3.a Poverty Alleviation Through The Program Slums in The City of Kendari, Indonesia PDF
3.a Poverty Alleviation Through The Program Slums in The City of Kendari, Indonesia PDF
3.a Poverty Alleviation Through The Program Slums in The City of Kendari, Indonesia PDF
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Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
La Ode Bariun
University of Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
Asri Djauhar
University of Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
Received: Dec. 8, 2018 Accepted: December 17, 2018 Published: December 24, 2018
doi:10.5296/jee.v9i2.14388 URL: https://doi.org/10.5296/jee.v9i2.14388
The long-term goal of the concept of poverty reduction is to give the same level of welfare
for the Indonesian people, and in this research is the development of innovative Models of
Poverty Reduction, with the subject on (1) How the application design model of the
institutional prevention of poverty through interface Program Quality Improvement of Slums
and (2) how the efforts in governance of slum through simulation integration with poverty
alleviation. The method used is the description by sharpening the Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) about the handling of the slums in the city of Kendari and intervention efforts Increase
the quality of housing and slums, so that the governance model can be used in other areas in
Southeast Sulawesi.
Keyword: Mixed Program, Poverty alleviation, City of Kendari
35 www.macrothink.org/jee
Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
1. Introduction
View Goldsmith in (De Smet & Marchal, (2010; Tribrata , 2014) explains that the advantages
of the network model are the presence of “specialization, innovation, speed, and flexibility, as
well as increased range”. Is the weight of the Innovation is to collaborate the unit in the unit
organization so as to create a new unit that is more modern and flexible. In the context of the
network, mentioning that the activities of the parties in the network organization related to
program implementation are beneficial, in an effort to achieve a common goal.
Meanwhile (Mustonen-Ollila & Lyytinen, 2003; Tribrata , 2014) re-confirms that the pattern
of innovation in the concept network between organizations that have an interest and the
same goal, no longer appropriately approached through an economic approach alone, but it
needs to be approached with a new approach, namely the network approach to welfare, the
basic core model this approach requires the unification of resources of each organization
collaborated on an order towards the welfare of the in that context, a poverty reduction
program in the analogy can be approached with the approach of tackling the untidiness
(Tribrata, 2017), where the basic concept is the program “Nawacita” the third is to build
Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening the areas and villages in the framework of the
unitary state. With this Program it is confirmed in the program 100-0-100 that indicate how
access to drinking water are met for the community achieved 100 percent, 0 to two is how the
slum was lost to the target of 0 percent, and 100 the third is how environmental sanitation are
met well.
The Program is done considering the majority of the population in developing countries such
as Indonesia will live in urban areas, because in the period of the last forty years, Indonesia
has experienced urban population growth, high population growth rate in urban areas reaches
an average of 2.75% per year and is estimated at the end of the year 2025 there are
approximately 60% of Indonesia's population will live in urban areas (Ministry of PUPR,
2016). The high growth is not only due to natural population growth but also urbanization.
Population growth has implications on the increasing density of settlements, the need for a
decent home and affordable, as well as the needs of the basic services and system
management of the settlements, are adequate. (Ariyanto, 2015).
Increasing population growth in urban areas which are not followed by the region's readiness
to respond to such phenomena will also pose complex issues for the region is unemployment,
slums, congestion, declining environmental quality, and social inequality. The phenomenon
of urban population growth is high and not controlled also influential in the destruction of the
urban system with the advent of urban sprawl or the construction of new cities that are not
Distribution of the population of the City of Kendari uneven cause of social inequality in a
particular region resulting in the emergence of settlements-slums in various regions, as a
result of social problems i.e. poverty, in addition, there are also health problems because of
the difficulty of getting clean water worth and the absence of adequate sanitation.
Environmental pollution also occurs because of the household waste is thrown away.
Problems about the environment of housing and settlement occur because of the imbalance of
36 www.macrothink.org/jee
Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
the availability of land with the population. the distribution of slums in the City of Kendari
are generally characterized by settlements of dense population with the quality of the
environment and inadequate infrastructure.
1.1 The General Overview of the Region
The Slums of the City of Kendari has a wide 497,27 Ha in 55 villages, where the slum areas
continue to experience a decrease in quality or deteriorate (deteriorated) both in physical,
economic and social culture. Housing and settlements that grow and develop with the quality
of housing below a minimum standard (roads, sanitation and drinking water).
2. Research Methods
The method of research is trying to decipher the model that has been obtained in our prior
study and testing of this model is to formulate the institutional model that is valid for the
improvement of the welfare of the community.
The form of the deepening of the material carried out the deepening of the through Focus
Group Discussion (FGD)
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Picture of the Slums of the City of Kendari
The first findings of our research in 2013, confirmed that TKPKD is a “Setting Institutional”,
be clarified again with a picture that the nationwide poverty Reduction in a coordinated
manner to do with the formation of TKPKN.
37 www.macrothink.org/jee
Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
done by applying the concept approach to the characteristics and typology of the region, the
research results give a picture that the Typology of Slums of the city of Kendari is divided
into three clusters namely cluster in the center of the city, The coastal cluster along the river.
3.2 Slum City Centre
The housing and slum emerging in the downtown area a result of the quality of the economy
that is getting low and the density of settlements as well as the rapid rate of population
growth due to factors of urbanization. This factor occurs due to the use of empty land in the
center of the city in the wake of the absence of regulation and planning. As the impact of
poverty in rural areas, making urbanization that impact negatively on the development of the
City, namely the increasing demand for the provision of facilities and infrastructure of the
settlements which eventually lead to the slums, it is because of the imbalance between the
rate of increase in population with the rate of construction of residential facilities. The
imbalance between the needs with the provision of infrastructure facilities and housing with a
request will impact on the quality of infrastructures such as the area of the house where lived
below 6 m2/person and directly not or have less access to other public services such as clean
water, sanitation, and others.
38 www.macrothink.org/jee
Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
the verification shows that there is some area that is supposed to be the sea and the mangrove
forest has been certified.
The growth of slums in the coastal area don't regardless of the lack of supervision coupled
with the lack of the knowledge society patterns of land use based spatial plan of the city of
Kendari so that people doing construction by erecting shacks wild in the area which resulted
in the settlement environment that is dense and irregular.
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Journal of Environment and Ecology
ISSN 2157-6092
2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
Figure 4. The analogy of the transformation of the typology of slum housing in the city of
5. Conclusion
From the results of research, obtained a conclusion that the transformation of the typology of
slums theoretically, provide an overview of other related clusters of slums in the city of
6. The Effort of Handling
In efforts to alleviate poverty through the handling of the slums reached the concept of
prevention and quality improvement efforts;
1. In an effort to prevent the onset of housing and slums, supervision and control, too: the
Suitability of a building permit, the determination of technical standards and the inspection
effort according to the applicable regulations and no less important is the optimization of the
role of society in empowering the community.
2. In relation to model quality Improvement is the effort of handling the slums by the way
a. Restoration is the Repair, rebuilding, a buddy of settlements.
b. Rejuvenation is the effort to realize the settlement area in order to protect the safety and
security of the community
c. Resettlement is the Transfer of the community from a location that may not be rebuilt/
not in accordance with the spatial plan or areas prone to disaster/danger to goods or human
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Joko Tri Brata, La Ode Bariun, Asri Djauhar, Andi Gusti Tantu. "Poverty Alleviat...