis can
shows marked solar elastosis.3 still be suggested.
Inflammatory diseases of the
subcutaneous fat
for references and
additional material
Bostjan Luzar and Eduardo Calonje
Erythema nodosum 327 Crystal-storing histiocytosis 346 Familial partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan
Erythema nodosum-like lesions in Behçet’s Gouty panniculitis 346 variant) 354
disease 332 Familial partial lipodystrophy (Köbberling
Nodular vasculitis 346 variant) 354
Weber-Christian disease 332 Familial partial lipodystrophy associated with
Subcutaneous sarcoidosis 349
α1-Antitrypsin deficiency-associated mandibuloacral dysplasia 355
Neutrophilic lobular panniculitis associated
panniculitis 333 Acquired lipodystrophy 355
with rheumatoid arthritis 349
Factitial and traumatic panniculitis 334 Acquired generalized lipodystrophy 355
Eosinophilic panniculitis 350 Acquired partial lipodystrophy 355
Cold panniculitis 337
Infective panniculitis 350 Localized lipoatrophy 356
Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis 337 Lipoatrophic panniculitis 356
Acute infectious id panniculitis –panniculitic
Subcutaneous Whipple’s disease 339 bacterid 352 Lipophagic panniculitis of
childhood 357
Pancreatic panniculitis 339 Sclerosing panniculitis 352 Connective tissue panniculitis 357
Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the Membranous fat necrosis 353 Lupus erythematosus profundus 358
newborn 340 Scleroderma panniculitis 361
LIPODYSTROPHY 354 Dermatomyositis panniculitis 361
Sclerema neonatorum 343 Postirradiation pseudosclerodermatous
Familial lipodystrophy 354
panniculitis 361
Cutaneous oxalosis 343 Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
(Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) 354
Calciphylaxis 344
Table 10.1
Classification of panniculitis
• Erythema nodosum
– subacute nodular migratory panniculitis/erythema nodosum migrans
• Erythema induratum
– nodular vasculitis
• Panniculitis associated with connective tissue disease
– lupus panniculitis
– morphea profunda/scleroderma/eosinophilic fasciitis
– dermatomyositis
– connective tissue panniculitis
• Lipoatrophy
– localized (involutional; inflammatory, e.g. lipophagic panniculitis/
granulomatous lipoatrophy)
– lipodystrophy
• Factitial or traumatic panniculitis
– injection-induced (steroids, insulin, narcotics, other drugs)
– sclerosing lipogranuloma
– blunt trauma
• Cold panniculitis
– popsicle panniculitis
– equestrian panniculitis
Fig. 10.2 • Panniculitis of newborn or infants
Lipophagic fat necrosis: in this field xanthomatized multinucleated foreign body – sclerema neonatorum
giant cells are present. Such an infiltrate is a common manifestation of many forms – subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn
of panniculitis and merely reflects the presence of fat necrosis. • Drug-induced
– direct (local) effect, e.g. due to injection
– systemic effect or reaction
– poststeroid panniculitis
– lobular panniculitis secondary to ciprofloxacin
– Panniculitis associated with α1-antitrypsin deficiency
• Calcifying panniculitis
– renal failure
– parathyroid disease
• Pancreatic panniculitis
• Gouty panniculitis
• Panniculitis with cytophagic histiocytes
– cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis
– malignant histiocytosis
– sinus histiocytosis with lymphadenopathy
– T-cell lymphoma
• Eosinophilic panniculitis
– parasitic infection
– Well’s syndrome
– incidental finding of eosinophils in other forms of panniculitis
• Lipomembranous panniculitis
• Non-infectious subcutaneous granulomatous disease
– granuloma annulare, necrobiotic xanthogranuloma, rheumatoid
Fig. 10.3 nodule, sarcoidosis
‘Malignant’ panniculitis: this patient had a known history of bronchial small cell
• Infectious panniculitis
carcinoma and presented with a subcutaneous nodule on the chest wall.
• Subcutaneous Whipple’s disease
• Hemorrhagic panniculitis secondary to atheromatous emboli
• Vasculitis involving the panniculus
• Periarteritis nodosa
Reproduced with permission from Peters, M.S. and Daniel Su, W.P. (1992). Panniculitis.
Dermatologic Clinics, 10, 37–57.
Erythema nodosum
Clinical features
Erythema nodosum represents the commonest form of nodular panniculitis
Fig. 10.4 and is the prototype of septal panniculitis.1,2 It is, of course, a clinical syndrome
‘Malignant’ panniculitis: high-power view showing basophilic tumor cells with rather than a specific disease in its own right, representing a complex of
hyperchromatic nuclei. Note the crush artifact. symptoms and signs with multiple and very variable etiologies.3,4 It typically
328 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Fig. 10.5
Panniculitis: a deep surgical biopsy is essential in all cases where panniculitis is
suspected. Fig. 10.7
Erythema nodosum:
the lesions are raised
and erythematous. By
courtesy of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 10.6
Erythema nodosum:
typical erythematous
nodule on the shins of a
young woman. From the
collection of the late N.P.
Smith, MD, the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 10.8
Erythema nodosum: in
affects young adults and shows a marked predilection for women (as high as this patient the lesions
9:1 in some series). Children are only rarely affected.5 Patients present with are healing and show a
characteristic bruiselike
a sudden onset of bright red, warm, tender nodules; these typically affect
appearance. By courtesy
the anterior and lateral aspects of the lower legs, but the arms, face, calves, of the Institute of
and trunk are occasionally involved (Figs 10.6, 10.7).6,7 Involvement of the Dermatology, London, UK.
soles of the feet is rare although it appears to be more often encountered
in children.8,9 The lesions are usually multiple, bilateral, symmetrically dis-
tributed, elevated above the skin surface, and measure 1–15 cm in diameter.7 and the development of new nodules at the periphery.10–13 The lesions,
Ulceration and scarring are not features. Subsequently, the erythema fades to which may persist for months or years, are usually associated with only
a bluish or livid hue and then to a yellow discoloration, reminiscent of a bruise mild symptoms.10 Recurrences are sometimes encountered. Scarring
(Fig. 10.8). The duration of the illness is 3–6 weeks. Patients sometimes also is not a feature. This variant is typically asymmetrical, unilateral,
have pyrexia, malaise, and vague aches and pains in the joints. Laboratory and distributed solely on the leg. It also shows a marked female
findings may include a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leukocy- predominance (approximately 9:1), but tends to affect an older age group
tosis, and mild anemia.3 than classic erythema nodosum (mean age 50 years).11
Two clinical variants have been described. • Chronic erythema nodosum, a somewhat controversial entity, is
• Erythema nodosum migrans (subacute nodular migratory panniculitis, characterized by the presence of nodules over a course of months or even
migratory panniculitis) is similar to classic erythema nodosum, but the years.14 Otherwise, the clinical features appear indistinguishable from the
lesions appear to migrate due to central clearing of established lesions more typical condition.
Erythema nodosum 329
Table 10.2
Erythema nodosum: etiology
Streptococcus Sarcoidosis
Tuberculosis Sweet’s syndrome
Chlamydophila psittaci Cat scratch disease
Crohn’s disease Yersinia infection
Drugs Ulcerative colitis Fig. 10.11
Behçet’s disease Malignancy Erythema nodosum: in this field there is a thrombosed venule associated with
marked hemorrhage.
330 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Fig. 10.19
Erythema nodosum: there is marked red cell extravasation.
332 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Differential diagnosis
At scanning magnification, vasculitic processes affecting the septa of the subcu-
taneous fat may be mistaken for erythema nodosum. Occasionally, the features
of leukocytoclastic vasculitis are seen within the septa in the absence of the more
usual superficial dermal involvement.87 Such instances present as erythematous
nodules, usually affecting the lower legs. Similarly, superficial thrombophlebi-
tis presents within the subcutaneous fat septa. In this condition, however, the
vein is the focus of the inflammatory process with associated thrombosis and
there is little or no involvement of the lobule. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
affects muscular arteries within the lower dermis and subcutaneous fat septa
and, therefore, should not be confused with erythema nodosum.87 Nephrogenic Fig. 10.23
Erythema nodosum migrans: close-up view showing granulomata and newly
systemic fibrosis can rarely be associated with mild septal mononuclear cell
formed blood vessels.
infiltrates and granulomata, thereby simulating erythema nodosum.88
Weber-Christian disease
As originally defined by Christian in 1928 (relapsing febrile nodular nonsup-
purative panniculitis), this disorder was characterized by recurrent attacks of
fever associated with the development of subcutaneous tender nodules (par-
ticularly over the extremities), which were histologically characterized by the
presence of nonsuppurative panniculitis which healed to leave a depressed
scar.1–4 Lesions were said to affect mainly young white females, and although
the lower extremities were predominantly affected, the upper extremities,
buttocks, abdominal wall, breasts, and face could also be involved. Arthritis,
arthralgias, and myalgias were often present.3 A systemic variant – which
was potentially fatal and affected the intestines, mesentery, lungs, heart, and
kidneys – was also recognized.3,5
Since 1928 there have been many case reports in the literature dealing with
this so-called ‘specific disease’. In general, however, many of the (particularly
earlier) studies used imprecise clinical and histological diagnostic criteria.
