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APJMR 2015 3-3-021 Portable Hybrid Powered Water Filtration

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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No.

3, August 2015

Portable Hybrid Powered Water Filtration Device

Maria Lourdes V. Balansay, Mary Rose Q. Añonuevo, Rexzel M. Cuenca and Ricmart V. Garbin
College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts, Electrical Engineering Department,
Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines
bhiloy@yahoo.com, maryrose@yahoo.com, rexzelcuenca@gmail.com, ricmartgarbin@yahoo.com

Date Received: June 13, 2015; Date Revised: July 31, 2015

Abstract – The existing water filtration device has features that can be developed to be more useful and
functional during emergency situations. The project’s development has been aided by following provisions
in PEC, NEC, NEMA and Philippine National Standard for Safe Drinking Water provide standards for the
construction of the project. These standards protect both the prototype and the user. These also served as
guide for the maintenance of every component. The design of the portable hybrid powered water filtration
device shows that the project has more advanced features such as portability and the power supply used such
as photovoltaic module solar cells and manually operated generator. This also shows its effectiveness and
reliability based on the results of discharging test, water quality test and water production test. Based on
analysis of the overall financial aspects, the machine can be profitable and the amount of revenue and
operating cost will increase as years pass. Using the proper machine/ tools and methods of fabrication helps
in easy assembly of the project. The materials and components used are cost effective and efficient. The best
time for charging the battery using solar panel is 9:00 am onwards while the hand crank generator is too
slow because the generated current is little. The water filtration device is very efficient regarding the
operating hours and water production. The machine may have a great effect to society and economy in
generation of clean available water at less cost.

Keywords: filtration, hybrid, photovoltaic module, solar panel

INTRODUCTION because it utilizes renewable sources of energy which

It has been evident that the world is facing a big will contribute to the preservation and protection of the
challenge: climate change. Today, man has experienced environment. With this project, people will be sure that
the negative effects of the destruction of the the water they are drinking is free of chemicals and
environment. Weather patterns have changed compared bacteria which can cause illnesses.
several years ago. Sagara (2000) concluded in his study that three
The Philippines have been through different point-of-use filter systems that there should be a study
calamities these past few years. Calamities such as on treatment performances, as well as costs, availability
typhoons, earthquakes, fires and volcanic eruptions and social acceptability. It was observed from the filter
affected the lives of many Filipinos. During these times, experiments that in all three filter systems, the filtration
the primary concern aside from their safety is how they process alone did not treat water to an acceptable level
are going to survive the aftermath. of drinking water quality set by WHO guidelines.
Although the government makes effort in order to Although manufacturers of the ceramic candle filters
help the survivors, their supply for basic necessity such claimed that their products produced “pure” and “safe”
as food, clothing, sanitary supplies and most especially water, they were found to be incapable of removing
drinking water is not enough and will not last for a long microbiological contaminants. This study is related to
time. the project’s output considered standards on drinking
With this, the researchers considered all these water presented by the Philippine National Standards on
scenarios to develop a hybrid powered water filtration Drinking Water.
device. The design is meant to provide safe and clean Tamisssetti’s (2010) study on the use of cloth as
drinking water to people in isolated areas and calamity filter revealed that all the cloths, with the exception of
victims. It is considered as a modern convenience polyester, reduced the amount of turbidity in the water.
because it is portable. It can be transported to areas Also, as the number of folds increased, the percent of
affected by calamities. It is also environment-friendly the turbidity removed increased as well. However, in

