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Co2 Lesson Plan in Math

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Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I - Objectives
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of pie graphs and experimental
B. Performance Standard is able to create and interpret representations of data (tables and pie
graphs) and apply experimental probability in mathematical problems
and real-life situations
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. describes the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of rain and
Objectives one in a million chance of winning (M6SP-IVg-19) ;
2. convey the importance of probability in deciding what possible
chances that something will happen or will not happen;
3. quantify the phrases “most likely to happen” and unlikely to
II - Content Probability
III- Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Textbook 21 Century Mathletes, pp. 334-341
3. Other Learning Resources YouTube channel; Lesson Guide in Elementary Math 6, pp. 347-349
B. Instructional Materials TV, Power point presentation, pictures, meta cards, charts, video clip,
flash cards
C. Method 5 E’s
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
IV- Procedures
Let’s start our lesson with a dance. (Pupils will do as told.)

Good morning children. Good morning too ma’am.

How are you today? We are fine ma’am.
I am glad to see you today. We’re glad to see you too ma’am.

4. Establish safe and Today we will be learning a new lesson in

secure learning Math.
environments to
enhance learning But let us be reminded of our classroom rules.
through the consistent Please select 2 representatives from your
implementation of group.(Daily routine Group)
policies, guidelines and
Let me call you by group, starting from
group 1
Do not talk while the teacher is
Listen to our teacher and set properly.
group 2 Raise your right hand when you want
to recite and have questions.
Respect the ideas of our classmates.

Do not go out when the class has

group 3 started.
Cooperate with your group.

Be honest in answering the test.

group 4 Do your best always.

Thank you very much children.

(The teacher will regroup the pupils into 3 then

present a group activity rubric.)

Each group will select a leader, a secretary and

a reporter.
Group Activity Activity Activity Activity Total
1 2 3 4
- Good
- Very Good
- Outstanding

1. Engagement:
( Numeracy skills)

Drill: (Group Contest)

( Let us have a short contest in division of

Group Activity 1
Group 1 & 2 20
1. 50 ÷ 2 =
2. Display proficient 2. 60 ÷ 3 = 20
use of Mother Group 3 & 4 25
Tongue, Filipino 3. 100 ÷ 5 =
and English to 4. 75 ÷ 3 = 2
facilitate teaching Winner vs winner 5
and learning 5. 30 ÷ 15 =
6. 35 ÷ 7 =


Wow! You’re doing great children.

Keep up the good work!

By using fraction:
Review: Finding the Rate n\100 x 60 = 36
5.Maintain learning Ask: 36 is what percent of 60?
environments that How are we going to solve this? 60n/100 = 36
promote fairness, 60n = 36 x 100
respect and care to 60n = 3600
encourage learning 60n/60 = 3600/60
n = 60
6 Thus ; 36 is 60% of 60.

Very good!

Group Activity 2
Now let us all answer the following: 25%
1. What percent of 64 is 16? 50%
2. 85 is what percent of 340? 2%
3. 3 is what percent of 12?
4.10 is what percent of 20?
5. 5 is what percent of 25?
(The pupils do as told.)

Very Good!
Let us sing along with Aiza Seguerra’s
song, “Pagdating ng panahon”. The Song is all about what’s gonna
happen in the future.

1. What is the song all about?
7. Apply a range of
2. Which line in the song tells what you
strategies that
want to occur will likely to happen/ will
maintain learning
environments that
unlikely to happen?
motivate learners
to work 3. Is it possible or certain to happen? Is it
productively by impossible to happen?
responsibility for Thank you for your honest answer children.
their own learning
This morning, we are going to discuss
about probability. However, we will have a
short activity first before discussing it.

2. Exploration:

Before discussing further to our lesson for

today, please answer the following
6. questions first.

- Manage Group Activity 3 (The pupils do as told)

classroom structure
to engage learners, Leaders please come for the materials.
individually or in Likely to happen
groups, in Directions:
exploration, Read the following statements Unlikely to happen
discovery and below and analyze it carefully. Unlikely to happen
hands Decode which of the following will
likely to happen, or unlikely to happen. Likely to happen
Number and write your answers on the
meta cards and paste it on the manila
paper provided. Likely to happen

_____1. A couple cannot afford to have an

ultrasound and they are waiting for a
newborn baby. They feel that the unborn
baby is a girl.
_____2. The sun sets in the south .
_____3. It is cloudy today. It will not rain.
_____4. I listened to the teacher and and
participated in the discussion of the lesson.
Then I reviewed my lesson. I will get a
perfect score in our test.
_____5. The traffic in the highway is
bumper-to-bumper. The passengers will be
late in their appointments.

3. Explanation:
Say: Let us go back to the song we sing along a
while ago. I have ask you which line in the song
which you think will certain to happen or
impossible to happen. What you did earlier is
making a probability that something will or will
not happen. That is what we called Probability.
(One pupil will be called.)