Some were certainly examples of erythema nodosum. In the light of cur-
rent knowledge of the panniculitides, many cases would now be reclassified.
A Weber-Christian-like disease may be seen in erythema nodosum, fac-
titial panniculitis, lupus panniculitis, pancreatic fat necrosis-associated
panniculitis, α1-antitrypsin deficiency-associated panniculitis, connective
Fig. 10.22 tissue diseases, subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma, and gamma-
Erythema nodosum migrans: there is marked septal thickening with conspicuous delta T-cell lymphoma.6–15 The term has also been applied to cases of infective
granulomata. Granulation tissue extends into the adjacent lobule. panniculitis, and panniculitis following jejuno-ileal bypass surgery.16–19
Weber-Christian disease 333
It seems unlikely, therefore, that Weber-Christian disease represents a distinct antitrypsin inhibition, it is also responsible for inhibition of chymotrypsin,
entity in its own right. It is proposed, therefore, to take this opportunity to bury collagenase, elastase, factor VIII, and kallikrein.7 Its deficiency has been asso-
it once and for all. As suggested by Patterson, ‘a clinical diagnosis of Weber- ciated with panacinar emphysema, noninfective (neonatal and adult) hepati-
Christian disease should signal the beginning of a search for the true cause tis, and cirrhosis. More recently, associations have also been described with
of the disorder’.9 Likewise, the term Rothmann-Makai syndrome should be cutaneous vasculitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, nodular prurigo, and cold
abandoned.20 More often than not it probably represents erythema nodosum. urticaria.24 It has been proposed that absence of the protease inhibitor is asso-
ciated with unrestrained complement activation with increased inflammatory
cell activity, endothelial injury, and resultant autolytic tissue damage.25
a1-Antitrypsin deficiency-associated Immunoglobulin (IgM) and complement (C3) have been identified in
panniculitis blood vessel walls in patients with this variant of panniculitis.6 The signifi-
cance of this is uncertain.
Clinical features The gene for α1-antitrypsin on chromosome 14 has in excess of 75 alleles
and is inherited as an autosomal dominant.7 Deficiency occurs in between
Deficiency of α1-antitrypsin is associated with a severe and particularly
1:3000 to 1:5000 of white North Americans.26 The MM genotype is most
intractable form of panniculitis.1–14 Patients have recurrent episodes of pain-
common and individuals with normal activity are coded PiMM. The ZZ
ful or tender nodules which are particularly resistant to therapy. The disease
genotype is associated with deficient α1-antitrypsin activity and the pan-
shows a slight male predominance (3:2), and although a wide age range can
niculitis is usually found in PiZZ individuals.27 Instances of panniculi-
be affected (7–73 years), most patients are in their fourth or fifth decade.5,7
tis in PiMZ, PiSZ, PiMS, PiSS, and Null patients, however, have also been
Children, however, may occasionally be affected.5 The nodules, which are
recorded.28–31 Panniculitis may also develop as a consequence of dysfunc-
often precipitated by trauma, develop most often on the trunk and proximal
tional α1-antitrypsin.31,32 Recognition of this particular form is of importance
extremities, but the buttocks, chest, back, and abdomen are sometimes also
as serum α1-antitrypsin levels are normal and therefore the diagnosis can eas-
affected (Fig. 10.24). Occasionally, the disease spreads to the genitalia and
ily be missed.
involvement of the abdominal fat has been described.
The earliest changes consist of necrosis of the connective tissue in the retic-
The nodules may be erythematous and are frequently associated with
ular dermis and septa of the subcutaneous fat accompanied by a neutrophil
ulceration and the spontaneous discharge of clear or serosanguinous fluid.5
polymorph inflammatory cell infiltrate (Fig. 10.25).33 The histological fea-
Deeply penetrating sinuses associated with liquefaction of the subcutaneous
tures of an established lesion are those of a predominantly acute panniculitis
tissues are an important complication.
(Fig. 10.26). The changes, which affect the septa and the paraseptal aspect
Fever is a common accompaniment and patients often have pulmonary prob-
of the lobule, are characteristically focal in nature. In acutely inflamed areas,
lems including panacinar emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
large numbers of neutrophil polymorphs infiltrate the lobule. Fat necrosis is
effusions, and embolic phenomena.5,15 Peripheral edema and anasarca are occa-
common and a characteristic feature is said to be the presence of normal fat
sional manifestations. This is a particularly severe form of panniculitis, which
adjacent to necrotic and inflamed fat (Figs 10.27, 10.28).6,34 Special stains
has recently been successfully treated by the use of infusions of commercial
often show fragmentation and loss of elastic tissue.6 Z-type α1-antitrypsin
α1-antitrypsin concentrate or liver transplantation.5,9,16,17 It is thought that many of
polymers have been demonstrated in the lesional as well as unaffected fatty
the previously reported cases of Weber-Christian disease belong to this group.18
tissue by immunohistochemistry in a single patient.35 Foci of hemorrhage
Panniculitis in association with α1-antitrypsin deficiency has been induced
associated with vascular thrombosis may be present, but there is no evidence
by cryosurgery,19 pregnancy, cesarean section delivery, and clarithromy-
of active vasculitis (Fig. 10.29).6 Elsewhere, a histiocytic infiltrate is conspic-
cin leak at the site of intravenous application.17,19–21 In one patient with
uous, involving both the deep vasculature and adjacent panniculus. Lipid-
the enzyme defect, Sweet's syndrome was followed by the development of
laden foamy macrophages are sometimes evident and multinucleate giant
acquired cutis laxa (Marshall's syndrome).22 An acquired α1-antitrypsin defi-
cells are occasionally found. Healing is by fibrous scarring.
ciency panniculitis following liver transplantation has been reported recently,
which was successfully treated with re-transplantation of the liver.23
Differential diagnosis
Pathogenesis and histological features The clinical features may suggest traumatic or factitial panniculitis. The
α1-Antitrypsin (a glycoprotein of hepatic derivation) is a serine protease inhib- heavy neutrophil infiltrate can cause diagnostic confusion with an infectious
itor (PI) that greatly modifies the effects of proteolytic enzymes, account- etiology.10 In cases of doubt, special stains for microorganisms should be
ing for at least 90% of serum proteolytic enzyme inhibition. In addition to performed.
careful examination may reveal foamy histiocytes or giant cells lining the
edges of these cystic cavities (Fig. 10.32).9 There is often associated dense
fibrous scarring. Early lesions sometimes show a marked granulomatous
component.9 Similar features have been described following a grease gun
In panniculitis due to pentazocine abuse the histological features include
dense dermal fibrosis accompanied by variable scarring of the subcutaneous
fat.5 A ‘Swiss cheese’ appearance may be evident. Small-vessel thrombosis is
frequently present.5
Povidone panniculitis is characterized by histiocytic accumulation of
gray-blue, Congo red-positive foamy material accompanied by necrosis and
Lesions caused by blunt trauma show the features of an organizing hematoma.
Granulomata and foci of hemosiderin pigment may additionally be present.30
Nodular cystic fat necrosis is thought to have an ischemic pathogenesis.
Histologically, it is characterized by an encapsulated nodule of necrotic (anu-
cleate) fat cells (Fig. 10.33).31,32 Variable inflammation is present.
Fat necrosis with histiocytes (lipophages) and giant cells is a com-
mon histological finding in specimens taken from sites of previous sur-
Fig. 10.30 gery of the subcutaneous fat (or deeper). Zelickson and Winkelmann have
Paraffinoma: note the infiltrated plaque with foci of retraction. By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.