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, August 2015
accordance with that, the rate of filtration decreased design requirements and considerations according to
because it took longer for the water to filter through so Philippine Electrical Code (PEC), National Electrical
many layers of cloth. The concepts were the same as the Code (NEC), National Electrical Manufacturer’s
researchers’ project except that instead of cloth, Association (NEMA) and Philippine National Standards
different kinds of filters were used. for Drinking Water; prepare the design plans in terms of
Andal, et al (2011) designed and developed a solar General Description of the Project; Design Computation
water pump demonstrating apparatus. They cited that and Analysis; Design Layout; Circuit Diagram and Bill
the efficient time for charging battery through solar of Materials and Specification; to present the overall
panels was 11:00 am onwards depending on the weather financial pictures in terms of operating cash
condition. requirements, profitability, and cash flow; determine the
The design of the portable hybrid powered water methods of fabrication and assembly in terms of
filtration device was made up of four components Materials/Tools and Methods; test the performance of
namely the water filter assembly, the solar panel, a the portable hybrid powered water filtration device as to
water tank and the power source. The filter assemly was its sustainability, reliability, functionality and
composed of 1 micron sediment filter, 0.9 micron capability; and discuss the effects of the project in the
antibacterial filter, 5 micron carbon filter and water society and the economy as a whole.
softener, a pump and an ultraviolet light.
The power source is where all the switches and METHODS OF FABRICATION AND
metering devices were located. A cart was provided for ASSEMBLY
easy transportation of the device and a water storage The researchers accomplished various methods and
tank was placed on the lower part of the cart beside the assembled the working prototype. The following steps
water filter assembly. were undertaken in the fabrication of the prototype:
The computations of the components of the design 1. Preparation of materials and equipment.
were also presented including the sizing of solar panel, Materials and equipment to be used in the
charge controller, fuse and battery. The total demand development and construction of the project were
load of the device was 72 watts which was the sum of prepared beforehand. These were water filters,
the individual load of the water pump, UV lamp and diaphragm pump, inlet and outlet hose, water, solar
ballast. The researchers used three (3) 30 watts solar panel, charge controller, hand crank generator,
panel. The size of the charge controller was determined multimeter, connecting wires and other
by computing the ampere rating which was 9.375 A and miscellaneous components.
10 A charge controller were used. The computed fuse 2. Assembly of the project. The design of the project
rating was 6 A so the resarchers used 10 A in-line fuse. was composed of the filters and the energy sources
A 40 AH Deep Cycle battery was utilized because it is (the hand crank generator and solar panels).
designed for solar applications and its rating fitted to the
computed rating. 2.1. Two housings made of aluminium were made first.
The design layout of every components was The first housing would hold the diaphragm pump and
presented with dimensions and the internal views of the the filters. This would ensure that the electrical
power supply and filtration device were also shown. components of the prototype would not get wet while
The circuit diagram showed the connections of the solar filtering water. Components were tightened to the side
panel, hand crank generator, battery and the loads. The of the compartment. Filters were connected to each
total cost of the project would amount to thirty seven other as well as to the water pump. The pressure gauge
thousand five hundred six pesos (P37,506.00). was connected in between the pump and the first filter.
In line with this, the researchers gathered all the This is to monitor the pressure of the pump. The
necessary information from recent and past studies Ultraviolet light was connected at the bottom. This was
which helped a lot in the development of the project. the final stage of water filtration.
The second housing is where the generator and the
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY batteries were located. These were connected to the
The main objective of this study was to design and charge controller in order to control the output voltage
develop a portable hybrid powered water filtration of the two sources. At the upmost portion of the housing
device. Specifically, it aimed to evaluate the existing is where solar charge controller and the voltmeter and
water filters in terms of design, construction, operation ammeter were located. This is for monitoring the
and areas for improvement; determine the project’s charging process. Also, voltmeter and ammeter were
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, August 2015
fixed at the front of the housing to monitor the voltage stored in the battery within time duration.
discharging activity of the prototype. Battery status was determined by the light indicator.
The charging capability of the battery was tested in
2.2 The solar panel was separated and mounted to the five different trials. Every period was tested three times.
desired height where maximum amount of sunlight For every trial, the amount of voltage was recorded.
could be drawn. The panel can be placed on a tripod
where it can absorb enough sunlight needed for the Table 2. Charging Test (Using Hand Crank
operation of the prototype. Generator)
Time Trials Current Voltage Power Battery
3. Testing of the prototype. This part is mostly (minutes) (mA) (V) (W) Status
composed of final procedures followed. 15 1 100 12 1.2 Red
3.1 Partial testing of the project’s operating 2 100 12 1.2 Red
capability. 3 100 12 1.2 Red
3.2 Final testing and evaluation of the project
30 1 100 12 1.2 Red
operation 2 100 12 1.2 Red
3.3 Testing of the output (filtered water). 3 100 12 1.2 Red


