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Super Safari 3

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Cambridge University Press

978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3

Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
Table of Contents
More information

Map of the book iv

Introduction vi

Teaching notes
Hello! T4 I’m hungry! T56

My classroom T8 All aboard! T64

My family T16 Party clothes T72

My face T24 Phonics T85

My toys T32 Review T95

My house T40 Audio script T100

On the farm T48

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

My classroom
07 Listen and point. Say the words.

3 4


8 pencil 2 chair 3 bag 4 eraser 5 book 6 desk Chant ­ page 80

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Aims: to present and practice classroom objects, to say a chant with the class
New language: pencil, chair, bag, eraser, book, desk, Oh, no! What’s the matter? my, all, in, on
Recycled language: colors
Extension activity
Materials: CD 1, flashcards (colors 1), colored pencils or crayons, Unit 1 classroom object mini
cards: WB page 100 and scissors (optional)
Aim: to review classroom objects and
Language competences: Your students will be able to name classroom objects.
• Students cut out the Unit 1 classroom object
Your students will be able to join in with a chant. mini cards.
• In pairs, students play “Pairs.” They shuffle
together two sets of mini cards and spread
Warm-up 1 08 SB p80 Listen and chant. them out face down on the desk.

Aim: to review colors Aim: to practice classroom objects and say • The object of the game is to collect pairs
of cards.
• Show the flashcards to review colors. a chant
• Play the chant. Hold up your book and • Student 1 turns over two cards and says,
• Say Show me something (red). Clap three e.g., Pencil ... bag. If they are not a pair,
times. Students hold up an object of the encourage students to point to the pictures.
Student 1 turns them back over and it is
correct color. • Play the chant again for students to join in. Student 2’s turn.
• Note: The prepositions in and on are not core • If a student finds a pair of cards (e.g., two
language until Unit 5. pencils) he/she says Pencil ... pencil! and
Presentation Audio script page T100 picks up the cards. He/she then has
SB p8 Listen and point. Say the words. another turn.
Practice • The winner is the student with the most
Aim: to present classroom objects pairs of cards at the end of the game.
• Play the first part of the audio. Students say 1 WB p8 Find and circle.

what’s happening in L1 (Leo is looking for Aim: to encourage students to pay attention to
his pencil). details in a picture
• Play the rest of the audio. Hold up your Ending the lesson
• Use L1 to ask students to name the key
book and show students how to point to the
vocabulary items in the picture. Hold up your Aim: to review classroom objects and
numbered items. colors
book and make a circling motion around it. Ask
• Play the CD again. Students point and repeat. students to circle each of the key items (pencil, • Say a classroom object. Students hold up
Audio script page T100 chair, bag, eraser, book, desk). the correct object of their own and say
Key: As well as the desk and the chair in the My (pencil).
picture, Polly has a book, Gina has a pencil on • Where the color is known, ask individual
her head, there’s a bag on the door behind Mike, students What color is it? Repeat for
and Leo has an eraser in his paw. other items.


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Aims: to present and practice the numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10, to review and practice the numbers 1–6
New language: seven, eight, nine, ten
Recycled language: numbers 1–6, bag, book, pencil, table, red, blue, green, yellow, orange Extension activity
Thinking skills: counting and paying attention to visual details Aim: to practice numbers 1–10
Materials: CD 1, flashcards (numbers 1–10), the puppet (Polly) • Teach students a counting rhyme (or song
if you know the tune of Ten green bottles):
Language competences: Your students will be able to recognize and say the numbers 7–10.
Ten green teddy bears, sitting on a wall.
Your students will be able to count from 1–10 and answer the question How many?
Ten green teddy bears, sitting on a wall.
If one green teddy bear should
accidentally fall,
Warm-up • Say the numbers in a different order and ask There are nine green teddy bears, sitting on
students to point to them again.
the wall.
Aim: to review the numbers 1–6 • Count the bags together, demonstrating how to
• Write the numbers 1–6 on the board, and cross out each one as you count. • Nine green teddy bears, etc.
point to them in order for the students to • Show the children how to trace around number 7 • Draw a picture of ten teddy bears on the
say the numbers. Then repeat the activity board, erasing them as you sing. Students
and invite them to trace all the numbers.
with the numbers out of order. can join in with lines 1, 2, and 4 of each
Audio script page T100 verse.
• Erase one of the numbers and replace it with
a line or circle and ask the students to tell Practice
you which number is missing. Then ask them
to count from 1–6 in order. Keep repeating 2 Think! WB p9 Look and count. Circle
Ending the lesson
the process so that all the numbers have the numbers.
been erased. Aim: to practice numbers and counting
Thinking skills: counting and paying attention • Count with the class from 1 to 10 and
• Give out the number flashcards to six
to visual details
students and ask them to stand in the 10 to 1.
correct order. Aim: to practice numbers 1–10 • Invite volunteers to count from 1 to 10
• Point to each classroom object icon in the grid and 10 to 1.
at the top of the page, and ask students what • Write numbers 1–10 randomly on the
Presentation each icon is. board (or use the flashcards). Students close