Fig. 10.37
Fig. 10.34 Traumatic fat necrosis: there is marked hemosiderin deposition.
Traumatic fat necrosis: there is intense lobular inflammation with septal fibrosis and
Cold panniculitis
Clinical features
This rare condition was originally described in infants and young children
who developed tender, warm, erythematous plaques on exposed sites, namely
the cheeks and submental region, after experiencing low temperatures,1–6 and
usually appeared within the first 72 hours after exposure.7 These plaques
resolved spontaneously after 2–3 weeks, with no residual sequelae. The appli-
cation of an ice cube to a child's skin may result in the development of simi-
lar lesions. Identical changes have also been described in infants following
the sucking of ice lollies (popsicles; ‘popsicle panniculitis’).8–11 Increased satu-
rated fat content having a higher melting point may precipitate the develop-
ment of panniculitis in children.
A similar phenomenon has been described in young women following
horse riding in cold weather (equestrian cold panniculitis); these patients
develop indurated red-violaceous plaques on the superolateral aspect of the
thighs following prolonged riding in freezing conditions (Fig. 10.39).12–14
There is a tendency to ulcerate; healing is associated with postinflammatory
Fig. 10.40
hyperpigmentation and the development of depressed scars. It is thought that
Cold panniculitis: an intense inflammatory cell infiltrate is present at the junction
these lesions occur as a result of extremely cold temperatures combined with between the dermis and subcutaneous fat. By courtesy of P.H. Cooper, MD,
the effect of noninsulated, but tight-fitting, clothes which impair the circula- University of Virginia Medical Center, USA.
tion around the thighs. Recently, two patients with cold agglutinins and this
condition have been described.13
Chilblains (perniosis) also represent localized, abnormal inflammatory
responses to the cold.15 They have an acral distribution (e.g,. dorsal surfaces
of the fingers and toes) and present as pruritic erythematous lesions, which
may blister or ulcerate.
Histological features
The features of cold panniculitis are most noticeable at the interface between
the dermis and subcutaneous fat (Fig. 10.40).3,8 The infiltrate, which con-
tains lymphocytes, histiocytes, and neutrophils, extends from a perivascular
location into the adjacent fat where it is associated with adipocyte necrosis
and the development of small cysts (Fig. 10.41). Excess hyaluronic acid may
sometimes be present. Granulomata are not usually conspicuous.16 The blood
vessels show thickening of their walls and endothelial swelling, but frank vas-
culitis is not a feature.
Fig. 10.41
Cold panniculitis: the infiltrate consists of lymphocytes and histiocytes.
(nodal or cutaneous).8,16–18 It is likely that many of the cases of the entity myalgia may be present. Patients commonly develop hepatosplenomegaly,
described in the past represent examples of lymphomas including subcutane- lymphadenopathy, hypertriglyceridemia, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocy-
ous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma, nasal-type extranodal natural killer/T- topenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.2–4 Steatohepatitis may
cell lymphoma and, particularly, gamma delta T-cell lymphoma. Rarely, an complicate exacerbation of cytophagic hemorrhagic panniculitis.21
underlying systemic B-cell lymphoma has been incriminated.19 Most patients The course of the disease is variable and to some extent depends upon the
are immunosuppressed; however, very exceptionally, the cause is unknown underlying cause.22–31 Some patients have a prolonged indolent disease over
(idiopathic histiocytic cytophagic panniculitis).17,20 It is, therefore, of particu- many years before progressing to clinical evidence of systemic hemophago-
lar importance that all patients diagnosed with this condition are investigated cytosis. Rarely, patients may present with cutaneous lesions and a relatively
to exclude an underlying lymphoma, particularly of T-cell lineage. benign illness; 20,25,30,32 others have a rapidly progressive condition with
Clinically, the cutaneous manifestations of cytophagic histiocytic pan- hemophagocytosis and its sequelae from the outset. The mortality rate for
niculitis include erythematous to violaceous or hemorrhagic nodules, which these last patients is high. In addition to the direct effects of bone marrow fail-
particularly affect the lower limbs and trunk (Figs 10.42, 10.43). In many ure and disseminated intravascular coagulation, systemic infections including
patients however, the distribution is much more widespread. Ulceration is opportunist bacteria and fungi are important causes of death.8
sometimes seen. Severe localized or generalized edema may also be a feature.18
Constitutional symptoms including pyrexia, malaise, weight loss, fatigue, and Pathogenesis and histological features
Hemophagocytosis appears to develop as a consequence of excess T-cell
cytokine production, either virally induced or as a consequence of neoplas-
tic transformation. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and IL-2 may be of
particular importance.8 Perforin gene mutation has been detected in a child
with cytophagic lymphocytic panniculitis associated with fatal hemophago-
cytic lymphohistiocytosis.33
Histologically, the lesions are characterized by an infiltrate of histiocytes
with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and uniform, variably hyperchromatic
or vesicular nuclei containing small nucleoli. Variable numbers of lympho-
cytes and neutrophils are also present. Although the distribution is predomi-
nantly lobular, septal involvement is usually apparent and the lower dermis
is also often involved (Fig. 10.44). Red cell extravasation is typically pres-
ent and frequently the lesions are frankly hemorrhagic. Erythrophagocytosis
is invariably a feature and phagocytosis of lymphocytes or nuclear debris is
also often evident (Fig. 10.45). The enlarged and distended histiocytes are
sometimes described as ‘bean-bag’ cells (Fig. 10.46).2,3 Giant cells and gran-
ulomata are not usually a feature unless there is concomitant fat necrosis.
Lymphoid nuclear atypia is evident in those cases in which a T-cell lymphoma
is present (see below).
Fig. 10.43
Cytophagic histiocytic
panniculitis: in this
example the lesions
are hemorrhagic and
ulcerated. By courtesy of Fig. 10.44
M. Cook, MD, St George’s Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis: there is a cellular infiltrate associated with fat
Hospital, London, UK. necrosis.
Pancreatic panniculitis 339
Pancreatic panniculitis
Clinical features
In pancreatic panniculitis the association of subcutaneous fat necrosis (meta-
static fat necrosis) with pancreatic disease is very rare, but is of particular
importance because sometimes the underlying pancreatic lesion is clinically
silent. The pancreatic diseases include acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis,
pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreatic divisum, and pancreatic neoplasms (mostly
acinar cell carcinoma, but also ductal carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma,
and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm).1–24 Pancreatic panniculitis has
also been described as a possible adverse drug reaction following renal trans-
Fig. 10.46 plantation for SLE and following simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplanta-
Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis: in the center of the field are several multinucleated tion for type I diabetes.25,26 There are two additional reports of the disease
giant cells containing phagocytosed nuclear debris (‘bean-bag’ cells). developing in a background of lupus erythematosus.27,28 Pancreatic pannicu-
litis has also been reported following L-asparaginase treatment for acute lym-
phoblastic leukemia and in a patient with nephrotic syndrome due to rapidly
progressing glomerulonephritis.29,30
Patients present with multiple, exquisitely tender nodules, which are ery-
thematous or violaceous in appearance (Figs 10.48, Figs 10.49). The lower
extremities, buttocks, and trunk are most often affected, although occasion-
ally the upper arms, thorax, and scalp are involved. Occasionally, the nodules
ulcerate and release a creamy or oily discharge (Fig. 10.50). Joint manifesta-
tions (pain and swelling) are an important feature of this syndrome, occur-
ring in approximately 54% (pancreatitis-associated) to 88% (pancreatic
carcinoma-associated) of patients.5,31–35 The ankles are most often affected,
but the knees, elbows, wrists, metacarpophalangeal, and metatarsophalan-
geal joints are occasionally involved. A single case with chondronecrosis
and osteonecrosis has been reported.36 Additional features include pleural
effusions (in 25%), ascites (in 30%) and, very occasionally, pericardial effu-
sion.4 Intramedullary fat may also be affected and intestinal involvement has
rarely been documented.1,35 Peripheral blood eosinophilia is quite a com-
mon laboratory finding (19% in pancreatitis-associated; 65% in pancreatic
carcinoma-associated). Males are affected more often than females (pan-
Fig. 10.47 creatitis 2:1; carcinoma 7:1) and patients are most often in the fourth, fifth
Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma: numerous histiocytes showing or sixth decade. This disease is associated with a high mortality, 42% in
hemophagocytosis are present. In addition, however, there are conspicuous pancreatitis-associated variants and up to 100% in those cases presenting
hyperchromatic and irregular atypical lymphocytes. with an u nderlying carcinoma.4
340 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Fig. 10.50
Pancreatic panniculitis: the nodules may ulcerate and release blood-stained fluid.
