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a. Instructional design is a critical aspect of creating effective educational materials and courses.

an IT student, developing the following key instructional design skills can help you design
engaging and effective learning experiences. Here are some skills with examples:

1. Needs Analysis: Conducting a thorough needs analysis to identify the learning objectives and
requirements of a particular audience. For example, in designing an IT training program for a
company, you might survey employees to understand their current skills and the skills they need
to develop.

2. Curriculum Design: Creating a structured curriculum that outlines the sequence of topics and
activities for a course. For instance, in designing a computer programming course, you'd
organize modules or lessons logically, starting with fundamentals and progressing to advanced

3. Learning Objectives: Crafting clear and measurable learning objectives that specify what
learners should know or be able to do after completing a learning activity. For an IT security
course, an objective could be "Students will be able to identify common cybersecurity threats
and implement countermeasures."

4. Content Development: Creating or selecting appropriate content and resources to support

learning objectives. This could involve developing written materials, multimedia presentations,
or selecting relevant articles and videos for an online course.

5. Instructional Strategies: Choosing the most effective methods for delivering content and
facilitating learning. For example, in a database management course, you might use a
combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and group discussions to cater to various learning

b. Training with nine gagne event :

Certainly! Let's take the topic of "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare" as the subject of the
learning plan. We'll structure the plan based on Robert Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction to
create an effective training package for this topic:

Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Learning Objectives: By the end of this training, learners will be able to:

1. Understand the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in healthcare.

2. Recognize the benefits and challenges of AI in healthcare.

3. Identify specific use cases where AI is improving patient care.

4. Analyze the ethical and regulatory considerations related to AI in healthcare.

5. Evaluate potential career opportunities in AI healthcare.

1. Gain Attention (Event 1):

 Introduction to a real-life scenario: Share a story about how AI saved a patient's life in a
healthcare setting.

 Present a thought-provoking question: "Can machines truly assist in diagnosing diseases?"

2. Inform Learners of Objectives (Event 2):

 Clearly state the learning objectives: "By the end of this training, you will be able to..."

3. Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning (Event 3):

 A brief quiz on basic AI concepts and their applications in other fields.

4. Present the Content (Event 4):

 Deliver content through multimedia presentations, case studies, and interactive simulations.

 Cover topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, AI-powered diagnostics,
and AI-driven treatment planning in healthcare.

5. Provide Learning Guidance (Event 5):

 Offer step-by-step instructions on how to analyze AI algorithms in healthcare.

 Provide resources and tools to explore further on specific AI applications in healthcare.

6. Elicit Performance (Event 6):

 Conduct hands-on exercises where learners can interact with AI tools used in healthcare.

 Assign case studies or scenarios to solve using AI algorithms.

7. Provide Feedback (Event 7):

 Offer immediate feedback on the exercises and case studies, highlighting correct and incorrect

8. Assess Performance (Event 8):

 Administer a comprehensive assessment, including multiple-choice questions and practical


 Evaluate learners' ability to identify ethical issues and regulatory requirements in AI healthcare.

9. Enhance Retention and Transfer (Event 9):

 Summarize key takeaways and insights from the training.

 Encourage discussion and reflection on potential career paths related to AI in healthcare.

 Provide additional resources for further exploration, such as research papers, webinars, and
industry news.
Conclusion: This learning plan, structured around Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction, ensures
that learners are engaged, informed, and well-prepared to understand and utilize Artificial
Intelligence in the healthcare industry. By following this systematic approach, the training
package aims to achieve its learning objectives effectively while enhancing retention and
transfer of knowledge.

c. The ASSURE model is an instructional design framework used to plan and deliver effective
learning experiences. It was developed by Heinich, Molenda, Russell, and Smaldino in their book
"Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning." The model provides a structured approach
for educators to design, implement, and assess instruction. The term "ASSURE" stands for the
following steps:

1. Analyze Learners: In this initial step, educators assess the characteristics and needs of their
learners. This involves understanding their prior knowledge, skills, learning styles, and any
specific learning challenges. For example, if you are designing a biology course, you might
analyze your students' existing knowledge of biology and their preferred learning methods.

2. State Objectives: Clear and measurable learning objectives are established. These objectives
should outline what students should know or be able to do by the end of the instruction. Using
the biology course as an example, an objective might be "Students will be able to identify and
describe the major processes of photosynthesis."

3. Select Strategies, Technology, and Media: In this step, educators choose appropriate
instructional strategies, technologies, and media to achieve the stated objectives. These choices
should align with the learners' needs and the content. For the biology course, you might decide
to use multimedia presentations, interactive simulations, and online resources to teach

4. Utilize Technology and Media: Educators implement the chosen strategies, technology, and
media. This step involves creating or selecting the actual instructional materials and resources.
For our biology course, it would involve developing or selecting the multimedia presentations,
simulations, and online resources for photosynthesis.