SB p9Listen and say the
• Then ask the students what color each of the their eyes. Erase a number (or remove a
items are. flashcard). Students tell you which one is
numbers. Trace. missing. Repeat.
• Now tell the students to look at the big image
Aim: to present the numbers 7–10, to develop and tell them that they are going to count each
pencil control object and circle the correct number in the grid.
• Ask the children to look at the bags and ask Do the first one together by holding up your
what colors they are. book and marking all the orange books with
your pencil and then circle the number 9 in the
• Play the CD and use Polly to demonstrate how
to listen and point to the numbers. Ask the
students to listen and point. • Students count the other objects and circle the
correct numbers.
• To check answers, ask How many (books)? (Nine).
Key: 9 books, 10 pencils, 7 bags, 8 tables


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Listen and say the numbers. Trace.

2 09

Family seven, eight, nine, ten


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Listen and act. Listen and match.

3 10 11

10 Total physical response

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Aims: to present and practice classroom instructions, to review classroom objects

New language: Stand up, Sit down, Open/Close (your book), Pick up your (pencil), CD1

Put your bag on your (desk) 3 12 WB p10 Listen and circle.

Recycled language: classroom objects, colors Aim: to practice listening carefully

to instructions
Materials: CD 1, flashcards (classroom objects), colored pencils or crayons, the puppet (Polly)
Language competences: Your students will be able to follow (and give) classroom instructions. • Students listen and circle the correct pictures.
Key: 2 pencil, 3 sit down, 4 stand up,
5 book, 6 bag
Audio script page T100
Warm-up 3
11 SB p10 Listen and match.
Aim: to review classroom objects Aim: to practice listening to details Extension activity
• Use the flashcards to review the • Ask the students to turn to SB page 10 and Aims: to review and extend classroom
classroom objects. look at the pictures and numbers together. Say instructions
• Play the chant from SB page 10 (CD 1, Track Listen and match. Play the first line of audio
10). Students hold up the correct classroom and demonstrate drawing a line from the big • Give variations on the classroom
objects when they are mentioned or mime instructions, e.g., Pick up your bag. Put your
number 1 to the picture showing standing up.
putting them in the appropriate places. eraser on your chair. Put your book in your
Run your finger around the frame and say
bag. Repeat each instruction slowly to give
Number 1 is blue.
everyone a chance to figure it out.
CD1 • Play the rest of the audio. Students draw lines
3 10 SB p10 Listen and act.
from the other numbers to the correct pictures. • Once students have the idea, you can speed
up the activity.
Aim: to present classroom instructions • Check the answers by saying a number and
• With books closed, play the audio and show the asking What color? or by asking students to
class a clear mime for each action. You can use mime the action.
Polly to mime the instructions. Play the audio Key: 1 blue, 2 red, 3 orange, 4 green, 5 yellow, Ending the lesson
again and encourage the students to join in 6 purple Aim: to practice listening and following
when they can.
• Invite a volunteer to come to the front and instructions
• As the students begin to show better give instructions to the class. Repeat with • Explain in L1 that students should only do
understanding of the instructions, you can say other volunteers. an action if you say Simon says first.
them in a different order and see if they can
mime them.
Audio script page T100 • Say instructions from the lesson, sometimes
saying Simon says first, sometimes not.
Audio script page T100
• Students who follow the instructions when
you haven’t said Simon says are “out”
(or they can lose one of three “lives,” if
you prefer).