Fig. 10.48 By courtesy of J.C. Pascual, MD, Alicante, Spain.
Pancreatic panniculitis:
early lesions are often
erythematous. By courtesy
of J.C. Pascual, MD,
Alicante, Spain.
Fig. 10.51
Pancreatic panniculitis: the changes predominantly affect the lobules.
Lesions are symmetrical and distributed over bony prominences, the arms,
shoulders, buttocks, thighs, and cheeks (Fig. 10.57). The nodules frequently
soften and become fluctuant, occasionally liquefying. The disease is usually
self-limiting and benign, spontaneous resolution occurring within a period of
weeks to months in the majority of cases. Occasionally, however, it is asso-
ciated with hypercalcemia, dyslipidemia, thrombocytopenia, and lactic aci-
dosis.4–11 Hypercalcemia may be asymptomatic and associated with failure
to thrive, fever, vomiting, irritability, and seizures.1,12 Calcium deposits have
been described in the kidneys, liver, inferior vena cava, and heart.4,13 Delayed
onset of hypercalcemia up to 6 months after occurrence of the subcutaneous
fat necrosis of the newborn is also possible.14 Exceptionally, this disease can
prove fatal.
Fig. 10.58
Fig. 10.57 Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn: multiple foci of fat necrosis with chronic
Subcutaneous fat necrosis inflammation are present.
of the newborn: crusted,
ulcerated nodules on both
cheeks. By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
Cutaneous oxalosis
Clinical features
Oxalosis, in which there is widespread deposition of calcium oxalate in the
Fig. 10.60 tissues, may represent a primary metabolic disease or a secondary phenom-
Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn: surrounding the foci of fat necrosis is a enon due to increased intake of oxalate precursors or defective excretion.1–5
chronic inflammatory infiltrate containing numerous foreign body giant cells.
Secondary oxalosis can also result from pyridoxine deficiency, glycerol
infusion, methoxyflurane anesthesia, excessive ascorbic acid, extensive hemo-
with very large doses of steroids; sudden withdrawal of the steroids resulted dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and ethylene glycol poisoning.2
in the development of subcutaneous swellings up to 4 cm across on the Primary oxalosis, which is associated with overproduction of oxalate, is
cheeks, arms, and trunk. The disease is now of historic interest only due to an autosomal recessive condition and includes three subtypes:
the standard practice of steroid taper when withdrawing the drug. The skin • Type I, which is most often encountered, develops as a result of deficiency
overlying the nodules was erythematous, warm, and itchy. In mild cases the of the hepatic enzyme alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase with resulting
panniculitis resolved spontaneously; in more severe examples it subsided fol- increased urinary excretion of oxalate, glycolate and glyoxylate.1–3
lowing the reintroduction of steroids. Poststeroid panniculitis has recently • Type II (L-glyceric aciduria) results from cytosolic D-glycerate
also been reported in an adult patient.45 dehydrogenase and glyoxylate reductase deficiencies with associated
increased urinary excretion of L-glycerate and oxalate accompanied by
normal glycolate and glyoxylate excretion.4
Sclerema neonatorum • Type III develops as a result of primary small intestinal disease associated
with excessive oxalate reabsorption.5
Clinical features Calcium oxalate crystal deposition occurs most commonly in the kidneys
Sclerema neonatorum is a very rare condition associated with high morbidity (calcium oxalate stones and chronic renal failure).4 With the onset of the
and mortality (75–90%).1 It is sometimes confused with, and therefore must latter, hyperoxalemia develops with resultant deposition of oxalate crystals
be distinguished from, subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn.2–4 Infants in the blood vessels, retina, myocardium, cardiac conducting system, central
present in the first week of life (average age of onset, 4 days; range, birth to nervous system, peripheral nerves, bones, and joints.6
70 days) with a diffuse, rapidly spreading, waxlike thickening and induration of Cutaneous manifestations may occur in both primary and secondary
the subcutaneous fat, resembling lard. This usually commences about the but- forms.6–24 Lesions most often result from vascular involvement, patients
tocks, thighs, and trunk and often spreads to involve the whole body, excluding presenting with acrocyanosis, livedo reticularis, Raynaud's phenomenon,
the palms, soles, and genitalia. The fat is typically tethered to the underlying and distal gangrene (Fig. 10.61).7–12 Ulceronecrotic lesions reminiscent
fascia and the skin cannot be grasped between the fingers. Pitting edema is not
a feature.
Affected infants are usually hypothermic, but body temperature may be
normal or, rarely, raised.5,6 Some of the infants are premature, but they are
a minority. The children commonly have some other associated illness, such
as septicemia, pneumonia, diarrhea, dehydration, intestinal obstruction, con-
genital heart disease or other congenital malformations.7 A patient with both
sclerema neonatorum and concurrent subacute fat necrosis of the newborn
has been described.8
Clinical features
Calciphylaxis was originally defined by an experimental model in rats, in
which sensitization with parathormone or dihydrotachysterol followed by
the injection of a challenging agent such as a metal salt resulted in localized
necrosis and calcification.1 The term was subsequently adopted to describe
a condition in which an abnormality of calcium/phosphate metabolism is
followed by calcification of the vasculature of the subcutaneous fat with
subsequent thrombosis accompanied by extensive skin necrosis.2–7
Calciphylaxis presents clinically as an often bilateral and symmetrical,
pruritic, and frequently painful/tender eruption most often affecting the
lower limbs (Fig. 10.65). Less often, lesions may affect the breasts, but-
tocks, abdomen, and penis.8–24 Lesions are often well-delineated, livedoid,
violaceous plaques and nodules associated with ischemic necrosis of the under-
lying tissues, sometimes extending down to the fascia. Ulceration is typically
present and sometimes bullae are a feature. Gangrene and autoamputation
may accompany acral involvement.6 Intestinal involvement with massive
Fig. 10.63 hemorrhage has exceptionally been documented.16
Cutaneous oxalosis: note the radial crystals viewed under polarized light.
Histological features
Calcium oxalate crystals are yellow to brown, radially arranged, needle-
shaped or rectangular in shape (Figs 10.62, 10.63). In the skin they may
be found in the reticular dermis or within the subcutaneous fat. Vascular
involvement may also be seen where the media of arteries is predomi-
nantly affected (Fig. 10.64). Less commonly, crystals may be seen within
the lumina of smaller arteries or arterioles.1,11,12 The crystals show striking
yellow or blue birefringence when examined in polarized light. They are
sometimes accompanied by a foreign body giant cell reaction, particularly Fig. 10.65
when present as dermal or subcutaneous deposits.8,18,22–24 In those cases Calciphylaxis: ulcerated gangrenous lesion with surrounding erythema. By courtesy
associated with gangrene or livedo reticularis, fibrin thrombi may also be of A. Qureshi, MD, Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
detected.8 Boston, USA.
Calciphylaxis 345
Differential diagnosis
Calcification involving small arteries and arterioles not accompanied by
thrombosis has been described in patients with nephrogenic systemic fibro-
sis.29 Furthermore, incidental vascular calcifications can also be found in
patients with peripheral vascular disease, renal insufficiency, and diabetes Fig. 10.68
mellitus.30 Calciphylaxis: note the thrombosed vessel in the center of the field.
Crystal-storing histiocytosis
Clinical features
Crystal-storing histiocytosis is an extremely rare condition which has been
described in patients with lymphoplasmacytic neoplasms associated with kappa
light chain monoclonal gammopathy including lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
(immunocytoma), monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance, multiple
myeloma, extramedullary plasmacytoma, maltoma, and large cell B-cell lym-
phoma.1–5 Primary cutaneous involvement is exceptional and the literature on
this aspect is limited to only three case reports.6–8 These patients presented with
erythematous asymptomatic subcutaneous nodules and tumors (Fig. 10.71).