2 75 12 0.9 Red
Table 1. Charging Test (Using Solar Panel) 3 75 12 0.9 Red
Time Trials Current Voltage Power Battery
(A) (V) (W) Status 1 75 12 0.9 Red
8:00am 1 2 12 24 Red 2 75 12 0.9 Red
2 2 12 24 Red 60 3 75 12 0.9 Red
3 2 12 24 Red
10:00am 1 5 12.5 62.5 Yellow Legend: Red – 0 – 30% Full ; Green – 71 – 99% Full;
2 4.5 13 58.5 Yellow Yellow – 31 – 70% Full; Green(Blink) – 100% Full
3 4.5 12.5 56.25 Yellow
12:00am 1 3.5 16 56 Green
2 3 17 51 Green Discharging Test. This test evaluated the period of
3 3 14 42 Green time the battery could supply the load. The values of
2:00pm 1 1 18 18 Green voltage and current for each trial were recorded
2 1 18 18 Green
(Blink) Table 3. Discharging Test
3 1 18 18 Green Trials Current Voltage Power Battery
(Blink) (Hours) (A) (V) (W) Status
4:00pm 1 1.2 12.5 15 Yellow
1 0 18 18 Green
(Blink) 2 1.2 12.5 15 Yellow
2 0 18 18 Green 3 1.2 12 14.4 Yellow
(Blink) 4 1.2 12 14.4 Yellow
3 0 18 18 Green 5 1.2 12 14.4 Red
6 1.2 11 13.2 Red
Legend: Red – 0 – 30% Full ; Green – 71 – 99% Full;
Legend: Red – 0 – 30% Full ; Green – 71 – 99% Full;
Yellow – 31 – 70% Full; Green(Blink) – 100% Full
Yellow – 31 – 70% Full; Green(Blink) – 100% Full
After the installation of the prototype, it underwent a
series of tests to find its functionality. The tests 3. Water Quality Test. This test examined the quality
evaluated different parameters necessary to assess the of the water being purified. It was the top priority of the
project. The tests included charging time, discharging researchers to ensure that the water would be safe for
time, water quality test and volume of water filtered. drinking.
The data collected served as the basis in determining This test was composed of two parts, the physical
the areas of improvement. quality test (color, odor and taste) and the quality test
1. Charging Test. The prototype used a battery for (ph level, nitrates contents, lead content and bacterial
energy storage. This test determined the amount of content ) of water samples after purification.