5. Require Learner Participation: Actively engage learners in the instructional process. This step
encourages students to interact with the content, whether through discussions, group activities,
hands-on experiments, or other forms of active participation. For the biology course, you might
organize group discussions on photosynthesis processes or conduct laboratory experiments.

6. Evaluate and Revise: Ongoing assessment and evaluation of the instruction are crucial.
Educators must collect data to determine whether the learning objectives are being met and
make adjustments as needed. This might involve quizzes, tests, surveys, or observations. If
students are struggling to grasp photosynthesis, you might adjust the content or delivery
methods accordingly.
D. The SAMR model, developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, is a framework for evaluating
and integrating technology in education. It categorizes technology usage into four levels,
from simple substitution to transformation. Here's a brief overview of the SAMR model
in bullet points:

Substitution (S):

 Technology is used as a direct substitute for a traditional task or tool.

 No significant functional change or improvement in the task.

 Example: Using a word processor instead of a typewriter for writing essays.

Augmentation (A):

 Technology enhances the traditional task but still doesn't bring a fundamental change.

 Some functional improvement, such as increased efficiency or multimedia additions.

 Example: Using spell check and formatting tools in a word processor.

Modification (M):

 Technology allows for significant task redesign.

 The task is redefined and couldn't be done without the technology.

 Example: Collaboratively editing a document in real-time using cloud-based software.

Redefinition (R):

 Technology enables the creation of new tasks and possibilities that were inconceivable without

 Learning experiences are transformed, fostering creativity and innovation.

 Example: Students using virtual reality to explore historical events interactively.

The SAMR model encourages educators to move beyond mere substitution and augmentation to reach
the modification and redefinition levels, where technology truly transforms the learning process and
leads to higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.

e. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and represents the intersection of
three essential knowledge domains:

1. Technological Knowledge (TK): This refers to the understanding of technology itself, including
the ability to operate, manage, and utilize various technological tools and resources. Teachers
with TK are familiar with the technical aspects of hardware, software, and digital platforms.

2. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): This knowledge domain focuses on the art and science of
teaching. It includes expertise in instructional strategies, classroom management, assessment,
and other teaching practices that help educators effectively convey information and engage
3. Content Knowledge (CK): CK represents the subject matter expertise, which is the knowledge of
the specific content or subject matter being taught. This knowledge domain is crucial for
teachers to convey accurate and meaningful information to students.

The TPACK model emphasizes the importance of the intersections of these three knowledge domains:

 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): This is the knowledge of how to effectively teach
using technology. Teachers with TPK understand how to apply technology to pedagogical
practices, such as selecting appropriate tools, designing interactive activities, and managing a
technology-rich classroom.

 Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): TCK is the understanding of how technology can be
used to teach specific content. Educators with TCK are proficient in aligning technology with
subject matter, making content more accessible and engaging through technology.

 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): PCK is the knowledge of how to teach a specific subject
matter effectively without technology. It includes understanding how to tailor teaching
strategies and methods to make content accessible and engaging for students.

 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): TPACK is the sweet spot where all
three knowledge domains intersect. It represents the understanding of how technology,
pedagogy, and content can be effectively integrated to create meaningful and engaging learning
experiences. Teachers with strong TPACK can leverage technology to enhance their teaching and
improve student learning outcomes.

f. The ADDIE model is a widely used instructional design framework that guides the development of
effective learning experiences. ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation. Here's a breakdown of each phase in the ADDIE model:

1. Analysis:

 Needs Analysis: Identify the learning needs, objectives, and goals. Determine what the
learners already know and what they need to learn.

 Learner Analysis: Understand the characteristics of the target audience, such as their
age, background, prior knowledge, and learning preferences.

 Context Analysis: Consider the learning environment, available resources, and any
constraints that might affect the instructional design.

2. Design:

 Setting Objectives: Define clear and measurable learning objectives that outline what
the learners should be able to do after completing the instruction.

 Instructional Design: Plan the content, activities, and assessments. Determine the
sequencing of topics and the instructional strategies to be used.

 Selection of Media and Materials: Choose the appropriate instructional materials,

resources, and technology tools to support the learning objectives.
 Assessment Design: Develop assessment tools and strategies to evaluate whether the
learning objectives are met.

3. Development:

 Content Creation: Develop or assemble the actual learning materials, such as written
content, videos, interactive activities, and multimedia.