Histological features
The condition is characterized by the presence of histiocytes containing eosino-
philic crystals which have been likened to Gaucher cells (pseudo-Gaucher
cells) admixed with lymphoma cells (Fig. 10.72).3 The crystals are variably
Fig. 10.73
Crystal-storing histiocytosis: the cytoplasm contains large eosinophilic crystals.
Gouty panniculitis
There are very occasional reports of gout presenting as a crystalline lobular
Nodular vasculitis
Fig. 10.71
histiocytosis: this
Clinical features
patient presented with Nodular vasculitis (erythema induratum) is a rare condition which usually
marked swelling of the presents in young or middle-aged women, often in those with an eryth-
face and the eyelids. rocyanotic circulation.1 Males are only rarely affected.2 Patients present
Nodular vasculitis 347
Fig. 10.74
Nodular vasculitis: early Fig. 10.76
lesion presenting as an Nodular vasculitis: the nodules frequently ulcerate. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden,
erythematous nodule MD, St George’s Hospital, London, UK.
on the calf of a middle-
aged female. By courtesy
of M.M. Black, MD,
St Thomas’ Hospital,
London, UK.
Fig. 10.77
Nodular vasculitis: in this severely affected patient ulcerated lesions are present on
the shins in addition to the calves. By courtesy of R.A. Marsden, MD, St George’s
Hospital, London, UK.
Fig. 10.75
Nodular vasculitis: typical bilateral involvement of the calves. By courtesy of the
Institute of Dermatology, London, UK. Pathogenesis and histological features
The relationship between erythema induratum and nodular vasculitis has for
many decades been the subject of controversy. Similarly, the association of
the former condition with an underlying tuberculous infection has been the
with painful, tender, violaceous, indurated nodules particularly affecting subject of prolonged debate.
the calves although the shins, feet, ankles, thighs, and upper limbs may As outlined above, the more recent literature gives considerable support to
sometimes be involved (Figs 10.74, 10.75). Lesions are often bilateral and the notion that occult tuberculosis is present in many patients with erythema
the overweight with fat calves are most often affected. Seasonal variation induratum and that the two terms are, therefore, synonymous in a substan-
has been noted with an increased incidence being recorded in the cold win- tial proportion of cases. Thus, erythema induratum may be associated with
ter months. Skin lesions often recur over many years. Ulceration is com- evidence of active tuberculosis.7–11 Although cultures of lesions are invari-
mon and scarring with hyperpigmentation frequently accompanies healing ably negative, the more recent demonstration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(Figs 10.76–10.78). DNA by PCR in lesional tissue adds strong additional support to the proposal
In those cases that represent a manifestation of underlying tuberculo- of an underlying tuberculous etiology.12–21
sis, the term erythema induratum (Bazin's disease) is frequently applied. In Nodular vasculitis can, therefore, be regarded as a hypersensitivity reaction
this condition, there is invariable hypersensitivity to intradermal injection in which mycobacterial antigens are one important cause. Immune complex
of purified protein derivative (PPD) at a dilution of 1:10 000 and a com- and delayed hypersensitivity mechanisms have both been proposed.13 Other
plete clearing of all skin lesions following treatment with antituberculous predisposing factors for this condition have not yet generally been identi-
chemotherapy.3–6 fied although nodular vasculitis has been described in association with acute
348 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Differential diagnosis
Due to the frankly granulomatous nature of the histology, it is mandatory to
exclude infective causes of panniculitis, particularly mycobacterial and fungal
infections, including cryptococcosis, mycetoma, chromomycosis, sporotricho-
sis, and aspergillosis. Subcutaneous sarcoidosis should also be considered,
although in this condition granulomata are also seen in the dermis. Asteroid
inclusions and Schaumann bodies, which are both features of sarcoidosis (see
below), are not characteristic of erythema induratum.
Subcutaneous sarcoidosis
Clinical features
Involvement of subcutaneous fat in patients with sarcoidosis is rarely encoun-
tered by histopathologists even though it may occur in as many as 1.4% to
6% of all patients with this disease.1–3 Most often it presents as asymptomatic
or tender, flesh-colored to erythematous, subcutaneous nodules with frequent
clustering, principally affecting the extremities although a more general-
Fig. 10.82 ized distribution has also been documented.2–10 Exceptionally, subcutaneous
Nodular vasculitis: note the presence of numerous lipophages. involvement may be the initial or even the only feature of sarcoidosis.6,11
Isolated subcutaneous sarcoidosis has also been reported following inter-
feron treatment for melanoma.12,13 More commonly, however, subcutane-
ous lesions are associated with visceral disease, particularly bilateral hilar
Subcutaneous sarcoidosis shows a predilection for females and the major-
ity of patients are in the fifth and sixth decades.6
Histological features
The changes, which predominantly involve the lobule, consist of well-formed,
noncaseating granulomata, sometimes associated with fibrosis, which may
extend into the septa. Typically, the granulomata are of the ‘naked’ type, i.e.,
devoid of a peripheral rim of lymphocytes, and giant cells of both foreign
body and Langerhans types are usually present. Exceptionally, caseation and
calcification have been described.14,15
Differential diagnosis
Subcutaneous sarcoidosis is a diagnosis of exclusion; other causes of gran-
ulomatous inflammation – including mycobacterial and fungal infections,
foreign body reactions, and so-called ‘metastatic Crohn's disease’ – must be
Fig. 10.83 considered in the differential diagnosis.16,17
Nodular vasculitis: the eosinophilic necrotic debris reminiscent of caseation is a
typical feature.
Neutrophilic lobular panniculitis associated
with rheumatoid arthritis
Clinical features
Also known as pustular panniculitis, this rarely described entity has been
documented in middle-aged females who presented with painful nodules
predominantly affecting the lower legs.1–5 Similar changes have also been
reported on the back, upper arms, forearms, and nasal bridge in an infant
with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.6 Blister formation, pustulation, ulceration,
and discharge of oily, necrotic debris may occur.3–5
Differential diagnosis
Factitial disease and infections must always be excluded in neutrophil-rich
panniculitides. Similarly, pancreatic disease-associated panniculitis and α1-
antitrypsin deficiency-associated panniculitis are typically linked with a lobu-
lar neutrophil-rich infiltrate. The lobular panniculitis associated with bowel
bypass is also typically neutrophil rich.9,10
Eosinophilic panniculitis
Clinical features
Eosinophilic panniculitis is not a disease in its own right, but represents a
reaction pattern that may be found under a variety of circumstances.1 It is
seen more often in females than males (3:1). Although a wide age range is
affected, there are two peaks: one in the third decade and the other in the
sixth decade and above. Patients present predominantly with nodules and Fig. 10.86
plaques, although papules and pustules are sometimes seen.2–5 Lesions, which Eosinophilic panniculitis: note the massive eosinophilic infiltrate.
may be single or multiple, affect the legs, arms, trunk, and face in decreasing
order of frequency.
Eosinophilic panniculitis may be found in association with erythema
nodosum, immune complex-mediated vasculitis, atopic dermatitis, refractory
anemia, chronic recurrent parotitis, artifact, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, drug
reactions, eosinophilic cellulitis, insect bites, toxocariasis, gnathostomiasis,
Fasciola infection, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), specific immuno-
therapy with aqueous lyophilized bee venom, injection site reactions, trauma,
and in patients with lymphoma.5–19 On rare occasions, no obvious underlying
condition can be detected.19 Other than in those patients with an associated
neoplasm, eosinophilic panniculitis appears to be a self-limiting and benign
Histological features
The histological features affect the lobules and the septa and are character-
ized by an intense infiltrate of eosinophils, which may be accompanied by
variable numbers of other inflammatory cells including neutrophils, lym-
phocytes, and monocytes (Figs 10.85, 10.86). Vasculitis is usually not seen.
Fig. 10.87
Eosinophilic panniculitis: note the flame figure in the center of the field.
Infective panniculitis
Clinical features
The clinical features in patients with infective panniculitis are not spe-
cific and include nodules, ulcerated lesions, abscesses, and erythema
nodosum-like lesions.1 Patients are usually, but not invariably, immuno-
suppressed. The legs and feet are the sites most often affected. Specific
infections, which have presented with panniculitis, include Histoplasma
capsulatum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Aspergillus spp.,
Zygomycetes, Cryptococcus neoformans, Fusarium spp., Mycobacterium
Fig. 10.85 avium intracellulare, Mycobacterium ulcerans, Mycobacterium mari-
Eosinophilic panniculitis: num, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium chelonei, Brucella
there is a heavy, ssp, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus
predominantly lobular aureus, Actinobacillus, Actinomyces spp., Coxiella burnetii and cytome
inflammatory cell infiltrate. galovirus.2–28
Infective panniculitis 351
Histological features
Epidermal changes may include parakeratosis, acanthosis and spongio-
sis.1 The dermis is edematous and often shows a perivascular and intersti-
tial inflammatory cell infiltrate containing many neutrophils. Hemorrhage is
sometimes present.
