Final PDF Aastha
Final PDF Aastha
Final PDF Aastha
NAME: Aastha Patel
A. aculeatus
A. awamori
A. carbonarius
A. wentii Karow & Waksman, 1947
A. foetidus
Penicillium janthinelum
Candida tropicalis
C. oleophila
C. guilliermondii
C. parapsilosis
C. citroformans
Hansenula anamola
Carbon source:
Citric acid accumulation is strongly affected by the nature of the carbon source.
The presence of easily metabolized carbohydrates has been found essential for
good production of citric acid. That sucrose was the most favourable carbon
source followed by glucose, fructose and galactose. Galactose contributed to a
very low growth of fungi and did not favour citric acid accumulation. Other
sources of carbon such as sorbose, ethanol, cellulose, manitol, lactic, malic and
acetoglutaric acid, allow a limited growth and low production. Starch, pentoses
(xyloses and arabinoses), sorbitol and pyruvic acid slow down growth, though
the production is minimal.
According initial sugar concentration was critical for citric acid production and
other organic acids produced by Aspergillus niger. That Aspergillus niger
strains needed an initial sugar concentration of 10-14% as optimal; no citric acid
was produced at sugar concentration of less than 2.5%. That immobilized cells
of Aspergillus niger needed lower concentrations of sucrose than free cells
culture, in order to obtain high yields (200 g of citric acid/L for free cells
culture, and 120 g/L for immobilized cells). The influence of different sources
of carbon on citric acid production by Aspergillus niger and Saccharomycopsis
lipolytica. Glucose, maltose, galactose, xylose and arabinose were tested.
Fermentation was carried out in 8 and 4 days, respectively, at 30°C and 180
rpm. Better results were found for Aspergillus niger with 0.45 g of citric acid/ g
of glucose corresponding to 27 g/L. Saccharomycopsis lipolytica produced 0.41
g/g of glucose or 9 g/L which was not so bad.
Nitrogen source:
Citric acid production is directly influenced by the nitrogen source.
Physiologically, ammonium salts are preferred, e.g. urea, ammonium sulfate,
ammonium chlorure, peptone, malt extract, etc. Nitrogen consumption leads to
pH decrease, which is very important point in citric acid fermentation.
However, it is necessary to maintain pH values in the first day of fermentation
prior to a certain quantity biomass production. Urea has a tampon effect, which
assures pH control. The concentration of nitrogen source required for citric acid
fermentation is 0.1 to 0.4 N/liter. A high nitrogen concentration increases fungal
growth and the consumption of sugars, but decreases the amount of citric acid
produced. [9]
Phosphorous source:-
Presence of phosphate in the medium has a great effect on the yield of citric
acid. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate has been reported to be the most
suitable phosphorous source. The phosphorous at concentration of
0.5 to 5.0 g/L was required by the fungus in a chemically defined medium for
maximum production of citric acid. Phosphate is known to be essential for the
growth and metabolism of Aspergillus niger. Low levels of phosphate favour
citric acid production, however, the presence of excess of phosphate was shown
to lead to the formation of certain sugar acids, a decrease in the fixation of CO2,
and the stimulation of growth. Phosphates acts at the level of enzyme activity
and not at the level of gene expression. It is interesting to note that different
strains require distinct nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in the medium.
In fact, nitrogen and phosphorous limitation is a crucial factor in citric acid
production as there is an interaction between them. Consequently, the study of
their combined effect is necessary. The culturing modality conditions the
behaviour of the micro-organisms referring to the tendencies of production as a
function of the levels of N and P. The author used as first order an empirical
model based on rotatable design to study the effect of both nutrients. As
expected, for the two studied strains, a similar behaviour was noticed, showing
an improvement towards low levels of N and P in submerged culture, and
toward high levels in solid state culture, and with superior productions for the
last one. The specificity of solid state culture is largely due to a lower diffusion
rate of nutrients and metabolites, which occurs in low water activity conditions.
Consequently, a strain with large requirements of N and P seems to be
disfavoured, due to the restriction of accessibility to the nutrients in the
medium. [10]
Trace elements:
Trace element nutrition is probably the main factor influencing the yield of
citric acid. A number of divalent metals such as zinc, manganese, iron, copper
and magnesium have been found to affect citric acid production by Aspergillus
niger. However, it is crucial to take into account the interdependence of
medium constituents in SmF and, probably, in SSF. Zinc favoured the
production of citric acid if added with KH2PO4. On the other hand, the presence
of manganese ions and iron and zinc (in high concentrations) could cause the
reduction of citric acid yields only in phosphate free medium. There were few
differences in the response of Aspergillus niger to metal ions and minerals in
SSF and in SmF systems. SSF systems were able to overcome the adverse
effects of the high concentrations of these components in the medium. As a
consequence of this, the addition of chelating agents such as potassium
ferrocyanide to the medium proved to be of no use.
