Ucsp Reviewer
Ucsp Reviewer
Ucsp Reviewer
Concept of Anthropology,
Political Branches of Sociology
Science, and Sociology 1. Social Organization
2. Social Psychology
3. Applied sociology
4. Human Ecology
From the Latin word “Anthropologia”
1. to study the nature of humanity
meaning “study of humanity”
2. appreciate society
From the Greek word “anthropos”
meaning “human being”
It is the study of human beings and • It is the systematic study
their ancestors through time and of politics, government,
space in relation to physical and political power
character, environmental, social
relations, and culture. GOALS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
Franz Boas, Father of Modern 1. Make people better citizens.
Anthropology 2. Keep social order and harmony
among different groups of people.
3. Protect the rights of an individual.
4. Avoid conflict and promote
• It refers to the differences or distinct
forms of
social behaviors that various cultures
GOALS OF ANTHROPOLOGY around the world.
5. Ideas
Unit III. Cultural Relativism & - Is the process of developing physical
Ethnocentrism and biological change in a species
over a period of time. Natural
Because of geographical structure and changes and events forced species to
history it resulted to diverse and culturally adapt to the environment, while some
variated society. faced extinction.
2. Ardipithecus
Period of Existence: 5.6 million years ago
Distinct Features:
• “Ape on the Ground”
• Height about 4 feet
• Skull size similar to an ape
• Small brain
• Bipedal
• Lived in jungles and forests like
-Homo Habilis
Period of Existence: 2.5-1.4 million years
“Handy man”
Distinct Features:
• Developed bipedalism or the ability to
• Brain size was estimated to be 35%
larger than
Ardipithecus Ardipithecus Ardipithecus the Australopithecus africanus.
• Had smaller teeth compared to
3. Australopithecus australopithecines.
Period of Existence: 5 million years ago • Diet included a variety of plants and
Distinct Features: meat.
• “The Southern Ape”
• Brain size- 500cc or almost 1/3 size of
modern human brains
• Upright
• Bipedal
• Tool users not tool makers
• Food scavengers
-Homo Erectus
Period of Existence: 1.9 million years ago
“The Upright Man”
Distinct Features:
• Further enhanced bipedal activities.
• Characterized by strong muscles at the
4. Homo back of
They are classified as human the neck, shallow forehead, and elongated
and not human-like creatures brain case.
because they had bigger brains
and were bipedal.
• Diet included an increased consumption It can also include tools that are used for
of hunting and gathering or symbolic writing
Meat. found in caves.
It is the idea that the human culture
such as beliefs, knowledge, customs,
skills, attitudes and
languages change over time.
2. Exchanges
Information exchange, material exchange
like the multilevel marketing and a lot
3. Social support
Referral system works well in networks in
locating someone finding a job, seeking
advice and forming support groups.
4. Exclusion
Those outside the network are excluded
from the benefits, support system and
information shared within the networks.