Most commonly, the subcutaneous fat shows features of a mixed septal/
lobular panniculitis (Figs 10.88–10.92).1 Erythema nodosum-like features
may be evident.1 Changes suggestive of an infective etiology include a promi-
nent neutrophilic infiltrate, hemorrhage, basophilic necrosis and necrosis of
sweat glands, vascular proliferation, and discrete abscess formation.1,29
Granulomata are sometimes conspicuous in atypical mycobacterial infec-
tions. On other occasions acute inflammatory changes with abscess forma-
tion are seen (e.g., Mycobacterium chelonei infection). In the latter condition,
organisms may be identified in microcysts lined by neutrophil polymorphs.1
Mycobacterial infection may also occasionally manifest as phlebitis.30 Deep
fungal infections commonly involve the subcutaneous fat, presenting as granu-
lomatous or mixed suppurative and granulomatous inflammatory processes.
From the above description, it is obvious that special stains for bacteria
and fungi should be performed in all cases of panniculitis where the etiology Fig. 10.90
is uncertain. Culture may also be necessary in some instances. Infective panniculitis: in this example, there is a granulomatous infiltrate.
Clinical features
Following primary infection elsewhere (sinusitis, breast and dental abscess,
impetigo, cellulitis, viral pharyngitis, Pseudomonas pneumonia, and ulcer-
ative colitis) all 10 patients (4 males, 6 females) presented with sudden
development of tender nodules on the lower extremities, with additional
involvement of the upper extremities in three patients. The lesions resolved
completely after adequate therapy of the primary focus. Hyperviscosity con-
ditions were present in three patients.
Histological features
Fat lobules and septa were infiltrated by a prominent inflammatory cell
infiltrate composed predominantly of neutrophils forming small microab-
scesses, accompanied by fat necrosis. Lymphocytes and histiocytes were also
present in the infiltrate, with occasional granuloma formation. Spilling of
the inflammation into the dermis was seen. Vascular changes consisted of
necrotizing vasculitis involving arterioles and venules in the fat lobules and
lower dermis, but also of thrombotic microangiopathy of the capillaries in
the subcutaneous fat.
Special stains for microorganisms were negative in all cases. Infection with Fig. 10.93
Sclerosing panniculitis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis was excluded in all patients.
(A & B): (A) the skin
shows features of stasis.
Dense fibrosis has
Differential diagnosis resulted in this inverted
Infection should be excluded with appropriate stains. Neutrophilic lobular bottle appearance.
panniculitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis can have a similar morpho Note the characteristic
logy, and clinicopathological correlation is vital. symmetry; (B) close-up
view of an early lesion
showing an indurated,
markedly erythematous
plaque. (A) By courtesy
Sclerosing panniculitis of the Institute of
Dermatology, London, UK;
Clinical features (B) By courtesy of J.C.
Sclerosing panniculitis (stasis-associated sclerosing panniculitis, hypo- B Pascual, MD, Alicante,
dermatitis sclerodermaformis, lipodermatosclerosis, lipomembranous
change in chronic panniculitis) is a relatively common condition which
most often develops in middle-aged or elderly, overweight females with
a history of peripheral venous disease including varicose veins, throm-
bophlebitis, and deep venous thrombosis.1–7 Less often, the condition
follows arterial ischemia. Patients present with indurated, wood-like, The histological features are variable depending upon whether the biopsy
sclerodermiform plaques affecting the lower legs in a stocking distri- represents an early stage in the development of this disorder or an established
bution and characteristically resembling an inverted bottle appearance lesion.5,11
(Fig. 10.93).1,3 Often the changes are bilateral and symmetrical.2 The Within the subcutaneous fat, early lesions are characterized by cen-
overlying skin may show additional changes of venous stasis including trilobular ischemia with infarction of fat cells and vascular congestion/
atrophy, ulceration, hyperpigmentation and telangiectasia. Patients with hemorrhage.5 Vascular thrombosis may also be seen but there is no evidence
sclerosing panniculitis and systemic sclerosis frequently have associated of vasculitis. A lymphocytic infiltrate is present in the septa and this may spill
pulmonary hypertension.8 over to affect the edge of the lobule. Hemosiderin deposition is commonly
In established lesions, ischemic changes may still be evident but more
Pathogenesis and histological features often there is microcystic change with hyalinization within the fat lob-
The pathogenesis of sclerosing panniculitis is venous stasis within the centri- ule (Figs 10.94–10.96). Membranous fat necrosis is often present and
lobular capillaries leading to ischemia and eventual infarction of the subcu- lipophagic changes may be evident. Septal scarring is present, which in
taneous fat. Increased interstitial fibrinogen as a result of excessive capillary advanced lesions can be marked with resultant atrophy of the subcutane-
permeability due to venous hypertension is thought to be of importance.4 ous fat.
Fibrin deposition around the dermal capillaries results in hypoxia. In addi- The dermis typically shows the features of stasis including chronic inflam-
tion, there is some evidence to suggest that increased matrix metalloprotei- mation, fibrosis, vessel-wall thickening, lobular capillary proliferation, and
nases and urokinase-type plasminogen activator may be of importance in the hemosiderin deposition. Acanthosis, spongiosis, and lichenification may be
pathogenesis.9,10 evident.
Membranous fat necrosis 353
Differential diagnosis
The absence of sclerodermiform dermal changes and the presence of features
of venous stasis distinguish end-stage sclerosing panniculitis from morphea
profunda, scleroderma and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (a late mani-
festation of Lyme disease).
Classification and clinical features The genes for congenital generalized lipodystrophy have been mapped
to human chromosome 9q34 and 11q13, and are designated AGPAT2 and
The lipodystrophies are a complex group of disorders characterized by a
BSCL2 (seipin gene), respectively.8–10 Not all patients have mutations in these
familial or acquired, complete or partial loss of subcutaneous fat.1–5 They
genes, suggesting the presence of additional yet unidentified genetic loci.11
have been classified as follows:1
Diagnostic criteria as outlined in Table 10.3 have recently been
• Familial lipodystrophy including:
– generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli-Seip syndrome)
– partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan and Köbberling variants)
• Acquired lipodystrophy including: Familial partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan
– generalized lipodystrophy (Lawrence syndrome)
– partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons syndrome) variant)
– HIV-associated lipodystrophy This is another exceedingly rare condition with an estimated prevalence
• Localized lipoatrophy (localized lipodystrophy) including: of less than 1 in 15 000 000 of the population.1 The original cases were all
– drug-induced lipoatrophy females and therefore a sex-linked dominant mechanism, lethal in hemizy-
– pressure-induced lipoatrophy gous males, was postulated.12,13 The more recent publication of families with
– panniculitis-associated lipoatrophy affected male members suggests, however, that an autosomal dominant mech-
– centrifugal variant lipoatrophy anism is at play.14
– idiopathic lipoatrophy. Patients are normal at birth but at puberty they lose subcutaneous fat from
the extremities and to a lesser extent from the trunk.15 The face is spared and,
Familial lipodystrophy indeed, in some patients, excessive fat deposition on the face and neck has
been documented. Diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, and low serum
high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels become manifest in early
Congenital generalized lipodystrophy adulthood.1,16,17 Patients may develop chylomicronemia and pancreatitis.1
(Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) Acanthosis nigricans, hirsutism, menstrual abnormalities, and polycystic ova-
ries are also sometimes evident.1
This exceedingly rare variant of lipodystrophy is inherited in an autosomal
The gene responsible for familial partial lipodystrophy has been mapped
recessive mode and is usually recognizable at birth.1–4 Its prevalence has been
to chromosome region 1q21-22.18–20 It has been identified as the lamin A/C
estimated as 1:12 000 000.1 The sex incidence is equal.
