Book Report PPT Rubric
Book Report PPT Rubric
Book Report PPT Rubric
4 3 2 1 Total
Title Title page is present Title page is present Title page is present, Title page is present,
and contains title, but lacks complete but lacks much of the but contains no
author, and who it is information. required information information
Slide 1 prepared by
Characters Main characters are Setting is described Setting is incomplete Setting contains little
and Setting completely described adequately and or inaccurate. or no information.
including comparisons, contains most of Character descriptions Little or no information
contrasts, and complete character information are incomplete or about the main
character details. inadequate characters is included
Where and when does
Slide 2 the book take place?
Summary Complete plot, Adequate plot Incomplete plot Inadequate plot
including summary including summary and summary
problem/conflict some events on a incomplete or
resolution, including storyboard inaccurate storyboard
storyboard highlighting
Slides 3-5 major events
Main Idea/ The main idea of the Main idea documented Opinion documented No slide on this area.
moral of the book is….including but no opinion but main idea not
opinion of reader addressed
Slide 6
Student Convincing, reasonable Adequate justification No justification for No recommendation
Recommends justification for for recommendation recommendation
Slide 7
Author Info. Author information Author information Some author No author information
(including at least 3 (including at least 2 information (including given, or information is
facts not given in the facts not given in the at least 1 fact not given inaccurate
book) that is complete book) is complete and in the book)
Slide 9 and presented in a presented in a logical
creative manner manner
Questions Five (5) open-ended Four (4) open-ended Three (3) open-ended Two or less open-
test questions are test questions are test questions are ended test questions
given. All questions given. All questions given. All questions are given. All
answered. answered. answered. answered. OR
Slide 10 questions are not open
Oral Presentation is well Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is barely
Presentation organized, clearly organized, clearly somewhat organized, organized and takes 2-
spoken, and takes 3-5 spoken, and takes 3-4 clearly spoken, and 4 minutes.
minutes. minutes. takes 3-4 minutes.
Grade total Total