 Technology Integration: Create or set up any necessary technology-based components,

like e-learning modules, simulations, or learning management systems.

 Quality Assurance: Review and test the instructional materials to ensure they are error-
free, functional, and align with the design.

4. Implementation:

 Course Delivery: Launch the instructional program or course and deliver it to the target
audience, whether in a classroom, online, or through other means.

 Teacher/Facilitator Training: Provide training to instructors or facilitators if needed,

ensuring they can effectively deliver the instruction.

 Support and Communication: Offer support to learners and instructors, including

addressing questions, technical issues, and any challenges that arise.

5. Evaluation:

 Formative Evaluation: Conduct ongoing assessments and gather feedback during the
implementation phase to make immediate improvements.

 Summative Evaluation: After the instruction is completed, assess the overall

effectiveness in meeting the learning objectives.

 Revision: Use the evaluation results to make necessary revisions to the instruction for
future iterations.

The ADDIE model is a systematic and iterative process, allowing for continuous improvement. It's widely
used in educational settings, corporate training, and various instructional design contexts to create
effective and efficient learning experiences.

g. The Kirkpatrick Model is a widely used framework for evaluating the effectiveness of training and
development programs. It was developed by Donald L. Kirkpatrick and later expanded by his son, James
D. Kirkpatrick. The model consists of four levels of evaluation:

1. Level 1: Reaction - "Did they like it?"

 This level assesses the learners' immediate reactions and attitudes toward the training
or learning experience. It measures whether the participants found the program
enjoyable, engaging, and relevant. Feedback is typically collected through surveys,
feedback forms, or informal discussions.
2. Level 2: Learning - "What did they learn?"

 Level 2 focuses on assessing the extent to which participants acquired new knowledge
and skills during the training. This often involves pre- and post-assessments to measure
the change in knowledge or skill levels. It helps determine if the learning objectives were

3. Level 3: Behavior - "Are they applying what they learned?"

 This level evaluates whether participants are applying the knowledge and skills gained
from the training in their real work environment. It looks at the transfer of learning to
on-the-job performance. Data is often collected through observations, supervisor
feedback, and self-assessments.

4. Level 4: Results - "What impact did it have on the organization?"

 Level 4 assesses the overall impact of the training on the organization's goals and
objectives. It examines whether the training has led to improved business outcomes,
such as increased productivity, higher quality, cost savings, or better customer
satisfaction. This level often requires more comprehensive data collection and analysis.

h. Discuss the types of motivation with example. Based on Maslow’s

hierarchy of needs, what strategies would you follow to motivate your
learners to engage in learning?

There are various types of motivation, and these can be understood through the lens of Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow's theory suggests that human needs can be organized into a
hierarchy, with basic physiological needs at the bottom and more complex psychological needs at the
top. Motivation often stems from the pursuit of satisfying these needs. Here are the types of motivation
along with examples:

1. Physiological Motivation: This is the most basic level of motivation, driven by the need for
survival and physical well-being. For example, a hungry person is motivated to eat to satisfy
their physiological need for food.

2. Safety Motivation: People are motivated to seek safety and security. For instance, someone
might work diligently to maintain a stable job to ensure financial security and a safe living

3. Belongingness and Love Motivation: Human beings have a need for social interaction and a
sense of belonging. An example of this is a person motivated to make friends and build strong

4. Esteem Motivation: This level of motivation involves the need for self-esteem and the esteem
of others. For example, a student may be motivated to excel in their studies to gain recognition
and self-respect.
5. Self-Actualization Motivation: At the top of the hierarchy, self-actualization involves fulfilling
one's full potential, seeking personal growth, and realizing one's creative and intellectual
abilities. An example would be an artist driven to create meaningful, innovative artwork.

To motivate learners to engage in learning, especially within the context of Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs, you can use the following strategies:

1. Physiological Needs: Ensure that the learning environment is comfortable, with access to
essentials like water, and that class schedules allow for adequate breaks to meet basic needs.

2. Safety Needs: Create a safe and supportive learning environment where students feel physically
and emotionally secure. Address any bullying or harassment issues promptly.

3. Belongingness and Love Needs: Encourage collaboration and group activities to foster a sense
of belonging. Teachers and students should build positive relationships, and peer support
systems can be established.

4. Esteem Needs: Recognize and praise students for their achievements. Encourage self-
confidence and provide opportunities for students to showcase their skills and knowledge.

5. Self-Actualization Needs: Offer a variety of learning opportunities, allowing students to explore

their interests and passions. Set challenging but achievable goals that encourage personal
growth and self-expression.

i. i. Suppose you are offered to develop a workshop session for a

group of school teachers on ‘Integrating technology in teaching and
learning’. Now, using Gagne’s nine events of instruction to develop
an outline of workshop session for the group of school teachers.