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Aims: to review classroom instructions, to present and practice colors with nouns, to sing a song
with the class
New language: (red) (eraser), classroom, Here’s ... , pencil case, today Extension activity
Recycled language: eraser, pencil, colors, in, the, my Aim: to practice language from the lesson
Materials: CD 1, flashcards (classroom objects), colored pencils or crayons • Hold up two books of different colors and
Language competences: Your students will be able to join in with a song. say for each one Here’s my book.
My (color) book.
Your students will begin to combine colors with nouns.
• Put the books in your bag, saying or singing
adapted lyrics of the song (CD 1, Track 14)
• Say Pencil case? and gesture that students In the classroom, etc. Here’s my book.
Warm-up should find the object. Ask a volunteer to show My (color) book. In my bag.
Aim: to review colors and classroom the class a pencil case. Practice pronunciation. • Say or sing the song about your books
objects Use gesture to reinforce the meaning of again. Encourage students to join in.
classroom and practice pronunciation.
• Stick a classroom object flashcard on the
board and say This is my (book). What color • Play the song again. Students hold up their
eraser and their pencil at the appropriate points
is it? (Blue).
in the song and mime putting them in their
Ending the lesson
• Repeat with the other items. Give students Aim: to practice talking about the color
time to look at the flashcards and then turn pencil case and zipping it up.
of objects
them face down on the board. • Play the song again, pausing to teach each line.
• Point to the back of one of the flashcards • Use the karaoke version (see Extension activity). • Tell students to take out their colored pencils
or crayons and put them on their desks.
and ask a student to tell you the object Audio script page T100
and color, e.g., Book. Blue. Say Yes! It’s • Give instructions, e.g., Pick up a red pencil.
my (book). It’s (blue). Repeat with the Practice Put your pencil on your desk. Put your pencil
in your pencil case.
other flashcards. CD1
4 15 WB p11 Listen again. Draw
and color.
Presentation Aim: to practice listening for details
13 SB p11 Listen and sing. • Play the song. Students draw and color the items
according to the song lyrics.
Aim: to review classroom objects and sing • Play the song again for students to join in,
a song using the pictures that they have completed
• Ask students what they can see in the pictures as prompts.
(eraser, pencil) and what color they are Key: a red eraser in the hand,
(red, blue). a red eraser going into the pencil case,
• Play the song. Students point to the pictures. a blue pencil in the hand,
a blue pencil going into the pencil case,
a red eraser and a blue pencil in the pencil case
Audio script page T100


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Listen and sing.

4 13 14

Family Singing for fun 11


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

5 16

3 4

12 Story

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-48220-3 – Super Safari Level 3
Lucy Frino With Herbert Puchta Günter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jones
More information

Aims: to present a picture story, to review language from the unit

Skills: listening and following a picture story • Check the answers by asking How many
New language: please, books, Draw a (bag), Where’s ... ? there, Don’t worry, Wow! very much
• Students can then trace over each number.
Recycled language: classroom objects, numbers 1–6, sit down, open, my, look, your, Oh, no!
here’s, thank you, yes
Key: 6 pencils, 2 erasers, 3 books, 5 desks,
1 bag, 4 chairs
Thinking skills: counting and paying attention to visual details
Materials: CD 1, flashcards (characters), props for acting out the story (optional): character masks
(Leo, Polly, Mike), homemade zebra hat/mask or an old pair of glasses Extension activity
Language competences: Your students will be able to listen and follow a picture story. Aim: to reinforce understanding of the story
• Invite four volunteers to the front. Students
act out the story along with the audio and
with your help, using the character masks
Warm-up • Play the CD. Students follow in their books. and other available props (see “Materials”).
Aim: to review story characters and • Play the story again, stopping after each picture. • Encourage students to use key language
story context Students explain in L1 what’s happening. from the story. Encourage the student who
• Show each of the character flashcards and Audio script page T100 is playing the teacher to act like a teacher.
ask Who’s this? Students say (Leo) the (lion). • Invite other students to come to the front
• Show the first picture on SB page 12 and Practice and act.
help the students find it. Ask Who’s in the
classroom? (Leo, Polly). Explain in L1 that 5 Think! WB p12 Look at the story.
Leo’s looking for his … and elicit the key Count, match, and trace
word in English (pencil). the numbers. Ending the lesson
• Explain in L1 that students are going to Aim: to practice new language from the
Thinking skills: counting and paying attention story
listen to a story about what happened to to visual details
Leo later in the same class and help them
• Count aloud from 1 to 6 with the class. Draw the • Choose a student and say A pencil, please.
turn to pages 12–13. Encourage the student to say Here’s a pencil
numbers on the board for individual students
and then say Thank you (very much).
to say.
• Look at the six objects on the WB page and elicit • Practice this exchange with four or five
Presentation different students.
what each one is.
• Point to the first picture and explain in L1 that
5 16 SB p12–13 Story: The pencil
the students have to look back at the story
Aim: to listen and follow a picture story and count how many times they see a pencil
• Point to the characters in the first picture on SB (the same one or a different one). Count all
page 12 and ask Who’s this? Ask in L1 where the pencils in the pictures together, and then
Leo and Polly are (students may remember the ask them to trace the example match line with
phrase in the classroom from the song). their pencils. Note: two students can share
• Point to the new character and ask Who’s this? a Student’s Book between them if there isn’t
Students tell you in L1 that it’s Leo and Polly’s enough space to have both Student Books and
teacher, a zebra. Ask Where’s the pencil? On the Workbooks open at the same time.
... (chair). Ask students to name other items in • Tell the students to repeat the counting activity
the picture (chair, desk, eraser). for the other five objects.


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