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BJNRD (2023), 10(1): 20-27

Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources & Development

www.bjnrd.org Open Access
ISSN 2409–2797 (Print)
ISSN 2409–5273 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17102/cnr.2023.81

Solid Waste Management Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices: A Case from the Resi-
dents of Khuruthang under Punakha, Bhutan

Namgay Thinley1*


Rapid economic expansion, unchecked urbanization, and rising population of Bhutan have made the
collection and treatment of municipal solid waste a multidimensional problem. Generation of wastes
and difficulty in finding space for appropriately disposing solid wastes are issues in almost all the
urban areas. This study investigated residents' knowledge, attitude, and practices of solid waste man-
agement (SWM) in Khuruthang under Punakha Dzongkhag, Bhutan. The study also examined the
perceptions of the residents’ on managing solid wastes. In addition, relationships between residents’
SWM knowledge, attitude, and practice were identified. The study was conducted based on pragmatic
paradigm, guided by exploratory sequential mixed methods. Quantitative data were collected using
simple random sampling method from 91 residents and the qualitative data were collected using strat-
ified purposive sampling from 7 residents of Khuruthang Throm. The findings of the study showed
that the residents of Khuruthang Throm demonstrated a high level of SWM knowledge, positive atti-
tude, and practice in waste management regularly. However, there are concerns over the lack of ade-
quate facilities such as the availability of municipal trucks and proper landfill areas for waste dispos-
al. The findings indicate that there is a need for vigorous advocacies on SWM related laws and poli-
cies, investments in waste management facilities like recycling, composting, and sanitary landfills.

Keywords: attitude, knowledge, management, practices, solid wastes

Introduction generated, for example as municipal solid

waste, health care waste, and e-waste. In Bhu-
World Health Organization (WHO, 2021, p.1) tan, solid waste has become an issue due to
defines solid waste as any type of garbage, urbanization and changing lifestyles. Bhutan-
trash, refuse or discarded material. It can be ese are generating waste at an alarming rate
categorized according to where the waste is especially in municipal areas. By 2037, it is
projected that half of the total population in
Bhutan will be residing in urban areas
Dashiding Higher Secondary School, Lobesa, Puna kha, (National Environment Commission [NEC] &
Bhutan National Statistics Bureau [NSB], 2019). The
Corresponding Author: namgaythinley85@education.gov.bt
Received: March 16, 2023
report also found that households in urban are-
Accepted: May 16, 2023 as of Bhutan are generating on average 0.253
Published online: June 29, 2023 kg/capita/day of solid waste, 2.401 kg/
Editor: Yogeeta Dahal commercial unit/day by commercial sources
BJNRD (2023), 10(1): 20-27 20
and 0.207 kg/staff/day by offices. This will dou- once a week and dry waste twice a week.Stor-
ble the generation of waste and pose a serious ing wet waste for six days is not hygienic and is
issue of waste management. Thus, waste man- practically a challenge for many families. Thus,
agement has become an important issue to be lack of adequate knowledge on waste segrega-
addressed in Bhutan. tion and proper solid waste management prac-
Prior to early 2000, majority of Bhutanese tices will pollute environment. SWM is a critical