= Creating a full workshop on "Integrating Technology in Teaching and

Learning" requires detailed planning, including content development,
materials, and activities. Here's a comprehensive workshop plan that
spans a half-day session, incorporating Gagne's Nine Events of

Workshop Title: Integrating Technology in Teaching and Learning

Duration: Half-day workshop (approximately 3.5 - 4 hours)

Facilitators: (List the facilitators and their credentials)

Materials Needed:

 Projector and screen

 Whiteboard and markers

 Laptops or tablets for participants

 Internet access

 Handouts and worksheets

 Sample technology tools and devices

Workshop Agenda:

Event 1: Gain Attention (30 minutes)

 Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)

 Share a compelling video or story about technology's impact on

education (10 minutes)

 Icebreaker activity: "Tech Trivia" to engage participants (15 minutes)

Event 2: Inform Learners of Objectives (15 minutes)

 State the workshop objectives (5 minutes)

 Explain the benefits of integrating technology in teaching and learning

(10 minutes)

Event 3: Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning (25 minutes)

 Pre-Assessment: Tech Knowledge Quiz (15 minutes)

 Share success stories of technology integration in the classroom (10


Event 4: Present the Content (45 minutes)

 Overview of Technology in Education (15 minutes)

 Types of Technology Tools and Their Applications (20 minutes)

 Real-Life Case Studies (10 minutes)

Event 5: Provide Learning Guidance (40 minutes)

 Hands-on Activities: Participants explore educational technology tools

(30 minutes)

 Guided by facilitators

 Resources: Share useful online resources and platforms for teachers to

explore (10 minutes)

Event 6: Elicit Performance (40 minutes)

 Group Projects: Form small groups and assign tasks related to creating
a lesson plan using technology (20 minutes)

 Individual Presentations: Each group presents their lesson plan to the

rest of the participants (20 minutes)

Event 7: Provide Feedback (25 minutes)

 Peer Review: Participants provide constructive feedback to each other

on their lesson plans (15 minutes)

 Facilitator Feedback: Facilitators offer insights and suggestions to

enhance the lesson plans (10 minutes)

Event 8: Assess Performance (25 minutes)

 Post-Assessment: A quiz or discussion to assess how much

participants have learned during the workshop (15 minutes)

 Self-Reflection: Participants reflect on what they've learned and how

they plan to implement technology in their teaching (10 minutes)

Event 9: Enhance Retention and Transfer (30 minutes)

 Action Plan: Participants develop a personal action plan for integrating

technology in their teaching (20 minutes)

 Closing Remarks: Recap key takeaways, encourage collaboration, and

share contact information for ongoing support (10 minutes)

Follow-up and Resources (10 minutes)

 Provide participants with a list of resources, additional training

opportunities, and a platform for continued collaboration and support.

Q&A and Closing (15 minutes)

 Participants can ask questions and seek clarification on any workshop


 Facilitators provide closing remarks, thank participants, and distribute

certificates of completion (if applicable).

This comprehensive workshop plan covers all the necessary elements to

ensure an engaging and effective learning experience for school teachers
looking to integrate technology into their teaching and learning practices.
It adheres to Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction for a structured and
impactful workshop.
j. Explain the types of motivation with example. Discuss on how an ARCS
model could be used for motivating the learners during the
implementation of the instructions?

Types of motivation can be categorized into various psychological and

emotional drivers that influence human behavior. The ARCS (Attention,
Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) model, developed by John M.
Keller, is a motivational design framework that can be used to enhance
learner motivation during instruction. Let's first discuss the types of
motivation with examples, and then how the ARCS model can be applied
to motivate learners during instruction:

Types of Motivation with Examples:

1. Extrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from external

factors, such as rewards, punishments, or recognition. For example, a
student might be motivated to complete a homework assignment
because they will receive a good grade.

2. Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is

driven by personal interest, curiosity, or the satisfaction of the activity
itself. For example, a student may be motivated to read a book
because they have a genuine interest in the topic.

3. Achievement Motivation: This motivation is driven by the desire to

accomplish a specific goal. For example, a student aiming to achieve a
high score on a standardized test is motivated by the goal of success.

4. Social Motivation: Social motivation is based on the desire to connect

with and gain approval from others. An example is a student motivated
to participate in a class project because they want to be seen as a
valuable team member by their peers.

5. Fear Motivation: Fear motivation stems from the avoidance of negative

consequences or threats. For instance, a student may be motivated to
study for an exam to avoid the fear of failing.