I have here a situation, who wants to read it to

the class?

The weather forecaster says that the (The children will do as told.)
probability that it will rain today is 75%.
Does it mean that there is a great chance
that it will rain?

(The teacher will encourage the whole class to

read altogether.)

To answer the question above, we need to

know the concept of probability.
In the question above, the chance that it will
rain today is 75%. Using a number line ranging
from 0 to 1, we can locate 75%. We will divide 75 by 100.

By the way, how are going to change 75%

to decimal?
75% = 0.75
How will we do it?
( A pupil will be called to do it on the board
and encode the answer to be shown in the
screen using the keyboards of the computer.)
( One pupil will locate.)
Well done!
(The teacher will show the number line.)

In the number line, who wants to locate the

Nearer to 1

Where can we find the .75 or 75%? Is it

nearer to 0 or to 1?
Yes, you’re correct! It is located nearer to 1 or
100 %
Based on the number line, can we say that It is likely to happen.
the event that it will rain today is likely to
happen or unlikely to happen?

The chance that something will happen is

called Probability.

Let us all read;

Probability is used to describe how likely or

unlikely it is that something will happen.
Probability may be given in fraction, decimal or
percent. The value of probability ranges 0 to 1
( 0 means the event is impossible to happen,
while 1 means the event is certain to happen).

What is Probability?
Probability is used to describe how
likely or unlikely it is that something
How will a probability be given? will happen.
It will be given in fraction, decimal,
or percent.
Let us continue reading:
Probability will help us decide how often
something is likely to happen, but it will never
help you exactly when that event will happen
unless the probability is 0 ( It will never
happen) or 1 ( it will surely happen)
on activities within
a range of physical The event is unlikely to happen when its
learning probability is closer to 0, like winning a jackpot
environment in lottery where you only have one in a million
chance of winning. The most likely to happen
an event, the closer its probability to 1 as shown
in the diagram.
Observe the diagram:

(The pupils will observe the diagram

When I say that 0.2 or 20% chance that I will be shown.)
late this afternoon, what does it means? Why do
you say so?

Very Good!
Let us observe this diagram:

In the diagram, it is clearly illustrated that

the closer to 0 the percentage of a chance
means a closer that something will unlikely to
happen and at the middle which 0.5 or 50%
percent is likely or unlikely will be a chance to
happen and the closer the percentage to 1 or
100 percent would mean that something is
likely to happen.

So when a forecaster will say that , “Today , the

1. Apply knowledge
chance of raining is 20%, what does it means?
of content within
and across Why do you say so?
curriculum teaching
It means that it is unlikely to happen.
That is exactly correct!
It is because 0.2 or 20% is nearer to 0
Let us try to answer the following examples: which means the event is impossible
Example A to happen.
Use impossible, most unlikely, as likely or as
unlikely, most likely and certain to describe
each of the following statements. Then explain
your answer.

_____1. It will snow tomorrow.

Why ?

____2. The likelihood that 2 people in any

group of 15 will have the same birthday is Impossible
about 8%. Because the climate in the Philippines
Why? is tropical, it is impossible to snow.

____3. The weather forecaster says there is a

50% chance of rain today. Most unlikely because the probability
What does it mean? is closer to 0%.

It means that the chance to rain today

____4. The sports’ analyst says that Manny is as likely as it is unlikely . It does
Pacquiao has 75% chance of winning his fight. not mean that it will not or will rain
What could this mean?

____5. The sun will rise tomorrow.

It means it is most likely to happen
because the probability is 75% and it
What is the probability? is closer to 1 or 100%
It is certain to happen because we are
Let us clap our hands for you are doing great. really sure that the sun will rise every
Let’s have another example The probability is 100%.

The pupils do as told.

Example B

I have here a selected colors in a color


What is the probability that if I spin this

wheel, it will land on pink?

The chance of landing on 1 is 1 out of 5 or

1/5. Since there is only one part for pink out of
5 parts in this wheel. 1/5

Thus it is 1/5 means 1 out 5 or

1 ÷ 5 = 0.2
0.2 x 100 = 20%
What is the probability then?

Lets have another example.

What is the probability that the arrow will The probability is 20% or it is
land on green and yellow? unlikely to happen that the arrow will
land on the pink part of the wheel.

The probability is 2/6 or 33.33%

4. Elaboration: It is unlikely to happen that the arrow
will land on green and yellow.
Group Activity 4

Discuss your task with your group. Remember

to always respect and appreciate the ideas of
the members in your group and cooperate so
that your group can create meaningful outputs.

Group Cooperation & Correctness/ Neatness Total
unity followed Of output
0-10 instructions in
0 -10
1 - 4 – Good
5 – 7 – Very Good
8 – 10 - Outstanding

Group 1
Edward and Tim are playing a game.
(The pupils will form into groups and
Edward has just flipped a coin to determine who
will do as told.)
will have the first turn. Place a star on the line
segment below to indicate the probability of the
coin, landing on a head.