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, August 2015
4. Water Production Test. This test determined the The following are the findings on how the construction
volume of potable water that the device would be able was successfully complete.
to produce. This was done for four (6) hours The existing prototype is a type of filter known as
“under sink reverse osmosis filter” made up five
Table 4. Water Quality Test (Physical and Chemical purifying stages with different filter cartridges. The
Analyses) filter assembly measures 38 cm x 21 cm x 46 cm and
Trials ph Color Turbidity Total Remarks has a general weight of 15 kg. It consumes a total power
Hardness of 30 watts and has 25 watts booster pump. The device
265.58 uses an ac supply for its power source so it will not
1 <5 <0.05
7.88 mg Passed
(Calicanto) PCU NTU function when there is power interruption and limited
for home use only.
2 < <.05 The project design considered the provisions in the
7.49 mg Passed
(Cuta) 5PCU NTU PEC, NEC, NEMA and Philippine National Standards
247.98 for Drinking Water to ensure the quality and
3 <5 .11 effectiveness of the design as well as the safety of the
7.71 mg Passed
(Capitolio) PCU NTU
CaCO3/L beneficiary of the device.
PEC provides the requirements for storage batteries and
Table 5. Water Quality Test (Physical and Chemical the overall guidelines for solar photovoltaic systems
Analyses) installation including circuit requirements and wiring
Trials Nitrate Iron
Lead Acidity
Remarks methods. NEC provides standards for the over current
Content protection of generators while NEMA tackled some
1 2.10 <.03 <.01 14.50 provisions regarding the use of storage batteries.
(Calicanto) mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
Philippine National Standards for drinking water stated
2 .0651 <0.03 <0.01 5.98
(Cuta) mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
Passed standards concerning the physical and chemical quality
3 12.54 <0.03 <0.01 6.48 of water as well as its microbiological aspects.
Passed The design of the portable hybrid powered water
(Capitolio) mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
filtration device was made up of four components
Table 6. Water Quality Test ( Microbiological namely the water filter assembly, the solar panel, a
Analyses ) water tank and the power source. The filter assemly was
Trials Potability Test Remarks composed of 1 micron sediment filter, 0.9 micron
(Total Fecal Coliforms, antibacterial filter, 5 micron carbon filter and water
MTFT) softener, a pump and an ultraviolet light.
1 The power source is where all the switches and
<1.1 MPN/100mL Passed metering devices were located. A cart was provided for
2 easy transportation of the device and a water storage
<1.1 MPN/100mL Passed tank was placed on the lower part of the cart beside the
3 water filter assembly.
<1.1 MPN/100mL Passed The computations of the components of the design
were also presented including the sizing of solar panel,
Table 7. Water Production Test (Flow Rate) charge controller, fuse and battery. The total demand
Trials Volume of Water Volume Flow load of the device was 72 watts which was the sum of
Produced (L) Rate the individual load of the water pump, UV lamp and
(L/min) ballast. The researchers used three (3) 30 watts solar
1 1.6965 1.6965 L/min panel. The size of the charge controller was determined
2 1.6965 1.6965 L/min by computing the ampere rating which was 9.375 A and
3 1.6965 1.6965 L/min 10 A charge controller were used. The computed fuse
rating was 6 A so the resarchers used 10 A in-line fuse.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A 40 AH Deep Cycle battery was utilized because it is
The project study as a whole involves numerous designed for solar applications and its rating fitted to the
operations to obtain the desired efficiency of the device computed rating.
to maintain its overall functionality and several The design layout of every components was
considerations were taken in accomplishing the project. presented with dimensions and the internal views of the
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, August 2015
power supply and filtration device were also shown. and fecal coliform count of water provided in Philippine
The circuit diagram showed the connections of the solar National Standards for Drinking Water.
panel, hand crank generator, battery and the loads. The During the water production test, the volume flow rate
total cost of the project would amount to thirty seven of the machine was observed to be constant.
thousand five hundred six pesos (Php 37,506.00). The portable hybrid powered water filtration can
After studying and interpreting the results of the contribute to the society’s growth and development
project, it showed that the project has a low operating since it can provide solution for unsafe drinking water
cost. With the projected volume of water sold, the total problems and also helps to ensure the welfare of every
revenue of Php 25,200 may be acquired. The operating human. By providing a machine that will be able to
cost amounting to Php 7,406 compos the maintenance, produce potable water which is cheaper as compared
depreciation and miscellaneous. Since the machine has with commercially available drinking water, everyone
a life expectancy of 10 years, it will have an annual will be able to save money.
depreciation of Php 3,750.60. It will take two years and
seven months to recover the investment of the project. REFERENCES
The methods of fabrication were followed such as Andal (2011), Design and Development of a Solar
preparation of the materials and equipment. The project Water Pump, Batangas State University,.
was assembled using different tools and machines. It Sagara, J. (2000), Study of Filtration for Point-of-Use
became hard for the proponents to assemble the project Drinking Water Treatment in Nepal, Massachusetts
because some of the components were not available in Institute of Technology.
the market. Some components malfunctioned and the Tamissetti, R. (2010), Research on the Effectiveness of
other needed replacement. Using Cloth as a Filter to Remove Turbidity from
Four sets of test were conducted to check the Water.
functionality of the prototype according to the required
output: (a) Charging test using solar panel and hand
crank generator (b) discharging test (c) water quality
test and (d) water production test.
Charging test using solar panel showed that the
voltage and current increased from 8:00 to 11: 00 am
and decreased from 12 : 00 to 4:00. The light indicator
at 8:00 am was red indicating that the battery was 30%
full while the yellow color was observed at 10:00 am.
At 12:00 pm, the battery showed a green color
indicating that the battery was fully charged. From 2:00
pm to 4:00 pm, light indicator keeps blinking meaning
the battery was in float charging.
Charging test using hand crank generator showed
the voltage and 30% full status of the battery remained
constant throughout the testing time and the generated
current ranged only from 75 mA and 100mA. The
machine could run for six hours and current drawn
during discharging test was constant. As the battery was
discharged, the voltage dropped from 12.5v to 11V and
status of the battery changed from 70%full to 30%full.
The water samples from the deep well of three
different barangays namely Calicanto, Cuta and
Capitolio were used. The results of the water quality
test showed that the three samples used passed the
standards in terms of physical, chemical and
microbiological aspects. All water samples passed the
standard limit for ph, color, turbidity, total hardness,
nitrate, iron, lead content, acidity, total coliform count

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com

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