Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
Foreign Literature
As noted by Othman et al. (2020) about 2 million plastic tons are thrown into
bodies of water each year, where they eventually washed away toward the ocean.
Some marine animals die right away after consuming plastic, but not all living marine
creatures are targets or carriers of dangerous diseases. There are several known
negative impacts of plastic pollution on the environment and society. The methodology,
a classification of waste cleaning methods, and the initiatives taken to solve this issue
According to (Nurlansa et al., 2014) the goal if this research is to build ana
Automated Garbage Collector, a robot with rotors designed as automatic trash collector
to prevent waste from stacking up in the river, which is not properly or efficiently. Design
and building the implementation strategy. Thes approach consists of needs analysis,
component analysis, engineering, developing, and testing for both software and
hardware. Using ultrasonic sensors in floating water waste collection system can help to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the collection process by allowing the
system to detect and track debris in real-time, and to respond quickly to changing
conditions ine the water. However, it is important note the ultrasonic sensors may not be
able to detect all types of floating debris, and they may be affected by factors such as
water temperature and turbidity. As such it may be necessary to use multiple sensors or
This article describes the constructions of a robot to collect floating debris on the
water surface. The design of water robots must consider three key factors, including
cost effectiveness and durability. The robot’s structure was created with a car-like
mechanism that is both sturdy and user-friendly, making it ideal for cleaning tasks and
containing all waste over the water (Gaikwad et al., 2020). The disposal of household
garbage into lakes or rivers results in a decline in water quality, which eventually has a
more significant effect on water pollution. A number of nations constructed partially and
completely automated vessels that integrated the latest technology and the new system
to make the process of collecting trash easier. The development of automated vehicles
is important for cutting down on waste and the amount of labor needed to handle
with high stability and build a vehicle made primarily of stainles steel (Abidin et al.,
Local Literature
school plastic waste, while an improvised pyrolysis system shows a promising result in
the conversion of school plastic waste into useful oil. Also, it is recommended that the
modification of the low-cost pyrolysis chamber used in this research will be done. Gas
trash collector and compactor for solid wastes that effectively keep things clean and
prevent floods (Cruz et al., 2023). It is going to be an extra way to cut down on cleaning
by hand and the traditional method of capturing floating solid garbage with nets, which
involves people collecting trash on canals. In order to determine the ideal features,
those who support them have taken into account a variety of variables and possibilities.
Entrino (2023), stated that the researcher come up with the idea of developing
and conducting this study addressing floating marine debris, is because of the
observation in the seawater of Magapo-3 which there are too many plastics that floating
in the seawater. The researchers called their study as SEAGOP: Sea Garbage
Obtaining Pump-bin and according to the researchers is a version of the Seabin V5.
The model was made using might materials in a reason for it to balance in the surface
of water. It has a pump that sucks the garbage and it is powered using batteries. This
device is essential to help control the enlarging issue of floating marine waste.
Students from De La Salle University won the local version of the National
from October 18 to 20. The students of De La Salle University created a movable and
automated ocean waste collection system using space data to locate garbage that is
to help get rid of plastics currently floating or submerged in global waters. It is a timely
Water pollution is a persistent issue in the Philippines that is eventually poisoning the waterways that
round the nation, endangering both marine life and Filipino lives. In order to collect floating water
garbage, the developers created the Aquatic Garbage Gatherer Operated System, which is controlled via
a mobile application. In addition to being able to gather trash and float, the robot should also be
operated via a mobile application and be able to draw power from a solar panel and rechargeable
battery. The robot's point of view (POV), battery and container status, and mobility should all be
displayed by the mobile application (Valderama et al., 2018).
Foreign Studies
This study shows the results of a prototype water garbage collector that can
collect garbage on the water's surface, floating, and get partially submerged in the
water. It has been proven through multiple trial configurations that using the MIT
the waterways that round the nation, endangering both marine life and Filipino lives. In
order to collect floating water garbage, the developers created the Aquatic Garbage
being able to gather trash and float, the robot should also be operated via a mobile
application and be able to draw power from a solar panel and rechargeable battery. The
robot's point of view (POV), battery and container status, and mobility should all be
displayed by the mobile application. Additionally, it ought to have a user guide and
frequently asked questions (FAQ) to help and assist the user. As soon as the project's
goals were mentioned, the developers applied the prototyping technique. Results from
the development and testing of the mobile application and robot indicate that its
functionalities align with the developers' objectives. With a battery that lasts at least 4
hours, AGGOS can effectively gather trash such bottles and cans on surface water that
range in size from 17 to 29 pieces. When there are no obstacles in the way, the mobile
application and the robot can communicate up to 60 metres apart. Moreover, the
camera feed is displayed, the robot's battery life is detected, and its bin status is tracked
via the mobile application. Following testing, certain features were found to be lacking;
these included the need to improve the robot's Bluetooth module, camera module,
sensors, conveyor belt, and light source material. Other potential improvements
included the ability to modify the robot's speed within the mobile application and the
inclusion of an alert system that would work with both the robot and the mobile
This study (automated trash collector design) will cover the approach, the
categorization of waste disposal systems, and the initiatives taken to address the issue.
To differentiate between their levels of efficacy, static and dynamic systems have been
classified. Regarding this study, a dynamic, totally autonomous system will be the main
focus of the suggested design. It has several sensor types integrated into its
multifunctional architecture. The innovation and distinction of the suggested design in
relation to previous ones both in terms of architecture and functionality are also
Local Studies
The study of Bagalay et al. (2022) aimed to design an eco-friendly portable water
waste collector. It has a system that acts like a whirlpool that consumes the garbage
that floating in the different bodies of water, in addition the system has a filter that would
store and hold all the consumed garbage and has pump that would push out the water
that is now waste free into the bodies of water. And the power source of the portable
water waste collector would be batteries or solar panels. The data that they use in
designing the proposed water waste collector was gathered through online journals.
The study is aiming to design and develop a prototype of solid waste collector
and determine if it is effective and the level of its acceptability in terms of accuracy,
weight load, workability, usefulness, safety measures, maintenance, and the volume of
the waste collected. The goal of developing the solid waste collector is to minimize the
water pollution which is the effect of throwing solid waste directly or indirectly into the
water stream. The machine can run in 3cycles within 9 hours and each cycle run for 5
The researchers were able to make findings for this study based on the data that they had
collected and assessed. According to the findings of the research's testing, the Mini-Garbage
viable alternative cleaning tool for gathering floating debris in lakes and rivers. This is
something that the general public finds acceptable. The Mini-Garbage Collector is sturdy,
safe, and efficient all at once because of the researchers' excellent construction and
Othman, H., Petra, M. I., De Silva, L. C., & Caesarendra, W. (2020). Automated trash collector design.
Kamarudin, N. a. S., Nordin, I. N. a. M., Misman, D., Khamis, N., Razif, M. R. M., & Noh, F. H. M.
(2021). Development of water surface mobile garbage collector robot. Alınteri Zirai Bilimler
Angelyck, J., Cruz, M., Espinueva, T., Matthew, V., Labrador, F., Maria, T., & Mendoza. (2023). Filtrar: A
Nurlansa, O., Anisa Istiqomah, D., & Astu Sanggha Pawitra, M. (2014). AGATOR (Automatic Garbage
Fabrication of Portable Garbage Collector in Brgy. Palingon, Calamba City, Laguna. Ani: Letran