gene, which codes for a nuclear envelope protein lamin.21–23
It is characterized by a complete absence of metabolically active subcutane-
Diagnostic criteria as outlined in Table 10.3 have recently been
ous fat in association with insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyc-
eridemia with normal or slightly raised cholesterol, and nonketotic diabetes
mellitus.4 Mechanical fat such as is found in the orbits, on the palms and
soles, and around the external genitalia is unaffected.1 Patients also have a Familial partial lipodystrophy (Köbberling
voracious appetite associated with a hypermetabolic state and marked hyper-
hidrosis. Additional features include an anabolic syndrome with increased
height velocity, advanced bone age, muscular hypertrophy, masculine body This is an exceedingly rare variant in which only a small number of affected
build, acromegaloid stigmata, hepatomegaly, enlarged external genitalia in pedigrees have been documented.1,24–26 Sporadic variants have also been
childhood, abundant curly hair on the scalp, hypertrichosis, umbilical hernia, described.1,26,27 In these patients, loss of fat is limited to the extremities. There
acanthosis nigricans, mild mental retardation with hydrocephalus, and may be increased truncal fat.1,26 Hypertriglyceridemia, arterial hypertension,
hypothalamic–pituitary dysfunction.4,5 insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus are usually present, and the patients
Diabetes is thought to develop as a consequence of extensive pancreatic have increased risk for premature cardiovascular disease and pancreati-
amyloid deposition with loss of β-cells.6 Postmortem studies have demon- tis.1,26 Acanthosis nigricans has been described in a single patient.26 To date,
strated fatty liver with cirrhosis.7 documented affected patients have been female.
Acquired lipodystrophy 355
Table 10.3
Lipodystrophies: diagnostic criteria
Familial partial lipodystrophy associated panniculitis).34,38,39 These patients appear to have less severe fat loss and lower
prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia and diabetes in comparison with patients
with mandibuloacral dysplasia having the autoimmune or idiopathic variant of the disease.34
This autosomal recessive variant of lipodystrophy is characterized by the Autoimmune diseases associated with acquired generalized lipodystrophy
presence of a variety of bony defects including mandibular and clavicular include juvenile dermatomyositis in particular, followed by Hashimoto's thy-
hypoplasia, acroosteolysis, delayed closure of cranial sutures, and joint roiditis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, adult-onset dermatomyositis, systemic
contractures associated with cutaneous hyperpigmentation.28,29 Genetically, lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, Sjögren's syndrome, and vitiligo.1,40–42
it is a heterogeneous disorder. Mutations in genes encoding nuclear lamina Liver involvement may be marked with steatosis, autoimmune hepatitis,
proteins and zinc metalloproteinase have been detected.30–33 Lipodystrophy and cirrhosis supervening in a substantial number of cases.4,43 Additional
varies from loss limited to the extremities (type A) through to general- features include severe insulin resistance, diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, and
ized loss (type B). Patients also have insulin-resistant hyperinsulinemia and hypertriglyceridemia accompanied by low serum HDL cholesterol con-
hypertriglyceridemia and diminished serum HDL cholesterol levels.29 centrations.1,34 Acquired generalized lipodystrophy can also be associ-
ated with cerebellar degeneration, unicameral bone cysts, and proteinuric
Acquired lipodystrophy A preceding viral illness has frequently antedated the development of acquired
generalized lipodystrophy although whether this is causal or not is unclear.1,4
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy A case of panniculitis of the acquired generalized lipodystrophy variant was
reported recently, presumably triggered by pulmonary tuberculosis.47
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy (Lawrence syndrome, lipoatrophic dia- Diagnostic criteria as outlined in Table 10.3 has been recommended.1
betes, lipoatrophic panniculitis, lipodystrophic diabetes) can be subclassified
into three variants:
• Type 1: the panniculitis variant,
Acquired partial lipodystrophy
• Type 2: the autoimmune disease variant, Acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simon syndrome, progressive lip-
• Type 3: the idiopathic variant, odystrophy, cephalothoracic progressive lipodystrophy) is one of the more
and affect 25%, 25%, and 50% of the patients, respectively.34 common variants of lipodystrophy. Females are affected three times more
Acquired generalized lipodystrophy is similar to the congenital form often than males.1 Patients present in late childhood or adolescence with grad-
although there is a predilection for females (3:1).1,34–37 Patients present in ual loss of the subcutaneous fat of the face followed by the neck, shoulders,
childhood or adolescence with fat loss, which progresses over a period of arms, thorax, and upper abdomen (Fig. 10.100).1,48–50 The distal subcutane-
months or years.1 The entire body is affected, particularly face, arms, and ous fat is typically spared and sometimes, in contrast, there is even excessive
legs. The muscles of the extremities appear unduly prominent. Children with fat deposition around the pelvis and on the legs.
this disorder may have a voracious appetite. Mesangiocapillary (membranoproliferative) glomerulonephritis (MCGN II)
Features of an inflammatory nodular panniculitis appear to have pre- and hypocomplementemia often accompany this variant.51–53 C3 levels are usu-
ceded the onset of lipodystrophy in a number of cases (lipoatrophic ally low in contrast to C1q, C4, C5, C6, factor B, and properdin, which are
356 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Fig. 10.100
(A, B) Partial lipodystrophy:
note the striking loss of
symmetry due to diminished
fatty tissue of the left side
of the face. By courtesy of
A B the Institute of Dermatology,
London, UK.
normal.54,55 The glomerulonephritis and low C3 have been shown to be due (profundus), dermatomyositis, polymyositis, linear morphea, facial hemiatro-
to an IgG autoantibody, the C3 nephritic factor (C3NeF).56 It has been shown phy, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus and progressive systemic sclerosis.70–72
that the latter has the capacity to induce adipocyte lysis.57 Three patients have Other types of localized lipodystrophy include annular lipodystrophy and
recently been described that presented with low C4 complement levels, wide- a variant that affects only half the circumference of an extremity (lipoatro-
spread acquired lipodystrophy, and chronic autoimmune hepatitis.58 phia semicircularis). These distinctive annular lesions are likely to result from
An association with a number of other autoimmune diseases including a localized pressure effect such as that which may occur with tight cloth-
Sjögren's syndrome, dermatomyositis, hypothyroidism, and SLE has also been ing or persistent localized trauma.73–76 Idiopathic variants are also recognized
documented.59–62 Patients may in addition develop hyperlipidemia, nonketotic including lipoatrophy associated with Becker's nevus and lipodystrophia
diabetes mellitus, acanthosis nigricans, and hirsutism.1 Hepatomegaly due to centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis.77–80
fat accumulation is occasionally present. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis has been
reported in a single patient.63 Pathogenesis and histological features
Expression gene analysis in a single patient with acquired partial The exact pathogenesis of lipodystrophy is unknown. A variety of theories has
lipodystrophy demonstrated down-regulation of the PPARγ gene, which is nor- been proposed, including hypothalamic–pituitary dysfunction (overproduc-
mally associated with adipocyte differentiation, as well as reduced expression tion of fat-mobilizing peptides and amines), disordered fat metabolism, infec-
of mitochondrial genes.64 In addition, heterozygous mutations of the LMNB2 tion, and heredity. A currently favored area of research is directed towards
gene have been detected in three out of four analyzed patients.65 the role of abnormal insulin receptors on fat cells. It has been postulated that
Diagnostic criteria as outlined in Table 10.3 have recently been abnormal insulin receptors are associated with diminished uptake of lipid by
recommended.1 fat cells with resultant lipodystrophy, hyperlipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia.
In general, the histopathology of lipodystrophy is noninflammatory in
Localized lipoatrophy nature.81–83 There is a progressive diminution of adipocyte lipid accompanied
by a decrease in cell size so that the cells become separated from one another
Clinical features (Fig. 10.101). The stroma becomes hyalinized or myxomatous and contains
clusters of tortuous capillaries. As the end result resembles embryonic fat, this
Localized disease (lipoatrophy) is a much more common phenomenon. The process of atrophy is sometimes called ‘reversal of embryogenesis’.
subject has, however, been made extremely complicated by virtue of the large Patients with multiple areas of localized lipoatrophy may show mild
number of synonyms that have been used to describe the same disease process inflammatory changes comprising perivascular and periseptal lymphocytic
over the years (e.g., lipodystrophy, annular lipoatrophy, annular lipodystrophy, infiltration accompanied by minor septal fibrosis.
semicircular lipoatrophy, postinjection lipoatrophy, involutional lipoatrophy,
lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis, centrifugal lipodystrophy).