3. Use effective Group II

verbal and non- Compare and give the common characteristics
verbal classroom of the materials using the Venn diagram.
strategies to
support learner
engagement and

Group III
Name the sources of material where you
want to know the information of the following
subjects/topics & activities
- Published definition of words
- The movie “Wonder Woman”
- Hear your favorite songs.
- Lesson of your teacher in the power
point presentation
- Reading a magazine.

Group Reporting

It is now time for you to report your

outputs, remember class, we need to respect and
appreciate each other’s ideas.

(Checking of Outputs with the pupils)

Congratulations children for the job well-

Value Formation and Integration to Health,
Are the sources of information important and
- Ensure the
useful to us?
positive use of ICT
to facilitate the
teaching and Why are they important and useful?
learning process

Yes, you’re correct.

Is it a good idea to always depend on the

gadgets or digital information? Why? Why not?


How will we avoid such kind of information?

Very good.

Aside from our textbooks in Health class we

have lots of printed, non-printed and digital
materials which could be of great source of
information on how to improve our health.
Examples of these are:

( Each group will present their



6. Maintain
environments that
nurture and inspire
learners to Yes, Ma’am.
cooperate and They are very important and useful
collaborate in
because it gives us information about
continued learning the different topics we wanted to get
and learn.
- Manage ( varied ideas )
classroom structure
to engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in
meaningful No, because there are instances that
exploration, information on the social media or
discovery and digital materials are or not true or
handson activities Class look at this picture: fake
within a range of ( varied answers)
physical learning
We should be cautious, investigate the
real information personally, or do not
believe everything posted on internet.
(varied answers)

This is a book published by Subanen writers

around Zamboanga Peninsula. It is a book of
Subanen poems, fables, riddles and short
stories, written in Subanen language. It was
translated into English and Tagalog.

Would you like to be writers in the future?

(Numeracy Integration)

Who among you here wants to be a writer?

Raise your hand.

(The teacher will count the pupils who have

raised hands)

There are 5 of you who wanted to become a

writer. (he number may vary)

We have started discussing percentage, rate

and base in our Mathematics subject. Let us try
to find out how many percent is 5 out of 23.

To solve it, we need to divide 5 by 23. (the

teacher will encourage a pupil to solve it and
encode it in the computer.)
5/23 =
Multiply the answer with 100 to get the
percentage rate.

Thus, 22% in grade 6 SSES pupils wanted to

become a writer.

What are the Three Kinds of Sources of

5. Evaluation:
I – Read and analyze the following questions.
Choose and encircle the letter of your answer.

1. It is an informative material where you can

Yes, Ma’am.
read the documented and published data or
information on a particular topic or subject.
A. Digital material C, Non Printed
Me Ma’am.
B. Printed material D. Internet
(Some pupils raises their hands)
2. The following are examples of Non-printed
material, except one;
A. powerpoint presentation
B. data collected stored in the computer
C. personal interview
D. E-book

3. If you will be assigned to watch and evaluate

the movie, “Harry Potter” on Youtube channel,
what kind of source of material you will be
referring to?
A. Digital material
B. Non-printed material
C. printed material
D. both A & B

4. Why are google, facebook & Ms Excell

considered as digital source of information?
A. It needs internet to use it.
B. It generates, stores and processes data.
C. It is a trending electronic technology in the 5 / 23 = .22
new generation. .22 x 100 = 22
D. It is because the information taken from it
will be printed right away .

5. If you are provided with the high tech

gadgets, how will you use it? The three kinds of sources of
A. Use it wisely and get the exact Information are print, non-print and
information only. digital materials.
B. Play games on my gadgets regularly.
C. Posts bullying words on facebook.
D. All of the above.

II- Directions: Read the situation and analyze it.

Tell the source of information if it is a print,
non-print or digital then choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answers on the space
provided. B
1. Apply knowledge
of content within A. Print material B. Non-print material
and across C. Digital material
curriculum teaching
areas ___1. Jodie and Ben are watching a video from
Youtube channel.
___2. I love reading books written by Edgar C
Allan Poe.
___3. We learned a lesson from the power point
presentation presented to us by our teacher.
___4. I heard from Radio Agong that
ZAMSURICO extends to December 31, the
grace period for payment for electricity bill.
___5. You mother does not allow you to play
Mobile Legends on your cell phone.
Direction: Create a video clip showing what
have you learned from our lesson about print,
non-print and digital materials.


9. Adapt and use

culturally C
teaching strategies
to address the
needs of learners
from indigenous
2. Display proficient
use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino
and English to
facilitate teaching
and learning
-Ensure the
positive use of ICT
to facilitate the
teaching and
learning process

A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Other Concerns

Prepared by Checked :
Teacher III MT - I

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