population resided in rural areas, thus the dis- issue in Khuruthang like in many other urban
posal of wastes did not pose a significant prob- centers in the country. Khuruthang under Puna-
lem. However, with urbanization, concentration kha is expanding and so is the waste. Indiscrim-
of population in urban areas and changing con- inate waste dumping hascreated unpleasant sur-
sumption pattern of people are increasingly be- roundings in the town. Lack of proper waste
coming harmful to environment (Shrestha, management and availability of small garbage
2018). According to Shahzadi et al. (2018), 2.6 collectors are what the residents are concerned
billion people (39.0%) of the world population about (Dema, 2013).
do not use proper methods of waste disposal Applying SWM knowledge on waste segre-
and about 1.1 billion people still dispose their gation is a challenge at homes and market areas
waste in open areas. This is due to the lack of although impressive and promising advocacies
knowledge of proper waste management prac- on waste management and social services are
tice, therefore, knowledge on adequate waste initiated by schools in communities. In addition,
management is deemed important. according to NEC (2019), there is a shift in food
Bhutan has regulations and programs in place habit of Bhutanese from a more organic and self
to regulate and sensitize solid waste manage- -sustaining society to a wasteful society. There-
ment, but still faces the problem of managing fore, this study on the residents of Khuruthang
unsegregated wastes. Changes in consumption under Punakha Dzongkhag intends to provide
pattern due to advancement in socio-economic residents’ level of SWM knowledge, attitude,
activities have increased waste generation. Fur- and practices.
ther, lack of civic responsibilities and self-
awareness are contributing to the problems of Materials and Methods
managing solid wastes. It is common to find
garbage being dumped along downhill sides of Study area
roads, solid wastes thrown in rivers, and land- This study was conducted in Khuruthang
fills amassed with huge amounts of rubbish Throm, which is under Guma Gewog. Out of
(Ghalley, 2017). Solid waste management is a eleven Gewogs under Punakha Dzongkhag,
rising concern in urban as well as rural areas of Guma Gewog is the most populated due to Khu-
Bhutan. According to Rinchen and Chhetri ruthang Throm (Figure 1). Khuruthang Throm
(2006), solid waste generation has increased serves as the main market for the people of Pu-
from 8-10 metric tons to 36 metric tons per day nakha and Gasa Dzongkhag. Khuruthang
in Thimphu alone and the survey conducted Throm provides different institutional facilities
from November 2007 to January 2008 showed such as banking, schools, and legal consultancies
that the solid waste generated in urban centers apart from business, residential, and recreational
is 0.53 kg per capita, and 58% of the total sol- opportunities. Hundreds of people gather from
id wastes are organic. Additionally, a study con- Friday evening until Saturday afternoon to buy
ducted by Norbu et al. (2010) on municipal sol- vegetables and to trade their products. Besides
id waste characterization and management in serving the people in andB around the Throm,
Phuentsholing found that 71% of the total traders from as far as Bumthang, Paro, Sarpang,
wastes constituted solid wastes. In most parts of and Thimphu come for trade. Thus, the amount
Thimphu, wet/biodegradable waste is collected of solid wastes produced in Khuruthang Throm

