Khara Khang - S Random Rainbow Maze
Khara Khang - S Random Rainbow Maze
Khara Khang - S Random Rainbow Maze
Fiendishly illustrated by
David A. Ullery
Trollhalla Press
This little adventure is dedicated to the members of Trollhalla, 2002-2010. They were the
best Tunnels and Trolls players in the world, and a finer group of companions would be
sought in vain. --Ken St. Andre, a.k.a. the
<A> You have just walked down a long, You are facing two doors, one is labeled @
twisting path lined with incredibly detailed and the other has a # sign on it. If you go
statues of all the humanoid kindreds, but through the one marked @, go to <B>, If
you didn't pay much attention to them. you go through #, go to <F>. If you get
You are now standing on a small patch of smart and exit right now, go to <E>
ground at the corner of a large square stone
building, and the Maze Master is explaining
your task. "All you have to do is enter the <B> You step into a room about 20 feet
maze here, walk through it, kill any foes square. It has red walls the color of blood
you meet, and exit at the other end. The and a high ceiling. There is something red
maze is a magic free zone, but the walls do on the floor in front of you. It looks like an
change colors, hence the name rainbow animal carcass, but as you step closer, it
maze. Any treasure you find is yours to rises to its feet, and you see a creature
keep." unlike anything you have ever seen before.
You look at the old wizard coldly. He is a It is about the size of a dog, but it has the
small black man with skin the color of head of an eagle, the body of a spider, and
polished ebony. "I can do this. I hope you the claws of a lobster. It scuttles toward
don't mind if your maze gets destroyed in you and attacks.
the process." He just grins through his
grisly gray beard. "Start when you're
2. Armband
Magical Effects:
3. Weapon
Roll 1D6 for the magical effect of
4. Mask
wearing/using the item.
5. Goblet
1. Add 1D6 to STR while wearing/using
6. no item--just a jewel. this item.
6. Glowstone.
Trollhalla Press