DLL Week 2
DLL Week 2
DLL Week 2
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.
C. Learning Competency/ MELC 5: provides examples of research in areas of interest
Objectives MELC 6: describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research
Write the LC code for each.
MELC 7: Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Kinds of Research Across Qualitative Research Qualitative Research
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages DepEd Practical Research 1 Quarter 1-Module 1 ADM
2. Learning Materials pages DepEd Practical Research 1 Quarter 1-Module 1 ADM pp. 1-15
3. Textbook pages Naval, V., Prieto, N., Carey T. (2017). Practical Research 1for Senior High School. Cubao, Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc. p. 11,15,
Cristobal, A., Cristobal, MCD. (2017). Practical Research 1 for Senior High School. South Triangle, Quezon City. C&E Publishing Company,
Inc. Pp,4,17-18,33-34.
4. Additional Materials from Practical Research 1 Learner’s Packet pp. 1-5
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous Quali or Quanti? Guess What? The students answer The students describe
lesson or presenting the new The students classify the The teacher presents pre-test on page 5 of module their two classmates in front.
given words and figures as to picture and relate it to various 2.
qualitative or quantitative. fields to guess the concept.
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher presents The teacher presents The teacher presents
the lesson the objectives of the lesson. the objectives of the lesson. the objectives of the lesson.
C. Presenting From the prior task the Describe It!
examples/Instances of the students will create a definition The students answer
new lesson
of qualitative and quantitative page 10 of module 2
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher discusses The teacher discusses The teacher discusses Matchmaker
and practicing new skills # 1 the differences between the Kinds of Research Across Qualitative Research. The students continue
quantitative and qualitative Fields. the activity on page 12.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 2
F. Finding practical
Human Venn Diagram The teacher presents
application of concepts and The students will be various research title and
skills in daily living
divided in two teams and identify the strand where it is
classify the given titles as to related.
quantitative or qualitative by
putting it in the human venn
G. Making generalizations The WOW sharer will From the assignment Name It!
and abstractions about the recap the important points yesterday, the students The students answer
learned from the lesson. enumerate their searched page 13.
answer within 1 minute.
H. Evaluating learning The teacher gives a The students answer Strengths or Weakness? The students answer
multiple choice type of quiz. page 18 in module 1. The students answer assessment on page 14.
(see Attachment A) page 11 of module 2.
Index of Mastery
No. No. of Percentage
of Students
I. Additional activities for Have an advance reading
application or remediation about your strand and the
possible fields where you can
pursue a research title.