Application of the ARCS Model:

The ARCS model comprises four key components that can be applied to
motivate learners during the implementation of instructions:

1. Attention: To gain learners' attention, instruction should be designed to

pique their interest and curiosity. This can be done through intriguing
visuals, captivating stories, or thought-provoking questions. For
example, in a history class, a teacher could start a lesson on ancient
civilizations with a captivating story or a visually engaging historical

2. Relevance: It's crucial to connect the content to learners' interests and

real-life situations. Make them understand the practical application of
what they are learning. For instance, in a physics class, a teacher can
explain the relevance of a topic like momentum by discussing real-
world examples such as car crashes.

3. Confidence: Learners need to believe in their ability to succeed.

Provide opportunities for learners to experience small successes and
offer constructive feedback. In a programming course, students can be
assigned progressively challenging coding exercises, with supportive
feedback after each completion.

4. Satisfaction: Finally, learners should feel a sense of accomplishment.

Reward their efforts and achievements. This can be in the form of
praise, recognition, or tangible rewards. For example, in a language
learning class, a teacher can celebrate students' progress by
organizing a language contest and awarding certificates to the best

By integrating the ARCS model into instructional design, educators can

create a motivating learning environment that captures learners'
attention, relates the content to their lives, builds their confidence, and
provides a sense of satisfaction, thus enhancing the overall learning
experience and success.

k. lesson plan based on Tpack model:

Lesson Title: Exploring Digital Storytelling

Duration: 45 minutes

Grade Level: Middle School

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a

digital story using technology tools, incorporating their knowledge of a
chosen subject, storytelling techniques, and digital media skills.


 Computers or tablets for each student

 Internet access

 Multimedia software for digital storytelling (e.g., PowerPoint, StoryMap,

or online platforms like Canva)
 Sample digital stories for reference

 Rubrics for assessment

Introduction (10 minutes):

 Begin by discussing the importance of storytelling and its role in


 Introduce the TPACK model, explaining how it integrates technology,

pedagogy, and content knowledge for effective teaching.

 Share the learning objectives for the lesson.

Content and Pedagogy (15 minutes):

 Discuss the elements of a compelling story, such as characters,

setting, plot, conflict, and resolution.

 Highlight the connection between storytelling and the content

knowledge they are currently studying in a specific subject (e.g.,
history, science, literature).

 Explain the pedagogical approach to structuring a narrative and

engaging an audience.

Technology Introduction (5 minutes):

 Introduce the digital tools that will be used for creating digital stories
(e.g., PowerPoint for narrated slides, StoryMap for geospatial

 Provide a brief demonstration of the software's basic functions.

Guided Practice (10 minutes):

 In pairs, students choose a historical event (related to the content they

are studying) and brainstorm ideas for a digital story.

 Show them how to create a basic outline or storyboard for their story.

Technology Integration (5 minutes):

 Students start working on their digital stories using the chosen

technology tool.

 Monitor their progress and provide technical support as needed.

Peer Review and Collaboration (5 minutes):

 Students exchange their work with a partner to provide constructive

 Encourage students to help each other refine their stories.

Reflection (5 minutes):

 Discuss the TPACK model's role in the lesson, emphasizing the

integration of content, pedagogy, and technology.

 Ask students how the knowledge they have gained is helping them in
creating their digital stories.

Closure (5 minutes):

 Students present their digital stories to the class.

 Discuss the effectiveness of using technology in storytelling and its

impact on understanding the content.

 Provide constructive feedback and assess using the provided rubric.

Homework (Ongoing):

 Students continue to work on their digital stories at home, considering

the feedback received in class.

Era/Period Key Developments

- Early efforts focused on developing instructional materials,

Early 1900s often text-based.

- Behaviorism influenced instructional design, emphasizing

learning objectives, stimulus-response, and reinforcement.

1940s - - Introduction of systematic approaches to design, including

1950s the development of training programs during World War II.

- Early instructional models emerged, such as the ADDIE

model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,

1960s - - Shift from behaviorism to cognitive psychology, emphasizing

1970s mental processes in learning.
Era/Period Key Developments

- Bloom's Taxonomy introduced to categorize educational


- Introduction of programmed instruction and multimedia


1980s - - Rapid growth of technology-driven learning with the advent of

1990s computers.

- Emergence of instructional design models emphasizing

learner-centered and constructivist approaches.

- Development of multimedia and interactive learning


2000s - - Increased focus on e-learning, online education, and mobile

Present learning.

- Integration of learning management systems (LMS) and

learning analytics.

- Emphasis on personalized and adaptive learning, open

educational resources (OER), and blended learning.

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