Copper was found to complement the ability of iron at optimum level, to
enhance the biosynthesis of citric acid. Manganese deficiency resulted in the
repression of the anaerobic and TCA cycle enzymes with the exception of
citrate synthetase. This led to overflow of citric acid as product of glycolysis. A
low level of manganese (ppm) was capable to reduce the yield of citric acid by
10%. Citric acid accumulation decreased by the addition of iron, which also had
some effect on mycelial growth. The presence of different copper
concentrations in the pellet formation medium was very important in order to
enhance a suitable structure, related to cellular physiology, for citric acid
production. The optimal initial CuSO4.5H2O concentration was 78 mg/L.
Magnesium is required both for growth as well as for citric acid production.
Optimal concentration of magnesium sulfate was found in the range of 0.02-
0.025%. [11]
Lower alcohols:
Addition of lower alcohols enhances citric acid production from commercial
glucose and other crude carbohydrate. Appropriate alcohols are methanol,
ethanol, isopropanol or methyl acetate. The optimal amount of methanol/ethanol
depends upon the strain and the composition of the medium, generally optimum
range being 1-3%.
The addition of ethanol resulted in two-fold increase in citrate synthetase
activity and 75% decrease in aconitase activity. Whereas the activities of other
TCA cycle enzymes increased slightly. They also found that coconut oil
influenced citric acid production in a sucrose medium when added at 3% (v/w).
Alcohols have been shown to principally act on membrane permeability in
micro-organisms by affecting phospholipid composition on the cytoplasmatic
membrane. The alcohols stimulate citric acid production by affecting growth
and sporulation through the action not only on the cell permeability but also the
spatial organization of the membrane, or changes in lipid composition of the
cell wall. [12]
The pH of a culture may change in response to microbial metabolic activities.
The most obvious reason is the secretion of organic acids such as citric, acetic
or lactic acids, which will cause the pH to decrease. Changes in pH kinetics
depend highly also on the micro-organism. With Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.
and Rhizopus sp., pH can drop very quickly until less than 3.0. For other groups
of fungi such as Trichoderma, Sporotrichum, Pleurotus sp., pH is more stable
(between 4 and 5). Generally, a pH below 2.0 is required for optimum
production of citric acid. A low initial pH has the advantage of checking
contamination and inhibiting oxalic acid formation. A pH of 2.2 was reported to
be optimum for the growth of the mould as well as for the production of citric
acid whereas; a higher pH i.e. 5.4 and 6.0-6.5 has been found optimum for citric
acid production in molasses medium.
Aeration has been shown to have a determinant effect on citric acid
fermentation. Increased aeration rates led to enhanced yields and reduced
fermentation time. The influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on citric
acid formation has been examined. It is important to maintain the oxygen
concentration above 25% saturation and interruptions in oxygen supply may be
quite harmful. The high demand of oxygen is fulfilled by constructing
appropriate aeration devices, which is also dependent on the viscosity of the
fermentation broth. This is an additional reason why small compact pellets are
the preferred mycelial forms of Aspergillus niger during fermentation. When the
organism turns into filamentous developments, e.g. due to metal contamination,
the dissolved oxygen tension rapidly falls to less than 50% of its previous value,
even if the dry weight has not increased by more than 5%. Aeration is
performed during the whole fermentation with the same intensity through the
medium at a rate of 0.5 to 1.5 vvm. However, because of economic reasons, it's
usually preferred to start with a low aeration rate (0.1 to 0.4 vvm). High aeration
rates lead to high amounts of foam, especially during the growth phase.
Therefore, the addition of antifoaming agents and the construction of
mechanical “deformers” are required to tackle this problem. [14]
Since the beginning of this century, citric acid production has been intensively
studied and great alternatives to this process have been found to follow its great
demand. The use of alternative raw materials to produce citric acid by SmF,
LSC, and SSF seems to be a suitable possibility. However, it is necessary to
adapt the right type of raw material to the right technique e.g. cassava bagasse
employed as substrate in SSF, or cellulose hydrolysate used in SmF. The need
of some pre-treatment of raw materials may enhance the fermentation
efficiency. One area, which needs attention is the development of continuous
culture techniques which have been attempted but only at the laboratory scale.
Another area is the strain improvement with improved substrate utilization