Essentially, localized lipodystrophy may result from a range of injurious stim-
Lipoatrophic panniculitis
uli and present at a wide variety of sites but essentially all of the subtypes listed
above are variations of the same disease process which may therefore follow Clinical features
localized panniculitis, connective tissue diseases, injections, trauma, etcetera. Lipoatrophic panniculitis (atrophic connective tissue panniculitis) represents a
Lesions affecting the proximal extremities or buttocks should raise the possi- very rarely documented inflammatory form of localized lipoatrophy.1–7 In the
bility of infection or trauma. Localized lipoatrophy has been described follow- original report, three children developed centrifugally enlarging erythematous
ing subcutaneous injections of insulin, triamcinolone acetate and iron dextran, nodules and plaques with atrophic centers on the lower extremities. Healing
and following vaccinations.66–69 It has also been described as a complication of of the lesions resulted in the clinical appearances of localized lipoatrophy.
idiopathic connective tissue diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus The areas of lipoatrophy coalesced to give an appearance resembling partial
Localized lipoatrophy 357
Fig. 10.101
Lipodystrophy: (A) there is only a very small residual amount of subcutaneous fat in the center of the field; (B) these tiny adipocytes are reminiscent of embryonic fat. By courtesy
of W.P. D. Su, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA.
or total lipodystrophy.1 All three patients had elevated ESRs. Two patients have a raised ESR, thrombocytosis, and microcytic anemia. Antinuclear fac-
had associated diabetes mellitus (one with coexistent Hashimoto's thyroidi- tor may be present.1 A similar disorder has rarely been described in adults
tis) and one developed juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Peters and Winkelmann (adult lipophagic atrophic panniculitis).2 Winkelmann postulates that many
described a similar condition under the rubric ‘atrophic connective tissue dis- cases of Weber-Christian disease documented in the earlier literature belong
ease panniculitis’.2 Nowadays, this entity would probably be best included in to this disorder (literature summarized in reference 1).
the spectrum of acquired total or partial lipodystrophy.
Fig. 10.102
(A, B) Connective tissue panniculitis: this patient shows diffuse hyperpigmentation associated with generalized scarring and deformity. By courtesy of M.M. Black, MD, London, UK.
358 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Histological features
A lymphohistiocytic panniculitis associated with both acute and caseation
necrosis characterizes the lesions. Lipophagic histiocytes and giant cells may
be present, but granulomata are not a feature and there is no evidence of sep-
tal involvement or vasculitis.1,2
At present, this variant of chronic panniculitis has defied further
Fig. 10.107
Lupus erythematosus profundus: in contrast, this patient showed disease limited to Fig. 10.110
the subcutaneous fat. Lupus erythematosus profundus: the infiltrate is largely lymphocytic.
360 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat
Fig. 10.115
Fig. 10.112 Lupus erythematosus profundus: hyalinization of the fat is a characteristic feature.
Lupus erythematosus profundus: lymphoid follicles, as shown in this field, may be
a prominent feature.
By immunohistochemistry, the predominant cells are α/β T-helper lymphocytes,
intermingled with B lymphocytes.13 Molecular analysis by polymerase chain
reaction generally reveals a polyclonal phenotype.13
Immunofluorescence commonly reveals immunoglobulin and complement
at the dermoepidermal junction and sometimes around the superficial blood
Differential diagnosis
Similar histological features may be seen in other connective tissue diseases
including linear morphea, morphea profunda, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyo-
sitis, mixed connective tissue disease, and polymyositis.32–35 Recently, Sjögren's
syndrome has been added to the causes of so-called plasma cell panniculitis.36
Lobular panniculitis with sclerosis reminiscent of lupus panniculitis has also
been described in a patient with Degos' disease (malignant atrophic papulosis).37
Distinction between lupus profundus and subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell
lymphoma can, on occasion, be extremely difficult on clinical as well as on
histological grounds.38–41 The presence of atypical lymphocytes with immuno-
histochemical features of cytotoxic T cells (CD3+,CD8+) accompanied by high
proliferation rate and monoclonal TCR-γ gene rearrangement is suggestive
of lymphoma.38 Nevertheless, lupus profundus and panniculitis-like T-cell
Fig. 10.113 lymphoma may coexist in the same patient.38 Overlapping histological features
Lupus erythematosus profundus: blood vessel walls are commonly thickened and with characteristics of both lupus profundus and subcutaneous panniculitis-like -
hyalinized. cell lymphoma are seen in these patients.38,42,43
Localized lipoatrophy 361
Scleroderma panniculitis The overlying epidermis may show interface change with basal cell
vacuolation and lymphocytic exocytosis.1,7
Immunofluorescent findings are variable. In the majority of cases it is neg-
Clinical features ative, but C3 was found at the dermoepidermal junction in one case and,
Sclerosis and chronic panniculitis have been recorded as main features in in another, C3 and IgM were identified within the blood vessel walls in the
both generalized morphea and progressive systemic sclerosis.1–3 In addition, superficial dermal vasculature.6,7
morphea profunda has been described as a sclerosing variant of morphea,
which primarily affects the subcutaneous fat analogous to lupus erythemato- Differential diagnosis
sus profundus.4,5 This condition, which shows a female predominance (3:1),
An association of childhood dermatomyositis with subcutaneous panniculitic
affects a wide age range (9–62 years) and presents primarily as subcutaneous
T-cell lymphoma has been described in a single case report.15
sclerosis.6 The sclerosis may be generalized and extend to the digits, or present
as solitary or multiple, localized, inflamed, hyperpigmented or erythematous,
asymmetrical and ill-defined plaques with a predilection for the shoulders, Postirradiation pseudosclerodermatous
upper arms, and trunk.6–8 A variant localized to the paraspinal region in panniculitis
children has also been described.9,10 Patients with systemic sclerosis can
also develop sclerosing panniculitis. These patients have systemic sclerosis Clinical features
associated with pulmonary hypertension.11
This is a rare complication of high-dose radiotherapy. Thus far, it has only been
Histological features described in female patients who have received this treatment modality for breast
carcinoma following radical mastectomy.1–4 Patients present with deep-seated
The significant features include thickening and hyalinization of the con- and progressive induration of the subcutis in the area of previous irradiation
nective tissue of the deep dermis, subcutaneous fat, and muscular fascia.3 (Fig. 10.116), usually within the first year after radiation therapy.1–3
Lipomembranous fat necrosis can also be a feature.12 A perivascular and focal
interstitial lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate is present in the subcutane- Histological features
ous fat. Exceptionally, plasma cells may be very numerous – so-called plasma
The main histological features are localized to the subcutaneous fat where
cell panniculitis.13–15 Lymphoid nodules (usually without germinal center for-
there is a lobular panniculitis characterized by fat necrosis with foreign body
mation) are evident and mast cells may be increased in number.6 Scattered
(lipophagic) granulomata and a lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltrate.1,2 The
eosinophils are occasionally seen. Mucin deposition is sometimes a feature
septa are grossly thickened by hyalinized collagen. Dermal changes may be
and diminished elastic tissue is a frequent finding, although in some cases it
absent or there can be a perivascular and interstitial lymphocyte and plasma
appears increased in quantity.8 Localized osseous metaplasia with transepi-
cell infiltrate with atypical myofibroblasts.1 Dilated lymphatics may occasion-
dermal elimination has been documented.16 The changes in the fascia are
ally be found in the dermis.3 Epidermal changes of radiotherapy are absent.2
similar to those described in the subcutaneous fat.
Histological features
Dermatomyositis panniculitis is characterized by a predominantly lobular
infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells, sometimes accompanied by lym-
phoid follicles with germinal centers.4,5 Focal fat necrosis may be present
and lymphocytic vasculitis has occasionally been documented.6 The septa
of the subcutaneous fat become progressively thickened and hyalinized.
Membranocystic changes have been described in a number of cases,
particularly in the Japanese.1,12,13 Calcification is a late change, but can be
very prominent.1,14
Mild inflammatory changes may be seen in the subcutaneous fat in Fig. 10.116
patients with dermatomyositis in the absence of panniculitis including focal Postirradiation pseudosclerodermatous panniculitis: erythematous irregular plaque.
lymphocytic infiltration, fibrosis, and calcification.5 By courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology, London, UK.