21 Solid Waste Management... Thinley, 2023

view questions as mandated according
to the research approach chosen. The
qualitative data were collected
through one-on-one interviews with
seven residents.

Data analysis methods

The data were analyzed using
SPSSV22. Findings are shown
through tables and figures. Thematic
analysis technique of Clarke and
Braun (2018) was used to analyze in-
terview data as seen appropriate to the
Interpretivist epistemological para-
digm. Smartphone was used to record
Figure 1: Location of the study site the interviews. Audio-recorded inter-
views were transcribed and coded using de-
is increasing as the business is booming and scriptive coding. Codebook was maintained to
urbanization is rapid. merge the codes to develop themes or catego-
ries that became the units of discussion. The
Research paradigm, approach and design findings from the two sources were triangulated
This study was guided by pragmatists to gain a clearer and holistic understanding of
worldview. To study the level of residents’ the issues. For identification, the participants
SWM knowledge, attitude, and practice, both for the interview data were coded as P1, P2, P3,
numbers and understanding of residents on the P4, P5, P6 and P7.
study were found unavoidable. The pragmatists
approach helps in presenting the study in both Results and Discussion
numbers and words, which are equally im-
portant to be deployed in studying and interpret- Residents’ perceptions of Solid Waste Manage-
ing the residents’ SWM knowledge, attitude, ment
and practice. Similarly, Creswell and Creswell The respondents consisted of shopkeepers, veg-
(2018) discussed that pragmatism as a etable vendors, civil servants, and scrap dealers.
worldview arises out of actions, situations, and The findings showed that most of the residents
consequences rather than antecedent conditions of Khuruthang are aware about types of wastes
(as in post-positivism). Adopting an explanatory generated from their households and communi-
mixed method approach, the study administered ty and take responsibility for their waste. For
survey questionnaire to the residents of Khu- instance, respondents from the vendors and civ-
ruthang. The study obtained quantitative data il servant categories assert that
through a five-point Likert scale questionnaire “…residents in Khuruthang are well in-
from ninety-one residents. The survey question- formed about the type of waste that generate
naire consisted of three broad themes; solid from houses, from shops, or the nearby areas.
waste management knowledge, attitude, and It seems that some of them know and are
practice. Each of these themes was further di- aware of the waste management whereby
vided into sub-themes. Fifty-eight items were they segregate their wastes from their home
used to collect quantitative data. Following the itself.” P5 and P6.
findings from the analysis of the quantitative Findings on perceptions of SWM are consistent
data, necessary changes were made to the inter- with the findings of Rahardyan et al. (2004)
BJNRD (2023), 10(1): 20-27 22
Table 1: Correlation between Knowledge, Atti- explosion of the only landfill in the Throm. De-
tude and Practices spite disseminating information through aware-
ness program, it seems people were not aware
Knowledge Attitude Practices
and interested in waste management. The re-
Knowledge 1
spondents (4) believe that it is the duty of the build-
Attitude .30** 1 ing owners to manage their wastes.
Practices -0.09 .28** 1 Thefindings corroborate with the findings of
Tshomo et al. (2020) where they argue that
** Significant at 0.01 level
currently, in Bhutan, a systematic approach of
N = 91
integrated solid waste management, which ad-
where the study was conducted on residents’ dresses all processesof SWM cycle and sustain-
concerns and attitudes towards SWM facilities ability aspects are not in place owing to inade-
in Japan. Of many concerns, the study found quate institutional set-up, lack of skilled human
that pollution and health effects had the highest capacity, and access to limited financial re-
rating,followed by reliability of the waste man- sources. The Ministry of Works of Human and
agement facilities, damage to nature, and cost of Settlement (MoWHS) (2008) report also sup-
managing wastes. In addition, the study also ports the finding where improper segregation is
suggests that the rating was different between a major issue. Similarly, NEC (2019) highlight-
different municipalities, reflecting their social ed that in most Dzongkhags the common prac-
and geographic background. So, it is plausible tice of solid waste management is open burning
to conclude that the geographic location and the or dumping in an open landfill. Waste segrega-
social background of the people influence their tion and recycling are minimal in most Dzong-
perceptions of solid waste management (SWM) khags and collection of recyclable materials
practices and residents’ attitudes in their locali- take place on an informal basis. Therefore, the
ty. However, the findings of the study are incon- rise in both quantity and quality of municipal
sistent with the similar study on people’s per- solid waste in Bhutan are subject to growing
ception of household SWM in Ojo Local gov- management problems, which need attention at
ernment premises by Longe et al. (2009). The large in managing waste issues in the country.
researchers found that the public opinion and
perceptions on the SWM system are character- Relationship between residents’ SWM
ized by irregularity and inefficient collection Knowledge, Attitude and Practices
system; with poor monitoring of the private A significant positive correlation (rs = .30**)
waste service providers by the local authority. was found between residents’ SWM knowledge
Some (n = 3) of the residents of Khuruthang and attitudes towards SWM. This shows that
Throm felt that people need to take waste man- when residents have High knowledge of SWM,
agement seriouslyand become more responsible. it leads to a positive attitude towards SWM.
The residents (n = 5) perceive that waste segre- Similarly, there is a weak positive correlation
gation should be prioritized to reduce the wastes between residents’ attitude towards SWM and
going to the landfill and its related impacts. A their SWM practices (rs = .28**). However,
respondent from shopkeeper category pointed there was no significant correlation (rs = -.09)
out that, between residents’ knowledge of SWM and
“…It has been a problem as tenants ignore their practices (Table 1).
their waste management during the absence Haider et al. (2015) also found similar find-
of owners.” P2, P3, and P6. A ing where a positive correlation
B is found among
It has been observed that the solution for the waste management knowledge, attitude, and
waste problems in the past as well as at present practices. Their study reveal that education
has been temporary, which is evident from the positively correlate with the thinking of re-

