Manuscript+81+ +Solid+Waste+Management
Manuscript+81+ +Solid+Waste+Management
Manuscript+81+ +Solid+Waste+Management
Article Open Access
ISSN 2409–2797 (Print)
ISSN 2409–5273 (Online)
Solid Waste Management Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices: A Case from the Resi-
dents of Khuruthang under Punakha, Bhutan
Namgay Thinley1*
Rapid economic expansion, unchecked urbanization, and rising population of Bhutan have made the
collection and treatment of municipal solid waste a multidimensional problem. Generation of wastes
and difficulty in finding space for appropriately disposing solid wastes are issues in almost all the
urban areas. This study investigated residents' knowledge, attitude, and practices of solid waste man-
agement (SWM) in Khuruthang under Punakha Dzongkhag, Bhutan. The study also examined the
perceptions of the residents’ on managing solid wastes. In addition, relationships between residents’
SWM knowledge, attitude, and practice were identified. The study was conducted based on pragmatic
paradigm, guided by exploratory sequential mixed methods. Quantitative data were collected using
simple random sampling method from 91 residents and the qualitative data were collected using strat-
ified purposive sampling from 7 residents of Khuruthang Throm. The findings of the study showed
that the residents of Khuruthang Throm demonstrated a high level of SWM knowledge, positive atti-
tude, and practice in waste management regularly. However, there are concerns over the lack of ade-
quate facilities such as the availability of municipal trucks and proper landfill areas for waste dispos-
al. The findings indicate that there is a need for vigorous advocacies on SWM related laws and poli-
cies, investments in waste management facilities like recycling, composting, and sanitary landfills.
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