23 Solid Waste Management... Thinley, 2023

Table 2: Attitude, knowledge and practices of solid waste As a result, the resi-
management (SWM) dents choose to ei-
ther reuse or dump
SWM categories Items Mean (SD)
their wastes depend-
Reuse 3.47 (±0.75)
ing on the nature of
Practices Reduce 3.85 (±0.63)
the wastes they pro-
Recycle 3.21 (±0.89)
duce. The thematic
Environment 3.94 (±0.42)
analysis show
Waste management responsibility 4.09 (±0.42)
Attitude towards “I practice reuse
Waste management practices 3.97 (±0.47)
Waste management policies 4.27 (±0.49)) of plastics to re-
duce the amount
Knowledge on Waste categories 2.92 (±0.268)
of wastes going
Waste segregation 2.95(±0.229)
to the landfill. I
Impacts of wastes 3.00 (±0.000) do not recycle
because we do
spondents about dumping and waste recycling not have recycling facility here. For me, I
practices. Further, the study also confirm that use the reduce method the most. For exam-
SWM knowledge in people leads to a positive ple, buying shampoo in a bottle instead of a
attitude of people towards waste management. package.” P7 and P3.
Although the positive attitude in turn can shape This finding corroborates with Pholose
the SWM knowledge and practices, the study (2019) who also stated that reusing waste is the
found no relationship between knowledge and most effective measure to manage solid waste.
practice. Reuse saves money, resources, and protects en-
vironment. Reuse requires less energy as com-
Solid waste management practices pared to recycling. Reusing equipment or mate-
The descriptive statistics show a total mean val- rial for its original or same purpose without
ue of 3.51(SD = 0.76) indicating that residents in changing its physical form prevents waste from
Khuruthang Throm engage in positive SWM being sent to landfills (Zero Waste South Aus-
practices. A comparative study of the mean tralia, 2016, as cited in Pholose, 2019). Accord-
among various practices of therespondents re- ing to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
vealed that the residents practiced reduce and (USEPA) (2016), about34.6% of waste thrown
reuse with a mean value of 3.85 and 3.47 re- away in America is recycled. Recycling waste
spectively compared to recycling 3.21 (Table in America reduces 186 million tons of carbon
2). Similarly, the thematic analysis showed that dioxide equivalent emissions annually. There-
most (n = 5) of the participants use the reuse fore, solid waste services such as recycling,
practice in managing their wastes. The thematic composting, sanitary landfills, and incineration
analysis show that the majority of the residents are required.
wash and reuse plastic bags and bottles, as they
are helpful and convenient to both the environ- Attitude towards Solid Waste Management
ment and users. However, quite different from The study also intended to examine the resi-
the quantitative results on recycling practice of dents’ attitudes towards SWM in Khuruthang
wastes x̄ = 3.21, which was rated high, thematic Throm. The descriptive analysis indicated that
analysis also show the need of introducing recy- the residents had a positive attitude towards
cling services in the Khuruthang Throm. The SWM. The mean for attitude B towards waste
thematic analysis pointed out that the unavaila- management was 4.07 (SD = 0.45). Similarly,
bility of recycling facilities in the Khuruthang the residents were willing to collaborate with
Throm causes inconveniences to recycle wastes. the municipal in managing solid wastes. De-

BJNRD (2023), 10(1): 20-27 24

spite the positive attitude of the residents to- per maintaining the cleanliness of our river.”
wards SWM, the need of residents’ attitude to- P1.
wards managing solid wastes require improve- The findings of the study corroborate the
ment. argument forwarded by Taiwo et al. (2008) and
The findings of the study aligns with the Pholose (2019) that, SWM is a challenge in de-
study of Shahzadi et al. (2018) where the study veloping countries. The issue of SWM is a chal-
found out that 84.0% of the respondents agree lenge for Khuruthang Throm and its residents.
that proper waste disposal is important. The The findings are similar to that reported by
study also showed that 95.0%of the respondents Adeyemo and Gboyesola (2013), wherethe resi-
felt streets should be clean and 71.0% of the dents have high knowledge (91.7%) about re-
respondents agreed to be aware of improper fuse waste management. A similar study in
waste disposal affecting human life. Adeyemo Northern Thailand by Laor et al. (2018) re-
and Gboyesola’s study (2013) on SWM vealed that 73% of highland residents had a
knowledge, attitude, and practice of Ogbomoso high level of waste management knowledge.
campus residents showed that the residents have Tian et al. (2019) claimed that consumer
a positive attitude towards waste management. knowledge plays a significant role in moderat-
A positive attitude towards SWM contributes ing the effect of perceived behavioural control
positively towards properwaste management. As on waste classification intentions. Similarly,
discussed above, rapid urbanisation and chang- according to Ferronato and Torretta (2019), the
ing lifestyles of people are likely to lead to a environmental effect of waste are pervasive
poorly managed and uncontrolled waste man- worldwide: marine litter, air, soil, and water
agement. contamination, and the direct interaction of
waste pickers with hazardous waste are the most
Residents’ Solid Waste Management Knowledge important issues.
To study the level of SWM knowledge among However, the findings of high solid waste
the residents, the household survey question- management knowledge of the study (see Table
naire was categorized into three themes (Table 4) contradicts with the findings of Chakraborty
2). The descriptive statistics results indicated a et al. (2018) and Tshomo et al. (2020) who also
high level of waste management knowledge of studied on the wastes issues in Bhutan. The au-
the residents. The study suggests respondents thors found that people lack waste management
are aware of the impacts of solid waste (x̄ = 3.00 knowledge and litters the places they live in.
and SD = .000). The total mean for residents’ The difference in the findings could be attribut-
waste management knowledge was 2.96 (SD = ed to the differences in sample size and study
0.17) on a 3 point Likert scale. The thematic area. Further, it could also mean urban centers
analysis highlighted environmental hazards as with high population do have more solid waste
an important issue related to poor waste man- issues than the small towns with less popula-
agement knowledge. Further, it was learned that tion.
lack of knowledge on waste management will
make people irresponsive which in turn will Conclusion
pollute the environment in the long run. For ex-
ample, respondent from vendor category shared The respondents in this study were assessed on
about the importance of knowledge on waste knowledge, attitude, and practice of Solid
management as: Waste Management (SWM). The findings of
“If we are not responsible for our A waste, I the study showed that the B residents of Khu-
think the town will become fully filled with ruthang Throm demonstrated a high level of
wastes and even the cattle will not have room SWM knowledge (x̄ = 3.00 and SD = .000),
to feed and roam. Secondly, it will also ham- positive attitude (x̄ = 4.07 and SD = 0.45), and

25 Solid Waste Management... Thinley, 2023

practice (x̄ = 3.51 and SD = 0.76) waste man- ing waste category options such as composting
agement regularly. Although it was found that for managing organic wastes, drop-off centers,
the residents manage their wastes, there is a and separate municipal truck and landfill for
need for vigorous advocacies on SWM related degradable and non-degradable wastes are also
laws and policies, investments in waste manage- requirements found to manage the wastes.
ment facilities like recycling, composting, and There is also a need to encouraging entrepre-
sanitary landfills. The study also found the need neurship on waste recycling.
of using separate waste bins for different wastes There is a scope for the future researchers to
to segregate the waste from the source. This can explore issues related to waste through larger
avoid toxics from waste and waste related haz- sample size and study design. Similarly, since
ards. Further, it can prevent all types of wastes this study emphasizes on understanding the
going to the single landfill. Thus, the only land- waste management knowledge, attitude and
fill in the Throm can be managed sustainably. practices of the residents, other potential factors
Enhancing public awareness and education like the structural design and planning are not
on waste management and its related laws and covered, which might have a greater impact on
policies were found required. Similarly, provid- waste management.


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27 Solid Waste Management... Thinley, 2023

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